#col 🚬
jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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stringilamiamano · 6 years
quando vorresti una sigaretta 🚬, ma se esci fuori voli via col vento
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 10 months
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Choking On Truth
Red Leather and Running Mouths
Danger's Bitch
Soda, Cigarettes, and Broken Glass
Broken Doll
Bitch Barbie Cooties and Golden Fountains
Fuzzy Gazes and Bruising Grips
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: top (sub) Col, bottom (dom) Dom, needy boys, rough sex, anal sex, degradation, insults, topping from the bottom, nervous Dom, multiple orgasms, bruises, slapping, rough play, refusing to admit feelings, dumb boys, teasing, unsafe sex, too much lube, size kink, body worship, Dom being a contortionist, lots of admiring and a little fluff 🚬 rating: explicit af
Dom was shaking. He was standing in his lover's bedroom, water from their shower drying on his skin as he watched the older man watch him, and he was shaking with anxiety. Colson was watching him with the softest eyes and hardest cock, those long fingers teasing over his abs as if he too was nervous and self soothing. He didn't know why the hell he was so worked up, it wasn't like he'd never been fucked. There were some Kells knew of and some he'd probably throw a bratty bitch fit if he found out about. He'd not really penetrated men himself before the rapper- it always seemed silly. If he was going to sleep with someone who could hit his prostate and make him see stars why would he waste the opportunity on using his dick?
No, the handful of men he'd been with had done exactly what was scaring him and it felt so dumb to him that he was nervous. He understood why to switch finally, every time he got to watch his best friend come alive because of him he understood why it was good to be verse but that was the one thing they hadn't done and he wasn't quite sure how to let himself. He ran a hand through his wet hair and he watched his sub's dick jerk at the way his muscles moved, his hole clenching in response. Well his body was certainly ready.
"We don't have to." The man tried to soothe and Dom rolled his eyes. After all he'd just done to make him work for it and now he was going to say something like that?
"Oh yeah? We don't 'ave to? I don't 'ave to do summat? Ya fink I don't know tha'? Wanker. Course I fucking know. But if ya need for me is so little ya can jus' let it go…" He trailed off with a growl and turned to go back in the bathroom, completely ignoring the frustrated noise his partner made.
"You're such a bitch! You know I didn't mean it that way! I was trying to help you feel better. Now get your ass back in here and on my dick! I've waited over a god damn year for it, you won't make me wait another fucking second!" For just a moment Colson was his normal self, he was the man who stood on stage and shook his hips and told girls to call him Daddy. For just a moment he felt his ego return and the cockiness came naturally but then Dom stalked back into the bedroom with a look on his face he hadn't seen since the first night he got fucked.
The punk stayed silent, his nostrils flared and his lips as thin as they could become. He wasn't shaking anymore though and that was all the man was trying to do. He had to drop his head to hide a smirk. Fuck was he in for it.
"Wha' the fuck did you jus' say to me whore? Wha' 'appened tha' made you fink you get to demand any part of me? You? You me bloody pet, you me fuck doll if you lucky and you fink you get a say? I obviously ain't taught ya well enough."
"You wanna spank me about it or do you want to see what it feels like when I wreck your fucking guts?" Kells was panting but he tried to keep his voice steady. He was terrified to talk to his Dom like he was but in a way it felt even more like when they were just friends. They used to mess with each other a lot even though he'd always been a little subby for his lover. It was obvious in interviews, he wasn't that puppy for anyone else.
Dom's brow arched and he took a deep breath. He was on fire for the bastard back talking him and felt somehow safer at the thought of letting him be top. Col wasn't just his brat, he was his best friend. His protector for years. Somehow the bitch wasn't backing down though and so he thought he'd try a different tactic. He felt his shoulders drop, his face softening to a more bored appearance. He crossed his arms and stalked closer to the bed, his hips swaying. He made sure to part his lips and tilt his head. "If you fink you can fuck me right you can try. Such big talk for a virgin." His purred words got the reaction he wanted, his love was about to explode but he started speaking again before the man could go off. "You fucked some girls sure, you the master of tha' I suppose but luv, I'm a whole new world. And I am very particular about 'ow I like it. Wha' if I fink less of yas after? Wha' if I gotta be 'onest and tell yas someone fucked me better? I don't wanna 'ear ya whining about it."
Kells fought a whimper and felt his ego dropping, that warm fuzzy feeling building in his mind that he got every time Dom degraded him. "I can do it." He almost slurred, still so gone from their shower play. His voice still rasped. He could still feel the ghost of a squeeze around his neck and every time he swallowed it made him drool from need. He crawled closer, staying as low as he could. That was his place, under his dominant.
"Oh yeah?" Dom purred, cupping his lover's cheek. He could feel how much he'd dropped him already and it was exactly what he wanted. "I dunno. Ya know 'ow it works sure but… I'm selfish when I'm getting it. I'm demanding and needy. If you don't do it right I'll be disappointed." He sighed and Kells actually snorted.
"Sorry but… how's that different from normal?" The slap across his face was worth it and he relished the burn. The next touch was soft again though and Dom pulled him closer, their breath mingling between them. "I can do it. Please?"
The singer nodded, moving even closer as if he would kiss him but he stopped short. Fuck he needed that boy more than air which he was quite sure he'd proven in their shower. When Dom went to move away a fear crept into his chest and he reached for his hand as he pushed up on his knees. The punk made a soft squeak of a noise when he was tugged back and before he could make a word of protest Colson kissed him. His hand tangled into that weirdly sexy skunk hair and he pushed his tongue past the other man's pillow lips. Their slick chests stuck together, their hearts racing. He didn't let Dom go until he was moaning and then he smirked against that gorgeous mouth. "Fine. Sit like a good boy." The boy huffed but his voice was thready and his cheeks were flushed.
Col obeyed and he crawled back to give the kid room. He watched as Dom found some lube and chunked it at him. It smacked his chest and fell to the bed and as he picked it up and popped it open, drizzling it over his shaft his lover was bouncing nervously. There was something adorable about it. "How do you want me?" He hummed, letting the viscous fluid dribble down before he smeared it around. Before he could look up he was slapped across the chest with a twirled wet towel and he shuddered, moaning low. "Thanks." His voice broke but he wiped his hands and tossed it away, he knew he probably wasn't supposed to enjoy that but he couldn't give a fuck. His lover made him enjoy everything. Dom could put all his basketball friends to shame with that thwack- fuck there was a welt already forming.
"Stay like tha', on ya knees. I'll uh-" Dominic took a breath, he knew he shouldn't be as overwhelmed as he was but he crawled into the bed and moved closer, rolling over once he reached the man. The moment the back of his thighs touched his lover's skin he jumped, he couldn't help it. Fuck if he didn't keep his walls up he didn't know what would happen. He might even say something silly. It hit him why he was so scared suddenly, he'd been fucked before but only by friends, he hadn't let a man inside him that he could see himself… feeling for. He knew how much emotion could creep up in the moment- he had a very sensitive spot and was blessed with the ability to reach multiple orgasms and he knew in that oxytocin fueled moment he might say something he never really had before.
"Hey, focus up Daddy." The voice was gentle but the touch on his plush thighs was anything but. When Kells gripped his hips and yanked him closer his train of thought vanished but his frustration with his brat mounted again. "There you are." He smiled, one of his hands slinking down between his cheeks.
"'Ey, no. I don't need prep." He huffed as one finger circled his hole and he watched as the man's cheeks flushed. Fingering was too much like kissing and kissing was too much like making love.
"So you're that kind of slut. I get ya." Colson teased and Dom laughed, pinching his inked ribs. "What? You're the one saying you're open. I'm just… assuming."
"You realize I fucked you wiv'out prep, yeah? Tha' cute lil virgin ass. Maybe I'm trying to be nice to you? Ya see 'ow it's-" Before he could finish with 'to your advantage' the rapper was already moving. Somehow the thought must have not struck before but his eyes lit up and his eagerness was obvious in the strain of his muscles not to rush.
"Yeah but you were a kinky shit that night." The man grinned but before he could do more Dom stopped him.
"I'm a kinky shit all the time luv and you jus' need to 'old steady for me." Colson's brows furrowed but he obeyed, pushing his thumb against the base of his cock to hold it straight and still. He choked on spit in the next moment when Dom threw his legs over Col's shoulders and moved himself, teasing his- needier than he'd like to admit- hole against his lover's tip. He stared up at the man as he bit his lip and fought not to thrust but that was what he loved about his pet, his fight.
The first press in took Col's breath away, he could feel himself start to shake harder as a sweat broke out over him. The noise was filthy wet, he'd definitely put too much lube on but he didn't know if Dom liked to ache too. His gaze dropped to where they were joined and he watched as he started disappearing inside the boy. He didn't know what was more captivating, how the punk's hole parted for him and swallowed him deep or the way Dom's cock jerked and drooled a steady puddle of precum on his belly the further Kells sank inside him. He couldn't help a few needy noises escaping, he couldn't completely control himself and he knew that was what his dominant loved.
Dom couldn't breathe, his body felt on fire at the stretch as he pulled himself down on his lover. He could feel how captivated the man was and it made his pulse quicken as Col's fingers shook where they held him gently. He'd seen and touched and tasted the rapper's cock so many times before and he always knew it would feel intense but he couldn't have prepared himself. It was immense and exactly what he'd always wanted. He had a passing thought that nothing would ever measure up but he pushed it away as he pushed himself flush against those strong thin hips. He tried to breathe but as Kells jerked and twitched inside him he swore it was all the way through his guts and choking him from the inside out. He couldn't show that though. "Well, ain't you gonna f-fuck me?" His voice was thin but he tried to keep it strong. He couldn't show how affected he was. He couldn't let his brat know he had any power over him but fuck- "You got a nice cock."
Sweat dripped into Colson's eyes but he felt his gaze fill with joy as he grinned down at his top. He had to be honest at least with himself, no matter how many times he would ever get to bed the boy, he'd never be top. "You're a bossy ass bottom. But I always knew you'd be a size queen." He teased, winking down at his best friend, calling back to the moment that got him the boy to begin with.
"You ain't seen nuffin yet but if ya don't move I'll-" Dom's growl broke off in a whimper when Colson knelt over him and pulled out enough to thrust deep. He'd never really heard that kind of sound from the kid and it was so sweet he instantly craved more. His palm pushed gently at one of the punk's thighs, leading one down but he kept the other tossed over his shoulder as he pressed close. Dom could take it.
"Yes Daddy." He purred, his hips finding an easy rhythm though he knew he couldn't stay slow. For just a moment he let himself feel in control and he closed his eyes to focus on the feel. Dom was so tight, his inner walls clenching and hot, the slick glide in and out was almost too much to handle. He could feel himself throbbing and he could feel every place he hit inside his lover but before he could fall too deeply into his fantasy there was a hand in his hair gripping and pulling him closer.
"I fhought you was fucking me? Who you-"
"Don't even. I was feeling you. You feel-"
"You get flowery and I pull off and you don't finish even if I do."
The rapper huffed and tried not to roll his eyes though it was tempting, instead he sped his pace and showed his dom what he could do. The boy moaned, a high soft noise that had obviously been forced out of him but Kells fought to find it again. "Stop looking at me like tha'." Dom growled, his own body moving in tandem until their thrusts were just this side of pain. The noises echoed off the walls, their skin slapping like thunder and Colson's sweat dripped over the singer like rain.
Dom fought himself not to feel too much but with every plunge deep he was pushed closer. For him an orgasm like that was overwhelming, and he could tell what was building might destroy him. His nails scratched down inked skin as if he could physically fight it off but his lover just groaned and begged for more. His thighs squeezed tight, his muscles trembling but he worked to control himself as long as he could. "Still bored?" The rapper joked, his hips snapping evenly as if he could do it forever but Dom could feel himself melting already.
"Eh, n-not so bad. Could be better if you was faster." He sighed, trying to keep his mental walls up tight but his inner ones gave him away. The man above him sped and he clenched tight, crying out when Kells angled right for his spot. His spine arched, his cock begging for attention but he might actually sob if anything touched him there. "De-deeper!" His voice broke but his pet obeyed like the good boy he was.
Kells bit his lip as he watched his boy squirm and he took a chance, slipping his palm under that plush perfect ass so he could pull him somehow closer. The noise Dom made was almost inhuman but he came alive more than Col had ever expected. "Don't- don't stop?" For once it was a plea instead of a demand but he would have done it either way. He made sure not to change any aspect of his thrusts as he felt his boyfriend shatter for him. His dick didn't spill but Kells had bed enough girls to know an orgasm when he saw it and he fought not to smile through his panting. There was a pride in his chest but it was overwhelmed by the beauty of his dom, the boy was a fucking revelation.
Dom knew now that his pleasure had started rolling he wouldn't catch a break or a breath until his lover came but he didn't have enough air in his lungs to command it. He could feel that gaze on him, taking in every shudder and gasp but for the moment he allowed it. It almost made the rapture stronger knowing he felt so fucking exposed. Tears welled his eyes as another wave built but his brat never slowed down. If anything he pounded him harder. Deeper. The man was a beast who couldn't seem to help but show off. The grip on his hip tightened, with every move close he pulled Dom against him and the punk was losing his control.
"Shit- better than any- any fucking pussy. Look how deep- oh God Dom!" Colson whimpered when he caught sight of his dick poking behind Dom's skin. It wasn't constant but it was a vision every time. He was near breaking but he wanted to make sure his boy knew he was still in control. "Please? Please let me-" He didn't know what sounds he was making anymore but he could barely speak over them and when Dom nodded he almost sobbed.
Colson gathered him closer, pulling him tight against his chest as he pushed Dom's other leg down and he sat up as they wrapped tight around each other. Sweat and more glued them tight almost instantly but they moved together, chasing that last peak as one. Dom's bravado had fallen away on his second wave of pleasure and all he could do was hide against his pet's neck and force out the word he needed most. "Cum."
Colson's hands gripped bruising tight as Dom's nails cut his skin. He bounced the boy as hard as he could but no amount of pounding could cover up how intimate and intense it had become between them. Kells hit that peak quietly, his harsh breath the only thing betraying his need but as white heat filled his insides and the man found his way somehow deeper in his guts Dom wasn't so silent. "Fuck- Colson?" His choked sob almost sounded like a beg and the rapper held him tighter as the punk spilled hot between them and they shook as they rode out their pleasure together.
Kells was a gentleman and scared of his lover enough he didn't comment on the tears or the way Dom clung to him. He didn't pull back and kiss him even though he wanted to, he didn't soothe him or whisper sweet nothings. He refused to ruin the moment so instead he just held his dom and panted with him, waiting for the moment they came down enough and the kid led him to however they would act next. He was learning damnit, he could be a good boy. "Better than Issac right?" He couldn't help but ask and the scoff he got in return was worth it. He knew what they felt, they didn't need words, he knew how to keep his Daddy from a panic attack. "Definitely right? Bigger too?"
"You're incorrigible." Dom huffed but smiled against his skin and he knew without a doubt he'd said the right thing.
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took me a bit but I am ☠️, I hope it was still good though! I tried to keep them true to their characters but let it get a little deeper. I hope it's what you hoped 🖤🚬
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 10 months
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Soda, Cigarettes, and Broken Glass
Original Drabble
Danger's Bitch
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: remember- these boys are a bit more aggressive and rude than my other versions! Proceed with caution. Angry Col, broken hearted Col, breaking shit, drugs, drinking, smoking, screaming, fights, MF hate, past relationship, mentions of sex with MF (Col obvi), mentions of miscarriage, mentions of lying about a miscarriage, d/s undertones, mentions of very rough sex, self hatred, insults, slapping, trying to punch, body worship, begging, use of homophobic slurs, Dom as a dom (surprise unless you've read the other parts of this), soft Kells, needy boy, throwing stuff, more begging, feeling exposed, hole... exposure? I'm not sure how to tag that 🚬 rating: explicit
Dom hesitated at the door, one hand gripping the knob as the other raised a cigarette to his lips. He could hear the screaming from outside and he wasn't sure he could handle the situation as much as he'd thought a few days before when he bought his ticket. He didn't fucking know why he thought he'd be the one to handle Colson when he was flipping shit. They were best friends yeah, fuck buddies on occasion, but this? Fuck- he could feel his heart hurting for the man. Something broke against the wall, something glass that shattered like the rapper's heart probably was and he took a step back and another drag. His hand fell from the door at the same moment it swung open and he and his lover stood frozen- staring at each other.
Col looked a mess, his blonde hair almost as wild as Dominic kept his. His eyes were red and the circles under them were so dark he looked like he'd been in a knock down drag out fight. The punk supposed he had been… with himself. "You alright mate?" He asked, his brow arched as he took in the ghost of the man he'd never admit to being a little in love with. He'd thought at one point they might have something but every time they got close something happened. Col had moved on- or so he thought.
"Dom?" Colson's voice broke, it was already so thready from the shouting he'd been doing for days. Anytime someone tried to help he just felt himself growing even more pissed and screamed until they left and then he screamed even more at himself for running everyone off. He couldn't believe the boy in front of him. He swore for a moment his subconscious had conjured the singer just to torture him but no- Dominic was there. It wasn't his heartbreak and it wasn't the drugs. It wasn't even the fact that he hadn't slept in a week and he was probably close to hallucinating. Dom had come for him. "Fuck no." He finally answered his question or he was cursing the kid's existence he wasn't sure but he felt himself start to crumple and the younger man stepped close, dropping his cigarette and wrapping his arms around him. The scent of Dom surrounded him, the warmth and safety and strength of his touch held him up and he finally did what he'd been denying himself for days- he cried.
Dom didn't know how long they stood in the doorway, the devil sobbing in his hold but eventually the cries quieted and he led the man back inside the house, shutting the door behind him. The normally strong and boisterous asshole was quiet and small somehow, he was normally soft for the punk but this was different. The man was in pain. There was a small part of his brain that cursed the woman and wanted to say 'I told you so' or 'you should have stuck with me'. He never thought Megan was right for Kells, she didn't deserve him but after their sex never turned into more they'd gone back to their proverbial corners and the man had met her.
Damn her.
He barely understood what happened but he wasn't sure he'd get the story. He wasn't there for that anyway. Sex or not they were friends and he would take care of the lanky lad. "You've lost weight again." He sighed, getting the giant settled on the couch before he looked around.
The breaking noise had obviously been a picture frame or a- well, he couldn't figure out everything that the man had smashed but there was a lot. Shards of glass and ceramic and so much else was lining the floor. He wasn't sad to see it all go though, he'd never liked Megan's taste besides her taste in boyfriend. Or should he say victim? "Fuck off."
"Original. 'Ave you eaten? Besides booze and pills?" He sighed, running a hand through his black and white hair as he knelt in front of the sofa and looked the man over.
"Eat a dick and get the fuck out of my house. Tell whoever sent you-"
Dom could feel he was working his way up to a rant and he really didn't feel like listening to it so instead he stood and dropped a hand into his friend's hair, tangling his fingers tight before he yanked Col's head back. "Did. You. Eat?" His voice was flat and annoyed and it sent a shiver down the devil's spine. It reminded Kells of the first night they fucked- but how could it not? Dom sounded bored and pissed, just like before. He shouldn't have such a pavlovian fucked up response but obviously he enjoyed people being dismissive of him. He'd just had his heart ripped out by a bitch who didn't care if he lived or died. "I'll take ya silence as a 'no'. Wha' the fuck Cols? Wha' 'appened? You look like shit."
The fist came at Dom's cheek fast and hard but he caught it in time and squeezed the rapper's wrist, pushing his arm back down. The audacity of some subs. "I'm exhausted and I won't 'ave ya acting a bloody brat. Came straight away from the airport. I got jet lag from 'ell. I drop every'fin to come and baby ya non existent tight arse and you try and 'it me?" He growled, tugging the man's head back hard before he let go of him and walked away.
He headed for the kitchen, finding a bottle of water in the fridge and smiling when he found a box of Dr. Pepper cans. He hadn't visited in months but he knew it was for him. Maybe they hadn't moved on as much as he thought. He took one and found a relatively clean glass to pour it into as he tried to calm himself. There wasn't much else, definitely no food but he'd figure something out. He couldn't go full dom on the broken man, it didn't seem right but he needed to get him better. He just had to be careful. Whatever they'd built in those sweaty nights was over. Wasn't it?
Colson could barely breathe. He was blown away that Dom had even shown up, he hadn't expected it but there he was. Gorgeous as ever and just as fucking controlling. Kells had spent so long as 'daddy' that the dick always threw him off. He looked soft and sweet but fuck Dom fit his name. He could already feel his cock trying to wake up but… that part was over wasn't it? He'd gotten too scared of the building feelings so he'd run away and met a girl. Something he could be safe with. Or so he thought.
"Drink." He barely caught the command before a water bottle smacked him in the chest and he made a less than attractive squeak but he obeyed. Something in his skull itched when he ignored Dom. The water was annoyingly soothing on his raw throat but it turned his empty stomach. As he chugged half the bottle he watched the kid take a seat across from him and he studied the tired boy. Man. Dom was growing up.
"You look like a skunk." He gasped as he took the bottle away from his lips and he felt some spill in droplets down his chin. He knew the punk was staring but the smirk surprised him.
"And you look like a street rat. Who's worse? I was finking it were more… Sweeny Todd."
"Bride of Frankenstein maaaybe. Did you just compare me to Aladdin?"
"Maybe. Now talk." The singer huffed, taking a drink of the soda he always kept stocked in his fridge just in case. Pete had tried to take one a few nights before and he'd kicked him out of his house. He was obviously handling his emotions well. He watched the way Dom licked his lips and he knew what they'd taste like. He'd kissed the singer enough that he knew. There was a phantom flavor on his tongue already- soda and cigarettes and that unnameable hint of just Dom.
"Nothing to say. Megan left. She destroyed my entire fucking persona with her- and I say this in the loosest sense of the word- book, and when she got what she wanted she fucked off. Just like everyone does." The last was almost a whisper, he didn't know if he'd ever been truly in love with her but his heart still ached. He was never good enough. "She promised she wouldn't hurt me. She fucking swore. She knew my past and how- how everyone has been and… she swore." He sniffled, he couldn't help it. "It's cool though. I should have remembered. I'm never worth it. I can't trust anyone to stay. Even… even when I'm in love with them." He didn't mean to spill so much but that itchy tic of a feeling in the back of his brain was going soft in the boy's presence. He obeyed almost on autopilot- he couldn't fucking help it. He hadn't really seen Dom in over a year besides once or twice and they hadn't fucked in longer, but that old need to please crept up. Their relationship had never really become one- whatever the fuck it was- but the punk had certainly owned his ass.
Dom had been maintaining eye contact but he lost it for a moment at those words. Kells had been engaged to the girl, of course they were in love. He knew while Col could get fucked by a guy or fuck one the man couldn't love one. He couldn't date them. He hated himself for being hurt by the thought of Colson loving anyone else. "I told you she weren't it." His voice was soft and low and his gaze was on the floor between them so he didn't catch the rapper moving until water was splashed all over him.
"Fuck you! Who fucking says that?" Kells shouted, he knew not to step to Dom but how dare he! His life was in shambles and the bastard says 'I told you so'? Only Dom could get away with that. "I tried to be fucking perfect, I tried to take care of her, I did everything I fucking could and it wasn't enough because I'M NOT ENOUGH- for… for anyone…" The man trailed off, his voice scratchy and thin and he leaned over, resting his head in his hands. He took a few ragged deep breaths before screaming yet again. It was the only way he could seem to communicate anymore.
Dom listened to the pain in his friend's voice as he wiped the water off his face, shirt, and lap with a throw blanket he hoped to hell was clean. It was a lost cause, the bitch had wasted half a bottle tossing it at him and it had already soaked in over his crotch. He hated soggy clothes. He found himself hating a lot since he'd arrived and he hadn't even been there long. Maybe he shouldn't have been the last ditch effort to fix the rapper. He'd already been on his way before Pete texted him- the second he saw that bullshit on TMZ about her moving out he'd bought a ticket so no matter what he'd be there but… he was starting to wonder if they'd grown too far apart.
He still remembered the sick feeling in his stomach when Kells started dating her. They'd never been exclusive, they hadn't even known how to push their fuck buddy status past that since they were both so busy and mostly closeted but since the moment Colson started with her for publicity he knew it would all go wrong. He knew the night they all went out to dinner together she had more intentions than that. Shit, maybe he was still a little upset. Hurt. Maybe they had lost too much to fix it after all. He thought for a moment about just walking out the door but he was a stubborn fuck and didn't like to admit defeat so instead he grumbled to himself and stood up, unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down as he toed off his shoes. He did it all one handed even though his Dr. Pepper was probably ruined by the water. Col was lucky he was so cute sometimes.
The rapper had already stopped screaming when he heard something rustling and he looked up slowly to see Dom… undressing? Once the boy got his pants off he set his drink down with a pout on his face and pulled his beanie and jacket off, finally tugging his tee over his head. "Um… what are you doing?" He asked, clearing his throat and shifting in his seat. What the fuck? Yeah, his cock was starting to wake up from it's whiskey coma. Shit, when did Dom get more tattoos?
Dominic ignored his question, he didn't care to answer something so obvious. He hadn't slept much in days and he had a headache from hell and now he was wet. "Feel better now?" He asked instead, crossing his arms as he looked at the broken man. He wasn't exactly trying to show off the muscles he'd built up but… maybe he was. He'd gone on a bit of a break up glow up after everything that had happened even though they hadn't really dated. He knew the guy liked his Tim Burton dominatrix vibes. He always had.
Blue eyes raked over exposed pale skin taking in every little change on Dom. They hadn't really hung out in over a year and the kid had definitely been doing some growing. The sight made him realize how much he'd missed. How much he'd missed Dom too. Shit, what happened between them?
"You was too bloody scared to be wiv me so you let her fuck us up." Dom's soft voice hurt his heart and made him realize he'd asked that out loud. Fuck. "I understood. I get it. Being a fag is one fing but everyone knowing you get fucked by Wednesday Addams? Nah bruv. Not the Machine Gun, aye?"
The Machine Gun in question sat back as if he'd been smacked in the solar plexus with those words, his eyes blinking slowly and his breath slow to come. "Thanks for coming all this way to cheer me up." The sarcasm dripped from his tongue like he wished Dom's spunk would. God he missed the taste of his lover. "You're a fucking prince. Fuck off Dom, you left."
"You didn't want me! You moved 'er in!" His voice was getting sharper and he didn't mean for that. He really had come to help but his heart was aching more than he thought it would.
"What the fuck did it matter?! You're poly aren't you? Cute how you come out after walking out on me!" Kells growled back, pushing himself to stand on shaking legs. He hadn't eaten in days or slept. He couldn't count the drugs he was on.
"I came out for you! And poly only bloody works when you actually fucking agree! I didn't want 'er! I wanted YOU!" He stood as tall as he could and regretted taking off his creepers. Especially when Colson took a step closer, his bloodshot eyes wide and his body trembling.
"Fuck you! I wanted you!"
"Why'd you fuck 'er 'en? I saw you Kells, I bloody saw ya! Jus' fucking stop. I came to keep your ass alive. Tha's it." He huffed, trying to stop the screaming match. It didn't matter what happened between them, they could still be friends… couldn't they? He turned his back, ready to move on and straighten up the house but a strong grip wrapped around his arm and spun him fast. "Wha' the fuck you on mate?"
Colson couldn't help himself. Someone was finally fighting with him instead of just walking out and it was the one person he truly wanted to have it out with. He knew his palm was bruising tight, his thumb pressing over a small tat on Dom's forearm. Soul. Did either of them have that? "Too much to fucking count. Fuck off! You. Left. You didn't even try! You never wanted more than a fuck. A whore. Maybe you were embarrassed by me-" His tirade was halted by a hand across his face. The slap stung and he tasted blood on his tongue but that was nothing new for them. Dom was a bit of a bitch like that.
"Never. You 'ear me? Never. I love- I loved you. I wanted to be wiv yas but you brought 'er in as a cover. Could of 'andled tha' until I caught you wiv ya dick down 'er fhroat. Was 'er pussy worth it Kells? Was it wet enough?"
Col was fuming, his face close to Dom's. His chest was heaving in anger and the boy was glaring right back. "Fuck yeah it was." No. It definitely wasn't but he wouldn't admit it in the middle of a fight. "I didn't cheat on you, we weren't fucking dating. We fucked around and you- you-"
"Wha'? Made ya feel summat? Took you apart like no one else could? Left you a needy desperate bitch like you is? Took care of you? Loved you? Fucked ya so good no one else could measure up? Wha' did I do?" He was so angry he was spitting with certain words and Kells was so close it landed on his face. It wasn't the first time he'd spit on the man that was for sure. His mind couldn't seem to decide if he hated the devil or loved him, he knew his words were all over the place.
All of the above? Shit Col didn't know how to handle the situation so he did what he always did. "You fucking left!" He screamed.
"She told me to!"
"Fuck do you mean? Why did what she say matter?"
"Cause she was giving you wha' I couldn't! She said she was pregnant!"
"Oh. Oh fuck. Dom I-" He couldn't say he was sorry for that could he? His voice had gone softer automatically and he felt that old pain well up in his chest. It was always so heavy. So thick. It tried to choke him. "She lied." He whispered and when Dom's eyes brimmed with tears and that jade gaze flicked away as if they were both admitting defeat he almost broke. "She wasn't. Ever. She threw that in my face too. Said I was probably fucking sterile after all the weed. When I asked what the fuck she was talking about she said she hadn't- we hadn't- she faked my kid to keep me from leaving."
Dom had trouble facing him as he spoke. The pain was palpable, he could remember the drunken midnight calls after Kells believed he lost a baby. He knew the ache himself, they'd both been through it with the same ex before but at the same time it felt like torture for him too. Did Megan just lie to get him to leave and keep Colson by her side? It didn't matter though did it? "You still fucked 'er wiv'out asking me." There. That was the truth. She'd stolen everything from them both but Kells had let her. "Why?"
"I was scared." He admitted softly, his pulse in his throat. He wasn't good at this shit. He didn't emote.
"Why?" And Dominic was a two year old. A dog with a bone.
"It was easier with her. I know tits and pussy. The fucking world knows I know it. I- I was falling for you and you treated me like a fuck buddy."
They were inches apart, pressed close. Dom wanted to take that last step and ignore their emotions to fall into each other but he couldn't. Not yet. That wasn't even what he came for. "Yeah well… I didn't know 'ow to 'andle you. You jus' fucking admitted to being scared to come out. Wha' was I supposed to do? Be ya secret boyfriend?" He scoffed. Dom didn't date. He definitely didn't fall in love. He shouldn't even be having the conversation he was.
"Maybe! You could have fucking talked to me." The rapper hissed but when he watched a single tear bead and drop down Dom's cheek all the fight went out of him and he dropped to his knees, wrapping himself around the boy's brief clad waist. His cheek pressed against his soft cock, his chin bumping Dom's balls. The musky scent of the singer filled his senses and relaxed something tight in his chest. He loved it right there. It reminded him of that first moment he'd pissed him off enough to get shoved to his knees. The memory was so strong he could almost feel the dick down his throat. "I thought you were fucking Isaac. You posted a picture of the two of you and I thought you were fucking. I was out with her at some stupid fucking event. I got shit faced and brought her home. One time. One. I didn't even know she told you she was pregnant too." There, he was finally being honest now that he felt stripped down to the lost boy only Dom could help him be. If he moved he'd build his walls back up but thankfully the punk didn't pull free. No, he stayed and started petting through his hair.
"I like you showing the tat again." He hummed offhandedly, scratching blunt nails over the shaved skin at the base of Col's hair.
"Thanks. She fucking hated it. Said I looked trashy." He couldn't help a small smirk but he hid it against the boy's cock as he nuzzled there. He'd done it on purpose to piss her off. Dom had always called him a brat but only he could see that side of the man.
"Pot, kettle, don't ya fink?" Dom could be a catty bastard but she deserved it. No one hurt his pet. "I didn't for the record. Not tha' you deserve the trufh. I ain't been fucked by 'im in years. Ya still don't fuck a bint to get back at me. You bloody well ask. Wanker."
"I know. I woke up sick because of it. You'd left me sweet good morning texts and I saw that and smiled before rolling over to see her. I fucked up Dom. I fucked up so much." He sniffled, pressing a kiss to the punk's cock. He could feel it starting to fill under his face and he wanted to pull him free. Play. Lose himself to pleasure only Dom could give him.
"It don't matter. I didn't come for tha'. Came cause you got your 'eart broken." Dom huffed, squirming to get free but the man was an octopus.
"Bullshit. You came because you miss me. You came to see me hurt. You came to hurt me too. You just… you came for me."
"I… I did. I can't Cols. Get off. I can't do it again."
"No? Get off! I didn't come to fuck. We ain't playing tha' you fucking brat." His voice was verging on that sharp sound he craved. He could feel the boy tipping over that edge and he knew how to bring out that side of him he needed so badly.
Lips curled around the singer's dick and he groaned at the hot wet breath. His hips bucked once but he tangled his fingers in blonde hair and tugged hard until the rapper whimpered. Blue eyes were soft and blown when they rolled up to meet his and something eased in his chest. Fuck he'd missed that look. Nothing ever made him feel as strong.
For just a moment Dom stared at him like he was in love before his fingers gripped tighter and he was pulled off and up. He thought the boy would toss him away but the punk sighed deep. "Fuck it." He whispered before he yanked the rapper off kilter and tugged him in for a kiss. Their lips met and Kells couldn't help but think how right he'd been, Dom tasted exactly as he thought he would. His lips were soda and cigarettes and when he flicked his tongue against them he found that last flavor. That special sweetened spice that was just Dom. They never kissed enough. He'd stolen their first quick one before his mouth was stuffed full of throbbing cock. He didn't even think their lips met once the first night he was pounded in front of a mirror. It wasn't until they woke up in bed the next day that they made out for the first time but as addicting as Dom's lips were he didn't share them often. Kisses weren't like fucking, kisses were making love. Whatever the fuck that was.
"Mmm fuck- take me to bed?" Kells whined, his cock was definitely awake for the first time in so long. Megan didn't want him that much, his dick was too big and he couldn't help but be rough and she never wanted to blow him or try anal. Dom didn't have those hangups and he needed release. He needed to reconnect to the only person that really got him.
"Excuse me? No. Ain't fucking you in the bed you cheated on me in. Don't fucking try me. You on fhin ice." The punk snapped. If he didn't get off soon he might break though. Shit he hadn't realized how much he needed the man. "You fuck in 'ere?" Colson couldn't shake his head fast enough as he pulled back and tripped over himself to reach the oversized ottoman. It was low to the ground and slick enough he might slide off but he still tugged his pants down over his ass and laid against it, presenting what he hoped was still an ass Dom needed. He heard a crunch under his knees but he didn't care if they came away cut and bleeding. They'd shared every other bodily fluid, why not blood? The wanker moved so fast the boy was left blinking, his brow arched as he stared down at his brat. They had plenty of problems to work through if they even could but he couldn't deny how tempting the man was. Their first time was a fight. The first time he shoved the fucker on his cock was because Kells had been an asshole. Now there he was, reaching those long arms back to hold his perky cheeks apart and expose his.
"Please? Punish me?" Colson begged softly, a puddle of drool already pooling below his mouth at the thought. His hole clenched in anticipation, his need a knot in his stomach.
"Won't fuck you if you fink it's punishment. Ain't never been wha' we are. I'll fucking spank you if you need punishment." They both shivered at the thought, Kells had such pretty whimpers when Dom made his ass cheeks cherry red. "Wha' is it to you?" He demanded softly but firmly, stepping close behind the half naked man until his shadow fell over him. He could always keep Col on edge. He knew every button before they ever slept together. He could just read him that well.
Colson could feel himself trembling, the anticipation was almost overwhelming. Normally Dom didn't leave him alone too long but he might have hurt the boy enough to get tortured. "What is it to you?" A hand came down on his ass so hard he jumped, crying out in surprise but it broke off in a wanton moan. He knew that meant the boy wouldn't answer. He'd asked first and he wanted the devil exposed in more ways than one. "Please, I need you. I missed you. I'm pissed at what she did but I don't- I don't miss her like I did you. Please? I miss you. It's… it's everything to me."
Dom swallowed hard, his eyes and cheeks felt hot like he was feeling too many emotions but… at least the man was opening up something besides his ass. "Didn't know you was such a pussy, Machine Gun." Of course the punk didn't think that way but he knew that was how Kells saw shit. Could he really let himself get pulled back into whatever they shared?
"Just for you. Now fuck mine?" Kells whimpered.
Oh fuck… yeah, maybe he could.
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @manicpixiedreamb0y @jaxbreaker @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Believe me I am definitely not done with the Viking/selkie au, I just needed a small break after everything. Thought I might work a few emotions out with this old mostly one shot. There might be another part if y'all want? Let me know 😉🖤🚬
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 10 months
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Broken Doll
Red Leather and Running Mouths
Danger's Bitch
Soda, Cigarettes, and Broken Glass
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: top Dom, bottom Col, rough sex, insults, d/s undertones, overtones, and everything in between, bruising, bleeding, biting, fingering, anal sex, ruining furniture, feminization, spanking, MF hate, trying to put each other back together, Col being a brat, Dom being a slightly scary Dom (hopefully in a hot way), subspace 🚬 rating: explicit as fuuuuck 🩸
Dom took a breath as his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. He could feel his dick pulsing, barely contained by the thin soft material of his briefs. He hadn't been so hard in a while. He had always been a free spirit sex wise but there was something special about the rapper exposing himself on the floor. He always made the boy feel more than normal. No one pissed him off so much and drove him so wild. There was something about the Machine Gun that made him need to dominate. It felt as if he was in love with a sweet school bully or working out trauma from his childhood with the only safe person he ever met. His feelings for Colson never made sense but they didn't make sense together. 
"I didn't come to fuck." He growled, reiterating what he'd already said as he watched the oversized stoner shiver and twitch with anticipation. Every note of his voice made the man jump, his beautifully painted nails tugging his cheeks open wider. It brought a smirk to the punk's face. "I came to take care of yas." 
"You are! Fuck- you are! Only one who can give me what I need. Make me feel b-" 
"Did I say you could speak or was I talking?" Dom's voice was flat and Kells whimpered, visibly sucking his lips between his teeth and biting down. "Tha's better." He sighed, crouching closer to run his finger slowly between the man's pink ass cheeks. "You 'urt me Cols. You 'urt me but I still came to take care of you. No one fucking works me up like you. No one. No one gets me like 'is. I don't bloody dom people." He huffed, resting his fingers on either side of the man's hole in a V and spreading him. It felt obscene and filled his cock somehow more. Everything between them felt obscene though. Colson was obviously tight but they loved it that way though he still hollowed his cheeks and sucked until saliva pooled on his tongue before he spit. His friend was so wound up he jerked at the feeling, grinding his dick on the ottoman. Dom's free hand slapped over his ass again, he hadn't given him permission to find pleasure yet. Fuck though he was a sight, the singer didn't realize how much he'd missed him. 
God that was a lie to his own inner monologue- he knew how much he missed him because he thought about him every day. After everything he'd taken time off dating. Nothing measured up and he didn't want to risk himself. Of course he was more virile than most and he couldn't help but touch himself to thoughts and memories of that perfect ass. After spending a year in that mindset without the true relief of taking the bastard apart on his cock he was a little pent up. Maybe he was enjoying the squirming a little too much. "Is tha' enough?" He purred, leaning closer and spitting again before Kells could offer an answer. 
"Fu-fuck me?" The rapper whimpered, his nails marking up his most sensitive skin and when he heard his lover chuckle he whined. Dom didn't do this for anyone else? He didn't do this for anyone else. No one could make him soft and pliant like the punk who owned him so easily. Women called him daddy and begged for his dick, he didn't even have to ask for sex let alone plead for it like he was about to if the boy didn't take him. No one gave him that sick needy feeling in his stomach. No one else would ever see him like he was. No, he was only Dom's bitch. 
"You probably fink you deserve 'is. You probably fink I'm easy for you. I am. Me anger is easy for you. Me cock. Me 'eart." He sighed, circling the man's quivering hole with the tip of his finger. He teased until the man relaxed and then he pushed inside to the first knuckle. He knew his brat was fighting himself like a champ not to push back. "I should wear a fucking condom wiv yas. Who knows wha' ya 'ad ya filfy cock in. I mean it weren't much more 'an fucking a used pocket pussy so much of 'er were plastic." 
Colson blinked slowly at those words and bit down on his lips again. He was pretty sure Dom hadn't meant to say that out loud but a part of him just loved him more. Catty bitch. His mouth popped free and he let himself moan before looking over his shoulder. "What was that?" He couldn't help but ask, a goofy grin on his face. It shouldn't please him so much but he knew how hard the boy fought to stay positive and kind. Hearing him angry made his cock jerk under him. 
"Nuffin. Shut up. Do you 'ave one?" Dom asked with a blush on his cheeks but when Kells shook his head he arched a brow. "Bullshit." 
"Maybe but… I'm safe. Please? Trust me?" 
Jade eyes met blue and Dom knew he didn't realize how loaded that question was. He didn't know if he could trust him like before, the boy was too much a puppy and gave himself fully to anyone willing to show him love. "I shouldn't. I know better. Should wear one and make you suck it. Shite Kells you know you gonna bleed for me. You trust me? Wha' if I been fucking-" 
"You haven't been." It was said so surely Dom almost spanked him again. He almost got up and left but… Colson was right. He hadn't. "You just said no one gets you like I do." 
"Not sure tha' were a compliment." Dom whispered, surprised at himself he wasn't kicking the man's ass. The rapper smiled, proud of himself and all the suffering he'd caused. Not because he hurt the boy but because someone actually felt something for him. "Why you fucking grinning? You keep it up and you ain't getting fucked." 
"Yeah I am." The man purred, letting his ass go so he could push himself off the ottoman and pull his shirt off. 
"Oh?" There was a flip in Dom's stomach and a twitch in his cock. His balls felt so tight he thought he might bust just dry humping the bastard but that's not what either of them needed. Why was his brat being so… cute?
"Yeah." Col hummed as he wiggled out of his pants and crawled on top of the furniture. When he was settled on knees and forearms, naked as the day he was born, and presenting like some bitch in heat he looked back at his lover and slowly let his thighs spread until his dick hit the leather and his legs were parted slut wide over the footrest. His toes were curled against the floor, his body spread in a way that kept him vulnerable and off kilter. He knew his dom loved it best when he had complete control. "Cause you love me." He tried to keep his voice a tease but butterflies filled his stomach and his heart raced. If Dom said no he might break for good. Shatter like all the glass on the floor. 
"Fuck off. Jus' fuck right off! Fucking wanker you is. Absolute bloody brat. Did I say you could move or talk?" He tried so hard to ignore the feeling in his chest. How dare the man be so… so… right. Dom could feel himself shaking with something between rage and lust and that was fucking it. He stripped his underwear off, stalking close to the man and he threw his leg over Colson's back, riding him to the ottoman. The rapper groaned, his arms going out from under him before his skin slapped the leather and Dom smirked at the sounds. He grabbed for his lover's arms, yanking them behind his back and he wrapped his briefs around his wrists and tied them tight. "You lucky I don't shove em down ya fhroat. 'Ow dare you fink you can talk to me like tha'." He growled, looking over his prone pet before he tangled his fingers tight in blonde hair and pulled his head back, tilting his face up for a rough and messy kiss. Everything felt filthy and rough and he had pent up aggression to work out on that pretty little ass but for just a moment he let his lips admit the bastard was right. Kisses weren't fucking, kisses were making love.
Colson whimpered against his lover's lips. The boy's tongue was filling his mouth like he needed his hole to be but he savored the softer moment and the feeling he knew the punk was trying to get across. He tugged at his restraints and tried not to buck down against the leather but he was getting more desperate by the second. He could feel the dom's cock leaking against his spine, the silky skin of his foreskin and pearly smears of precum just made his need worse. So much worse. There was a soft noise falling from his lips that Dom swallowed before it escaped but he still felt like the bitch he was. Only for him. 
Dom pulled back, his chest heaving in the wake of such a dizzying kiss. He tossed the man down, shoving his cheek against the furniture before he crawled off and walked to stand between those spread lanky legs. He let saliva pool on his tongue as he admired the sight of Col's sweat slick shivering tatted back. Part of him wanted to keep berating him, maybe if he kept snarling he wouldn't feel the truth. He might have Kells a begging bitch of a mess but he was just as hard up for him. He hadn't just come running to help. The man didn't just bring out the good in him, he brought out something no one else could. For good or toxic he loved him. 
Damn him. 
Colson went silent as he listened for his lover's next move but Dom was quiet as a mouse. He tried to reach down to help spread himself again but with his hands tied he couldn't. He knew the punk was enjoying this but honestly… he wasn't as nervous as he used to be. Something had changed for him in that moment. He trusted Dom, he knew he'd be taken care of, he knew the boy felt more for him than he'd like to admit. His cock was pounding, his stomach full of butterflies, his need was so intense it was burning through him but it was almost making him feel at peace. Fuck he'd missed being spread out for the guy. 
Dom spit in his palm and slicked his dick as best he could before gripping Col's hips bruising tight. He tugged him close, placing one knee against the furniture, the other foot finding purchase on the floor. It had been over a year since he felt himself surrounded by his favorite place and he was going to fuck the bastard silly until all he could think was of him. If he heard that bitch's name one more time for the rest of the day he would punish him. It was just that simple. He couldn't drive Dom so far up the wall and get away with it. "Are you done being a brat?" He huffed, grinding his precum and spit wet tip over Col's needy hole, his hips bucking hard enough he felt himself catch against him. 
"Fuck yes- please? Be so good." The rapper whimpered, flexing his cheeks to try and tempt the boy more. Every thrust had Dom's cockhead hooking against his hole and tugging and the tease was driving him wild. He could feel his own dick leaking against the leather, probably ruining the furniture he picked out with- no. He wouldn't think about her but he did let himself grin that his lover's first move here was helping him ruin something she loved. "Just so you know she wants this shit." He explained offhandedly and he caught the boy grinning. 
"I should take a bloody picture but I'll jus' 'elp ya stain it up." Dom chuckled darkly and the sound tickled over Col's skin like spiked silk. Something soothing with a shock of surprise to keep you on your toes. Dom would never let him relax completely. The boy with ADHD was Col's version of Adderall, nothing got him as wired. Nothing had him as addicted as those plush pillow lips and thick hard cock. "Now bite the fucking leather and 'old on." 
"I…" Kells trailed off, flexing his hands under Dom's chest and the boy laughed as if to say 'exactly'. A soft whine escaped him but of course he obeyed, turning his head and closing his teeth around the edge. He knew before long he'd be moaning like the slut he was but daddy got what daddy asked for- not that he'd be caught dead calling him that. 
Dom pushed himself up and watched as the tip of his cock disappeared inside his lover's rosey tight hole. He couldn't help wondering if there were tiny scars left from their first night together and if he'd make new ones in the tissue paper skin. His lip rolled between his teeth as his foreskin was forced back and precum eased his glide inside but fuck- his brat was tight. He could hear Kells whining already, the man was squirming and panting and trying to push back but he just kept riding him down until flesh pressed to flesh. He was home. Everything was right. 
The pace he found was as rough as his kiss had been and he groaned at the way his lover clenched. Every pull out was a fight, every thrust deep felt like heaven. It was a nearly dry fuck but Dom was always wet as a girl, at least when he was dicking Col down. He could see pink coating his cock and he tried not to let that thrill him. He didn't want to hurt the man but… maybe he did. Kells didn't have a word of protest. "Filfy fucking whore you is. At least ya pussy still tight." 
Colson moaned. He could feel his cheeks turning as pink as his asshole probably was but he loved when his dominant debased him. They hadn't really tried feminization before but he knew he started it. "Just for you." He repeated himself slurring and got spanked again for the effort. His hands fought to escape their binding, he needed to touch but he knew he wasn't allowed. All he could do was try to breathe and focus on the searing pleasure-pain and the way his hole throbbed in time with his racing pulse. Dom bucked too hard and his cock almost slipped free, the next thrust deep felt bruising as they squelched back together and he cried out, almost choking. Shit his lover was wet. Somehow he'd almost forgotten but that was his first thought when he felt the punk's dick down his throat. It always made him jealous. 
Dom bit his lip until it was close to bleeding, he could barely control himself but he almost broke the moment he slammed back inside his brat. His strokes got shorter, their bodies slapping together with every thrust. They were sweat shiny and he knew he was drooling on the man, but nothing mattered more than forcing his bitch to that peak just on his cock. His hold on Col's hip tightened and he pulled him up, angling his next plunge down until the rapper was almost sobbing from need. He could feel his dick catching against that swollen spot and he knew he had the man broken and bleeding enough he was lost. He was floating. But Dom would prove himself damnit. Only he could take the bastard apart like that. 
"Like tha' don't yas? Pretty little slut. You know you gonna be- fuck Cols- gonna be a mess. Want tha' don't ya? Be a broken fuck doll for me? Dripping me cum?" Normally he was quiet in bed but Colson brought something out in him. He could still remember demanding the man to watch himself in the mirror. "Tha's the real you." He growled, slowing his hips enough to aim hard and deep. Nails clawed at his stomach, long limbs spasmed under him, and Kells moaned and whimpered.
The man groaned, he was almost hiccuping he was so worked up. That golden coil was pulled so tight he was shaking but with every catch against that spot only Dom could seem to hit right; he was falling deeper into that floating warm headspace and closer to heaven. He tried to speak but it came out a gurgled cry, he was choking on spit and lust. He could still feel the burn but it was just heightening the pleasure and when teeth teased his shoulder he screamed. "Cum." It was short and to the point, a command not an offer and Colson obeyed as if he was just another instrument Dominic had mastered. 
The rapper shook through his orgasm, his hole clenching so tight Dom could barely pull out but he didn't need to. No, just the man's reaction would push him over the edge. His teeth bit down as his hips rocked rough, his cock grinding deep inside his lover. He sucked a mark into Col's skin, claiming him in such a simple way but it soothed the anger inside him and he finally let go. Maybe this was Colson but it was him too and as he fell over that edge he let himself admit it. White heat filled and spilled out of that tight pink hole and he let himself silently worship his lover. His. "Mine." 
Colson thought he heard Dom speak but he couldn't pay attention to anything besides the feel of cum getting fucked back out of him. It was like even after orgasm the boy couldn't stop but finally when they were both trembling from overstimulation Dom slowed and untied his wrists before he laid against his spine. He couldn't speak. He couldn't do anything besides shake and try to slow his ragged breaths. No one could fuck him up- or fuck him like Dominic. He certainly felt like a broken open doll and he loved it. For once he didn't feel like making a joke and dismissing everything that just transpired and when the kid rolled them to their sides and held him close he let him. More than anything he just wanted to float in the fuzzy pink cloud and be grounded by the arm around his chest and the growing soft cock keeping him plugged full. More than anything he finally wanted to fucking rest. 
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Hope this measured up to all you hoped it would be. I love writing these boys even if they're a little more messy and rough than my other versions. I'm not sure if I'll do more or go straight back to the other but maybe if y'all like it I'll do another. Let me know 🚬🖤
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 9 months
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Falling For Each Other
Red Leather and Running Mouths x Danger's Bitch x Soda, Cigarettes, and Broken Glass x Broken Doll x Bitch Barbie Cooties and Golden Fountains x Fuzzy Gazes and Bruising Grips x Choking on Truth x Wilde and Free x Hated Together
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: dom Dom, sub Col, fighting, insults, drug use, drinking, hangovers, getting outed, MF hate, the f slur, boys being dumb, teasing, edging, blow jobs, anilingus, falling, blood, sexual accidents, boys being dumbasses, nervous Dom, d/s undertones, breaking shit 🚬 rating: explicit
There it was, the truth was staring them in the face one morning when they woke up. A million alerts on their phones and a hell of a hangover from the night before. They'd gone out and partied, needing to cheer each other up and maybe one too many beers had them making out in the back of a darkened club. They hadn't meant for it to happen and the moment Dom saw it his heart dropped- a picture (or ten) of the punk slowly pushing Col's hand into his undone pants. Fuck.
What worried him most wasn't just the fact that they were exposed so boldly, he knew he could calm his pet down about that but Megan of course used it to her advantage, breaking her promise. 'I knew from the beginning but he lied so well and I loved him so much. I just hope he doesn't hurt Dom like he did me.' The back of his tongue tasted sour and the longer his boyfriend didn't speak the faster his heart beat.
They'd been in a tenuous place for a week, the song releasing had brought them closer but Kells was still so worried to hurt him. He knew the man might keep his feelings quiet just to further protect him but he'd beat it out of him if he had to. "At least we look good, yeah?" He hummed softly, his cock twitching at the sight. There was nothing incredibly explicit, it wasn't like his dreaded Billboard picture with Billie Eilish, Colson had slipped his hand into his pants and behind his shirt so nothing was showing. But their expressions… If he didn't know any better he'd say he almost looked in love with the brat.
"I don't like 'ow you look like the bloody top. Why'd I let you 'old me like tha'?" He huffed softly, annoyed that everyone would think he was the bitch.
Finally there was a deep breath and a sigh. "You were shitfaced. Besides, no one would believe this anyway." His tone wasn't as teasing as his words were and Dom swallowed a whimper as the man tossed his phone down hard and pushed himself out of bed. It automatically felt colder without him and he tried not to shiver. Maybe he just felt colder.
He watched as the rapper grabbed a joint and a lighter and made his way to the bathroom. When the door shut between them it felt final but he wouldn't allow that. Not again. Not now that they could finally be honest. He growled low and picked up a cigarette, lighting it and taking a deep drag before opening his phone again. He fought himself to make a long post about them, he knew better than to act too soon. The door opened just a crack and something small flew at him and smacked him in the chest. He jumped but whispered his thanks to the closing door when he found a prescription painkiller. Yeah, that should take the edge off.
He took it gratefully and swallowed half the water in the glass his boyfriend had left for him the night before and as he scrolled through his texts the back of his mind was screaming to fix it. Colson hadn't let him say anything against Megan before and while she was keeping her word he dealt with it but now? Of course she used what should be a moment between them to further herself. He was just thankful a few of the comments were seeing the truth. Some people were asking if she knew, why had she tried to steal the man. Some were even calling her a homewrecker. If they only knew.
Gavin had tried calling him, Tom's name was in all of his alerts, any way he could be reached, Adam just sent a string of what appeared to be obscene emojis in context with a thumbs up at the end. His friends were special. "Turn it off." His lover shouted from the bathroom and he huffed softly. He sent one text out before doing what was asked, he had to at least let Tom know he was alright. He'd deal with everyone else.
"Wha' makes ya fink you can tell me wha' to do?" He asked, rubbing his temple and taking another drag. His eyes felt fuzzy and his mouth dry but at least the oxy was soothing the pounding in his head. He had to admit the pharmacy his sub kept was helpful in some situations. "Would you get your arse out 'ere? You know I don't like talking like-"
"Like what? You don't like giving me a hint of fucking privacy?" The bastard interrupted and his brow raised even though his eyes stayed closed.
"Careful luv." His voice warned, there was an edge that promised he was dancing on Dom's nerves. He knew whatever their problem is wasn't about his fucking lack of privacy. Well, it might be about them not getting any but Kells didn't want space from him. If anything he craved to be closer. Always.
"Fuck careful. You wanna be careful now? After you fucking outed me?" Even hidden behind a wall Dom could feel the moment Col tried to swallow his words but they were already out. He could hear the man trying to rush through pissing to get back to him. He still couldn't help the anger that built in his chest. How dare Kells blame it all on him?! Before he could stop himself he was gripping his empty water glass and throwing it across the room to smash against the wall keeping them separated. The way the stream paused before resuming even harder would have made the boy laugh but he was far too upset.
"You wanted to crawl under the bloody table if memory serves, at least I kept you from looking like a bitch!" He snapped, hissing when his angry movements made his cigarette ash on his belly. He was trying to swipe it off as the door slammed open and his man stalked out to stare down at him. The cloud of pot smoke followed him but thankfully Colson flipped on the fan. They might be fighting but the man was always careful with Dom. Always.
"I still look-" He paused, finally catching himself before the wrong thing came out but it didn't matter. The implication was clear.
"Like a fag? Tha' wha' ya scared of luv cause let me fucking tell you. Let me let you in on a secret-"
"Don't tell me 'don't'! You is one Colson. The great and badass Machine Gun Kelly renown for 'is pussy game is a great big bloody fruit. A bottom even. A sub. You begged me on ya knees since day fucking one! You me bitch Cols. Why is it so bad everyone fucking knows it?" Dom's voice was raising as he pushed himself out of bed and stood to face his lover. The moment he was exposed Colson paused, his gaze dropping to his half hard cock. He couldn't help it, he was always drawn like a moth to the flame.
"But… why? I don't like anyone else." He huffed softly, hip checking the doorframe. He was still upset but the fight was draining out of him. It always did when he saw Dom naked.
"Fine, maybe you pan or summat, I don't care. I don't fink most of your fans give a fuck. You know wha' I been seeing? Support Cols. Your true people sticking up for us. A lot of 'em are calling 'er a 'omewrecker. Saying 'ey called it from day one." The punk smirked, he honestly wondered how it took them as long as it did.
The way the rapper's face calmed and almost went sad hurt his heart. The man had been so careful of him for too long. "At least no one thinks you're queerbating now huh?" He tried to tease and Dom laughed but it was a soft sound. They were scared of the unknown and this made their whole futures that. Colson walked closer slowly until he finally reached him and dropped to his knees, wrapping himself around his dominant.
Dom sighed and put his cigarette out before he tangled his hands in his boyfriend's hair and pushed him against his thigh. "I got you. Always got you." He soothed, scratching his blunt nails through the messy blonde locks. He could feel him trying to kiss over his skin and his dick started to fill at the attention. His brat had talked back to him though. "No. Go work your aggression out first. You ain't taking it out on me." He snapped, yanking rough at the man's scalp.
Colson whined, nuzzling his stubbled cheek against his lover's cock, his lips teasing over his tight balls. "I can work it out just fine right here."
Dom's answer was to push him back hard with his foot and to leave the room with his phone in hand. He had to punish his pet somehow and he needed to check in with his friends. Kells was left whining on the floor, his cock hard and leaking against his thigh. He wasn't surprised exactly, he knew raising his voice would get him in trouble but Dom rarely edged. He hated it.
Thirty minutes later Kells was hanging from a bar in his gym, his muscles burning from overuse. He was drenched in sweat and feeling far better than he had. His Daddy always knew exactly what he needed. He made it to forty upside down sit ups before the boy wandered in as naked as he had been before. He walked around as the rapper kept going and kept an eye on him but he could feel himself being watched. "One-hundred." He lied and his lover giggled, shaking his head as he finally made his way closer. It was certainly an interesting angle but Dom was near his dick a lot.
"Don't get down." The punk purred, his fingers tracing designs in his sweat. He couldn't help but shiver though he tried to obey. When the kid wrapped his fist around his shaft he almost slid off but he tightened his hold and felt his blood fighting where to rush.
"Dizzy." He panted, licking his lips and trying to blink the sweat from his eyes. Everything was fuzzy but with Dom standing over him he blocked all the light. The rapper had to rely on scent and that was all his boyfriend. The heady musk of dried cum was still stuck to his skin. He never cleaned up the night before.
"Good." Dom purred, stroking his lover. If he stood on tiptoe he could suck him off but he didn't want to give him too much too soon and that might actually make him fall. "Ya know, we could turn 'is into a lovely dungeon." He hummed, looking around. He could still remember the sex room Col had in his old house but of course Megan hadn't allowed that. Bitch was more vanilla than his mum's baked goods and twice as dense.
Kells whimpered, trying to put his arms down to ease the strain in his legs but Dom pinched his fingers between his toes until he stopped. If this kept up long he knew he'd pass out but it certainly wouldn't be the first time. Dom would take care of him. "You're all red." He teased, staring down at Col's face and the rapper laughed.
An idea struck him, he knew he wasn't really allowed to make decisions or ask for things, especially when he hadn't been a good boy but he hoped his lover would allow him something. "Spread your legs?" He was drastically thankful for how long he was as the boy surprisingly did as he asked. He could feel Dom's confusion as his arms pushed between those plush perfect thighs. The punk squeaked when Kells pulled him up off the floor. The palm around his cock tightened almost too much but after a moment his Daddy seemed to get the point and he wrapped his legs around Col's ribs as tight as he could.
Colson couldn't breathe but for a moment he didn't need to, his palms groped rough at pale freckled globes and his tongue searched out Dom's sweet pink hole. The flavor was musky and heavy, sweat and old cum and whatever just made Dom, Dom. A soft whimper escaped him as he tried to bury his tongue deeper but the boy struck, curling his mouth around Col's cock and that was fucking it.
Dom realized a moment too soon that his act of need was a mistake but he couldn't do anything about it. The man's legs slipped from the bar and they went tumbling, thankfully his ankles protected the rapper's head but his dick speared deep in the boy's throat and he choked hard, pulling off and spluttering. "You good?" The man rasped, his voice muffled between soft cheeks and Dom nodded but he knew he couldn't see. Fuck what a mess, but Kells didn't care, his boy could destroy him and he'd still beg for more. "What do you need?" It was a gentle beg and a way to show he was handing control fully back to his dominant but for once Dom just giggled and shook his head.
Normally he'd be embarrassed after something like that, normally he'd need to prove he was top. Instead of doing any of that he turned around and hovered over his still pink lover. "Oof, you bite ya lip on the way down?" He hummed, tracing Col's mouth where it bled.
"Probably more than that." He sighed, smiling up at his boyfriend. He was sure he was a mess but he didn't care, not when Dom stared at him like he was.
"Mmm, you fink blood works as lube?" He teased, he was sure some of it was painting his ass but he'd been allowing his man inside him far too much lately. The brat might be forgetting his place. "Suppose tha's why you ain't meant to work out naked."
Colson laughed, he was sure Dom was right but they'd been doing a little more than working out. He still hoped they would do more. "Why'd you turn around?" He pouted, making the boy smile.
"Wanted to look at you." He shrugged, flicking his tongue over the crimson covering his lover's mouth. There was a phrase floating around in his head and it turned his stomach to sharp winged butterflies. No matter what people thought he wasn't exactly soft, he couldn't be, not with all he'd been through. Still though there was something about Colson that had him thinking pretty words and slow sex. "Let me make love to you?" He asked before he could lock the words down and he fully expected the bastard to laugh.
Instead Kells froze under him, his blue eyes blinking fast for a moment as if he had to process the sentence. It sure as shit wasn't something he ever thought he'd hear from the boy. He wanted to ask what the game was but with Dom's heavy gaze on him he didn't think there was one. "Like… how?" He whispered, suddenly everything felt soft and loud at the same time.
Dom grinned slowly, he could feel himself shaking but Colson was trembling too. "Like me cock in tha' tight lil ass of yours like every night. Jus'... Slower. I fink." He hummed. Honestly he was just as confused by what he wanted. It wasn't something he'd ever even asked a girl, he didn't know what the fuck it entailed.
"I've never-"
"I know. Me um- me neiver. Wanna figure it out? Wiv me?" He stumbled over his words, for the first time he wasn't completely sure of himself and he tried to cover it up by standing up and reaching a hand down for his man.
"Yeah? O-okay." Shit, they were both nervous but neither knew why. The air felt electric though and every breath felt like fire. "Take me to bed?"
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
So this wasn't as rough as this fic normally is but I thought I'd let them get a little closer. I'm not even sure if these boys can make love but 😂 we'll all find out together ❤️‍🔥🚬
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 10 months
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Bitch Barbie Cooties and Golden Fountains
Red Leather and Running Mouths
Danger's Bitch
Soda, Cigarettes, and Broken Glass
Broken Doll
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: aggro bois, d/s undertones, overtones, and everything in between, top dom Dom, bottom sub Col, teasing, edging, needy boys, Dom being a tease, omorashi/piss kink (yep it's back!), grumbly Dom, very claimy Dom, MF hate, sex interrupted, MF getting put in her place, surprising use of pet names, threats, growly Dom, golden... grinding??, mild voyeurism, momentary blow job, loving control, insults 🚬 rating: explicit obvi 🖤
Dominic had been torturing the rapper since they woke up that morning. He was wearing nothing but an oversized hoodie of Col's that he'd owned since his Lace Up era and it was so stretched out and distressed it kept slipping to expose his pale shoulders. When he was really lucky the boy's soft cock played peekaboo with him. When the punk would hop back in bed or sit cross legged the frayed edge would raise enough he got a glimpse of one of his favorite parts of his best friend. It was rude honestly, at least Kells thought so because the bastard wouldn't let him play. He wasn't allowed to touch unless touched first. He wasn't allowed to try and get a better look unless Dom offered it.
They'd gone to bed after a quick nap on the ottoman in their mess, Dom was jet lagged and Colson hadn't slept in days so as soon as they could take a stable step they'd supported each other and stumbled to bed to sleep for over twelve hours. When they'd woken that morning the boy had stopped him from rolling out of bed- he said anything Col needed he could bring him. At first he'd thought it was sweet that his lover was trying to take care of him but he'd quickly discovered he was seriously mistaken. Dom wouldn't let him go to the bathroom and he wouldn't let him touch. It was as if the kid was punishing him for the last year of their lives and while he understood? He was close to disobeying but he didn't know what that would cause. Dom could be a spiteful little bitch.
"Hey Pepé, either let me go, stop giving me shit to drink, or get ready for a wet bed. You're being an ass." He grumbled and the punk paused his doom scrolling to glance at him. The dismissive look made his dick jerk but they'd been awake for over an hour and his bladder was pushing its limits.
"Fine, piss the bed she made you buy. You fink I got a problem wiv it?" Dom huffed, flicking his cigarette to ash on the rapper's chest and the man jumped, squeezing his thighs tight as if it would help him control his need.
"If you think this is torture you're mistaken. One problem babe-" He paused, rolling on his side and propping himself up on his elbow so he could take another long drink of his water. It felt like too much weight the moment it hit his stomach but he was a rebel at heart and it was hard to give in unless they were fucking. Dom did tend to call him a brat. He made a noise of pleasure as if it was the best thing he ever tasted before he rolled his eyes back up to meet Dom's. "I'm into that shit."
"And? Do you fink I'd make you do summat you wouldn't like? Not sure who you been fucking but I ain't an arse'ole. Oh wait-" His plush upper lip sneered at the thought of the woman who stole what was his. Of course he had an ulterior motive, part of him wanted to see his lover squirm but he also wouldn't mind ruining everything they'd bought to start their lives together. Whether the punk was a permanent fixture in the man's bed or not he planned to erase every sign the ex was ever near Col. Some might say he was vindictive or claimy but… she touched what was his first. "I ain't like her." He whispered, taking a long drag and looking away. He didn't mean to be sensitive but he knew it might be a soft spot for a while.
Colson took the safe road and chose not to say anything to that. If he said he knew it was still comparing the two so instead he took the cigarette from his dominant and finished the last drag before leaning over him and snuffing it out. With his body pressed so close he could scent the boy- underneath the hoodie, the dried spunk, and sweat was that undeniably comforting and enticing scent that was all Dom. It always both soothed him and got him hard as a rock but his dick couldn't decide what it wanted to do more. "Missed you." He hummed softly, resting his head on the punk's shoulder and tucking his face in the hollow of his neck. When the kid shivered he couldn't hold back a smirk but he didn't want to get in more trouble than he probably was already due.
"Fucking right ya did. But if you tryna get fucked you can move back to your side of the bed. Told you we ain't doing it 'ere."
Colson sighed and fought back an urge to bite at the smooth pale skin but he did let himself lick over the vein there. "Did you miss me?"
Dom froze, his hand squeezing tighter around his phone. Of course he missed the bastard, half the songs on his last album were about the wanker but he had a hard time admitting shit when he was hurt. "Wha' ya fink of 'is one?" He ignored the question but turned to kiss his brat on the forehead. He couldn't say it with words yet but Kells grinned as if he knew.
Col took the offered phone, glancing at the screen. He wasn't surprised to see a Cali king bed but he was surprised how soon the boy was working to erase Megan from his house. "Looks good to me. But make sure there's a strong headboard. And find some binds while you're at it?" He purred, passing the cell back and letting his fingers linger on the back of Dom's hand. He wasn't sweet. He never really was at least, but he had a lot to make up for. Spending some cash to make the kid happy in his home was the least he could do. That was the kind of shit he was comfortable with, spoiling people to show love.
His palm dropped, resting gently on the inside of Dom's thigh but before he could reach the promised land the singer slapped his wrist. "I'll find wha'ever I fink you deserve. I jus' don't like wannabe bitch Barbie cooties on me skin. Don't touch unless I say." The whole tirade was spoken as if he was bored as fuck but he went right back to his phone and the rapper was starting to get fed up.
He could deal with a lot, hell- he loved letting the fucker boss him around, but there was only so much he could take of being completely ignored. His stomach felt like it was about to explode and his emotions were shot whether from the overwhelming stretch of his bladder or just the past few weeks he wasn't sure. His grip found its way back around the boy's thigh as he crawled closer, kneeling next to Dom and yanking him further down in bed. "You fucking asked for it." He snapped and the kid had the nerve to fight back but he dropped his phone and all his attention was finally on Colson.
"If you fink I won't pinch ya on the dick-"
"Try me bitch, you've been-"
"Jus' fucking stop-"
"What the hell is going on here?"
The boys paused their wrestling match, the hoodie had traveled up the punk's stomach and was trapped under his arms, exposing everything to view. Kells had already been naked but his back was to the door and his ass was probably hidden from view by the boy attempting to spank him. He watched as Dom's daddy smirk dropped and his eyes went cold and hard. He was surprised by how little he was affected by the baby voice talking to him. With his lover near he didn't feel so fucking weak.
"Buddha? Didn't you get my messages? We have that interview today. You need to clean yourself up- actually? Maybe you looking like a kicked puppy is perfect."
Dom's brow arched and he gently pushed himself to sit up. He was confused by her words and the fact that she thought herself still welcomed anywhere near the man. He could set her straight though. He could see his lover collapse just a little, his shoulders hunching, those playful blue eyes staying on a spot on the bed. Maybe it wasn't just Dom he dropped for but the context was completely different. One was for pleasure and one was flat out abusive. "Kells luv, why does she fink you'd go anywhere wiv 'er after all tha' bullshite?" He growled low but kept his face neutral. She never saw him as anything more than a lap dog. Boy was she wrong.
"Hello Dom, I didn't expect you. I'm glad you came to keep him company while I was gone. Back now though." She had the balls to step closer to the bed and he almost threw something at her. Kells still hadn't moved.
"Cols, talk to me? Why does she still 'ave a fucking key?" He asked, cupping the man's cheek. He was flabbergasted that she wasn't commenting on their lack of attire but she'd seen them in less. Even when they weren't fucking and he'd visited once or twice they would get drunk and end up cuddling to sleep and neither of them really ever dressed at night.
The man swallowed hard and forced himself not to jerk free of his lover's touch. He was safe with Dom. He was just confused as to what he should say. "I don't know." He lied but honestly this time he thought she was for real. They'd 'broken up' a few times for her to come back and call 'publicity stunt' but that last time was far too fucking much.
Megan sighed a long suffering sound she didn't deserve. Dom couldn't imagine how she had suffered while torturing his pet. How dare she waltz in like she owned any part of the place or him. "Sweetie, it was just for show! Buddha, tell him. It looks better for my book if I leave him. But I have an interview set up for us about how we're working on it. I want you to talk about how it made you realize how wrong you'd been, okay?" She cooed, tucking a strand of perfectly placed copper hair behind her ear.
Her whiny voice was giving Dominic a headache. He didn't care to listen to it anymore and he wasn't sure how his lover ever kept wood with it whining in his ear. "Yeah I don't fink so sweetie. Fink you gonna get the fuck out of 'is house before I show you out. Maybe it was publicity for you but Cols knows better now. Don't you?" The moment he realized he was doing the exact same thing as she was his stomach turned. Colson wasn't a child or a pet and he could speak for himself. Dom had come up against her before and lost and maybe she was right about their soulmate status. Twin flames. Whatever the crystal coated fuck she called it. "Sorry luv. I'll… I'll go. Let you talk." He sighed, turning to push himself off the bed. He pulled off the hoodie he'd stolen and searched for his own shirt but it wasn't upstairs, he'd left it with all the mess they'd made. He couldn't hide a smirk knowing she'd find her furniture ruined. He took hold of his cigarettes and phone and tried to leave the room with his head high. Even if he wasn't chosen again at least he'd left his mark. In leather and in the man himself, a hickey on his shoulder and a tear in his tight pretty ass. His smile dropped when he heard a kissing noise behind him, her filler plump lips hopefully just on his cheek but he didn't care to hear more so he sped his pace. He couldn't handle the thought of them fucking when that hard-on was for him. God why had he let himself get pulled back in?
"No, ya know wha'? Fuck 'is. If he stays fine but I got summat to say-" He hissed, turning back around to confront the woman who's lies made them separate but he found Colson crawling off the bed and coming for him already and they smacked straight into each other hard enough their dicks brushed.
"Don't fucking leave me again." The man huffed, gripping Dom's arms tight enough to bruise. "Say whatever you want, then it's my turn?"
Dom grinned, nodding once as he cocked his hip against a dresser and stared her down. "Lemme start by saying you shouldn't copy me. Like I get it yeah? Kells is obsessed but it ain't the red 'air luv. You can't keep people by lying and fucking 'em over. You screwed ya shot by telling 'im the truf. 'Ow dare you lie to us boff about a baby- Tha's low. But the fact you put out a book trying to coast on lies about 'im? Disgusting. If you can't take the sins of man no more sweetie, go find a wife. But you can't do tha' can yas? You ain't bi bitch, you jus' fucking trendy."
"Who the fuck are you to talk? Aren't you supposed to be gay? You can't get a date besides Colson's sloppy seconds. I can promise you I'm not next. So unless you're talking about every time you molest your guitarist onstage I'm not seeing you queer either!"
Dom's brows furrowed, his head tilting as he looked at his naked lover a few inches away and then himself. Nude. Obviously having recently fucked. "Do you just not see me as a man at all Megan?" He was surprised when it was Colson that made the joke and even more shocked when he took a step back and wrapped his arm around Dom.
She rolled her eyes and threw up her arms. They both wondered if a tantrum was brewing. "If you want to be cute and lie about fucking someone else to hurt my feelings that's fine Daddy but him? Couldn't you have called one of your ex's or something at least?"
Dom knew he was being a little shit as he raised his hand like a naughty school child but he couldn't help it. "You literally stole 'im from me. I don't know wha' you on about but I'm still a bit tired and you're giving me a migraine. Cols doll, can we shower please?"
Kells bit at the inside of his cheek not to laugh at her expression as he turned his head and kissed his lover's temple. "Course Daddy just give me a sec? There's pills in the cabinet if you need." His heart jumped in his chest but the looks he got for finally saying the word that repeated on a loop in his head when Dom dicked him down was worth it. So. Fucking. Worth it.
Dom had never gotten so hard so fast in his entire life, Megan's presence had killed his buzz but that one word on the rapper's lips had him aching. He felt like a teenager again and suddenly wanted to act like one. The trouble was that he was naked as the day he was born and visible for all parties involved to see. He tried to speak but choked on his words and had to clear his throat. "Yeah alright luv." That… wasn't what he'd meant to say at all. And had he squeaked?
"Look Megan, whatever interview you have is going to have to be done alone. You're off my coattails, got it? You're out of my house, my bed, my fucking music, I'm not helping you get roles anymore. Shit… have I missed anything? Oh yeah, off my fucking dick and get the fuck out. After you apologize to Dom for the bullshit you pulled to get me alone. I don't want your words anymore but maybe you can at least prove you're a human. You got what you wanted, you almost matter again, now kindly- fuck off." Colson took a breath and felt as if he'd been physically fighting. Maybe it was just the hundred and twenty pound weight off his chest though.
Dom squeezed his arm in an attempt to say he was proud of him but he had his own words. "Can't turn a bloody rat into Minnie Mouse can yas? Jus' keep 'is name out ya mouf or I'll tell everyone the truf. Don't matter if people believe me or not, it'll be out." He shrugged but his gaze kept catching on how sweaty his lover was. Fuck. He could tell the pleasure was tipping over into pain and he didn't want him sick. He just wanted the bitch out.
"No. Seriously Megs, Daddy's been torturing me all morning and if you don't leave I will piss over everything you own and claim it for him. Unless you're trying to watch us fuck."
"I'm adventurous but I don't like tha'."
"See? Bye." With that the rapper grabbed his phone and took Dom's hand, tugging him into the bathroom and shutting the door behind them. He texted his bodyguard who lately had been staying in his guest house. Just in case. Her damn "book" had gotten him more hate than he could handle and he was never sure if people would actually try for his life. He didn't care if she tried to fuck up his stuff but he wanted her gone and he knew if either of them even tried to lead her out she'd say they hurt her. Fuck, how had he gotten trapped in that clusterfuck so long?
Dom was proud of his lover and skeptical of leaving her alone but after a moment there was another voice in the room. Oh- guards. "Smart."
"Thanks. The house isn't under her name yet so she's fucking trespassing but I don't give a shit-" He sighed, pushing his back against the door and panting. He felt like he'd run a mile, she scared him more than he'd like to admit but even though he was shaking, for once it was less to do with her and all for the beautiful bastard in front of him. "Did I do good?" The words were soft and his throat was tight but Dom smiled at him and stepped close, cupping his cheeks and placing the softest kiss on his lips he'd ever felt from the hard ass dom.
"You did perfect. Now…" The singer trailed off, dropping his hand over Colson's belly and pressing until he squeaked. "Fink it's time… you let go." There was a weight to those words that felt like a balm to his soul and as Dom let his hand caress down his stomach to cup his cock he let more than his piss free.
Dom smiled at the first rush of warmth in his palm and he teased them both by stroking and playing in the liquid gold. After letting it rush over his hand he stepped closer until their dicks were slotted together and squeezed tight between their bellies. The stream slicked their glide as he moved his hips, gripping the man's own tight in his hold. The rapper whimpered, the pleasure of release already too much but having Dom grinding against him was heaven. The river was a steady mess, at times squirting up between their chests but the sound of it trickling to the floor was almost comforting. His lover groaned, his cock throbbing against Col's own but he didn't think they'd be getting off so easily.
Dom purred when Kells whined, his hips bucking harder and he watched as the golden fountain he'd made between them slowed. As soon as it was left to droplets which quickly changed to pearly beads of precum he stepped back, leaving his pet gasping and shivering against the door. "No, not yet. Such a brat you is. Finking jus' cause you call me daddy you get off? Bollocks. You gotta work for it." And fuck he knew the man would.
"Knees. 'Ands and knees." The punk growled and watched as his lover looked down to the mess between them. He wondered for a moment, the man had said he was into this but- "Good boy." He purred with a parted lip smirk when the sound of Colson hitting the wet tile echoed through the room. He took a step closer, another, until he was standing so close that the wet tip of his cock brushed the rapper's cheek. His fingers tangled in his lover's hair and he yanked him closer. "'Ungry ain't you?" He asked and his brat nodded, sticking his tongue out to try and catch his cockhead.
Col was trembling and it was almost completely about the boy taking him apart. He could still hear his ex bitching outside the door though and it was harshing his safe space. "Wait-" He whimpered, a little too overwhelmed but what amazed him was how quickly his dominant took a step back, so much of his demeanor changing with a hint at a red light. He knew Dom's stance on consent, he'd heard the speeches at his shows but seeing the way he completely dropped his persona was still shocking. "Shit, we're good. I just- she's killing my wood." He flushed and neither of them had to look to know that wasn't exactly true. But she was certainly ruining his subspace state of mind.
Dominic grinned, petting his lover's hair before he stepped around him and pushed the door open. "Oi! Fuck off yeah? Trying to get me dick wet." He huffed and the man still on his knees blushed hotter. The annoyed look on Megan's face made him smile wider as he flipped her off the good ol' fashion way. His gaze caught the other man who just gave him a nod and held up his phone as if to say someone else was coming. "Do you really wanna be carried out by police?" At that she finally looked away and made some noise he was sure was supposed to bother him. His mother was a harsh woman though and a little bitchy huff was nothing. "'Ere we go, better luv?" He asked as she stormed out, followed by the guard. He closed the door and turned around but he barely got a moment to breathe before Kells was surging closer and swallowing his cock as deep as he could. "Fuckme-"
The mouth around his shaft paused and blue eyes rolled up to meet his own before Colson eased off and whispered something he hadn't expected to hear for a while. "Can I?"
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @cole-way-iero28 🖤
Have another chapter! Hope you enjoyed! I keep writing too long chapters for this one but maybe you like that shit 😉 have a little omorashi and daddy Dom! Should Col get to be top or should he have to work for it? 🖤🚬
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