#claire is going to get a good grade in ariadne underwood - something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
future-crab · 6 months
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Once again, getting a commission of my OCs from @hotdrinks made me want to share a little bit of writing from the story they're from. Merry Christmas? (idk if this really counts as a present but oh well.)
Ariadne was a puzzle that  took a bit of decoding to figure out, but Claire thought she’d gotten quite good at it. Raised eyebrow meant, "Go on," pursed lips meant, "Stop talking." Pinching the bridge of her nose meant performative exasperation, massaging her temple meant genuine exasperation. That one particular smile of hers where the corners of her mouth pinched together tightly meant, “I have somehow convinced myself that if I laugh in front of my coworkers they will never respect me again, so I will not laugh at your dumb joke,” and that one sharp, barking laugh of hers meant the dumb joke in question had caught her off guard. Glasses pushed to the top of her head meant either, “I have a headache,” or, “I’ve had my nose buried in some dense legal document from 1898 for so long that I’ve lost all sense of time and space,” or, “I have a headache because I’ve had my nose buried in some dense legal document from 1898 for so long that I’ve lost all sense of time and space.” And Claire was almost, but not quite, certain that that one particular smile of Ariadne’s, where her lips barely moved but her eyes went all soft around the edges, meant, “I adore you. I don’t know when that happened, I don't even know exactly why, but I would give the world to you if you asked.” Claire’s answering smile always meant that, anyway.
(BTW I'm pretty sure @hotdrinks ' commissions are currently open)
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