#craft ingredience
daftpatience · 8 months
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im giving this its own focus for a sec cus i really really like how they turned out!!! i like making charms, but maybe i might get into actually using them to make pretty things??? ooh!
two of these ~haunted house~ charm bracelets are avail at my shop for the halloween sale and mini restock!!!
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justkeepstitching · 1 year
The Secret Ingredient is Cat Hair
I’m thinking of hanging this one in the kitchen!
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Pattern time!
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chocodile · 1 year
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Third set of Sylvanian Families customs done! Frank and Alex show off their tiny little dollhouse-sized rifles.
Super pleased with how Alex’s bat parts turned out! Her nose is flocked epoxy clay and her wings are leather super glued to the underside of her arms.
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tf2-bits-n-bobs · 8 months
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Cheese wheel, obsolete crafting ingredient
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rocksanddeadflowers · 2 months
What's one hobby you have that you'd recommend other people try?
Oh I have so many this is hard to answer.... I think maybe just simple hand sewing skills? Just because a lot of it is really easy once you get the hang of it, and it's incredibly useful and multi purpose. You can make new stuff or save your old favorite things! I love mending my clothes a lot (saves money in the long run and saves me the heart ache), and there's plenty of different kinds of hand sewing skills you can learn depending on what you need them for. I recently even learned scotch darning to save my favorite sweater!
(Sewing is probably my oldest hobby too? I remember being very little and denied real sewing needles so I made my own out of Christmas ornament hooks and fixed my brother's stuffies with them and made my stuffies clothes. I got my needles not long afterwards.)
I prefer visible mending for most of my things, but I practice making it unnoticeable too. I've fixed bedspreads, clothes, bags, and all sorts of things! I've also made new clothes and other trinkets out of scrap material, and decorated things too! (<- personally obsessed with patch work things lmao.)
Admittedly if you get into sewing as a major hobby a sewing machine is very helpful, but I still prefer hand sewing where I can bc I find the machine to be a little stressful. I usually use mine on bigger projects to save time, but I mainly hand sew.
Also I know you quilt so I dunno if that was the answer you were looking for lol... I don't know much about quilting but it is still sewing, and really cool to me. (Long arms look terrifying to me however.) But yeah knowing how to sew by hand is really helpful and fun! It's relaxing for me when I have the energy to focus and feels fulfilling. Even if it's not a good hobby for everyone, if it's a skill you're capable of learning, it's very useful.
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kicktwine · 8 months
my desire to start shadowbringers vs my desire to “finish some things up” before I just. To my understanding Leave This Plane Of Existence and not come back
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wine-dark-soup · 5 months
crafting in ffxiv is EXTREMELY satisfying. and then there's the horrors (no more space in inventory, retainers' inventories, saddlebag, etc)
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astraldrake · 8 months
me: i play bg3 for the plot the plot:
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slutty-wizard-council · 2 months
Im looking for a good girl potion
Oh sure, here's a blank gender potion - to turn it into a good girl potion just have a good girl cum inside it and stir well
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pancake-sea-slug · 11 months
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I have no recollection of the last 2 days
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Whale + Bigfoot = Moby Dick
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The Real Single-Ingredient Potions
i'm quite proud of these
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motley-cunt · 1 month
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So I spent about a day and a half making a fancyfull little sweeney boy (aka andy as a sock monkey) and I’m decently proud of the creepazoid so here he is, cobbled from T-shirt scraps and my roomate’s socks.
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tf2-bits-n-bobs · 4 months
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Goldfish, obsolete crafting ingredient
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blackvahana · 2 months
ohhhhh Sleep is definitely one of these trees isn't it.... its absolutely a waking (as in IT is waking up in me) aspect
#i. have. ugh. ive been weiiiirrrdddllly side-eying Hypnos since I discovered he existed (not getting into why. he reminds me of hermes.#he reminds me of lull. thats all im saying) but the point is because Divinity Of Sleep hits home in ways i havent been comfortable explorin#in myself so i was. looking outside me. i dont need outside stuff. godddddddd ok#ramblings //#creation: the forest //#aspect: sleep //#fuckkkkkk ive been having issues w sleep for so long now - and i only really recently started believing im not fucking insane and that#astral stuff does actually happen - that i completely forgot in the beginning of working w spirits post-twins i fucking#was helping people getting to sleep and Hermes fucking called me something to do with sleep and my energy was - goddamn it#i literally. naturally expand into comfortable bedding. my bedroom is like a shrine space to me not because of how its used by others#(though spirits were treating it like that BECAUSE of this aspect) but because my energy was inhabiting it like an extension of me.#i was the calm. i was the relaxing into sleep. i was sleep itself. i was that which lulled people into sleep and dreaming. oh my god of#COURSE this realisation/remembering happens after i craft a crystal for my twinflame that filters out nightmares and whatnot#because. that thing. isnt a spell jar put together with ingredients and wishes. i manufactured the goddamn journey into sleep#it rewrites the falling into sleep itself manually (or. i manually programmed it. left it to autonomously repeat that action)#it was a complete ''i know how falling asleep and dreaming work this is what causes nightmares this is what causes dreams'' and#grr grr grr ok
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fictitiouslysane · 10 months
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I didn't know the prices in this game could go that high.
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