c0rinarii · 11 months
Boy yuri is real and its in your house
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pc98reimari · 3 years
HC: Reimu is actually NOT a legitimate descendent from the Hakurei bloodline. She was adopted by the previous Hakurei miko as she refused to have a child directly. Yukari knows about this as she was tasked to raise Reimu alongside Shingyoku after the sudden demise of the previous Hakurei miko.
This explains why she has not fully mastered her abilities as the Hakurei shrine maiden and the reluctance of the Hakurei god to interact with her, as well as her noticeably different attitude compared with previous Hakurei mikos. Reimu doesn't know this however, and Yukari is planning to keep it a secret for as long as she can so to not pressure Reimu any further.
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c0rinarii · 6 months
The fact that Shinki is the creator of makai; hence a creation goddess, and the fact that Alice also creates life (dolls) should be explored more
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c0rinarii · 3 months
i dont know why this has to be constantly reinstated in some parts of the community but "lol reimu racist" arguement is at most a strawman and a terrible read into her character even without the deep dive into her lore (see: literally the chapter in WaHH where she willingly takes in Reisen II)
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c0rinarii · 2 months
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c0rinarii · 14 days
Happy destruction day! please save me from my finals 😭
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c0rinarii · 9 months
If you see Reimari as Squidbob, im revoking your rights to Reimu and Marisa's characterization i think
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c0rinarii · 6 months
Maybe unpopular opnion but Stollen's skill is very hard to get right ☹️
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c0rinarii · 2 months
Gonna recompile some thoughts about the 13SAR characters now that im past midpoint!
Juro: Oh its getting juicy.... unfortunately my boy is still as intresting as a plank of sheet wood but im intrested to see if his character goes anywhere outside of the Kyuta stuff going on. Im also sorry i ever suggested to u to make out with Kyuta.
Iori: SHE'S SO FUNNY.... I aspire to have even an inch of her whimsy and dedication to being so #normal. I too would like to confess to my weird as hell crush disregarding the fact he's a dangerous fugitive. Girl of All Time
Shuu: Frat bot facade is slowly starting to crumble and im here to see it. Uncover the truth, gayboy‼️
Megumi: I FEEL SO SORRY FOR U GIRL.... 😭 May you find peace in the future but its an overall shitty situation to be in. truly have her in my thoughts and prayers
Natsuno: I WAS SO HEARTBROKEN TO SEE HER WHIMSY FADE AWAY ONCE SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF THE KAIJU 😭😭 I love that she managed to maintain her optimism despite the awful situation she's been put in though. Still a joy to see pop up on the screen
Keitaro: HE REALLY IS A GOOD BOY... He's just trying his best and i love him for that. You'll save everyone you care about i promise [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND TAKATOSHI!! I SWEAR]
Takatoshi: Boys be fighting demons and demons is bisexuality. I enjoy him a Regular amount and i appreciate seeing his himboisms so much in the game. I never want to seem him That sad again [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND KEITARO!! I SWEAR]
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Yuki: MY PRINCE.... MY SHINING STUD‼️‼️ I love her a very normal ammount and seeing her slowly uncover the truth is nice to see. Definetily much smarter than she think she is.
Gouto: The fact that he is ong for real Ryoko's government assigned boyfriend is the funniest thing to come out of the game so far. He's still gated behind a huge completion milestone but so far i feel like he's trying to make sense of the situation the best he can. Unlike Tomi though, he's very scared of the circumstances of if he disobeys orders, i think.
Ryoko: She's been such a mood so far that i now think of her with her hands on her head when i stress about my uni deadlines. Im so sorry for Ida being anywhere near her life. She should get a wife to kiss and heal her. I give her full permission to kill anyone who breaks her heart. My snarky queen
Ei: HE ACTUALLY GREW ON ME I CANT BELIEVE IT. He really reminds me if the cool rivals with a soft spot you'd see in shonen anime and I cant be too mad at that. I enjoy how taciturn he can be too.
Nenji: HE'S ACTUALLY SUCH A SWEETHEART... knowing that he was childhood friends with Miwako really made me like him more (esp with how he treats her!) Loveable idiot.
Tomi: MY MUTUAL... OOMF IN ARMS... #GIRL IN LAW. Literally love how's she's written her personality is so so colorful. She has definitely said some out of pocket shit on twitter before and ill defend her with my life.
Miwako: I WILL WRITE YOU INTO RELEVANCY MYSELF‼️‼️There is so much oppurtunity to write her as one of the 15. LET THEM BE 16‼️‼️ HER "easy to develop crushes" SELF CAN BE MADE INTO SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER TO THE NARRATIVE RAUGHHH
Chihiro: I can see she's really trying her best to save everyone from the kaiju and seems to resort to any means neccesary to do so... i appreciate the effort despite the uh. [gestures] unethical treatment towards minors ig
Ida: EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY UR FAULT. I CANT BELIEVE IT. This would be half the disaster if you learnt how to sod it with ur selfish desires i swear.
Kyuta, Not-Tamao, 426, Izumi: I CLOCKED UR SHIT, SNEAKY BITCH. I dont trust a word you say. """"Means well"""" in the end i think but has way more messed up ways to go around it compared to Morimura
Miyuki: So far looking like the only person willing to help these kids in a way that would not give them severe trauma. Rooting for u girl.
[No thoughts on Tamao since i consider Erika as 426]
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c0rinarii · 3 months
Some midgame thoughts about prominent 13SAR characters so far!
Juro: Typical otome protag personality. A makeout session with a boy who's also intrested in sci fi media (Kyuta..?) would save him probably
Iori: Ouh.... her whimsy is ethreal.... her eepyness is too strong... they'll kill u girl
Shuu: LOOSERBOY EXTRODINAIRE <3 I knew he'll have a Certain personality to him
Natsuno: SHE'S SO CUTE 🥹 Love u my sci fi neurodivergent genki
Yuki: OUHH.... HUSBANDT...
Hijiyama: All that I could hope for. His pathetic guy swag. His stupidity. God bless
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Miura: This boy is literally so adorable... i hold back tears seeing how much of a good boy he is
Tomi: I did not expect her to be so mysterious honestly! Surface level personality she's deffo my fav... self aware sassy girls my beloved
Nenji: He's just been exerting his himboisms with not much actual personality to show yet so i cant judge. Extremely funny in a "oh this guy is pathetic" way though
Ei: When i posted my character thoughts to my friends discord initially i forgot to include him 😭. Sorry girl but so far nothing really sticks out aside from woughh serious personality
Chihiro (Morimura): Nothing much outside of "ouhh catty sexy lady" so far
Miwako: I WISH SHE HAD MORE CHARACTER SIGNIFICANCE 😭😭😭 her potential is that close to being realised istg i'll write her more into main story myself
Kyuta: You scare me! what are u scheming.
[Not including thoughts on Tamao, Gouto and Ryoko bc i havent met them enough to form a solid opinion of them yet]
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c0rinarii · 2 months
Tempted to rate the 13SAR routes like this
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c0rinarii · 2 months
Marisa is that unemployed friend that somehow makes more than her girlfriend who's had her job for a decade at this point
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c0rinarii · 2 months
WELL! I have just concluded the game that i bought on impulse bc i was hyperfixating on some of the characters (guess who!). I have A LOT of thoughts, but i'll start with some nutshell character thoughts and pairing shenanigains. Spoilers below!
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That 4th tier deserves a bit of elaboration
Juro: He is, at his core, a blank sheet of paper. A mild sandwich with no seasoning. And I like how this game handled that fact bc he was someone more prior to this, but he's given a new personality so he can rest from being so self-sacrificing (if he's anything like the juro izumi from 2 loops ago). He's in the "they're there" tier for a special reason, bc he's kind of meant to be just There.
Renya: Despite being there just to help the audience answer some questions regarding the fucked up narrative of the story, I think what gives him a leg up from the "They're there" tier is his lowkey hilarious relationship with Ryoko. He is perplexed and lowkey salty about how short their relationship lasted no matter how hard he tries. He tries to not gaf as much as Ryoko does but he still does. Ei calls him out on this. Its so so funny.
Megumi: HER NARRATIVE ON GRIEF WAS VERY WELL DONE and if it werent for the spaghetti bullshit of an ending the epilogue was, I would be soooo so intrested how she'd handle moving on from Izumi. I find the concept of Juro/Megumi much more bearable with Juro now having one sided feelings for Megumi while Megumi considers giving him a chance or not. That wouldve been a great closing to their relationship instead of. just getting toghether with no qualms! yeah juro i totally wasnt mouring a dead version of you in that simulation. lets kiss.
Miyuki: I KNEW YOU COULD SAVE THOSE KIDS WITHOUT INFLICTING SEVERE TRAUMA. Sadly aside from "saviour from above" themeing with her, theres nothing much outside of that. While im greatful she was there, she is just there in the end. But her efforts give her a leg up from that tier.
Chihiro: The concept of a very peeved elderly woman stuck in a pre-schoolers body is a funny one and im just extremely glad that 13SAR is not big enough that sobposters arent using her at large to fufill their degen fantasies. Aside from that shtick though, nothing else. Thats literally a baby
Moving onto the canon main pairings!:
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I saw someone calling HijiOki queer-bait and i can kindaaaa see why when basing it off the epilogue. Yeah they havent seem to progress much past 5 years and are at best still at talking stage while some of the others are literally married with kids (oh i'll get to that.) But I like to see it as the only pairing with realistic progression past. everything thats happened. Aside that they're just very funny!! Love their dynamic, will be rooting for them no matter how long it takes.
I did not expect myself to like SekiFuyu this much!! I do agree that Iori ESPECIALLY deserves more story outside hanging with gals and crushing over Sekigahara (not to say i didnt like it!!), but im very glad that the story subverted my expectations! I want them to be happy first and foremost, but i feel like the added angst from Iori realisng that she was a clone of THE Chihiro Morimura wouldve made this ship just a little bit more peak. Aside that, I support Iori shoujoisms and Sekigahara finding love and happiness.
I think my rating on Nentomi will change the more I ruminate on it. MeguJuro would be bumped up above RenRyo IF they didnt immediately fall in love after those 5 years and have Megumi still "thinking about it" while Juro goes "pleaaase :(" bc i think Megumi deserves to tease him a lil and think more about What the hell happened. ShuuYuki is the worst case of comphet between a lesbian and a looser bisexual ive seen.
Now.... the elephant in the room.
Ive talked to moots about how much i abhored the ending at first. Aside from the Darling in the Franxx-esque cop out, you expect me to believe that some of them just. got toghether after everything?? without any processing of What The Hell just happened?? nothing at all?? god
Im not the one to usually complain about comphet bc yeah its something i hate, but it usually doesnt sour my experience of consuming media so much. But god this is where its one of the main reasons why an ending is ruined for me. I hate hate HATED some of the epilogue scenes, esp with Nentomi and Shuuyuki bc of the straight people "my wife sucks but i love her" humour it radiates. ugh.
I would've loved a much more... bleak? more bittersweet?? outlook on the situation? after realisng everything is not real and you are basically the 15 adam and eves left to recreate human civilzation... that would be a pretty fucking huge thing to grapple with. I just wished that they had more complexity with this ending. Or! just stick with the fact that they're forever trapped in space colonies left to deal with the horrors of their situations and the mistakes of those in the past. Sorry for bring a tragic yuri enjoyer, but the overbearing dread and loom from the simulation story was what really made me intrested in 13SAR. To see it just solve itself with little drawback was so lame.
I read the George Kamitani aimed for 13SAR to have a mecha and shoujo hybrid story. While that's honestly an awesome concept, im sad it means that he can miss out on more complexity when intepretting the narrative when it comes to certain relationships (shoujos can be complex too!) I also heard that the game was meant to be at least 3 times longer that it is curently which is. wow. Its a shame that so much content got cut out 😭 bc i feel like a bit more time with these characters is all i need to make my verdict more positive.
As a bonus, i'll include a crackship tierlist too! Alot has changed
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I miiight need another few days or even weeks to compile another thoughts post bc theres definitely more things i wanna talk about (the narrative structure, Tamao, 2188 theories, themes of japanese imperialism-). But so far, im gonna let it ruminate for a bit before picking it back up to analyse
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c0rinarii · 2 months
goes without saying but you can only be insane about ivantill if you can be just as insanely supportive or insane about mizisua
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c0rinarii · 3 months
Oh shit why is the 13SAR anthology written so weirdly
> Atlus listed as author
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c0rinarii · 3 months
Sanae/Sakuya 001? would love to know your thoughts on such a rare pair!!
OMG SAKUSANA.... its been a while
when I started shipping it if I did: I started to consider shipping it wayy back in 2017!! Honestly speaking, i shipped them jokingly since they were the leftovers from the main human protag quatret. It evolved on its own after that and i started to pay more attention to them than Reimari at one point lol.
my thoughts: ITS SO CUTE!! Sakuya's elegant but herbo-like manurisms contrasting with Sanae's gentle nerdiness is such a peak ship dynamic!! I really really wish people would consider them more 😭😭
what makes me happy about them: the above and the fact that i feel like they can get along with eachother very nauturally despite their contrasting personalities! Plus I feel like Sakuya's lowkey empty headed nature when it comes to anything outside SDM Duties/Fighting makes for a very entertaining dynamic where she questions why Sanae makes her feel so fluttery.
I also feel like they'll come toghether to be ReiMari's voices of reason LMAO
what makes me sad about them: That nobody else is shipping them 🥲
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Is there even sakusana fanfic being written omg
things I look for in fanfic: So long Sanae isnt being potrayed by a gooner anything goes! I also have a slight preference towards Sakuya being a bit more gruff and prince-like... she's so handsome like that
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly anyone from the Playable 6 is great!! But I like SakuMari/SakuRei/UdoSaku and SanaMyon/MariSana the most
my happily ever after for them: that they can have a peaceful double date with Reimari
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Sakuya wishes she could big spoon but Sanae always beats her to it LMAO (and is she to deny her girlfriend??)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: I wrote a short prompt of them going on a picnic a while back!! i still think SakuSana picnics are cute
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