dashvegan · 5 years
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Morning! Happy August from Derek who is a lovely pig resident at @brinsleyanimalrescue @brinsley_animal_rescue with an important message for you too - we will be supporting Brinsley all month with our Charity Dhal for a Fiver deal. Available Weds to Friday every week with £2.50 from each sale going straight to this local vegan run animal sanctuary who do amazing work for the rescued animals in their care. Peace and happy pigs ♡ . . #charitydhal #supportlocalrescues #brinsleyanimalrescue #veganfortheanimals #vegancafe #piglove #lovepigs #notforprofits #communityinterestcafe #friendsnotfood #bestsmile #livinghisbestlife #veganruncafe #veganaf #veganactivist #veganactivism #rescuedanimals #animalrescue #veganislove (at Dash Garden Cafe & Zero Waste Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nc8bpJ6x-/?igshid=1ddhsjqocgwoi
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dashvegan · 5 years
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Hey hey! It's Wednesday! We have our fab Charity Dhal available today alongside sandwiches, toasties and lovely cakes to tempt you! All freshly made and 100% vegan. Why not come come and sit in our sunny flower-filled courtyard? Jordan and team look forward to serving you ♡ . . . #vegannotts #vegannottingham #nottinghamvegans #veganfooduk #charitydhal #charitydahl #communityinterestcafe #vegancafe #plantbased #eatplants #plantpowered #whatveganseat #healthyeating #veganmealdeal #veganeats #vegan #veganfood #veganhealth #glutenfreevegan #coeliacvegan #glutenfreenottingham #glutenfreeveggie #glutenfreedairyfree #glutenfreeveggie #veganglutenfree #tastyveganfood #veganbusiness (at Dash Garden Cafe & Zero Waste Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BMWGcp_y9/?igshid=4bia6qfy1alp
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