#danny: ur not my mom!!! and in the process im gonna drag mom because what the hel was up with her hair
imgoingghcst · 4 years
“I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” (Jazz cuz she would say this even tho they're BOTH adults)
there’s a small part of danny that almost accepts this. a softer, more reasonable side of him that respects jazz’s input and knows that, as much as he hates to admit it, she’s right and is just looking out for him. you don’t get your sister’s birthday tatoo’d on your wrist if you didn’t love and respect her. so, he almost accepts his punishment with a frown and drooping shoulders. almost. “time out?!” danny repeats. “yeah sorry no, until you get a really shitty bowl cut and a blue jumpsuit that’s not gonna happen.” he walks away, leaving jazz in the living room to stew in her disapproval. in hindsight, jazz makes a point. stealing a taco truck with fred is hands down probably the dumbest thing danny has ever done. and now, that he’s out of his one night stint in prison and not suffering from a crippling desire for tacos at 2 am (and away from fred’s bad influence)  he can see that. had fred not had heathcliff and millions of dollars at his disposal, their night could had a far worse ending than a few hours of discomfort. and jazz, for reasons beyond his understanding, had signed up to take danny on as her responsibility years ago. so it only makes sense that she’s upset with him. and he did get off pretty easy for committing an actual crime. but that doesn’t mean it’s jazz’s job to dictate and dole out punishments. especially not stupid childish ones like this. danny reaches into the fridge to grab a soda, and as much as he wants to believe he’s done with this discussion his scorpio tendencies bring him right back to the subject. “i can’t believe you really thought you were gonna put me in time out and i was just gonna be like ‘oh ok cool!’ like are you dumb?” he’s not sure if the meme reference is going to go completely over jazz’s head or not, but in the moment it doesn’t matter. all that matters is he’s annoyed. 
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