#chaotic mannequin
girlbloggen · 9 months
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ready for it girl autumn
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beluosus · 2 months
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Sweet Jane
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Work in progress - lil update on this 50s-inspired dress for my friend's wedding in about a week!
The bodice is a basic corset-style situation, and the shoulder detail will be stitched on, likely with some kind of bow to hide the awkward intersection in the middle there
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I'm also playing around with how to use this gorgeous dotty ribbon pinned in this last pic 😊
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flamingo-writes · 1 year
A Dinner Invitation — Hobie x Reader
Based off my Gal In The Chair headcannons
Genre: fluff, slice of life. Plotless fluff basically.
Warnings: none. Perhaps cursing? I don’t remember, at this point my brain writes curse words like they’re not actually curse words.
Summary: Miles gets a dinner invitation at Hobie’s universe. Not only Miles walks into Hobie’s home, which is as artistic as he expected, but much greener than he imagined. And there he meets Hobie’s girlfriend, equally artistic, perfectly matching Hobie’s energy. Seeing Hobie so relaxed and affectionate feels weirdly intimate and refreshing to Miles.
Word Count: 1.2K words
A/N: I’ve been daydreaming of all sorts of scenarios revolving the Gal in The Chair. So, be ready for the spam 😩 if you’d like to be tagged, let me know.
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“Home, sweet’eart!” Hobie said walking inside the seemingly chaotic place, as Gwen, Pav and Miles followed him.
Miles looked around, surprised by the amount of things lying around. It was chaotic but didn’t look dirty. Almost as if everything had been purposefully place where it was. It was a small apartment with hardly any furniture. But there were art projects, materials and plants everywhere. Plants everywhere. The confusion only seemed to grow with every step, the apartment smelled like a woman lived there, but didn’t smell like Gwen.
And still puzzled by what went on between Hobie and Gwen, specially after he’d said she’d left her jumper, among the things he’d heard, he was sure there was something going on between them. And judging by the apartment, —and the smell of girl’s perfume—, it did seem like Hobie might live with one.
As Miles felt simultaneously more confused and somewhat relieved, he saw Hobie walk up to a girl working on a mannequin, fixing some clothes. He kissed the top of her headache wrapped his arms around her waist.
“That looks cool…” He purred. “Sexy, even…”
The girl giggled and looked over at Hobie as they kissed.
Miles sighed relieved.
“Will you model that for me later today?” Hobie asked with a flirty smirk.
“I can’t. This is a personalised piece Julie asked for…” The girl said looking over her shoulder at Hobie with a gentle smile and loving stare. “How did it go?”
“Messy,” Hobie said letting go of the girl. “awful, but Gwendy and Pav are here and I brought a new friend…” He said.
Pav yelled your name as you put down the needles and pins and greeted Pav in a tight hug. You let out a soft giggle as Pav lifted you up effortlessly, as if it had been ages since he last saw you.
“Who…?” Miles whispered confused.
“Hobie’s girlfriend,” Gwen said.
“A true renaissance artist,” Hobie said before introducing you to Miles, telling him your name. “Buy her stuff. She personalises and fixes your clothes, also does that with secondhand clothes. She also designs them as well as handmade Jewellery. Brings your plants back to health, she also reproduces and sells them, if you ever want to gift your mum some pretty plants or flowers…Helps me setting up my art shows, and set up everything for a gig. She’s also my left hand, best friend, lover, and favourite person on earth,” Hobie said proudly as you blushed lightly as Pav let you go from his tight bear hug.
“I’m not as interesting as Hobes just made me sound…” You said modestly walking up to Miles.
“But she is,” Pav intervened and walked into the kitchen, parading around the place like he lived there.
“I’m…Miles…” He said with an awkward chuckle as he extended his stiff hand towards you.
“Nice meeting you Miles. Coffee? Tea? We also have plain ol’water…Juice…”
“N-no thanks…” Miles chuckled awkwardly. “I’m fine. Thank you…” He said as he looked around. “So you do all of this for a living?”
“Sadly, in this highly capitalist and consumerist society, people do not appreciate the handwork of a true artist…” Hobie said as Miles looked slightly puzzled at him.
“That’s Hobie for, I do this full time even though it’s a lot of stuff, I barely manage to make a living out of this,”
“No way!”
“People don’t buy plants nor get their clothes fixed everyday,” You shrugged.
“Hey!” Pav said defensively as he went into the kitchen.
“Pav always buys plants, though” You chuckled. “Hobie helps me a lot too, the both of us manage to keep this whole place afloat,” You sad looking at Hobie with a dreamy smile.
Hobie from the kitchen looked at you with a cheeky flirty smirk and winked at you.
“Buy your mother a nice set of earrings and a plant, kid…” Hobie told Miles as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of chai.
“My mother really liked the flowers I bought her last week,” Pav said. “Also the necklace and earrings set you made for her!”
“I’m glad, Pav. You know where to find me…” You said happily as Hobie wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed your temple as he handed you the cup.
“I made some chai, if anyone wants some” Pav said happily.
You took a sip out of Hobie’s mug and hummed.
“God, no matter how many times I do it, it’s never as good as Pav’s…” You sighed softly.
“My man’s got a talent,” Hobie said.
“Gotta go back to that shirt I was working on,” You announced. “Are you guys staying for dinner?”
“Gwendy and I can handle dinner, you go do your thing, luv” Hobie said as he grabbed your jaw in his long fingers and kissed you sweetly. “Call you when it’s done,” He said softly as you hummed and stole one last peck from him before handing him back his cup and went back to the mannequin.
“Can you bring me my own cup of chai?”
“Anything for you, princess,” Hobie said with a soft voice as he turned around and went into the kitchen.
Miles looked at you as you went back to measuring and putting pins on the mannequin. Quickly absorbed by your work.
"Gorgeous, isn’t she?” Hobie said with a proud smirk. "C’mon, y’all wanna have dinner, y’all better help…"
Despite the chatty mess of laughs and sarcastic comments, Miles was still intrigued with how you never seemed to lose focus from your work. Even when they were being crazy loud. Blending naturally into the commotion, Miles felt comfortable between all of them. Wondering whether if it was because they all were spider people, or simply because the over all energy marched his own. He had friends before, but never a group of friends like this one. He felt absolutely free, being able to behave naturally without the fear of being judged or stared at.
Pav took over the kitchen, making most of the work himself. While the food was ready, Pav and Gwen talked about spices as Miles kept looking around intrigued. At some point, Hobie disappeared from the scene, and as Miles was looking for Hobie, his eyes dragging, looking over every detail in the apartment. Eventually, he spotted Hobie’s tall figure towering over you.
As you set down your tools, and Hobie pulled a chair next to you, he cupped your face in his large hands and pulled you close, kissing you sweetly. Something about Hobie being the badass and cool punk, a guy who was seemingly ready to start a coup d’état anywhere, now looked like the biggest softy he’d ever seen, while still looking cool somehow.
Feeling weirdly love sick and jealous, he didn’t intend to stare as Hobie and you kissed. He thought about how good it must be to have what the two of you had. He glanced over at Gwen, feeling his crush poking at him, twisting his guts as Gwen met his stare and smiled. She then looked over at the both of you.
“Aren’t they gross?” Gwen asked with a playful smirk.
“I think they’re cute,” Pav intervened.
Miles chuckled and gazed back at you, as you were now hugging Hobie. Your hand disappearing in his wicks, as his face was nuzzled against the crook of your neck and his arms around your waist.
“I think they’re cute. Perhaps slightly gross…” Miles joked.
“It makes me kinda jealous. I wish I could get the courage to ask Meera out on a date…” Pav sighed.
“We can hear ya talking over ‘ere, lads…” Hobie chuckled.
“You’re so nosy,” You chuckled kissing Hobie’s head.
“We knew that,” He replied as he pulled away from the hug and stared at you, cupping one of your cheeks in his large hand. “Absolutely gorgeous,” He said as he leaned forward and stole a peck from your lips. “How’s dinner, Pav?”
“Basically done. One or two more minutes,” He said.
“C’mon, Miles. Let’s set the table,” Gwen said gently bumping her elbow on Miles’ ribs.
Don’t forget to like and reblog if you enjoyed it! Feedback is also very welcome and always makes my day 🥺
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corroded-hellfire · 6 months
My Favorite Elf - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: When you and Nancy go to the mall to finish up your Christmas shopping, the sound of a familiar voice leads you to a jolly surprise.
Note: I wrote this for @palomahasenteredthechat’s 12 Days of Joemas with the prompt “Is that velvet?” 💚❤️
Words: 1.4k
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The holiday season at Starcourt Mall can be a chaotic nightmare on nights and weekends. Crowds so dense you can hardly see any of the mannequins modeling the latest looks at the GAP. It’s for this reason that you and Nancy decide to make a mall run straight from school one Tuesday afternoon. 
With most parents still at work and middle and elementary schools still in session, the mall is the calmest you’ve seen since before Halloween. You and Nancy plan on taking full advantage of getting all those last minute gifts you’ve been meaning to buy.
“Okay, I got the shoes,” Nancy says, jostling the brown paper bag in her hand in emphasis. “You wanted to go to Walden Books next?”
“Yeah!” you say. “I saw this book there the other day and I think Eddie would really like it.”
“Why didn’t you get it for him then?”
“He was with me,” you laugh. “As busy as it was, I still think he would’ve noticed me buying something.”
The bookstore is on the second floor, so you and Nancy have to take the escalators closest to the food court. Right before you lift your foot to hover over the silver steps, you hear a familiar voice coming from behind the escalators. 
“Are you ready? Come on, we’ll go up together.”
Your brow furrows in puzzlement, and Nancy turns to look at you with the same expression mirrored on her face. Together, you walk around to see what Eddie is doing at the mall and who he’s talking to.
A Winter Wonderland greets you and Nancy as you step around the towering escalators. The centerpiece is a life-size gingerbread house decorated with every type of candy you can think of. Colorful gumdrops frame the front door, pieces of licorice act as shutters to the icing windows, and oversized swirling lollipops stand around the house like a security team. 
Fake pine trees dot the scenery, their needles covered in fake snow. In fact, fake snow permeates about every spare inch on the display. It’s all around the platform and heavily dusted over the roof of the house. 
Sitting right in the middle of it all is the man himself: Santa Claus. He’s perched atop a large red throne smack dab in the middle of the wonderland. The entire display is surrounded by a white, glittery snowflake fence. 
There’s a girl dressed as an elf in a green tulle skirt and red tights standing behind a camera facing the big man. Your eyes then come across the best sight of all.
Your hand comes up to cover your enormous grin as you take in your boyfriend in his very own elf attire. The left half of his button up shirt is red, while the right half is entirely green. The same is true of the pants, just reversed; a green left leg and a red right leg. His hair is tucked up in a bun at the base of his neck and the rest of his curls are hidden by the green Santa hat on top of his head. The hat has golden jingle bells on the top and fake points to rest on top of Eddie’s ears to give the magical illusion of elf ears. The part that tickles you the most though is the shoes. They’re green with pointed toes that curl up, with a golden jingle bell attached to the tip of each. 
“Did you know he was working here?” Nancy asks you, a few giggles escaping her. 
“No!” You laugh but find it strange to look at his hands and see no chunky silver rings. 
The only people in the line to meet Santa are a little girl with long blonde hair, half up in a pink ribbon, and her mother. It’s understandable that there's hardly a crowd here on a Tuesday afternoon. The little girl looks scared and won’t let go of her mom’s hand no matter how much she encourages her. 
Eddie walks over to the girl and crouches down to her level.
“Hi. My name is Eddie. What’s your name?”
“Christina,” she answers softly.
“It’s nice to meet you, Christina. Are you a little nervous to meet Santa?”
She nods her head.
Eddie offers her his hand. “What if we go up there together?”
Christina still looks hesitant.
“You don’t have to be afraid of him,” Eddie says with a shake of his head. “He just wants to know what you want for Christmas so us elves can get to work on it. That is…if you’re on the nice list.” Eddie tilts his head and raises his eyebrows. “You have been good this year, right?”
“That’s what I thought! Now, do you want to come up and tell Santa what you want?”
Christina stares at Eddie with wide blue eyes for a few moments before she nods her head. Eddie gives her a smile and extends his hand again. This time, Christina takes it. 
You watch as Eddie leads the small girl up to Santa and tells him her name. He crouches down and stays there until Christina seems more comfortable with Santa. When she climbs on his lap, Eddie steps aside so she can share what she wants with Santa in private. 
Once a picture has been snapped, Christina hops off of Santa’s lap and Eddie gives her a candy cane before she leaves the little Christmas village with her mom.
There’s nobody else in line to meet Santa, but he’s still scheduled to be there for another two hours according to the sign. The photographer elf starts cleaning up around her area and Eddie shuffles around his small space, looking for something to do. You take the opportunity to walk closer to the magical scene, Nancy right behind you.
“And here I thought Hermey the little elf dentist was the cutest elf I’ve ever seen,” you say as you approach the fence.
Eddie looks up and you immediately see his cheeks darken, but he gives you a bright smile.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks.
“Shopping,” Nancy answers, holding up her bags as proof.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask, looking at all the festiveness around him.
“I’m just here for the candy canes.” He laughs when you pinch your eyebrows together. “Figured I’d get a holiday job and make some extra money.”
“What for?” you ask, knowing there’s nothing you want that could cost more than a few dollars. And that Wayne will probably just get a new mug. Again.
“Well,” Eddie says with a shrug. “I know your favorite band is starting a tour next month…”
“My favorite band besides Corroded Coffin,” you say, pointing an index finger at him.
“Yes, of course, that goes without saying.”
“Eddie, you didn’t have to do this,” you tell him, though your heart grows three sizes at the gesture.
“I wanted to,” he says with a bashful shrug. 
You peek behind the gingerbread house and raise your eyebrows at Eddie when you see it’s away from any possible prying eyes. He chuckles and nods his head in that direction.
“Be right back,” you tell Nancy.
“Take your time,” she teases.
Eddie helps you over the snowflake fence and you take another look at his costume. He looks even cuter in it closer up.
“Is that velvet?” you ask.
“No, thank God. Cotton. This already gets hot enough.”
“Look at my adorable elf boyfriend,” you say with a playful smirk.
His face starts to turn red as you wrap your arms around his neck. He places his hands on your waist and gives a small squeeze.
“You know,” you muse, tilting your head to the side. “You didn’t ask me.”
“Ask you what?”
“If I’ve been good this year.”
Eddie laughs and leans in to nudge his nose against yours.
“Because I already know the answer to that one. Pretty sure I contributed to it,” he says in a low voice, causing goosebumps to run down your arms.
He presses his lips over yours and holds you up against his body as he claims your mouth. Your hands slide into his hair, and it makes the green hat move, causing the little bell to jingle.
You pull away, unable to keep kissing because you’re full of giggles. Eddie sighs.
“Fine,” he whispers. “I guess we’ll just have to get naughty later then.”
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aimasup · 1 month
The warbling effect in the beginning perfectly encapsulates what it's like to try and move in a dream.
the colours behind the eyes (we only remember the last moments of our dreams when we are about to wake up, everything before that is mostly a vague blur)
And the floors shifting without your permission? Super accurate
Hey half the fandom how does it feel to be right about Ragatha and Pomni's dynamic post-pilot
Bubble never change
are they actually gonna change looks every episode if so yes please
Caine with a pipe <3<3
The humour is fantastic as always (the mannequin that pushed Gangle over made me chuckle)
Pomni might have been a gamer, she seems critical of the experience but only as someone who wants to engage
Ragatha being the diplomatic face man while Jax is the wild card negotiator, what a duo! Charming in their own ways! maybe Pomni could be the relatable third that is a grounding force
Kinger is a lot more involved with the adventure than we thought he would be! He isn't as terrified or absent as imagined, he's genuinely enthusiastic (it's kind of sad)
When the gators started talking about the village and the mom, dread crept up on me: Caine's intricately powerful
the stained glass window is darkly funny though ajskwjsks
Gangle you freak?? /pos You are moving up the ranks for me
It's great that Jax isn't just a "chaotic bad boy" type, I can see why Zooble takes any chance they get to strangle him (hate him, love his character)
Gummigoo's revelation was heartbreaking thanks
was Pomni depressed? Does she remember being depressed? Aghh so many headcanons rn about her life
can we get a shoutout to the Raggedy Ann movie references and the adorable gator goons
Kinger giving advice and saying "I remember how long it etc etc" whilst his head is bucketed has such warm?? vibes??
Ragatha holding her skirt to wade through the chocolate <3<3<3
I love that the chocolate doesn't stick to anything, I love that Princess Loo is slightly uncanny, I love that they use the glitches of the assets to move the story forward, I love the game world that works within the 3d animation well <3<3
Has Caine killed a human by mistake? With a snap of his finger? Or did he snap his fingers to delete them but it didn't instantly take them out and they abstracted...
The funeral was unexpected, it's nice that Caine gives them time off to do whatever
The idea that you will be missed if you disappear.,,.
Gooseworx wasn't lying this really is the depression episode (and it's still Pomni focused! Hooray!!)
sobs the plushies I want them all
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reticent-writer · 3 months
heyyy PLEASE I NEEDD Vox x teen! Reader. Where she’s like the Vee’s assistant, or Vox’s assistant or something like that and she sees Vox as a father figure? Tyy
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I like this alot
the most chaotic job in all of hell, like there is never a peaceful moment in the Vees tower. Someone is always yelling, something is always being broken, and you are in the middle of it. The peacemaker.
Your soul belongs to Vox but you assist all of the Vees. Your like 17/18. You were a hacker before you died, you hacked into the governments software and was killed for it.
You did the same thing to Vox but he didn't get mad instead he offered a secure home/job for your soul. (Seeing that everyone is dead that sounds silly but you shook his hand anyway)
If Vox isn't around to calm down Val and Velvette you're the next best thing. Valentino can talk your ears off as much as he wants and Velvette can use you as a model
In hell you can travel through electronics like Vox
Most of your time is spent with Velvette and Vox, mainly Vox. Vox has you do a lot of work that he trusts no one else with like going to the overlord meetings when no one else wants to
You are genuinely nice, like the other overlords wonder why you're working with the Vees
Your room doesn't have a door, so to get to your room you have to go through electronics to a backroom type of place. It's still in the Vees tower but no one but you or Vox and get to it.
Vox made it like this so if you wanted to be unbothered no one could even knock on your door.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚-Vox-˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"Y/n are you awake."
You heard Vox from inside your room. You zapped you phone knowing that Vox you feel it. Basically saying you were getting up.
It took you 15 minutes to get ready before you teleported to the monitor room to find Vox watching random sinners on his big screen.
"I'm up, sir."
He dramatically spun his chair to face you.
"I hope it's been a hellish morning so far, what's on today's schedule."
You pulled out your phone and started to read off it, "the day doesn't start until 1 which is when the early talk show starts ot lasts until 3, at 5-7 is a game show, Velvette s show starts at 7, Valentino's live streaming a BDSM thing at 8, late night talk show at 10."
You looked at the time it was 8 am.
"Well since I'm free why don't we work on your mega computer." He offered. He likes how your face lit up and without wasting a second you dragged him to one of the quietest rooms in the building. In it was a desktop with a few wires connected to it.
Your mega computer was a project you started after you sold your soul. You hope it can connect to heaven one day and who is Vox to stop you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚-Velvette-˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
You were in Fox's monitor room untangling cords.
"Y/N COME HERE." Velvette yelled at you through her phone.
You sighed as you stopped what you were doing and turn went through one of the many TVs.
"Yes, Vel." You smiled, clearly Vox was rubbing off on you.
"Something is missing with this outfit, tell me what it is." She pointed you in the direction of a mannequin with a outfit in your preferred style.
"( ̄ヘ ̄)ᵁᴹᴹ a (whatever you want)."
She hummed and with a snap of her fingers it appeared.
"Better right?"
"Good it's yours, take it" she snapped again and the outfit was in your hands, "no go put it on, I wanna see it."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, put it on."
-It looked amazing-
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚-Valentino-˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"Vox said your not aloud in the studio so the least your could do is read the script." He said as he handed you a think packed.
"Jailbird gets hard time" you read loud in disgust, "do you really think I should be reading this?"
He scoffed, "oh please it's not like I can't see your browser history. A03, wattpad, Quotev, fanfiction.net the list goes on."
You stared at him in disbelief.
"What... Aww is someone embarrassed." He squished your cheeks. Your face was beat red.
"Aw, Chiquita, I don't judge. You should see the more kinky scrips."
"Oh no thanks. I think I hear Vox calling me. Bye." You reached his pocket for his phone and with a poor you were gone.
After that you made it so no one could see any of your activity.
A/n: I don't like Valentino. I love his voice tho
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hey-its-jacob-lol · 9 months
JacobLOL and Kirb Presents: The Chaotic Route
*Our story begins in Equestria. Discord, The master and Lord of Chaos is up to his usual chaotic tricks annoying anyone and everyone all day long. He made the Apple family's orchard come to life and ran away from the farm. He made Twilight Sparkle's books fly around at such a fast speed that they all eventually knocked Rainbow Dash of the sky. He stuck Rarity's Mannequins onto the ceiling and he even covered Pinkie Pie's own home with a chocolate flood.
Anyway, eventually, the complaining eventually got so out of hand, or hoof, that Fluttershy had no other choice but to confront her friend.*
Fluttershy (rather annoyed): "Discccoord. What have you been up to?"
Discord: "Hoho! Why would you possibly want to know that Fluttershy? It's been pretty lacking, I must say."
Fluttershy: "Well, that's not what everypony else is saying. They're all coming up to me and complaining about the stuff you've done!"
Discord: *scoffs* "Like what?"
*Fluttershy then replied with all the antics that were mentioned earlier.*
Discord (awkwardly): "Ohhh right, that."
Fluttershy: "Yes. That."
Discord: "Oh, come on, Fluttershy! At least I didn't hurt anyone!"
Fluttershy: "No, you didn't directly. But you've could've cost both Rarity and Pinkie Pie their jobs! What would've happened then?"
Discord (muttering): "I wouldn't mind, I think I did worst to Applejack."
Fluttershy: "What was that?!"
Discord (realising): "Um, nothing!"
*Discord gave Fluttershy a big grin, and Fluttershy sighed.*
Fluttershy: "Look, Discord, I understand why you need to be chaotic. It's a part of your nature, and it keeps you alive."
Discord: "Why thank you for being so thoughtful, Flutter-"
Fluttershy: "HOWEVER... Surely, there's a better way for you to use your magic without getting on anyone's nerves."
Discord: "Hmpf! You think you know so much about being a Draconequus, don't you?"
Fluttershy: "I try my best, Discord. I try because I care about you and I know that you're now reformed, but don't forget, we do still have the Elements of Harmony, and even though it would give me a great amount of guilt, I'd have to seal you back into stone again if you were to ever go too far again."
*Fluttershy sighed as her eyes darted towards the ground. After a few awkward seconds, Discord eventually spoke up.*
Discord: "I think some ponies just need to accept that I'm still going to be somewhat chaotic."
Fluttershy: "That's not the point, Discord."
Discord (rather frustrated): "Then what is it then, Fluttershy?!!"
Fluttershy: "It's about me making sure you don't end up on the wrong side of things again, and it's also so you quit pestering my friends!"
Discord: "Oh, come on now, Fluttershy. You know they're used to it by now."
Fluttershy: "Well, maybe they are, but that doesn't make it any less annoying for them."
*Discord pouted.*
Discord: "You ponies are no fun sometimes."
Fluttershy: "It's not that we aren't fun, or that we don't enjoy your antics from time to time. It's just that there's a time and place for them. There's needs to be order at least at some points of the day. Y'know, like order."
Discord: "You mean the one thing I truly go against? You ponies really care about your harmony, don't you?"
Fluttershy: "I mean, it's been around our culture for so long, it's bound to."
Discord (muttering): "Right..."
*Discord lowered his head.*
Discord: "You do everything you can to fit in, and yet you still can't."
Fluttershy: "Discccoord. Don't be like that. I'm your friend and so is everyone else."
Discord: "But you don't know what it's like to be me and unless I actually turn you into a draconequus, which I don’t even know if that's possible, you'll never know."
*Discord then lifted he head, as he looked into sky.*
Discord: "That's why I enjoyed being around that jester, Jevil. He, too, was a creature of chaos. He understood me and my own struggles for freedom. Sadly, I haven't really heard much from them since I was kicked out of his little group while you and the others were fighting them."
Fluttershy: "Do you miss Jevil then?"
*Discord sighed.*
Discord: "Yes."
Fluttershy: "Well, why don't you try making up with Jevil? That could help make you feel better!"
Discord: "I suppose I could, if I really wanted to... Then again, the supposed 'Dark World' seems pretty fun too..."
*Suddenly, Discord gasped as a light bulb went off.*
Discord: "Sweet Celestia, that's it, Fluttershy!!! I know where I can go to continue being my chaotic self without interfering with the ponies duties! Oh, thank you, Fluttershy!"
*Discord hugged a rather confused Fluttershy.*
Fluttershy: "Umm... You're welcome?"
Discord: "Now, let us set forth for The Dark World!"
Fluttershy: "Wait, wha-"
*Discord, with Fluttershy in his arms, summoned a door that shun with a bright light onto the other side and with a now confident smile on his he jumped through the said, all while Fluttershy was tagging along with him.*
*Meanwhile, it was yet another day for Kris and her friends. That being a day of boring classes with Alphys and Berdly being annoying. Except for the fact that Berdly hasn't been seen at all for several days. Not that it bothered Susie or Kris, really. In fact, they couldn't really care less.*
*Anyway, everyone was pretty bored. There was nothing fun to do, and Kris, Noelle, and Susie could really only tolerate Sans for so long.* So, bored out of their minds, they decided to head to The Dark World, where our story truly begins... Once our teams switched outfits and found themselves in Castle Town, they were greeted by Lancer.*
Lancer: "Susie!"
*Lancer rode up to Susie and the others with a big smile on his face.*
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I don’t know who of the swap shuffle group would do this but it would be so chaotic to take the shattered twins shopping at the clothing store. They absolutely hate mannequins
Chickpea & amaryllis would attempt to take them clothes, shopping, not realizing that they also have a fear of mannequins. Now chickpea has to deal with 3 people who are scared of manikins, with two of them, being more reluctant to go near them than the other.
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 8 months
My Little Shadow: Part ten (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: OH THE ANGST- Body image issues, mentions of smut, and trauma.
Part nine Part eleven
Tag list: @mis-lil-red @bubybubsters @luvmoo @rorel1a
Y/N tells Feyre and Mor about her feelings for Azriel, and they convince her to confess, because he feels the same way... right?
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“Well, You should tell him.”  Morrigan said, grinning at me in Rita’s.
I hadn’t really wanted to come here, as it was a ‘girl’s night out’, they insisted I came with.
“What are you two up to?”  Feyre asked as she found a seat in our booth, and cheeks heated a bit more.
“Y/N’s crush on Azzy.”  Morrigan said, and I wondered if I was going to melt right then and there.
Feyre’s eyes went wide, sparling with glee as she grinned.  “Are you going to tell him?”
This was the absolute worst.
“No!”  I said, shooting the both of them a glare.  “He probably doesn’t feel the same way anyway.”
Morrigan and Feyre looked at each other conspiratorially, and I suddenly had a bad feeling.
“What are you two planning?”
“Oh, nothing…” Feyre said with a smirk.
Morrigan scooted closer to me and spoke softly, “You know, I’m pretty sure Az feels the same way.”
I rolled my eyes.  “Of course you only say that after I said I wasn’t going to tell him.”
Mor grinned, and I knew then I wasn’t getting out of this for a while.
“What you need is to feel more confident in yourself.”  She declared, getting out of the booth and looking at me with chaotic delight in her eyes.  “We are taking you shopping.”
“No-”  I started to protest but mor grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the booth.
Feyre chuckled, taking another small sip of her drink before following us out the door.
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I was half dead on my feet from exhaustion as we made it to the dress shop.  I had been so busy with training in the mornings, I never got to explore the city at night.  It was somehow even more beautiful, glowing in the night.
We had already gone and gotten our hair and nails done, despite my protests, and now Mor claimed I needed the perfect dress.
I sat by the window with Feyre as we watched Morrigan look through the beautiful fabrics.
“Thank you.”  I said, my voice barely a whisper.
Feyre swung her head around, a small smile on her face.  “Oh, don’t worry.  We have plenty to spend on things like this.  And anyway, you’re part of our little family now.”
I blushed at this, but quickly added, “Not just this.  Everything.”
It was obvious she didn’t quite understand as she looked at me, and I clarified, “I mean for letting me stay here, for giving me a home.”
Her eyes softened in understanding and she wrapped a comforting arm around me.  “You will always have a home here Y/N.”
I smile softly, about to say something else when a dress catches my eye.
I’m quick to stand, and even quicker to make my way over to it, feeling the shadowy fabric on the mannequin.
The cloth of the dress clings tight in the chest and torso, the fabric almost swirling as it falls into a skirt of dark blues, purples, and black.  It also comes with a little caplet, adding to the elegance of the design.
I bite my lip nervously.  The only problem is that it’s otherwise sleeveless, and would reveal my torn up arms.
“Ooh, that’s a nice dress!  You should try it on!”  Morrigan encouraged, rushing up to take it off the mannequin.
“No, I can’t.”  I say, backing away a little bit.
I didn’t want them to see.  I didn’t want anyone to see.  My scars didn’t look like art, like Azz’s swirls that add so much character, they aren’t some badge from a fight I had won.
They were just… Scars.  Deep, ugly, scars.
“Come on, pleaseee?”  Morrigan begged, and I swallowed hard.
“Okay…”  I said, not feeling comfortable even as she squealed in excitement.
I felt a warm hand grip mine, and I turned to see Feyre next to me, mouthing, “Are you alright?”
I nodded, forcing a little smile to my face.
Soon, I was in the dressing room, changing into the dress.  I looked into the mirror, and almost gasped as I saw the way the dress hung on me.  It almost looked better on me than it did on the mannequin.
It accentuated my curves and the top of my hips before flowing freely, there was a bit of cleavage, but not extreme.
But the part that made me nervous was the scars littered down my arms.  I knew as soon as I went out they would see them, and I didn’t want to talk about what had happened to me under the mountain right now.
I take a deep breath though, knowing that I couldn’t avoid this forever.
If they ask, I don’t have to tell them.  I really don’t.
So I opened up the door, stepping out so they could see me.
They both just stare for a moment, and I wait for them to be horrified, to usher me back in to change back-
“YOU LOOK STUNNING!”  Morrigan shouted, loud enough to wake the whole goddamn city.
She rushed over, forcing me to spin around so she could get a better look.  Feyre was smiling now, although it seemed a bit sad.
I was still reeling from their reactions when they dragged me out of the store, still wearing the dress because I think they knew if I got out of it, they may never get me to wear it again.
“Now you go talk to Azriel, tell him how you feel.”  She said, grinning as Feyre winnowed us back to the river house.
They quickly rushed off, leaving me on my own to find Azriel.
I could have sent my shadows out, but I decided it was better if I looked myself.  I can’t always hide behind them.
As I’m searching, I go through many rooms, but one thing they all had in common was that they had some sort of art from Feyre hanging in them.
I head into the library, and I’m surprised to find a red-haired female.  She’s a bit short, and I wonder if she’s completely fae, but that never really mattered to me.
“Hello.”  I say, and she drops her book in surprise.  She looks tired, like she’s been through a lot.
This is easier than talking to Azriel, soI smile, walking over to her.  “I’m Y/N.  What's your name?”
She’s quiet for a moment before she says, “Bryce.”
Her accent is a little strange, but I didn’t mind.  I looked at her discarded book.  “Whatcha reading?”
She struggles as she speaks, “I- I’m still learning- to talk this language.”
My eyes go wide and I nod.  “That’s alright.  Hey, have you seen Azriel around?”
For a second I wonder if she understands me, but then she says, “Kitchen.”
I grin at her, giving her a thumbs up.  “Thank you!  And hey, if you ever need any help, come find me.  I used to help the kids back home learn to read, so I might be able to help with some pronunciation.”
She looked a little confused, but nodded gratefully.  As I headed to the kitchen, I hoped whatever she was going through ended soon.  She seemed nice.
Nearing the kitchen, I could hear snippets of conversation.  I paused, rethinking the whole thing.
I took a steading breath.  Maybe it was the alcohol, or the night I had shared with Mor and Feyre, but I decided fuck it and turned the corner to the kitchen.
My shadows wrapped around me as soon as I went around the corner, sensing what was happening before I even did.
His hand was half up Elain’s skirt, and her head was tipped back as he planted kisses on her collarbone.
I stand there, reeling a bit.
I thought- Mor had said-
Elain’s eyes meet mine, and I suddenly realize that I’m watching a very private moment.
Azriel notices her stare, and turns to look, but I’m already sprinting for the door.
I hear Azriel call out my name, but I don’t stop, I don’t even register it fully.
Take me somewhere else, anywhere else, just away from here.  I’m thinking to myself, but my shadows understand, and for the first time, they winnow me away.
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tomedonaki-hakujou · 16 days
Mesmerizer: My Thoughts on why it is THE Vocaloid song of the DECADE
(All thoughts here are highly subjective, and may feature incomplete information. I just wanted to get my thoughts out about Mesmerizer and why its success works a lot.)
As of 2020, the Vocaloid scene has been booming with plenty of new music & activity, each year bringing more and more hit songs, it's almost hard to keep track of them all. With the release of Satsuki and Channel's "Mesmerizer" music video, I think this marks an extremely emblematic song, encapsulating what the 2020s of Vocaloid is all about, and what it can become.
"Mesmerizer" is a short and catchy song featuring Hatsune Miku for VOCALOID4 and Kasane Teto for Synthesizer V. It features a highly chaotic instrumental. It is composed by Satsuki, previously known for "CIRCUS PANIC!!!" featured in Project Sekai. The music video is made by Channel (aka caststation), who is known for various viral Miku animations like mikumikuplaylist and Rabbit Hole by DECO*27. All of these details about this song are very important, and in my opinion, I think they each represent a part of the strength and popularity of Vocaloid culture in the 2020s.
Short Songs and Covers
As of 2020, shorter songs, often less than 3 minutes, have gained a lot of popularity – take a look at Kanaria's breakout hit "KING," or the songs on DECO*27's "Mannequin" album such as "The Vampire," "Animal," and "Cinderella." Part of the major appeal of these songs, and why they work so well, is that they have to be immensely catchy, easy to listen to, and most importantly in my opinion – easy to sing. That's right – one major aspect of 2020s Vocaloid culture are covers sung by utaites, VTubers, and other singers. This spreads the Vocaloid music to people in different audiences. It's much easier to sing and produce a cover of a shorter song than a longer song, and it's much more appealing to do it for a trending song. Kanaria's songs and DECO*27's "Mannequin" songs have gotten this treatment of mass-cover trends due to their singability and ease of production. (Take it from me, it's much easier to publish a Kanaria cover than producers like Yunosuke or Kashii Moimi, from whom I love covering from.) Of course, even aside from Kanaria and DECO*27, there's other producers who create shorter songs with great success – take Nakiso, Suriii (aka Three), Chinozo, Azari, and _x0o0x_ for example.
Although, that's not to say longer songs over 3 minutes don't get popular either – take PinocchioP, Kairiki Bear, Teniwoha, nulut, and Camellia for example. Both song structures have their different appeals, and it's all about how the composer utilizes that time.
However, longer songs aren't necessarily new in the Vocaloid scene, and have been the standard for over 10 years since the scene's beginnings in 2007-2008. It's shorter songs that have emerged as a new niche and new musical approach as of 2020, and it's the style more representative of this era. "Mesmerizer" takes the approach of the shorter song that's arisen in this era, while conveying a strong music composition as well. A shorter song with a stronger composition & musicality has a higher chance of staying within viewer's memories.
Chaotic Composition
Chaos, frenzy – the music style of "denpa" has gained more popularity in recent years with songs like "INTERNET YAMERO" (by Aiobahn) and "Hito Mania" (by Sasuke Haraguchi). (Although "INTERNET YAMERO" is not Vocaloid, it still deserves a mention for its audience & subculture overlap.)
As of 2020, we can hear more experimental and varied composition and production styles in top VOCALOID songs – melodic, consonant, and synchronous music isn't always the move now. Usage of sound effects as percussion (gunshots, glass breaking, etc) creates more appeal or intrigue in certain songs.
The sound design in "Mesmerizer" is, well, mesmerizing. I think it encapsulates a lot of the sweet, simple, catchy and appealing aspects of the short-form song style, while also having complexity & chaos that synchronizes with the main beat/melody. If there's a song I would most directly compare "Mesmerizer" to in its composition style, it's probably going to be "Marshall Maximizer" by Hiiragi Magnetite. Both of them have a lot of chaos going on to create texture in the song, while still being harmonious with the overall composition to create a pleasant listening experience.
There is one part of "Mesmerizer" that deserves a most special mention, which is the bridge – or commonly referred to as the "hypnosis" section. Here, the sound design is used in tandem with the MV and story during Teto's bridge part. The music suddenly seems to fade in and out to convey that Teto is not quite fully "present" in the song; her consciousness slowly fading in and out as she tries to resist hypnosis (what's happening is a low pass filter's frequency point being slowly reduced and then increased, but that's advanced audio lingo that you don't need to worry about if you don't understand).
Unique and special sound design moments like these are what draws viewers into songs and keeps them interested.
The Music Video
While simplistic music videos are common in Vocaloid in the era of 2020s, animated music videos still have their appeal and popularity as well, and have made a bit more of a comeback as of 2022 and 2023. Take songs like:
"Lagtrain" by inabakumori (MV by Nukunuku Nigirimeshi)
"Konton Boogie" by jon-YAKITORY (MV by Ichimaru)
"Override" by Yoshida Yasei (Art by Shishiya)
"Kyoufuu Allback" by Yukopi (Animation by Oz_yarimisu)
"Momiagewo Shakaagewo" by Nunu(...)nunu (dude. I'm not writing their whole name.)
"Kafu-eine" by Hiiragi Magnetite (Animation by Sena Yuuta)
Songs like these have MVs that lend themselves easily to replication for covers or animation memes within the animator community. In addition, they're just very strong and fun MVs in their own right for enjoyment. Not every producer has the energy or resources to create an animated MV like this, but being able to do so certainly gives the song a stronger appeal.
Especially within derivative fanwork, more complex MVs of songs with simpler MVs also get popular. Take the "Gokuraku Meme" that derives from Pepoyo's "Rakuraku Anrakushi" or most notably for this analysis – Channel's "Rabbit Hole" animation from DECO*27's song. These are two strong examples of the power of animation in the Vocaloid scene. Many admire Channel's "Rabbit Hole" animation for its smoothness and appealing style – many have found themselves watching it on repeat as if it's mesmerizing (heh,) but maybe most importantly, the animation features a "shock factor" in the pseudo-sex fakeout scene at the end, which contributes to its virality.
When applying these skills to a full music video, Channel really showed the best of their strengths in "Mesmerizer." Their mesmerizing animation style tells a simple story that keeps the viewers engaged with smooth tweening, strong sense of beats, and of course – enjoyable and cute dance movements. Channel also employs "shock factor" once again, towards the end of the music video in the final chorus – where Miku gets completely mesmerized/hypnotized, and goes crazy-insane. This moment is popularly depicted in the countless fanarts of "Mesmerizer," a testament to its impact. Additionally, the MV has a lot of small details about it that has caused much intrigue and analysis regarding its story. Theorizing about the meaning of songs is a vital part of Vocaloid fan culture.
Project Sekai
Project Sekai is a HUGE factor in the thriving nature of the Vocaloid scene as of 2020. Events like "Proseka Next" help smaller producers break out of niche and obscurity and helps boost their popularity. Such was the case for Satsuki, who won a "Proseka Next" event with their song "CIRCUS PANIC!!!"
"Proseka Next" isn't the only kind of event that helps boost producers. There's the regularly occurring "Vocaloid Collection," as well as demo songs and contests held for newly released voicebanks. Companies like Sega/Crypton and Kamitsubaki Studio regularly engage the community to give it vitality, and spark their creativity.
Although "Mesmerizer" is not a song for any contest or event, it's entirely possible that without "Proseka Next" and the preceding "CIRCUS PANIC!!!" song, Satsuki's "Mesmerizer" might not have been the breakout hit it became.
The Vocalists
Finally, the vocalists. Hatsune Miku VOCALOID4 and Kasane Teto Synthesizer V.
Although she hasn't received a vocal update in nearly a decade, Hatsune Miku V4X is still one of the most popularly used vocalists in the Vocaloid scene – after all, she's Hatsune Miku, who's only become more popular and recognizable to almost anyone on the Internet. Especially in recent years, many takes on Miku's design draw from her V4X design, and Mesmerizer Miku is no exception. Although V2 Miku has strong appeal in her thick hair shapes, V4X's thin hair is easier to draw, adapt to different artstyles, restyle, and reiterate. (This is just my opinion though, I do think V4X is the best Miku for how well she lends herself to derivatives versus her other designs. Also, I think for the case of Mesmerizer, V4 Miku is probably the easiest to animate... Other Miku styles might not have worked for the MV's favor.)
One of the defining factors of the 2020s Vocaloid scene is AI vocalsynth. AI vocalsynth sounds more realistic and is often easier to use than its predecessors. Probably the first notable AI is CeVIO's KAFU, who received plenty of usage since her demos in 2020 and her release in 2021. As someone who owns KAFU myself, I think she's one of the most beginner-friendly vocalsynths – her autopitch tuning is rather pleasant and easy to work with as a baseline, and her configuration quality/ease of use just feels better than other vocalists on CeVIO AI. She also has a great capability for high range, much thanks to KAF's own high note capabilities. On top of that, she has quite the unique vocal tone that makes her instantly recognizable. I think these are all reasons why KAFU is highly popular.
To succeed KAFU, enter Kasane Teto, a beloved UTAU vocalist and character from the beginnings of the Vocaloid scene – now updated for Synthesizer V AI. She shares a lot of traits with KAFU that lend to success – ease of use, good vocal quality, and recognizable voice. Also, both KAFU and Teto SV have origins from a pre-existing fanbase – KAFU in KAF's popularity, and Teto from being a pre-existing popular character. Teto's SV was highly hyped and well-received, causing an explosion in her usages. Of course, UTAU isn't everyone's cup of tea and can be hard to use, and Teto had only been receiving rather niche usages in the 2020s Vocaloid scene – at least, up until her SV came and revitalized her.
In fanon, Miku and Teto have a popular relationship or dynamic, being friends or rivals. To use them both together in "Mesmerizer" builds upon this dynamic and establishes an appealing familiarity. In addition, "Mesmerizer" has a strong overseas reach outside of Japan – since Miku and Teto have high recognizability and popularity therein as well (and also thanks to Channel's preceding viral works.)
(Characters like Adachi Rei, Zundamon, and KAFU are also popular, but lack popularity outside of Japan.)
Although Synthesizer V is known for realism, many Japanese producers use it in a way that reflects "Vocaloid-esque" or artificial charm, which Teto embodies in "Mesmerizer." This makes her voice match up to Miku's more, creating a great duet that doesn't sound too jarring – rather, complementary.
Wrapping-up Thoughts
"Mesmerizer" is a song that, in my opinion, embodies a lot of the things that define the Vocaloid culture of the early 2020s. As someone who's always been an avid advocate and fan of the new Vocaloid scene, it's been amazing to see it come this far and reach greater heights, especially overseas. I remember being frustrated or mad that a lot of overseas Vocaloid fans don't actually listen to 2020s Vocaloid, despite it being highly popular in Japan. But with "Mesmerizer," I have hopes things will start to change. I have hopes that overseas fans will listen to the richness, diversity, and greatness of 2020s Vocaloid. I have hopes they will be drawn into the scene and look forward to new releases by new producers. I have hopes that "Mesmerizer" will ignite new creativity in producers and artists in the future to come, to build a new era; continually contributing to the idea of a "new soundscape." I believe "Mesmerizer" is the defining mark of this era of Vocaloid, and maybe might even become the top defining song in the footnotes of Vocaloid history.
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girlbloggen · 9 months
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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Watchers -undead creatures of crystal- are often a tad too chaotic to adapt to humanoid constraints. In an attempt to fix this, artificial bodies have been designed for them. These mannequins of sorts are possessed by watchers, and used for a plethora of means. When crammed into a full armor, not many can tell them apart from living beings, which makes them handy for the furthering of certain plots.
Hi! Today I bring some concept art and sketches for Gharmyra! The first one is one of these armored mannequins, donning a mask. The party found out some worrying truths about it- Such as the fact it was someone unwillingly made into an undead, and forced to serve its enemies. The other two are different explorations on what could these mannequins look like under the armor. Which approach do you like best?
Also, these are all drow creations, so I'm absolutely counting them for drowcember. Undead drow put into mannequins are still drow-- (as always, reblogs are much appreciated!)
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Working on this off-shoulder 50s-inspired dress to wear to a friend's wedding 🥰
It WAS apricot but the fabric lost a bit of colour in the wash, so this layer will end up being the lining and I'll use a different colour for the outer layer
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Still need to add another boning channel between the boobies so it holds the Good Shape™️
and the skirt obvs
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wheel-of-fish · 2 years
Gifset of the most chaotic Phantom moments?
Uhhh so this response is two months late, but better than never? I actually had to halve my choices because of Tumblr's image limit (but if anyone really wanted a part two...).
Masachika Ichimura when the mannequin got caught on the throne:
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Paul A. Schaefer's athletic noose-cutting maneuver:
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Peter Karrie faceplanting on the organ (which continued long beyond this gif):
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Eiji Akutagawa and a good 30 seconds of self-groping:
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Uwe Kröger and...this:
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Norm Lewis' horsey dance:
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John Cudia whipping partygoers with his cape:
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Josh Robson's "Masquerade" entrance in the recent Sydney Harbour production:
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And Josh Robson performing "Point of No Return" with Georgina Hopson in the rain:
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cheatsykoopa98 · 6 months
Theory About Abstracting
long text below (the amazing digital circus)
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I saw people taking the meaning of abstraction in TADC as "to remove certain parts of a program" and theorize that they get corrupted because they're losing parts of their virtual self, their sanity and stuff, but what I actually believe happens when one abstracts is you lose 100% of your original self to the virtual one.
Ragatha says going insane itself isn't what makes you abstract, but it's part of the process. It's when you reach your breaking point that you abstract. But what breaking point? If you're already insane it means your mind is already broken, right?
So let's look at Kaufmo, he's a clown, he likes to tell jokes, and according to Gooseworx he was a little bit too positive, like Ragatha, that fits his character within the circus, but apparently his jokes weren't good, and when people did laugh, they were faking it
We don't know how long Kaufmo knew about that, but it appears to hurt him badly, both by Ragatha saying he called her out for fake laughing and Gangle saying he got mad at her for not laughing.
So what am I getting at? I think Kaufmo only abstracted because he "gave up", like Zooble puts it. His room shows he was obssessing about the exit, but like, a negative outlook on it, like "I know there is an exit, but I won't ever be able to reach it, it's hopeless". I think the moment his spirit breaks and he gives up the last bit of himself to embrace his clown persona fully, he abstracts. The abstracted parts (that is, the removed parts) aren't the virtual ones, but the real part of his mind as a human. That's why he turns into a beast, he's not human anymore but just a jumbled code of what used to be a player
(basically abstractions are the source games error model lmao)
So when his mind is gone and he's just the avatar Caine made for him, he abstracts (probably not intentional since we know Caine isnt malicious, just incompetent). Caine is smart and knows how to make NPCs for the adventures like the mannequins, Bubble, the Moon and the Gloinks, but he can't comprehend fully how a human acts, so in his logic "humans are unpredictable, chaotic, so since Kaufmo is giving no player input anymore I'll just replace him with an NPC that is unpredictable and chaotic" which is the monster we see, and since he fails every time to recreate a human but can't really (isn't allowed or is unable) to kill or let the humans leave, he just throws them into the cellar
So in conclusion, I don't think anyone in the main cast will abstract because as much as their avatars do give away what they were probably like in the real world (someone who masks their sadness, a person figuring out their gender, a coward who is important in their ambient, a yes person, a troll, a person who likes to make people laugh and the person who is butt of everyone's jokes) as long as they don't give into being just that, but real people with depthful personalities, they will be fine. Probably miserable, but fine.
(TL/DR): Abstraction is AFK mode, Caine can't have a circus if the players are brain dead not doing anything after giving up on their individuality completely, so he tries to recreate the player as an NPC, fails, buries his mistake in the cellar and moves on
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