#couple people headcanon that April hooked them up with more clothes
Doing @ / salsflore's 80+ Selfship questions! (Pt. 1)
what’s something you do to feel closer to them? fanfics, listen to songs, etc.
I love listening to music that reminds me of him. I made a playlist for him, but it could use some updateying lol.. One of my mutuals has a really good playlist of him and I'm a little jealous !!! I also just enjoy looking at art (mainly official art) of him he's so pleasing to look at he makes me happy. Helps to have many photos of him surrounding my room.
how did you get introduced to your f/o and/or their media? do you like their source?
My younger sister was into the game before I was and she played in in front me one day back in April 2021 and safe to say I got pretty hooked on it. We did the voices and played together over the course of 2 days. I didn't know what Dr. Habit looked like until the reveal towards the end and I was ENAMORED!!!
what’s one or two things you especially like about your f/o? can be a headcanon!
HIS EYES ARE VERY PRETTY!!! I also love how he can be a little mean sometimes. Like hell yeah!!! Express those feelings!!! He's also very warm!!! Literally a human weighted blanket!!
what’s one or two things your f/os love about you? ( self positivity time babey )
My laugh and when I smile is what he says about me a lot <3. My sense of humor and the way I see the world are a couple more things too heehee
how do you express your love to them? how do they express their love to you?
I'm more of the gift giving type of lover I'd say! I don't really verbally say "I love you" that much even in real life. I'm like a cat in a way. Boris on the other hand loves saying how much he cares for me through words and actions! Lots of hugs and kisses every day!!
a gift you’d like to give them if you could, and something they’d give to you!
I'd love to give him a Floriography book !!! He probably knows about flower language already but!! Maybe there's stuff he doesn't know yet! I think he would get me some of my special interest related things too! Like skeletons and frogs :-3
what do you celebrate together? like halloween, christmas time, easter, etc.
HALLOWEEN!!!! I love Halloween!!! We both do!! We're already brainstorming costume ideas LOL! For the more wintery holidays, we're gonna celebrate Hanukkah with Habit's uncle + cousins!!!!
do you sleep together? is it peaceful or filled with snoring? do you both stay up? tell us more! ( how you sleep, when you sleep, do you wake up at the same time? )
Obhh I love sleeping with him, he's sooo big and warm and soft. He's the type to fall asleep instantly, me not so much. But, when he's asleep the deep breathing and rise and fall of his chest is so relaxing I usually sleep right after. We both wake up pretty early, but he wakes up at like 6am and he is Awake!
what’s one thing you can’t do well that the other can, vice versa ( e.g cooking, playing video games, so on and so forth )
Well I am not good with shopping for groceries like he is. He's not very good at cooking though unfortunately lol..
do you have similar tastes in fashion? aesthetic? food? tell us about their taste!
We definitely both prefer comfort over looks clothes wise, but it usually leads into accidental good looking fashion (something that tends to happen to me IRL). I don't really have one specific aesthetic? His is just whatever he wants or thinks is interesting, so I guess weirdcore?? Food it's about taste & texture so it's hard for both of us to figure out what each of us likes.
how do they tend to comfort you? how do you tend to comfort them?
To comfort me, he gives really good hugs and reassurances <3. To comfort him I usually lay on him or nuzzle him.
if you have a rival or nemesis f/o, why? are there any lore reasons or is it just because?
I do not have rival F/Os really, I like it when ppl are niceys <33
what are some uncommon headcanons you have for them?
I HC him as Transfem (He/Him & She/Her)!! Not a lot of people do that for that many characters anywhere honestly which makes me sad!!!! I keep switching between him being genderqueer and gendaflooid but I guess I'll let fate decide which one he is
what is your favorite fan theory/headcanon about them?
I think mine has to be that he's autistic cuz it really makes me feel better about also being autistic <:-) AND!! I love it when ppl draw him with dark skin!!! White Boris just does NOT sit right with me !!
if you live together, how’s domestic life like for you both?
I'm not really used to actual domestic life, I've never really had an IRL partner so I have no idea what it's like! It's even hard to imagine cuz I have not had that experience lol..
do you have any scent hcs for them? ( sweet, something like coffee, etc )
There's actually a canon scent he has in the game LMAO, he canonically smells Metallic because of either blood or nitrous gas or BOTH !? But I feel like Post-Habitat he'd never EVER wanna smell like that again, so he smells very Earthy and like he's been outside his whole life. Like rain, like dirt, like flowers, like healing.
is there anything commonly misunderstood about your f/o?
EVERYBODY!!! LOVES TO MAKE HIM THE UWU HEEHEE FUNNY GUY OR RAAHH I'M EVIL AND EDGY BUT HE'S WAY MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAAAT!!!!!!! He's a man who is mentally ill like ACTUALLY mentally ill and people don't take the time to put that into their thoughts about him all that much. He thought he was gonna save the world which is Impossible. He pushed people away, he tricked everyone in the Habitat to even BE there. He's a huge MESS. He's got so many emotions about him if you really REALLY dove deep into what his character was doing in the past, present and future.
one thing you don’t have in common, and one thing you do
I'm short, He's TALL Drawing!! We love drawing !!!
how do you resolve conflicts? how do you both typically react when faced with conflict or whilst dealing with an argument?
Habit has this problem where he makes problems bigger than they are, so I usually try to let him cool off whenever a fight happens and talk to him about it after he's got a clear head. Has worked out for the most part I'd say ! I hate yelling/being yelled at (not really sure if people enjoy that either)
have you met their friends/family? how did that go? do they even keep in contact with their friends/family?
Eeessh not his immediate family they're terrible. But! His uncle and cousins are cool and epic!!!
tell us as much (or as little) as you'd like about any of your self ship lore/bg! the timeline!
So Boris wanted to have a puppet of some kind for the Habitat, but he did not know anything about puppet making for sewing at the time. He found an ad in the paper about a local puppet maker/seamster who did private lessons. He paid A LOT for the lessons to be private One on One sessions, he did not enjoy being around other people at the time.
if they have variations (timelines, skills, voiced languages, etc) which one is your favorite?
Not necessarily a major variation, but my friend Jooj speaks French and he played the French version of Smile For Me and they said Habit's name in French is Dr. Zarbit which is awesome and adorable I love that <3
your favorite outfit/costume of theirs! if they don’t have any official skins or anything, show us something you think they’d look good in!
HEHEBEWHBEEBHWBWHEW These two fits make ravenous
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who confessed first and how did it go?
I did~! It went pretty awkwardly because I think he was right about to say his confession before I did so he got flustered heehee
did anyone know about your f/o’s feelings before they confessed? how did they find out?
Kamal for sure. He dated Habit before I did and he knows what his love looks like. Made for a great wingman too !
if you have multiple f/os, do they fit into any “type?” ( e.g coincidentally they’re all smartasses, blonde, villains, etc. lol )
I MADE A POST ABOUT THIS!!! I APPARENTLY LOVE DOCTORS?!?! or at least have a doctorate degree?!
do you have any favorite scenarios you like to imagine your f/os in? ( domestic fluff, angsty, etc. )
Uhhh ummm there are some *cough cough* scenarios I think about a lot, but I shant say :///-)
have you ever thought about ( platonic or not ) marriage? would you consider it a good idea? why or why not?
Y-Yeah I have thought about it, but I don't think either of us are ready yet lol..
^ if you're planning to get married, then tell us all about your wedding! the honeymoon! the planning!
One of my online friends made kandi bracelets for the 2 of us and I'd really love to give him his as a surprise and proposal, but as I said we (especially me) aren't ready yet hmbhbbhnhb. Plus I don't have the bracelets yet ^^;
if you live together, how does your home look like? who decided on the decor?
Probably a mix of whatever my aesthetic is and whatever his aesthetic is with a bunch of indoor plants surrounding each room.
do you, or plan to, have f/o kids? ( pets and plants count! ) bonus: if you have pets, do they show any favoritism?
Pets and Plants count you say :-O!? Well No on the Kids, but there are definitely plants and animals in the house. Habit loves loves loves plants and he would have a garden outside, as well as some sort of atrium inside. Thankfully no pollen producing plants inside because that would get really irritating. For pets we'd have 2 dogs! A King Shepherd and a Borzoi.
what was it like when they first said ‘i love you’? how did you reply? where was it?
It was on accident on his part I think. He was leaving one day at instead of goodbye he said 'I love you!' We both kinda stood there until Boris briskly walked away out of embarrassment.
if you could make one thing 100% canon about them, what would it be?
A voice headcanon I have hbwbhnbw.. But also the autism, even though so many people (including Yugo themself) have that headcanon for him lol !!
how do you kill time with them when bored?
Doodling is usually pretty distracting for both of us. Among...other things bhwbshgwbshg I SHANT SAY !!!!
your favorite thing about your f/o, appearance wise
God...I love just how all of him looks. His eyes, his hair, his smile.. He's just so beautiful <:'-)
your favorite thing about your f/o, non-appearance wise
His creativity and passion! I love how much he draws and paints and constructs(?). I love his sounds too his voice is so deep and beautiful <3
what’s your dynamic like? any tropes you fit?
Really the best way I can describe us is Fluffle Puff & Chrysalis from the Fluffle Puff shorts
the most iconic/memed on/quoted line or event associated with your f/o
"Please. Make them Smile. For Me?" He said the thing !!!!!!!📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️📢️
who’s more likely to be the sappy, cheesy romantic in the relationship?
Boris, I mean if you see him in the game you'd really be able to tell that he's the very silly romantic type (but I love that <33)
who gets flustered the easiest?
BORIS FOR SURE, he can't even handle being kissed by lil ol me :-3c
if you were in an emergency or stressful situation, which one of you’s the best at staying level headed keeping the other calm? who is the one absolutely freaking out?
I have a problem about freaking out a lot (cuz anxiety disorder) so I'd say he'd be the one to try and calm me down. Plus he's got a very calming presence about him. Like a big teddy bear !
what nicknames do you call each other?
He calls me (Nannick) "My little Doll" in Russian which I find to be very endearing !! He also uses various flowers as nicknames for me. I just call him 'sweetie' or say 'hey beautiful!' I'm not too great a nicknames ^^;
with phones or modern au : what would your contact names be?
Mine for Habit would be '🧡️💚️Habby 💚️🧡️' and His for Me would be 'Na ncik 💛️💙️💕️' (his fingers are really big and he cant type very well lolol)
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Hi, Could you write a lil something or have Headcanons about Jegulus and how Sirius reacts to them?
I don’t usually write Jegulus, so I hope this is alright! 
Warning: slightly nff, swearing
“Crap,” Sirius said, slamming his Transfiguration book shut on the desk.  Remus sighed and looked up from his own book.
“Let me guess,” Remus said.  “You’ve suddenly come up with a reason why you can’t do your homework… again?”
“It’s 8:30,” Sirius said quickly.  “On 7th April.”
“Peter’s birthday,” Sirius said, glancing around quickly to make sure Peter wasn’t in sight.  “Tomorrow.”
“Oh- OH,” Remus said, eyes widening.  “Oh Merlin, how did we forget?!”
“We need to sneak into Hogsmeade and get him something.”
“At this time of night?” Remus said, closing his own book. “Not a chance.”
“When I say ‘get him something’ I mean ‘steal him something’.”
“Sirius, no.”
Remus sighed, knowing there wasn’t any point in arguing – when Sirius had this glint in his eyes, nothing could change his mind.
“Well,” Remus said, popping his book into his bag.  “I guess we better get the cloak.  And we’d better be quick about it before Peter realises we’ve disappeared.”
“I can’t find the cloak anywhere,” Sirius said, dropping James’s mattress back onto his bed.  “James must have it on him right now.”
“Where’s Peter, anyway?”
“I think he’s in detention for that dung bomb,” Sirius said. “We have time.”
Remus nodded.  “Okay great, I’ll grab the map and check if James is still raiding the kitchens and we’ll get the cloak off him.”
Remus and Sirius glanced down at the Marauder’s Map, scanning for James’s name near the kitchens.  He’d left an hour ago stating he was planning on getting food for a midnight feast, but he had been gone a suspiciously long time.  
“Where the hell is he?”
“I dunno,” Remus said, opening the map up so that they could see more of the Hogwarts grounds.  It took a good few minutes, but finally he spotted the name ‘James Potter’ in what seemed to be a broom cupboard.  He pointed at James’s name, getting Sirius’s attention.  Suddenly James’s name changed into the name ‘Regulus Black’ and then it was back to ‘James Potter’ again.
“Why did it say my brother’s name?” Sirius asked.
“That’s really weird,” Remus said.  They watched and it happened again.  “They… uh… must be standing near each other so the map can’t decide which name to show?”
“Why the hell is James hanging out with that little git?”
“Let’s go and find out,” Remus said, folding the map and putting it into his robes pocket.  “We need to hurry if we’re going to get something for Peter’s birthday before he gets back from detention.”
The entire way down to the broom cupboard they’d seen on the map, Sirius had been speculating why they were hanging out together.  Drugs, black magic, planning a surprise party for Sirius’s birthday – Remus had to remind him that his birthday wasn’t for another six months – but Sirius had come up with every possible reason for James and Regulus to be hanging out apart from the actual reason…
When they arrived at the door of the broom cupboard, Remus raised his hand to knock on the door politely, but before he could even touch the door, Sirius had already shoved the door open.
The door wouldn’t open fully – someone was standing right behind it, stopping it from opening.  Sirius heard swearing from behind the door and hurried movement, and then frantic whispers, while the person behind the door was pushing the door back hard, trying to close it again.
“Open the door,” Sirius yelled through the door.
He pressed his ear to the door and heard the hushed words, “it’s Sirius!” and “fuck” and “hide somewhere” and “where am I gonna hide, it’s a broom cupboard!?” and “here, take this” before James loudly cleared his throat and said “Sirius! Hey!”
Suddenly the door opened, and James stood alone in the empty broom cupboard grinning guiltily from ear to ear.  “What’re you doing here?”
Sirius peered around behind James and folded his arms. “I could ask you the same.”
“We need the cloak,” Remus said impatiently, rolling his eyes at Sirius’s dramatics.  “It’s urgent. We forgot Peter’s birthday is tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” James said.  “Oh.  Wow. We really fucked up.  Huh, sorry guys, but I… er… I don’t have the cloak on me at the moment.  Actually I lost it.”
“You lost it?” Remus said in disbelief.  “And you waited till now to tell us?”
“He didn’t lose it, Remus,” Sirius said, not buying his bullshit.  “It’s right here in this tiny cramped little broom cupboard, isn’t it, James?”
“Are you okay, mate?” James asked Sirius, laughing nervously.  “If I had it I’d be going with you guys to buy Pete’s presents.”
“Are you okay?” Sirius asked.  “Hanging out in a broom cupboard “alone”?”
“I thought I left my wand in here earlier after Quidditch practice,” James shrugged.
“Hm,” Sirius said, stepping into the cupboard.  He could almost feel James tense next to him. Remus was sighing again.  “It’s really dusty in here, really dusty. Did you know my little baby brother is allergic to dust?  It makes him sneeze.”
Sirius grabbed a nearby broom and starting wiping dust across the stony floor, making little dusty clouds.  
“What are you doing?” James said, trying to grab the broom off Sirius.
“It’s dusty in here,” Sirius said.  “I already said that – just thought it could use a clean.”
“Give that to me.”
“Just give it!”
A quiet sneeze broke up the argument and Sirius looked gleeful.  “AHA!” he said, “knew it!”
Suddenly, James let out the fakest-sounding sneeze Sirius had ever heard.  “Maybe I’m allergic to dust too?”
“Oh shut up, I know he’s in here.  Reggie, you can come out!”
“Are you stupid? Why would he be in here?”
Sirius rolled his eyes and started feeling around the room. He was nearing the far corner of the cupboard when suddenly Regulus’s head appeared out of thin air.
“Sorry,” Regulus said to James, “he was about to find me anyway.”
Sirius glanced back at James to see him giving Reg an irritated look.
They started bickering about getting caught and Sirius couldn’t really concentrate because all he could see was Reg’s angry head seemingly hanging in mid-air, bodiless.  He grabbed the invisibility cloak off Reg quickly.
“Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” he said, glancing first at James and then at Reg, and almost throwing the cloak back at him because his little brother was practically naked.
Regulus grabbed the cloak and covered himself, his cheeks turning pink.  
“Please tell me what’s going on.  Someone explain before I come to the wrong conclusion…”
“Tell him,” Regulus said to James.
Remus was now peering into the broom cupboard too, too interested in what was going on to think about how they were so late getting Peter’s gift.
James sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair.  “Prefect Duties.”
“Pre- prefect duties?” Sirius almost laughed.  “You aren’t even a prefect!”
Remus cleared his throat.  “Yeah, and I am.  And we don’t have any prefect duties tonight.”
James cast Remus an annoyed look. “I’m the head boy, so sometimes Dumbledore asks me to patrol and sometimes I take some prefects with me.”
“So you took my naked brother on duty with you?”
“Yes.  I mean, no. I mean… er… Reg?”
Regulus was now only a head again.  “I fell in the black lake and had to change??”
“You fell in the black lake?”
“Yep. James was just about to get me some dry clothes.”
“How come your hair isn’t wet?”
James folded his arms. “What is this? Some kind of interrogation?”
Sirius was about to say something back, but Remus stepped further into the room.  “Look, we really need to get going if we’re gonna get Peter’s present, so James, please just admit you were hooking up with Sirius’s brother and then we can get on our way.”
“HOOKING UP?” Sirius practically yelled.
“Thanks, Remus,” James said.  “Hey, Sirius, listen… what Remus said… it’s not tr-”
“-It’s true,” Regulus cut in.  “James and I are together.  A couple.  Dating. Close your mouth, you look like a dementor.”
“What Regulus means is-”
“-No, James.  No point hiding it anymore.  We need to stop sneaking around and hooking up in broom cupboards all because we’re scared of how he’ll react.  He just has to deal with it.”
“He has a name,” Sirius said through gritted teeth. “So you two are… nope.  Nope.  I don’t approve.  James, he’s a BABY.  You can’t…. oh god… oh god oh god, is this why he’s naked?”
James looked for once at a loss for words.
“Yes, Sirius, that’s why I’m naked.  I’m not a baby either.  And It’s really none of your business who I date.”
“OH GOD!” Sirius cried, turning to Remus.  “JAMES DEFLOWERED MY BABY BROTHER!”
Remus rolled his eyes and leaned back against the door. “Like Regulus said, it’s none of your business,” he turned to Regulus, “can we have the cloak please?”
James shrugged his robes off and tossed them over to Regulus, and Regulus quickly shrugged the invisibility cloak off and put James’s robes on.  He threw the invisibility cloak to Remus.
“Come on, Sirius, let’s go,” Remus said, attempting to drag Sirius away.
“No.  No.  I don’t accept this.”
“Hey, Pads, look on the bright side… we could be brother’s-in-law one day!” James said.  This only made Sirius madder.
“Ugh, Sirius, grow up,” Regulus said.  “People get into relationships. They don’t need approval from their brother or from their best friend.  If they’re in love, they’re in love.”
“Merlin,” James breathed.  “Yes, Sirius.  Yes, I love him.  Sorry to break it to you.”
“He’s literally a year younger than us,” James said.  “You and Remus were his age when I caught you two going doggy-style on McGonagall’s-“
“OKAY OKAY OKAY! ENOUGH!” Remus shouted, face bright red.
“Yeah, enough,” Regulus said quickly, looking disgusted.
“HA!” Sirius said, pointing at Reg’s disgusted face.  “See that face?  That’s exactly how I feel about the thought of the two of you doing Merlin knows what in this tiny little broom cupboard.”
“Okay, so… you’re disgusted by the thought of Reg with someone and he’s disgusted by the thought of you with someone.  Feeling’s mutual.  Get over it,” James said.
“James is right, Sirius,” Remus said, tugging at the sleeve of Sirius’s robes.  “Let them be. It’s not your place to judge.”
Sirius still looked angry and disgusted but he exhaled slowly.  “Fine,” he said.  “But let’s get one thing straight – James, if you hurt Reg I will murder you.  And Reg, if you hurt James I’ll murder you.  And if I ever see you two so much as hold hands I’ll-”
“-Sirius,” Remus hissed.  “They’re in a relationship.  Stop being an idiot.”
“FINE!” Sirius said dramatically.  “If I ever catch you with your tongue down my brother’s throat, you won’t have a tongue!”
James looked as though he was trying not to laugh, but nodded. Regulus was just rolling his eyes. “We can kiss if we want to, we don’t need your permission.”
“Look, you do whatever you need to do but I just don’t wanna see or hear it, okay?” Sirius said uncomfortably.  
“Okay,” James agreed.  “But in that case, I don’t want any more of your elaborate stories about how you and Remus fucked upside down on a broomstick while-“
“You told him about that!?” Remus whispered in embarrassment.  Sirius shrugged sheepishly.
“So let’s just all agree that we all accept each other’s relationships but we don’t need to know any more than necessary?” James said. Regulus and Remus both nodded. That just left Sirius, who was still looking irritated.
“Fine,” he groaned.
“We need to go, Sirius,” Remus said impatiently.  “Come on.”
Sirius slowly shuffled out the room, glancing back briefly and mumbling so quietly that he could barely be heard, “Even though I hate it, I’m happy for you both”, and continuing down the corridor.  
He stopped a few metres away from the broom cupboard and rushed back.
“HA! CAUGHT IN THE ACT!” he yelled, peering into the room and finding James and Regulus in the exact same spots they’d been moments ago, lips nowhere near each other.  “Oh,” he said awkwardly.  “Just testing you.  Good work.”
James rolled his eyes. “Bye, Sirius.”
“See ya,” Sirius said, leaving them alone.  They could hear Sirius talking about them all the way down the corridor until finally he couldn’t be heard anymore.
James waited a solid two minutes before closing the cupboard door and this time locking it.  He turned to Regulus and smirked.  “Wanna get back down on your knees and finish what you started?”
Regulus snorted, getting dressed.  “Maybe next time.  Sirius is the equivalent of a cold shower.”
“Aw, come on.  We just got started.  I’ll let you do that thing you love…”
Regulus was on his knees in seconds.  “I’m ready.”
James smiled triumphantly.  
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Apprentice April Asks #5 Azalea/Imalia
And here I close out my characters for Apprentice April.  Thanks so much for the interest, you guys!  Lotsa pics and stuff below the cut.
1. Who is your character’s patron Arcana?
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As my MC, her patron Arcana is The Fool.
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Imalia's patron Arcana is The Empress.
2. Take us on a tour of your Magical Gateway. (Use pics if you have them!)
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Azalea’s gateway has three parts to it.  The first part is a snowy forest cast in eternal twilight that gives the snow a pink color.  Stars whirl overhead in the sky.
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The path goes on and the snow melts and the forest becomes alive with fireflies.
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And at the end, the forest clears out onto a sandy beach with a small cottage perched beyond the tideline.  The water vivid blue, and stars and nebulae fill the sky above.
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Imalia's gateway opens into a misty forest with red leaves on every tree.
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The forest leads past what look like the ruins of an ancient castle or temple.
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Past the ruins is a long peninsula with a tower right on the edge of a cliff overlooking a sea.  This is where Imalia tests her magic without worry of destroying anything in the real world.
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3. Does your character rely on The Cards?
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Not really.  She still does readings at the shop, but otherwise she only heeds the cards when they actually have something to say.
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Nope.  She doesn't even own a deck.  She knows of what's out there in terms of magic, and the Arcana honestly don't even register with her unless something crazy involving them happens.  Otherwise...there are bigger, more scary things lurking in the dark that require her attention.  And she calls divination "spoiling the fun."
4. Has your character come in contact with any other Arcana? (other than the Devil)  Tell us about it.
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Nope.  Azalea's first encounter with the Arcana was in the main story, and Imalia just doesn't care for the Arcana enough to visit them.
5. Any brushes with demons? (besides the Courtiers)
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No, she's been very lucky.
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LOL!  Demons are such a normal thing to her, she knows a lot of them by name.
6. What is their favorite magically-enhanced thing?  (Music, Food, Clothes, etc.)
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She loves magically-enhanced food.  Especially cake.  Cake that sings when you eat it.  Cake that changes flavor with every bite.  Cake that is actually pie disguised as cake. (you cheeky little pastry you!!)
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She really loves magical clothes.  She loves a good party, and a chance to dress up is one she won't miss.  She loves making sure her outfits are extra.  She really loves illusionary fire on her outfits, since she really plays up the phoenix aesthetic.  (Hell, Balthazaar is usually her best accessory!  A REAL freaking phoenix!)  But her favorite thing...magical booze.  Oh yeah.  Was this vodka?  Hell no, it was wine!  Or was it mead?  No, it's vermouth.  Now it's absinthe.
7. In your character’s story, how did they acquire the Stove Salamander?
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Azalea bought the stove salamander from a merchant.  She got it to help her aunt light fires more easily since she suffered from arthritis.
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*singing to the tune of 'I Ain't Got Nobody'* "IIIIIIIIIIIIII ain't got no saaaaaaaalamander..."
8. How did your character meet Asra?  Describe the meeting.
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It was the Masquerade after her aunt Sylvane had died.  She was wandering around the various vendors.  Some flashes of brilliant magic caught her attention, and she saw this beautiful creature weaving spells for some children.  She approached when the children ran off, and suddenly she was captivated by the sparkling lavender eyes that locked with hers.  He produced a small crystal ball and asked if she would like to glimpse into her future.  She said yes.
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One evening when she was 15, she snuck out of her house and went down to the docks.  Her mother had deeply angered and hurt her, and she needed to blow off some steam.  Getting into trouble at the docks seemed like a good idea to her frazzled teenage mind.  She stalked around the place, looking for a fight.  She heard shouts nearby, and went to investigate.  She saw a group of thugs chasing a small white-haired boy.  At last!  She bolted after them and challenged them.  They mocked her, but accepted her challenge.  She unfortunately found herself in quite a disadvantage as these thugs actually knew how to fight rather well and outnumbered her five to one.  Just as things were starting to get really bad, magic began to assail the bullies.  They took off running, and Imalia was left pretty battered up.  The small white haired boy and a rather large dark-haired boy near her own age came up to her.  They thanked her for standing up to those guys, and introduced themselves as Asra and Muriel.  Asra healed Imalia's wounds, and as thanks she bought Asra and Muriel dinner.  Asra and Muriel were her first friends in Vesuvia, and she visited them at the docks often.  They got to witness Imalia single-handedly saving the docks from a fleet of pirates, but that's in the next question.
9. Give us some headcanons of your character with other Arcana characters.  Did your character meet them before they died?  Were they close?
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- Had an encounter with Lucio when she was 13.  She and her aunt Sylvane were pouring the ashes of her parents into the water at the docks.  From a good distance away Lucio was standing there, discussing some repairs that a few piers needed with his advisors.  He happened to glance over and saw Azalea and Sylvane.  For just a moment, he and Azalea locked gazes.  This made Lucio's blood run cold, as it reminded him of the one thing he had no power over...death.
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She and Lucio were a couple for almost three years.
To begin, when she was was 17, pirates attacked the docks.  Count Lucio was feverishly ordering a defense, but the enemy was using cannons and catapults that did massive damage.  Imalia saw this as an opportunity to test her greater potential, as she had never been allowed to cast major spells since moving to Vesuvia.  She begged Lucio to allow her to try.  He was skeptical, but had very little options at hand.  So he allowed it.  Imalia cast her first Dragon Slave and wiped out the entire enemy fleet in one shot.  This piqued Lucio's interest.  He offered her anything she wanted in return for saving the city.  She asked for passage into Prakra so that she could attend the Magical University there.  Behind her mother's back, she had applied and been accepted.  She just needed to get there.  Lucio didn't understand her request, but he granted it.
When she returned from the University, (age 21) she attended a soiree that Lucio was holding.  Lucio was awestruck by how much she had matured over four years, and pestered her the entire evening.  Imalia knew that this was just the thing to get her mother off of her back, plus Lucio was a hellraiser just like she was.  So she "fell" for his charms.  They had lots of fun together, and lots of steamy nights.  But eventually Lucio stopped paying her so many compliments, crediting her achievements while they were together to himself alone.  This seriously got under Imalia's skin.  After a while, she started to feel like just a piece of furniture.  So one night, she broke up with him.  She didn't give an adequate enough explanation, so Lucio always thought she just got bored with him.  It actually hurt him quite deeply because he had been planning to propose to her.
10. Describe your character’s Masquerade outfit.  Use pics if you like!
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Very Turkish-inspired.  Completely white with long white feathers, keyhole midrift.
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@dagnyart​ did it much better than me.  XP
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"If you're not hogging the entire doorway to get into a room, you're not doing it right."
11. What did your character do right after they defeated the Devil?  Did they pass out?  Did they just keep partying?  Did they run off for some privacy with their LI?
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Azalea was bone tired.  She let Nadia get her speech out of the way, but as soon as it was over, she shambled back to her room with Julian/Lucio, and passed tf out.
12. What happened the day after the Masquerade?  Did they just keep partying?
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Azalea was very occupied by Julian/Lucio when she woke up the next morning.  They had celebrating to do.  ^_~  Afterwards, a bath and back to the party!
13. What did Nadia reward your character with after the events of that night?  (She did promise payment, after all)
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Azalea was made Court Magician, and given a substantial monetary reward.  She was able to give the shop some much-needed renovations as well as buy some new stock.
14. How did they folks in the neighborhood react to your character’s deeds after the Masquerade?  Did they keep giving you those odd looks?  Did they give you a hero’s welcome?  Did nothing change at all?
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At long last, the looks stopped.  More people began patronizing the shop, and Azalea found herself with more friends than she could have ever hoped for.  She finally felt like she belonged.
15. What were some life-altering events that happened that following year?  Marriage?  Babies?  Renovations to the shop?
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She renovated the shop, Imalia came back to Vesuvia and the two of them rekindled their sisterhood, Azalea finally found her familiar in Corva, and got engaged to her LI.
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Returned to Vesuvia, discovered that Azalea was no longer dead, and finally hooked up with Asra.
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rokurookajima · 7 years
once again filling my evening answering questions nobody asked
cherry turnover:  who do you live with? 
i’ve lived by myself for three months now!! it’s cool and there are some things that are really nice about living totally alone like truly never bothering anyone with the shit you’re doing. but im tryna move in with evie soon and we’re hoping to have a place by mid june!!!! we just looked at some today and im jazzed  bananas foster:  do you believe in soul mates?
yes absolutely but like in a specific sense. i don’t believe everyone has like one singular soul mate, and i don’t believe soul mates are exclusively romantic. but i completely believe there are people you’re cosmically supposed to meet, and that sometimes the odds are all against you meeting but you still do, and when you finally meet there is some kind of feeling like you’ve either known each other way longer, or you instantly know they’re going to be so important to you. i think i’ve met more than one soul mate by that definition in my life. one was the guide of a travel group i went on a trip with when i was 16, and i only knew him for a week but we both connected so strong and instantly, and both were clearly affected by it i think we both walked away differently. i’ve never seen him since then and i cried a lot the last day of that trip. but like it definitely wasn’t romantic?? it was just some kind of deep soul connection. i also think you can have friendships that are gonna last forever and those are pretty close to soul mates too. basically i have a lot of very romanticized ideas about people you meet in your life  glazed donut:  would you rather visit a zoo or an aquarium?
prob an aquarium  pumpkin pie:  what were your interests as a child?
i really fuckin loved dinosaurs when i was rlly young, like preschool and kindergarten age. i liked cool rocks a lot too, i had a ton of geodes and crystals and those little stones you could buy at like museum giftshops that i kept in boxes and would just look at all the time. i was rlly obsessed with harry potter when i was like 8 i think that was when i first read the books and there were only five at the time. late childhood (like 4/5th grade) i loved cats on probably a weird level bc wow yeah i was a warrior cats kid, also loved pirates a lot  lemon tart:  how many languages can you speak?
just one unfortunately. i wish i knew a second language but alas  chocolate mousse:  how is your relationship with your parents?
it could probably be better, but i guess it is a lot better than a lot of people my age have. i love my parents but they’re rlly problematic people, and even tho they didn’t mean to, they are the biggest reason i have a lot of the issues i have, and they still do shit that perpetuates it. it’s better in some ways that i don’t live with them now, bc i think some parts of my mental health like my self image are better bc i’m around way more supportive people than them. but also i feel bad bc i don’t make as much of an effort to talk to them as i should since i don’t see them every day. me and my mom have always been pretty close, and i don’t want to lose that. they try sometimes  creme brûlée:  describe your style
american apparel lmao which i can only keep saying for like the next YEAR before that won’t define anything for people. but 4 real a good portion of my wardrobe is from american apparel, and when i shop else ware, it’s still pretty consistent with that style. like very basic cuts and colors of things, only pattern i ever wear is stripes, highwaisted everything, cropped everything. i only wear black white gray and green i am a stereotype  cheesecake:  have you ever visited a sex shop?
lmao yeah more than once. there’s a couple around where i live that i’ve been to a few times, and one in columbus. i’ve never bought anything at one, or gone there with like the intent to purchase stuff. they’re just honestly so funny to walk through and be horrified by the enormous dildos  raspberry sorbet:  favorite clothing stores?
wow i can’t say american apparel anymore im so sad. so uh. i honestly don’t know where im gonna get most of my clothes now. forever 21 and h&m are always good places to find some cheap stuff. i wanna thrift more, but i never seem to have very good luck at finding stuff  green tea ice cream:  who was your first crush?
lmao it was milo thatch from atlantis. but i assume we are talking about a real person that i actually y’know like. could speak to. which was my tumblr boyfriend that i met when i was 17. i met him in a fandom chatroom i ended up in through some other tumblr friends, then kinda started getting some feels when he posted a selfie after we’d already talked in the chat and i was like oh no he’s hot. so wowie a tragic tale of star-crossed lovers  chocolate chip cookie:  how has your life changed over the past year?
i can’t even start to say how much my life has changed over the last year. truly, i don’t think there’s ever been a year in my life that i’ve looked at and been so in awe of how many things happened. but yeah last spring-this spring i went through so many life experiences and firsts and personality changes and struggles and some of the happiest days of my life and by far the fucking worst days of my life. since april last year, i fell in love for the first time, had a real relationship for the first time, became a lot more social, got really close to some of the people i’m now closest to, got high for the first time, lost my virginity, went to big parties, got a lot more social, met a lot of people, saw a lot of new sides of life, questioned a lot of my own beliefs and came to new ones, left the country without my parents, traveled out of state completely by myself, got my heart completely destroyed for the first time, attempted suicide, thought my life would literally not make it to this point, moved out of my house, lived on my own, got stronger, figured some shit out, hooked up with someone at a party, had casual sex for the first time, now i’m hoping to move again in the next few months. i know some of that is like. not actually that exciting, and a lot of it was shit that most people do for the first time in high school, but it was a lot for me. i ended up in a world and lifestyle that i used to write fiction about and romanticize the hell out of, and never thought i’d actually live it first hand. so rlly this last year was fuckin wild for me and in a lot of ways i feel like i’ve aged 60 years, and i’m tired from that much all in one year, but i’m also still kinda naive and clueless so what can u do  berry trifle:  first & last concert you went to?
so wow i don’t go to real concerts. the first was probably some christian band with my family. the last. does the american murder song wake tour count? that was kind of a concert  tapioca pudding:  favorite animated characters?
WOW let me fuckin TELL u my favorite animated characters. number one will always always always be revy from black lagoon. i have never loved a character that much in my life, everything about her is so good. she’s such a goddamn disaster and so well written and complex and so much more than just a typical bad ass female archetype. i love that it’s not just headcanon to read deep into her personality, it’s a huge point of the series. i love that on the surface she is just like. a bad ass with no feeling. then u actually get to the end of the series and she is actually a CHILD inside who is so fuckin insecure and she LOVES ROCK SO MUCH i wanna die. also lust from fullmetal alchemist esp the 2003 anime fuck me ALL THE WAY UP. ed elric, and truly everyone in fullmetal alchemist what a series what a cast of characters.  fudge brownie:  do you like your name?
sometimes. i used to really hate it when i was younger, now it’s changed some. i like still don’t like it when i say it out loud probably bc people 100% of the time think i said cindy and i have to correct them every dang time. but like that i can shorten it to syd which i also used to hate bc toy story (i was a kid ok) but now i like it. there are also those times where people you like say your name and it makes u feel some type of way??? i like it then. so i guess i like it most when other people are saying it u feel me strawberry shortcake:  are you good at keeping secrets?
i mean if it’s my own, absolutely not what the fuck is a secret i am a tragic over sharer about my own shit. but other people’s, yes i’d say so. i feel like a lot of people feel comfortable enough to tell me things they might not tell other people, and i don’t ever feel like it’s a burden to keep a secret y’know?? so it doesn’t like eat at me and make me wanna tell people  tiramisu:  are you daring when it comes to makeup & clothing or do you like to play it safe?
uh i guess somewhere in the middle. like the way i dress isn’t rlly how everyone dresses and i guess in some crowds would be considered pretty different, but i don’t know if its daring bc its not like....that adventurous or out there. esp bc i only wear neutral colors lmao. same with makeup, for the most part, it’s pretty simple but every now and then i like to do something fancier. i feel like the most daring things about me appearance wise are like having a lot of piercings and tattoos??? so y’know make ur daring shit permanent i guess im not that edgy lmao oreo milkshake:  do you sleep a lot?
i feel like i sleep a pretty average amount. i wish i could sleep more bc i’m tired all the time, but way more i wish i could sleep less. i love the idea of being able to just naturally get up early and have so much time in the morning to do shit and enjoy the morning. and i like staying up late. but i’m always tired and even tho i have to get up early most mornings, it’s still a constant struggle and i wish it wasn’t. i’ll sleep pretty late when i get the chance tho
apple crisp:  how do you relax?
guess it depends on what i’m feeling. i like to take baths a lot, or just chill and watch movies and stuff. i love having relaxing hangouts with friends, like just chilling watching movies with people and not needing to do anything else. i wanna do more quote-unquote relaxing stuff, like read and write more, go to yoga classes, shit like that carrot cake:  who is your celeb look alike?
i’ve been told more than once i look like krysten ritter so i will go with her. it’s the bangs macaron:  what is your ethnicity?
white af cinnamon bun:  favorite salty snack?
wow salty snacks are my VICE i love salty shit way more than sweet things. fuck man i love chips of all kinds, i’ve been eating way too many hot cheetos lately, french fries, mcdonalds hash browns, i’m gonna have blood pressure issues from how much i love salt 
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