#d'angelo baker
misterrttegrimborn · 6 months
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f-angy77 · 3 months
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Team time skip redraw of a concept art that I liked.
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
More Nine Realms characters concept art
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howtodrawyourdragon · 6 months
Do you think the kids casually talk about Hiccup sometimes?
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lilmissbacon · 2 years
Rewriting&Redesigning Dragons: the Nine Realms — Part 4/4
D’Angelo Baker
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There’s not much to say about the choices I made with his redesign other than how I wanted him to look like more than just a basic army brat. I did take reference from Snotlout in terms of his body’s physique.
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I actually really liked the original design of the Gembreakers. I’m just thinking that, realistically, it just doesn’t make much sense for them to have giant crystal looking spikes/horns unless their skeletons looked like that as well. Which it wouldn’t because we see dragon bones all the time and they look like the bones of any other creature on Earth, not like crystals. So I made the horn look like actual bone and made the rest of the design lean more towards a beetle.
I also wanted to make it’s wings more insect-like but I didn’t want to just straight up give her insect wings since all dragon wings look like bat wings in the httyd world, no exceptions. So instead I made it so that Gembreakers have multiple small wings, so they flap very fast and give off the impression of insect wings.
Alex Gonzalez
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I just feel like this outfit gives off a more gamer/hacker vibe as well as it being cute. The detailing on her jeans and crop top is her own stitching. I did make her chunky, because realistically, she’s been inside all day everyday for years and with how often her moms seem to make her cookies, I would expect her to have some extra weight.
I should point out that I do understand that curly hair can be hard to model for animation this low budget but I think she just looks really good with curly bangs and I think I know a cheat code. Just copy and paste Gratuity Tucci’s bangs from Home. It’s a Dreamworks movie, so they have access to her model. I even straight up traced her bangs in this drawing just to prove my point.
Feathers / Pluma
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I figured her design could be one where she looks scary but is actually very innocent. And keeping the Quetzalcoatl design aspect in mind, my brain immediately thought of the Slitherwing. Like maybe Feathers/Pluma could be a breed of dragon that’s a cousin to the Slitherwing, similer to Night Furies and Woolly Howls. Now I know these species’ haven’t been confirmed to be cousins but still.
Main differences between the Slitherwing and Featherhide here is that Pluma has feathers in place of poison and can mimic/sound-blast in place of venom-spit.
Also having a scarier design would help make Alex’s instant fear more understandable at first glance, since canon Feathers is just cute. And because my redesign now looks so much like a Slitherwing, on first viewing the audience would be worried about the poison Slitherwings have, until it’s revealed to have feathers instead of poison. A little bit of a subversion.
Eugene / August
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I really wanted to give him this feel that he was like an Instagram or Tiktok fashion designer. That could even be a part of his character, maybe he and Jun bond over art and he helps her design the dragon armor later on.
Now I know I said that having loose clothing will look really bad in cheap 3D animation but listen; his clothes are not that loose and I made sure to frame his loose sleeves so they’d at least look okay within this show. And you can model wrinkles into the clothes even if they don’t move. Therefore giving the illusion of realistic cloth even though you’re not actually animating it like that. I also made it so that his pants would give some of that big boot silhouette without being bellbottoms and I didn’t make his shoes big as well —like I did with Olivia— as to kind of throw off the audience who'd notice, on whether or not he’d join dragon club.
You may notice that there are some similarities between his and Jun’s designs. They both wear thin sweaters (under August’s silk shirt), have circle necklaces and circle belt buckles. But with the clips of their buckles are on opposite sides from each other, as to kinda showcase the fact that they’re biological siblings but have animosities.
(Also note; I know the way his silk shirt shines is not how it would look in the final animation. That’s just the one creative liberty I took to make sure you would be able to tell it’s shiny in this art.)
Monstrous Nightmare
In regards to August's dragon, I think he'd name it Scorch. Original, I know but you know what? These names for the dragons on on the same level of Toothless being named Toothless simply because his teeth can retract.
I'd also color Scorch to be similar to the titan wing from rtte. Not exactly but very similar.
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Other adults
I was originally going to redesign them as well since their designs wouldn’t have that many changes aside from better body proportions and maybe different hair. Along with Johann having modern clothes and Dr. Sledkin having a black or silver Rakke uniform. But it’s taken me two weeks just to make the pics that I finished and I have no more energy to make more. Maybe later on in life I’ll find the energy to do so and I’ll reblog this with those designs but for now I’m done.
Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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I like the new kids! Tom seems a mixture of Hiccup and Astrid, Jun isn’t a copy-paste Astrid and provides knowledge and myths beyond Viking history, Alex is a ray of sunshine who gives me aro/ace vibes, D’Angelo is unfortunately the weakest development wise in my opinion. I thought Eugene was obnoxious, but now he’s grown on me as that annoying, idiotic, comic relief brother carácter. I hate Buzzsaw. His motivations (?) are stupid. I like the parent cast, but I’m not a big fan of the dragon designs.
I also feel like some of the dialogue between the cast is forced and unnecessary, but I don’t mind the plot as much as I thought I would. Oh, also I’m starting to wonder if the realms are entrances to different worlds and not just supposed to be caves deep inside earth because they all have their own atmospheres and ecosystems. Plus doesn’t realms mean worlds? As in dragons are from a different world than humans originally, but the entrances are crossovers?
I enjoyed reading all this and I'm really happy to discuss things like this with other dragon nerds. I'm going to respond to topics with bullet points. Each one of these bullet points could be its own separate conversation. XD If anyone wants to keep babbling!
TNR Character Cast: Kids
The kids are good! I have appreciation for all, especially when considering their personality set-ups beyond the writer's execution. Each kid is built off good concepts.
Plus, the interests and beliefs each character has would allow for fascinating duo and team dynamics (did TNR do a better job handling it). For instance - Tom's impulsiveness contrasted with D'Angelo's rigidity and respect for regulations means the two have opposing values sets, the perfect set-up for interesting interactions.
I find Tom the weakest character concept because they bank too hard on the "Hiccup is Tom's ancestor" concept. Having your protagonist be a character who's conceptually copied off of your last protagonist, and where his main character conflict is a quest to find his ancestry (an external conflict as versus something that promotes internal character growth) is weak.
I love Jun's concept. She has tons of unrealized potential. *SHE* is set up with good character conflict. She has a mother who wants her to live in the practical world and a brother who doesn't share her interests, whereas Jun's greatest dreams and desires lie in mythology and mysticism. The fact that running into the dragons allows her to pursue her desires (against the desires of her mother, who's the head of the research facility) is way cool. And Jun being a voice for dragons in Chinese culture and the broader world of mythology makes great expansion to HTTYD-dom.
D'Angelo is a cinnamon roll, too good, too pure, to darling. The idea of a lawful good character and a character who has veterinarian knowledge is fantastic. I agree with you they haven't developed him as much as they should, especially the last few seasons. This holds true for all TNR characters, but especially D'Angelo.
Alex is a ray of sunshine in our hearts, but let's be clear: her character is one with fantastic darkness, too. That element helps make her refreshing. Like her saying, "Big business would exploit them [dragons], reducing them to a tiny column of profit margins on an ENDLESS SPREADSHEET OF DOOOOOOM."
I love Eugene because he's obnoxious! Give me all your obnoxious children! Give me your team tensions! His portrayal's a bit lame (and they partially intend that), but I can get down with the concept of a reincarnated wet rat pathetic Elvis Presley. I don't like how hard they've had him want to be leader (or the idea of "we need a leader" in this group at all). Also, I never am a fan of making a character be only comic relief. I want them to give Eugene serious and heartfelt moments, too.
The adult cast: Buzzsaw is so annoying he makes me wish Mildew were back. I do not like what they're doing with his character arc. Let's also bring up the angering stupidity of Evil Science Lady. In what world do scientists act like catty ten-year-olds? Please drop her into the abyss and forget she appeared on the show. Lots of the adult cast I have less attachment to, but their concepts are fine, and I like that we're following both a kid group and an adult group.
The dialogue is extremely poor in TNR. Agree with ya. I'm also in the same boat with you about plot: it's not something I care for, but I'm not offended by it as some people are (some things in S4 went over my very lenient allowances, though). I'm fine to chill and let things be as they are. Just sit back and get more Dragons content.
As far as entrances to other worlds: yes, that could be one explanation, especially banking on the underlying Norse concept of nine realms... but one of the things that's a hallmark of HTTYD has been its underlying realism. It's a world where dragons fill ecological roles and you can observe their evolutionary adaptations to survive in the world. HTTYD hasn't been a story of magical portals or other fantasy-driven elements. Ergo, having realms be literal would be stepping outside the worldbuilding boundaries we've had since the first movie, in my opinion. It'd be a way cool concept in a fanfic, but not something that I'd want to see in my official lore. Especially given the heavy focus on environmental adaptations to our world.
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dagursb1tch · 1 year
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justanothergeek77 · 1 year
Hey, remember that stupid How To Train Your Dragon sequel series that everyone hated? Yeah, I'm rewriting it. Go read it if you want to see what the series could have been if it lived up to its full potential.
As he walked back home, Tom lamented that he hadn’t gotten any pictures of the dragon. Then again, his photos were automatically saved to the cloud and he wasn't sure he wanted anyone finding out about this yet. Sure, dragons were usually the bad guys in stories, but this one saved his life! They couldn’t be all bad. So he’d go back tomorrow. Through the cave, not the fissure, because he wasn't an idiot. And he’d hang out with the dragon, maybe learn a little bit more about it, and have something of his own for the first time in… well, ever. It was a nice thought. - Or, a Nine Realms rewrite because this show is almost so bad it's good, and I have a Lot of ideas on where it could have gone.
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frie-ice · 2 years
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Being a Wongsen fan I ship Alex x D'Angelo. Even though part of me still supports Tomalex and Aljun.
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destinydraco · 6 months
Číslo 12: Tomgelo 💙💛!!!
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livsthetruth · 2 years
Spencer gets so in his feelings so often with Olivia that he really says more romantic shit to Olivia on a Tuesday night in a bathroom or in front of the Baker door than Billy’s re-proposal and Carters proposal speeches. Somebody stop him.
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f-angy77 · 4 months
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Dragons The Nine Realms doodles
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
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My favorite design for each character of The Nine Realms, based on this post.
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So Tom is the Hiccup of the group and D'Angelo is the Fishlegs. Jun and Alex don't fit either Astrid or Ruffnut, but Eugene is definitely a combo between Snotlout and the twins.
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emily70707 · 2 years
We really are getting the whole shebang with Grace and Carter's wedding. We still don't know if Spelivia are fully together while it's all happening. So nasty of them.
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dagursb1tch · 1 year
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