#crazy how you can hold a strong opinion 100% and yet have frequent thoughts that oppose it because Society
me when i’m constantly grappling with my own nature and locked in a futile yet never-ending battle with the immutable essence of identity
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afoolsingenuity · 7 years
Bite Sized Books // Some Romance of All Kinds
I have a nice collection of romance reads to look at in this post. I have been drifting back to more romance because I have missed it and so you may see a bit more romance around here lately… but then I might get stuck in a fantasy binge and you won’t. We’ll see.
It Happened on Love Street (Everland, Georgia #1) – Lia Riley Published: 25th April 2017 Source: Netgalley Genre: Romance, Contemporary My Rating:
The most romantic place she never wanted to be . . .
Pepper Knight moved to Everland, Georgia, as step one in her plan for a successful legal career. But after this big-city gal's plans go awry, going home with her tail between her legs isn't an option. So when the town vet-and her sexy new neighbor-offers Pepper a temporary dog-walking job, she jumps at the chance. No one needs to know that man's best friend is her worst nightmare . . . or that Everland's hot animal whisperer leaves her panting.
The last thing Rhett Valentine wants is to be the center of small-town gossip. After his first love left him at the altar, he's been there, done that. These days, life is simple, just the way he likes it. But sultry southern nights get complicated once sparks fly between him and the knockout next door. When she proposes a sexy, secret fling-all the deliciousness and none of the prying neighbors-it seems too good to be true. And it is. Because Pepper's determined to leave Love Street, and when she goes, she just might take his heart with her . . .
Gah, I've mixed feelings. On the one hand, cute romance which makes me happy and makes me smile with adorable animals and cuteness. On the other hand, it didn't make me fall head over heels. It was cute and sweet and definitely and intriguing start to a new romance series but it left me reserving judgment. I will have to read a second book I. The series to really voice my opinion on things.
It's a strange feeling not loving a romance but instead liking. I normally dive head first into love and have no regrets but not so this time. I was left waiting to like Pepper and Rhett may have seemed swoon-worthy (really, a southern gent? Don't mind if I do) but he didn't make me swoon straight away. I think my reservations over these 2 characters are what made me a bit wary. I'm used to liking at least one of the MCs straight away and then the rest will fall into place but not so this time. They both had to work on me. Maybe it was Peppers fear of dogs which made me wary? Maybe Rhett's long-term single status and meddling town life made me wary? I don't know what but something left me uncertain.
I did really enjoy it though. Like I said, it's hella cute and it did make me smile with the crazy gossip of Everland. I think one of my favourite things was that Scrabble game at the start where Pepper was trying to hustle folk. I can easily confirm that as the moment I began to like Pepper. Got to respect a girl who is good with words.
If you're looking for a cute romance with some utterly adorable pets as secondary characters (they are though really) then this is the book for you. It's sweet and fun and I see the potential for the next book.
The One Real Thing (Hart’s Boardwalk #1) – Samantha Young
Published: 1st September 2016
Source: Library
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
My Rating:
Welcome to Hartwell, a quiet seaside escape where uncovering old secrets could lead one woman to discover the meaning of a love that lasts…
While Doctor Jessica Huntington engages with the inmates at the women’s correctional facility where she works, she’s always careful to avoid emotional attachments in her personal life. Loss and betrayal taught her that lesson long ago. But when she comes across a set of old love letters in the prison’s library and visits the picturesque town of Hartwell to deliver them to their intended recipient, she finds herself unable to resist the town’s charm—and her attraction to the sexy owner of a local bar proves equally hard to deny.
Since his divorce from his unfaithful ex-wife, Cooper Lawson has focused on what really matters: his family and the boardwalk pub they’ve owned for generations. But the first time Jessica steps into his bar, Cooper is beyond tempted to risk his heart on her. Yet as their attraction grows hotter and Jessica remains stubbornly closed off, he begins to realize it will take more than just passion to convince her there’s only one real thing in life worth fighting for…
I borrowed this from the library not long after reading a good review by Nick about the second book (I have a thing about order, ok) so I knew I needed to get reading this. It may have taken me 6 weeks to get around to reading it, but once I started I could hardly put it down.
This is the kind of romance read which is a bit angsty and dramatic (which could have been off-putting) but it was written so well that nothing could have put me off really. And the angsty and dramatic things were past events which stayed with Jess so really does that count as angst?
It was this brilliant read about Jess fighting past demons and finding love when all she was really looking for is what she wanted in life. I think I loved the strength of Jess. She was a brilliant character who seemed to get overly emotional about some letters she found but was still totally bad ass with making a decision and going with it. Sure, she was scared often but she was so brave and I loved her. And Cooper! That man would make any girl swoon. I really loved his character and although I didn't totally believe he'd gone through a lot of women after his divorce I did believe he was a man who went for what he wanted and stuck with those he loved. I adored him, he was perfect for Jess and their path together was just brilliant. And the chemistry! Let me tell you, they have chemistry in buckets.
What really made the book was the town it was set in, though. Hartwell (or Hart's Boardwalk for some) was brilliant. Filled with plenty of folks I wanted to get to know better and who made this book so good. I wanted to know more about Cat, Cooper's sister who is a tad over protective, and about Iris and Ira and their daughter Ivy who doesn't even feature in the book but simply from the small amount mentioned of her I wanted more. And then there was Bailey who I loved her sexual tension with Vaughn. Don't even get me started on Jack who comes across as a bad guy but there is totally more story there. And how could I forget Emery. She has a whole heap of story too and I love that she's shy so she better get her own damn book because I can relate to blushing when you speak to people you don't know well (I do it all the time and I am not continually embarrassed) so yeah. I need her story.
Basically, it was love and I am making grabby hands for the second. I am glad I visited Hart's Boardwalk and you most definitely will too if you want a brilliant romance.
Never Trust A Pirate (Playful Brides #1) – Valerie Bowman Published: 2nd May 2017 Source: Netgalley Genre: Historical Romance My Rating:
The rules of engagement were never so scandalous. . .
  A rumored pirate and the scurrilous black sheep of his well-to- do family, Cade Cavendish relishes his world of rebellion, deception, and seduction. Nothing and no one can hold him to be the duty-bound, honorable man he is expected to be. But when an unexpected run-in at his twin brother’s estate with a ravishing, raven-haired maid leads her to believe he’s actually a viscount, Cade’s renegade life is thrown wildly off-kilter. And even though a case of mistaken identity can be quickly set to rights, matters of the heart are quite different…
  Miss Danielle LaCrosse is startled to learn that the handsome gentleman who radiates sin and has the devil in his eyes is not her employer the Viscount, but rather his infamous brother. A former heiress, orphaned and left penniless, Danielle has more than a few secrets of her own. Cade may be skilled at coaxing even the most hidden desires out of Danielle but can he earn her trust—and win her heart—as they embark on an adventure to confront a dangerous enemy from both of their pasts . . . and uncover the identity of the so-called Black Fox along the way?
  Never Trust a Pirate is part of the Regency-set Playful Brides series by Valerie Bowman
This was an insanely fun book. It begins with a thief sneaking into a captain's cabin to steal the map to be used to help Napoleon escape his prison and then moves on to a rake living with his brother his brother's new wife meeting the new French ladies maid and it all goes a bit crazy from there.
This is not a book to be taken too seriously. It's meant to be a fun romance with adventure and intrigue and a little bit of mystery as well. I knew it was going to be a fun read as soon as I saw the word Pirate in the title. I mean, pirates are always fun. The great thing about this book is you're continually kept guessing about why people are doing what they're doing because there are pirates and spies and neither always tells the whole truth!
I thought I might not like this book, especially as when you first meet Danielle she's interviewing to be a ladies maid but you can tell she doesn't really know much about the job. I began to question why she was there (I was suspicious from the start) but she ends up being a really great character who was strong and her own motives for her slightly duplicitous behavior but you'll find that out as you read.
Then there was Cade, I'm still not fully convinced I 100% liked him. I mean, he was a great black sheep and rake and the perfect opposite to Rafe (his twin) but whilst his rake-ish ways are frequently mentioned I wasn't fully convinced he was the bad guy everyone believed him to be. The fact I didn't believe it meant I didn't like him as much as I might. That being said, he did have some fun banter with Danielle and them together was fun,
I did notice one of the later plot twists early on and the ending was a little rushed for my tastes but if you're looking for a romance which is a little ridiculous then this is the book for you.
And that is it for my romance reviews. Have you read any of these? And please give me some good historical romance recs because every time I read I remember how much I love that genre and need to read more.
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zodiacc-rp · 7 years
The signs as people i’ve know
aries: passionate verging on obsessive. defensive of both themselves and the people they love. few layers; what you see is more or less what you get. good-hearted, intelligent. always up for a challenge, but becomes stressed out very easily and handles stress very poorly. even when they’re tired, they somehow seem so alert and two steps ahead of you. responsible. they prefer to lead and lead very well. interesting, competitive, loyal. although they like to be correct and love to prove people wrong, more than anything they just want someone to listen and expand on their point, not disagree with it. romantic but they like to pretend that they aren’t. they seek instant gratification and hate doing things that they’re not naturally great at (but they’re naturally great at a lot). can be very self-absorbed, but it’s not conscious. so loving and so lovely. the yang to my yin, the storm to my calm. a friend who completes me.
taurus: extremely nice, and they never want to hurt anybody’s feelings, so they tend to skirt around the truth or omit their opinion. truly, genuinely kind, the sort of person you hope will always stay in your life, the sort of person you feel like you really need. dependable, hardworking, stable. they have been through a lot, but looking at them, you wouldn’t know it. will ultimately put themselves before you (which is a good thing), but is always there for you when they can be. very realistic; they know what they can achieve and expect themselves to do so. private to a fault, and doesn’t usually express their feelings. there is something about their soul that makes me smile whenever i think of them. one of the people i love most in this world. my equal, the friend who i hope knows how much i love them.
gemini: endlessly charming, supportive, and brave. always wants to make everyone happy, often at the expense of their own desires, so they’ll do things they don’t want to do but be kind of grouchy about it, leading others to believe that they are picky and that they change their mind too much. frequently changes the details of a story to either make it more interesting or get out of trouble. wants more than anything to see and experience the good in the world but is very often a victim of the bad. overly-trusting. they can make any experience memorable, and they are the most fun you’ll ever have. quite self-critical but they also know that they have a certain power over people. forgetful, tolerant, warm. often feels quite overwhelmed and may not handle this feeling wisely. crazy but kind. the one whom words fail to describe. the biggest piece of my heart, my mother.
cancer: both friendly and intimidating. difficult to read. patient and cooperative but more often than not, they think their idea/opinion is better than yours. very, very smart. super dependable, so sensitive, hold grudges like it’s their life’s calling. courageous. behave very differently around authority figures, likes being seen as innocent and cute. they will keep your secrets but they will kind of hold them over you, and they tend to taunt others by saying, “i know [x] about [y] and you don’t.” very funny, dark, and sarcastic once you get to know them, but initially sweet and sugary. survivalists; they protect themselves first and their loved ones second and don’t really care about everyone else. friendly. once they’re in a relationship, they become rather absorbed by it and neglect the other parts of their life. dramatic, obsessive. rather strong-willed. when they’re having an off day, get out of their way. they will never forget anything you tell them. they see life as an inside joke. my figurative fraternal twin. the friend who is just like me but whom i’ll never understand.
leo: impressively loving, astonishingly generous, the whole universe in one person. soft and loud, wild and cautious. they are full of power, grace, and energy, and they awaken within you the sense that you are good and that you can do whatever you want to do. even when they’re quiet, their presence is felt. very self-critical, constantly questioning their worth. always in need of validation, which is why they like to be the center of attention; in order to know that they’re a star, they require a standing ovation. they want to love themselves, they need to love themselves. such a romantic, wants to be wooed and adored, and they’ll gladly return the favor. soothing. they are so easy to trust, but they are more careful with their own secrets than they seem. they love with every bone in their body. they want, more than anything, a best friend. loyal, inventive, go-getters. great listeners. can somehow empathize with every situation, but are mildly obsessed with themselves. love winning. my idol, the part of myself i hope i grow into, my aunt.
virgo: hilarious, dependable, treats you like their kid. trustworthy, sympathetic. they are fascinating and unique, but they are too attached to their own magic. more obsessive than they like to think they are. they take criticism very well, perhaps because they dish it out even better. level-headed but aspirational. they prefer to be the less loving one in all of their relationships. feels guilty for feeling sad or emotional. curious and interested. can talk for hours if you let them. kind and smart, wants to be special and different from everyone else. treats the people closest to them the worst. believes in tough love. loves to joke and be sarcastic but usually takes it a few steps too far. perfectionistic, which leads them to put little effort into things that they feel they can’t do flawlessly. the one i protect who thinks they’re protecting me. the friend whom i loved right away.
libra: angelic, enchanting, sweet. picky. they are so afraid of offending someone that they have to know someone really likes them before they’ll be honest with them. so many layers. funny and diligent. treats everyone like their best friend, but when you are their best friend, there is just something so slightly different about how they treat you, something that makes you feel amazing. good at everything. completely unable to make decisions. gossipers. they want to like everyone, but they just don’t. absolutely hates saying no, but will do it if it’s 100% necessary. sleepy and goofy around people they love. works hard to look good, trendy. smart, fair. nervous around authority figures. fearful of loss and of growing up. secret control freaks. they are at once youthful and wise. crazy patient on the outside, just crazy on the inside. always somewhere on my mind, the one who i was always meant to know. my very best friend, my soul’s sister.
scorpio: the best listener. truly wants to know everything about you. extremely devoted, passionate. knows you very, very well. so funny, so kind. will stick with you through thick and thin, always on your side. gives great advice. the person across the room who you can’t stop staring at. secretive, fearful, romantic. both observant and judgmental. will hate you for judging them while they judge you. their heart is bigger than anyone else’s, and all they really want is to fill it to its brim with love. very often the sidekick, but they stand out to me. they are quite obsessive and they rarely wait for explanations. they want to own the people they love. intuitive. loves you soooo much. impossible to know fully. deep, powerful. the ocean flows inside them, yet all too often that ocean is stormy. the person many people think i am, the person i sometimes i wish i was. my confidante, my partner in crime, my heart, my friend.
sagittarius: the most supportive and dependable person on the planet. an amazing friend, the best person to have in your corner. honest and disorganized, friendly and capable. very quick to anger and has a hard time admitting they’re wrong. devotes themselves wholly and completely to their partner and puts them on a pedestal, but once they’ve moved on, they’ve really moved on. tends to succeed, lucky. has a hard time seeing the truth of a situation and often must be told what’s really going on. charismatic and caring, overly generous. can spread themselves thin. guided chiefly by morals which they never abandon. has a strong sense of right and wrong (specifically, they’re right, you’re wrong). my backbone, my other mother.
capricorn: pensive and stoic. has a brain that never stops going. they wake up every morning in the climax of a novel they’ve written in their sleep. loyal, just, intimidating. cold and private. mean to people who are mean to them. shuts down entirely for seemingly no reason. the wisest of all. mature. silently romantic. victim of their thoughts. intense, original. they want someone to fall really deeply in love with them, but they close themselves off to everyone. admires the beauty of the world, moved by small details that many people miss. always thinking of the future, no matter how good the present is. judgmental. wants to be better than everyone else. exceptionally smart. often falling apart on the inside. can think themselves into sickness, into joy, into anything. loves to be alone, hates more than anything to be lonely. soft on the inside. the best leaders but they don’t like to lead. kind-hearted and always doubting it. immensely fatalistic. the dreamy head behind my eyes. myself.
aquarius: very patient. analytical, detached. they have favorite people and things and they will be honest about who and what these favorites are. they love you, they just can’t tell you. wants to be cared for without caring in return. easy to talk to, somehow always makes you feel safe. impressive intellect. generous with the people they love. genuinely good, inspiring. easily overwhelmed. resorts to humor when offended. doesn’t try very hard to act like they like someone they hate. wants to be special. artificially nice to authority figures. can be surprisingly mean without intending to. very good liars. super funny. compliments mean a lot coming from them. the person i forget i am, the friend i should talk to more.
pisces: kind-hearted, funny. to really know them, you kind of have to know them forever. so easy to love. hates to think about the difficulties of the world and prefers to just have fun. very much in the present and tries not to think about the future. as such, they sometimes behave without thinking and wind up messing things up for themselves. they tend to be kind of lazy in regards to some things and extremely passionate in regards to others; there isn’t a lot of balance. can be very mean and very angry. won’t apologize first when you’ve made them mad. must express themselves in some way. no matter how much they say that they love you, they always love you more than that. quite sensitive, hates few things more than being called annoying. super generous, always wants to be there for you but hates not being able to make you happier. truly the sweetest. my favorite person, my brother.
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