#chuuya out of the mafia 2k23
murderlacrosse · 1 year
this is something i talked about on twitter but. thoughts on chuuya's happiness or lack of in the mafia after the stageplay madness ?
i don't think chuuya is unhappy in the pm but do i think he is happy ? no. he's probably not even considering his own happiness tbh.
he shackled himself to the organisation bc of the dead bodies he carries on his back and bc he's desperately searching for a meaning/purpose.
he has not changed since he was 15, in contrast to dazai who's evolved and is somewhat seeking a healthier way of life. chuuya hasn't. he's someone who was very similar to dazai and who stayed that way as a 22 y old. he has a ton of issues he hasn't solved bc he doesn't face them.
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and this is literally what this scene means - chuuya was opposed to dazai in that scene and only one of them changed. he literally stayed stuck as the teenager in search of a place to feel useful, clinging onto anything that'll give him a purpose.
and another very interesting thing we have is chuuya's character emo song Darkness My Sorrow :
"The world is a bird cage, faded in colour
Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison
Even if I get tired of the night and tear off my shackles
That eye who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard is also here"
the whole theme of it is chuuya saying he's trapped in a cage, but fuck everyone and the world bc you know what ? he'll persevere out of spite.
but in contrast to this way of thinking, he mentions Kierkegaard, who's a philosopher known for his theory on how choice gives humans profound anguish. which i think can be related to chuuya bc choosing probably gives him that anxiety - all the choices he has to make in regards to the sheep or the pm certainly are not easy ones and they take a toll on him. one that he'll never acknowledge bc it isn't the time to hesitate or talk about feelings, it's time to act, as he says in DA or below in his song :
"Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments
I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black"
and there's also this bit :
"I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone
Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY)
Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all.""
so while yes, he did choose to be part of the pm (and won't let anyone take this act of choosing away from him), imo we have enough material to consider that chuuya is a very self-sacrificial character, with suicidal tendencies to boot. i just don't see him as a happy person ? despite doing what he wants most (protecting the city and the ppl he cares about) and living life with his very chuuya-ish moral compass, i think that he's mostly on survival and work mode.
tldr; chuuya needs to leave the mafia and do his own thing after he gets his character development
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