shittyjadedaily · 9 months
Hey! You should annoy Karkat.
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gendertrickster · 6 months
Hey, because I don't want to seem like a dick, if I seemed angry or annoyed in the vriscourse post I didn't mean to, bad with words. I unironically love having discussions with people about different viewpoints of characters. Death of the author and all that so anyone can have their own interpretations of things even if it differs between people and whether that was the original intent of the writer is irrelevant.
okay well if i seemed angry or annoyed it's because i was. i'm not sorry to say this but going against trans women on whether a character who is a trans woman has textual and paratextual basis to be a trans woman is not conducive to civil argument and will without fail invoke hostility because trans women have and are continually required to fight for and justify their own existence against transmisogyny. please have some basic decency and read the fucking text
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calware · 2 years
About the HS2 religion thing, wouldn't the only people who know about the religions be the kids and they only arived long after earth c had an established culture?
troll religion got brought back, i'm just not sure why the same wasn't done with human religion 🤨 also a lot of other cultural aspects are brought back, such as technology, architecture, language, fashion, etc. to me it just feels like it was left out for no real reason
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alexandergenesis · 9 months
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Drawing some of my mutuals' ocs and sonas because I wanted to but I couldn't find the template
@the-one-from-dres, @confusedhomestucktrash, @jampreserves, @iknaenmal, @ratemisia and @calware (I hope mentioning you all is alright)
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alexandergenesis · 10 months
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this took TWO MONTHS but I sure am hyped about my own rpgstuck game
Hytera Vespar (gold) played by @confusedhomestucktrash Erebus Joliot (robot) played by @ratemisia Erckus Vulsep (rust) played by June who isn't on Tumblr yet Drawn and GMed by me :)
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