#ch: vanessa rojas
Christmas Lights
Pairing: Vanessa Rojas x Kevin Atwater
Warnings: fluff
Request: contribution to the @chicagopd-secretsanta event
for @gilbxrt-blythe
Prompt: a fic for Rowater where Kevin spends the Christmas break with Vanessa and her family as her fake boyfriend
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: Happy Holidays!✨🎄🎁  I hope you like it! It was my first time writing character x character, so I really hope it’s not too bad. Gif is mine.
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Vanessa put down the phone with a somber look. She didn’t know why she had to lie to her family earlier, that she had a boyfriend. She felt like they wouldn’t worry about her that much if she wasn’t alone. Here was Christmas approaching and she couldn’t escape spending the holiday at her family, and of course they wanted to meet her boyfriend. She had to figure out a solution and fast, or things would tumble out of her hand.
Vanessa slowly set down her phone on the desk, the file of her last case before the holiday in front of her. With a loud sigh Vanessa closed the file and got up from her desk. She was about to put on her coat when Kevin appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Hey, you still here?” he asked, heading for his desk, grabbing his wallet, he must have left here.
“Yeah, just wrapping up my last case. But I am going now.”
“Cool. Wanna come to Molly’s? There is a Christmas party going on today.” he offered, looking at Vanessa with a hopeful gaze, which of course she didn’t notice, because she was too lost in her thoughts. An idea came to her mind, a smile lighting up her face as she looked up at Kevin.
“Sure” she agreed, her new plan of solving her problem starting to take a form in her head. “Wait” she called after him before he could go down the stairs. “I need you to pretend we’re dating” she blurted it out, before she could really think it through. Kevin froze in his place, his jaws dropping.
“What!?” he asked, confounded.
“Please” Vanessa pleaded with him “My family thinks I have a boyfriend and they want to meet him over the holidays, and I just don’t know what to do” she stepped closer, desperate for a solution. Tears gathered in her eyes, her family can’t know how she lied to them.
Kevin collected himself upon seeing her distress and didn’t hesitate to agree. She was his friend, his college, he would do anything for her.
“When are we leaving?” he asked, a smile gracing his lips, as he looked down at Vanessa. Relief spread in her as she matched his smile.
“Tomorrow” she grinned, thankful for his friend to do this for her. Her brand new plan to get a fake boyfriend for the holidays came into motion more quickly than she could hope.
The day of their trip to her parents Vanessa anxiously waited for Kevin to show up in front of her house, she started to question her plan and their acting skills in front of her family. Will they be able to convince them?
Her thought process was cut short when Kevin arrived at her place, Vanessa quickly picked up her pack and headed for his car. She wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. Vanessa felt awkward about the whole situation as they drove out of Chicago and by the look of it Kevin wasn’t feeling more comfortable than here either. She started to regret her rushed decision to ask him to be his fake boyfriend for the holiday. They were good friends and now she fears their relationship will be tainted after this little acting.
Vanessa turned up the music in the car to close out the deafening silence the whole trip was spent in. Kevin reached out and turned down the music, and glanced at Vanessa, with a sigh he started to ask “What is our story? How did we start dating?”
Vanessa looked at him, as she quickly gathered her thoughts. “Uhm… I didn’t really tell them anything about ‘my boyfriend’, so we could stick to the truth as much we can? We work together and went out a few times and here we are?” she cluelessly shrugged her shoulder.
“Alright” he nodded, glancing at her every few minutes in the remainder of their trip. Vanessa did the same, she felt awkward, but couldn’t help to look at him every now and then.
As they neared her home, she started to remember all the memories she gained in the countryside. When she was young she was changing foster homes every few months, but this place right here, became her real family, this was the last place she got to and Vanessa spent here the most time. This was the first place where she really felt loved and found a home she could get back to no matter what. Her foster family became her real family and she didn’t want to fail them.
A farmhouse came into sight and Vanessa could feel the warmth inside her, she already felt carefree and a smile spread on her lips. She didn’t notice, but Kevin looked at him right in that moment and couldn’t help himself, but to copy her grin. He loved to see her happy and he decided he will do everything he can to see her like this more often.
Kevin parked the car in front of the house, as a woman barged through the door, Vanessa quickly got out of the car to meet the woman half way.
“Vanessa” called the woman with joy in her voice “I am so happy you two made it!” the woman looked expectantly at Kevin, almost getting out of her skin in her excitement.
“Mom, this is Kevin, my boyfriend” Vanessa introduced him hesitantly, all her lies weighing her down. “Kev, this is my mother, Sarah” Sarah immediately went for a hug, not caring about Kevin’s reached out hand.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! We started to think Vanessa just made you up!” laughed Sarah, but Vanessa and Kevin couldn’t feel any more embarrassed, they faked a laugh, not too convincing, but Sarah didn’t notice it. “Come on in, it’s cold outside” her mother beckoned them in.
Stepping into the house left Kevin in awe. The house was full of warmth and twinkling Christmas lights. The living room was full of people and all eyes turned to them as they stepped in. Sarah pushed them forward, then announced their arrival.
“Vanessa is finally here with her boyfriend, Kevin!” Murmuring spread through the whole room, everybody was curious of Vanessa’s mysterious boyfriend. Vanessa felt embarrassed from all the eyes looking at them, all her foster siblings and aunts and uncles stared them down. She wasn’t sure how to act, so she just smiled and hooked her hand into Kevin’s pulling him closer. The tension disappeared from the room and everybody started to act more carefree, they turned back to their previous conversations and Vanessa felt like she could breath again.
Kevin must have thought the same, because she heard a relieved sigh leaving his lips. He looked down at Vanessa and they shared a knowing smile, so far their plan was working.
At the end of the day a tired Vanessa wandered outside to the porch to get a breath of fresh air. Pretending was tiring, but she couldn’t be more grateful for Kevin to do all of this for her.
The weather was freezing outside, but she enjoyed the cooling effect of it. She needed to clear her head out. She took a deep breath, the cold air sobering her up. The door opened behind her and a voice disturbed her thoughts.
“You left me inside with them, they won’t stop asking me questions” came Kevin’s playful complaint. Vanessa chuckled slightly as she turned to look at him.
“Sorry, I needed some fresh air” Vanessa apologized with a smile. Kevin grinned back as he stepped next to her.
“You know after this, you owe me big time” teased Kevin, bumping his shoulder into hers.
“Oh yeah I was sure, I won’t get away that easily after this” smirked Vanessa, as she looked into his eyes. The time seemed to stop as they gazed into each other’s eyes. They both gravitated towards each other, their lips only a breath away.
Vanessa came to her senses and slightly pulled back, searching his eyes for some kind of reassure. Was it really almost them kissing? Maybe this fake dating could turn into more? Kevin looked just as flustered as her. Maybe it was cold outside or the eggnog they drank earlier, but Vanessa just wanted to act on her feelings. So without a second thought, she closed the distance between them as her lips found his.
Kevin didn’t hesitate much to kiss her back. They got lost in each other, outside on the porch, under the twinkling Christmas lights as the snow soundlessly fell around them, covering the countryside with a white blanket.
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