The Crow's Nest Chan Master of JTTW
I am reading back through Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記) and was reminded of a strange, seemingly throwaway character who appears at the end of chapter 19, the "Crow's Nest Chan Master" (Wuchao chanshi, 烏巢禪師). He is described as an accomplished cultivator who lives in a juniper tree nest on Pagoda Mountain (Futu shan, 浮屠山), just beyond the border of Tibet (Wusicang, 烏斯藏). Zhu Bajie claims the master once asked him to jointly practice austerities, but the pig-spirit passed on the opportunity. Flash back to the present, and the pilgrims pass into his domain. After a brief chat, the Crow's Nest Chan master orally passes on the Heart Sutra (Xin jing, 心經) to Tripitaka.
There are two things that interest me about the Chan Master. The first is his magical abilities. Sun Wukong is offended by the monk but fails to hit him with his staff:
Enraged, Pilgrim lifted his iron rod and thrust it upward violently, but garlands of blooming lotus flowers were seen together with a thousand-layered shield of auspicious clouds. Though Pilgrim might have the strength to overturn rivers and seas, he could not catch hold of even one strand of the crow's nest (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 391).
This reminds me of an event from Acts of the Buddha (Sk: Buddhacarita; Ch: Fo suoxing za, 佛所行讚, 2nd-century), an ancient biography of the Buddha:
The host of Mara hastening, as arranged, each one exerting his utmost force, taking each other’s place in turns, threatening every moment to destroy [the Buddha, but] … Their flying spears, lances, and javelins, stuck fast in space, refusing to descend; the angry thunderdrops and mighty hail, with these, were changed into five-colour’d lotus flowers…” (Beal, 1883, pp. 152 and 153).
This points to the Crow's Nest Chan Master having great holy powers.
The second thing that interests me is that he is based on a historical monk, Niaoke Daolin (鳥窠道林, lit: "Bird's Nest" Daolin; 741–824). Here is his full biography from the Records of the Transmission of the Lamp (Jingde chuandenglu, 景德傳燈錄, 1004 to 1007):
Chan master Niaoke Daolin ... was from Fuyang in Hangzhou and his family name was Pan. His mother, whose maiden name was Zhu, once dreamt of the rays of the sun entering her mouth, after which she conceived. When the baby was born a strange fragrance pervaded the room, so the name ‘Fragrant Light’ was given to the boy. He left the home life at the age of nine and received the full precepts at the Guoyuan Temple in Jing (Jingling, Hubei) when he was twenty-one years old. Later he went to the Ximing Monastery in Chang’an to study the Huayan Jing (Avatasaka Sūtra) and the Śāstra on the Arising of Faith (Śraddhotpada Śāstra, Aśvagosa) under the Dharma Teacher Fuli, who also introduced him to the Song of the Real and Unreal, and had him practise meditation. Once Niaoke asked Fuli, ‘Could you say how one meditates and how to exercise the heart?’ Teacher Fuli was silent for a long time, so then the master bowed three times and withdrew. It happened that at this time Tang Emperor Taizong had called the First Teacher in the Empire [Daoqin] of Jing Mountain to the Imperial Palace and Daolin went to pay him a formal visit, obtaining the True Dharma from him. Returning south the master first came to the Yongfu Temple on Mount Gu (Zhejiang), where there was a stūpa dedicated to the Pratyekabuddhas. At this time both monks and laymen were gathering there for a Dharma-talk. The master also entered the hall, carrying his walking stick, which emitted a clicking sound. There was a Dharma-teacher present from a temple called Lingying, whose name was Taoguang, and who asked the master, ‘Why make such a sound in this Dharma-meeting?’ ‘Without making a sound who would know that it was a Dharmameeting?’ replied the master. Later, on Qinwang Mountain, the master saw an old pine tree with lush foliage, its branches shaped like a lid, so he settled himself there, in the tree, which is why the people of that time called him Chan Master Niaoke (Bird’s Nest). Then magpies made their nest by the master’s side and became quite tame through the intimacy with a human – so he was also referred to as the Magpie Nest Monk. One day the master’s attendant Huitong suddenly wished to take his leave. ‘Where are you off to then?’ asked the master. ‘Huitong left the home life for the sake of the Dharma, but the venerable monk has not let fall one word of instruction, so now it’s a question of going here and there to study the Buddha-dharma,’ replied Huitong. ‘If it could be said that there is Buddha-dharma,’ said the master, ‘I also have a little here,’ whereupon he plucked a hair from the robe he was wearing and blew it away. Suddenly Huitong understood the deep meaning. During the Yuan reign period (806-820 CE) Bai Juyi was appointed governor of this commandery and so went to the mountain to pay the master a courtesy call. He asked the master, ‘Is not the Chan Master’s residing here very dangerous?’ ‘Is not your Excellency’s position even more so?’ countered the master. ‘Your humble student’s place is to keep the peace along the waterways and in the mountains. What danger is there in that?’ asked Bai Juyi. ‘When wood and fire meet there is ignition – the nature of thinking is endless,’ replied the master, ‘so how can there not be danger?’ ‘What is the essence of the Buddha-dharma?’ asked Bai. ‘To refrain from all evil and do all that is good,’ answered the master. ‘A three-year-old child already knows these words,’ said Bai. ‘Although a three-year-old can say them, an old man of eighty can’t put them into practice!’ countered the master. Bai then made obeisance. In the fourth year, during the tenth day of the second month of the reign period Changqing (824 CE), the master said to his attendant, ‘Now my time is up.’ And having spoken he sat on his cushion and passed away. He was eighty-four years old and had been a monk for sixty-three years. (Textual note: Some say the master’s name was Yuanxiu, but this is probably his posthumous name.) (Whitfiled, n.d., pp. 56-58).
Beal, S. (Trans.). (1883). The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king: A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/foshohingtsankin00asva/mode/2up.
Whitfiled, R. S. (Trans.). (n.d.). Records of the Transmission of the Lamp: Volume 2 - The Early Masters. Hokun Trust. Retrieved from https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Lamp2.pdf
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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A comprehensive explanation of ferroptosis
Regulated cell death (RCD) is a ubiquitous process in living organisms that is essential for tissue homeostasis or to restore biological balance under stress. Among different forms of RCD, there are three main types of regulated cell death that have been studied the most: Apoptosis, Autophagy and Necroptosis.
Ferroptosis is a new type of RCD that depends on iron and characterized by the accumulation of lipid peroxides, and is genetically and biochemically distinct from other forms of regulated cell death such as apoptosis. This article mainly focuses on ferroptosis and discusses its mechanism and the latest research progress.
TypesMorphological featuresBiochemical features
FerroptosisIncreased Mitochondrial membrane density,
Reduced Mitochondrial cristae,
Ruptured mitochondrial outer membrane, But the nucleus is normalIron accumulation and lipid peroxidation,
Inhibition of System xc- , Downregulation of GSH level,
GPX4 inhibition
Cell apoptosisDecreased cell and nucleus volume,
Chromatin agglutination,
Apoptotic body formation, Cytoskeleton disassembly,
No significant change in mitochondrial structureActivation of caspases and pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family proteins, Fragmentation of DNA,
Rupture of cell membrane
autophagyThe formation of double membrane autolytic enzyme bodies,
including macroautophagy, micro autophagy and chaperone-mediate autophagy, CMALC3-I transform into LC3 - II,
p62 Lck degradation,
Beclin 1 dissociation from the Bcl - 2/XL.
NecroptosisCytoplasmic rupture,
General swelling of cytoplasm and organelles,
Moderate condensation of chromatin,
Cellular components spill out into the microenvironmentThe downregulation of ATP Level
Figure 1. The characteristics of regulated cell death
In 2012, a team of researchers at Columbia led by Professor Brent R. Stockwell announced a new discovery; A novel kind of cell death that they named “Ferroptosis.” When cells undergo ferroptosis, their inner and outer membranes degrade, springing leaks that eventually cause the cell to die.
A decade after that initial discovery, Professor Daoling Tang published an article in Nat Rev Clin Oncol that explained the key molecular mechanisms of ferroptosis.
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Figure 2. A literature review published by Professor Daolin Tang's team related to ferroptosis in 2021
In this review, the authors proposed several points about ferroptosis:
1. Ferroptosis is a regulated cell death that depends on iron-mediated oxidative damage.
2. Ferroptosis can occur through two main pathways: the exogenous (transporter-dependent) pathway and the endogenous (enzyme-regulated) pathway.
3. Increased iron accumulation, production of free radicals, fatty acid supply and increased lipid peroxides are the keys to induce ferroptosis[1].
The primary pathways of ferroptosis
Exogenous (transporter-dependent) pathway
The exogenous pathway is initiated by inhibiting cell membrane transporters such as cystine/glutamate antiporter (System xc-), or by activating the iron transporters serotransferrin and lactoferrin[1].
1.Inhibition of cystine/glutamate antiporter to promote ferroptosis
System xc- is an important part of the antioxidant system in cells. System xc− consists of two subunits, SLC7A11 and SLC3A2. SLC7A11 is responsible for the main transport activity and is highly specific for cystine and glutamate, while SLC3A2 acts as a chaperone. System xc− imports cystine into cells with a 1:1 counter-transport of glutamate in exchange for extracellular cystine (Cys2). Once in cells, cystine (Cys2) can be oxidized to cysteine (Cys), which is used to synthesize glutathione (GSH) in a reaction catalysed by glutamate–cysteine ligase (GCL) and glutathione synthetase (GSS)[1].
GSH is a reducing cofactor for glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4). GPX4 is a membrane lipid repair enzyme. The inhibition of System xc- influences the absorption of cystine and affects the synthesis of GSH, which in turn leads to a decrease in the activity of GPX4, and a decrease in the antioxidant capacity of cells, thereby promoting ferroptosis[1].
2.Iron transporters and overloaded iron levels
Increasing iron absorption, reducing iron storage and limiting iron efflux all lead to increased iron accumulation, which promotes ferroptosis through a series of signaling pathways. Transferrin (serum transferrin or lactoferrin) mediates iron uptake through the transferrin receptor (TFRC) and FTH1/FTL (ferritin assembly) increases iron levels through autophagic degradation, which promote ferroptosis. In contrast, SLC40A1-mediated iron efflux and exosome-mediated ferritin export inhibits ferroptosis[1].
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Figure 3. Molecular mechanisms of ferroptosis
Red box: GSH-GPX4 antioxidant system plays an important role in the ferroptosis pathway; blue box: iron accumulation and ferroptosis; green box: fatty acid accumulation and ferroptosis regulation; purple box: mevalonate (MVA) pathway inhibits the synthesis of GPX4.
Endogenous (enzyme-regulated) pathway
The endogenous pathway is activated by blocking intracellular antioxidant enzymes such as GPX4.
1.The inhibition of GPX4-induced ferroptosis
Lipid peroxide accumulation is a hallmark of ferroptosis. GPX4 can reduce cytotoxic lipid peroxides (L-OOH) to the corresponding alcohols (L-OH). The inhibition of GPX4 activity results in the accumulation of lipid peroxides in cell membranes.
Direct inhibition: For example, as an inducer of ferroptosis, RSL3 can directly act on GPX4 and inhibit its activity, thus reducing the antioxidant capacity of cells and accumulating ROS, leading to ferroptosis.
Indirect inhibition: The inhibition of GSH synthesis: Selenocysteine is one of the essential amino acids for the active group of GPX4. The inhibition of the mevalonate (MVA) pathway can down-regulate the maturation of selenocysteinetRNA to affect the growth of GPX4. Thus, the inhibition of GSH synthesis can affect the activity of GPX4 and induce ferroptosis[2].
2.Regulatory pathways of other enzymes and fatty acid accumulation
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACAC)-mediated fatty acid synthesis or lipophagy-mediated fatty acid release induces intracellular free fatty acid accumulation and fuels ferroptosis.
Long-chain fatty acid coenzyme A ligase 4 (ACSL4) and lysophospholipid acyltransferase 3 (LPCAT3) facilitate the incorporation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) into phospholipids to form polyunsaturated fatty acid phospholipids (PUFA-PL). PUFA-PLs are vulnerable to free radical-induced oxidation mediated by lipoxygenases (ALOXs). This oxidation ultimately leads to disruption of the lipid bilayer and affects membrane function, thereby promoting ferroptosis[1].
The research strategies of ferroptosis
After understanding the basic pathways of ferroptosis, how to effectively develop research strategies for ferroptosis has become the focus of everyone's attention. Now, we will explain in detail by taking a study, “Energy-stress-mediated AMPK activation inhibits ferroptosis” as an example.
In this article, Hyemin et al. established a cell model of ferroptosis: they used a variety of inducers and inhibitors, and a variety of detection methods were used to prove the regulatory relationship between ferroptosis and AMPK. They also established an AMPKα1/α2 knockout cell line (AMPK DKO) to verify the mechanism of AMPK deletion on ferroptosis sensitivity[3].
Establishing a pathological model of ferroptosis
1.Energy stress inhibits ferroptotic cell death.
First, Hyemin et al. explored the effect of glucose starvation on erastin-induced ferroptosis in immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). It was demonstrated that Erastin induces ferroptosis. Neither Caspase-3 nor PARP cleavage (a hallmark of apoptosis) was down-regulated. However, ferroptosis inhibitor Ferrostatin-1 could reverse erastin-induced cell death. Initially, they expected that conditions of glucose starvation would enhance erastin-induced ferroptosis, yet the results were quite the opposite: glucose starvation largely reversed ferroptosis induced in MEFs[3].
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Figure 4. Energy stress inhibits ferroptosis. a. Erastin induces ferroptosis in MEFs; b. Changes in response to ferroptosis of MEFs under glucose starvation conditions; c-d. Changes in response to ferroptosis of MEFs under different energy stress conditions were detected by CCK8 assay and lipid peroxidation assay
Hyemin et al. further selected other compounds that can induce or mimic energy stress, including 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG), acadisine (AICAR), A769662. These compounds also significantly inhibited lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis induced by Erastin treatment. To sum up, energy stress inhibits ferroptosis[3].
2.The establishment of AMPKα1/α2 DKO.
Next, Hyemin et al. validated the correlation between basal AMPK activation status (p-AMPK Thr172 as an activation marker) and ferroptosis (expression level of SLC7A11) in a panel of cell lines as shown in Figure 5c.
SLC7A11 high expressing cells were more resistant to ferroptosis relative to the low expressing cells as depicted in Fig. 5c-d. It was worth noting that although AMPK activation status in SLC7A11 high expressing cells was not related to ferroptosis sensitivity, AMPK activation in SLC7A11-low expressing cells was negatively correlated with ferroptosis sensitivity. The above data suggested that energy stress inhibits ferroptotic cell death partly through AMPK[3].
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Figure 5. The inhibition of ferroptosis by energy stress is associated with AMPK
.a. Establishment of AMPKα1/α2 double knockout cell line; b. Response of AMPK DKO cells to ferroptosis under different energy stress conditions; c. AMPK in different cell lines Activation and basal expression levels of SLC7A11; d. SLC7A11 expression correlated with cell sensitivity to ferroptosis as detected by CCK8 assay and lipid peroxidation assay.
3.AMPK inactivation sensitizes cells to ferroptotic cell death.
Hyemin et al. further investigated whether AMPK promotes ferroptosis resistance in cancer cell lines with high basal AMPK phosphorylation levels.
It was found that the AMPK inhibitor Compound C down-regulated AMPK activation, as shown in Figure 6a-b, Compound C sensitized ACHN cells (a ferritin-resistant cell line with high basal AMPK phosphorylation) to Erastin or cystine depletion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results also showed that co-treatment of Compound C with Erastin or cystine depletion in ACHN cells resulted in mitochondrial shrinkage and increased membrane density, but no apparent DNA fragmentation in the nucleus (a characteristic morphology of ferroptotic cells)[3]. This suggests that inhibition of AMPK sensitizes cancer cells to ferroptosis.
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Figure 6. Sensitivity of ACHN cells to ferroptosis under conditions of Erastin or cystine depletion
.a-b. Sensitivity of ACHN cells to ferroptosis under Erastin or cystine-depleted conditions by CCK8 assay and lipid peroxidation assay; c. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis.
In conclusion, the inhibitory effect of energy stress on ferroptosis is achieved in part through the activation of AMPK.
1. The GSH-GPX4 antioxidant system plays an important role in the ferroptosis pathway. Increased lipid peroxides, transferrin-mediated iron accumulation, and intracellular free fatty acid accumulation can induce ferroptosis.
2. Hyemin et al. used ferroptosis related inhibitors/inducers and established AMPK knockout cell lines to demonstrate the regulatory relationship between ferroptosis and AMPK.
3. Common experimental methods to detect ferroptosis are ferroptosis-related cell survival analysis, such as CCK8 (other cell viability detection methods include MTT method, trypan blue staining, etc.). Besides cell viability assay, lipid oxidation level determination (C11 BODIPY 581/591 staining), GSH assay, mitochondrial ROS assay, and GPX4 activity assay, monitoring of mitochondrial changes under electron microscope, and analysis of specific target molecules (WB, IHC, IF, etc.) are also commonly used as detection methods.
AbbreviationFull NameAbbreviationFull Name
RCD:Regulated cell deathSystem xc-:The cystine/glutamate transporter
ACAC:Acetyl-CoA carboxylaseACSL4:Acid-CoA ligase 4
GSH:GlutathioneGCL:Glutamate-cysteine ligase
GSS:Glutathione synthetaseCys2:CystineGPX4: Glutathione peroxidase
TFRC:Iron-loaded serotransferrin-transferrin receptorFTH1/FTL:Ferritin component
Related products
Erastin is a ferroptosis inducer. Erastin binds and inhibits voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC2/VDAC3).
RSL3 is an inhibitor of GPX4 (ferroptosis activator), reduces the expression of GPX4 protein, and induces ferroptotic death of head and neck cancer cell.
L-Cystine is an amino acid and intracellular thiol, which plays a critical role in the regulation of cellular processes.
Ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1), a potent and selective ferroptosis inhibitor. Ferrostatin-1, a synthetic antioxidant, acts via a reductive mechanism to prevent damage to membrane lipids and thereby inhibits cell death. Antifungal Activity.
AICAR (Acadesine) is an adenosine analog and a AMPK activator. AICAR regulates the glucose and lipid metabolism, and inhibits proinflammatory cytokines and iNOS production.
A-769662 is a potent, reversible AMPK activator with EC50 of 0.8 μM.
Dorsomorphin dihydrochloride
Dorsomorphin dihydrochloride is a potent, selective and ATP-competitive AMPK inhibitor, with a Ki of 109 nM.
Cell Counting Kit-8
Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) allows sensitive colorimetric assays for the determination of cell viability in cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assays.
H2DCFDA is a cell-permeable probe used to detect intracellular ROS (Ex/Em=488/525 nm).
JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Kit
JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Kit uses JC-1 to detect the mitochondrial membrane potential in variety of cell types, as well as intact tissues and isolated mitochondria.
Ferroptosis Compound Library
Ferroptosis Compound Library is a useful tool to study ferroptosis mechanism as well as related diseases. Ferroptosis Compound Library can be supplied as pre-dissolved Solutions or Solid.
[1]. Daolin Tang, Xin Chen, Rui Kang, Guido Kroemer. Broadening horizons: the role of ferroptosis in cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan 29.
[2]. Hyemin Lee, et al. Energy-stress-mediated AMPK activation inhibits ferroptosis. Nat Cell Biol. 2020 Feb; 22(2): 225-234.
[3]. Jie Li, Feng Cao , He-Liang Yin, et al. Ferroptosis: past, present and future. Cell Death Dis. 2020 Feb 3;11(2):88.
[4]. Caicun Zhou, Xuefei Li, et al. Targeting ferroptosis for cancer therapy: exploring novel strategies from its mechanisms and role in cancers. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2020 Aug;9(4):1569-1584.
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jewish-gay-elves · 4 years
Doomed Love 2/?
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Zevran and Daolin have an odd relationship. These documents were collected to try to understand what exactly they were doing after the Fifth Blight and the destruction of Amaranthine.
Words: 3431, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of the Daolin Tabris: The Family You Don't Choose
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Zevran Arainai, Male Tabris, Male Warden, Anders Relationships: Zevran Arainai/Warden, Zevran Arainai/Tabris, Zevran Arainai/Male Warden, Zevran Arainai/Male Tabris Additional Tags: this is a bunch of like letters or just documentation following my warden post-blight, and post amaranthine, idk how long it's going to be, Dialogue Drabble, talking about the Taint
[Overheard conversation between the Hero of Ferelden, Daolin Tabris, and Antivan Crow Master, Zevran Arainai, Skyhold Keep, 9:41 Dragon]
“Zev you just don’t understand okay?!? It’s different!” “Are you hoping that death will finally take you away from me?” “Zevran please I didn’t mean it like that, I just-” “Then how did you mean it, hmm? Because hearing one’s lover say ‘my life should not matter’ is not something that they desire hearing,”
“Zev no I just meant. It doesn’t matter, you’re right, I won’t say it again. You just scared me,” “Oh no, my Warden, I know when you are avoiding something and you are not going to avoid this. I scared you? What makes your life so indispensable? What makes you inconsequential to me?” “Love, please, let us drop this. I don’t want to fight with you,” “We have been dropping these since we arrived at Skyhold. Brasca mi amor no puedes esconder este. Tell me, my Warden, what are you so afraid of?” “I’m afraid of the Taint!” “Lo siento.¿Qué?” “The Taint, Zevran. This is what I am so afraid of. This is why you cannot throw your life away for mine for I already threw it away for a cause I didn’t believe in,” “Explain, now,” “I’ve told you of how I received my Warden abilities,” “The blood of darkspawn, you are immune to it now,” “Not quite,” “What do you mean not quite, amor, you cannot stop like that. You’ve been hiding this from me so just, explain!” “The Taint, it eventually, I have learned, eats at us from the inside out. From the moment we ingest it, it settles into our system and starts destroying us. Alistair told me not long before I’d met you, after we had already been on the run. He said I had about thirty years, give or take. Thirty years until finally the corruption has eaten away at my insides until the Blight is the only thing left in me. Then, once it is my time, I am to go to the Deep Roads for my last battle against the darkspawn. ‘In death, sacrifice,’” “Amor, I-” “So that, is why you cannot throw your life for mine, Zevran. If I were to lose you and live my last twenty years alone, I would kill myself before I hit the thirty year mark,” “No, there has to be another way, amor-” “That is why I asked you to come with me to Skyhold, because after the start of the Mage-Templar War, a mage who had previously been counted amongst the Wardens, called this place her home,” “What? She found a cure of some sort? How do you know? Does it actually work? Who is she-,” “It doesn’t matter Zev, she’s gone. Gone with the mages to rebuild somewhere in secret until they can prove they are self-sustaining, as the Inquisitor asked,” “No, I refuse to sit by, not now. How could the Inquisitor just not tell you their location? Surely he knows,” “If he does, he refuses to tell, said I need to show a proficiency for the arcane before I can know the location,” “Brasca! Él es un burro! Nosotros necesitamos encontrar un camino! Por favor, yo puedo no mirarse tu fallecerse,” “I’m sorry Zevran I’ve been trying I swear, I promise. I even thought about finding Avernus’ notes I just, I don’t know what to do anymore,” “Shh shh no no amor, I am not angry with you. That is a lie, I am angry you did not tell me sooner but, I understand why. I have not exactly told you every dirty secret of the Crows now have I? We need a way to find this Warden who is no longer a Warden. We need a mage,” “Shame that Wynne isn’t kicking us around any longer,” “Hush, I am thinking amor, where did Morrigan disappear to?” “She and Kieran disappeared into the eluvians I imagine. I wish I could have talked to him some more,” “You will amor, I promise, we just need a mage who would understand what we are doing and why,” “Well I know Velanna’s still at Vigil’s Keep, but I doubt she’d want to help her runaway knife-ear commander,” “Wait, wait, wait, wasn’t there another mage at Vigil’s Keep you spoke of to me? What was his name? The salaciously cheeky one with all the glittery jewelry he could have been a crow himself? The one who originally took care of the obnoxiously adorable kitten left with the grumpy looking man” “You mean Anders? Love, I have no idea where he is, especially after the mess we heard about Kirkwall,” “You trained him did you not? I remember him to be a creature of habit, he can’t have changed that much since,” “It’s been ten years, I-I don’t know Zev,” “We have to try, perhaps Leliana might have something for us,” “It can’t hurt to ask, no,” “I swear, I am not letting this Taint take you. We will find a cure,” “Just like that, we’re going to find the most wanted man in Thedas?” “Ten years ago, just like that we were going to stop a Blight, I believe this will be a bit easier,” “I love you,” “I know,”
[The agent who had been merely passing by at the time of the conversation promptly saw it best to report to Nightingale and leave it to his superior]
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mia-japanese-korean · 2 years
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Zen Encounter: Niaoke Daolin and Bai Juyi, Soga Shōhaku, second half 18th century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
bald, white-robed monk with mischievous smile in tree with birds near upper left; at lower right, a man wearing dark, sumptuous robe and furrowed brow holds object up to face; followed by young boy carrying another object over PL shoulder; grassy, hilly landscape behind with stream Legend has it that the famous Chinese poet Bai Juyi (772–846) once paid a visit to the Zen master Niaoke Daolin (741–824) and found the elderly monk sitting in a tree by a nest of magpies. The poet asked the monk about the essential meaning of the Dharma, or Buddhist teaching. The monk answered by quoting a scripture, the Precept Verse of the Seven Buddhas: “Shun all evil, perform every good.” To this, the poet exclaimed, “Even a three-year-old child knows this!” And the Zen master replied, “A three-year-old child may be able to say it, but even an 80-year-old man cannot do it.” Finally comprehending, Bai Juyi then built a Zen temple and devoted his life to Zen practice. In this painting of the famous encounter, the Japanese painter Soga Shōhaku shows a smiling Niaoke Daolin sitting high in a tree next to three magpies. The poet below, accompanied by an attendant, appears befuddled. Size: 45 1/2 × 19 3/4 in. (115.57 × 50.17 cm) (image) 83 3/8 × 25 7/8 in. (211.77 × 65.72 cm) (without roller) Medium: Ink on silk
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comeupkid415 · 3 years
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ahmeddawn · 2 years
Buying The Cheapest Possible Planner on Amazon | 2022 Pocket Small Daily Weekly Planner by Teamcan
What’s The Cheapest Planner on Amazon You can Buy?
I just did a review of the popular Moleskine 12 Month Weekly Planner 2022 last week and since then Ive been thinking of what the cheapest planner you can possibly buy on Amazon is.
After searching through Amazon, I came across a brand I’d never heard of called Eteamcan. They offer a Classic 12 Month pocket planner that is small and easy to carry. So, I wanted to try and see whether buying this would be a waste of money or would work just fine.
Eteamcan’s small (4.2" X 3"), lightweight weekly planner is good for everyday use and even when you are travelling. According to the manufacturer, the paper is high-quality, smooth Daolin Paper and the front and back cover are made of black fabric mixed material.
I was expecting a poor-quality notebook, but I have to say that this cheap notebook is not bad at all and exceeded my expectations. Each page has 4 days on one side and 3 days on the other side. There is a lot of information provided in the beginning of the notebook, such as time zones, holidays, necessary metric charts, a calorie chart, a clothing size chart, etc., but the problem is they are so small that it is hard to read. I brought them close to my eyes and couldn’t figure out what’s there.
The paper quality is acceptable and the ink didn’t bleed through when I wrote with my pen. Overall, I would say it’s not a waste of $10 and good enough for everyday uses as a pocket notebook.
For further details, you can watch the video below:
I Bought The Cheapest 2022 Pocket Planner on Amazon
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washimills-blog · 2 years
Handbook Science | Before choosing a handbook, learn about these
I believe that when many handbook people are just getting started, they will definitely think about how to choose their own handbook. There are many brands of handbooks, and there are many types of paper: Bachuan paper, Daolin paper, acid-free paper... Whenever I see the type of paper on the inner pages of a handbook, I am confused.
So what exactly do these papers mean? What does it do for us to write? Don't worry, in today's article, Rice will give you a popular science on the types of paper of major brands.
01/writing paper
Writing paper, also known as copy paper, is a common paper in our daily life. There are five grades of special, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, and the common weights are 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 100, 120 (g/m2). The higher the basis weight of this type of paper, the less easy it is for the ink to penetrate.
Its advantage is that the price is relatively low and cost-effective. The disadvantage is probably that the surface will be rougher than other papers.
02 Acid-free paper
The life of the paper is inseparable from the acidity of the paper. Generally speaking, the PH value of paper lower than 7.0 is acidic, and the lower the acid value, the shorter the life span, and the easier it is to be corroded by oxygen in the air.
Acid-free paper, as the name implies, is paper that does not contain active acids. It is specially treated with plant fiber pulp (to eliminate organic acids in the paper), so that the PH value of the paper is close to neutral. This kind of paper is enough for permanent preservation for people to use for a long time. The disadvantage is that the price of writing paper is probably a little higher than that of ordinary writing paper.
03 Bachuan Paper
Bachuan paper is produced by Japan's Bachuan Paper, mainly using sustainable technology to extract tree pulp from the forest. To say that it is different from other paper, it is very light and soft, and hundreds of sheets of paper look very light and thin on a book. The color of the paper is mainly divided into cream and bright white. Although the paper is light and thin, all kinds of pens will not smear ink, and the ink absorption speed is very fast. After writing with colored ink, the phenomenon of ink reflection after drying is also very good. beautiful.
04 Recycled paper
Recycled paper is a very environmentally friendly paper, mainly using waste paper as raw material, which is produced by crushing, decolorizing and pulping through various processes. Since the recycled paper does not add various bleaching agents and fluorescent agents, the appearance it presents is the beauty of the true color of the book - a light beige color, which also has the effect of protecting eyesight.
05 Dowling Paper
Dowling paper is manufactured by the American Dowling Company, using wood pulp as raw material, and is a relatively advanced paper. Dowling paper has a wide range of applications, such as photo printing, wedding photo books, graduation albums and so on. The elasticity of this kind of paper is relatively small, the absorption of ink is relatively uniform, and the smoothness is also very good, so many gods in the handbook circle also like to use the notes made of this kind of paper for daily study and work records.
The above are the common papers in handbooks, mainly to make a simple popular science for newbie. Everyone should be careful when picking handbooks~
Finally, I wish you all to choose the one that suits you best! Or to make a satisfactory hand account after own reprocessing~
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evecreathion · 2 years
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🐅 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚒 𝚜𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚐𝚛𝚎 虎 (𝚑𝚞) 🐅 : Considéré comme Yang, c'est à dire masculin et lié à la mort, le tigre était considéré comme un chasseur de démons. Il est également reconnu comme le roi des animaux à fourrures. Il porte d'ailleurs sur le front le caractère Wang 王, qui signifie Roi. On traçait lors de la fête du double cinq (cinquième jour du cinquième mois lunaire) ce caractère sur le font des enfants pour les protéger des démons. Les griffes et poils de tigres servaient autrefois d'amulettes. Dans la pharmacopée chinoise, on utilise ses os, sa graisse, sa peau et ses griffes. Les moustaches de tigres étaient par exemple utilisées contre le mal de dent. Dans la culture traditionnelle, une statue à tête de tigre est efficace pour protéger les bâtiments contre les démons et les maladies. Pour les militaires, le tigre était symbole de courage et il était représenté sur les boucliers et les armes. Le tigre était la monture du dieu de la richesse mais aussi de Zhang Daolin, le fondateur de la secte taoïste des maîtres célestes au IIème siècle et premier ancêtre de la dynastie des papes taoïstes. 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉ℯ́, 𝒫ℯ𝒶𝒸ℯ & ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 🙏🕉🌷✌☮🤟❤🖤🤘🎸💀🖖👽 - ℒ𝓎𝓃ℯ𝒜𝒟ℯ𝓈𝓈𝒞𝓇ℯ́𝒜𝓉𝒽𝒾ℴ𝓃 💋 #marielyneadesscreathion #mlyneadesscreathion #creatricebijoux #creationartisanal #creationfaitmain #creationfrancaise #histoire #ancestrale #chinois #tigre #annéechinois https://www.instagram.com/p/CZal0_ANvsk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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somethingmoon · 6 years
Do u want me to describe the place I live
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Do you want me to describe the place I live 你剛好要我描述我所居住的地方 Jul 2018
Shoot on Iphone4s and adjusted color tone to 8 colors. Thanks for Arts Empowering Lab sponsored digital printing and papers.
Photograph, designed and published: Ck Chiwai Cheang Size: 20×14cm Paper: 24pp, 70g daolin paper Price: MOP60, NTD250 Date of publication: Jul 2018, first edition in MACAU
Buy online and global delivery 想買的話全球都寄: Message Me
紀錄彷佛是對生活所能做的僅有,探頭探腦地在尋找合適的中立,但事實上是小心翼翼地搜刮合適的篩辭,躲開了令我不滿的所有壞處,企圖閉眼不去記起那不悅的風景,誇大生活小節,努力把人們拉到那製造令人動容的不起眼角落。 但我訝異,我居然撑握了那遙遠的感覺,像被轉述某城市的記憶一樣清楚,越遙遠,越清澈;我記得那些講不出路名的幾條街,不用思考就能正確轉彎的路、爺爺嫲嫲還在的鄉下、隔壁過幾條街就能遇到的外婆及一間媽媽在上班的工廠。記住她們就等於記住了整個城市。
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nkpjournal · 4 years
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A5 Notebook Hardcover Bullet Journal   Model Number: 123456789 Specification: A5 Cover material 1: Imitation Leather Paper: Daolin Paper Binding: Wireless Binding Number of pages: 94 Sheets Size: 148 x 210mm Side Binding Mode: Fitted Type: Planner Organizer Color: Black/ Blue/ Yellow/Grey/ Green/ Red Model Number: Planner Notebook Cover Hardness: Soft Copy Style 1: Bullet Journal Style 2: Office or students
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Dernier réveil matin laosien...et bizaremment, pas de querelles de chats, pas de coq, pas de moteurs de bateaux, pas de cris du chef de village...
Dernier p'ti dèj avec les copains... balade au marché...le plus grand du Laos où couleurs et odeurs se mélangent... achats des derniers souvenirs... Comment dire nos sacs sont quasi plus chargés qu'à aller ?!...
Un dernier masalam chez Daolin avant de se dire au revoir au P8 ...d'où part notre bus à 15h...
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jewish-gay-elves · 4 years
It Doesn't Work Like That
AO3 Link
Daolin Tabris arrives with his partner in everything Zevran at Skyhold to find that Morrigan is trying to keep things from him again. Except this time he knows what is being kept and demands answers.
Words: 752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series:  Part 4 of the Daolin Tabris: The Family You Don't Choose
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Male Tabris, Male Warden, Daolin Tabris, Zevran Arainai, Morrigan (Dragon Age), Kieran (Dragon Age) Relationships: Zevran Arainai/Male Tabris, Morrigan/Male Tabris, Zevran Arainai/Male Warden Additional Tags: I only tagged morrigan/warden because it was for the dark ritual, so they didnt have a relationship but, dark ritual completed, im not sure how else to tag so if there needs to be more tags let me know please!, Dialogue Drabble
Daolin Morrigan Zevran Kieran
“You can’t just tell the boy to avoid me Morrigan, it doesn’t work like that,”
“I can and I will Hero, my son doesn’t need to be influenced by vagabond rogues who’ve spent the last nine years only spirits know where,”
“Well it seems like she can tell the boy to avoid you amor,”
“Hush, don’t help her I’m trying to be persuasive,”
“Someone should let you know that you’re awful at it,”
“She has a point”
“I was able to persuade you into bed, how can you say that I’m not persuasive?”
“Tis not difficult to get Zevran into bed, it may have been a decade since I last traveled with him but one does not forget,”
“She still has a point amor,”
“You’re not helping Zevran,”
“Tis true, for all the thought you are a supportive lover Zevran you are being particularly useless in this exchange,”
“Morrigan, he has a right to know that I exist. He’s a smart lad, you’ve said so yourself. There’s no way he hasn’t figured parts of it out yet,”
“He is a smart lad, that is why I told him who his father was. I did not lie to him Hero,”
“Well this is surprising,”
“I- wait, what? You, you actually told him? Then why have you told him to avoid me?”
“Because you are going to do as you have always done, why should he meet you just for you to disappear?”
“How the tables turn, hmm?”
“For me to disappear?! Morrigan if I may remind you that it was you who disappeared after the battle? You have no right to accuse me of disappearing,”
“Perhaps not, but twas not I who ran to Antiva after what happened in Amaranthine,”
“To be fair, none of that was strictly his fault,”
“No, let me take the blame for Amaranthine. I made the decision to let the city burn. I valued Vigil’s Keep and my fellow wardens more than the city. Are you counting that as a reason to keep him from me as well?”
“Can’t say I’m surprised. You did give her that one,”
“Why Morrigan? Because I value those who are close to me more than those I had no ties to?”
“I refuse to let you near my son because it is anyone’s guess who you will decide to cut and run out on next. You ignored all of my attempts at contact, why should I just let you waltz in only to waltz out?”
“This is rich, if I may, you two are too similar for this to work,”
“Zevran please darling, you’re not helping. I did not ignore you Morrigan we couldn’t respond because who knew if it would actually make it back to you with all those Crows on our tail. Also even if it did make it to you who says it wouldn’t have lead the Crows to you two,”
“Yes elf please do shut up, and quit sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. In the last ten years have I grown feeble and did not know it? We took out your weakling lover and I had half the power then as I do now. You are still not providing any reason for me to allow you to be in the same castle with him, not you and not your assassin lover,”
“Now you don’t get to say that, he has just as much right as I do to see the boy!”
“That is rich, Hero, you have no right to see my son!”
“If you two are about ready to be done with this squabble, we are attracting an audience,”
“Elf what did I-,”
“Oh amor, I know your grip is quite strong you need not prove it,”
“Zev, it’s him,”
“Very well, Kieran, come hither darling,”
“Mother, who are they?”
“Brasca, I thought I was ready and he’s not even mine,”
“I- Morrigan, this is him?”
“Hush, all of you. Hero, Elf, if I may introduce my son, Kieran. Kieran, this is the Hero of Ferelden, and Zevran Arainai,”
“Hello sers,”
“Perhaps we should find somewhere to sit?”
“No no, Zev it’s fine. Hello Kieran, please, call me Daolin, if you like,”
“Kieran, I’ve told you of the Hero before, yes?”
“Yes Mother, you told me that he is my father, right?”
“Here amor, just sit you are shaking,”
“Zev I said I’m fine. Yes, Kieran that’s right. I- I am your father. I’m so very glad to meet you,”
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ibentoy · 3 years
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These kawaii animal grocery store series memo depicts animals and food, will take you into a lovely atmosphere. Use high quality daolin paper,it can meet different needs. Decorate your bullet journal spreads, scrapbooks, notebooks or any other creative projects with them. Inner:total 30 sheets(2 styles*15 sheets)Size: 95mm*100mmMaterial:high quality daolin paper https://ift.tt/3l6Qmu8
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bookofjin · 7 years
Annals of Emperor Jianwen, Part 2
[From JS009. Why did they have to quote so many impenetrable decrees for an emperor who reigned just 9 months?]
[Xian'an 2]
[21 February 372 – 8 February 373]
2nd Year, Spring, 1st Month, xinchou [27 February], the kings of Baiji and Linyi each dispatched envoys with tribute of their regions' things.
2nd Month [21 March – 19 April], Fu Jian attacked Murong Huan in Liaodong, exterminating him.
3rd Month, dingyou [23 April], a decree said:
We have resided as Aheng [Yi Yin] for three generations, but were not able to help others at the time harmoniously. Therefore arriving at Haixi losing virtue, peril overflowed the august throne. Relying on the virtue of the ancestral lineage's spiritual respect, the August Empress Dowager's pure limbs yielded to the time period, the lords assisted loyally and good, the hundred officials exerted their efforts, and were able to cleanse away the air applying themselves to the blue sky [?], the dazzling morning brilliant in time and space. Thereupon [they] used [this] minuscule person, entrusting him to be above kings and dukes, pondering to rely on the crowd of worthy, thereby assisting his government.
As for the esteemed origin resting in the end, curbing and cutting off the contending of the Hua, making the pure and dirty move unusually [?], able not to differently go through [?], officials without chaff in government, gentlemen without slander or libel, there not to be punishment for advise, then is virtue and courtesy to it granted? [?] Moreover the stubborn bandits are not yet exterminated, the toiling labourer not yet at rest, myself not army, state, arms and sacrifices' sport [?]. Thus the Hua decorate, irk and squander its employment, all scrutinizing it [?].
As for the worthy of the fat hiding in a poor valley [?], the gentlemen of slippery mud spreading the waves [?], although they resist the aspirations in the deep sky, secretly and silently secluded in mountain caves, coveting rather [?] the Way of exalted surpassing [?], thereby the beauty of abundant cooperation and aid. Who with footing themselves in the mountains and rivers [?], roosting and delaying at the hills and ravines, displaying the purity of the common man, yet neglects greatness in combine to help?
The ancients did not borrow virtue from older generations, We  by means of emptiness are thinking for today [?]. Inside and outside the hundred officials, each diligently ministering, doing good without no intelligence, evil without no knowledge, making the poets first and original prodding of the food [?], but me suffering the demands of an empty heart for them [?].
On guichou [9 May], a decree said:
I inherited the ancestral lineage's vast foundation, but is dim in the Way of government, fearing not being able to truly manage the Heavenly labour, achieving prosperity in the first legacy, in the evening cautious but nevertheless sad, as if fording an ice cold source. Relying on stewards assisting loyally and morally, the way helping Yi Wang, the crowd of princes exhaustively sincere, cooperation inscribed surpasses gold, inside and outside fully correcting the rules of assistance, the civil and military delivering the tallies of bandit's in person [?], wishing because of exhausting the way, in the end achieving the huge aid.
Each time recalling the opposing halberd not yet put away, the public and private tired and haggard, the protective headquarters have the utmost of the border arrangements [?], conquering, defending and embracing the industrious of the eastern mountains [?], sometimes reporting the head arms and columns [?], [their?] loyal labour not yet narrated, sometimes acting and serving fully for a long time, carrying rocks and dispersing stores, how encountering not obscuring the dawn's flourishing [?], in the night allotments forgetting sleep [?].
Although [I am] not yet able to console them and inspected them, [I] moreover desire to reach thus their hearts. [I] may dispatch great messengers to reach the Grand Marshal, to together ask the elders of the regions, arrive at the border defences, proclaim the decree for a great banquet, seeking their calmness. Again tokens and measures are bestowed and given, comprehensively making a universal circuit.
On yimao [11 May], a decree said:
In the past afterwards of the affairs of old, the hundred measures were not full, the crowd of companions had regular salaries, equally all lacked covenants, no doubt following the righteousness of the times. Withdrawing food to be in the court, and yet the blessings do not replace the plough, not the system of passed through in the classing [?]. Now with the wealth and stores are gradually [becoming] abundant, [We] can calculate measures and increase salaries.
A zouyu was seen in Yuzhang.
Summer, 4th Month [19 May – 17 June], moved the Duke of Haixi to Xichai village in Wu county. Posthumously demoted Empress Yu to be a Lady.
6th Month [17 July – 15 August], dispatched envoys to designate the King of Baiji, Yuju, as General who Garrisons the East, acting as Grand Warden of Lelang.
On wuzi [12 August], the Forward General who Protects the Army, Geng Xi, raised troops in rebellion, and entered Jingkou form Hailing. The Grand Warden of Jinling, Bian Dan, fled to Qu'e.
Autumn, 7th Month, renchen [16 August], Huan Wen dispatched the Interior Clerk of Donghai, Zhou Shaosun, to punish Xi. He seized him and beheaded him in the market of Jiankang.
On jiwei [12 September], established the King of Kuaji, Changming, as Heir-Apparent, imperial son Daozi as King of Langye, to act as Interior Clerk of Kuaiji.
That day, the Emperor expired in the Eastern Hall, at the time he was 53 years old. He was buried in the Gaoping [“Exalted Peace”] Mound, his temple title was Taizong [“Grand Ancestor”]. A testamentary decree used Huan Wen to assist the government, to rely on the former affairs of Zhuge Liang and Wang Dao.
The Emperor as young was mannered and decorous, with a good appearance and deportment. He kept in his heart the canons and records, and did not use staying and sitting to be thinking [?], frozen dust filled [his] mat, he was profound in this way.
He once together with Huan Wen and the King of Wuling, Xi, began wandering the Ban bridge [?]. Wen suddenly ordered shouts, drum strikes horn blowing, chariots hurried and soldiers ran, desiring to see what they would do [?]. Xi was greatly afraid, and requested to step down from the chariot, but the Emperor was calm without fear in his face. Wen because of this dreaded and obeyed.
Wen already relied on the appointments of civil and military officials, again and again establishing great achievements, adding to it thereby deposing the established, his power excited inside and outside. The Emperor, although staying in the venerated throne, folded his hands [in respect], silently defending the Way, and that was all, he regularly feared deposition and demotion.
Before this, the Shimmering Deceiver [Mars] entered the Grand Tenuity [Enclosure], following that Haixi was deposed. Tenuity. When the Emperor climbed the eastern steps, the Shimmering Deceiver again entered the Grand Tenuity. The Emperor considerably detested it. At the time the Gentleman of the Palace Writers, Chi Chao [JS067] was a straightforward [man]. The Emperor therefore pulled him in to enter [for an audience] and spoke [to him], saying:
[My?] cultivation of the instructions are lacking, [it] originally not being planned, for that reason must [I] not repeat the affairs of recent days? [?]
Chao said:
The Great Marshal, Subject Wen, just now inside strengthens the altars of soil and grain, outside extensively guides the border, Your Subject uses [his] hundred mouths to protect him.
When Chao requested to hurry [home] to look after his father, the Emperor spoke to him, saying:
Present [my?] thoughts to the Honourable Excellency. The affairs of house and state thereupon has come to this, and case is that I am not able to use the Way to correct and guard. The depth of [my] ashamed sighs, what words would be able to explain.
Because of that he recited Yu Chan's [JS092] poem which said:
An ambitious gentleman feels pain for the court's dangers, a loyal subject pities the ruler's humiliation.
Thereupon his tears fell down to soak his lapel.
The Emperor, though he had a godlike understanding, was quiet and unrestrained, and yet had no help for the great plans of the generation. For that reason Xie An considered him to be a branch of Emperor Hui, in pure conversation unusually victorious [?] and that was all.
The sramana Zhi Daolin once said:
Assembled islands have numerous bodies but not numerous gods.
Xie Lingjun traced his acts and affairs, and likewise considered it to be sayings comparable to Nan [of Zhou] and Xian [of Han].
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the-met-art · 7 years
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禅機(鳥窠道林・白居昜)|Zen Encounter (Niaoke Daolin and Bai Juyi) by Kenkō Shokei, Asian Art
Medium: Hanging scroll; ink on paper
The Howard Mansfield Collection, Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1936 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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oreganov-blog · 7 years
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"The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep" GOT S07E04 (42:15) 📷 by: @daolins #travelrack #beautifuldestinasion #indonesia #jember (at Tanjung Papuma)
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