#damian wayne has feelings and he wont admit it
batstorm93672 · 2 years
Jason walked into the library to see Dick and Tim staring at something above, following their gaze "...What the absolute hell"
Dick took a deep breath in "He fell asleep on the tallest shelf... he's been sitting there for thirty minutes"
"No one tried to get him down?"
Tim frowned "I did... I got a ladder and everything. Then he scratched me in his sleep... my arms have tiny Damian marks and honestly after almost falling down the ladder I'm not going back"
"Okay so why didn't you try to get him Dick?"
"I was... I-I was, but then he... he yawned and it was really cute and I didn't have the heart to get him down"
"So... let me get this right, you two have been watching the kid sleep on the top bookshelf?"
"Yes" Tim and Dick said in unison as Jason's eye twitched "...How has he not fallen?" "I tried nudging him with a broom... then he stole it and threw it back at me as Dick watched" "Why don't you get Bruce?" "Yeah I tried that and he left as soon as he entered mumbling 'every single time'"
Jason sat down and watched alongside Dick and Tim.
Damian rubbed his eyes and looked down... to see Dick, Tim, Jason, Cassandra, Stephanie and Duke watching him.
"What... what are you all doing?"
Dick smiled "You've been asleep for about an hour and a half. We were wondering if you either wake up with Jason poking you with a broom, wake up on your own or fall"
Stephanie raised her hand "I betted on the broom"
Jason and Tim raised their hands to join in with Steph.
Duke raised his hand nervously "I thought you might fall from how high up you are" Dick nodded
Cassandra raised her hand "I suggested you'd awake on your own"
Damian looked to see a broom next to him and Jason chuckled sheepishly "Yeah you took it away after fifty pokes" Damian gripped the broom in his hands "D-Dami... what are you doing with the broom?" "Don't worry Todd" "...Dami" Damian smiled... and everyone felt a shiver run down their spines "As I said... Don't. Worry. Todd." Damian threw the broom and it hit Jason on the leg "OW WHAT THE HELL" "DRAKE, BROWN YOU'RE NEXT"
The two ran out and Damian jumped down grabbing the broom in his hand once more "I WILL HIT YOUR DAMN LEGS GET OVER HERE!"
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Cat named ava
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anzanity · 5 years
Breath (Damian)
Note: The description of the server panic attack symptoms and how they are calmed is based in how my own panic attacks are, and how I am calmed down. I am not trying to say this is how all attacks happen or feal, it is just my personal experience.   If you notice that you relate to the this story far to closely for comfort I suggest seeking help from a doctor if you haven't already. Panic attacks really can cause heart attacks if in a serious case.
Gotham Academy, home of daily torture.
You have severe panic disorder, which means if a panic attack hits, you can actually end up temporarily paralyzed, possibly have a heart attack, and definantly cannot breath.
So here you sit alone in the lunchroom ignoring the fact that in first period Jessica Samuels pointed out that body flaw that you normally end up glaring at in mirrors, ignoring the bad prank pulled on you in third period bu Tessy Jane, Jessica's best friend, and hoping to god they leave you alone at lunch.
Needless to say, it is not your day. While you are focusing your attention on the bland food of the cafeteria they sit in either side of you.
"Please just leave me alone..." you say softly.
They both giggle.
"If you insist." Jessica says with a smirk.
This scares you. She agreed. What is this.
They both walk away. Now you feel your anxiety raise. Thoughts swirl your head faster then you can process them, chasing themselves around in an endless chaotic loop.
What are they doing why did they agree where did they go what are they doing I'm so dead this isn't good why didn't I skip today I knew today would be bad where are they why did they agree
Suddenly a hand hits the table beside you, causing you to jump out of your own skin momentarily.
"You really thought you could lie like that about me.?" A boy states.
You look up and feel your life drain away. Damian Wayne. Crush since you started here. But he didn't know you existed until now.
"W-what..?" You stutter out, feeling yourself begin to shake.
No, no, no. Not now. Not here. Why can't I be strong one time.
"You heard me. I'll have you expelled for that little lie." Damian snaps and continues, "You know who I am. And I know you are only here on my father's scholarship money."
"I swear, I didn't start any rumors... I wouldn't... I..." You feel all eyes on you, you swear you can hear everyone thinking about what a fool you are.  You then add on in a meek whisper, "I know not to start anything about you... especially not to hurt you..."
He watches you for a second then speaks more softly, "Why are you shaking so bad?"
You look at your hands and notice that you are shaking rather violently. You clasp then together trying to control yourself and whisper out, "I'm sorry..." before running out of the lunchroom.
You can hear everyone's lafter as you rush out and it doesn't help. It echoes in your head as the world spins. Next thing you know you are curled up against the wall on the ground outside the cafeteria, gasping for air as tears run down your face.
"What's wrong? Let me help you..." You barely hear Damian through the buzzing if thoughts one over another.
You try to tell him, but all that comes out is a pitiful whimper.
"Ok, breath (y/n). Focus on my voice. Look at me. Breath in.... and out.... it's going to be ok... I believe you. But I need you to not pass out on me right now... breath in.... and out..." Damian says, sitting on the ground and grabbing your hands. "That's it... just breath..."
You carefully focus on his instructions and voice, letting his voice sooth you.
"Ok... does the nurse have a medicine for you?" He asks gently.
You nod slowly.
"Can you get up?" He asks
You shake your head. You notice behind him a crowd has formed. Jessica and Tessy watching in shock. This causes you to start shaking violently again.
"Hey, hey... look at me.. focus on me. Just me, ok? I'm going to pick you up now, ok?" He says.
You turn your focus back to him and nod some. He smiles barely and lifts you up into his arms then stands effortlessly.
You grip onto his uniform coat tightly, the sudden movement making you lightheaded.
"You ok (y/n)?" He asks softly.
You nod once just barely and close your eyes, hoping the world will stop spinning. It doesn't take long for you to feel him setting you down on a soft chair, but he doesnt fully let you go.
"Ok, (y/n)? Open your eyes, I don't want to let go until I know you wont fall out of the chair." Damian says, his hands gentle on your shoulders.
"Damian, what is going on here?" The head nurse asks.
"(Y/n) is having some sort of panic attack I believe. Do you have something for her?" Damian responds.
"Ok, sit down beside her and keep doing whatever it is that calmed her down. I'll be right back with it." The nurse says and walks away.
Damian sits beside you and holds your hands, "(y/n)? Are you still focusing on breathing?"
You nod gently.
"Ok... I'm sorry I yelled at you. I should have know those two were just trying to start drama. They always do." He says softly.
You look at him surprised.
"I know. The Damian Wayne, apologizes to the girl who is here only for scholarship. It ruins my reputation, hu?" He says, trying to joke.
You wince at the reference to only being the scholarship girl of the class. Nobody knows you actually were there fir grades, not just the lucky scholarship pity case.
"I'm not a scholarship girl... I'm here on 4.1 plus GPA deal Mr. Wayne started..." you manage to whisper shyly.
Damian looks surprised for a brief moment then sighs, "Perhaps theres more to you then I wanted to admit... If you will give me a chance, could I get to know the real you..?"
You feel yourself suddenly hold your breath, shock seeming to take over. Suddenly the conversation isn't just keeping you focused until your medication is here and thoughts fill your mind in rushed circles.
He wants to know me he doesn't just think I'm a freak or that broke lucky scholarship child or a loser he wants me to forgive him he dropped that arrogant persona he prides himself for just to apologize to me he wants to know me
"I didn't mean to upset you, forget I said that. Breath. Breath. In.... and out..... in... and out... ok... there..." Damian says looking worried.
You look at your hands and realize he is still gripping to yours, the warmth is comforting. It is easy to focus in his warmth and his voice. It's easy to forget what happened moments ago.
When the nurse gets back with your medicine and some water, your hands part as you take the meds, but you aren't worried about the meds or what happened, you just want to focus on his voice longer and feel that warmth again.
After sitting in silence for a minute you look up to Damian and whisper shyly, "I would like to get to know you too..."
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Damian sat up from his bed, a good nap did him good a--
"Timothy. What are you doing in my room?"
Tim was watching T.V. and turned around "Hiding out"
"...I thought Jason's helmet was my leftovers from the chicken place and put it in the microwave"
Damian blinked a few times, wondering if what he heard was real or a dream.
"Then the helmet exploded... and so did the microwave"
"I'm going back to sleep. Maybe I'll be lulled to sleep through your screams of agony when Jason finds you"
Before Damian could lie back down, another door opening and closing came. Sitting back up to see Dick looking frantic. "Hey! Timmy, you crashing here?" "Come to join the fun?" "Haha yep" Damian rubbed his eyes, no more sleep it seems "And what did you do Richard?" "...I was swinging on the chandelier in the living room and it crashed..." Tim looked stunned "Bruce might kill you" "I know! That's why I'm hiding"
"Ugh fine, someone pass me my sketchbook and pencils so I can at least keep myself entertained"
Damian sketched many cats, it was fun playing around with their regal elegance on paper-- ...He made a dark line out of where he was drawing from another sound of opening of the door.
Jason walked in and Tim almost leaped up, he managed to compose himself enough "Hey Jaybird! What are you in for?" "I broke a vase" "Which one?" "...yes...one..." "How did you manage that?" "...I thought I saw a rat..." "...and?" "I tried shooting it" Everyone but Jason and Damian (though he was snickering a bit) bust out in laughter. "A RAT!?" "OH MY GOSH THAT'S HYSTERICAL" "I'm disappointed you were planning to shoot such a defenseless rodent whom didn't harm you" "Yeah... I know"
"Now to my real question, why is everyone in my room!"
In unison as if it was a choir.
"It's the last place anyone would look"
Damian groaned and shook his head "Fine, do as you please. Don't come crying back when you all get in trouble"
A few moments of a cheesy 80s rom-com and footsteps stormed close. "DICK, TIM, JASON!"
Dick looked at the others in fear "Scatter!"
The three in a blink were gone and Bruce opened the door "Damian. Forgive me for barging in" "Do as you please, I've heard enough amounts of excuses"
Bruce cleared his throat "Dick get out of the dresser. Tim out from under the bed. Jason get back inside and stop hanging from the window" Dick opened the dresser and stepped out, Tim crawled out from the bed and Jason who dangled out from the window climbed back in.
The three got out and looked embarrassed, Bruce crossed his arms "Who did what and what happened?" It became silent and Damian sighed.
"Timothy took Jason's helmet and put it in the microwave thinking it was his meal packaged thus exploding the helmet and the microwave. Richard broke the chandelier climbing on it like a moron. Jason shot numerous vases thinking it was a rodent"
"TIM WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY HELMET!?" "ME!? WHAT ABOUT DICK HANGING AROUND FURNITURE EVEN THOUGH THE RULES STATE NOT TO" "YEAH WELL JASON IS AFRAID OF RATS" Tim, Jason, Bruce and Damian looked at Dick. Dick couldn't contain his snickering "I know it doesn't count into this, but that fact is hysterical"
"Okay. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm not going to ground any of you"
The three looked surprised "You see, I'm not going to because soon Alfred will be back from his visit" They gasped in horror and Damian smirked "This seems fun" "Why did you tattle on us Demon!?" "...You all barged into my room, I couldn't go back to sleep and then my art was messed up. If anything it was only a matter of time before father found out" They all murmured in subtle agreement as Bruce grinned devilishly "Yes. Now you three can just wait for Alfred"
"We're gonna die"
"Jason I'm sorry for accidentally blowing up your helmet"
"It's okay Replacment, I forgive you"
"As the first Robin, I commend you all a great job on making it this far past our issues"
"As the second Robin, I share the sentiment. May we all find peace in the fury of Alfred"
"As the third Robin, I'd like to say that it's been an honor with you all. Let us think fondly on our moments together in joy"
Damian shook his head as Bruce sat down beside him "They are not dramatic at all" "I believe we've obtained it from you and Richard" "Hah I suppose you all did. That's a nice drawing" "It was slightly ruined when Jason opened the door, but I think I can make do. I wonder what Pennyworth will do to them all when he arrives" "3...2...1..." Bruce pointed at the door, right on cue.
Everyone jumped up, the three looking terrified and pale.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Red Robin was in the sewers and saw a shadow run through "What the hell?" Following after the shadow, might be Killer Croc. He can't be allowed to be down here lest he hurts someone
"Whoever you are, you better stop now!"
The shadow faltered for a second, looking at Red Robin before running again. "Ugh, this is gonna be annoying" Red Robin kept chase it was getting harder to keep track with how the thing zipped around. Soon it was caught in a dead-end and Red Robin creeped closed.
"Tt, What do you want?"
"Wh- Robin?!"
"No it's Red Hood"
Red Robin sighed "Why are you running through the sewers I thought you were Killer Croc or something!"
Robin narrowed his eyes "Personal business"
"Oh really?"
"Yes really"
Robin kept a tight hold to whatever was in his hands and Red Robin peered close "What are you hiding?" "None of your damn business" Tim felt like strangling the kid, it was too late for this. "If you tell me why you are roaming the sewers at night without anyone then I'll go" Damian huffed "I'm out on a personal mission" Damian kept walking past Tim and he turned back a little "See you another time Drake"
Tim walked into Damian's room "Hey Dami"
Damian almost jumped and hid what he had "What are you doing?" "Just here to say that Alfred made lunch... what are you up to like that?" "None of your business Drake. Forgive me that was disrespectful, I mean do not concern yourself it is simply a small project I'm working on" "Okay, what is it?" "I can't say" "Does this have to do with me finding you in the sewers last night?" "Please don't concern yourself with my project. I am busy"
Tim left and Damian soon came out as well and followed to the kitchen.
As expected, Tim looked at his watch and saw that Robin was in the sewers again. He looked at Dick "Hey do you know why Damian is in the sewers? I saw him two nights ago" "He does it every three nights of the week randomly, we gave up on asking and let him do as he wants, he comes back soon enough" "You don't find it strange" "Well yeah, but we all do weird things"
Dick shrugged and Tim left the conversation at that.
Damian held the pearl in his hand and attached it to the string, finally finishing what he needed to.
Damian walked into the study room, everyone was here. Stephanie's face lit up "Hey Little D!" Duke gave a small wave and Cassandra smiled. Damian walked to Bruce and presented a small box "Father, I have something for you" "A gift? What for?" "Just... open it please" Bruce took the gift and Damian rubbed the back of his neck as Bruce opened it.
"Oh my gosh"
It was the pearl necklace that Martha Wayne had worn on that fateful night.
"How... when..."
"I've been collecting the pearls for months, the nights I go to the sewers is dedicated to finding all of them. I marked every single place I've found them at, Pennyworth told me the accurate amount that she had adorned. It's for you"
Dick smiled "That's so sweet of you Damian"
Tim crossed his arms "So that's why I found you at the sewers"
Jason looked at Damian "Softie" "Tt, silence Todd"
Everyone looked at Bruce who had tears down his face as he smiled. "Thank you. I love it"
"I... I'm glad to hear that"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"Stephanie" "What's up Little D?" "May I request a hug" Stephanie almost dropped her phone, but she managed to put her phone down and nod. Damian nestled into her embrace and for once Stephanie was at a loss for words. She's hugged him before many times, but he never asked. She had to ask him, an indirect way of making him ask would be asking herself so if he's willing then it would be a sign of saying yes. This is the first time he directly asked her. These hugs are lovely, it's been happening often and Stephanie can't complain, the little guy was adorable and feisty.
"How are you feeling Dami?"
"...I miss her"
Stephanie ran her hand through his hair softly "Talia?"
"She used to hug me like this when no one was around... she would hug me and tell me that everything is okay. But now... she isn't herself the Lazarus Pit has changed her. I miss who she was... the woman who loved me. I think she still does... it's just been overpowered by the Lazarus Pit at times so she no longer shows it. You have hair like hers. Long and pretty, you are different from her in other ways though. I don't want to use you as a replacement for mother because you are my sister and I enjoy your company"
"Don't worry about me. I know, it's hard losing a parent to things out of your control. I understand"
Stephanie didn't mind being hugged if it made him remember Talia. It reminds him of good times and if Stephanie can ever help in anyway to Damian then it's okay. Damian always says that she's different in comparison, possibly so Steph doesn't feel bad, but she knows that she is different. The fact that Damian takes time to tell her, to reassure her. It makes her happy. Stephanie moved slightly to give Damian a kiss on his forehead and hugged him more.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Damian is great at hiding, due to his small figure he had an advantage. So when Damian was benched and Bruce shouted so loud his ears rang, Damian hid. Dick said that Damian would never be physically punished, as of now, Damian threw that out the window and hid away. In a vent duct from the bathroom, he hid in the depths of the vent. Maybe his father would soon be calm and decide to not punish him any longer? That was dumb, of course he would. Damian disobeyed him, if his grandfather whipped him for wrongdoings, what's stopping his father from doing so.
"Hey demon spawn. Heard you got scolded, you feeling any good?"
Akhi... no he can't leave no matter how tempting, Jason was meant to be bait surely for father to deal with his punishment or worse, Jason himself would go about doing so. That thought made his stomach churn, Damian kept quiet as Jason called out.
"Damian? Where are ya?"
Don't fall for it
"Habibi, answer me"
He was desperate to get Damian... a trick, playing with emotions to be his downfall. The voices in his head grew louder, unbearable as Damian had to hold back a whimper of the pain that followed through. Whenever the voices got too loud, he'd have a pounding headache that would last for a few hours, his medicine for such headaches was on his drawer. He has to deal with it on his own.
"Damian?" Jason's footsteps got closer and Damian covered his mouth. The voices wouldn't fucking stop!
"STOP TALKING!" He accidentally said that part outloud and didn't even notice.
Noises came closer and Jason peeked at the vent and spotted Damian. "Dami? What are you doing here kid? Why were you shouting?"
Damian shuffled back more, wincing as the voices grew louder as they scolded him or berated him.
"Damian, tell me what's wrong so I can help"
Damian looked at Jason and looked to the left signaling for him to move, Jason did exactly as such and Damian got out quickly, getting a glass cup by his desk and filling it with water. Damian basically ran to the medicine, taking two pills and downing it with water. "Dami?" Shit, for a moment he forgot Akhi was here. "Don't... please don't talk I-I need a moment" Damian plopped down on his bed and Jason sat at the foot of the bed.
A few minutes passed and Damian sighed "Forgive me, I've stalled long enough, I shouldn't have done so"
"It's okay"
Damian shook his head and checked under his bed, grabbing out a box. Taking off his shirt and opening the box and taking out what was needed to be dealt with, he handed it to Jason.
Jason looked to see the whip in his baby brother's hands. "What..." Whatever Jason had to say, he lost his words and it trailed off and Damian answered "My punishment, father was displeased with my performance today, I've failed" Damian kneeled down before Jason, looking down as he held the whip to him like a present.
Jason was still, Damian was beginning to regret this, the voices stormed inside his head and they calmed when Jason grabbed the whip from his hands. Jason's knuckles were turning white from the grip and he looked at Damian stunned.
Looking closer, the scars of whipping were present alongside so many other things. It shook Jason to the core as he managed to exhale calmly. "Damian, I'm not going to hurt you" Damian looked up in confusion "I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed, I should have awaited what you deem my punishment to be instead" "There is no punishment like that, all you is possibly benched for a little. Not ever will you get hurt from family" "Grayson had said the same thing... but father was upset and he shouted so loud, I thought he was going to..." Damian shuffled on his feet "Is that why you were hiding in the vent there?" Damian nodded and he put his shirt back on as Jason placed the whip on the desk. "What was the medicine for, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I'm sorry, was I too loud?"
"Not you... Ra Al Ghul, mother and sometimes others I can't decipher"
"How long has it happened?"
"Ever since I joined father later on. It isn't so bad, it used to be worse"
"Does Bruce know of your auditory hallucination?"
Damian nodded "Thompson had spoken to me and father"
"I see, well I'm happy you have medicine to at least help, I'm assuming headaches?"
"Yes. Have you experienced it as well?"
"During my Lazarus rage, I did and sometimes I still do. It's gotten better though, with everyone to help it gets better"
Damian put his head against Jason's chest and sighed. "There there Habibi"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
What made Signal stop patrolling about is when he saw Robin in an alley sitting alone. Signal dropped down, the kid looked pretty bad. He knows what happened to Alfred, it was a tough time. Then hearing what Bruce said to Damian, everyone was there when the whole shouting arguement between Dick and Bruce went (well more of Dick shouting and Bruce looking down). Hell, Tim even had an input on calling out Bruce on his bullshit there.
Then Robin never came back to the Manor since, he didn't text in the group chat either. The one group chat without Damian in it was already steaming about finding him around Gotham. Then how Damian would ask them the same thing, if they hate him. Babs has her theories of Damian not knowing how to feel and wanting to be blamed so he can focus on that. Duke doesn't know Damian too well, but he's heard the arguments and issues he's had with the others. Duke wanted to be nice for Damian, but school and working as a vigilante at different times was a obstacle.
Signal sat by Robin, the kid really looked out of it. He hasn't stayed at one place for awhile, Jason managed to get him to stay at his place for a night and a half until Robin was nowhere to be seen the second morning.
"Do you want anything? We can go get some ice cream if you'd like"
Robin looked at Signal as if just realizing he was there. "You already know why I'm here"
"Yeah and my answer is no. I don't hate you"
"...of course you wouldn't. You're the nice one in comparison, well at times you are, anyways don't you ever get angry?"
"I do, a lot at times"
"So why aren't you angry? I killed a man who never deserved it"
"...it wasn't you. You know we are all going to say no to your question. So why do you ask?"
Robin shrugged and pulled his cape closer around his body. "I need to know... father blamed me, I thought I could trust him and I did. Since he said that... I felt unsure of my role here. So I've set myself to ask you all... to see what I did wrong that made father say that"
"Well that day, after when the funeral. We asked where you were and Bruce told us what happened. Dick was furious and even Tim called him out on it. We are worried that you're not doing too well. When is the last time you ate?"
"Tt. I have money, I've eaten at a place that serves food I would eat before being in Gotham"
"Good, it's good that you're eating. Where have you slept?"
Robin closed his eyes.
"Robin, where have you slept these days?"
"A safehouse, we have a million of them scattered so I go to one"
"As long as you're safe that's all that matters"
"Safe..? I used to think the Manor was safe, but look how good that turned out. Signal I don't think you understand, he's dead and it's my fault! My safety doesn't matter when what everyone should be doing is basically drive me out of Gotham to fend for myself after doing something so dumb! Can't you find some anger in you and use it on me?! Say you hate me, hit me, scold me, anything!"
"Sorry bud, that just ain't me. I can't hate you, I think you need to find whoever else you didn't ask and listen. Then remember what everyone said and make your choice"
"My choice..?"
"Mhm, I think you'll get it afterwards" Signal gave Robin a hug which he returned. "I got to get going, take care of yourself Robin"
"I'll try... I'll do better"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Damian woke up with an unsettling feeling in his gut, grabbing his blanket and stepping out as he passed the rooms.
Stopping to arrive in Jason's old room, sometimes he stayed around (He'll simply say that he was too tired and didn't recognize he came here, but everyone knows he just doesn't wanna admit that he likes being around them) Damian heard what he suspected was occurring
"Akhi. It's Damian, I'm going to open the door and come in"
Damian opened the door, without making much noise as not to make Jason distraught. As he thought, Jason was curled in the corner of his room. Damian kept ahold of his blanket and approached "Akhi, it's just you and me. I trust you when you helped me, you said you trust me. So may I stay and help?"
Jason was still a little dissociated, but he looked at Damian and nodded a bit. Damian sat down next to him, not touching him at all "Did you hear Akhi? I got an A in math, of course it was expected as such. I also made another drawing, it's of you this time, you were reading and I thought you looked at peace and when I asked if I could draw you, you sounded rather annoyed but I know you were happy. You're special in such ways that I admire"
Jason kept holding himself, slightly glancing at Damian before looking scared and looking ahead.
"Akhi, do you feel the floor? May you describe it to me?"
Jason had his hand on the rug and his fingers twitched. "Soft..." "Do you know what it may be?" "...my rug..?" "Ah so it is, it's certainly a lovely rug you own"
"How about what you can hear? Seems being around Grayson's shouts of joy have messed with me"
"Quiet... and you"
"It is a rather quiet night aside from my talking. Hmm now if you can, what can you see? My vision is lacking from being around father for too long, someone can only take looking at the dark for so long until it's all you see"
"Your bed, it is nice indeed. Would you like a blanket? You seem cold"
Jason's eyes came into focus enough for him to nod. Damian wrapped the blanket around Jason's shoulders and gave a soft smile. "Is it comfy?" "Mhm" "Good. How do you feel?"
"Better... thank you"
"No need to thank me, you trust me and I trust you, Grayson would say that doing so would mean you are important, which you are Akhi"
"Can you help me up? I... wanna lie down"
Damian got up, letting Jason lean on him as he guided him back to the bed. "Here you go, anything else you need?"
"Stay with me... please"
Damian swiftly shuffled to Jason's side and Jason wrapped his arms around him as Damian closed his eyes.
"Have a good rest Akhi. I will remain by you"
Dick yawned as he arrived into the dining room, Tim, Bruce and Alfred were already there "Where's Damian and Jason?"
Tim turned slightly "I think they are sleeping in"
Dick nodded and turned back to open Damian's door... no one was here. Why is he not here?! Where is he? Dick was worried as he arrived to Jason's room and opened the door, the worry became happiness as he saw the two cuddling each other in bliss.
Damian was huddled into Jason who kept his arms around him.
Oh Dick was definitely getting pictures.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Robin sat close to the gargoyle, knees close to his chest. Something stepped close and Robin stayed where he was he already knows that it's Red Robin joining him.
"Hey, everyone is worried about you lately. Where have you been?"
Robin kept looking down "Can I... break codenames" "Um, yeah go ahead. It's just us" "Timothy. I need you to tell me the truth, do you hate me?" "What? No I don't hate you. Why would you think that?" "You know... you know what I did"
"...you didn't do anything"
"That's the problem!"
"Not in that way Dami, you didn't do anything because it was not in your power. It was a cruel thing"
"You need to hate me"
"Just hate me already, you already have. Can't you keep that up?"
Robin took off his mask, looking down at it in his hands. "Why not? I did something horrible. All the other times were nothing compared to this and you know it. Please just hate me again"
"Damian, for you to ask me to do that is insane. I won't hate you, you didn't kill him. It was Bane who snapped his neck. Not you"
Damian put the mask back on and glared at Red Robin "You're more of an idiot than I thought. Everyone is so damn emotional, I'm sick of it-" Robin stood up and looked down at Red Robin "-admit that you hate me Timothy! Just say it! How is it that hard for anyone to admit the truth?! I KILLED SOMEONE WHO HAS MORE VALUE THAN I EVER COULD! WHY CAN'T YOU ALL HATE ME LIKE FATHER?! WHY CAN'T YOU DO IT AGAIN? JUST TELL ME YOU HATE ME! IT'S ALL I HAVE NOW, I DON'T BELONG IN THIS FAMILY ANYMORE! BUT HE DID! HE LOVED THIS FAMILY! HE CARED FOR IT SINCE THE BEGINNING AND I RUINED IT!"
Red Robin got up, pulling Robin into a hug and sitting back down with him. "I can't hate you... I can't, Alfred wouldn't want that of us. Bruce messed up bad, but that doesn't mean we have to as well. I love you Damian and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I don't blame you, I never will" Robin returned the hug, sobbing on Red's shoulder.
"I ruined it... I ruined it all, I didn't mean to. I didn't want to"
"No you didn't, it wasn't your fault for the enemy who decided to do that. You did all you could and we can't hate you for that"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"You hated using the Lazarus Pit, you promised you wouldn't ever use it"
"He... was a part of our family. I had to take the chance... it just didn't work" Damian closed the view off and Dick's growls were still loud. Yet he didn't move, nor did Damian. "I just thought... if I could bring him back, that he'd be able to help us. With Batman gone... I thought if Grayson was here then we could have some sort of normalcy and hope with everyone to save the world"
"Was it wrong..? Was it wrong what I did to him Drake? I just... I wanted my big brother back"
"No... I get it, you did your best Damian. You did your best, that's all we can do to get by nowadays"
"...I couldn't find any of you, I wanted to reach out. You were last seen in Gotham and all contact was lost, Todd was completely off grid... everyone has been missing or presumed dead... I didn't want to be alone, I just want my family back"
"...Come here Dami"
No matter how old he is now... he was too young for this. Damian pressed himself into Tim's hold and Tim could feel his uniform where Damian was, now becoming damp.
"I just want my family back..."
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batstorm93672 · 1 year
Robin stopped a crime. He did it. So why... why was he looking at a dead five year old on the ground?
Why was he...
No... this isn't real
Robin is meant to save people
Robin saved them... he saved them
He only wanted to save them
This can't be real right?
Robin wouldn't let a child die, right?!
He wouldn't do that!
He's meant to save and protect them!
He's not meant to let them die!
If Robin didn't save this child then Robin is a failure!
This Robin failed...
Robin shook his head slowly, taking a few steps back before running away. He failed to protect the child who was born in Gotham. His one task is to save Gotham, not let Her people die!
Robin didn't stop running until his legs burned, causing him to slide on his knees on the harsh concrete. He ended up at the Docks, indoors where it was silent.
Robin doesn't cower away
Robin is meant to save and protect
Why is this Robin running away from something he knows more than most?
Turn back!
At least be good enough to be Robin and help the child he failed.
He can't do it, his legs won't move. Robin cowered into a dark corner, holding himself and covering his face as he shut his eyes and grit his teeth.
Robin hasn't moved since, he's sat there holding himself all night.
He has to face the consequences. Robin can't hide forever...
Robin stood up, walking out and the sun was rising he forced his legs to tread further than his body wanted.
Robin trudged into the cave coming from where the Batmobile is parked.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Spoiler, Orphan, Red Robin, Signal and Alfred Pennyworth were panicked, discussing something.
Orphan heard the footsteps and looked over to see Robin. "Robin!" Everyone else turned with looks of worry and relief all mixed as Robin felt devoid. He will be stripped of his rank, thrown out as a failure. They all quickly got to Robin and all their words were together as they all spoke at once.
"Damian, are you okay?" "What happened we couldn't find you" "Did you get kidnapped?" "Are you feeling alright?" "Did you get hurt?"
Robin tensed up, he failed.
He fell to his knees and everyone stared in silence.
They all glanced at each other and Nightwing kneeled down to him.
"Damian, hey. What happened to you? We were worried all night. Can you tell us?" His voice was so gentle, if he only knew what this Robin did.
Robin ripped off his mask and shoved it into Nightwing's hands. "Dami?"
Then he undid his cape and let it fall behind him. "Dami, talk to me baby"
"I failed... I failed you all, I failed Robin" Damian undid his vest and tossed it to the side, it was below Red Robin's foot. Damian got up, his legs were shaking and he looked so helpless and small.
Nightwing stood up and held his hands out as he placed his hands on Damian's shoulders. "What do you mean you failed? What happened out there?" "I failed! Don't you get it!?" Damian shook his head again, lowering his head before taking off upstairs. No one moved, the whole ordeal sat heavy in the cave.
Oracle was the one who got the footage from cameras and Robin's mask to match. Showing what exactly happened that night.
Dick looked at the mask that he held. "He looked so scared, he's never really seen a child... dead has he?"
Bruce shook his head, eyes trained on the video "No. I made sure that you all rarely saw cases like that. Sometimes it's too much for me, I could never subject you all to see that"
"What can we do for him?"
Tim rubbed his thumb over the vest as he kept ahold of it. "We should give him space first, he obviously is worn out and might not be ready for any confrontation. Including the fact his fear of being replaced or tossed to the side may induce more shock if we were to show now" "Tim's right, we let him be for now. Damian just needs time, no one speaks of his resignment, he'll need time to choose. Agreed?" Everyone else nodded at Bruce's final decision. There was nothing else to do but wait.
Damian covered himself under the blankets with Titus and Alfred the cat with him. Not that he deserved to even have his animals by him, it's not right for a bad Robin to be given any type of comfort.
Someone knocked and Damian didn't move an inch. His mind and body weren't up to the task just like his performance to be Robin: Not up to task.
It's been two days right? Yeah... two days since Damian resigned on account of failing.
"Hey, can I come in?" Stephanie.
Damian didn't respond, two minutes passed before Stephanie opened the door (honestly Damian was a little impressed that she held back for two minutes instead of knocking and opening the damn door)
"I wanted to check on you, do you want a snack? Alfred made brownies and I stole a few for you and I. We can watch some Disney movies on your TV as well. Dick told me your favorite was Lilo and Stitch, how about we watch it?" Damian didn't move. Stephanie lowered the blanket away and he felt sluggish as Stephanie got him to sit on the floor. "There we are, now let's get to watching"
Cass popped her head in "What are you watching?" "Lilo and Stitch, Little D's fave. Want in?" "Definitely" Cass sat on the other side of Damian and as the movie began... Damian smiled a bit. He couldn't help it, no matter how much his mind said otherwise.
Damian entered Bruce's study, watching the man work before he noticed Damian and smiled.
"My rank, being Robin... if it is taken away from me, then what can I do to reclaim my place?"
"Son. Your "rank" is not being stripped away from you. You don't have to do anything to reclaim it, I just want to make sure you're feeling okay. Being Robin and Batman is something that protects Gotham. Robin and Batman also have rough days just as well, it gets tough or the fighting can be painful. Even worse, the doubt and worries can overflood us. You saw something that you didn't like and that's fine, I've seen many things that are hard to look at and I was scared. Everyone gets scared in this line of work regardless of how tough we might seem. If you want a break from being Robin because you have off days, then that's okay. I'll be there to help carry the load"
"What of you? Do you take off days?"
"Heh, before? No, I wouldn't. Now, I do. Because I know behind me is a loving family who helps me keep moving forward. I can always go to them and vice versa. It's up to you, if you want to take a few days off or even more time then that is completely fine Damian"
"I want to be Robin, I realize that even though incidents that I can't stop will occur... isn't it better to know that I was strong enough to try?"
Bruce nodded and went around his desk to hug Damian. "You did good Damian and I know you'll be amazing in the future"
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batstorm93672 · 1 year
"Why can't you trust me? I'm your son and partner am I not?"
"That's enough"
"I had it covered and you just assumed the worse and for what?"
"Maybe because you are unstable and could kill anyone at any second, I don't need that. You almost killed the man!"
"I didn't! I wasn't even hitting him, you just assume so! The only reason he looked that bad is because he tried to kill me, so I took the best course of action! Why don't you trust me?"
Damian's entire body shifted from anger, shock and to sorrow, his voice was wobbling "What..?" Bruce took a few seconds to recognize his words and immediately reached out "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry Damian"
Damian was staring at the ground. Dick looked like he just got shocked, Jason stopped working on his motorcycle and looked over, Stephanie and Tim stopped sparring, Cass was stone-faced and Duke dropped his weapon that he was using in the simulation. Damian moved away from Bruce's reach and became tense.
"BRUCE THOMAS WAYNE!" The cave went silent as Alfred Pennyworth's booming voice echoed. Everyone stopped moving and possibly breathing as well. Damian's eyes were welling with tears and as much as he may like to hear Alfred scold his father, what was said made Damian storm out. Before leaving, he glanced at Alfred, Alfred looked back at Damian and looked remorseful. Damian went upstairs and left the scene to his room.
Who knows how far Alfred's voice was in Gotham. Maybe Metropolis could hear it. Gotta bet that the Kent's ears were ringing now.
Because I unwillingly died that means he can't trust me? It's bullshit, after everything! I've changed, I don't kill because I wanted to be accepted into this family and now I enjoy doing things in the name of Justice that doesn't involve murder. Yet he'll find any reason to not trust me. Why am I never enough like the others? Father brought Richard in after the tragedy of the Graysons. Father took in Jason when seeing his condition and wanting to make a change for the child he was. Father saw the talents that Timothy upheld and the two worked. Father took in Cassandra when she needed it most. Father helped Duke when he went through a severe thing and was taken in as to not be alone. The only other one who could say wasn't exactly wanted is Stephanie, but even she's more capable and father sees that. Yet I was dropped off by mother and hurt this family. It feels as if I'm not part of it. Outcast, unwanted, violent and unstable. I HATE THIS!
He slid his back against the wall, sitting down with his head low.
How could he trust you?
None of them do
They never should trust you
How many times have you died?
How long until you snap and decide to kill again
How long until you are so unstable you are no longer wanted
You weren't w--
"Damian? Can you hear me?" Damian felt someone's hand get close and he smacked their hand away. "No touching, got it. Can I sit by you?"
Damian looked at the person, Bruce looked upset, not a Damian, but at himself from the looks of it. Damian shrugged and Bruce took that as a yes, sitting next to Damian.
"There is no excuse to my words. I can only apologize for my idiocy and hope you can forgive me. I understand if you don't, I don't expect an immediate response. You don't deserve that, you've been through so much and you didn't have a choice. It's irresponsible of me to have used that against you"
"Tt. You're getting sentimental father"
"What can I say? You are my children, I can't help but lower my walls unfortunately it took me so long to let you all in"
"A trip to the zoo plus ice cream and maybe I'll forgive you"
"You drive a hard bargain"
"Just us"
"Tomorrow, I'll make it happen"
Damian nodded and gave Bruce a quick hug before standing up as if nothing happened. Bruce smiled and got up, he stopped before closing the door when he heard Damian.
"Thank you father, as painful as it may be to remember my place... I can say that I do cherish this family I have made. Thanks to you I am able to see it"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Dick and Damian walked down the snow roads, it was nice as the two took moments to enjoy everything.
"Yes Richard?"
"What was it like when you died?"
Damian had to take a second to process what he heard as he opened his mouth and closed it a few times. What would he say? Dick doesn't know.
He can't say it.
He won't let it harm him anymore.
"It felt dark I couldn't feel anything"
"Hm... that doesn't sound right"
Damian stopped as Dick kept walking slowly his back turned to him.
"What... do you mean?"
"I mean, your place upon death is in Hell. Damian"
"...What's going on with you?"
Dick finally stopped and looked back, Damian could see the cold gaze and smile directed towards him. This wasn't Dick smiling, no his smiles were joyful and nice. This one was... wrong.
"I'm just saying the truth Damian. You belong in Hell, no matter what you do or say to make it up. You can't escape your fate"
"Grayson... stop talking like that"
"Hm? Stop saying the truth"
Dick turned on his heel towards Damian, approaching him and Damian felt like fleeing. His body wouldn't listen, he can't move.
"Why shouldn't I Damian? After all, you know you belong in Hell. A special place just for you"
"G-Grayson... I don't like this"
"You don't like the facts that you know are bound to happen? You can't lie to yourself Damian"
Damian looked at Dick, he was smiling and staring at him. "S-Stop... stop saying that. You are not Richard!"
"I'm not? Maybe, but then again, does it really matter. You should enjoy seeing me, cause once you die, it will be the last time you ever see your family"
Dick placed his hand on Damian's shoulder, an unbearable heat arising from the touch. Damian could smell the scent of burnt clothing on him now.
"Stop it you are not my Grayson!"
Dick lowered down to look Damian in the face, his smile growing "You know where you belong. Damian"
It's getting hot...
Damian was sweating, wanting to so badly take off his jacket, but he can't move.
"Whatever you do, won't change the fact that you will always end up in Hell"
"You will always end up in Hell, Damian Wayne, son of the Demon and Bat"
Then Damian felt the flames as he fell down, chains wrapping around his legs and dragging him.
Feeling the scorching heat so close, his skin was burning everything was burning.
He's going down to Hell
His fate is to be here
Damian leaped upright, the morning sun creeping in through the blinds. Damian got up and splashed his face with water, taking his medicine and walking out to smell Alfred's cooking.
"Good morning Pennyworth"
"A good morning to you to Master Damian, I hope you slept well"
"It was adequate, what of you?"
"Quite nicely myself"
Damian sat down at the table and watched as Alfred continued to cook.
"Hey you two"
Damian tensed up, it was Dick... he wasn't prepared to hear him not after that dream.
"Hey Dames how are you?"
"Fine. Why are you here?" Damian's voice had a sharpness to it
"I decided to stay for a few days, are you okay?"
"I'm fine"
"Okay, well what's for breakfast Alfred?"
"Scrambled eggs and salad alongside coffee for Master Bruce and Master Tim. Would you like some Master Dick?"
"Sure I'll take some too please"
"May I have water?"
"Of course Master Damian"
Bruce, Duke, Stephanie and Tim sat around the table and ate.
Damian kept ahold of his glass of water, taking light sips as everyone spoke.
"Tim, Wayne Enterprises has a meeting scheduled in a few hours, are you able to attend?"
"Of course"
"This early? That doesn't sound right to me"
Damian's grip tightened around the glass.
Hm... that doesn't sound right
What... do you mean?
I mean, your place upon death is in H-
"Son? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine father, simply a little tired is all. It's taking me a moment to wake up fully"
They went back to conversing.
"Well it must suck not being able to escape a work ethic fate like that. You have my sympathies Timmy"
You can't escape your fate
His grip on the cup came to an end as it shattered in his hand. Everyone looked shocked and Damian simply looked at the red on his palm where the glass stuck.
Without a word, Damian stood up and headed to the Batcave.
Damian grabbed a first-aid kit and began to pick out the pieces of glass with a tweezer. The blood grew slightly worse with every part taken out. Damian kept going, until it finally ended as he wrapped his hand with bandages.
"You okay?"
Damian jumped up and looked to see Dick very worried. "I'm fine" "Dami, you just broke a glass cup in one hand and left, that doesn't sound right"
"...I'm fine"
Dick got closer and Damian had to suppress the urge to run.
"Damian, is something bothering you?" Dick kneeled down and placed his hand on Damian's shoulder "You can tell me any-"
Damian slapped Dick's hand away and trembled "No!" "Damian..?" Damian's eyes turned a brighter green and he shoved Dick away.
Falling on his butt he looked at Damian perplexed at the sight of it all. "Damian. What's wrong?"
"Don't-- Ugh! Nothing is wrong!"
"Stop looking at me like that!"
Dick kept staring in worry and concern. "Damian, talk to me please"
"Y-You know! I said it once don't make me say it again!"
"Say what?"
"...when I died"
"That you went to Hell? You told everyone when you had that bad dream. Did you have a bad dream?"
Damian nodded and wiped his tears away furiously "You didn't know, you burnt me and told me that I belonged there when I die... you kept looking and smiling, but it wasn't good you scared me"
Dick stood up "Do you want a hug?"
With a small nod, Dick wrapped Damian in his embrace and put his hands through his hair "I'm sorry it felt that way Dami"
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Tim hissed as he moved the knife away, he accidentally cut his finger while slicing lettuce. "Damn it" Tim ran his hand through cold water to get the blood off. Damian got up from his seat where he was drawing and left, a few minutes later and Damian came back with a band-aid in hand as Tim used a paper towel to get rid of the water and blood "Oh thanks Damian"
Damian simply nodded and unwrapped the band-aid, applying it to the wound carefully, he went back to his seat and continued his activity.
Tim looked at the band-aid... it was decorated with cartoon animals all over, Tim looked at Damian puzzled "What?" "You have animal band-aids, why?" Damian's cheeks grew warm and he fiddled with his hands "Grayson said that I should get something I like if I ever get hurt, so when I look at it I'll feel better... I like animals" "That's really cute" Damian frowned "Tt, you might have lost too much blood from the cut"
Damian went back to drawing and Tim kept cutting the lettuce up in joyful silence.
"What's with the cartoons? You've been watching some nature documentary?" Tim rolled his eyes "I'll have you know Jason, this was because of Damian. I accidentally cut myself and he brought it over and covered it, it's cute" "Wow never thought the words 'cute' and 'Damian' could be used in the same sentence" "Shut up, I saw the cartoon animal band-aid on your arm"
Jason quickly shut his mouth at that... he thought he hid it better.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Failure and Punishment
Everyone was here, watching the arguement between Batman and Robin. Robin disobeyed orders from Batman, enough said.
Robin stood still and stared Bruce in the eyes as he barely moved a muscle.
"Forgive me father, I have disrespected your word and failed" Robin kept standing there, until Bruce sighed "Just... go, I'll figure out what to do with you soon" Robin's eyes widened for a second before he left, not regarding anyone else.
Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Cassandra and Duke kept quiet as Damian's footsteps receded farther away.
It was an accident.
There was a child.
One who was unaccounted for.
The entire building was rigged to go off, Batman had told Robin to stay back and keep an eye on any suspicious activity of who may have started it to detonate the building manually. Robin did as told, until he saw a little boy shaking. On one of the top floors, Batman was on the lowest caring for other people to leave. The boy was alone and could hurt himself if he made the wrong move.
So Robin made a move, he approached carefully, the wiring and triggers were accounted for so he had to not trigger anything. The boy perked up "Robin!" "Don't move, I need you to stay still" The boy had orange hair and brown eyes, might be six years old. Damian isn't good with children, but Robin is different. He doesn't have to interact with them to be among them, he simply has to help them in need. "What's your name?" "Ben" "Alright Ben, I need you to be brave for me and stay still. I'm coming to save you and then you'll be okay"
"I'm scared"
"I know, but you are not alone. I'm here to save you Ben"
Robin made it to him, holding his arms out and the kid held on. Then Robin heard a beep, the bombs... someone must have activated it manually! Robin sprinted, keeping his hold on Ben as the bombs went off. Quickly able to protect Ben and jump out the building in time, rolling out on the rooftop and holding Ben's head with one hand as to soften any blows. Ben was crying and Robin jumped down the rooftop to the streets, where numerous police people were already around. "Go to them, they'll take care of you" Ben nodded and left, one last glance to Robin.
Robin sighed, the next part won't be fun to explain, or in his case trying to explain.
Figure out
What to do with you
That's enough
I'll figure out what to do with you
I'll figure out what to do with you soon
Every step he takes, the thoughts echo louder and louder. He disobeyed his father, he was mad, no pissed at Damian. Would he go against the non-physical punishment for him explicitly?
People are in the hospital
People are crying
People are shouting
People are injured
People are possibly dead
People are hurt because Robin wasn't doing as told
People were suffering because Robin wanted to help
One unaccounted for child scared out of his mind
One that Robin decided he needed to help
One that Robin had almost killed because he wasn't doing as told
The kid would have been safer had Robin not shown up
I'll figure out what to do with you
You disobeyed my orders
You weren't watching
I'll figure out what to do with you soon
Robin took off his uniform. Damian a kid himself thought he could be a hero... Shaking his head Damian turned on the water and stepped in.
Damian put on dark green pajama pants and a black shirt. Sitting in his bed as his hair was still a bit wet. Running his hair through his towel and after deeming it worthy he got up.
I'll figure out what to do with you soon
I'll figure out w-
What if he sends me back
Damian stopped moving and felt the fear rising in his chest. Moving to the bathroom quickly and doing what he's done numerous times, getting into the vent and hiding. It was easier to be somewhere closed, that way enemies can't attack when so vulnerable. Of course that doesn't mean that Damian can just feel safe, enemies are crafty and sometimes smart meaning they'll show up if they find out.
If he sends me back... I'll have truly failed both of my lineages
What would mother think?
They would most likely kill me for my failure-
Would... would mother kill me herself...
That thought made Damian's stomach churn he closed his eyes.
Mother would kill me herself for failing
For being so incompetent
She loves me though
She wouldn't kill me
She already had
The Heretic is proof of that
By her hands... she would end my life
I would have failed
Mother will kill me!
Mother would kill me herself
Did I... save the kid because he was in danger... or because it's how I feel being alone..?
Being alone... that any movement can cause some type of danger... like an explosion. Any sudden movements and he would die.
Did I... do it for myself or for him?
"Hey can you hear me?"
"You don't have to speak, can you give us any sign?"
Who's there?
"Can you come out from there?"
Someone found him...
"I found him and he's barely moving and responding"
Is it Ben? Is the kid okay? Did... did he die? Is it because Robin- no. Is it because a child decided to play hero and failed as Robin or Damian?
"Damian? Can you look at me? It's Dick, it's just your brothers and sisters here for you"
"He's going to punish me... she's going to kill me"
"What? Who?"
"He's going to punish me... she's going to kill me"
What is he saying? Why can't he stop talking?
"He's going to punish me..! She's going to kill me!"
"Hey hey, calm down we don't want you to relapse"
"He's going to punish me! She's going to kill me!"
"Damian, I need you to focus on my pulse"
Damian opened his eyes, looking at Dick who looked highly concerned yet he smiled when he saw Damian's eyes open. "Hey, there you are"
"...he's going to punish me, she's going to kill me!"
"No one is going to punish you, we saw the mask footage. Bruce isn't upset at all, he was stressed and messed up. He wants to apologize you know him, emotionally constipated and all that. He needs to find the right words and when he does you'll see that your safe"
"He's going to punish me... she's going to kill me"
"Okay, I know it feels bad now. But you'll be okay, why don't you get out from there and come to your bed?"
Damian nodded a little and reached out, palms opening and closing as Dick grabbed him and took him out of his hiding spot. Damian cuddled into Dick's embrace as he was moved to his bed.
"He's going to punish me... she's going to kill me"
Damian whispered it over and over again, it felt loud in such a silent room full of many people.
"He's going to punish me... she's going to kill me"
Dick sat next to Damian, everyone joining around not getting as close as to not bother.
"Who is going to do all of this?"
"Father... h-he's going to punish me... Mother is going to kill me"
Dick rubbed his hand in circles on Damian's back "Bruce won't do that. He loves you"
Damian shook his head and teared up "He's going to punish me, she's going to kill me" Damian got up and moved to his closet, in a small compartment and grabbing a box. Everyone felt their heart come to a halt, when Damian started to take out numerous weapons... a whip, knife and so many other things. "H-He's going to punish me, if he sees these options... I can take it, I've done it before. I'll be fine! I-I'll be fine... yeah I'll be fine. I've done wrong, punishment is what I deserve. Mother will be displeased, she might kill me... then I'd be brought back and the voices will... i-it will..." Damian crawled backwards away from the box. Cassandra grabbed it and hid it from view as Dick and Jason surrounded Damian. Tim, Stephanie and Duke left to get supplies.
"Hahaha I-I'm going to die again! Hahahahaha! I'm going to fucking die and have to live with it all over again! They're going to get louder! So loud, so so loud... my punishment and death will arrive, it will be louder and stronger. I'll lose, hehehe I'm going to die" Damian was smiling... how fucked up is this scene. Unable to hear anyone talk he was trapped in his own spiral. "I'm going to die... I'm going to die... heh father is displeased, he'll punish me for my wrongdoings and mother is not herself... she'll kill me then bring me back" Damian shook as he held himself "Haha I'm gonna die... they'll be too loud. Everything is so loud..." Damian closed his eyes and his body went limp. He exhausted himself... in a few moments he looked back up, he was back to that state of mind.
Jason was close to a panic attack at this point, crying and covering his mouth. Cassandra consoled him as Dick kept holding Damian, he had completely ignored them. Tim, Duke, Stephanie, Alfred and Bruce rushed in and stopped upon the scene. Titus walked over and put his snout against Damian's hand. Not a single movement to his own dog, Titus whined a bit. Bruce looked so hurt "What happened to him?" Dick looked back to Bruce
"He was hiding in the bathroom, we found him and he wasn't responding to us. I got to him enough for him to get on his bed. He kept repeating 'He's going to punish me, she's going to kill me' he thought you would punish him and then Talia would kill him. He freaked out, took out a whole box full of weapons, saying how giving you options would help him cause he's dealt with it. Then he would be sent back and die from Talia, she would kill him and bring him back with the Lazarus Pit. Then the voices would grow louder he kept saying... then he tired himself out"
Jason tensed up and curled in on himself, Cass hugged Jason alongside Tim joining in. Stephanie held a weighted blanket as Duke held boxes of tea and plates of snacks.
Bruce looked horribly in pain "I- I didn't mean to shout" Jason looked annoyed as he glared at Bruce "Now... is not the time to make yourself feel bad. Damian needs help, he's in pain. He needs to know we are here, not blaming ourselves for it all and making him feel like it's pity" Bruce nodded and Damian looked at Bruce "...May I lie down?" A question... that Damian felt compelled to ask in this state. He's a weapon here, a perfect vessel to carry out whatever he is told. Anything he wanted he would ask or else it would be a sign of disrespect.
"Yes. You can lie down for however long you need"
Damian stood up, he was trembling and it was obvious, yet he kept moving and walked to his bed.
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