#cuphead grim matchstick x reader
leorawright · 1 year
Hello. Mind if I request Grim Matchstick having S/O, who loves dragons and can talk about them for hours?
Cuphead request!? They exist!?!?
Grim Matchstick with s/o who loves dragons
Oh he's so flustered
You're so interested in dragons which correlates to him
If you ever fawn over him because he's a dragon he'll gey super flustered and blushy
He's not used to this much positive attention from someone he cares about
If you ever want him to fact check your information he'll gladly do so but he does feel bad telling you some information is wrong
He's never met someone so interested in dragons and honestly it makes him really proud of himself
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sweetheartedbylust · 1 year
Cuphead master list !
Main characters ,
Cuphead :
“ a crazy cup with a full heart “ cuphead x reader
“ a warm cup of milk “ cuphead x reader :
“ cuphead x tired reader head cannons “
“ cuphead x doubtful reader head cannons”
Mugman : nothing yet
King dice :
“ king dice nsfw head cannons !”
“ friends” king dice x reader *ft mr wheezy * :
“ stress relief “ king dice x reader smut
“ day off “ king dice head cannons :
The devil :
“ poor unfortunate soul “ the devil x reader smut :
Ms. Chalice : nothing yet
The root pack : nothing yet
Goopy le grande : nothing yet
Ribby and croaks : “ a floating heaven in inkwell “ :
Hilda berg : nothing yet
Cagney carnation : nothing yet
Baroness von bon bon : nothing yet
Djimmi the great : nothing yet
Beppi the clown : nothing yet
Wally warbles : nothing yet
Grim matchstick : nothing yet
Rumor honeybottoms : nothing yet
Captain brineybeard: nothing yet
Sally stage play : nothing yet
Werner werman: nothing yet
Dr .Kahl : nothing yet
Cala Maria : nothing yet
All of the mini bosses for king dice :
Phear lap :
“ racing for the casinos love”
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yanderes-of-inkwell · 2 years
May I request for tarot cards for Grim Matchstick? Can the cards be The Fool, The Emperor, Strength, The Hanged Man, and The Tower? If you can, thank you but if you can't, that's perfectly fine.
Grim Matchstick - The Fool, The Emperor, Strength, The Hanged Man & The Tower
Note: Of course I can! Hope you enjoy your request! Word Count: 0.6k Warnings: Controlling behaviour, delusional mindsets, implied murder, implied trauma, mentions of obsessive behaviour, mentions of social anxiety, mentions of violence, overprotective behaviour, possessive behaviour. Prompts: Can be found here.
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The Fool - How deluded is this yandere when it comes to their darling? Are they self-aware on any level?
When it comes to delusion, Grim is about as out of touch with reality as one can get. The reason for this is, of course, his upbringing; having grown up with little to no guidance or even company in his life, especially during his formative years, has left Grim with an extremely warped understanding of how love and relationships work. His only real exposure to such things before meeting his darling were the many old books in his tower, which were mostly just fairy tales. 
Though at first he was upset to see his kind being portrayed as nothing but possessive and greedy, those stories undoubtedly shaped the way he views himself and his behaviour. Because of this, Grim doesn’t see his twisted feelings as anything other than completely normal. He’s a dragon after all, so it makes sense that he’s as obsessive and protective as he is, right? It has to, he’s convinced himself, because it’s in his nature.
The Emperor - How much of their darling’s life does this yandere dictate/want to dictate?
Not much of it, honestly. Grim isn’t really the controlling type, despite what his possessive nature may suggest, so he’s pretty lenient when it comes to his darling. The only thing he’d really want to dictate is their social life, which has resulted in him being very strict about keeping them inside all the time. Not only because he’s overprotective, but also because he hates the thought of sharing them with anyone else, even their family.
His “no leaving the tower” rule is something he will rarely allow his darling to break but with enough pleading, he’ll eventually relent and let them go out for a while, on the condition that he’s allowed to go with them and stay by their side the entire time.
Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling?
Despite his sheer size and strength, Grim is someone who crumbles very easily under the judgemental gazes of others. Similarly, he also can’t stand being the centre of attention, and the feeling of having everyone’s eyes on him makes him want to curl up and disappear. For these reasons, him being outwardly affectionate towards his darling in public is an unlikely thing to happen. With the exception of keeping his tail wrapped around them for their safety, he’ll do little else to express his love.
In private, however, it’s an entirely different story. When safe and hidden inside the walls of his home, he becomes much more affectionate towards them. He mainly expresses his love through touch, since words have never been his forte, but he will occasionally find it in him to stutter out something about how much he appreciates their presence in his life, or how happy they make him.
The Hanged Man - Is controlling their darling important? Or do they want their darling to love them willingly?
As stated above, Grim isn’t all that controlling towards his darling, but even if he were, he would still want them to love him willingly. In his mind, the two of them are soulmates, so using things such as force or manipulation in order to gain their love is out of the question for him. It’s something he considers to be unthinkable, if not unforgivable, and he won’t even entertain the thought.
The Tower - If this yandere saw their darling in danger, how would they respond/react?
Grim’s first instinct in such a situation would be to immediately swoop in and save his darling. In that moment, all of his focus is on their safety rather than his own, and he’s fully prepared to lay down his life for them should it ever come to that. However, that’s only in situations where no one is to blame, such as if his tower collapsed, or if a natural disaster struck Inkwell.
If the thing threatening his darling’s safety was a person, then he’d respond just as any dragon would when something precious of theirs is in danger: with violence. Though Grim considers himself a pacifist through and through, seeing his darling in danger will send him into a blind rage, and all thoughts of mercy will be silenced as he unleashes his wrath upon the one foolish enough to threaten his beloved.
His darling is the only one capable of calming him in that moment, and if they don’t act quickly enough, the perpetrator will likely meet a fiery, gruesome end at the hands of a furious dragon.
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Hello! From the yandere alphabet, may I request H, S, V, X and Y for Grim Matchstick? Thank you very much!
Warning(s): Obsessive Behavior, Clingy Behavior, Mentions of Murder/Violence, Kidnapping
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Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
In all honesty, Grim is not one to ever want to harm his darling, ever. He's frightening to some, but all he wants is to have fun and play games, is that not too much to ask for? Though, there are times where he will get intimidating and that's usually when Grim is extremely angry. You would probably experience this if an unfortunate soul tried to rescue you from the tower. To Grim, that person is a threat. To you and him, so they have to be dealt with. It's a scary sight to see since he doesn't really snap at you nor try to intimidate you. Sure, there are some warnings here and there, but you know better to test things. The absolute fury remains in your memory even if it wasn't directed towards you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Probably from past experiences of being seen as just this ferocious dragon, which isn't entirely true unless one were to provoke him. Grim is just lonely and truly wants to connect with someone who does not immediately see him as a threat. He wants acceptance and you gave that to him, so it makes sense that he would gave an attachment towards you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Grim in a way, does hold you up in high standards; sees you as a truly wonderful person. You could exploit that by asking him for simple favors or convincing him to at least let you visit family again. Though, there will be conditions to those favors. Just because he's a little more lenient than most yanderes and can be talked into things for you does not mean he will be easily tricked. If you were to ask to visit family or friends, Grim will either find some way to come with you or gives a set time for you to come back. Not coming back at the time set up will only have a concerned/peeved off dragon on your trail. So be wise on how you exploit these weaknesses.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Again, he holds you up to high standards but he won't easily do everything you ask of him. Though it's a bit of a different story when winning your affections beforehand. Grim is very persistent in his pursuit and won't be easily shaken off. I do want to mention that he is rather clingy, so expect him to be attached to your side at all times. As far as how far he would go to obtain your affections? Pretty far but murder would not be on the table unless... He's pushed to a corner. Grim will defend himself and you from those he deems as threats or are trying to keep him away from you simply because he is a dragon.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He can pine for a good while; maybe a few months or even a year or two. What will set him off to actually take your away/cause him to snap would be someone putting your life in danger. That would be the last straw for Grim. He's been okay so far and the visits you've made were something he cherishes, but oh dear does this really set him off edge. Either that or his clingy/obsessive nature gets too intense and makes him really impatient where he won't take the waiting anymore.
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roxybefab · 4 years
Dating Grim Matchstick would include;
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Like Boris, he can’t really speak
Or, well, he can, a bit, but it’s a stuttered mess and you can barely understand him
His tail is quite long and is always touching you
That is, the tip of his tail is touching your ankle, his tail is wrapped around your arm or waist, his tail is on your thigh
He likes knowing that you’re there, that’s the only reason he does it
He likes it when you rub his belly, it makes his leg do that thing where it’s twitching rapidly
He also likes it when you sit on his back and wrap your arms around his neck
If you lay in his arms as he begins to fly, he thinks of you as his prince/ess
There was a time, however, where some guy kidnapped you saying he was a hero and that he was saving you from the ‘evil’ dragon
Yeah, Grim got pretty mad and burnt him to a crisp
Kidding, Grim simply rolled his eyes and you just got in his arms before he flew away
He loves to cuddle
It’s his passion
He’ll gently push you with his tail into his arms and wrap his body around you with his head in your lap
It’s honestly adorable
He adores it when you put on lipstick and cover his face in kisses
It leaves him all red and flustered
Hilda and Cagney tease him about it all the time, especially if he forgets to wipe off a kiss mark
He likes it when you scratch behind his ears
And when you run your hand over his wings
You live with him in his tower
He doesn’t want you to be away from him
Clingy child
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leorawright · 2 years
cuphead bosses with a tailor S/O?
I'll just do a few since there are so many
Cuphead bosses with tailor s/o
King Dice
He's entire wardrobe now revolves around you
Dice only trusts you to fix his clothes with the excuse that only you know his style
Doesn't matter how long he's been going to another tailor to him only you can do it right
He also always thanks you with a sweet kiss (and also a bit of money)
Sally Stageplay
She'd absolutely delighted
She enjoys tailoring as well since she makes her own costumes
But doing it with you is even more fun
Please let her make you costumes it'll make her day
She'll often ask you to help her since something isn't going right (it's a lie she just wants to spend time with you(
This fashionable bee really adores you
She's always had many ideas for clothes but she also refuses to overload you with requests
She also wants to learn how to tailor and will quietly listen along to your lessons
Even if he doesn't really wear a shirt he still has style
And you match his style (according to him)
He'll always watch you work while leaning in his hands with heart eyes
He'll always ramble about his day when you work before he ultimately goes silent completely mesmerized by the way you work
Grim Matchstick
Grim will get so flustered if you make him something
He's always wanted a jacket but with his size he's never had a chance
So when you gift him the jacket of his dreams he'll get really quiet and blushy
He'll quietly thank you and now he never takes it off
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leorawright · 2 years
Grim Matchstick relationship headcannons
Grim is a very sweet person... dragon... thing
I think his love language is quality time but he also loves receiving compliments
He will try to reciprocate the compliments but it often comes out as a stuttered mess.
So instead he loves to cuddle with you whenever he can.
Although sometimes when one of you is busy you may find random flowers placed where you can see them
Don't mention them though poor baby is flustered
Grim can get jealous easily
It's not because he doesn't trust you it's because he has so many insecurities he just worries
So if you see him looking sad and avoiding you please cuddle him and tell him you love him
Kisses with Grim are shy and tentive so you might have to intiate most of them
Not because he doesn't want to kiss you he can never find a good time so he needs help
When it comes to dates Grim loves staying in his tower and reading books or watching movies with you
If you do watch a horror movie prepare to comfort a shaking dragon
All in all Grim is a sweetheart and loves you so much and he needs the same love back
Protect baby dragon he's so precious
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leorawright · 1 year
I'm back at it again for the matchups :]]]
Romantic and platonic || Cuphead || matchup
Looks: short(5'2" help me)+mid-size, hazel eyes, curly red mullet.
ESFP-T personality type. I'm transmasc, gay, and aro/ace spec. I am one HELL of a fantasy nerd, Dungeons and Dragons being my biggest creative outlet for drawing, writing, acting, etc. (I also have ADHD, so my memory is horrible, and I struggle to navigate social situations, despite loving talking to people lol)
I am a rambler(usually about dnd or music I'm singing in chorus), one of my biggest love languages is quality time(giving and receiving), and I love bouncing ideas off of my friends to help fill in plot holes, or just to share in general. I also get a LOT of serotonin from seeing others happy, especially when they're talking about something THEY love. It's a very nice feeling. I'm also pretty big on gift giving and acts of service(giving) and physical touch(receiving(not entirely used to it though)).
I wear a lot of brown and green(mostly brown), and tend to play more chill and relaxing video games; my reaction time is horrible so anything with combat just stresses me out! I'm also a hUUUGe fan of naps, and watching comfort movies/series while drawing or relaxing.
TL;DR- transmasc, gay, fantasy and music nerd with ADHD who likes rambling, being rambled to, Owlbears, being silly and making stupid jokes, and is pretty good at analysing people(including myself).
Hope that's not too long lol, thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
Cuphead and romantic and platonic!?
For romantic...
King Dice!
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I headcannon that he's a fantasy nerd deep down
So when you ask him to look over a new dnd plot he nearly combusts from happiness
His love language is also acts of service but he'll gladly throw some cuddles into his daily routine
Your color scheme and his purple jacket actually clash quite well
When he's with you he tends to relax a lot more so that includes being a lot looser and sillier
Comfort movies are a must for him he needs to feel that happy with you settled right next to him it's heaven on Earth
For platonic I'd say...
Grim Matchstick
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Of course he doesn't mind if you ramble to him about Dnd!
He loves listening to all the plot ideas you come up with and will carefully offer constructive criticism
He's not used to having a friend so it's easy to make him happy which in turn makes you happy!
Any rant you want to go on, any movie you want to watch, any new plot idea you want to share, your best friend Grim will happily listen
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yanderes-of-inkwell · 3 years
Can you please make some Grim Matchstick headcanons? If you can, thank you. If you can't, that's fine with me.
Grim Matchstick - General Headcanons
Note: Of course I can, darling! One set of headcanons coming right up~ Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Delusional mindsets, isolation, jealousy, obsessive behaviour, overprotective behaviour, possessive behaviour, stalking.
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♤ Due to his intimidating appearance, Grim has always been something of an outcast on Inkwell. Even as a wee young hatchling, the other residents would avoid him as much as possible for fear of facing his wrath. In reality, though, Grim is the complete opposite of the “malevolent beast” everyone thinks him to be. He’s very shy and awkward around others, which is due in part to his mostly isolated upbringing. Add to the fact that he has a stutter he finds to be deeply embarrassing, and you’ve got yourself a lonely dragon desperate for companionship.
♡ With this in mind, his initial interest in his darling would likely spark after realising they’re not afraid of him. Those who’re not scared of Grim are few and far between, so for him to find someone who doesn’t treat him any differently than they do others is a breath of fresh air. Despite this, however, he doesn’t approach them right away. After their first meeting, rather than trying to befriend them, he instead opts to simply watch them from a distance. This is partially due to him wanting to learn what they’re like as a person, and partially because he’s too nervous to strike up a conversation.
♧ But after a while, Grim will start to tire of this routine. While he does find enjoyment in observing them going about their day, he can’t help but yearn for something more. Seeing just how kind they are towards others makes his heart soar, and he desperately wishes that he, too, could enjoy their company. Once his impatience reaches a boiling point, he will finally set aside his fear and decide to approach them. He waits until they’re not busy or around others before doing so, as not to disturb them or have others encourage them to leave once they see him.
◇ The interaction itself starts out horribly awkward, with Grim being almost unable to form a coherent sentence. His stutter becomes far worse than normal as he attempts to hold a simple conversation with them, and he wants nothing more than to disappear in that moment. But despite his nervousness and embarrassment, his darling’s patience and understanding towards him do wonders to ease his nerves. By the end of the conversation, he finds himself feeling genuinely happy and relaxed, two things he’s rarely felt around others before.
♤ This interaction is what truly solidifies the beginning of Grim’s obsession with his darling, which only continues to grow alongside their budding friendship. He’s never had a true friend before, much less experienced proper kindness from another, so his darling’s empathy towards him is all it took for him to become obsessed with them. Their open-minded nature is what drew him in, their kindness and patience are what made him want to stay. And, in a way, it would later become the final nail in their coffin when they accept his confession.
♡ From there, Grim begins seeing his darling regularly. They always meet up somewhere private, away from the judgemental eyes of the other Isles residents. The two laugh and share stories for hours, often well into the night, and Grim starts to miss them more and more each time they part ways. When he can’t bask in their presence, he often finds himself daydreaming about their next meeting, or even just thinking about what they might be up to at the moment.
♧ This obsessive behaviour only worsens once the two enter a relationship, and Grim starts to miss them more than ever. Soon after they begin dating, he’ll fall back into his routine of watching them from afar, just to make sure they’re safe. When he’s unable to do so for whatever reason, he’ll send his sentient fireballs to look after them in his stead. Not once does it cross his mind that his actions may be perceived as morally wrong because from his perspective, he’s simply protecting that which he holds dear.
◇ Once he’s managed to convince them to move into his castle, he’ll begin slowly isolating them from the rest of the world. Not only does he develop an irrational jealousy towards those he’s forced to share their company with, but he also worries that something might happen to them when not under his watchful eye. He fears that perhaps their “friends” will convince them to leave him, or that they’ll get caught up with the Devil just as he had.
♤ It’s only when he’s alone with his darling that he feels he can truly relax. Otherwise, on rare occasions where he allows them to go out in public, he follows them everywhere, never leaving their side. His eyes are always scanning the crowd for any potential threats, and his tail is constantly wrapped around them in a protective manner, especially if they’re speaking with someone else. It’s one of the few instances where he’s glad to look as scary as he does; having a massive, powerful dragon for a partner means few people approach his darling anymore, which is exactly how he wants it to be.
♡ When in the comforts of his home, safe and away from everyone else, Grim’s true personality shines through. He’s very playful and goofy around his darling, always craving their attention and looking for ways to make them smile. As for when the fun and games end, he’s most relaxed when cuddling them in some way or another. There’s rarely ever a moment where he’s not touching them in some way, as physical contact helps to express his love when his words fail him.
♧ If his darling ever has the urge to go out or socialise with others, Grim will always find something for them to do. His home is quite spacious, filled with little secrets and intricacies at every corner, so there’s almost always something to keep them busy. He’s also quite happy to provide them with anything they need to entertain themselves, or to fulfil their hobbies if they have any. All it takes is a simple word from them for him to be at their beck and call, ready to give them anything they ask for.
◇ It comes to a point where Grim becomes almost like an abandoned puppy of sorts. He’s willing to devote all of his time and energy to his darling if that’s what they want, and he often does so without them asking or even wanting him to. Haunting memories of his previous life of solitude are his primary motivation for this, as well as his determination to keep them happy and by his side.
♤ Should his darling ever come to protest against his possessive behaviour, Grim will become devastated. The last thing he wants is to make his darling unhappy or to be forceful with them, but if that’s what it takes to make sure they never leave, so be it. Though Grim may be worlds apart from his brethren in terms of personality, there is at least one thing he shares in common with them: he’s as greedy as any dragon can be, and he’s willing to fight until his last breath to protect what is precious to him.
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roxybefab · 4 years
Hi! Could I ask for a relationship hc for Grimm Matchstick? And could I ask for a scenario where his s/o gets "rescued" by a hero who thinks they were kidnapped by an evil dragon? If that's too much sorry, just pick what you want to write.
‘Evil’ Good Dragon
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This is pretty short and the ending is kinda bad. Also, don’t apologize! I enjoyed writing both ^^ I had to eventually do a Grim Dating Headcannon so it’s no problem
It has been a while since you last went out and you were glad you had picked today. It was a nice day, the sun gently hitting your skin and the Summer breeze refreshing your hair. Grim had a short hand in yours, trying to keep up to your pace as he walked on his hind legs. “(Y-(Y-(Y/N)!” He stuttered out, getting your attention, “S-s-s-low do-down!” You quickly stopped, waiting for him. “Sorry, Grim! I’m just so excited.” You exclaimed as he caught up. He simply smiled at your enthusiasm and kept walking with you. You gasp, “Look Grim! Can we get ice cream?” You ask, hopping around giddily. Your dragon boyfriend chuckled, noticing that there was, indeed, a man selling ice cream. The dragon nodded, gently kissing her head before making his way to the cart.
“H-h-ere (Y/N).” Your boyfriend said, smiling down at you. You were sitting on a bench, one which was right under a nice tree that gave shade well enough. The sun was setting, the breeze a bit stronger as she took the treat from the reptile. You yawned quietly, taking a lick from the (f/f) ice cream and laying your head on his shoulder. Neither of you noticed the man that snuck up slowly to you. He was quiet and tall, dark hair spilling from his head. “Hey, Grim?” You ask, turning up to look at said creature, “What do you want to do when we get home? Maybe a board game or maybe a nap.” Just as he opens his jaw to answer, she felt a hand grip her wrist and yank her away, a sword pointed at Grim as he backed away from said dragon. You didn’t know what was going on, the cold hand gripping your wrist and the sword touching the dragon’s chest. Grim didn’t seem to know what was going on either, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the man. “Stay back, beast! Stay back!” The man shrieked, pulling you away. “W.. wait.” You said as in a whisper, horror slowly morphing in your face as the man kept yanking you away, “What are you doing?!” You screeched. You began to yank away from him. “Ma’am, I’m trying to save you! Please don’t leave.” He exclaimed, his sword still pointed at your boyfriend. You felt the confusion eating at you as you kept yanking away, yet failing. “Saving me from what!?” You screeched at him. “The beast that has kidnapped you!” He responded, glaring at Grim. “He’s no beast!” You yelled back. Your face was slightly red in your anger and the man could tell. “But, it kidnapped you!” He shrieked, “It’s been keeping you hostage and you’ve been waiting for a knight in shining armor to save you.” “You consider yourself a hero?” You growled out, glaring at the man. He pauses in shock, not noticing Grim’s tail slowly wrapping around his leg. You, however, did notice and gave your boyfriend the look, which made him remove his tail. After a couple of seconds, you yanked your hand out of the man’s grip and shoved him away, jumping into Grim’s arms. You wrap your arms around his neck and sigh, smiling as he lets out a happy hum. Your dragon looks back at the man, who looked shocked, and rolled his eyes before spreading his wings out and taking flight.
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roxybefab · 4 years
Hey, hon. So, I'm obsessed with Lou right now and I love the Lou headcanons you have. Do you think you could come up with headcanons that are based on a romantic date with Lou and his s/o or something like that? I'd ask for NSFW headcanons, but I don't wanna make you uncomfortable.
Oh, I do NSFW, don’t worry! I’ll do both for you, love :3 Anyways, I have two Sans commissions that I’m doing, one is a Horrortale Sans and the other is a smut of Mafiafell Sans so I’ll get to it as soon as I can.
Also, if you like Lou, I have a book of Lou meeting his own kid in the Big World. The book is called The Perfect Duo and it’s on Wattpad.
Here’s a link: The Perfect Duo
And I’ll try to get to everyone’s requests as soon as possible :)
Have a lovely day, loves <3
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