#courtney gripling's parents
toongrrl-blog · 6 months
New chapter! Meet the Parents!
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(for old time's sake)
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grxmincvdescxnce · 1 year
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( laura harrier, she/her, half-shade ) To GEORGINA ODETTE, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of COLD INCARNATE grows a little stronger.  They are a MUTE SWAN shade aligned to HOUSE of FRASER. For TWENTY-EIGHT years, they have survived a world of magic with both their PASSION and PUERILITY. They work as a BALLET DANCER and SOCIALITE, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to BE WANTED FOR WHO THEY ARE. + gil child [ painter ]
inspo includes the likes of the following: odette of swan lake / swan princess, weiss schnee of rwby, courtney gripling of as told by ginger, marina of sinbad: legend of the seven seas
name — georgina euthymia nephera odette
aliases — lady george, snowdrop, andora porter 
birthdate — june 28
zodiac — cancer
birthplace — selphia
sexuality — biromantic demisexual
alignment — neutral good
temperament — choleric-sanguine
element — water
primary vice — envy
primary virtue — chastity
house — fraser
occupation — noble, dancer, unofficial spy
markings — curse mark on her thigh that she’s always assumed to be a birthmark. she has no idea how it got there or what it implies
georgina has two older sisters, georjana and georgette. they are absolute devils as far as she’s concerned, with their relationship only more strained these days and full of sibling rivalry 
george has very little control over her abilities as a half-shade even after all these years, given little opportunity to explore them as she should. the only child of her parents to be born with gifts, and gifts that tend to go haywire at the most inopportune times since birth — her skin is often too cold to touch and her swan form tends to appear in moments of shock for example — she’s often shunned and made to feel great shame as a consequence. 
her strong wish for her family’s approval has steered a number of choices she’s made throughout the years, including putting reputation before everything and giving up a number of things she truly desires 
for example, her great first love was not dancing, but painting, with george only following through on her talents on the stage once her father dismissed her love of the medium as meaningless and unworthy of her station. it’s worth noting, of course, that her mother was very talented in the way of such artistry as well, and at one point, their larger estate had been filled from ceiling to floor with her work and favored artists. her passing affected the man greatly, and he has since banned any trace of what was. 
all that said, george never truly gave up her paintbrush, operating secretly for years under a version of her mother’s name and pushing her paintings into the local scene. similarly to her mother, she’s won a handful awards over the years, though georgina is never there to accept them in person, aiming to keep any idea of a connection to herself to a minimum. the only individual aware of any of this is her most trusted bodyguard ( wanted connection )  
ever the romantic, among her greatest ambitions is the notion of being free of her father’s gaze and traveling the world over, bringing color and life to wonders beyond even selphia. she’s frankly very easily jealous of anyone permitted to step beyond their doors unencumbered, let alone allowed on things as amazing as airships, like her cousin ariel 
george also collects paintings whenever possible, which primarily has been permitted only on her birthday due to her ability to easily disguise them as something else entirely to avoid her father’s suspicions. she keeps them safely tucked away in a secret room of the manor, admiring them in her quieter moments
she is a pescatarian and has been for several years now, refusing the very idea of land creatures as food. this may, in part, be due to how attuned she is to her swan form, having been stuck in it for several weeks at a time before. she is also a pacifist
much of the finery belonging to those of well-off stations like herself she’s less of a fan of, favoring simple elegance over unnecessary opulence and gaudy trinkets. of course, this will never leave her lips in usual company
she’s developed something of a love/hate relationship with shoes, particularly on account of how harsh ballet can be on her poor feet. while she doesn’t always mind wearing them and can even enjoy the look of them, she can find them uncomfortable and stifling after longer periods and may choose to go without should the situation allow
she absolutely adores sly commentary, thinly-veiled insults. she also has a thing for puns though she more so enjoys hearing them rather than the other way around. she might hate herself most for the latter, honestly, since she knows how dumb they can be
should any matter require use of it, george possesses a swan-imprinted locket from her mother that permits one to alter their appearance according to who beholds the wearer, for a very brief time. it can result in a number of odd symptoms should she try to push beyond the allotted time, so she tries not to rely on it very heavily 
she has a habit of gazing at any passing reflection, less in a fit of vanity and more in just ensuring she’s still entirely herself. given her struggles with maintaining her human form and keeping her abilities in check, it’s a constant worry 
she is extremely claustrophobic, tending to hyperventilate at the mere idea of cramped spacing. with that in mind, she’s often found in larger forest clearings and gardens when alone, enjoying the quiet and open nature. it’s where she’s most at peace, and most often able to find the greatest inspiration for her paintings 
the dancer is a child of gilbert gladstone, a fact she has absolutely no idea about, raised to believe the man responsible for her well-being all this time is of immediate blood relation. she has, however, noted how much her ‘father’ resembles her sisters more, but george has convinced herself she’s imagining the whole thing
cold incarnate permits the user to become the embodiment of the colder element. this is more readily revealed in a form of cryokinesis or the manipulation of wintery air. while george’s immunity seems as expected, incidents like her freezing her first kiss, her arm being found in a block of ice at random, or her skin in general just being much colder to the touch are not uncommon. it’s to the point she’ll wear things like gloves or longer clothing to avoid others discovering what they shouldn’t
the first seven years of georgina’s life were spent in a magically-induced coma, her mother suffering a version of hypothermia too quick to recover from upon her birth due to sheer lack of control from the child, evident from the start. the exact nature of her mother’s passing would never make the headlines, with the woman’s death attributed to a mere ‘freak accident’ that caused too many complications. her father, an extraordinarily wealthy business magnate and famous explorer, wishing to believe his family had somehow been cursed rather than blame himself, sought nothing short of the very best to see georgina’s health and life restored. secret letters were sent far and wide in an attempt to call on any possible miracle or magical advantage to see her freed. the time between would see the rumor of george being a sickly child, in need of constant care, making the rounds to avoid any further suspicion at her absence
it would be a great mage known to some as rothbart, who would hold the honor of seeing george restored to full health. the man takes on the role of the family’s designated sorcerer to keep george and her abilities in line, and an arrangement between his son, siegfried, and georgina for eventual marriage offered in return, rothbart solidifying his place in a position of absolute influence
georgina spends much of her youthful years hiding behind the walls of her family estate, rarely allowed into the world save for occasions that demand it with her father’s shame and disgust, now knowing the truth, preventing him from showing her the affection and freedoms he permitted her sisters. 
these days, she is rarely ever without the presence of rothbart or her bodyguard, and with rothbart taking a keen interest in the likes of her fellow nobles and palace trappings, he occasionally uses george to spy for him or otherwise do his dirty work, threatening to have her locked away should she fail to comply
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jazzymarie1006 · 4 years
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Five rich kids in cartoons that I adore!
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As Retold by Ginger, Episode 38: No Hope for Courtney
Brief summary
To be or wannabe, that is the question. 
Hope Rogers, who is the girl in the green beret that you’ve been seeing in the background for the last 37 episodes, has decided she wants a storyline, a name, and a personality. With Ginger, Dodie, and Macie’s help, she becomes a Courtney clone that quickly surpasses the real thing and takes over Lucky Jr. High. 
Hope’s invisibility is so bad, in fact, that everyone thinks her name is Faith, even Ginger, Dodie, and Macie. (When they enter the bathroom after Courtney and the clique leave, they straight up talk about her like she’s not even there, but she calls them out on it.) 
After a meeting in Ginger’s room, the girls present Hope with a battle plan on how to become noticeable. She emerges from her cocoon the next day with a sassy new Meg Ryan haircut, a better outfit, and an arsenal of self-referential puns, ready to take Courtney’s place as the queen bee. Hope manages to dethrone La Gripling when she accuses her of paying for her grades, which she doesn’t, but it stuns her so much that she can’t generate a snappy comeback. At that point, everyone abandons her, even Miranda. 
Things escalate when Ginger tries to fix things by convincing Hope to let Courtney back in, and Courtney (having an existential crisis) rejects her because she knows it’s a PR move. That just pisses Hope off, and she straight up calls Courtney bitter and a loser, then telling Ginger that if she hangs out with Courtney, she’s a loser too. 
Ginger gets the idea, courtesy of Lois helping Carl, to convince Courtney to throw an epic bash at the Gripling estate to remind everyone who they’re fucking with and to offer an olive branch to Hope. Hope shows up late, tries to pick a fight with Courtney, and they end up on the floor complimenting each other’s highlights. Hope kinda apologizes, and it’s all very “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, which Courtney loves, and now they’re friends. 
Meanwhile, Carl and Hoodsey’s teacher, Mrs. Gordon decides to retire and Carl doesn’t want her to go. They discover this when she’s unusually late for class, and the music teacher, Mr. Hepper, walks in instead of her or the substitute teacher they’ve mentally prepared for. Apparently, she’s had enough of Carl’s prankster bullshit and decided to nope the fuck out and collect her coins at the house. Carl and Hoodsey decide to try and win her back by behaving themselves, but to no avail. When she returns to pack her things, she tells them that even if they have truly improved, they’ve done it without her, so let her pack in peace. So they opt to swing the opposite direction and rain holy hell on the school to get her to come back. That doesn’t work either. So, Carl, at Lois’ urging, gets Blake to host a retirement party at the Gripling manse, for better or worse. But in the end, she passes away the day after the party. 
Spot the Clique
So, obviously, this is a very clique-oriented episode. The opening scene is Hope in the bathroom with Courtney, Miranda, Mipsy, Casey, and Lonnie. 
Lonnie, Miranda, and Courtney are in class together when Hope v2.0 walks in. Courtney proceeds to call her Charity, causing Hope to bite back with, “The name’s Hope. As in, ‘Sure hope your memory’s not as bad as your manicure, Courtney’.” Miranda is, of course, impressed. 
Later on we see Courtney, Miranda, Mipsy, Lonnie, and Traci Lefferts with three unknown girls about to hang out at Courtney’s house when Hope appears to say, “Hope you’ve left your schedules open, people. I’m hosting an impromptu water disco this afternoon in my parents’ above-ground, glass-bottom pool.”
Donna makes an appearance at Courtney’s party. 
“And after snacks, Mama will present a documentary about my dimples from birth to their current, award-winning state.”
“Popularity is a business, Ginger, and I’m just protecting Mama’s investment.” 
I think we’ve established long ago that Courtney has a constant, desperate need to be the center of attention, and just when you think that her faux-depression and pseudo-goth aesthetic from And Then She Was Gone was the peak of it, you get jealous, angry Courtney who wants Ginger to help her destroy Hope’s newfound popularity. 
(To Dodie): It’s nothing personal, but a popular girl needs a doting sidekick.
Ginger: I’d rather be nice than popular. Courtney: Only because you’ve never been popular. 
I appreciate that Ginger’s on the “Just be yourself” train, but literally no one was having that today. 
Ginger: And now you’ve learned how important it is just to be yourself. Hope (flatly): No.  Courtney: Ginger, don’t be silly. It’s so much better being me.  
The Dodie Desperation Index
Courtney, after losing the entire clique and then some to Hope, chooses Dodie as her Miranda replacement. Dodie has obviously been waiting for this day since the dawn of time, but all she can do at first is giggle nervously. 
Dodie takes her new position as Courtney’s new Miranda so seriously that she even changes her hair to a high ponytail. 
“Figures. She finally needs me, and now she’s damaged goods.” Wow. 
Ginger: I”m glad at least we learned something today. Dodie: I didn’t. I still yearn to be popular. 
Miranda’s Malice
If there is any indication that, despite being Courtney’s BFF, Miranda will always follow the power at the end of the day, it’s this episode. Hope talks shit to Courtney repeatedly, and Miranda doesn’t say a word. She even ditches Courtney when Hope finally takes her down and stands idly by when Hope calls Courtney a loser. 
There’s Something About Macie
Ginger: But what separates the Hopes from the Courtneys? Macie: Naturally long eyelashes and the ability to pull off horizontal stripes? 
Boys and their Toys
Y’all. How much do you have to work a teacher’s nerves to be the one to make them retire? To be fair, in 8th grade algebra, a classmate asked something so dumb that it made our teacher walk out of the classroom for a solid 10-15 minutes. 
I would also like to know more about this Noodle Incident with the plastic toad and the wood glue. 
Hoodsey: His harmless pranks and blatant disrespect were meant to drive her crazy, not drive her away, dig?
(Carl brings Mrs. Gordon flowers.) Carl: But they’re real. Mrs. Gordon: So’s a hernia, but I don’t want one of those, either. 
You don’t often get to see Carl being this sincere, complete with a jazz number. 
Ginger says in this episode that she didn’t become friends with Dodie and Macie until second grade, but in other episodes they’ve known each other since PreK or Kindergarten. 
Jean-Pierre has lines for the first time since episode 3 when I called him Pepe LePew. I always thought exchange students only stayed a year at most, but there he is flirting with Hope. 
Trivial Things
Your Lois Line of the Day: I don’t care if it’s a fruit, a vegetable, or General Sherman’s derriere, just bag my tomatoes and leave me in peace.
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thefoxxyreview · 3 years
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Does Anyone remember this show? I do and I don’t recall it being as emotionally moving the first time I watched it! I never watched the final season of “As Told by Ginger” so I never saw how it ended. This show is one of the few cartoons that tell an in depth story about the struggles of Girlhood. All of the most awkward conversations that young girls have with their closest friends. The pressures of staying current and keeping up with the crowd. Then of course, the all too relatable tale of being a complete outcast amongst your peers not knowing where the next prank or rude comment was coming from.*Spoilers Ahead* We follow the adolescent adventures of Ginger Foutley from seventh all the way to her 9th grade year of school. They seem to live in a small town in the northern part of the United states. Ginger deals with her problems by first talking with her her best friends Dodie and Macie or writing them down in her journal. An admirable life habit and one I and Ginger share. This could be why I took to re-watching this show in my adulthood. Writing in her journal allows for Ginger to have deep conversations with herself, being entirely naked and vulnerable, one of the best perks of having a journal if you ask me. I was not surprised that Gingr and Darren ended up together in the long run. What bothered me was that Darren tried dating within his own race and found black girls to be manipulative, sneaky, and man stealers. The portrayal of black young girls in this show sucked because there was no real room for these girls to redeem themselves. For Miranda her last lines, were a warning to Ginger about the dangers of step parents taking over, nothing sweet nor redeeming. just one last nefarious plot to make her look as evil as possible before the end of the show.
Macie was a fave character she was not afraid to live her truth and speak her mind. One of the most moving episodes in season one is when Macie goes through with her talent show performance. Dodie and Ginger backed out due to shame in still being fans of “The Little Seal Girl”. Macie went on that stage SOLO DOLO and belted out those lyrics with pride. It is so hard for adolescents to truly be themselves, especially as young as 7th grade. 
 The characters Courtney and Miranda hit me differently the second time around. The African American representation in this show is slim pickings. The early 2000s were just starting to get into casting more than one Black character in shows, and only one of them was ‘allowed’ to have any depth to them usually. Miranda, the token black girl AND villain in the show, is hands down one of my favorite characters. She is voiced by the incredibly talented Cree Summers, a well known voice actress that has voiced some of the most memorable African American characters. Miranda craves Courtney’s attention and constant companionship all throughout 7th and 8th grade. In a way she idolized her and didn’t want someone as whimsical and kind as Ginger getting in the way. Miranda was like a servant to Courtney those two years, even though she commanded her own audience and held power. Her father being a police officer was an interesting choice. He was cold towards Miranda and did not take her feelings into account before asking her what she wanted to do for the summer. Courtney was a rich, spoiled, out of touch, socialite snob. I have no idea why she was so entrancing to watch! She represented all the things that young girls wanted constant access to. She had the house, the butler, cars, the most stylish outfit changes, and the BEST parties. It was her out of touch responses , and her sudden interest in Ginger, that made the show at times. Courtney and Miranda’s most challenging moment was when they were separated during the summer time. Courtney convinced herself to go to summer camp with Ginger instead of the luxury cruise she had booked with her family and Miranda. This left her stuck out, all because Courtney was insulted when Miranda said she was a certain type that needed special tending to. This was a tough and much needed trip for Courtney because she had known very little hardship up to this point, unless you count that horrible lice episode! Miranda and Courtney were seen significantly less in season three. This likely symbolized how peolpe drift apart during high school. Without the same access to one another, Miranda was able to flourish(behind the scenes) without Courtney and even had her experimenting with her Afro Puffs in the last episode! Courtney was completely dethroned when she arrived to high school. She was doomed to endure the torment she caused so many people whilst in middle school. Her family even lost their money and were forced to live in ginger’s old house when they moved after Mrs foutley’s wedding. It hurt to watch, but it was bound to happen and the Griplings as a family needed to feel that sting. We all long to watch the rich fall, lets just admit it and revel in it. Courtney lacks identity without her money, it would have been awesome to see her character grow after this loss. 
I would highly recommend this show to anyone who is looking for a good wholesome show to pass the time. there is love, conflict, near death, and a very happy happy ending at the end if you ask me. 
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This is a starter call post for all of my characters in this RPG. Please specify which character you want, and please tell me which character of yours my character will be talking to. Thank you. My characters in this RPG are the following : Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Angelica Pickles from Rugrats and All Grown Up!, Wallflower Blush from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale, Vicky from The Fairly OddParents, Princess Audrey Rose from Descendants, Helga G. Pataki from Hey, Arnold!, Cozy Glow from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Starlight Glimmer from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Lynn, Jr., Loud from The Loud House, Natalie Page from Smart Boys & Fast Girls / Geeks Can Be Hot, Chloe Carmichael from The Fairly OddParents, Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls, Tempest Shadow from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Lily Evans from Harry Potter, Bubbles Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls, Ronnie Anne Santiago from The Casagrandes, and The Loud House, Annie James from The Parent Trap, Amanda Killman from Bunsen Is A Beast!, Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, Nola James from IN or OUT, Katie from Animal Crossing, Sheldon J. Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants, Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck-It Ralph, Rose Granger-Weasley from Harry Potter, Riley Matthews from Girl Meets World, Adagio Dazzle from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Juniper Montage from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Olivia from Paper Mario: The Origami King, Whittany Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop, Cindy Vortex from The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Princess Anna of Arendelle from Frozen, Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter, Jackie Lynn Thomas from Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, Milly from Phineas And Ferb, Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo, Josephine ‘Jo’ March from Little Women, Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Indigo Zap from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Weasley from Harry Potter, Joesette ‘Josie’ Saltzman from Legacies, Bloom from The Winx Club, Princess Ariel Triton from The Little Mermaid, Andromeda Black from Harry Potter, Cristina from The Loud House, Bonnie Rockwaller from Kim Possible, Hanna Marin from Pretty Little Liars, Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina, Stella Zhau from The Loud House, Cho Chang from Harry Potter, Clare Edwards from Degrassi: The Next Generation, Ocellus from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Candace Flynn from Phineas And Ferb, Renee from The Loud House, Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles Of Narnia, Mary ‘Boo’ Gibbs from Monsters, Inc., Katie Bell from Harry Potter, Danielle ‘Dani’ Dennison from Hocus Pocus, Megan Parker from Drake & Josh, Sharpay Evans from High School Musical, Gabrielle Delacour from Harry Potter, Zoey Brooks from Zoey 101, Sutton Mercer from The Lying Game, Susan Bones from Harry Potter, Cheyenne Martin from the Private novel series by Kate Brian, Maya Matlin from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class, Taylor Bell from the Private novel series by Kate Brian, Lilo Pelekai from Lilo & Stitch, Ellie from Up!, Sam Sharp from The Loud House, Emma from The Loud House, Jackie from The Loud House, Sophie Piper from Halloweentown, Carol Pingrey from The Loud House, Lacey St. Clair from The Loud House, Luz Noceda from The Owl House, Webbigail ‘Webby’ Vanderquack from DuckTales, Lilly Truscott/Lola Luftnagle from Hannah Montana, Claire Lyons from The Clique, Meli Ramos from The Loud House, Emma Ross from Jessie / Bunk’d, Lexi Reed from A.N.T. Farm, Dylan Schoenfield from Geek Charming, Kimi Cheng from The Fairly OddParents ( she is my O.C. ), Hedley from Rugrats, Rachel Wyatt-Alcroft from All Grown Up!, Kitty Cheshire from Ever After High, Courtney Gripling from As Told By Ginger, Alexandra Margarita ‘Alex’ Russo from Wizards Of Waverly Place, Princess Aurora from Maleficent, Fa Mulan from Mulan, Brittany Miller from ALVINNN!!! And The Chipmunks, Bessie Higgenbottom from The Mighty B!, Amelia Collins from All Grown Up!, Camille Le Haut from Leap! / Ballerina, Nicole Boscarelli from All Grown Up!, Rose/Huntsgirl from American Dragon: Jake Long, Wally Ramone from All Grown Up!, Olivia from All Grown Up!, Yo from Fanboy & Chum Chum, Molly from The Fairly OddParents, Maddie Van Pelt from Every Witch Way, Dawn Harper from Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn, Maddie Fitzpatrick from The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody, Trina Vega from Victorious, Charlene McKinnon from Harry Potter, and Blueberry Muffin from Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures.
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transboygenius · 5 years
Nick Dean is gay
Y'all remember reading my trans Jimmy Neutron headcanon post, right? While trans headcanons have 10 out of 10,000 chances of being official, here's another headcanon, with a character from the same series, that could possibly be true. Here are the reasons:
Nick is not really fond of girls. 
He would smile at them, wink, fingerguns, even flirt with them for just a second, but he always ends up ignoring the dames. He doesn't even indulge their presence. Cindy is the only girl he’s ever interacted with the most, but he still gives her the cold shoulder afterwards. Sure, he was about to accept a date with her, only because she was offering one free concert ticket to him. By the second and third season, he no longer speaks to her. He seems to prefer the company of guys, and takes more effort talking to them than the girls. He likes to brag about how pretty and awesome he is, but he’s never bragged about the girls he easily attracts, which is something a ladies’ man usually does. Nick doesn’t even talk about girls, either. It seems he doesn’t really care about them.
“Well, he seemed to be into Betty Quinlan in Out Darn Spotlight! uwu!” He. Was. Acting. Fucking acting. That rehearsal didn’t define any romantic chemistry between him and Betty, other than a fake one. Besides, the look on his face backstage where he shifts an eye to her, he looked like he was uncomfortable, even putting on a forced-looking smile. He’s brave enough to kiss girls, but that doesn’t mean he likes it. He kissed a girl, and he hated it!
The signs
Some of them may come off as stereotypical. He screams like a girl, he doesn’t sit in chairs properly, despite his bad boy image he actually likes participating in lighthearted musicals, he’s obsessed with how his hair looks, and he adores cutesy stuff. It is also implied that he is secretly insecure with himself and doesn’t like to show his softer side to anyone. It could very well be a closet case. Also, on Evil Jimmy’s earth, there dwells an “Evil Nick”, who is popular but as a bully’s victim. Butch, who’s supposedly his friend on Jimmy’s regular Earth, is still a bully in that world and now an enemy to Nick. This could reflect how gay kids experience more bullying than straight kids.
How he’s mistreated
Whatever the reason it might be to cut Nick out of the show and then turning him into a chew toy, maybe Nick was gay afterall. It can’t be another one of those tropes where the cool kid becomes the loser. Even when Nick was still popular, he still wasn’t handled equally like the other main characters, which he used to be considered one. Libby, not yet adapted into a main by then, had more screentime than him. Not having much lines and lack of character development has made him into an obscure character. 
Word of advice: Never trust cishets to hand you queer representation on a silver platter. Let’s take Netflix’s Voltron for example. Oh, Voltron, I hate you so much. The show has become infamous to the LGBTQ+ community for its queerbaiting, forced heterosexuality, and supporting the Bury Your Gays trope. Shiro, the token gay character who stays alive, has suffered some shit. He’s been tormented numerous times, put up with depression worst than any of the other characters faced, and lost his arm. He later gets a male fiancé at the end of the series, but we never get the chance to meet, or see, said fiancé.
How convenient that Nick is akin with all the signs that make him gay, and here he is now! Not treated like he’s any important as the other characters, the butt of bad luck, and breaks his leg all the time. This is a show that glorifies the hetero agenda, “if a little girl picks on a little boy, or vice versa, it means love!”
His character was inspired by a gay actor
According to the Words of Satan (cuz John Davis is no God to me), Nick Dean is based on and named after the legend James Dean, an actor best known for his many bad boy roles. He was also gay himself. Actually, we don’t really know whether James Dean was inherently gay or bi. He dated women publicly, but dated men privately, as well as confirmed to having sexual relationships with them. One day, he had plans to marry a woman, but some point later on, he blew off that engagement. He claimed himself he’s not gay, although, James could either mean “I’m not homosexual. But I’m not heterosexual either,” or maybe he was lying. All those women could’ve just been public decoys. 
Nick possibly has a crush on Jimmy
I said so before that Nick prefers the company of boys, but he seems to respect Jimmy more than anybody else. He openly appreciates him and doesn’t mind being his friend, despite how unlovable the boy genius may come off to most people. Nick doesn’t talk to Cindy anymore in the two last seasons, but would still speak to Jimmy. Sure, there’s the teasing, the dehumanization of addressing him by his surname only, and that one bit where he threw him into a dumpster. Hey, Nick didn’t treat him worse than Cindy did. Besides, his teasing is more friendlier in compare.
In the movie, Jimmy desperately wanted to go out to RetroLand, but is stuck on a school’s night. Nick rolls in and offers him a life hack. It’s not a very good life hack, but at least he actually cared to let Jimmy have some fun. Aliens abducting your parents is probably the most laughable assumption. The children were still skeptical over Jimmy’s hypothesis, due to how ridiculous it sounds, and Nick could’ve had the opportunity to make everyone laugh with him. Instead, he went with the plan, even telling Jimmy to lead on. He was especially still positive about Jimmy’s space trip plan even when he declared they had a 5% chance of blowing up. The only time he was negative towards Jimmy was in the dungeon scene. Cindy did make a point. Everyone was sad and scared. At the end of the film, he gave Jimmy his sucker as a token of gratitude. Something that was in his mouth, and he gave it to him. (Sounds like an in-direct kiss to me)
Think about it. If Nick really was in love with Betty, he would’ve have gotten in Jimmy’s face and threaten him to stay away from getting in between him and his girl, but he didn’t. He didn’t even threaten Jimmy after showering a rain cloud on him. Hell, he wasn’t even bummed out about loosing that kiss from Betty after breaking his leg.
Nick was the only one to call out Jimmy’s name, well, last name that is, during the Superman passage in Attack of the Twonkies. “It’s a bird!” “It’s a plane!” “It’s Neutron!” Although Nick picked Jimmy last in basketball, at least he picked him. The “last guy standing” challenge usually ends with one of the rivaling team picking someone else instead of that very last person. There’s a lot to say for Send In The Clothes. Nick wouldn’t care if other kids decided to pose just like him, but he was surprised when he saw “Jimmy” do it. He wasn’t hostile when “Jimmy” got up in his face and called him “skateboard boy.” He also let “Jimmy” touch his skateboard. Nick doesn’t seem like the type of guy to let anyone touch his board. Instead of envying “Jimmy” for having better moves than him, he was impressed. Of course he got mad after breaking his skateboard, but would you be mad at your crush for breaking one of your possessions? Later on in the episode, after Jimmy is cornered by an angry mod, Nick yells “I’ll hold him down!” One more thing I might add: This gaze he gives Jimmy in Jimmy For President.
It’s been said that Nick was suppose to have a larger role by the cancelled fourth season. They would have explored Nick’s character more, and he would grow a closer bond with Jimmy. Whatever those plans were, sure sound interesting. He could be the Courtney Gripling to Jimmy’s Ginger Foutley.
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burnouts3s3 · 6 years
Let's Talk About: Carl Foutley and Hoodsey
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.
"Let's Talk About" is a series of articles focused on individual character or characters and their development and commentary throughout the work in question. THIS IS NOT A REVIEW OF THE WORK, but rather what the character says about the world around them.  If you wish to read a strict review, please click on the link to read it. My reviews focus more on the purely technical aspects of the work. There are bad characters with good messages. There are good characters with bad messages and so on and so forth. Thank you.
Author’s Note: Okay, this is going to be a weird one. Originally, I wanted to do a review of As Told By Ginger, one of my favorite childhood shows and cartoon I sincerely hope people get to watch. But, thanks to Paramount, the studio that owns Nickelodeon and, by proxy, ATBG, trying to buy the official releases of this show have been a nightmare! While Paramount ‘has’ released DVDs of the show, they are very sparse and leave out way too many episodes. Even attempts to upload episodes to Youtube have been shut down by Paramount. For some reason, Nickelodeon refuses to sell episodes of the show digitally through venues like Amazon or itunes. As such, I’m going to be skipping over my review of this show and focusing on a topic near and dear to my heart.)
Let's Talk About: Carl Foutley and Hoodsey
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As Told By Ginger is probably one of my favorite childhood shows growing up. The characters felt real. The situations were relatable and the humor was on point.
For those who don’t know, As Told By Ginger was a Nickelodeon Cartoon that ran through the 2000’s that depicted the everyday life of Ginger Foutley, a middle school student who tries to get through her day to day  by writing in her journal. It was a simple premise but executed spectacularly thanks to the animation studio of Klasky Csupo (who also did other shows such as Rugrats, the Wild Thornberrys and Rocket Power).
While Ginger would be dealing with her problem (such as a cute boy who’s using her to get a good grade in Chemistry class or helping her friends, Dodie Biship and Macie Lightfoot, with a problem), her younger brother who was in Elementary School, Carl Foutley, and Dodie’s younger brother, Robert Joseph “Hoodsey” Bishop, would be getting into trouble.
In his Doghouse (a memory Carl holds onto in hopes his runaway dog, Monster, will return), he and Hoodsey create ideas to swindle his classmates. Carl and Hoodsey would usually have their own subplot where in Carl hatches a scheme to get money, get revenge or attempt to get his petrified eyeball away from Blake Gripling.
See, producers and executives are a bit wary to catering to a single demographic. In ATBG’s case, catering to girls. (To be fair, even in the original pilot Carl and Hoodsey were there). As such, while Ginger and Dodie were doing “girly” or “feminine” things, Carl and Hoodsey were doing “boy” things and had the share of the gross out humor.
It’d be easy for Carl and Hoodsey just to be the comic relief. Their material is funny and they break up a lot of the dramatic moments with their antics. But as the series progressed, I began to realize that the show runners were doing a lot more with the two than I realized.
For example, I thought there was a strong sense of “children during the face of mortality”.  When Hoodsey and Dodie’s grandmother dies in “Losing Nana Bishop”, Hoodsey has a different reaction from the rest of his family. See, while Dodie, his father and his mother are all grief stricken with the loss of his grandmother,  Hoodsey isn’t. And he feels weird about it, saying “But I don’t feel sad, Carl.”. A child realizing their apathetic towards their own relation’s death is a strangely mature arc to go through. Hoodsey eventually comes around saying he will miss her but in his own way stating “I’ll never look at blue foam or a raisin and not remember how Nana used to laugh at me and pinch my cheek really hard."
This happens earlier in the series. Carl begins a sort of May-December Romance with Maude, an elderly lady he meets at a nursing home. (To be fair, it’s said that these feelings only come from Carl and Maude doesn’t return his feelings but finds him entertaining company). As Carl prepares to propose to her, Maude dies and Carl has to deal with it.
But the biggest impact was during No Hope for Courtney, when Carl realizes Ms. Gordon has retired because Carl pulled a prank too far and traumatized her. Because of that, Carl does everything he can to get her back. Eventually, he wins her over. However, the night before class, Carl wakes up and calls out her name. The next day, it’s revealed that Ms. Gordon died in her sleep. (This was done as a tribute to her voice actress Kathleen Freeman passing away). The final shot is Carl crying over her death.
Religion is also a big part of the show (which is surprising, given that this was a Nickelodeon show meant for children). Carl is an atheist, but it’s only really mentioned in passing when Ginger nearly dies from a burst appendix.
In contrast, Hoodsey is seen more as the more religious of the duo, if not necessarily the more moral. What I mean is that Hoodsey is as willing, if not more so, to get into much trouble as Carl is but Hoodsey does believe in a divine power. We get glimpses of this. When Carl and Hoodsey get Mrs. Gripling’s money so Hoodsey can pretend to be a homeless boy for her (Mrs. Gripling was trying to become the head of a social club and did so by faking to do actual charity work), Hoodsey argues they should give the money back, stating "when the big guy sends me a message, I try to pay attention." In “Losing Nana Bishop”, Hoodsey says that their grandmother is somewhere in “that great big bingo hall in the sky”.
Normally, Christianity vs Atheism debates are reserved for the internet Youtube videos or conservative propaganda pieces. In fact, there’s a scenario you could see how Carl would argue with Hoodsey about religion.Instead, the writers of the show establish this through a clever and subversive way.
Hoodsey believes in Santa Claus while Carl does not. The two get into an argument about how ‘real’ Santa is, with Hoodsey being so devoted to Santa he breaks his friendship with Carl.
Eventually the two bury the hatchet and decide they’re better off laughing at things such as neon signs of reindeer pissing.
"Sure you're cool hanging with a non-believer?" Carl asks Hoodsey.
"To each his own and all that," Hoodsey replies.
What led to Carl’s jadedness towards Santa Claus, Carl replies "Something stupid. I think I used to wish my dad would come home for the Holidays or something like that". This is a reference to the fact that his birth father left his family when he was young.
In the world of sitcoms and cartoons, the showrunners sometimes depict various family units and how they contrast with one another. Carl’s family had a Single mother, Lois Foutley, and Ginger. He was the only male character in the house and the youngest child.
Through the 90’s most shows had nuclear, if dysfunctional, families with a mother and father and multiple children. Even if the sons were often trouble makers, they had father figures to look up to. Bud Bundy had Al, Chris Griffin had Peter, Eric Forman had Red, Bobby Hill had Hank and Bart Simpson had Homer.
Hoodsey, whose parents are still together and haven’t separated, even makes a side comment to Carl "You see how complicated having two parents can be?"
To be fair, as time went on other cartoons and cartoon characters have commented on divorce. Sharon Spitz from Braceface, Pepper Ann Pearson from Pepper Ann, Sammy "Squid" Dullard from Rocket Power, Will Vandom from W.I.T.C.H. and Tino Tonitini from the Weekenders are all products of divorced/separated couples. But whereas their mothers they stay with are considered embarrassing, overprotective, smothering, or strict, the absent father figure is usually idolized and admired, even with their actual presences hidden or built up. For the first times we hear about them, we never actually "see" what Pepper Ann's father and Tino's father looked like until later in the series after they're mentioned.
It's also implied that the absent father figure is the better off or the richer of the two households with a "cool" profession. Pepper Ann's father is a pilot, Squid's father is an executive, Will's father is seen driving a sports car (implying he's wealthy) and Sharon Spitz's father is a rock star. As such, it's seen as an idolization of the absent father figure. "My dad's not here because he's busy being cool somewhere else".
Then, we finally get hints of who Ginger’s father is.
In "Hello Stranger", Ginger gets a congratulations letter for graduating Elementary School (an event, as her friend Darren mentions, that happened ages ago) from her father. Ginger invites her father to attend her poetry reading only for him not to show up. Lois decides to send flowers to Ginger and has them written to be from Ginger's Father (even though he had nothing to do with them). Ginger sees through the guise but thanks her mother anyway.
When we do finally meet Ginger's Father, Jonas, the truth is finally revealed: he is a mall Santa who can't be bothered to make it to her daughter's poetry reading. It's also implied he's not well off financially. "I'm sort of a Jack of all trades and Master of none" he says in a later episode.
When Carl and Jonas do meet on Christmas Day, Hoodsey inadvertently stages a meeting between them, Carl, meets him with scorn and hatred. He even says "My Mom always warned me about getting in a car with a total stranger." Jonas gives Carl a globe full of peanuts, not knowing that Carl is violently allergic to them.
The show doesn't mince words; Jonas Foutley is a deadbeat dad who doesn't know his own children and his attempts to be there fall flat. (To be fair, the show gave him redeeming values such as giving GInger good advice or having him wrestle rogue attacking turkeys).
Ginger and Carl have very different reactions to their birth father. Ginger attempts to get Jonas back into her life as much as possible while Carl wants nothing to do with him.
Consider how strange that is. Ginger, the older female child, idolizes her father while Carl despises him. Carl instead attempts to help Dr. Dave, a recurring character and co-worker of his mother, help woo Lois. Carl who’s the younger child instead feels more comfortable with his step father while Ginger, who would be older and would have more memories of her father leaving her, is dedicated to making her father a part of her life as much as possible.
It’s interesting to see how he, who is barely entering middle school not only wants to embrace his potential new father, but harbors resentment against his birth father. He even goes so far as to address him as Jonas while calling Dr. Dave Dad. Carl even accuses Jonas of conspiring to ruin Lois and Dave's wedding!
In one of the final episodes of the season, Carl helps Lois find a new house. Lois decides to indulge Carl's gross out side and shows off houses that she thinks Carl would like before settling on a real house. Except, throughout the episode, Carl dismisses each of the houses and commits himself to finding an actual home.
When Lois asks why Carl is acting out of character, Carl responds.
"It's my last duty as Man of the House before Dave steps into the role", he says.
Think about that. Carl, despite admitting he loved the creepy and gross houses Lois showed him, decides to take the responsibility of house hunting seriously because he considers it the last duty "as man of the house" before Dave comes in. He is deliberately choosing to step away from his own selfish desires and deciding to 'act like a man'. Not masculine as in gaining muscles or beating up people or acting as an authority figure, but doing something as simple as helping his mother and changing his attitude and behavior.
Consider the context: Carl favors Dr. Dave, a step-father, despite Dave not being his birth father and him acting squeamish and cowardly, more of a man than his actual parent. Why? Because Dave is there and helps his family while Jonas, Carl's birthfather, has been mainly absent from his childhood.
So naturally, Carl's viewpoint of masculinity and manhood are changed. Rather than being assertive of muscular, it's simply being there and supporting his family when he can.
That's strangely profound in a child.
It feels like Carl’s arc is that of maturity. But through the series, attempts into forcing Carl to mature all fail. Ms. Gordo and George (a strict boy scout who uses military training to straighten out Carl), all fail. Attempts to force Carl to destroy the dog house, his secret lair and his nostalgia into hoping his long lost pet, Monster, will come back fail. Even when a classmate tricks Carl into growing up fails. But instead, Carl chooses by his own accord when he's finally ready to destroy his dog house. He chooses to turn his back against pranking. He chooses to help his mother out with the wedding and move.
(It should also be mentioned that Carl was willing to let his dog house be destroyed when George blackmails Carl that by leaving he would cast the blame on Ginger whose program is failing). Then, on Lois’ wedding day, Monster, the dog Carl has been waiting to come back, returns to him.
In some ways, Carl’s story is a view of masculinity but through the lens of grade school boy. Through this sense of jadedness, we see a boy who’s grown weary of the world but works through it by being as gross and angry as possible. But instead of pursing masculinity as a form of power or revenge fantasy, he views it as an aiding tool and someone who genuinely wants to help (even if that help causes more trouble than aids).
Tress MacNille is a voice acting professional who’s shown her merit through shows such as the Simpsons, Futurama and other works. But it’s with Hoodsey that she embodies a character and gives said character real depth. But it’s Jeannie Elias who absolutely delivers as Carl (she also played Botley in Jumpstart 3rd grade adventures).  It’s not uncommon for female voice performers to voice young boys (this is done for a variety of reasons as animated shows can go on for years and female actresses tend to ‘sound’ younger than male ones), but Elias performance while holding a scratchy voice manages to convey anger, sadness, humor and cunning at all the right times. Kudos to her.
The series ends, showing an Adult Ginger reading her book to a group of her adult friends as well as Darren with their child. Hoodsey and Carl are seen sitting next to each other.
Though, there is one detail I do find funny. In an episode, Carl says "I can see Me and Hoodsey being friends 30 Years from now".
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I guess some friendships do last a lifetime after all.
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ldentidem--archive · 7 years
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FULL NAME: Ginger Foutley
NICKNAMES: Gin, it’s just Ginger, mostly
AGE: 18 years old (VD)
DATE OF BIRTH: November 20th
PLACE OF BIRTH: Sheltered Shrubs, Connecticut
OCCUPATION: Student/Writer
GENDER & SPECIES: Female human.
MBTI: INFP - The Idealist
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
PARENT NAMES: Lois and Jonas Foutley
PARENT RELATIONSHIP: Divorced, but in friendly terms.
SIBLINGS: Carl Foutley
Ginger is the eldest daughter of Jonas and Lois Foutley, who divorced a few years after her younger brother Carl was born.
Her best friends in the whole world are Darren Patterson (on and off boyfriend), Dodie Bishop and Macie Lightfoot, with whom she grew up and has been going to school since they were all very little. 
Ginger’s childhood was a happy one, but as it often happens, things began getting more and more complicated as her infancy neared its end and puberty started. Things previously considered irrelevant to Ginger began mattering more and more, and even more so because she was finally being noticed by the popular crowd when Courtney Gripling; a rich, spoiled and very sheltered girl decided to befriend her. 
Due to her nature and character as a rather gifted writer and excellent student, she was usually labeled as a geek, a Good Little Girl, boring, among other things. Ginger did try to change that label many times but ended up feeling out of place. She could only be who she was, and lucky her she didn’t have to be any more than that for her friends to accept her... problems and consequences of her actions aside.
Being pretty much the only parent Ginger knew, she’s extremely close to her mother, though when she was younger, Ginger usually just learned from her own mistakes instead of listening to Lois’ advice. 
Lois remarried, to a doctor named David Dave, and from that moment forward, it seemed as though Karma saw her and her family through; becoming affluent and living in the same gated compound Courtney’s family used to live in before they went broke.
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forricher-andpoorer · 6 years
Robert Joseph “Hoodsey” Bishop Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Robert Joseph Bishop Nicknames: Hoodsey, Hoods Age: 19; Can Change Birthday: March 15th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Demiromantic Monogamous; Moderately Sexual Hair: Naturally Blond, slowly fading to brown Eyes: Pale Blue Skin: Pale Tan Height: 5′4″ Weight: 158 lbs Faceclaim: Jeremy Allen White Piercings: Mostly does play piercings with needles/strings/ribbons Tattoos: None Scars: A hole from a missing molar on the top right, a deep slice on the inside of his left thumb, a thin but long scar on his left forearm, a large almost knotted scar on his right wrist where the bone broke through once, and two holes (entry/exit wounds) on his left calf. Most of these injuries were sustained with Carl.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Religion: Raised Christian, Agnostic Allegiance: Carl Foutley
Family: David Charles Bishop (Father, Alive); Joann Bishop (Mother, Alive); Deirdre Hortense “Dodie” Bishop (Sister, Alive); Nana Bishop (Grandmother, Deceased)
Pets: Rock The Rock Rockson (Pet Rock)
Personality: Gullible, submissive, helpful, sweet, misguided, loyal, mama’s boy, devoted, selfless, compassionate, empathetic, artistic, intuitive, gentle, gross, squeamish, fearful, paranoid, too trusting, romantic, unconditionally generous (especially to Carl), easily embarrassed, socially awkward, follower, scapegoat, eats feelings, expressive, worrywart
Likes: Carl Foutley, bugs, frogs, any kind of fried food, his van, dogs, sugary sodas, gore, dismembered body parts, the petrified eyeball, pranking his sister and/or Blake Gripling, journalism
Dislikes: Blake Gripling, Pandering, Megalomaniacs, Brandon Higsby (his monkey’s cool though), Losing, When Carl doesn’t listen to him, being the butt of the joke, being naked around most people (Carl’s cool but he’d trust him with anything)
Can Do: Drive, play exactly three cords on a bass guitar, film things, watch horror movies, eat ungodly amounts of food, ignore everything for a project
Can’t Do: Handle secondhand embarrassment, allow Carl to get them hurt, kill something, take cough syrup, think for himself
Mental Health Diagnosis:
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Hoodsey often has a hard time being followed when he speaks, or doesn’t make sense. He believes he has an extra sense of when he and Carl are going too far, or when they might get hurt. He also claimed to be able to completely understand Carl without speaking. He seeks isolation from most people, if only because Carl is the only person that understands him and nurtures his confidence.
Avoidant Personality Disorder: When not with Carl, he is incredibly shy and fears ridicule. All he wants is to be comfortable in his own skin but he’s so afraid without someone to give him orders.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Most people consider him to be constantly clinging to Carl, and they are rarely apart from one another. Most of his decisions are made exclusively after consulting Carl, or by Carl himself.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Often times, especially alone, he is so anxious to the point of chewing his nails or biting the skin off of his lips.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Asthma: Sports had always been hard for him in school, and he was diagnosed with asthma shortly before middle school. He always carries his inhaler on him, and when he doesn’t have it, usually Carl has a spare for him.
Overweight: His pretty constant intake of everything has left him a bit overweight for his height. It doesn’t help his asthma all that much, and makes exercising a little more difficult.
Fears: Being abandoned, competitive situations, large crowds, being stalked/killed
Positive Traits: Gentle, loyal, optimistic, eager to please
Negative Traits: Gullible, easily embarrassed, shy, bottles up his feelings for Carl
Quirks: Always up for pranking others; uses his van as a trash can most of the time; always writes things down to remember them but misplaces the notes or doesn’t remember what it was supposed to remind him of; has a playlist on his iPod that is only What’s New Pussycat, It’s Not Unusual, and Never Gonna Give You Up for when he and Carl are in the mood to bother everyone.
Tends To: Follow Carl’s word above all else; fears his mother’s wrath and tries to do right by her and Carl at the same time; hide his feelings for Carl and thinks he’s slick but everyone else knows; Always have his phone, iPod, keys, wallet and inhaler in the same pocket
History: Hoodsey was two weeks late to his own birthday, he came out fairly healthy, if not a bit larger than he should have. Dodie was not stoked to have a little brother, but Hoodsey was always a sweet, clingy child. A natural-born follower, he did exactly what his mom said until he started Kindergarten.
The fateful day he met Carl Foutley changed everything. His attention, his clinginess, was divided between his mother and Carl. While he often tried to stop Carl in his mad bids for fame, fortune, and the truly gross, he let himself be steamrolled into everything after a mild fuss was put up. Over the years, he and Carl only grew closer.
Hoodsey strongly dislikes Blake Gripling, and while he will not quite admit it to himself, it’s only half because he’s annoying. The other half is definitely jealousy. Occasionally when his mother lets him go to concerts and things, he and Carl live in the back of his 1997 Chevrolet Astro.
Tags List - Personal
Broke As A Junkie But I Have A Good Time (Hoodsey) I’m Pretty Sure My Mom Doesn’t Like This (Hoodsey’s IC Posts) The Purple Hoodie The Purple Hoodie Or The Purple Hoodie? (Hoodsey’s Closet) Oh Dude! (Hoodsey’s Stuff) Yes Yes Yes! (Hoodsey’s Desires) Gross Dude (Hoodsey’s Aesthetic) Never Have To Feed It (Rock The Rock Rockson Tag) It Was Just Never Gonna Give You Up On Repeat (Hoodsey’s Music) Thinking Is A Dangerous Past Time (Hoodsey Musings) Snips Snails And Puppy Dog Tails (Hoodsey Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
Tastefully Tasteless (Hoodsey And Blake Gripling) At Least Let The Monkey Have Fun (Hoodsey And Brandon Higsby) My Best Friend’s Hot (Hoodsey And Carl Foutley) She’s Like A Princess In A Tower (Hoodsey And Courtney Gripling) Can I Have The Headgear When You’re Done? (Hoodsey And Darren Patterson) You’re Not A Lady You’re Nothing But A Sister (Hoodsey And Dodie Bishop) Kind Of Like A Sister To Me (Hoodsey And Ginger Foutley) Mother/Jailer (Hoodsey And Joann Bishop) The Mother I Never Had (Hoodsey And Lois Foutley) Weird In A Different Way (Hoodsey And Macie Lightfoot) May She Rest Knowing The Worms Have Eaten Her Corpse (Hoodsey And Maude) Mean Girls (Hoodsey And Mipsy Mipson) Mean Girls 2: Fucking Furious (Hoodsey And Miranda Killgallen) Bandaid Queen (Hoodsey And Noelle Sussman) A Dweeb’s Workhorse (Hoodsey And Winston)
Tags List - With X - OC
None At This Time
Tags List - With X - Crossover
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Someone Once Told Me The Grass Is Much Greener (Hoodsey’s Elementary Verse)
Already thick as thieves with Carl, Hoodsey is very much his go-to yes-man and best friend. He was so happy just to have a friend that he’d almost do anything for Carl. By first grade, he knew the feeling of being truly wanted by someone.
Everything Is Alright (Hoodsey’s Middle School Verse)
His schoolwork suffered greatly in Middle School and he skipped more often. When his mother found out he was grounded for three months, and when he was finally out of solitary confinement, he stayed at the Foutley’s for over a week.
Partner In Crime (Hoodsey’s High School Verse)
Hoodsey handled a lot of AP classes because of his mom, as well as band and his photojournalism club/classes. Between school, extra curriculars, and his time with Carl, he was pretty busy and stressed. For two weeks during his Senior year, he ended up in the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown. Being away from Carl and not allowed visitors was almost harder on him.
Brain Stew (Hoodsey’s College Verse)
Finally being out of his parents’ house for college, Hoodsey goes a little wild when he finally realizes that he is free. Anything goes, and he wants to try as many things as he can. He’s going to film school.
AU Verses
Running Up That Hill (Hoodsey’s ABO AU)
Hoodsey is an Omega that probably takes way too many scent blockers and heat suppressants. His mother is so controlling that she is still hoping that there is some way to get her son and daughter to switch secondary sexes.
Admitting Guilt (Hoodsey’s Deadman Wonderland AU)
After being neutralized and turned into an Undertaker, Hoodsey stayed mostly to himself. He can’t remember much beyond his turning. All he knows is that he lost something, and he wants to get it back.
Green Around The Gills (Demon!Hoodsey AU)
A lesser demon of Envy, Hoodsey has a tendency to cling onto one person and leech off of their emotions. He loves to provoke people with misunderstandings the most.
A Caged Bird Sings (Mer!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey is a Royal Gramma Fish, kept in a tank at an aquarium. He sings a sad song all night long in hopes that someone will come and let him out, though most people tend to ignore him. On land he loses his sense of taste.
Not A Fun Job (Hoodsey’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
A backdoor Gentern, Hoodsey administers illegal Zydrate to patients of Carl’s. He isn’t entirely sure why he has to wear the dress.
And Everything You Touch Shall Be Destroyed (Vampire!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey was turned late one night while walking back home from work. His van was out of commission, and the second that he was grabbed, he was sure he was being mugged. Being so sweet, he was allowed to go after feeding the vampire, who came back night after night to see him and feed from him. They are very good friends, and Hoodsey was eventually turned to keep him from dying due to stomach cancer.
He’s A Good Dog Blake (Werewolf!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey didn’t quite understand that when he was bitten by a weird dog while walking home from Carl’s one night that his life would change forever. Ever since, he has found a way to use his powers for the betterment of the two of them, even if it has made him more aggressive and territorial.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Jeremy Allen White
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Hey, everyone. I’m the main admin., Alex, and I just want to let everyone know that if you ever want to have a closed starter from me, please ask me. I have 30+ characters in this RPG though, so please let me know which character you would like, and which character of yours will my character be talking to. My character list is listed on my multi-muse blog. Thank you !!
Edit : My list of characters are now underneath the Read More.
Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Angelica Pickles from Rugrats and All Grown Up!, Wallflower Blush from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale, Vicky from The Fairly OddParents, Princess Audrey Rose from Descendants, Helga G. Pataki from Hey, Arnold!, Cozy Glow from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Starlight Glimmer from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Lynn Loud, Jr. from The Loud House, Natalie Page from Smart Boys & Fast Girls / Geeks Can Be Hot, Chloe Carmichael from The Fairly OddParents, Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls, Tempest Shadow from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Lily Evans from Harry Potter, Bubbles Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls, Ronnie Anne Santiago from The Casagrandes, and The Loud House, Annie James from The Parent Trap, Amanda Killman from Bunsen Is A Beast!, Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, Nola James from IN or OUT, Katie from Animal Crossing, Sheldon J. Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants, Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck-It Ralph, Rose Granger-Weasley from Harry Potter, Riley Matthews from Girl Meets World, Adagio Dazzle from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Juniper Montage from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Olivia from Paper Mario: The Origami King, Whittany Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop, Cindy Vortex from The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Princess Anna of Arendelle from Frozen, Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter, Jackie Lynn Thomas from Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, Milly from Phineas And Ferb, Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo, Josephine ‘Jo’ March from Little Women, Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Indigo Zap from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Weasley from Harry Potter, Joesette ‘Josie’ Saltzman from Legacies, Bloom from The Winx Club, Princess Ariel Triton from The Little Mermaid, Andromeda Black from Harry Potter, Cristina from The Loud House, Bonnie Rockwaller from Kim Possible, Hanna Marin from Pretty Little Liars, Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina, Stella Zhau from The Loud House, Cho Chang from Harry Potter, Clare Edwards from Degrassi: The Next Generation, Ocellus from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Candace Flynn from Phineas And Ferb, Renee from The Loud House, Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles Of Narnia, Mary 'Boo’ Gibbs from Monsters, Inc., Katie Bell from Harry Potter, Danielle 'Dani’ Dennison from Hocus Pocus, Megan Parker from Drake & Josh, Sharpay Evans from High School Musical, Gabrielle Delacour from Harry Potter, Zoey Brooks from Zoey 101, Sutton Mercer from The Lying Game, Susan Bones from Harry Potter, Cheyenne Martin from the Private novel series by Kate Brian, Maya Matlin from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class, Taylor Bell from the Private novel series by Kate Brian, Lilo Pelekai from Lilo & Stitch, Ellie from Up!, Sam Sharp from The Loud House, Emma from The Loud House, Jackie from The Loud House, Sophie Piper from Halloweentown, Carol Pingrey from The Loud House, Lacey St. Clair from The Loud House, Luz Noceda from The Owl House, Webbigail ‘Webby’ Vanderquack from DuckTales, Lilly Truscott/Lola Luftnagle from Hannah Montana, Claire Lyons from The Clique, Meli Ramos from The Loud House, Emma Ross from Jessie / Bunk’d, Lexi Reed from A.N.T. Farm, Dylan Schoenfield from Geek Charming, Kimi Cheng from The Fairly OddParents ( she is my O.C. ), Hedley from Rugrats, Rachel Wyatt-Alcroft from All Grown Up!, Kitty Cheshire from Ever After High, Courtney Gripling from As Told By Ginger, Alexandra Margarita 'Alex’ Russo from Wizards Of Waverly Place, Princess Aurora from Maleficent, Fa Mulan from Mulan, and Brittany Miller from ALVINNN!!! And The Chipmunks.
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As Retold by Ginger, Episode 23: Fast Reputation
Brief summary
Until I saw this episode for the first time 15ish years ago, I didn’t know that calling girls “fast” was even a thing up North. 
Anyway, today’s episode is about reputations, rumors, and slut shaming. Ginger gets tired of being “the nice girl” and decides to change things up a little, because stealing a bank sign and having a juvie record isn’t enough. While at the dentist, Ginger overhears a cute, edgy high school boy named Jake mention that Lexi Lanoux was throwing a house party while her parents were out of town. She is promptly embarrassed when the dental assistant comes out and mentions that she’s “Clean Mouth of the Month” in front of him. When she tells Dodie what happened, Dodie suggests crashing the party to makeover her nice girl image. They wind up spending most of the party at the food table being awkward until they decide to give up and go home. Ginger forgets her house keys, and she has to go back in. When she looks under the snack table, she runs into Jake. They almost kiss, but she cockblocks herself, and makes an escape. 
The next day, Jake finds her keys and they start flirting during PE, because Ginger is a big damn flirt when she’s not actively trying to do so. She messes with Courtney and Miranda by providing as little detail as possible about what happened, and it drives them nuts. When they run into Jake at Carl’s food cart, they get the scoop but completely blow it out of proportion and it spreads all over the school. 
Meanwhile, the boys have to choose an elective class for reasons that Mrs. Gordon struggles to understand. Carl makes an executive decision (as he is wont to do) and signs himself and Hoodsey up for cooking class with the intention of making it into a lucrative business for them. After testing his skills on his family, Carl decides to open a food cart at Lucky Elementary, selling “gross-out” cuisine. The enterprise takes off, much to the dismay of the school cafeteria worker, Chef Bob. When Bob, Gordo, and the cooking teacher Ms. Conners try to put a stop to it, Gordo is swayed when she actually samples some of Carl’s cooking. The next day, the health inspector shows up and shuts the operation down due to unsanitary conditions, most likely tipped off by Chef Bob. 
Spot the Clique
Mipsy is in the opening scene when she decides to cut in front of Ginger in line to go to the school assembly. 
In the crowd shot, you can see Tracey, Traci Lefferts, Donna, Mindy, Dinah, Heather, and the first shot of Casey. There’s an animation error where you actually see Donna twice...unless she has a twin sister. (Maybe she does. We don’t know.) There is also a shot of the back of Lonnie’s head shortly before this. 
Traci Lefferts is in Ginger’s PE class. 
So, the whole reason Courtney was wound up about Ginger’s adventure was because it was taking attention away from her, and Ginger got to do something she didn’t do. Vanity, thy name is Gripling. 
“I’ve gone from being a nice girl to being a nice girl with ‘Clean Mouth of the Month’.” Oh, Ginger, I thought we’d gotten past this sort of thing.
“Carl...in charge of dinner? But, Mom, I wanna live!”
“He(Jake) must have found them(her keys) under the table after our...tete-a-tete.”This is Ginger being coy, everybody. 
“I wanted them to think i was someone cool enough to crash a high school party, not someone who rolls around under picnic tables with 10th grade boys.”
The Dodie Desperation Index
“Anyone with a pierced eyebrow wouldn’t be caught dead in petroleum-based activewear.”
So, crashing a high school party on a weeknight was Dodie’s idea. 
“I would like to point out that I crashed that party also, and it’s done nothing for my reputation.” Probably because no one cared that you and Macie were there. Crashing a high school party is pretty meaningless once you hear about someone making out under a table at said party. 
Miranda’s Malice
(When Milty says anyone caught at the wall will get suspended.)“Maybe you should try spending some time there, Ginger. Then we wouldn’t have to see you for a few days.”
After watching Ginger and Jake: Aren’t cool high school guys a little out of your league? 
Courtney: But, Miranda, do you think it’s right just to trash Ginger’s rep? Miranda: Are you kidding?! It’s our duty!
Ginger: Actually, for a minute there, I don’t think I even knew myself.  Miranda: Must have been the best minute of your life. 
There’s Something About Macie
“That pierced eyebrow’s got ‘throbbing infection’ written all over it.”
“If by ‘brilliant’, you mean ‘supremely irresponsible’, I would have to agree!”
“Observe as I bust a move to the funky remix.”
“That girl’s gonna twist her spine all the way to the emergency room.”
Boys and their Toys
Hoodsey: Cooking? Why not modern dancing or pole vaulting? You know, an area where we tend to shine?
Hoodsey: I know what a franchise is, Carl. I learn all the same vocabulary words as you. 
Carl: Today, the Foutleys; tomorrow, everyone else who eats!
I think the most important thing we learned here today is that Carl and Hoodsey are damned good cooks and pretty good at marketing. 
Bad boy Jake is a 10th grader, which means he’s only two years older than the girls. 
Will must still be in high school since he’s showing up at Lexi Lanoux’s party. He was shown driving last season, which made him at least 16 then, so he’s probably 17 now and a senior. 
Given that the PE activity of choice is running in tank tops and shorts, it’s probably still Fall, which means these episodes stand a very good chance of actually being in order. 
Trivial Things
You can’t make any sense of the crowd shots in the opening scene. No one is where they’re supposed to be. Some characters appear twice as the camera pans across the audience. It’s nuts. 
Chef Bob handles the cafeterias of all three Lucky schools. How small is the Lucky school system that one guy runs it all? Considering that there were only nine girls in Ginger’s PE class, pretty small. 
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