otpofotps · 2 years
masaya feels also play into that because of the way litokan is mainly his entry year peers and like closer ‘friends’ level than his distances with individual ae members and its the way he could have had a different fate but he’s in ae, with a bunch of people older than him and the closest to him in seniority is still someone who joined 4 years earlier than him, he uses formal language for everyone but besides when he intends to show his age as some azatoi move or uses it as a trick card (lol) you can really forget that he’s really not had that many years in the agency and the way daichun was like “wow hes only been in this agency for 5 years?! hes 16nen gumi? but he is so proper” like its so spot on, its amazing his current position and that he is in the group that he is in and that is such a reoccurring message when you stan masaya
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runpengvin · 9 years
70+ Fujii Ryusei Gifs
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otpofotps · 9 years
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a follow forever because i’ve never done a proper one before and because i’m about to hit 700 but also because i’ve had some really important conversations these past few months and a lllllllooooooooooooooooooot has changed and it has kind of culminated today and i just felt this burst of gratitude, so:
format: url (fandoms/what they do in fandom) [i pretty much just listed from memory recall so i may or may not have missed out some stuff SOZ]
personal messages under the cut!
wolkenprinzessin (edits: GAYA GAYA GAYA and some kyomochan too, also snow man?, some matsuoka mayu)
nakakenty (translates sz stuff! occasional edits! big for fumaken-ers)
daichun (edits for sz / mainly nakaken and the occasional shoripon, for west / mainly shige and ryusei, for jrs / mainly aran and some others, sekubo?, for kanju / mainly daichun and sho but the other maijani-ers as well, inoo kei, there are some girls that you like??  honda tsubasa, adachi rika, she also does translations it’s mostly shigeken)
kisumaiyan (ngzk46 / mainly maiyan, kyomochan, snow man, kisumai / mainly tama or group edits, hey say jump / mainly yuto)
miyacchis (occasional miyatama / miyacchi edits!, if you follow her you will get little snippets of translation of miyatama things)
oniichandaisuki (marichan edits)
ithinkhernamewasisabella (edits for literally a shit ton of fandoms i think all of the 48/46 groups, jwest, sz [fumaken?], 6tones, a billion jgroups and kgroups that i cannot recall off the top of my head, sekai no owari / fukase, honestly you could probably look up any band/group and find at least one post on her tumblr, the most consistent fandom is goosehouse)
punyukichi (edits for ryosuke)
monokorobo (edits for shoripon)
zundokho (edits for jwest)
shoriusly (edits for shori, also sexy zone [group])
additionally y’all should check out my blogroll
messages for above people below the cut: [ctrl+f your url lol]
wolkenprinzessin​ | laura
was there any way that i could not put you first on this list tbh you were literally the first fandom friend i made and every step i took through fandom your presence was ~ there ~, i know i’ve diverged quite a bit from kisumai fandom but i’m glad that despite that we are still friends, you know my DEEP DARK SECRETS lmao, it might have been a ~ casual ~ thing for you but it really meant a lot to me when you warned me about that kisubusa theme with the teacher-student thing because it was at that moment that i felt like, these are the kind of people i need to surround myself with.
nakakenty​ | mimi
mimi!! i remember when we first became mutuals on twitter i was like?? idk who you are you’re jj’s friend i think and tbh i was kind of scared of you for a good few weeks lmao, and then your image gradually transformed into like funny sexy zone fandom senpai. obviously we been thru a lot what with the polarized nature of sexy zone and such and obviously we just had that conversation that partly inspired this post in the first place so like, YOU HAVE A BIG PLACE IN MY (FANDOM) HEART, we’re slowly progressing towards that status of friendship where its like, can tell anything to, and i love it
daichun​ | jj
ohmygod jj we’ve been through like so much with each other i feel like it was inevitable for us to end up either really close friends or bitter enemies and i’m glad it’s not the latter; you’re probably one of the few people who has had the unfortunate fate of watching me ~ grow ~ in fandom and watched my opinions and faves and stuff constantly change and morph into what it is now; you are truly like my fandom sister man; we might disagree on some things but i’m glad that we’ve been through what we’ve been through because it means that i feel comfortable enough to be completely honest about things to you without nervous sweating fearing for our friendship status, also weird lol but i secretly (not so secretly lmao) enjoy watching your friendship with mii because somehow it makes me happy to see two BNFs from different fandoms interacting and drawing parallels between you two like how unafraid you are of stating your possibly unpopular opinion and how i admire that about the two of you
kisumaiyan​ | mii
IB SENPAI I AM INDEBTED TO YOU AND YOUR WISE WISDOM and i hope to slowly soak in your photoshop skills through osmosis because holy crap you are on a whole new level of amazing with your edits, i think if i would ever let myself properly get into 48/46 i would love maiyan she seems like a kick ass girl, sometimes i find it unbelievable that you are only a year older than me because your experience / attitude / confidence / everything tbh just screams like, i am adult; i’m bad at expressing gratitude but your message really meant a lot and i feel like i can start to forgive myself now; i know i said ib senpai but you’re also very much life senpai
miyacchis​ | katie
we probably aren’t even that close in your perception lol but even if we’re not like constantly talking you have this solid place in my fandom ~ mind ~ as like, girl who will respond positively if you talk to her about feminism things which is like lol @ maki, but, since its something really important to me, having someone like you in fandom is also important to me
oniichandaisuki​ | maru
MARU you’re like one of the few fandom people i know that are younger than me so excuse me if i think of you as a tiny person i want to protect lol; i know i haven’t really had that much opportunity before to help you with things (ie; school) BUT IF YOU WANT IM HERE FOR YOU GIRL; you have managed to convince me that sayaka is a cool girl ;)
ithinkhernamewasisabella​ | holy fucking shit i just realised i’ve never asked for your name i really hope its isabella / izzy / whatever variation
I LIKE TALKING FUKASE’S BEAUTIFUL VOICE WITH YOU, also nikasasshi / utage things (THE PROMO FOR NEXT MONDAY HAS NIKA ON HIS KNEES SINGING TO HER I STG), i swear you’re like gateway provider of fandoms ITS YOUR FAULT I LOOKED UP TERADA TAKUYA AND AM CURRENTLY CONTEMPLATING WATCHING THE LOVER, i always find it incredible how many fandoms you manage to be involved in
punyukichi​, monokorobo​, zundokho​, shoriusly​ 
im really sorry for grouping you guys like this!  this is basically the “i don’t really know you guys very well rn but i would like to get to know you more!!” group, so please chat me up!! 
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