#crosby x hughes au!
sc0tters · 9 months
Meet Rory Hughes | Crosby x Hughes AU!
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summary: meet y/n “Rory” Hughes, the fresh face of the Pittsburgh Penguins!
warnings: none
authors note: this AU is very fresh but I couldn’t wait to share it with you. All thoughts and asks will be put under the #Crosby x Hughes AU! tag, this is an interactive AU so obviously send in your thoughts or what you want to see whilst I build up a masterlist.
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☆ born on February 16th, 2002
☆ went third overall in the ‘21 draft year to the Pittsburgh Penguins
☆ completed her sophomore year at Boston College before she moved to the NHL becoming the first female in the league
☆ everyone thought she would struggle moving so far away but she grew to be independent quickly calling Jim only when she burnt her food
☆ plays as a centre
☆ third child to Ellen and Jim Hughes, only daughter to the couple
☆ a momma’s girl! calls Ellen every Friday night when they catch up, somehow they find things to talk about like Rory doesn’t text her mom with updates of each day…
☆ she swears that Quinn is her favourite brother but she truly has a soft spot for Luke
☆ when they played against each other in college both youngest Hughes siblings landed up in the box for checking
☆ but nonetheless they still love each other and left the box acting like nothing happened.
☆ Jack had to admit that he was sad that his sister didn’t join him in Newark but he was happy to see that Luke came
☆ Quinn almost cried seeing his sister go to Pittsburgh, not because he was proud of her, but because it’s Pittsburgh
☆ getting drafted to the Penguins felt pretty surreal though as it means Rory is now working with one of the most iconic players in the sport’s history
☆ that is probably her big thing she’s looking forward to doing in the league
☆ it’s about time the fresh faces ran the show
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toasttt11 · 2 months
wanted to win
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April 13, 2024
Kensington felt her heart drop even further once the buzzer finally rung, meaning that Boston College had officially lost the national championship to Denver University.
She felt her stomach just drop and felt like she suddenly couldn’t stand on her own two feet. She shakily kneeled down on the ice letting out an extremely shaky breath and could feel the tears in her eyes.
Kensington had officially played her last game for Boston College and her last game with all of her best friends and no one even knew but her and her family. She hopped that a day or two after the game if they won that she could tell everyone and it wouldn’t be so bad because they would be on a high after the win but now she knew now, it would be devastating.
Cutter stumbled a few steps over to Kensington and kneeled down in front of her, He looked at her with a nauseating look on his face and felt his jaw trembling making him clench his jaw, he leaned his forehead on her shoulder taking a deep breath.
Kensington leaned her head on top of his helmet letting a few tears drip down her face as she also knew Cutter was leaving.
“You’re leaving aren’t you.” Cutter whispered having a suspicion for awhile, he’s known her for years now and with how much she was sneaking off to talk to her agent and how guilty she looked when the topic of next season came up, he knew.
Kensington’s shuttering breath was the answer to his question.
Kensington slowly stood up and put a hand down for Cutter, he stood up for her and she turned about seeing Gabe, Will and Ryan walking over to them.
Kensington felt her eyes tearing up even more as she saw her three boys and she quickly pulled them into a hug making the three all wrapped their arms around her.
Ryan hid his face against his best friend’s head and sniffled desperately, Gabe leaned his head onto Ryan’s looking extremely out of it. Will just hid his face in his girlfriend’s neck grabbing onto her hand and holding it like it’s his lifeline.
Kensington didn’t know how she was going to break their hearts even more when she tells them she is leaving.
Kensington, Ryan, Gabe and Will all reluctantly let go of each other and stumbled slowly off the ice and down the tunnel, into the locker room.
Kensington slowly sat down onto her stall, feeling robotic as she slowly started taking off her equipment. Her brain was so fogged that all the words from the coaches and Eamon just didn’t even register, she kept her eyes downcast on the floor of the locker room.
Kensington was the last to get up and start stumbling to the showers, she didn’t know how long she stood under the burning hot water but long enough to not see anyone left in the locker room when she finally came out.
She looked at her stall once more and gently traced her fingers over her name and looked to the left seeing Will’s and Ryan’s name and to the right Gabe’s name, the last time she would ever play with all three of her best friends.
Jack walked down the hallway having seen the whole team come out already and meeting with their family and he saw Will’s sad shake of his head when Jack looked at him.
Jack knew how devastating and heartbreaking a lost like this is, he was close to Kensington’s age when he had a terrible lost at the WJC, getting second place is the last place you want.
Jack walked into the locker room gently leaning against the door being mindful of his sling, he watched as his sister gently traced her name above her stall, “I had a feeling you would still be here.” Jack spoke watching as his little sister didn’t even flinch at his presence.
“Yeah why’s that.” Kensington monotonously spoke not looking at her brother because she knew she would crack and start sobbing and she was afraid she would never be able to stop.
“Because you’ve always liked to be alone when you’re upset.” Jack fondly commented and walked into the room sitting down gingerly on the stall next to hers, he patted her stall gently and gave her a look.
Kensington let out a breath and sat down to Jack, “I wanted to win.” Kensington played with her rings.
“I know.” Jack simply hummed and gently wrapped his good arm around her shoulder.
“I-.” Kensington voice cracked with emotion making her sniffle and wipe her eye, “I just wanted to end in a happy note.” Kensington didn’t want her last game and memories with the team to be so sad, she loved everything about Boston College and it’s been one of the best year of her life and she hates that it as ending so heartbreaking.
Jack just pulled her to his chest and gently rubbed her back and that just made her bust out into sobs, her who’s body was just shaking with her sobs and her face was soaking wet with salty tears that were getting Jack’s jacket wet.
“Ssh, It’s okay Sunny, let it all out.” Jack softly cooed feeling his heartbreaking even more for his baby sister as he gently rubbed her back and kiss the top of her head.
“I’m never gonna play with any of them again.” Kensington chocked out between her sobs, the first time she’s spoke about her leaving out loud.
Kensington just sobbed even harder and could feel her breathing catching as she sobbed so hard, “I just wanted to win.” Kensington whispered and held onto her big brother tighter.
Jack felt tears come to his eyes seeing how upset his baby sister is and a part of him right there hated that hockey had done this to her, to Luke, to Quinn, to Him.
Jack pressed more soft kisses to the top of her head and could feel her tears starting to soak through his shirt now.
Kensington’s sobs slowly started to calm down and she just leaned her forhead still on Jack’s chest trying to catch her breath.
“I’m sorry, i know how much this sucks.” Jack softly comforted her, he knew nothing he would say would really make her feel much better so he just had to be there for her.
Kensington nodded and reluctantly leaned up and lifted her head off Jack and winced apologetically seeing the wet spot on Jack’s jacket.
Jack just smiled shaking off her concerns and pulled his jacket down onto his hand and gently wiped off her tears and gave her a soft kiss to her forehead.
He sent her one more comforting smile before looked at the door seeing Will walk in.
Kensington looked up and saw her just as heartbroken boyfriend and she got up and met him halfway in a tight hug.
Jack smiled softly at the two, he knew there will never be anyone better than Will for his sister and if they can get through the distance then they would be together forever. He quietly left the locker room.
Will held onto his girlfriend tightly and slowly shifted them to the floor and Kensington shuffled closer sitting on his lap, on the floor in the middle of the locker room as they hugged each other tightly.
She knew she had to do this eventually, “I’m leaving this season Will.” Kensington pulled back and avoided eye contact with her long time best friend and boyfriend.
Will swallowed harshly, he knew she was going to leave before him because he knew her team wanted her this season but she declined as she wanted to attend Boston College, so he isn’t surprised but it still hurts just as bad.
Will just let out a shaky breath and cupped her face turning her back to him and pressed their foreheads together closing his eyes.
“I know baby. I know.” Will mumbled softly sniffling as he felt tears running down his face again. Kensington just let out a watery breath and closed her eyes.
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reyzxzc · 10 days
your dating, trevor?
contains: fluff, cussing, angst
summary: sidney finds out elias is dating trevor during the pens vs ducks game
january 16, 2023
elias hugged trevor after he scored his goal. trevor leaned his head in his neck, giving it a small kiss as the cameras couldn’t see them, but they didn’t know sidney crosby was staring at them.
elias pulled away and patted his head, as they skated away. sidney skated up to them. “your dating trevor?” sidney asked. “what are you one about?” elias rolled his eyes.
“looks like the crosby brothers are having it out at the ducks bench.” the announcer spoke, as the cameras zoomed on them.
“stop lying eli.” sidney said. “don’t call me that.” elias spat at him. “just leave me alone so we can finish the game. my love life is no interest of yours.” elias said as he slammed the door to the bench.
“elias crosby with the puck at the net, he shoots and he scores! elias crosby with the OT winner!” the announcer cheered. elias celebrated before making his way off the ice.
“e!” trevor called, as he watched his boyfriend walk away. “your boyfriend left…” troy said, as he followed trevor around.
elias sat down in his stall, as trevor and troy came in. “hey you okay?” trevor asked. “never been better, trev.” elias untied his skates as the rest of the team walked in.
trevor gave him a kiss on the head before going to his stall.
elias and trevor walked out of the arena heading to the car. “elias.” sidney said, walking up to him. “just leave me alone sidney.” elias said, unlocking the car.
“just talk to me.” sidney said. “so fucking what? i’m dating trevor so? just fuck off and leave me alone like you always do.” elias said.
“why don’t you talk to me any more?” sidney asked. “because your a fucking bitch, sidney. now go home and leave me alone.” elias said, harshly.
“what’s your issue?” sidney asked. elias went to speak before trevor cut in. “just go sidney.” trevor said. “this has nothing to do with you.” sidney turned to him.
“yes it does. the second you mentioned my name on the ice, it had to do with me. now fuck off, and leave us alone.” trevor said.
sidney went tu speak before trevor cut in. “you know; i used to think of you as a role model, but that was until i found out that your a literal bitch and you treat your brother like shit and your so fucking self centered and only care about yourself. elias has never done anything to you. now fuck off and never talk about elias again.”
elias pulled into the anaheim apartment, parking his car. “eli, baby.” trevor said, as they reached their apartment, where jamie was laying on the couch, as he had been from his shoulder injury.
elias ignored him, putting his bag down that he takes with him. “hey, e.” jamie said, lifting his good arm up to high five him, which elias ignored and headed to the shower.
“what’s up with e?” jamie asked, moving his legs for trevor. “sidney talked to him after the game, started talking shit. so, we see where that leads us now.” trevor said.
jamie nodded. “you think he’s gonna be okay?” jamie asked, sitting up. “in a few days.” trevor said as jamie started a movie.
elias walked out of the bathroom his wet hair dripping water on the floor. elias walked into his and trevor’s bedroom to change.
trevor walked into their bedroom as well. “elias, can we talk?” trevor asked, walking in as elias changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“what about?” elias asked putting on socks, unlike trevor and jamie. “eli, i love you, so much. but you need to talk to me, that conversation made you angry, you can’t just bottle it.” trevor said, putting his hands on elias’ face and holding it, his thumbs gently rubbing in circles.
“i’m fine trev, i promise. i’m over sidney and his shit. right now all want to do is kiss your pretty face, and forget about sidney’s existence til next season.” elias said, gently moving trevor’s hand and pulled him into the bed.
trevor rolled his eyes, “i hate when you do this.” trevor said as he flopped on the bed. “put a sock on the door!” jamie yelled, from the hallway walking to his room.
“stop eavesdropping!” trevor yelled and he cuddled into elias. elias kissed trevor’s head. “i promise, if i was mad, id tell you.” elias said, as trevor laid his head on his chest.
trevor looked at him. “pinky promise?” trevor asked, putting his pinky up. elias locked his pinky with trevor’s, “pinky promise.” elias kissed the tip of trevor’s pinky.
“i love you.” trevor said, “i love you too.”
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bagopucks · 1 year
Alright, I’ve decided. I’m doing one big High School AU!
This is gonna be a little different, concerning ages. I’m thinking, our veteran players; Matthews, Crosby, Ovi, guys like that, are going to be Seniors.
Our new Gen (Jack Hughes, Zegras, Drysdale, Caufield, etc) is sophomores.
Freshies, looking at Luke Hughes, nhl rookies, or upcoming draft picks.
And our Juniors? The boys in between. Hischier, Marner, Quinn Hughes, others in that area.
It’s a pretty empty blueprint of an idea at the moment, but I do plan on going in depth with this idea. You guys can ask questions about the dynamics and friendships. You can ask for blurbs between players or with the reader. Ask about anything at all! Your questions will help me really develop this thing! I’ll also take requests for fics based on this! With reader inserts or without them! All the interaction and contribution helps!
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marnerparty · 1 year
austin with an ‘o’
Auston Matthews x reader best friend!Quinn Hughes x reader
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Liked by user1, alekmenoah_6 and 22,322 others
yourusername 34 on the ice, #2 in my 💙
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austonmatthews 2!?!?
yourusername right
austonmatthews who the hell is 1?
yourusername sidney crosby
austonmatthews that’s a joke
yourusername sorry babe 🤷🏼‍♀️
user1 the best leafs fan!
marner_93 low blow. aren’t you engaged?
yourusername mm not quite
marner_93 still!?
yourusername yep
austonmatthews i’m getting there okay
yourusername until then sid > aus
marner_93 I have to agree
williamnylander made the cut 😎
yourusername when do you not??
austonmatthews this is true, sometimes it’s more you than me
jackhughes my game next right?
yourusername well …
jackhughes don’t say what I think you might
yourusername okay I won’t
user2 what a great couple
Liked by austonmatthews
_quinnhughes see ya Friday!
yourusername damn right
jackhughes this is what I was afraid of 😔
_quinnhughes at least it’s me and not luke!
lhughes_06 rude
marner_93 I’d like to make the cut next time please and thank you
yourusername anything for you mitch
austonmatthews why do I feel like I’m a lot lower than 2 in your heart?
yourusername it’s only sid above you babe, I swear
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Liked by jackhughes, marner_93 and 24,668 others
yourusername quinner the poser & quinner the player
Tagged _quinnhughes
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canucks what a game! hope you had a great time!
yourusername how could I not!
_eliaspettersson last call?
yourusername never
austonmatthews 🤔
yourusername inside joke
_eliaspettersson really had to be there
_quinnhughes I was there and I don’t get it
yourusername stop Quinn you’re about to cause a problem for me
lhughes_06 thank you for blessing us with that 2nd photo
_quinnhughes it’s an action shot
jackhughes sure Quinn
yourusername you or Luke score goals tonight Jack? didn’t think so
trevorzegras time for a ducks game
user1 does she just know everyone in the nhl???
yourusername I have a lot of friends!
austonmatthews I miss you
yourusername babe I’ve been gone a day
austonmatthews one day too long 😔
yourusername you’re about to be on an 8 day roadie aus
austonmatthews don’t remind me
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Liked by williamnylander, nhl and 73,559 others
austonmatthews had to snag her before another hockey player could
Tagged yourusername
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yourusername I can’t wait to have your last name❤️
austonmatthews I love you so much
breyana_matthews ahhh I’m getting another sister! congrats you guys 🫶🏻
yourusername I love you 🥹
austonmatthews thanks Bre ❤️
marner_93 about damn time
yourusername that’s what I’m saying
mapleleafs someone pop the champagne! congrats!
Liked by yourusername
williamnylander I’m about to have a stroke I’m so happy
yourusername love you will!
justinbieber dude! congrats!
austonmatthews thanks man!
yourusername fangirling
user1 [insert that should be me by Justin Bieber]
jackhughes my yn🫶🏻 I’m so happy for you
yourusername jack you can’t make me cry
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Liked by _quinnhughes, bunting27 and 33,665 others
ynmatthews finally able to change the insta 🤍
Tagged austonmatthews
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nhl to the Matthews’! 🥂
Liked by ynmatthews
user1 Congratulations!
austonmatthews Mrs. Matthews 🤍
ynmatthews has a good ring to it eh?
lhughes_06 she’s been in Canada too long
ynmatthews do better w/ your next comment
lhughes_06 omg yn I’m so happy for you, congratulations, thanks for having me!
ynmatthews better
_eliaspettersson LAST CALL
ynmatthews NEVER
austonmatthews STILL DON’T GET IT
jamie.drysdale we killed the line dancing
ynmatthews let’s go to a rodeo
trevorzegras w/ me too?
jamie.drysdale 🤨
ynmatthews we’ll think about it
user2 this won’t last
_quinnhughes so happy I could be apart of your special day
ynmatthews you guys are my brothers quinny 🫶🏻
mapleleafs yn got moves?
ynmatthews give me a contract and I’ll show you my skills on the ice
marner_93 legend has it she beat Auston in a one on one before
ynmatthews legend also has it he didn’t speak to me for a week because it happened on our 2nd date
austonmatthews yeah, and let’s not forget my name in your phone was ‘Austin’
ynmatthews because who spells Austin w/ an ‘o’!?
alexandriajmatthews there’s never been a prettier bride❤️
ynmatthews love you Alex! You & Bre are the real reasons I became a Matthews 🥰
austonmatthews as far as I’m concerned they didn’t get down on one knee
bunting27 couldn’t have a break from hockey even for the wedding?
ynmatthews guess where my honeymoon will be 😐
austonmatthews Toronto!
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Liked by jackhughes, williamnylander and 37,449 others
ynmatthews well . . .
Tagged austonmatthews
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Liked by breyana_matthews, mapleleafs and 102,665 others
austonmatthews Hudson Mitchell & Stetson Quinn Matthews ❤️
Tagged ynmatthews
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trevorzegras TWINS!?
ynmatthews twins!
user1 no way
marner_93 no you guys didn’t
ynmatthews we did!
austonmatthews we love you man!
marner_93 you guys I’m crying
williamnylander it’s true, I’m here, he is
mapleleafs 2 more for our squad!
Liked by austonmatthews
breyana_matthews HOW DID YOU KEEP THIS A SECRET!?
austonmatthews good one, right?
breyana_matthews I’m so happy ❤️
ynmatthews you’re the best Bre🫶🏻
jackhughes talk about strength! yn’s a beast! can’t wait to meet them
austonmatthews she really is
ynmatthews love you Jack! thank you ❤️
_quinnhughes is this for real?
ynmatthews the realest quinner :)
_quinnhughes how’d you convince Auston?
ynmatthews we used the names of the two people closest to us. he got to choose one and I did too :)
austonmatthews it wasn’t a hard decision! you’re part of the fam Hughesy
user2 Auston calling Quinn Hughesy 🥹
Liked by ynmatthews
nhl already have 1/3 of a team!
williamnylander will they get to six?
austonmatthews 👀
ynmatthews let’s stick with 2 for now 😭
jamie.drysdale I call babysitter!
ynmatthews hate to break it to you, but we don’t live in the same country
jamie.drysdale there’s the summer
ynmatthews when we won’t need a babysitter ... ?
jamie.drysdale yn, work with me here
ynmatthews how about just a visit!
jamie.drysdale flight booked ✔️
austonmatthews I’d trust Jamie the most to be honest
jamie.drysdsle 🥹
lhughes_06 congrats you guys!
austonmatthews thanks kid!
ynmatthews 🫶🏻
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equallyshaw · 5 months
star crossed loves au | connor bedard x kailey hughes au ↳ Connor x Kailey timeline!
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↳ a little more info on the two! ↳ idk if this is like a thing with au's...but imma do it anyway lol ↳ au masterlist.
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first time they saw eachother: at a diner in the loop (12/2023)
first time they spoke to one another: over insta dm's then texting
Spent all of 2024 as friends.
first date: new years eve, going into 2025
date when they became an official couple: 01/04/2025
first game she attended: feburary 2025! (blurb will be written!)
first time she met his parents and sister: april 2024!
first almost slip up to her brothers: march 2024 at the end of her semester and sea about their friendship.
first team outing: april 2024! blurb here.
first friendship break up: july 2024
reconciliation: november 2024
first time the brothers meet connor: janirary 2025! depicted here.
First official break up in july 2025. depicted here.
Second breakup: may 2026
connor goes back home to vancouver after the season, while kailey heads to california to be with cousin maya
kailey begins to date childhood friend, brendan brisson. depicted here.
connor and kailey see one another for the first time in august, when she visits becca, alex vlasic, tessa (alex's fiance) and lukas reichel
connor see's a (ex) friend of kailey for about two months before breaking off with her.
trevor walks in on brenden and kailey, isn't too pleased. (bribes him with coffee dates, because of student loans obviously)
kailey breaks up with brenden in October. (still hasn't told her brothers are this point about him)
goes home for thanksgiving, spills the beans on brenden, no one is happy ofc.
goes to chicago for new years to be with becca and tessa, reichels gf and soon to be wife of alex vlasic!
connor and kailey have a deep conversation, going over everything between the two.
the two get back together that night. 01/2027
kailey and connor only tell their closest friends and teammates in chicago, just to avoid unnecessary drama.
connor and kailey head from california to vancouver in june for a trip to his hometown.
kailey and connor show up to the annual hughes-european trip in july. depicted here a tad bit.
kailey and connor head back to california to pack up her apartment with her cousin, because she now has a finance job in chicago!
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a little breakdown of the timeline!! Just add a year to each year, as I switched it!!
they get engaged in vancouver in 2027, in august right before they head back to chicago. (blurb will be written of him asking her three brothers and dad during the yearly hughes-euro trip (now dubbed, hughes-bedard euro trip))
adopt a dog together in October 2027. (they've only had crosby the infamous black cat, for a few years now.)
get's married in july 2029.
adopts 1st child, in june 2032. (connor is 27 and kailey, 28.)
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hope you guys enjoyed! just a bit of a cheat sheet for me and you lol
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jackhues · 6 months
naqia's series/au navigations!
here you can find the navigation page for all of my au's and series. series are mainly built off of fics, either requested by you all or based off of my own ideas. au's can have fics/blurbs, but are mainly built off of concepts sent in by you all
mockingbird au! navigation (jack hughes x reader, platonic!hughes)
only fools! au navigation (jack hughes x graves!sister, fwb to strangers to lovers)
angel's world! au masterlist (verstappen!reader x mat barzal, formula one x hockey)
youngest! hughes au masterlist (youngest! hughes sister)
the devil and the runaway! navigation (mafia!charles leclerc)
paddock pass, baby (lewis hamilton! daughter)
note: these exist in the same universe
peanut's world au! masterlist (hughes!sister and baby)
buttercup's world! au masterlist (dad!sidney crosby)
delilah's world! au (dad!matthew tkachuk)
pricey shots and brick wolls! au (pwhl toronto! reader x joseph woll)
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ladyaleksandrina · 3 years
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sc0tters · 8 months
okay but like maybe rory having her first like fight or scrum or smth and everyones just really proud of her cause she handled it like a fucking badass
It wasn’t her brightest moment to put it nicely.
Playing up in Detroit it felt like the pressure was on to make her parents and Luke proud as they watched on.
But that struggled to happen when Joe Veleno didn’t stop trying to force Rory in to the board until the second quarter when he finally got enough momentum to knock her off of her feet doing it.
Before the other penguins player could get over there to help her up Rory got herself off of the ice before she tapped the red wings player on the shoulder causing him to turn around where she had the perfect line of sight.
Rory used the skills that Quinn and Jack taught her as she made her hand turn into a fist and brought up straight up the boys face with speed.
Her hand hit the bottom of his nose and his two front teeth (she was very proud to say that she made someone lose their teeth in her first fight). So this like really gets both teams riled up with anger.
Now the other penguins players act because they don’t want her getting hurt.
As she’s skating to the benched to get subbed off the jumbotron shows all of her families reactions:
Jim and Luke are laughing at the replays because they always swore that Rory packed that punch.
Ellen is sat with her head in her hands as she had just given Jack a speech to behave more like his sister did.
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sc0tters · 9 months
On Ice Masterlist
the one where the captain of the Penguins learns to put up with the team's new rookie.
introduction ☆
➞ meet rory hughes
blurbs ☆
➞ story behind rory's number
➞ rory and her brothers
➞ the time rory and jack fought
➞ was rory prepared for college?
➞ the first phone call
➞ how rory and jack fight
➞ the time child rory wore sid jersey
➞ rory loves edits of sid
at pittsburgh
➞ moving to pittsburgh
➞ pressure fitting in
➞ who learns about the call first?
➞ how do the boys react to her crying?
➞ the day rory celebrated many goals
➞ jack gets sidney back
➞ the post game interview
➞ why does sidney hate rory?
➞ rory’s first fight
➞ does rory ever put sidney in his place?
➞ ellen's main cause of stress
➞ why did rory join a mens team?
➞ rory finally yelled at sidney
➞ when their teammates realised something was up
➞ rory being a little shit
➞ kris looking out for rory
➞ rory and matthew moments
➞ when things got serious
➞ does rory get traded?
➞ when rory gets a surprise
➞ how are they together?
➞ that jenga video
➞ rory and sid in bed
➞ rory holds sid back
➞ clingy rory after a game
➞ the time the team teased her
➞ nhl awards
➞ rory and her fluff pants
➞ when rory tried to defend sid
➞ the time sidney and rory played together
➞ the fights rory has had with her brothers
➞ rory and luke
➞ rory is every child's favourite
➞ the first pregnancy scare
➞ sids reaction to the pregnancy scare
➞ drunk rory and sober sid
➞ when rory found out sid was went to the board
➞ geno checks on rory
➞ geno is a child
➞ how did the hughes take the news
➞ sid praising rory
at nashville
➞ why is rory in nashville
➞ rory got traded
➞ sid finally learns how he made rory feel
➞ rory protecting luke in a fight
➞ the time quinn fought sid
➞ geno comes to visit
➞ sid got sent home from practice
➞ more rory and nikita
➞ nikita comes to watch rory
➞ the conversation in rorys apartment
➞ rory got hurt
➞ rory and sid make up
➞ what the world has to say about sid and rory
➞ rory said I love you first
➞ rory got hurt again
back at pittsburgh
➞ rory babysits nikita
➞ when do they get pregnant
➞ rory actually being pregnant
➞ nikita loves rory
➞ more rory and nikita
➞ rory on snl
retired sid thoughts
➞ rory loving retired sid
➞ rory finally listens
➞ sid being hurt by the pregnancy
➞ rory doesn't want three kids
➞ clingy rory
➞ rory getting the c
➞ sids reaction to the pregnancy
life with triplets
➞ what are their names
➞ sid loves momma rory
➞ the trips are rory's biggest fan
➞ rory wants to do too much for the kids
➞ the kids at her all star game
➞ stay at home dad sid
➞ sid alone with the kids
➞ the time sidney proposed
➞ christmas morning with the trips
social media edits ☆
➞ coming soon!
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sc0tters · 8 months
theres a video of all the hughes siblings playing hockey when they were younger and someone takes rorys stick and she just starts sobbing shes inconsoluable and sidney sees the video cuz she prolly had a crosby jersey on and is like awee and then when she screams hes like oh🫢
Geno saw the video first.
He cropped the clip leaving it with only the part where she’s visibly in a Crosby jersey.
Sidney is actually sat in bed with Rory when Geno sends it to the little group chat that Sidney, Kris and Geno have together.
Personally he loves it.
Like Sidney just smirks over to her and flips his phone so she can see it “knew you liked me.” He teases her making Rory roll her eyes.
She doesn’t take long to find the full clip because Jim had sent it to her a few weeks ago.
Rory will never forget the way Sidney’s face dropped seeing how she screamed before she punched the boy “honestly that’s the Rory I know.” Sidney couldn’t even deny it as he smiled.
Rory ran her hand along his chin “that’s why you love me though.” She giggles pecking his lips has he nodded.
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sc0tters · 8 months
okay but i can imagine rory hugging sid when she gets off the ice and they think they are away from the cameras but there not and geno realises and quickly joins in the hug because hes there no1 fan
clingy rory might be my new favourite thing.
Because Jim and Ellen have been in town Rory hasn’t seen Sid besides for when they were at the rink.
So she scores a goal that screams younger Sidney vibes and for the rest of the game she is called mini Sid.
Surprisingly nobody picks up in her interview how her cheeks went red when one of the journalists misspoke and said that they saw Sidney with her.
Of course nobody still knows about it because they haven’t picked the exact title that they want for this because Sidney feels like it might put too much pressure on them both.
But when Rory sees him after her interview she’s got a grin like the Cheshire Cat and Sidney just melts seeing her walk up to him “hey mini me.” He mumbles honestly a little surprised when Rory wraps her arms around him.
She’s never been one for much physical contact, even Kris can count the amount of times she has hugged him on one hand.
Before Sidney can even ask her if she’s okay Geno walks up to them turning their hug into this bear hug thing “Evi!” Rory groans feeling her back get squished.
But like she can’t complain, she’s right up against Sid’s chest.
Now Rory totally forgot about the fact that camera’s were still going so they were all totally unaware of how the interaction was recorded during some journalists debrief.
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sc0tters · 8 months
clingy rory is EVERYTHING and her brothers totally tease her for it. like she’s always been so independent but as soon as she gets pregnant she’s basically glued to sid’s side. jack is the one that pokes the most fun at her for it until she starts crying one day and he knows he fucked up.
It’s at the lake house.
Rory found out she was pregnant in May and it’s now the Fourth of July.
But now her stomach is showing and as her morning sickness is starting to slow down so Rory is now attached to Sidney.
Jim and Ellen honestly still surprised that their daughter is dating and Sidney Crosby and is pregnant with his children.
It’s a good thing that Sidney enjoys her physical contact because his hand is always around her shoulders or on Rory’s leg.
The boys all make fun of Rory for how clingy she is with Sidney. It seems like over the last week she hasn’t been able to leave his side.
Like her seat no longer exists, her spot is on his lap.
Sidney loves it. He kisses her neck and gets to keep his hands on her stomach.
But one morning Sidney is still sleeping and Rory is hungry and in desperate need of food.
So she goes downstairs trying to find food in the kitchen “where’s your man ror?” Trevor smiled as the girl looked up from a box of strawberries “upstairs.” Rory pointed up to the staircase.
Jack smirked as he saw his sister “he’s finally gotten sick of you up his ass?” His constant teasing was something that all of the boys were apart of.
Rory wasn’t a very touchy person so now they were seeing her like that.
She stopped the second she looked at her brother “surprised it took him this long-” Jack’s joke was cut off when Rory dropped the berries on the floor “Jack!” Quinn yelled sending his brother a glare as he could tell that Jack had crossed a line.
Sidney had come down at that point so when Rory practically ran past him he knew that something was wrong “now which one of you fucked up?” Sidney groaned turning around to make his way back upstairs to calm Rory down.
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sc0tters · 8 months
Does Rory have any stories of arguments she’s had with her brothers or maybe her and Luke have gotten into a fight
I feel like at home it’s things like hitting and just pure bickering but on the ice she sure does!
He thought she was one of her teammates and shoved her into a board and whilst she’s ready to punch him cause like wtf Quinn is just trying to apologise “don’t hit me I’m sorry!”
It happens more frequently than either one should admit because of the their closeness in age. Usually though it’s because one is using tricks that the other taught them and dangling it in front of their face it gets really irritating so they just argue like there’s not tomorrow.
mic’d up Rory would be dangerous during these games
These are the proper fights, Luke and Rory have a rule that what happens on the ice stays on the ice. One time they argued about who should have gotten a penalty and it was honestly an experience for all fans to watch.
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sc0tters · 8 months
What was the Hughes fam’s reaction to Sidney and rory? I imagine there was some shock
I probably sound like a stuck record again but with the amount of media turmoil that came from Sidney basically stopping any potential trade for Rory is massive.
So it’s not the time for them to announce anything.
But that doesn’t mean that people haven’t figured it out yet. Ellen had her suspicions since the awards night and hearing it all confirmed them for her, Jim honestly finds it kind of funny that his daughter is sleeping with her brothers idols…
The brothers are all beyond concerned, Rory isn’t answering the family group chat or even the sibling one.
Quinn is blowing up her phone and short of threatening to fly to Pittsburgh Rory finally answers.
Yet she doesn’t say a lot because she is still crying. Rory has seen what people on Twitter have been saying more so about how Sidney was right in his actions cause PIT would have been stupid to let her go when she is growing as a player.
She just wants someone on her side.
Someone who sees how selfish Sidney was.
And she also wants to know how many other times this has happened before where he has gone to the board.
Quinn just sits on the phone for hours with her trying to calm her down until eventually she falls asleep still on the phone with him.
The next morning Quinn literally hosts a Group FaceTime session and all of the boys are surprised when Rory confessed that she did like Sidney as more than just a teammate.
Obviously she doesn’t mention details because in her mind everything is over for her and Sid as she has blocked his number and everything.
She needs time to heal and thought that if Sidney wanted to talk he’d show up at her door. But what she didn’t know was that Kris was at Sidney’s house minutes after she left and gave him such a speech.
When Sidney let out a few tears during it and confessed that he had truly fucked up Kris was quick to realise that this was more than just Sidney intervening with the board.
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sc0tters · 8 months
when the trade rumours come out about Rory she literally had to stop Sidney from going into the boards office to stop the potential sale
No but this is kind of funny!
Like Sidney gets a call from Kris who is all worried about the rumours cause you’re literally the honorary Letang and he doesn’t want to lose Rory.
Sidney is all confused though literally slipping out of bed where Rory were peacefully sleeping so he had hear what his teammate has to say.
He gets sent screeenshots of articles upon articles of things saying that Rory is going to the Canucks. In the midst of the call Rory wakes up and Sidney quickly ends the call with “I’ll call you back.”
She can sense that he is nervous but before he says anything he leaves his phone on the table and starts getting dressed “where are you going Sid?” Rory groans wanting to go back into the warmth of his bed “I can’t let the board trade you.” His words made her heart melt, maybe the captain did care about her after all.
Rory doesn’t have to do a lot to get him to change his mind “can we not fight this battle later?” She pleaded wrapping her hands around his torso as she hugged him.
He literally dies for her Hugh’s so Sidney lets out a sigh “fine,” in that moment he began to wonder how Rory felt about the idea of playing with her brother.
Was it more desirable to her than staying here with Sidney?
Maybe it was time that they looked at where they stood with each other.
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