#cw vent in following tags
zhongrin · 4 months
I assume you got hate for that L&D ask? I'm sorry that was done. Feel better soon. Maybe say less next time.
i appreciate your kind words, thank you. however, while i'm sure you had the best intention with this, i don't think i will 'say less'. this is my blog, my space, and as long as i'm not actually causing harm to anyone or anything along that line, i think i'm allowed to have some degree of freedom regarding saying what i like/dislike and setting my boundaries. i'm sorry, but i'm not an influencer, nor a public figure who has the responsibility to spread positivity and be a role model to you all. i try as much as i can, of course, but that's not the purpose of this blog. i'm just a human being who needed an outlet for writing and wanted to connect with like-minded people.
what part was not 'right'? that i expressed, in my own blog, how i didn't want to try out a game because one of the reasons is i find the graphics of the fictional characters off-putting, when asked? that i likened a fictional game art style to a different franchise and objects you see all the time in adult site ads? that i never said anything about the people who do like the game and told them "i'm happy you found a game you like"? that i never, not even once, went to other people's posts or blog who posted that game's content to ruin their fun like a bastard? that i actively chose to use tumblr's filter instead? that even if the filter didn't work, i chose to scroll and ignore instead of bitching about it?
pray tell, what did i do wrong? why should i say less? since when am i not allowed to dislike things?
and a public psa ー i'm sorry, but bluntly speaking, if you take an affront when I expressed MY own opinion, WHEN PROMPTED, WITHIN MY OWN SPACE (and god forbid you retaliate like that anon(s?) by spamming me to shut the fuck up and kill myself), then that's really not my problem. it's an art direction, for god's sake. i adore zhongli, who gets memed and made fun of as a cockroach all the time; you don't see me screaming at people to stop.
learn that people may not like the things you like. learn to agree to disagree. learn to treat others as fellow human beings with likes and dislikes. learn to separate fiction from reality.
and seriously, if you're annoyed with my rambles or 'babblings' or the interactions with my friends, tumblr has a filter and block function. it's just a simple google away. give some peace to your own mind.
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somerandomdog511 · 4 days
Best thing to do in June? Finding out how fucked up you are!!!! (CW in tags)
Today I learned that I show signs of BPD and shit is starting to make a lot of sense. I realized I had a fucking BPD episode before I burst into tears and kept trying to scratch my face while rocking myself. I'm doing fine 🙂. Maybe.
⋆。°✩♪ᯤ☪☆⋆。𖦹°‧★˚୨୧₊♱✮⋆˙.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Also, sorry if this kinda disrupts your whole pride month vibe. I mean really. I know it's really off topic but I felt the need to actually reflect and put it online to get it out my system.
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paintpanic · 2 years
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why do i feel so bad?
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nebulouscoffee · 5 months
... well it's that time of the year already. If anyone's got a Star Trek ask I'd love a distraction <3
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helluvahell · 4 months
 Ah, we are once again feeling guilty about writing Val. I don't think I should have to explain that I don't condone rape and domestic abuse just to write him. And actually yes, I do adore him as a character. I am currently wearing a shirt with him on it. He makes me happy. Writing him makes me happy. Writing him in the fucked up relationships he has in canon makes me happy. You do not have to like it or agree, but goddamn am I sick of people all over the internet running to shout, " BUT YOU DON'T APPROVE OF HIS ACTIONS RIGHT??? RIGHT???? " If you cannot think for yourself maybe this cartoon isn't for you.
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divile · 1 year
jsyk if u slander h.emlock g.rove it's on sight
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not to be petty but if i write someone a starter and they ignore it / never respond to it, i won’t be writing that person anymore starters and will more than likely end up softblocking. it’s different if that person just hasn’t been online to see it or if they didn’t get a notification, but if i see that you’re online but ignoring what i wrote for you when you asked for it in the first place, i have no interest in continuing interaction lol.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
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[Image Description: An MSPaint doodle of a cat with glasses and fluffy bangs sitting and looking down sadly. End ID.]
tfw you see really nasty violently transphobic shit on your dash and it puts you in a real sad dysphoric mood </3
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chishigure · 7 months
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Gonna be bluntly honest and not even sugarcoat anything. If my posts offend you, I apologize, but I'm not somebody who tiptoes around whatever may "trigger" someone. Before anybody says anything though, yes I do respect everyone's triggers and I know my limits and I know boundaries.
I write a lot of dark and messed up content because I enjoy dark and messed up content such as horror, blood, gore, dark humor, jokes that may possibly offend someone, shit people may have seen or heard on South Park, Berserk, Invincible, or Devilman Crybaby. It does not mean I condone them irl.
I am not responsible for your triggers or squicks. Do not follow this blog if you are unable to handle things like blood, gore, horror, murder, torture, etc.
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pelman · 1 year
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i didnt think i would be able to say "the p*zza t*wer community made me want to kill myself" but i guess that sentence is accurate now ahahahahahahahaha
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crepuscular-coyote · 1 year
Sometimes I worry about using tags like "actually abused" and "abuse survivor" because... well, it doesn't feel like abuse.
My parents and I have mended our relationship and they apologized for the damage inflicted on my brother and I. They, like everyone else, were products of their environments and raised us the way that they were raised. The way they thought was right. But they realized it wasn't.
While my brother bore more obvious grudges I decided to walk the path of forgiveness. I never wanted to talk about it because what if they felt so guilty that they killed themselves? (spoiler alert: I don't think they feel that bad about it).
Besides, I love and cherish them. I would kill and die for them. So why be angry? I love them.
8 years later and my anger finally starts to surface as what's left of my parents' relationship crumbles to dust and I am thrust into yet another mildly-traumatic family situation.
How fucking dare they hit the kids they never should've fucking had?? Their relationship was fucked from the start and both of them are so traumatized and mentally unwell that they shouldn't have fucking bred at all. Yet they brought us into the world in the midst of their instability and they punished us?! Resentment seeps into my words when I speak to them.
All that to say... if it were anyone else I'd say they were abused and have righteous anger. That they can love someone and still be hurt by what they did. But it's me. In a twisted way it feels like I wasn't hit enough to be considered abuse. Like yeah I have a fear of yelling and a fear of adult authority figures and one of the reasons why I can't get a job with more people is because I'm so afraid of other adults...
It was just yelling and spanking.
I want to feel justified in my anger.
But everything I've gone through is never quite "valid" enough, you know? I feel like a whiny brat.
There have been so many good moments and memories and love. I see that; I acknowledge that. Many people don't have that with their families.
I'm just... I don't know. Not enough. Never was then, never was now.
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rppik · 2 years
I feel like a stale piece of bread and every time I grow to kind of accept the pieces of mold on me I look and find an even uglier spot of mold that makes me feel all gross and unlovable again and it was kind of fine for a while but now there's so much mold and even if I've become okay with each of the individual bits of it who the fuck is going to look at me as a whole and still want a bite?
And I know it's the internalized societal pressures talking and that my mental illnesses and sexuality are inherently neutral, not bad or shameful, but god. Fuck it still triggers that feeling of "I'm different, I'm too different and I'm going to be outcast and hurt because of it."
I didn't ask to be this way. I've tried repressing so many aspects of myself over and over again and it never lasts, it always resurfaces and makes me freak out all over again. And right now I'm having one of those freak out moments and. It's just really not a good day and age to be the several flavors of fucked up that I am. Both because of societal shit and because of the self hatred I've developed because of it.
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chlorinecake · 9 months
If it's possible, could you make a yandere enhypen story, where the reader usually goes out late at night to a convenience store for some late night snacks, but some pervert tries her, but one of the members had been following her and help her, I'm sorry if it doesnt make any sense but yeah...😀 (recently my delusions have been getting to me)
“convenient chances” 🎱 
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pairing: stalker!yandere!enhypen x afab!reader
cw: harassment, violence, mentions of smoking, paranoia/anxiety, language, kidnapping, bad-ish ending lol
wc: 3.1k — read part ll and lll here
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LIKE A DUNGEON with fear cementing every corner, you struggle to savor the silence in your waking life.
Doubting all and believing none, your close friend Sunoo convinced you that your nervous aches and night sweats were a mere result of paranoia. He always judged the way you’d peek over your shoulder in public as if waiting to be attacked.
Clicking sounds from your window startled your rest during the night, with nightmares of seven tall hooded strangers blinding your judgement.
You're sure everyone's experienced the phenomenon of “gaze perception” at least once in their lives, in which a person might sense or assume that a pair of predatory eyes are stalking them from afar.
You didn’t like to use the word trauma to define your past experiences, but this wasn’t your first time feeling like a cloud of trouble waited to pour down on you. At this point, all you could do was hope that your intuition wasn’t right this time.
It was only a few months ago when you broke up with your abusive ex-boyfriend, Jay. The memories still linger as if they occurred yesterday, freshly cryptic in your mind. From your point of view, he started off as a charming casual acquaintance, which soon developed into a crush and then a toxic relationship. He outlined a list of rules for you to follow when he was away, ordering you around like a child. Anytime you even came close to breaking one of his orders, he’d beat the shit out of you, saying that his rage was out of love.
From Jay’s point of view, you weren’t just an obsession, but a belonging—his favorite humanoid toy to play with. He threatened that if you ever left him, he’d come back for you one day, saying that he’d never stop watching you.
And so, you moved. Not far, but a good distance away. You didn’t feel protected anymore in your usual environment. Though, there was one place in which you felt completely safe—free from watchful eyes and hostile hands. It was the tatty old convenience store a few blocks from where you live. The place hadn’t developed much since what appeared to be a decade or two ago, but they always supplied the most tasty, high quality snacks you could get your hands on.
As silly as it may sound, the fallout shop was your haven, and you grew particularly fond of shopping there late at night when it was less crowded.
You walked passed the familiar electronic doors, the fluorescent ceiling lights sparkling off of the bleach-mopped tiles. The usually uplifting radio station was replaced with the chilling whoosh of air circulating through the vents.
“Hello! Welcome to Goldman’s 24-hour convenience,” a friendly accented voice chimed. “Hello,” you returned with a nod, a bit confused by the new face. The usual cashier was an elder women by the name of Mandy. Her laughter alone could make some of your darkest nights glimmer again.
The young man wore a name tag on his dark blue collared shirt: Jake. You couldn’t help but wonder why Mandy wasn’t working her usual night shift, but you didn’t care enough to interrogate the seemingly content boy.
Picking up a hand basket, you explored the aisle's shelves in search for something savory or sweet to snack on. Your gaze swiveled ahead of you before landing on the sight of two hooded strangers blocking your path. This time, a bit of their faces showed, revealing the devious smirks that spoke so many silent words through their sealed lips:
You can run, but you can’t hide from us, ____. For as long as we live, you’re not allowed to feel safe anywhere.
Goosebumps sprouted on the surface of your skin, nerves dancing around in your fingers until they became wobbling rods. It’s almost like you forgot to breathe due to the overwhelming terror, feeling frozen from within as the plastic basket slipped from your grasp, a loud clatter echoing throughout the store.
You remembered all of the horrible things Jay said he would do to you once he found you again. The bruises you concealed with makeup that Jay referred to as his "strawberry kisses” would have nothing on what you felt was coming your way.
“Are you okay, miss?” A kind male voice asked, snatching you from your trance and back to reality. You turned to meet the man behind you, revealing his concerned yet warm features. He picked up the basket you dropped, still processing that your mind successfully tricked you into seeing something that wasn’t actually there.
“Yes, I’m alright, t-thank you,” you smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes, looking more awkward than reassuring.
He pressed three finger's against your forehead, “I don’t think you’re being honest with me,” he frowned, your hot and damp forehead telling him that something was wrong. “I’m sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself yet,” he stuck out one hand for you to shake and the other to pass you back your basket. “My name is Heeseung,” he smiled, “I’m new in town with an affinity for convenience stores.”
“____, with an affinity to drop flimsy baskets in public,” you replied, suddenly feeling at ease from the humor. You started trailing to the ramen section and Heeseung was walking behind you. If it wasn’t for his kindness earlier, you’d probably be freaking out about how close he was. You reached for a spicy udon noodle pack that came with dehydrated tofu and seaweed sheets. Meanwhile, Heeseung grabbed a can of Spam and chicken flavored ramen.
“Speaking of your liking for convenience stores, I come here almost every night and I’ve never seen you before.“
“Well, yeah, I’m usually here earlier in the day. I just happened to need some gas and got hungry while waiting, so I decided to stop by for my favorites,” he peered into your basket, "You might wanna get some milk with those, too. It's ungodly how spicy they are!"
"I know, right? They're just so delicious, I can't resist them..."
"Still, Sapporo Ichiban instant noodles are the best! They always cook perfectly. Never too soft or too firm. It's my comfort food, honestly. I wanna hug the person who created them," he replied passionately.
"Eh, you're just gonna ruin 'em anyways."
He gave you a double look, "Are you passively judging my cooking skills or fat shaming me?"
"Neither. I'm shaming that pink block of salt you're gonna punish your organs with."
He scoffed, "This anti-Spam movement is outrageous! I'm starting an online protest where you'll be the number one convert."
"As if I'd ever try that...stuff," you rejected.
"Welp. More for me, I guess," he mumbled, digging into his jacket pocket.
“Dammit, I forgot my wallet in my car,” he said, placing his basket high up on the shelf. “If you see anyone try to take my stuff, kick ‘em in the shin for me,” he said before running out of the shop.
Analyzing your surroundings, you noticed that a few groups of shoppers and some solo snackers began raiding the bread aisle. You distracted yourself by heading to the refrigerator section, considering Heeseung’s recommendation of getting a smooth beverage to accompany your spicy noodles, tossing in a pack of strawberry flavored Pocky's on your way.
That’s when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you in before giving your head a sniff, his nose was wet and cold like a dog as he inhaled your scent. “What the hell are you doing?” You barked, pushing the creepy stranger away.
He was a middle aged man with a receding hairline and a few scars decorating his thin chapped lips. You wondered how many of those scares came from women he tried that “arm around the waist” shit on.
“Sorry, doll. I’m a hugger and figured you might've needed one,” he grinned, revealing the gnarly set of teeth that lined his grey gums. You couldn't tell if it was his foul breath or filthy clothes that smelled more like smoke. Either way, you were thoroughly disgusted by him.
“Well, you should learn to ask before throwing yourself on people,” you retorted, reaching for a container of banana milk.
“You like swallowing bananas, cutie? I bet I could force four of 'em down that pretty mouth of yours,” he slithered while adjusting himself in his pants.
What the hell is wrong with this guy, you thought to yourself.
You tried to ignore his lunacy, only for him to grip your ass like a stress ball, landing a harsh slap across the curve of your jeans. You yelped at the sting, your own words being caught in your throat from the shocking act. You couldn’t believe that this freak actually just did that to you.
He met your eyes with a wink, smelling his hand as if you just provided him with an expensive perfume sample, "You got a lover at home, sweetheart?"
Tears dared to pour from your rage-ridden eyes as you balled your fists so tight, your bones might break. That's when a protective figure filled your blurry peripheral vision, stepping in front of you to block the man off as he tried grabbing you again, pushing him with such a force that he lost his balance.
“The hell do you think you’re doing, y'scrawny mother fucker,” he growled, pulling up is pants.
“You can’t do that kind of sick shit to people, pervert! Now get the hell outta here or I'll call the police,” the younger boy fought back.
“I was just trying to have some fun, kiddo. Ain’t nothin' wrong with that. I bet honey doll misses me already,” the older man went on, licking at his lower lip.
“I’ll knock every last rotting tooth from your mouth if you don’t leave in the next five seconds-"
“Hey, what’s going on over here?” Jake asked in the middle of the commotion, the older man already fleeing the scene. Jake looked at the younger boy first before eventually meeting your eyes. You wish you could hide how shaken up you felt. The container of milk was bleeding out its strong banana scent on the once spotless floor, tears finally streaming down your cheeks.
“Oh my God, Jungwon, what happened,” Heeseung came running over, asking the boy who defended you. “It was nothing,” you interrupted before Jungwon could answer, the three boys standing dumbfounded around you in a puddle of banana milk. “Do you need a ride-" “Don’t worry about me,” your voice cracked in embarrassment.
Is there any way to explain how the world made you ashamed of your own tears?
You left your basket behind, apologizing to Jake who had to clean up the sticky mess. You didn’t wanna leave just yet, afraid that the older guy might be waiting for you outside, so you went to the ladies restroom instead to call your friend Sunoo.
You cleared the lump in your throat before answering, “Sunoo,” you began shakily, “I need you to come and pick me up from Goldman's.”
“You sound terrible, is everything okay? You’re worrying me, what happened?”
“I’m sorry, Sun. Everything’s okay, I just really need you right now.”
“____,” he sighed. You suddenly felt guilty for even calling him.
“Sunoo, if you can’t make it, I won’t be mad at you,” you said in between the silence, trying to encourage him to make a choice.
“I-I can’t, well, I can, but, not soon, at least. I’m only an hour away, if you’re willing to wait that long.” The pity in his voice made you wanna cry all over again. Looking at the time on your phone, it was six minutes til midnight, and you refused to haul your best friend out on the road this late. “No, that’s alright, Sunoo. I’ll just call an Uber.”
His side of the phone fell quiet for a moment. “____, I know how much you hate Uber's. Don't do that to yourself because of me."
"I'll be okay, Sun, just get yourself some rest."
He paused before asking, "Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Of course! Call me when you get home!”
You finished up in the bathroom, mentally preparing yourself to face the strangers beyond the not-so-comforting walls of the restroom. To your surprise, Heeseung and Jungwon were still in the store. Huddled around Jake at the checkout counter, the three of them took loud sips from steaming cups of ramen. “Hey, ____,” Heeseung began, resting his snack on the counter. “We could help you file a report against that guy, if you want.”
Jungwon met your eyes with his own sincere ones, “He should pay for the way he treated you.” Jake put your basket from earlier on the counter, dry items taking the place of the previously wet ones.
“Do you still want these," he asked shyly. After everything that happened, you felt empty in more than one way. Some warm broth and noodles is exactly what your body needed at the moment. You nodded, handing Jake a $20 bill. Beeping sounds immediately met your ears as he scanned your items with a strange haste. You looked back to Heeseung and Jungwon.
“Getting the police involved will only make it harder for me to forget this ever even happened. Thank you for your concern, though,” you smile at the humble pair before they took the final gulps from their ramen cups before discarding them.
“Here’s your change,” Jake chirped, handing you the plastic bag of goodies. “Thank you,” you bowed, heading to the exit.
“Y'sure you don't need a ride?” Jungwon asked. You flashed him your phone screen. “Uber,” was all you said before walking into the black of the night, the sliding doors closing behind you.
According to your smartphone, you should expect your chauffeur, Sunghoon, to arrive shortly in a black truck with tinted windows. The vehicle came speeding through the parking lot, a chill wind hitting your features. The truck was so dark, that it almost blended into the night. He rolled down the window, looking you up and down.
"Uh, ____," you said, his blunt question catching you off guard.
"Get in," he replied, directing a thumb to the back seat, unlocking the door as you slid in, bumping into another passenger. Immediately caught by his dark eyes, the boy waved slightly, muttering a deep “Welcome aboard,” before fixing his gaze out the window again. The truck sat idly as Sunghoon delayed taking off, exchanging a few hushed words to the guy sitting in the front passenger's seat.
The backseat doors opened from both ends, Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jake joining you in the black vehicle. "Scoot over, Niki," Jungwon complained, trying to get comfortable in the crammed space. That's when you saw one last person join you all in the truck, his face capturing the moonlight like a thief.
"Sunoo?! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were an hour away!" All he did was frown in response. He always made that face whenever he was hiding something from you. "Sunoo," you pressed, nudging his shoulder.
"Oh please, would you just shut the hell up already," the hostile driver growled at you.
You screwed your eyes brows in confusion, "What's going on here," you inquired, now feeling anxiety start to creep up on you.
"The very thing I warned you about before you abandoned me," the front passenger bit back.
That voice. You knew exactly who it belonged to.
It was Jay, your looney ex-lover, sitting right in front of you. An angry yet pitiful scowl contaminated his handsome features.
You pushed through Heeseung, reaching for the door handle, only for Niki, the quietest yet scariest one, to snatch your wrist, pulling you into his tantalizing grip. "Let me go," you yelped, only for Jungwon to harshly cover your mouth.
Sunghoon pulled off at a dangerous speed, causing your bodies to shake in the truck. Heeseung crossed his legs cooly as if he wasn't just casually talking with you in the store, “So when do we get to have fun with her, again? It’s not like she did any good entertaining me through conversation.”
Jake rolled his eyes at Heeseung, “I could’ve used your enthusiasm when I had to stuff that fat old chick in the freezer. Alone. On top of that, I had to mop the floor quintillion times before the blood stains got out.”
“At least you’d make a good house husband,” Sunghoon joked.
You felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach at Jake’s confession: He killed Mandy.
"I'm sorry, ____," Sunoo whispered, fighting back tears as he hid his face from you.
Everything was starting to make sense now.
The visions of seven hooded boys.
The clicking sounds you'd hear from outside your window at night.
The way you could never shake the feeling that you were being watched.
Jay’s past words echoed in the back of your mind:
"If you ever decide to leave me, don't ever think that you'll get very far before I catch up. I'll always be watching you."
You bit Jungwon's hand, causing him to retreat his palm from your flushed face. "Sunoo, you betrayed me! You told me that I was paranoid when you knew exactly what was going on behind my back! I felt safe with you...I trusted you! And you fucking lied to me!"
"God, I've had just about enough of her nagging," Niki said, landing a fisted blow across your face. As you faded out of consciousness, Jay tried to soothe your daze.
“Even though I betrayed you and beat you, it was only my funny way of expressing how much I love you. Can’t you see that I did all of that out of love?”
You could still hear Sunoo pleading for your forgiveness in the background as you held onto the last strand of your consciousness.
"I've been watching you for a long time, love. You always try to escape me and I never understood why you just wouldn't listen to me. All I've ever done is love you and try to protect you. This time, I’ll make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
And that was the last thing you heard before retreating to the vacancy of your mind, floating around in the silence of your oblivion. Left in the hands of seven reckless boys who’d successfully lured you into their cat trap, you didn’t know what to expect once you’d open your eyes, but you knew it wouldn’t be anything good.
In that time, you came to the unsettling conclusion that broken toys were Jay’s favorite, and if you weren’t already broken upon being found, you would be by time he’s done playing with you.
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
☆ ᴘ.ꜱ: special thanks to the fabulous anon who requested this piece! i played around with the plot a bit, but I hope you all enjoyed reading it! if you guys would like a version of this story with a happier ending, let me know in the comments!
☆ taglist (based off of users that personally requested to be on my taglist, my faves, and people that I've noticed interacting with my yandere content) ~
@fanficfactoryfoxxx @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @yngwife @03sunoos @kaykay11sworld @maryismad @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled @haechansheart @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong
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elaemae · 4 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 4
Thank you guys for the likes, reblogs and comments.
Also, to the people who became my followers, I'll be forever grateful for that😊
CW: When MC gets mistaken as a guy, they get referred to as he/him, but the problem is that there's too many males around the MC.
So, I've decided to color the pronouns blue when it's MC that's being addressed. Just to avoid confusion.
CLARIFICATION: The headmaster, and MC knows that Yuu is from another world, so MC decided to play along and pretend that they're from the same world as Yuu. (The human world where MC came from is mostly similar to the human world that Yuu describes. i.e. landmarks, cultural, knowledge, current trends, anime and manga are all mostly the same.)
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REMEMBER: Read this before the chapter.
Experience changes people.
If you see MC doing something you think you won't do and you decide to complain about it, remember this:
• You act the way you do because of the things that you've gone through in your life.
• MC is the same.
• They experienced a lot of traumatic events and almost lost their lives a fuck-ton of times.
• Because of that, they've changed. They've diverged from being you into the MC that they are now.
• The life you're living now shall be treated as the MC's canonical past.
• Also, because The Obey Me!cast feels bad from all the times you suffered and almost died because of them, they tend to overcompensate you.
• You get dressed in the finest of fabrics, most luxurious jewels, as well as housed and fed with the best things that the three realms have to offer.
• You don't take them for granted, but years of living with that lifestyle had raised your standards to new heights and changed the way that you act towards certain things.
• You're free to make up your own head canons if you don't like mine, also y'all can give me feedback if you want so I can improve my work.
• This story will be set a few years after the canon of the Obey Me games.
• • • • •
Who would've thought that it would be a bad idea to try to trick someone who literally reeks of luxury to live in an old, bout-to-fall-apart dormitory?
Well, certainly not Crowley.
That fact became known when 'The shady looking dorm leader™' and also, the tablet decided to tag along with you, Yuu and Crowley, but then had to help Yuu in holding you back so that you wouldn't beat the ever living crap out of the headmaster the moment he dared to bring y'all in front of this rustic establishment and say "It had charm". (Too many You's)
Oh really? really?? Oh you'll see real charm when I beat you straight into the afterlife you greasy son of a bitc–
It did not end well.
So instead of that, the headmaster had to temporarily put you and your fellow stranded-in-dis-school-human into the infirmary as your temporary abode and promised to fix the shoddy dorm so that it can safely house people in it. (Grim will appear in the future, dw)
*Que Azul tryna make you stay in Octavinelle and you vehemently declining that offer.*
Also, you're starting to get creeped-out by the floating tablet that keeps following you around and won't stop with taking pictures. there's also the small maniacal giggles coming out of the device.
• • • • • •
So there you two are, two people that've been kidnapped by this school's fuckin carriage are now bonding in the infirmary and distracting each other by venting about problems back home. (You two are too wary to be able to sleep properly.)
Like, yes Yuu, I'm in a polyamorous with more than a dozen problematic individuals.
Yes, it works out. somehow
Damn, three assignments due tomorrow all from the same subject? Have you ever tried cheating off of your classmates?
Oh— wait what?! a classmate from biology was caught fucking with a professor in a classroom!? Seriously??
No, I unfortunately no longer have a grasp on the concept of private space and poverty.
Yes, maintaining a relationship with a lot of people at the same time can be hard.
A lot of them are rich.
Wait, a seatmate of yours really gave two free expensive sketch pads just because you asked?? Where can I find that person??
Yes they all act like my sugar daddies and my man-children in one way or another.
No, don't you dare pimp yourself out, okay? There may be a lot of people in my life but the important thing is that we all love each other.
We support, comfort, protect, and guide each other to the best we can.
No— that didn't happen in a day, I had to bend over backwards and almost die a shit-ton of times before I managed to wiggle myself firmly into the hearts of those fuckers.
...Q- Questions about our sex life will be automatically ignored.
Just.. be nice to others, even if it's seemingly stupid.
Unless they are absolute scum then just maintain distance.
You just gotta eyeball it to figure out when to stop being nice to someone.
Never and I mean NEVER treat anyone badly unless they did something unforgivable to you.
Don't call me kind. It's easier to have a grasp on other people if you're nice.
Pft— You once saw a book called "How to be a sugar baby 101" in the school library?! And you saw your principal reading it?!
Sure-sure, I'll help you with your math homework— wait a second.. Seriously?? We've been kidnapped, I ain't allowing you to do math. Where the hell did you even hide that thick-as-fuck test sheet anyways?? Up your ass?!
• • • •
You sigh for the third time this hour, looking at Yuu who's making a "Mom.. I threw up in the carpet... I'm sowwy🥺" expression as they stand beside your bed.
"What happened?"
Yuu winced, feeling embarrassed as they hear you talk to them like a disappointed parent, they had failed to appeal to Crowley about becoming a temporary student of this school and now had to be a janitor/errand kid.
"The headmaster said that I'll be the handy-man of the campus while he searches for a way to get us home..."
You feel a vein in your head throb and your eye start to twitch by of the sheer audacity being shown in front of your face.
You are now feeling the immense urge to hex that bird-bitch.
Satan sat straight in his seat, speaking out to the others in the meeting table.
"I can feel irritation and the urge to curse someone again." He said.
It would've been funny if this was another situation.
"That's definitely from MC, isn't it? You mentioned being half-asleep and feeling MC get agitated through your pact mark, right?" Diavolo asked.
"Yes, at least our pacts are still intact..." Satan nodded.
"Great, we can use this to monitor MC even if they're far away." Lucifer stated.
Countless search-parties and interrogations have already been conducted, but they're still clueless on where you can be or who could've taken you.
Even Barbatos couldn't see what had happened.
They're starting to get agitated, MC..
• • • • •
Jade watched as Azul frantically drafts and redrafts a new plan of his.
It seems that something caught the eye of their housewarden in the ceremony today.
"What could be so eye-catching that you're in such a hurry to obtain it, Azul?" Jade couldn't contain his curiosity and asked.
"It's a new student, Jade." Azul started.
"He possesses such a large amount of magical artifacts in his hands, It's unbelievable! They were all high quality too!"
Jade blinks.
"Don't you have enough magical artifacts around?"
Jade is confusion.
"You don't know it because you weren't there." Azul narrowed his eyes at Jade.
"I first thought those jewelry of his were similar to the ones that you can buy with enough money in annual auctions, but then I realized that it's very likely that those jewelry are customized."
"...How so?"
"So I decided to try and take a closer look, but when I actually got closer and almost touched one of them, I felt a strong thrum of magic that I haven't felt before!"
Now that got Jade's attention.
Azul has been exposed to a lot of strong, powerful people and magical artifacts over the years that he and his twin were following this dormleader of theirs and yet there was actually an artifact so strong that he can feel strong waves of magic by just almost touching it?
How curious..... If the magic of the artifact was so strong, why didn't Azul sense it up until he literally almost held it in his hands?
Seems like this year won't be boring, after all..
• • • • •
BONUS: Someone has a crush.
"Brother, Your package has arrived— What are you... Are you making fan art of Mr. [L/n]...?"
Idia screams like a dumb girl in a horror movie as he tries to block the screen with his body.
"And... what's with the pose?"
Ortho tilts head innocently, confused on why his brother is drawing a new student in a pose that can often be seen on videos that are called "Thirst traps". he's still confused about why they're called that way.
*Starts to fuckin steam*
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← Pr.3 | Chapter List | Pr. 5 →
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What do y'all think of the chapter? pls respond, I need feedback🥺
I woke up today and decided to kick canon's ass.
Elae: Thanks for reading this far.☺️
See y'all next time~
Next chapter: Prologue 5
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vanderilnde · 4 months
a toxic ghoap wip i had in my drafts from months ago but will no longer be continuing. i just wanna dump it here lol
cw for misogyny, smut, (internalized) homophobia, hedonism, sacrilege, prostitution mention, ghost is an ass
pls heed all tags, this was a vent fic, and also bare in mind im never gonna finish this lmao
Johnny's world is asymmetrical.
His world. His beginning and his end. Humvees and Dauphin 2 helis and deployments around the globe. Undercover operations, saving women and children, the comforting carbon steel of a rifle in his hands. 
It’s an unspoken stigma, but it’s there. Materialising as insults while his lads take the piss out of each other, and in the form of dishonourable discharges. 
The stigma has always been there. It has no start and no finish, so Johnny can’t remember where it came from, but he knows it was there since primary, where boys would kick girls at the bends of their knees and yank on their pigtails, squatting to the floor to get a look-see up their chequered skirts and cackle, all while Johnny stood off to the side, overtly uncomfortable. 
Mum’s complained. Teacher’s were involved. Dad’s simply said, “Boys will be boys,” and the situation was brushed under the carpet.
The stigma tailed Johnny into secondary school. His older cousin lent him a suit for formal, which prompted Johnny awkwardly standing on his doorstep with his date—a pretty lass named Rory—as his mam snapped a spate of photos. 
Johnny’s disposition was a grave juxtaposition to Rory’s. She was all grins and giggles, cantered into Johnny’s arm, while he was inelastically poised with tight lips. 
His mam wouldn’t stop pinching his supple cheeks, trying to shepherd a smile out of him. She gave up, throwing her hands in the air and wheedling them off the porch, tacking on an ornate, “Have fun, kiddos!” as they pooled into Johnny’s scrap metal car. 
Johnny felt as if he was lacking something. As if his wings had been clipped by the world a little too soon. It’s always been like that. A piece of him plucked from his wracking ribs and stolen, ever since he was a little boy. So in a lapse of judgement, in order to prove himself, to shatter the bubbling stigma, Johnny sought out the most masculine thing to offset his failure: follow in the steps of his cousin, and enlist. 
It was a rashly undertaken decision, but a decision he stuck with, because, for the first time in forever, Johnny’s old man clasped his shoulder in pride. 
But stigma was an incessant little thing. Because even in military school, it followed him closely. As Johnny’s school brothers had Playboy rafts and pin-up girls folded into their pillow cases, he would blunder upon being asked, “Who’d ye shag?” by his mate. 
In boot camp, he was a lowly private, whose hands would jade and cramp from cleaning rifles. They gave him blisters. And so his bunkmate—a nice lad from Glasgow with a crooked nose—would tend to his fingers during their lunch routine. Hidden somewhere in the corner, making jokes about their Drill Instructor. Callum, was his name. He’d swathe Johnny’s hands in gauze and garnish it with a lopsided smiley face. It always sucked, fell apart half way, but he did it anyway. 
That’s when Johnny started blistering his hands on purpose. 
Wedging his thumb in the dip of a garand and not pulling it out until it was swollen. Then he’d snivel, seeking Callum out in their barracks. There was a pull in Johnny’s stomach, half of an ebb that finished Callum’s flow. It would give him rashly undertaken ideas—such as fixing his hand in the lid of an armoury shell—for Callum to fix up. Johnny would find him among their other friends, beseeching with his cobalt eyes, holding out a hand.
In enlistment, his confusion ripened into a gravely miscalculated realisation. That it wasn't an affinity for men Johnny wanted to be—to attract ladies with his chest candy and the brandished title of military man—no, it reared its ugly head when Johnny finally became his own private. Grinning, at the time, clean-shaven and giddy as his mother snapped a spate of photos of him saluting in his new uniform, plaintively whining when she reached out to adjust his garrison cap because “It’s lopsided, pumpkin!” To which Johnny, under the searing gaze of his fellow privates, would clip, “‘Cos it’s meant to be like tha’, ma!”
Johnny didn’t know when it started. He just remembered realising how good Callum looked one day at the range—sweat sluicing down his pale neck, disappearing behind his lapels, ass filling out the space of his pants as he would squat to the ground and aim for the faraway target. Before he knew it, Johnny was seizing lights out. Using the time to sneak off to the bathrooms and cramp a fist around his leaking cock, beating his dick to the thought of him. Him, him, him. 
Johnny’s sordid thoughts didn’t emulate what his granny had planned for him—to pass down her old wedding stack once he “Found the right lass,” to bring home to her; it wasn’t what the Orthodox spiels of sermons and hymns and praise on Sunday’s drilled into him; it wasn’t what his uncle was anticipating—“Got a girlfrien’ yet, Johnny-boy? Ah, why’re ye frowning! Soon enough, ye will.”
His fantasies rivalled those of his squadmates. Because on his first tour, a summer ten years ago in the chilly expanse of Northern Ireland was a woman that approached them. Denim skirt and a mulberry red halter top. Kitten heels, sunglasses. Shiny lipgloss. She tried to ply them by batting her eyes, offering her services. She was smart. Military men always paid. It’s the desperation that got to them most of the time, a tinge of worry, and a hint of entitlement. They took the bait. Rode her back to camp and took their turns with her.
When it was Johnny’s turn, he listlessly declined and hung his head. He said he had a lass waiting for him back home—Rory—that’s the first name that popped in his head. His secondary school girlfriend in which he sobbed on when he tried kissing her. Johnny said he had a bird, just like all his other lads, with pictures of their wives and girlfriends pinned to the massive cork board in the middle of their camp. But they had no problem indulging themselves. 
They were shoving him around, calling him all sorts of names, bullying him into following them. And that’s when Johnny caved. A cacophony of hollers flared out around him as he ducked into the tent where the woman lay, thin bed sheets hiked up to her collarbones, her previous lipgloss smeared over her chin.
Johnny said, “Hi, how are you?” Because that’s what his mother taught him. She softly giggled. 
Not at him, but with his overdue respect.
Johnny shucked off his uniform with trembling hands, mounting her with his dick flaccid and stomach flipping. He remembers ruminating, “Why don’t you like it? You should like it. Love it,” but his heart leapt to his throat and his navel twisted, heart seized as the head of his cock kept slipping around her messy opening, poking her thigh. His throat constricted, dry, then slackened. A muffled sob wracked through him. Barely concealed by the threshold of his thin lips. He pushed his tongue into the roof of his mouth and buried his face in the crook of her neck, collapsing into her bare chest, furiously wiping his tears into the inflatable mattress.
Then, the body beneath him quivered. Johnny hoisted himself up, a spiel of apologies curling off of his tongue, when he realised she was crying too. The same type as him—wrung out, jaded, tired. She blindly reached out for him and pulled him close. Not reaching for his dick nor biting sensual whispers into his ear. They held each other for a little while, coalescing as their cries muffled into each other’s skin. Then, she pushed him off. Slid off the mattress and snaked her into her clothes. 
They both left the tent shaking. She was still sniffling. His lads cheered as she walked away and clapped him on the back. 
That’s when Johnny realised there wasn't a place for him in his world. Johnny shrunk himself, half the light he used to be, pushing himself into a little box as his world around him clipped off his wings. 
Now, Johnny’s world consists of something a little different. 
Something sinewy and rough around the edges. Gruff, but tactical. Calm, akin to the placid sea, but could flip a switch and emulate its choppy waters if he wanted to, too. Big, striking, with eyes that could kill a sailor. A deep timbre mandated by Manchester. Wide-set shoulders but a willowy waist, hips that sway as he walks. A macabre mask and skeletal gloves—ones that have Johnny wrapped tightly around his fingers.
Johnny grew into himself between serving in the parachute regiment to selection for the SAS. He got rougher. Learned how to hide himself better. Perfectly fit himself within the Task Force, around men who would become his best friends and brothers. He’s otherwise your normal guy. Goes to the bar with the team when they’re able. Shooting darts with Gaz (“You’ve got a Marksman badge but can’t score more than two points? C’mon, mate…”); pool with Price; and drinks with Ghost.
Beer always sloshes over the lip of Ghost’s glass when they clink their drinks. It crashes up and over the Brit’s fingers, dripping down his hands, between his thick fingers. Johnny always resists the urge to lean in close and lick the wash of alcohol glistening Ghost’s knuckles. 
But they’re just friends. Apparently. Because friends don’t fuck.
It started way down in Chicago’s heart, after another op. Gaz—ever the exploiter of his puppy eyes—managed to ply Price into stopping at a bar instead of heading straight back to base for paperwork. So they stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall, still rife with adrenaline, spreading out and all doing their own thing.
Johnny and Ghost were sat around a rickety table with wobbly legs. A spread of peanut shells around them and sticky rings of alcohol from their glasses glossing the surface. Ghost raised an arm to wipe his eyes, knocking over Johnny’s beer in the process. An expletive crossed the Brit’s tongue and he apologised, grasping a fistful of napkins and scrubbing it over Johnny’s soaked shirt. 
It ebbed and flowed in long, rough strokes. Ghost’s hand gliding over Johnny’s legs, Ghost’s middle finger and thumb snapped around Johnny’s thigh, his grasp cutting into the sinews. 
It wasn’t that different from suturing a teammate up after a mission. But with the unsaid admiration Johnny had for him, tempered by the hint of alcohol on the roof of his mouth and the hazel canopy of Ghost’s lashes, over his focused eyes, arousal quickly seized Johnny.
Ghost’s hand brushed over a tent on Johnny’s jeans. One that hadn’t been there before. He cut his next stroke from the root, pausing, and blinked up at his friend. 
The Scotsman felt a wound up spring in his stomach. He turned away, smacking Ghost’s hand, and ran a hand through his black tuft of hair, slapping both sides of his shaved heads. He felt his lungs betray him—squeezing like dried fruit and refusing to expand—to yield to his sudden heavy breathing and quick succession of heartbeats.
Johnny shook his head. Sputtering. “Lad, y’know, sometimes we can’t control ‘em–” 
The words died on his tongue when Ghost flattened hand against the bend of his knee. He was testing the waters. 
Johnny looked back, gulping, and took the bait. He inched his knee closer, until it met with Ghost’s thick leg. It’s something he’s done so many times. When he was starved for friction but couldn’t make it overtly obvious—grazing Ghost’s hand passing him a flare; knocking his foot under the table during debrief (“Sorry, lad,”); applying extra gauze to a slice in his torso just to feel Ghost’s chest throb below his fingers a little more.
But this is different. Something Johnny’s chased for so long. A tangible ghost on his tongue for a flavour he’s longed for with just fantasies while he fucked his fist late into the night. 
Ghost tightened his hold on Johnny’s thigh. “Sons of bitches, ain’t they?” 
His voice was taut. As was the muscle between Johnny’s shoulders.
They exchanged a glance. Soundless, but not wordless. Then Ghost slunk his hand down and wrapped it around Johnny’s swelling cock. 
The feeling of it—a sensation so foreign, so yearned for—penetrated Johnny’s core. It made him yelp and jerk his knee into the table, sending more beer spilling over the rim of his glass and onto his pants. 
Ghost hummed, shook his head. “C’mon, Johnny, let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” And he inclined his head towards the bathroom in the back. 
Johnny blindly nodded, yielding to Ghost’s hold as he hoisted him from his seat. Ghost directed them through the sea of gyrating bodies and towards the toilets. They bursted inside, and the Brit pulled Johnny into the last stall. A seedy little thing, with graffiti and the ash of cigarette butts welded into its walls. 
The succeeding acts were a blip in the streamline of Johnny’s memory. He remembers Ghost shucking his pants down, then settling himself behind him. He remembers Ghost’s gloveless hand reaching around and working over his drooling cock. He remembers a voice in his ear, “What the fuck are we doing,” and a bulbous cockhead poking his ass. He remembers the shrill rattle of the stall hinges as he withered against it, trembling under Ghost’s deft hands, the finger that swept over the slit of his cock and slipped down to fondle his balls. 
Before white-hot pleasure seared his vision, Johnny remembers emptying his come into the crotch of his denims, shaking, as it dampened his pants and as Ghost commanded him to pull it back up. 
They left the bar alongside each other, meeting everyone else on the pavement. Johnny’s lips were popped open and swollen. Peeling, from how his teeth had sunk into them. His eyes were glossy and his hair was tousled in the middle of his head. He had a wet patch on his jeans.
“Oh, you are pissed, mate,” Gaz exclaimed, “I– that’s pee?”
“Spilled some water,” Ghost lied to the other teammates, “had to sort him out.”
They made it back to base within hours, signing off to their quarters. 
The next day, Johnny didn’t see him at all. 
The day after that, too; Ghost didn’t even spare him a glance.
He tried reassuring himself. Ghost hadn’t talked about men before—not in this calibre—so Johnny told himself it’s because he was digesting what rashly happened in Chicago. 
That was, until, he was paged one night. A command from Ghost to meet him in his quarters. The message was succinct: one sentence, leaving no lines to be read between. Johnny walked ambled to his room with his heart in his stomach and his blood rushing to his ears. Nudging the door open, Ghost was on the edge of his bed, legs parted, smarting denim-washed jeans and a black pullover. A simple, soft gauze balaclava. 
His eyes slid upwards first. Then the rest of his head. Ghost pinned Johnny under his smouldering gaze, then beckoned him forward with the tilt of his head. No words were swapped. Ghost simply tugged Johnny forward, between his thick thighs, and bullied the Scotsman to his knees with a hand splayed over his half-shaved head. 
Johnny’s eyes widened. He popped his lips open to speak—lips Ghost whispers his thumb over to seal shut, uprooting his words from its step. Ghost shook his head, undid his belt with a single hand, and shucked down his jeans. He palmed himself for a while, watching Johnny’s eyes sheen over, before pushing his boxer-briefs scarcely over his meaty thighs, pinching the head of his cock. 
Ghost didn’t even bother pulling his balls out. Just his dick—long, thick, a comely vein running beneath it—better than anything Johnny’s ever wanted. Better than the images he’s fucked his fist to, memories of Ghost, freshly out of the shower after sparring, his thin towel outlining the barest hint of his dick. 
Johnny reaches out, but Ghost swipes it back. He tuts and softly smacks his cock against Johnny’s ruddy cheek, watching as a string of his precum connects to Johnny’s face. 
“How bad do ya wan’ it, Johnny?” Ghost had prompted, swiping his cockhead over the Scotsmans lips, then pulling it back whenever his jaw readily slacked. 
“Real… real bad, Lt.” He breathed. 
Ghost tapped his cheek again. “Open.”
And so Johnny did. Like it was second nature, like he’s been wanting for so long. Waiting for so fucking long. 
Johnny’s lips popped open and closed around Ghost’s wet tip. He swirled his tongue around it, clumsy in his movements, teeth grazing Ghost’s skin.
He winced. “Easy…”
Johnny blinked in a rapid succession, nodding, sucking him in a little deeper, mindful of hollowing out his cheeks and relaxing his jaw. Ghost’s eye twitched, hands digging into his tuft, hanging his head back, softly bucking his hips up into Johnny’s mouth. 
“Atta boy, Johnny, fuck– where the fuck’d you learn this, eh?”
Johnny replied with a gargled purl of precum and saliva coalescing in his mouth, gagging over the wide girth splitting his jaw open. Ghost laughed, his gloved hand settling on the scruff of Johnny’s neck, pulling him a little closer; sinking his cock a little deeper, rutting his pelvis into his squadmate's pliable mouth.
Ghost cums. Johnny laps it all up. And in an undertaken lapse of judgement, rises to his feet, puckering his frosted lips, ready to hike Ghost’s balaclava above his nose and share his taste with him. But Ghost set a hand to Johnny’s face, shaking his head. He tucked his softening cock back into his pants.
That was the first instance Johnny disregarded. One he ignored in favour of indulging himself in something he yearned after for years. He didn’t realise his grave digging began there—when he witlessly nodded in response. 
And from there, it became a cycle. It was always on Ghost’s call. Never Johnny’s. When Ghost wanted his dick sucked; when Ghost wanted a wet and tight hole wrapped around his cock. Johnny knew better. He knew he was being shepherded into something bad, but he couldn’t help himself.
Trembling under Ghost, his whole world encompassed by the Brit’s towering stature, was all that mattered to him. Getting spread over a cock he’s wanted for so long, a long ways from the taboo fantasies that’s collected cobwebs in his thoughts for so long.
Johnny was less of a teammate, more of an outlet for Ghost to exhaust his frustrations into. Even then, it was a pill Ghost had trouble swallowing. As if he’ll acknowledge it, and a relationship will materialise. So he stays still—fucks Johnny like a dirty little secret then turns the other way. 
Johnny tries talking to him. Tries telling him he struggled with the same thing. That he isn’t alone and that he belongs here. That there’s no shame in it. 
Simon collapses Johnny’s pleads with a final, resolute bark. “I ain’t gay, mate. You’re a friend helping a friend.”
basically it ends with Simon shepherding Johnny into some hedonistic, one-sided relationship. Johnny just accepts it bc if Simon wont love him, he’ll do it by proxy, because hes all fucked out and desperate for him🖤🖤
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fuckmyskywalker · 1 year
Shaping — Anakin Skywalker.
— CW: (Dark)Anakin. Smut. Obsessive behavior. Manipulation. Dacryphilia. Choking. Anakin is mean, and possessive, and unstable, and every thing about him is wrong. Also my terrible English since I'm falling asleep.
— a/n: me venting again. Haha, anyways. Also, is tagging Anakin as dark even appropriate? That bitch is a walking dark red flag...
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Anakin likes to use you to relieve his stress. He enjoys how responsive and sensitive you are. He will slap you, choke you, call you names and yank your hair until he sees tears flowing down your pretty cheeks.
He will just laugh, enjoying the control he has over you, reflecting the lack of control he has on himself and his every day life. You tease him with it a few times, knowing well it will result in you being bent over the closest surface and his cock abusing you to the brink of tears and exhaustion.
We all know how possessive he can be, but it only get progressively worse— He needs you by his side at all times. All he can rely is on the way you obey him without any doubt, how you let him use you and break you apart. Anakin builds you again, over and over, until you are not longer yours, you're completely and utterly his.
Following him everywhere like a lost puppy, crying at his absence and Anakin thriving on those crystal tears. He pushes your face against the mattress, growling in your ear how he owns you, how you are totally replaceable, how much you will suffer if you even think of leaving him.
Which makes your pussy pulse and clench around him.
Anakin knows he's done a good job. Shaping you. Breaking you, and now, you are as broken as he is.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 English isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes!
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