#chasms hades pjo au
thestarstoasun · 29 days
Casting for my PJO Hades AU which started out as a Solangelo Hades Orpheus & Eurydice AU but then I started to place more characters and came up with interactions and it got out of hand.
Clarisse La Rue starring as ACHILLES
Silena Beauregard starring as PATROCULUS
Clovis starring as HYPNOS
Percy Jackson starring as ZAGREUS
Jason Grace starring as THANATOS
Annabeth Chase starring as MEGEREA
Mrs. O'Leary starring as CERBERUS (think canon Hades cerberus but dark with green eyes)
Will Solace starring as ORPHEUS
Nico Di Angelo starring as EURYDICE
Cecil starring as HOUSE CONTRACTOR (which is just an excuse to boost interactions between him and Will bc I was seriously debating making him Wretched Broker)
Hazel Levesque starring as MELINOË (even though she won't be mentioned much at all until probably Hades 2 comes out)
I'm still placing characters, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know!
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apollocabinrep · 23 days
OMG, I was restarting Hades bc I just got it for my laptop bc I haven't been able to get Hades II yet (the world actually hates me). I get to write Achilles!Clarisse training Zag!Percy. This isn't my normal account I'd post this on, but this just came to me, so wtv
• Clarisse refuses to start training him with a weapon at first. She forces him to do punches and lunges for hours a day & will reassure him with positive affirmations with a dead straight face.
• "You're doing great, Perseus." 😐
• When they start actually fighting against each other (still without weapons), she SWEEPS the floor with him. After she's done beating his ass, she'll lean against her spear and explain where he messed up. Percy catches on and will work on his mistakes.
• She only let's him pick up the sword when he managed to catch her off guard and tie with her. "You litt-...Good job, Perseus. That was actually really clever."
• Clarisse is surprised by Percy's raw natural talent with a blade and starts to smile more as he smiles every time she genuinely praises him for his achievements.
• It's around this time, Clarisse notices just how shitty Percy is treated by his father (Hades) and she takes a vow to herself to do better so Percy has someone he can actually trust and rely on other than Nyx.
• When Percy expresses he wants to leave to find his mom, Clarisse supports him completely and knows she'll risk it all to help him because he has a chance to do better than she ever could.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
lookism x pjo snippets?
og au plan is RIGHT HERE and i didn’t wanna reblog bc long posts get nerfed by tumblr sometimes but i Saw this in a dream and i gotta write it down before my shitty memory deletes it
here we go: [i’m literally jumping right to the ending bc idk what’s in the middle]
the death of jay hong, son of hades.
hyungseok didn’t know what happened.
one minute he was standing there, happily chatting to crystal and jay, and the next minute crystal’s eyes were glowing with a righteous fury hyungseok knew didn’t belong to her.
“crystal!” he shouted, parrying her sword with his own, “get a grip!”
jay tried to help him, but the daughter of zeus brushed him away like he meant nothing, her electric blue eyes solely focused on hyungseok. crystal’s blade came down on him, heavy with the wrath of the gods, and all hyungseok could do was try his best to hold her off. he’d always been better with a bow than a sword. he didn’t have time to learn all the weapons before being shoved into a quest. 
he didn’t want to hurt crystal, nor did he want her to hurt him. so all he did was defend himself, refusing to attack. she attacked him with everything she had, lightning and thunder and years of living as a demigod. 
“crystal, stop!”
she swung her blade down, her entire form wreathed in lightning. hyungseok would’ve been dead if not for jay pushing him out of the way in the nick of time. the son of hades grunted as crystal’s sword sliced a line from his shoulder to waist. his blood sparked with lightning, and the scythe in his hand clattered to the ground as he collapsed.
hyungseok took a deep breath, trying to control his world shattering around him, and with all the power he could muster, he shouted: “CRYSTAL, STOP!”
she froze where she stood, halted in time.
hyungseok fell to his knees next to him, trying to stop the blood. jay’s breath came in ragged gasps. “jay, stay with me, come on, you gotta stay with me!”
jay coughed weakly, and blood bubbled out of his lips. i’m okay, he tried to say, don’t worry about me.
“but you’re bleeding!”
well... he reached up to press a clammy hand against hyungseok’s cheek. better me than you, i suppose. you’ve got more to do with your life than let it end like this.
and then a hole opened up in the floor.
jay’s hand latched onto his immediately as the concrete floor under him fell away, and hyungseok grabbed onto jay’s hand with all the strength in his body. he squeezed so hard he could feel the bones in jay’s hand shift under his grip.
it was hard. jay was around the same height as him, with a similar build too, and hyungseok didn’t know how long he could last. the fight against crystal had already left him exhausted.
you have to let me go.
“no! i won’t!”  hyungseok shook his head vehemently. “ jay, you’ll fall! you’re already-” both of their hands were slippery with jay’s blood, and hyungseok almost lost his balance when a part of the pavement next to him crumbled and fell away.
jagiya, it’s okay. jay still had the energy to smile at him, even though his grip was growing slack. the underworld is my domain. i know it’s tartarus, but i’ll be fine. 
tartarus? hyungseok had heard about the rumors - tartarus was reserved as a special kind of hell for the wicked and the damned. even if he was hades’ only demigod son, there was no way jay - kind, sweet, mortally injured jay - would make it out of there alive. 
hyungseok couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing jay again. “even if you’re a son of hades, that’s still- you’ll still-”
jay’s smile turned sad. i love you, he mouthed, his lips moving around the words. more than i care about myself. so you have to let me go.
jay’s hand slipped out of hyungseok’s, and hyungseok watched him fall down, down, down, until the darkness swallowed him whole. the yawning chasm to the underworld closed with a rumbling of earth.
hyungseok couldn’t stop himself from shaking, gasping as the tears fell from his eyes. jay was gone, maybe forever.
the only thing left of his best friend - his friend who loved him too much to let him die, sacrificed himself to tartarus for him - was the jagged crack in the ground, and the blood on hyungseok’s hands.
“i swear,” he whispered, his guilt and grief fading into a red-hot, boiling rage, “i’ll destroy all of those bastard gods, every single one.”
the silence was deafening. it was like the gods were mocking him, saying i’d like to see you try, boy.
the threads of fate had already been put in motion, and there was nothing more hyungseok could do than fulfil the second half of that god-damned prophecy.
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
Alright, I've been thinking a lot about Hades Orpheus and Eurydice Solangelo, more specifically who would be who. Eurydice has more of a southern twang and the heart, which reminds me more of Will, however, in the beginning she holds a grudge against him, though she still checks in on him. Personally, I still see her character fitting Will more, but when I talked about this with my sister, she said the grudge could fit Nico.
Orpheus is still completely enamored with Eurydice even before you bring up that you've met her, though only referring to her as his muse. He is more downcast and has a sense of self-loathing for looking back and losing Eurydice, fully believing she hates him for it. He loses his sense of self in a way, refuses to sing as he sees no point without her. I think this resonates well with Nico's character, but my sister thinks it works better with Will's.
So, here's a poll. Feel free to ask questions about the au as well
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thestarstoasun · 19 days
• Will finds any excuse to mention his muse (Nico) in conversation, so much so, the other members of the House (Clovis, Clarisse, Annabeth, & Cecil) tend to tune him out as soon as he starts about the guy because Will once spoke about Nico for several hours when the original topic was fruits.
• Clarisse and Will have a "I miss my lover but I'm sure they hate me because I was indirectly a cause of their death" club. They're the only members. The club meets, what they assume is, weekly. Time is hard to tell in the House of Hades.
• Clarisse looks out for Percy much like Achilles does for Zagreus in Hades. She sees herself in him (ambitious, arrogant, brave, lost even) but also sees how different he is. She can see where he shows more guilt and compassion than she had in life, only now learning many traits after her death.
• Cecil and Will were friends before Will's punishment/imprisonment. He reminded Will of the good parts of his life, and the musician was surprised to hear that Cecil had no memories of his mortal life, if he ever had one.
• Will is a firm believer that Cecil did and refuses to let his friend think otherwise.
• Unless having an important role in the House of Hades, making it to Elysium, facing an eternal punishment, or clinging to their living memories, the dead slowly start to fade into the shades found around Tartarus & the House of Hades.
Still working away on this AU. The brainrot for it is actually insane rn. May post more about designs a bit later. I can't draw to save my life, but I will be as descriptive as possible
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thestarstoasun · 1 month
I once again turn to Tumblr for support in trying times (character placement). I had two really good / funny ideas for my Solangelo Hades Orpheus & Eurydice AU, which has evolved just a littleeeeee with the cast. It's at the point where it's a very non-typical Hades AU. ANYWAYS, I've been trying to work out exactly the placement on who ends up re-uniting them / being the part or Zagreus (or me switching it to be Melinoë bc I still haven't decided.)
If I went with Zagreus, I was thinking POSSIBLY going with Percy as they have similar personality traits (not taking shit from the Gods (though for Zag its just his Dad), sarcasm, slightly obliviously secretly smart, but also having lapse of judgment) and bi percy rep, obv.
It'd be Percy (as Zag) / Jason (as Than) / Annabeth (as Meg)
I could use Hazel as Melinoë, but since Hades 2 isn't out, I probably wouldn't have any ships w/ it
Give me some ideas
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
Hades Orpheus and Eurydice Solangelo AU
• Will's hair was blonde and curly when he was alive. His skin was tan with freckles on his face and trailing over his shoulders. Once he died (it was not old age that killed him), his hair turned dark, though. Unlike the character he's based on, he has blonde streaks towards the front/bangs. His hair lost its curly nature, becoming more unruly and untameable (quite like the feelings of shame and self-loathing that he previously lacked). His skin took on an almost zombie-like blue-green hue.
• Nico is a dark oak wood dryad (since nymphs are strictly females. Male dryads are called Durs). His hair color, both alive and dead, is black. However, his eyes change. While he is alive, the brown flecks of his eyes are a lot more noticeable. Once he dies, they darken to a much darker brown, almost black (like Nico's canon eye color). After death, his "skin" also turns shades paler, giving him a more ghostly appearance.
• When Will is first ever brought up in conversation, Nico becomes a bit standoff-ish and snappy. After all, while he was stuck in Asphodel, he had heard rumors that Will got to perform in the House of Hades. As if turning around and leaving Nico all alone wasn't bad enough.
• When it's brought up that Will won't sing, Nico grows curious though. Even more when he hears that his ever bright, loving sunshine blames himself for Nico's demise (as he should, Nico had thought). It wasn't like Will, though. What had really tore at his heart was hearing just how dead his love had truly become. Even if Will had cursed Nico by turning around, Nico knew that if he had been in front, he wouldn't have been any better.
• I may have Hazel reunite them (in place of Melinoe instead of Zagreus since I haven't fleshed out where to place everyone, so this is subject to change). When they are reunited, Will's voice loses some of its somber edge, almost sounding like brightness itself. Nico is nearly always seen at his side either singing with him, hiding a smile, scowling, or something of the sorts.
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thestarstoasun · 18 days
Finishing up Ruegard's character descriptions for Hades AU and the urge to include both Patroclus' stomach wound and Silena's PJO face wound in the description is so strong. LIKE PLEASE.
Also, Connor may or may not be Wretched Broker rn, but depending on how I feel I may change Travis to Wretched Broker.
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thestarstoasun · 16 days
Other Character Appearances Hades AU Part 1 - Ruegard
Clarisse: In life her hair is a light brown (a mix between offical art and this fanart by @Soia_jpg on Twitter and here on Tumblr! Further down is a link to their tumblr!!). The hex code I've found that best resembles what I'm going for is #7E5423. Her hair is still grown out like Achilles in the Hades games, but when she was younger she had shorter hair.
Similar to the official art, but instead it barely reaches her shoulders and you can see the slightest beginnings of waves.
Clarisse's hair is naturally the lighter blonde color, hence why after death her hair lightens. She has her canonical eye color - dark brown.
When it comes to outfits I am honestly torn between doing two things for her and Silena (Patroclus). The first outfit idea being Clarisse having more of a baby blue colored version of Achilles' outfit (which I will add a picture of the canon outfit below.) The gray/silver accessories would also be replaced with garnet and the symbol would be a goldish yellow.
The 2nd idea is simply keeping the canon outfit.
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Silena: In both life and death, Silena keeps her natural dark brown hair. It falls down around to her mid-back with the waves. Half of her face has a burn scar on it from Apollo's interference and, though normally covered by her outfit, her stomach has a scar across her stomach where she died in Clarisse's armor.
Once again, she also has her canonical eye color - blue eyes.
Once again, two outfit choices that I haven't really decided one or the other yet is the canon or; where Clarisse's is a baby blue, Silena's is a pale pink with Anemônê, or poppies (ive chosen red), on her headband.
Notes: Anemônê is a flower associated with Aphrodite. During her life, Silena would pray to the Goddess in hopes of one day being able to spend the rest of her life relaxing with Clarisse at her side.
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^ Canon character sheet
My hc for Silena's face scar came from Soia_jpg and their beautiful artwork, which you can look at here.
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