#dawit fluff
haohaowrld · 1 year
hi I saw u write for epex too and I'm absolutely in to them these days. if u don't mind could u write epex members when u fall asleep on them (before dating)
aaa plz i love epex 😭 yesyes this is so cute
im doing this in bullet points, hope you don't mind ❤️ if you wanted headcanons or if you want me to elaborate on any of them plz don't be afraid to ask! — not proofread, lowercase intended
epex — falling asleep on them !! (pre-relationship)
×× 곽 다윗 —★ kwak dawit ! wish ···
• will let you sleep unless you look uncomfortable 💀
• hes probably used to his members leaning on him and sleeping on him all the time but.. you??
• oh he's a wreck
• wants you to be comfortable and if it looks like you're in pain even in the slightest he will move you or wake you up
• overall just wants you to rest well, doesn't care that you're leaning on him
×× 금 동현 —★ keum donghyun ! keum ···
• 100% confused and WILL wake you up 💀
• "do you want to sleep? i can come back another time"
• vv worried and wants to know if you're getting enough sleep
• if you tell him you are actually tired he would be so conflicted
• he wants to spend time with you but he wants you to sleep
• prob just ends up letting you sleep on him after, win-win lol
×× 서 경민 —★ seo kyungmin ! mu ···
• will not intentionally wake you up but the second your head hits his shoulder he tenses up enough to scare both him AND you 💀
• will apologize and let you sleep on him ☹️
• WILL take photos of you but will 100% delete them if you don't like them lol
• texting EVERYONE for moral support
• "omg omg guys they're sleeping on me what do i do help help help" but no matter what anyone says he's not gonna move you until you wake up
• has ruined your sleep before, will not let it happen again 💀
×× 조 민우 —★ cho minwoo ! a-min ···
• confused but will let you sleep
• will 100% just. look at you.
• not like out of adoration but like why are you sleeping in the middle of the day and why on me look (out of adoration too)
• eventually understands because he's had his moments too
• might look at something on his phone and laugh a little too loud 💀
• will apologize even if you don't hear him or wake up lol
×× 김 현우 —★ kim hyunwoo ! baekseung ···
• nervous and will tell everyone who walks in the room to be quiet 💀
• will make sure you stay asleep because he wants you to rest and he needs to calm down
• will be vv sweet and will ask one of the members to bring you a blanket or something
• he won't hear but said member will walk away grumbling about how whipped he is
• v soft and just wants you to be warm and happy ☹️ need
×× 권 예준 —★ kwon yejun ! ayden ···
• will try to wake you up, ultimately fails, doesn't try again 💀
• "why me and why now." FEAR. someone help this boy 😭
• thinks that you meant to fall asleep on him and will get delusional /lhj
• will not be able to function until you wake up, whatever he was doing has been long abandoned
• might fall asleep too ngl 💀
×× 서 예왕 —★ seo yewang ! yewang ···
• takes him a second to realize what's going on but will let you sleep lol
• will try to wake you up but when you don't he won't push it
• if you're tired, you're tired, and he wants you to rest
• (so you guys can actually hang out 😭💀)
• will watch you and will make sure you're still sleeping and not just leaning on him to make him nervous 💀
×× 이 재호 —★ lee jaeho ! jeff ···
• you have broken him. congratulations.
• the most scared of them all a literal chill would run down his spine I think 😭
• would be 100% still and would NOT move
• will totally wake you up out of fear plz help him ☹️
• he'd wake you up like yejun but will not give up until you wake up 💀
• will ask you why you fell asleep on him but totally didn't mean to lol
• his ears are bright red please dont mention them he already knows
thank you for reading this far! ❤️ feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated.
— haohaowrld, 2023.
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restlessmaknae · 8 months
spicy noodle love [wish]
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wish from epex with an athlete!au + “yeah, you’re in love with me"
➳ Characters: athlete!Wish (Dawit) x athlete!female reader/you
➳ Genre: slice of life, athletes au, fluff
➳ Words: 1.4k
➳ Warning: mentions of injuries
➳ A/N: This story was requested by @tranquilpetrichor for my request event. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
Masterlist for the request event
➳ Taglist: @dat-town
Kwak Dawit had quite the reputation at the sports centre where you both trained.
Since you had been going there to practise rhythm gymnastics ever since you had been really young, you had seen the boy from time to time. He had come in for gymnastics for a while, then he had done table tennis, then badminton, but the latter two had been at different parts of the institution, not in the main hall where you practised rhythm gymnastics.
On the other hand, ever since he had joined the high jump team, you had been seeing him all the time because over the years, your training schedules frequently overlapped each other’s or mirrored the other’s, leading to more and more chances to see each other around. At first, you merely greeted each other, but after a while, he started dropping comments about your practice performances (how ‘jaw-dropping’ and ‘astonishing’ they were in his words), and it didn’t seem like a coincidence that he started coming earlier or leave later just to catch a sight of your practices (and you). The boy stared at you immensely while you were practising, and it might have seemed intimidating if you hadn’t gotten to know him better.
The truth is, as much of a genius athlete as he was (succeeding in everything he tried his hands at), he was so goofy and silly outside of practices. He also had this giant training bag that he brought with himself, and half of it was occupied by various snacks he bought. Dawit was always munching on something or suggesting to eat together when your training schedules overlapped, and you finished at the same time. You would never question his intentions though because he was the sweetest boy you had ever met, and it was striking how different he was when he was doing sports and when he was off the mat, casually eating with you at the corner store.
However, just as much as everyone praised him and his physical abilities, Dawit felt the weight of it all, and it didn’t just prompt him to do better, it prompted him to do more than he should have. He frequently strained himself and got injuries which held him back from training as usual. It was heartbreaking how he was the first person to tell you to rest when you were struggling with practices and your body was clearly screaming for a break, but he wouldn’t be able to do the same for himself.
No wonder he was quite under the weather when he threw out his back and couldn’t practise for days. You kept in touch outside of practices too, and while you inquired how he was doing, he was always curt with his responses, asking about your side instead. When he eventually came back to practice, he was quite discouraged by the fact that he couldn’t push himself as much as he wanted, so seeing his usual bubbly self buried under his disappointment, you wanted to cheer him up. You suggested eating out, and even though he said he wasn’t hungry (which never happened, Dawit was always hungry), he decided to accompany you.
You were serious about trying to cheer him up, so apart from picking out something for yourself, you picked up his favourite spicy noodles and prepared that in his favourite way before taking a seat beside the boy by the corner store’s window and digging into your own food.
“Eat up! It’s on me today,” you prompted him with a smile as you reached for your chopsticks. The boy stared at the cheesy, spicy noodles (with some corn thrown in there because he died for this combination) for a few seconds before his gaze landed on you.
“You prepared it just how I like doing it,” he stated matter-of-factly, but there was a hint of surprise in his voice. As if he hadn’t told you enough times just how much he liked this combination and suggested for you to try it out yourself.
“I’m a good observer,” you shrugged nevertheless because it was true that you were good at memorising his favourite things because you actually wanted to remember them.
You didn’t know when it had started, but you had grown fond of this boy over the years, and now you were crushing on him pretty intensively. You were looking for his messages all the time, you were looking forward to seeing him at the sports centre each and every time you had practice, you frequently sent over recommendations of food places you think he would like, videos you thought would make him laugh and songs that you thought fit him. When you realised that it wasn’t just about wanting to make him happy, but wanting him to be happy because of you, you knew that you were a lost case. You had fallen into him, and there was no way out. How could you not like him though? He was the most considerate, polite and sweetest person you had ever met, and he put the bar too high for other boys to make you feel even remotely close to how he did so.
On the other hand, it never seemed like the right time to confess to him, and the boy had not done so, so you weren’t even sure that he liked you like that. Obviously, you wouldn’t even ask him about it right then and there when he was moping over his injury, and didn’t even feel like eating.
Nevertheless, Dawit did end up eating all of his noodles, and he became somewhat talkative over the food, so you were relieved that you got him out of his rut - even if it was just for this one night.
As you started rising from the table, you realised that you forgot to buy drinks, so you ran through the store once more and bought two bottles of Dawit’s favourite fizzy drink. When you put the drink on the table in front of him, he looked up at you, and you looked back, smiling gently.
“What is it? Were you stalking me all this time?” He quirked an eyebrow, puzzled, but there was a teasing edge to his words, so you knew that he wasn’t being serious about it. However, you weren’t that sure about what he continued with. “Or do you perhaps… do you like me?”
Your brain shut down for a moment, and you felt your knees buckling slightly. Your heart was thumping wildly against your ribcage, and it felt like a cacophony in your ears with how loud your heartbeat was. You opened your mouth to say something, only to realise that you were unable to mutter a word until a few more seconds passed by in silence.
“Wait, what… I… I…” You stumbled upon your words, and it was just even more of a reason for the boy to push forward with his justification.
“Yeah, you’re in love with me. You should be. Not even my mother knows this combination of mine, there’s no other explanation for it,” he broke it down to you, and you were sure that your face said it all. Your lips parted upon his words, your face resembling a tomato’s, but even despite everything, the boy looked at you patiently, gently, as if he had already made peace with this, and he was ready to hear about your side.
“Well,” you cleared your throat awkwardly before continuing. “It’s true that I don’t dislike you…”
“So you like me,” Dawit pointed it out, and his lips were curled upwards. He found it amusing, and you couldn’t tell whether it was because of that or because you felt like you couldn’t embarrass yourself any further, but you did blurt out eventually:
“Yes, I like you, Kwak Dawit. I’ve been doing so for quite some time.”
Once it was out, you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your chest. The feeling heightened when the boy smiled that gentle, sweet smile of his with one side of his lips propped up more than the other, and he tilted his head slightly, somewhat endeared.
“Good. Because I like you, too,” he confessed without hesitation as he reached out to ruffle your hair, and oh boy, you had never thought that you would hear these words roll off his tongue at the corner store you frequented, and this realisation dawning on the boy upon your choice of food for him, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for EPEX or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
☀️ Imagine 🌙 Fanfic
🌼 Fluff 🥀 Angst 🌷 Comedy 🍄 Suggestive
Wish/Kwak Dawit
Coming soon
Keum/Keum Donghyun
Attention ☀️🌼
Mu/Seo Kyungmin
Coming soon
A-Min/Cho Minwoo
Coming soon
Baekseung/Kim Hyunwoo
Coming soon
Ayden/Kwon Yejun
Coming soon
Seo Yewang
Coming soon
Jeff/Lee Jaeho
Coming soon
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soulvxrse · 2 years
[ fluff ]
you had been walking to their dorm like you normally would, hands in your pockets with your music playing through your headphones. nothing seemed out of the ordinary until you opened the door to find the lights off and nobody home. that was weird, considering you had just finished texting dawit that you were coming over. closing the door behind you, you cautiously turned on your phone flashlight and looked around. suddenly you felt arms around your waist and the lights around you turned on instantly and all seven boys yelled a 'happy birthday'! smiling, you turned around and saw dawit looking at you with pure adoration in his eyes. "thank you, dawit." he smiled, "you're welcome, lovebug."
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justkeums · 3 years
EPEX reaction to their s/o kissing them out of nowhere and running away
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𖥻 fluff 𖥻 requested 𖥻 author's note: thank you for the first request anon! it took kinda long (?) because i was cramming some school stuff lol
「 wish 」
his mouth wouldn't keep shut
he's nagging you that you should take care of yourself more
you have no energy to argue back at him so you just peck his lips while he was talking and run
and it worked
but be ready to run for your life because you chose the wrong person to mess with fr
no matter how fast you run, he will still catch up to you
when it comes to any physical battle, he always wins, even with the members
he locks you in his strong arms so that you can't run anymore
you burst in giggles while he tries to remember what he was talking about earlier
"what was i talking about again? argh! you win!"
「 keum 」
he's lying down on the floor after dancing
and he was spacing out because he was tired
while you were wiping the sweat on his face, you steal a kiss on his forehead and run
you wanted to show how you're proud of him
he didn't notice it at first because he was spacing out
and when he did, he will def chase you to return the kiss
now both of you are grinning like idiots
he locks you in a backhug and kisses the top of your head
starts surprising you with kisses every now and then
"you literally give me energy everyday."
「 mu 」
while waiting for you, mu was taking some selcas pls for me he's epex's selca king
you move towards him discreetly as you can
as he take selcas, you jump in and kiss him on his cheek and run because you were so shy
and it was caught in the picture
you kissed his left cheek while he did his fave pout face
his face and ears got so red
he's prolly so embarrassed but at the same time, he can't stop looking at your picture together
he was standing on the same spot while he waited for you to walk back to him
at the end of your date, you notice his lockscreen and it was your picture tgt ♡
"we should take more selcas... we look cute together."
「 amin 」
you were having a movie date at your house
cuddling together side by side
but the movie was starting to get boring for you
while amin was so invested in it
so you try to playfully kiss him on his cheek
but when you try to run, you are pulled back in your seat
because his hand was holding yours!!
so now you are so shy at your failed plan
amin was smiling ears to ears and will probably tease you nonstop
"you know you can never run away from me."
「 baekseung 」
you were on a study date with baekseung
he can't trust himself to study alone because he'd either get distracted or fall asleep
you finished your assignments faster than him
meanwhile, his head's already swaying and is about to doze off
so you kiss him to wake him up and run
it did wake him up !!
but he thought it was just a dream pls because you were out of sight
he was literally looking for you like a lost baby
it's both funny and cute to you but you also feel kinda bad
"i think i dreamed that you kissed me on the cheek?"
「 ayden 」
study date (again bcs they're still boys pls) with ayden
but this boy's serious compared to baekseung
you see him almost bury his nose in the book
you feel ignored (?) almost but you just feel the need for his attention
so you kiss him on the cheek and run
he will drop down his book to catch you
he just holds your hand so you won't run off again
starts checking up on you if you still want to study or if you were upset
he'll say sorry and kiss you back on the cheek as an apology
"i didn't mean to ignore my baby.
「 yewang 」
you were playing video games with yewang
tag team, ok, not against each other
when you both won, the two of you jump and hug in joy
and you unintentionally kiss him on the lips
you run because you got so shy
and he also got shy and was blushing!!
but he'll run after you and drag you back to where you were sitting
asks for another game with you because he feels like he can gain more kisses
ofc you cant say no. how can you say no jk
"if we win again, can i get you another kiss?"
「 jeff 」
baby jeff was talking about his favorite songs
you find him cute as he talk passionately about music
and his cheeks look so cute
so you kiss him but you got shy and run
he was so shocked that he's frozen in his place
you broke him pls
it takes him a full minute to understand what happened
you walk back when you start to feel bad and apologize
now both of you can't look at each other in the eyes
he probably forgot what he was talking about
"why are you saying sorry? i liked it."
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y-jw1 · 3 years
epex members and their type of hugs and cuddles
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requested !
genre. pure fluff
word count. 970 words
now playing. bol4, " stars over me"
note. got two requests of the similar idea so i decided to just combine the two ! this was a very cute request ! i had fun writing this <3 have a great day, everyone !
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WISH ─── 위시 %!
back hugs. i see wish as the classic, one of the most romantic hugs. whether you both are cuddling or just going around the house, he would be behind you with his arms encircled around your waist with his chin resting on your shoulder or the top of your head. though i see dawit loving back hugs when you both are cuddling with your head resting on dawit’s chest and his arms just securely wrapped around your frame. he would just want to keep you close to him as he thinks it would be safe if you’re in his line of sight, ready to save you from whatever you’d encounter anywhere.
KEUM ─── 금동현 %!
tight, warm hugs. keumdong would love hugs that would instantly melt him during a cold night. he would be the type to cuddle you so close when you both lay beside each other to the point you think you’d be squished if he would ever roll to your side of the bed. preferably, he’d love to have his arms around your frame and vice versa with your head buried against his chest. keumdong would always love to see you comfortable in his arms ─ so much that he won’t let you get away even if you’re wide awake already. you would try to escape his arms but he’d whine softly, stirring in his sleep and tighten his hold around you.
MU ─── 뮤 %!
bear hugs. i saw it’s also called love blanket and i thought it would fit kyungmin’s nature. he would love long, warm hugs whenever you guys are bidding goodbye to each other, especially when he was off to practice or when you’re going to school. kyungmin would also love to bear hug you without saying any word, just wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. with cuddling, he would also love bear hugs paired with his fingers threading through your hair, lulling you to sleep. once he sees you’re already off to dreamland, he would stare at you for a few seconds with a smile before pulling a blanket over you two and drifting off to dreamland with you.
A-MIN ─── 아민 %!
waist hugs. just the both of you holding each other with both your arms around each other’s waist would make minwoo feel so fuzzy and dizzy inside. he would love to hold you close with this type of hug, especially when you both have not seen each other for quite a while with both of your busy schedules. minwoo would also love to gaze into your eyes when hugging you too. he’d be looking down at you with his pretty eyes and you’d stare back at him, a little tinge of pink dusting your cheek with the close proximity. he would chuckle if he’d see you blushing, nearing his face towards yours to see your reaction again and again.
BAEKSEUNG ─── 백승 %!
side hugs. during movie nights and just lazing around while laying around, hyunwoo would love to have his arms around you while sitting next to you and dropping his head on your shoulder. sometimes, it would be you side hugging him but most of the time, it would be your tall boyfriend ─ it’s because i see hyunwoo as a person who would love to receive affection rather than giving it. occasionally, he would fall asleep on your shoulder after a few minutes through the movie, making you scoff at him yet you couldn’t bring it in you to complain. instead of waking him up, you would just drape a blanket over his frame and lower the volume as you continue to watch a few of the movie before falling asleep and your head on top of hyunwoo’s.
AYDEN ─── 에이든 %!
ragdoll hugs. yejun would be busy most of the times so you coming up to hug him from behind and clinging onto him would be a situation you both would be accustomed to. yejun would love to feel you hugging him as he reads something on the internet or books, curiously peeking at whatever he was browsing through. with one of his hand holding yours, he would most of the time let you hug him as you rest your cheek on his back. cuddling or not, as long as he sees your hands around him, he would be the most contented.
YEWANG ─── 예왕 %!
long hugs. when you or yewang would need someone to hug or ain’t feeling well, hugging each other would be the answer to it. when cuddling each other, yewang would love if you lay close to him as both of your arms are tangled around his too. he would love to share the warmth you two would have, snuggling closer to you and humming contentedly. he would just fall asleep just like that, arms around you and faces near each other you could hear his little snores. you would laugh softly, finding his sleeping face cute and hug him tighter before kissing his forehead goodnight.
JEFF ─── 제프 %!
snuggles. just snuggles in general. jaeho would just love to snuggle close to you as if you both are bunnies trapped outside the snow cold weather. i see jaeho loving him getting snuggled instead of him holding you, laying close to you with your arms around him and his arms around your waist. he’d love to do this whenever he was tired or down, seeking comfort from the only person who he knew would hold him until he felt better. i see him also just wanting to hug you in general, though. you both would just be watching tv when he’d get closer to you, pressing his head against yours. you would laugh at his cuteness, pressing your head against his back and in a blink of an eye, you both would be asleep cuddling each other.
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restlessmaknae · 8 months
masterlist ✦ epex
angst [🌪]  fluff [☀]  action [♦]  comforting [♥]
✒ spicy noodle love ☀
athlete!Wish x athlete!female reader/you “yeah, you’re in love with me" [request event story]
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justkeums · 3 years
epex ideal types
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𖥻 fluff kinda??
𖥻 requested
𖥻 author's note & disclaimer: this is just based on my observation because they've never revealed their ideal types yet! i'm not sure if this is accurate but i hope you enjoy reading :>
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「 wish 」
i think he prefers his s/o to be older than him or quite mature for their age
someone who can impress him, has great wit and humor because he enjoys intellectual talks and debates (see epex debut show) but not entirely aggressive (because that’s his role jk)
he would be attracted to someone who appears soft, sweet, warm
the mom friend who likes taking care of others but at the same time you want to take care of them (do u get me pls,,, think of to1 minsu + dawit chose minsu as his favorite hyung in welcome 2 house!!)
「 keum 」
i think he'd be attracted to someone who appears strong, independent, and bold because he finds them cool and interesting!
but someone who's not entirely serious and still has a playful and cute side to them, quite adventurous and a bit competitive like him!
so he might lean more to an older s/o because they appear responsible (and he also acts mature for his age so it's kinda equal-ish) but i don't think he doesn't mind it (older/same age/younger) that much
(ya girl did some digging and i read that before, his ideal type is someone with short hair, short height, older than him?)
「 mu 」
i think he'd be attracted to someone who dresses well but simple and clean, kinda like him!
he's also very shy and easily intimidated so he'd want his s/o to reach out to him first and initiate a conversation
i have this theory that his love language is acts of service (and maybe quality time) so maybe someone who also have the same love language :)
they're all a bit young and maybe inexperienced in relationships so tbh i think most of them would prefer older s/o since they appear more experienced but i don't think he minds it that much too
「 amin 」
i think he's attracted to someone lively and friendly because of they communicate well and make the atmosphere comfy!
kinda like wish, someone who's honest, has great wit and humor, because i think he would want to be with someone he can talk to freely
tbh i think amin is not really picky like he's very appreciative and would smile at anything you do??
also doesn't mind an older/same age/younger s/o!!
「 baekseung 」
i think baekseung would prefer someone who's similar to him in terms of interests and values (not opposites attract) like your dates would include helping each other choose outfits n stuff like that!
like mu, he can be pretty shy sometimes so his s/o would prolly reach out to him first and he wouldn't like to be rushed
someone who'd spoil him and give him lots of validation because he really appreciates them!!
any as well!! older/same age/younger s/o! :)
「 ayden 」
someone who has a lot of interests like him because he'd love to talk to it with you and learn more from you !!
he's not only talkative about those kind of stuffs, but he'd also love long talks and deep conversations when you're both vulnerable, so maybe someone empathetic and would comfort him emotionally
i think he prefers someone older or someone who acts mature for their age
following the bullet above, someone who's hard-working, thoughtful and kinda like a career-first s/o
「 yewang 」
like baekseung, he'd prefer someone who has similar interests to him!! either in singing or any field of arts (i saw that he also draws really well)
someone who appears soft, sweet, compassionate and very kind
because like i think his heart gets all soft when he sees their s/o being genuinely kind to others/him, would listen to his rants and comfort him uwu
so far, he's the only member i see that would lean more towards a younger or same age s/o?? as long as they both love being babied in a relationship
「 jeff 」
he'd be attracted to someone who appears sweet, calm, and maybe feminine?
but not shy since he's the mot reserved member so he'd prefer if their s/o is honest and would reach out to him first but never rushes him (like the relationship grows in a slow and steady pace)
he also secretly loves being spoiled, so someone who'd give him genuine compliments and gifts!!
for now like because of his age, i think he prefers someone older or mature like their s/o would take the lead in the relationship and have more experience
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y-jw1 · 3 years
epex members giving you a promise ring
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requested !
genre. pure fluff
word count. 1k+ words
now playing. epex, " love virus"
note. to whoever requested this, thank you ! i enjoyed writing this sm <3 have a great day ahead, everyone !!
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WISH ─── 위시 %!
dawit would give the promise ring he bought during your first anniversary after your date. you both would be walking home hand in hand when suddenly he pulls a box out of his pocket and he’d be such a romantic ─ people would think he’s proposing to you with the way he’s holding the ring and standing in front of you with a soft smile.
“ happy anniversary, love. i’m sorry this is the only thing i could give for now. i promise i’ll love you more until i can give you a real ring in the future” he’ll say and slip the ring on your finger ─ i would tear up if i were you, to be honest.
KEUM ─── 금동현 %!
keumdong had probably stumbled upon the idea on the internet one time and suddenly, he wanted to give you a promise ring. no occasion, no reason ─ he just thought it was a good idea. keumdong would invite you over after he bought rings ─ he wanted to match instead of just you wearing one. once you arrive at his place, he’d pull you inside and proudly show you the rings he bought, asking to put the ring on your finger.
“ no” you reply jokingly, making him pout at you and whine. of course, you’ll give in and his eye smile would be back and excitedly slip in the ring. he’ll be so happy and taking pictures of your hands intertwined together.
MU ─── 뮤 %!
kyungmin would be shy about the idea, feeling the shyness get into him and the fear you’d find him corny or cringe. it would be during a movie date with him when you notice him restless in his seat, somehow bothered and nervous over something. you’d ask him what’s up and he’d be flustered but you were just staring at him ─ poor boy would shyly give you the promise ring he bought while trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.
“ i know that ring isn’t the best but my love for you is” he’d say, bursting into laughs after and wrap you in his arms in shyness. you laugh too, blushing as he gently slip the ring onto your finger.
A-MIN ─── 아민 %!
minwoo had coincidentally found it while you both were shopping, the ring catching his eye as you both walk past the jewelry. he’d pull you inside the shop, showing you the ring with a glint of happiness in his eyes. he would be excited to buy you the ring and you gave in ─ but after seeing the price, you wanted to pass out and take a run for it. minwoo wouldn’t mind, though, and still bought you the ring despite your whines about how expensive it was.
“ hey, there’s nothing as expensive as me so don’t worry. i love you so i’ll buy this for you” he’ll assure, winking at you playfully ─ and for the second time, you wanted to pass out that day.
BAEKSEUNG ─── 백승 %!
you would be the one giving him a promise ring instead ─ matching rings to be specific. baekseung would pretend not to like it and whine when you forcefully slip it into his finger but in reality, he was happy about such a little thing and would somehow wear it everytime. you’d laugh at him, noticing the ring on his finger everytime and teasing him about his dislike for it or threatening to take it back.
“ i didn’t say anything about not liking it! you bought this for me so this is mine now!” he’d yell, on the run from your hands trying to catch him and get the ring you bought. you’re only joking, but baekseung would hold onto the ring like his life depended on it.
AYDEN ─── 에이든 %!
just like a-min, ayden would’ve seen it together with you while you both were online shopping. he would point it out, asking if you’d want one but you’d just refuse because of the price. ayden would volunteer to buy it but you’d oppose and the bickering wouldn’t end ─ you’d both settle to split the pay instead. ayden would scoff playfully, rolling his eyes at your antics.
“ i wanted to buy that for you and suddenly we had a business deal, seriously? good thing i love you” he’d playfully say, poking your side. you’d poke him back, resulting to a tickle fight that you both didn’t want to back out to.
YEWANG ─── 예왕 %!
yewang’s not really a fan of giving gifts, he’d rather show you his affection through words and action but he would give you a promise ring for a special occasion like your birthday or your first anniversary or monthsary. he’d be so shy giving it to you, opting to give it to you when it’s only the two of you but somehow, you’d find the ring before the people around would disappear. yewang would have no choice but to give it to you, a blush on his cheeks as everybody teased you both.
“ this isn’t much as the gifts you received but i hope mine would be as memorable as us ─ i treasure you so much more than this ring, though” he’d mumble and you’d blush as everybody cheers, confetti in the air and loud yells fill the room.
JEFF ─── 제프 %!
mans had bought the ring for a week already yet he didn’t know how to give it to you. you guys had went on dates already but he just couldn’t find the right timing to give it to you so he’d just back out from shyness. today, you both were at the park, sitting beside each other with your head on his shoulder while watching the stars. he would call out your name, taking out the ring box and giving it to you with all the confidence he could muster.
“ i planned to give this to you since last week but i didn’t get the time. i hope this would be a remembrance i’d always be by your side no matter what” he’d whisper, smiling shyly and you’d look up at him while smiling. he’d be so relieved to see you liking the ring he bought, pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your forehead.
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y-jw1 · 3 years
epex members' reaction to a flirty significant other
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requested !
genre. pure fluff
word count. 1.3k+ words
now playing. the cardigans, " lovefool"
note. this was a very cute request !! i apologize if it's not that good D: i made this in the middle of logarithmic project HAHAHAHHAHA but anyways, keep requesting whatever you want for epex & enhypen ! have a great day, everyone <3
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WISH ─── 위시 %!
wish would probably be able to handle you quite well but at the same time, he can’t? it’s something like how he is while being a leader except he has some exceptions when it comes to you. being extremely flirty won’t faze him so much though ─ he’d just let out a laugh when you suddenly attack him with hugs and some kisses or even pickup lines that didn’t make sense. dawit would also probably reciprocate the act, catching you off guard most of the time so he always win whatever flirting battle you both suddenly instigated.
“ i think you’re a 9 because i’m the one for you”
“ you’re an 8 because the two of us is what you need” says your boyfriend as he wiggled his brows at you playfully. rolling your eyes, you smack his face with a pillow and successfully making him yelp and fall back onto the bed.
KEUM ─── 금동현 %!
at first, keumdong would be somehow flustered by how much you flirt with him although he was your boyfriend already. he would let out a shy laugh at the sudden compliment or pickup line or affection ─ wrapping his arms around you to help control you or something ( which he failed ) and chuckling as you just hug him back. after some time though, he won’t really make a fuss about it and adjusted to you randomly flirting at him ─ even at the earliest of dawn.
“ keumdong, i love you so much i could revive dodo birds if you wanted”
“ what the ─ go to sleep, baby. you seem tired” your boyfriend gently scolds as he feels your arms encircling his waist, turning to face you. your eyes were wide and awake as you stared at him, making donghyun chuckle despite his sleep getting disrupted and slither his hands around you to press your head against his chest.
MU ─── 뮤 %!
kyungmin would be so so flustered if he had an extremely flirty significant other. i see him as someone who isn’t that much showy with stuff like these so he’d shy away at your antics and blush at every flirty thing you initiate. blurting out a pickup line at him? he’d be so shy, complimenting his outfit and another pickup line? he would blush and thank you shyly. you clowning his confession? he’d be close to kicking you out and screaming in embarrassment. but even if you’re like that, kyungmin would still find you adorable yet he’d try his best to reciprocate even if he fails most of the time.
“ wow! nice outfit you got there! i think i love the owner so much”
“ what ─ not again” kyungmin mumbles, bursting out into laughs after he shows you the outfit he picked for today’s date. you laugh at him, winking playfully and watching him blush again as he hides his face in his hands.
A-MIN ─── 아민 %!
he would be able to handle it. minwoo would shoot you a knowing smile when you’d flirt at him, a smirk tugging on his lips. your goal was supposed to make your boyfriend flustered but seeing his smirk? you’re the one who became flustered instead. i can’t question you, though. he’s a very fine man. again, minwoo would just go with whatever you say, letting you flirt whenever and just listening to love speeches you randomly blurt out in the middle of the day.
“ dear, my love. i thank your parents for bringing such a perfect son that is you and i promise to them to take care of you ─ ”
“ you’re so cute. come here” minwoo cuts you off, pulling you into your arms as he encircled his arms around your waist. you laugh, hugging him back and looking into his eyes. the same chuckle that drives you crazy slips out of his lips, pressing a kiss onto the top of your head.
BAEKSEUNG ─── 백승 %!
baekseung would question you so much over this. he’d raise his eyebrows at you, playfully rejecting your attempted flirting. he’d probably be confused for a bit at your flirty attitude, staring at you in confusion as he gets flustered. it would take him a little while to wipe away his confusion, though, but once he does ─ he just will let you do whatever and sometimes scolding you here and there. yet despite his scolding and his nonchalant attitude, he secretly likes whatever sweet things you do for him.
“ your eyes are like the ocean. you know why? because it feels like i’m swimming in them all the time”
“ you can’t swim” deadpans hyunwoo at you, making you glare playfully at him and hit his shoulder. you’d jokingly sulk, turning away from the boy and walking away. hyunwoo would chase after you, a giggling mess, and catch you before you could reach the door.
AYDEN ─── 에이든 %!
yejun would be in between getting flustered and just letting you be. he would find you endearing, though, as shown he’s whipped for you and vice versa. whenever you’d crack a pickup line for him, he’d be so giggly and you’d muse at how cute he’d look. ( i think he’s just cute in general. argue with the wall if you don’t agree ) yejun would take a liking to your flirt attempts too. i think he’s a person who loves to be constantly reminded of how much you adore him ─ either through words or actions.
“ hey, i think i have never seen someone as pretty as you. can i have your number?”
“ huh? oh, i have someone already” he says as he realizes you were playing around again, tapping his shoulder and all as if you both were recreating a drama scene. you laugh, playfully apologizing and acted as if you were walking away from the boy on the bed. he laughs, chasing after you before picking you up in his arms.
YEWANG ─── 예왕 %!
he’s going to be in confusion and would somehow try to ignore your flirty persona because: one, he gets all shy whenever you say something affection and two, yewang would love to return the energy. but because he gets flustered easily, he couldn’t do so ─ which is why your favorite past time is saying anything that could catch yewang off guard. you both could just be casually studying for finals and you’d blurt out a compliment, making yewang chuckle and fall back onto the bed.
“ i think my boyfriend looks so good with glasses. don’t you think he does?”
“ not this again!” yewang laughs out as you shove a mirror onto his face, pushing you away playfully and covering his face with the textbook he was holding. you laugh, trying your best to pry his hands away and shove the mirror again into yewang’s blushing face.
JEFF ─── 제프 %!
mans would be malfunctioning. literally he would just stay there and try to process what you would flirt at him. it may be because he’s slightly inexperienced in the flirting stage ( i don’t think so. have you heard that one goodnight message he did? yeah, no ) or he’s just slow. once he realizes what you were trying to send to him, he’d smile shyly and laugh in embarrassment. i don’t think he would be able to handle whatever flirting attempt you’d pull on him ─ he’d be shy and confused most of the time that it ends up with you explaining the pickup lines to him.
“ baby, i love gold but take away the a”
“ but there’s no a in gold?” he’d ask, turning to face you as he tilted his head. you would turn to him too, blinking your eyes in disbelief before immediately trying to explain what your pickup line meant. you were alright with explaining it to jaeho, though, because the attentiveness of his pretty eyes was all you wished you would stare forever at.
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y-jw1 · 3 years
go to sleep
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pairing. jeff × reader
genre. fluff
word count. 863 words
synopsis. jaeho was sick and the others loved to tease him about you ─ could he have ever risked himself getting teased more than now?
now playing. grass, " babyblue"
warnings. sick character, mentions of sicknesses─ fever and a headache, descriptions of physical effects on fever and a cold
note. sorry the requests are kinda slow </3 i have so much projects to finish & hw to submit but i will always try to update ! also, i'm sorry to the anon if this isn't what exactly you wanted ueueue but have a great day ahead, everyone !
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JAEHO WASN'T MUCH OF A FAN TO SHOW AFFECTION to you in public due to his shyness─ and because the others teased the shit out of him. but now that he really couldn't go out because he was sick, he had no other choice but to invite you over to see you. jaeho was a clingy boyfriend, though not a lot would know about that fact, but he indeed is so cute you couldn't resist him.
" okay ─ so, my favorite person in this whole wide world is coming and i have a favor to ask you guys" jaeho says, making everyone in the living room turn towards him. yejun was the first to react, elbowing minwoo who was beside him and flashed jaeho a smirk.
this is what jaeho meant ─ he didn't even get to mention your name and now they're looking at him with a smirk on their faces. jokingly, it made his fever even worse when the others started teasing him.
" oh so your honeybunch sugarplum pumpy yumpy yumpkin is arriving ─"
" you are my sweetiepie!"
“ jesus ─ why do you both even know that song?”
" i see. let's make food for our visitor, everyone! you can just rest, jaeho. we'll just tell you if your favorite visitor is coming over" dawit says, shooing the youngest into his room and dragged kyungmin into the kitchen, hurriedly making snacks in case you arrive early or something.
but fortunately, you arrived just right on time when they had finished getting ready. hearing the doorbell, jaeho immediately rushed towards the front door despite his headache and his body feeling heavy as cement just to greet you.
" hi!" you greet as hyunwoo opened the door for you, flashing you a smile and letting you in after you took off your shoes. you weren't really new or unfamiliar to them since you visited from time to time─ but you could say they had cleaned their dorm better now.
" jaeho is in his room so you should just go. oh─ he's here" hyunwoo pauses, pointing at your boyfriend who was standing by the doorway with a blanket wrapped around him and waving at you. you and hyunwoo bid goodbyes to each other and went on your own ways ─ him to the kitchen and you to jaeho.
“ baby!” you call out, running towards jaeho and engulfed him in a hug. he felt a little too warm and his face was a little too pale, making your worry grow ten times worse. he buries his face on the crook of your neck, hugging you back.
“ you shouldn’t get too near me or you’re going to get sick too” jaeho scolds, breaking the hug and holding you by your shoulders. his eyes were droopy that he felt like he was going to sleep if he ever closed his eyes but you’re here ─ he didn’t want to miss the chance to talk to you.
“ it’s fine, jaeho. i’m here to take care of you, okay? now, go back to your room and get enough sleep” you assure, turning him around and gently pushing him towards his room despite his protests and whines.
“ sorry ─ my room’s kinda messy. i didn’t get to clean around because i was sick” he says, sitting down at the edge of his bed and cupping his head with his hand. you nod understandingly, sitting next to him and wrapping your arms around him to warm him a little. jaeho instinctively leans against you and hugs your waist, relaxing in your embrace.
you didn’t even care if you were going to get sick next or if you’re going to catch a fever after a few days ─ your thoughts were only consisting of jaeho and taking care of him, your boyfriend and the only boy you would ever love.
“ go to sleep now” you mumble, untangling yourself from his arms and stood up to assist jaeho to lay down. luckily for you, your boyfriend wasn’t much of a stubborn boy and laid down tiredly. you could see how tired jaeho was, making you feel sorry for him to even stand up and greet you by the doorway.
“ are you going to stay here or are you going to leave when i fall asleep?” he asks as you gently tuck him into his bed, wrapping him with his blanket and placing a fever strip in his forehead. you chuckle at his cuteness ─ jaeho made it clear he didn’t want you to go any time sooner and he wanted you to stay a little longer.
who were you to refuse?
“ i’m staying here until you wake up, dummy. get some sleep, okay? i promise i’ll still be here when you wake up” you assure jaeho who was still looking up at you with pleading eyes and you watch how his eyes smile at the statement, getting comfortable in his bed before drifting to sleep.
“ damn, when is it going to be my turn?”
“ you’re going to be single until you go bald, yewang”
“ i’m younger than you!”
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y-jw1 · 3 years
reaction : when they’re jealous
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☆˚ pairing : epex × reader
☆˚ genre : fluff, slight angst
☆˚ warnings : none
☆˚ note : had two requests with the same context sooooo tadaaaa also, don’t forget to stream lock down ! <3
okay so you hanging out with people he didn’t know of worried him somehow
he isn’t against you hanging out with friends
but he’s just worried for your safety and all that
you assure him everything is alright, though
why’d he have to be worried when he was invited too
okay so you met this person and luckily, he was all kind with you
he wanted to make friends since he was hanging out with you and all that
you guys talk about stuff 
without you noticing dawit was throwing daggers with his eyes at the guy
so i think jealous wish would be subtle and obvious at the same time
he’d call you from the other table and take you away
without telling you he’s jealous
probably will look at the guy with an unpleasant look if you spent too much time with him
would be obvious as hell
i think keumdong would want attention from you 25/8
no matter the circumstance
so you better give him attention
he’d either whine or ignore you for a whole day
unless you give him a kiss or chase him for a whole day too
he’d understand if you were busy with school works or some other stuff
but if he knew you were hanging out with someone unfamiliar
he’d gasp and pout at you
“ you better not give him your number “
he’d act like a child 
of course you didn’t give him your number
because you knew the only number you’d ever save is keumdong’s
kyungmin would be the silent type of jealous
he wouldn’t say anything even if he wanted to
you’d be worried when you noticed he’s all sulky by your side already
please reach out to him 
and protect this boy at all times
okay so when you talk about it, he’d be cautiously telling you about it
“ i was just a little jealous, okay? just wanted to spend time with you”
and he’d just send a sheepish smile
so you chuckle and pull him into a hug 
telling him that he should speak up whenever he’s feeling jealous
or something
because it’s alright to feel jealous at times
and because it’s kyungmin we’re talking about
i feel like minwoo would get annoyed and all that type of jealous
not towards you but the guy talking to you
the guy was just your friend
but he’s just jealous, okay?
he knows you’re loyal to him but the guy just ticks him off
will stare in disbelief and eyebrows raised
you’d notice his stare
so you excuse yourself already and nudge him
mans would still be stubborn and have his arms crossed
you’d ask him why he’s acting like that
and he’d just tell you right away that he’s jealous
you’d just chuckle and kiss his cheek to take away his jealous
it works to be honest
baekseung would be so petty when he’s jealous
would ignore you all day
he just wants you to show him attention and affection
but still sat down beside you during lunch time
“ go to that guy you were talking with”
you’d be in disbelief when you realize he was jealous
so you’d do your best to wipe away the frown on his face
he’s always with you so that’ll help
except he isn’t talking to you
“ hyunwoo, you know you’re the only boy i love, right?”
that was the moment he knew he couldn’t hold the façade anymore
so he’s back to being your baby again
i think yejun would be the type to not get jealous often
like he understands you and all that
but he just knew this guy was hitting you up with him beside you
your boyfriend
the audcaity???
so he’d talk it out with the guy 
if he won’t back off, he knows shit is going to get down
especially if the guy initiated the fight first
you had to scold him because he got some wounds here and there
“ i didn’t like seeing you uncomfortable, hm? this is nothing”
yes we need a yejun in our lives
rarely gets jealous 
but when he does
he would be jealous jealous
yewang just wanted to have some of your time
because suddenly you both were busy
but then someone else takes you from him
so maybe it can lead to a little argument too
because he’s just scared you’d leave him for someone else
he’d apologize to you first and explain 
and you just can’t not forgive him
because this is seo yewang we’re talking about
jaeho would be jealous often
but he’d keep it to himself HAHAHHAHA
because he knows it’ll just pass
yet sometimes he just can’t keep his feelings
so when he noticed you didn’t have that much time for him
he’d be sulky and sad
will probably go to your house and just sit beside you while you call your friends
why would you do that?
he’d be clingy towards you, though
when he sees the chance, he’d hug you and he’d just stay there
“ you’re mine, right?”
what is this boy eating and why is he so smooth with shit like that
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justkeums · 3 years
victory hug
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𖥻 kim hyunwoo/baekseung x gn!reader
𖥻 fluff, high school au, basketbal player!baekseung
𖥻 warnings: none
𖥻 word count: 0.5k words
𖥻 author's note: this is a recycled writing i found in my old drafts and i thought this would suit epex's baekseung! enjoy :>
the whistle blows. everyone in the crowd cheers, including you. the players rejoice in victory. it's another win brought to the school by the basketball team. it was the last match to determine the first place in the whole city, and they won.
the captain, kwak dawit, runs towards the team's ace, kim hyunwoo, hugging him tight. the latter returns it wholeheartedly, both grinning wide. the other members sees it as a signal for a victorious but sweaty group (bro) hug and they all hug each other.
"hey, dawit hyung, don't cry." hyunwoo exclaims after he parts from the hug slightly, his left arm still hanging on the captain's shoulder.
"i'm not crying." dawit denies out of embarrassment, keeping his head low while trying to contain his tears.
the hype went down quickly at the school gym, though other people were still busy talking and posting on social media about the game. the basketball team decided to eat out, a treat by their coach.
"kim hyunwoo!"
hyunwoo turns to the sound of the voice and tries to hide his smile. he informs the other guys that he will catch up.
"kim hyunwoo." you repeated his name and stood in front of him, trying to catch your breath and your hands resting on your knees.
"hey. why are you even running?" he chuckles then searches his bag for a water bottle, passing it to you. you accept it with a quick 'thanks' and drink half of it.
"i don't want to lose you from the crowd." you say it naturally but it makes his heart skip a beat.
"aren't you going to react that we had an indirect kiss?" he teases with a grin in his face.
"that's not important. what's important is our freaking project that's due on monday and you haven't contributed anything yet! i already let you pass for the competition, but now you need..."
the sound of everything around him decreases as he watches you nag with your cute expressions. it wasn't intentional but this frequently happens every time you were talking to him this close. hyunwoo examines the details of your face, your hand mannerisms while you explain, and every little thing about you carefully. the sudden pain on his head, a smack from you, wakes him up from his wide-awake dream.
"hyunwoo, are you even listening? tomorrow let's meet up at my house to do it. i'm letting you pass today too since you look like you're busy."
you sigh as you notice jaeho not too far from you. it looks like he was sent by his teammates to wait for hyunwoo.
"don't forget it, okay!" you remind him sternly while pointing at him. "and yeah, congrats. bye-"
you were about to turn and leave until he grabs your wrist, making you face him and he hugs you. heat creeps to your face, speechless and frozen on your feet. his tall stature was towering your whole frame but his arms wrapped around your shoulder look gentle and comfortable. the two of you stood like that for a solid 10 seconds.
"i'll remember it, i promise, and thank you. i would give you my jersey but it reeks."
he winks at you and runs away as soon as he finished his sentence, grabbing jaeho by his jacket and dragging the boy with him.
you snicker at his action. "ah kim hyunwoo, you're such a troublemaker."
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y-jw1 · 3 years
reaction : habits around you
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☆˚ pairing : epex × reader
☆˚ genre : fluff
☆˚ warnings : none
☆˚ note : a little more and requests are open again ! have a great day ahead, everyone ! <3 also choco bread is superior yO
kissing your forehead
i’m a dawit forehead kisser fanclub
because i just get the feel he loves forehead kisses
so that’s what he’ll always do with you
you guys can be chilling on the couch 
and he’d lean down to kiss your forehead
going to sleep?
he’d also kiss your forehead goodnight
having a bad day?
he’ll enter your room and give you a kiss
anytime, any day
forehead kisses from wish 
specifically surprise hugs
like you’ll be doing something and he’ll just randomly hug you
“ caught you!”
he’d laugh if you’d get surprised
and hug you tighter
there are times where you both tumbled when he hugged you
and when you try to stand back up
he’ll pull you back 
you both are cuddled on the floor
and even if it’s cold
keum’s arms were warm
resting his chin on your shoulder
since he’s a tall guy, he’d love to do that
would do it most when you’re cooking or something
he’d come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder
“ what are you cooking?”
mans just woke up so the smell of food brought him to you hehe
would also do it as long as he gets the chance
you would be combing your hair
and he’d wrap his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder
sometimes he won’t let go
so you both would waddle around the house like tree sticks
smiling at you
or staring at you
like he thinks its unconscious at one point in life
you both would be across from each other
and he’d just smile as he watches you
mostly when you both study, he’d do that
he’d ask for help in a question
of course you’d willingly help your boyfriend
so while you’re explaining
he’d just stare at you
and smile as he watches you with adoration
you had to cut him out all the time because he ain’t paying attention
playing with your hair
no because he plays with his hair alot
and it’s attractive hoho
so he’d do that to you
like he’d just thread his hands into your hair
you guys just watching movies? going to sleep? talking nonsense?
his hand is tangled in your hair 
while his other is wrapped around your shoulder
he’d also love to comb your hair and style it
your own personal hairdresser 
plus points because he’s fine as hell
arm wrapped around you
yes he’s that boyfriend
because he’s protective of you and all that
also because he wants to keep you close with him
it’s what he always does when you both are beside each other
aka all the time
because you both are always together
really like
just yejun wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you talk to your friends and all
would also let you rest your head on his shoulder
holding your hand
he’d always love to hold your hand anytime
and he’ll do it no matter what
he’ll even hold your hand even if it’s covered in dirt
no but he’d just love to go to you
and take your hand in his
would sometimes do it secretly because he’s shy others might tease him
aka the boys
minwoo always on the lookout
so he’d love to hold your hand under the table while you both talk
leaning his head on your shoulder
he’ll just run up to you and rest his head on your shoulder
very random but he’d do it
like it’s just something he would do
would also hug you if he can
sometimes he even falls asleep on your shoulder
but you let him because he’s cute
and you’re whipped for him
he would let you rest your head on his shoulder too
but most of the time, he does it 
and it’s the cutest thing in the world
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y-jw1 · 3 years
reaction : having a shorter significant other
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☆˚ pairing : epex × reader
☆˚ genre : fluff
☆˚ warnings : none
☆˚ note : just want to say i love lee jaeho sm hehehe
he doesn’t care about it tbh
being short or being tall doesn’t change anything to dawit
he’ll just have more advantages to baby you
and it’s going to be easy to carry you
plus he’s going to kiss your forehead a lot more
since it’s easier for him because you’re shorter
because i think wish would love to carry you bridal style
and at random times like
you both are going to get breakfast so he carries you
and dashes down the stairs
“ if we’re going to fall, i’m killing you”
“ then i’ll take the fall. don’t worry about it”
that just made you more concerned but good thing you both arrived safely
can and will tease you about it
just him being playful
not to the extent where you’re going to become insecure about it
but he’d definitely hold up stuff in his hand and tiptoe
because he knows you can’t reach it
and if he’s feeling sly
he’d peck you while you’re trying to reach for his hand
laughs as he realizes he catches you off-guard 
“ give it to me, you ─ “
“ catch me if you can!”
giggling his head off as he ran away
you’d find a chance to tackle him down and beat him up
not really but playful punches
as kyungmin’s pretty tall himself
scratch that he is tall
would playfully tease you too
but would just laugh because he just finds you cute
especially when you glare at him
will hug you from behind and rest his chin on your head
“ you’re so cute”
“ my height?”
“ you and your height”
when you try to squirm from his hug
he’ll just hug you tighter 
and laugh at your struggle
absolutely would love your height
he’d just love to show affection no matter what
will stand in front of you and swipe your head with his hand
“ do you see someone?”
“ i’ll kick you”
would carry you around too
and run away with you in his arms
maybe he pulled a prank on the members
with you as his sidekick
so when you both get caught
will piggyback you as you run away 
from a fuming dawit
you guys tumbled together after a few minutes of running away
can i just say i’m jealous of his height
hello give me 15 cm of your height and we cool hehe
he wouldn’t mind your height
i can see him just spooning you and all that stuff
will bury you into his chest as you both sleep
while he wraps his legs around you
basically a koala but larger than you
you get squished especially early in the morning
but he looked so peaceful sleeping
so you just didn’t mind and fell asleep again
ayden is tiny
but definitely taller than us
so if having a shorter significant other
it’s just going to be a baby = baby couple
you both would just be tiny in each other’s eyes
“ you’re so cute and tiny that i want to keep you in my pocket”
“ no. you’re cuter”
yejun would probably also give you lots of hugs
and forehead kisses
you both would just stand there 
doing absolutely nothing
but hugging each other while yejun lays his chin on the top of your head
yewang would adore your height
with a little constant teasing too
but it’s more like how he shows affection towards you
he would probably let you lay your head on his shoulder
while he wraps his arm around you
maybe does this when you guys have a move night 
or just dates in general
would still tease you sometimes about your height
but it’s all cool
because you retort back
“ hey, shortie ─ i meant shawty!”
“ you’re acting like you’re tall”
would gasp and playfully look like he was offended
he’d love your height so much
would do anything to make sure you’re not insecure about it
maybe will reach some stuff for you
if you can’t reach them
like cereal boxes at the grocery store
“ jaeho, get that for me please”
“ which cereal?”
i think jeff would love to kiss the top of your head too
it’d be his favorite 
since he thinks you’re adorable like that
while he’d be smiling at you
without you knowing
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y-jw1 · 3 years
reaction : breaking up with them as a prank ─ part 1
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☆˚ pairing : epex × reader
☆˚ genre : fluff, angst
☆˚ warnings : none
☆˚ note : i’m so sorry for my inactivity huehuehue but have a great day ahead, everyone <3 ( also, i’m cutting this reaction in two because it’s kinda long ! )
feeling mischievous to pull pranks was something that popped in your braincell that day
and what prank?
breaking up with your boyfriend
so when dawit enters your house
you immediately became serious and talked him out
as if you’re for real breaking up with him
he’d be still for a few seconds
but he’d reach out for you
“ can’t we talk this out? we were perfectly fine yesterday ─ “
“ i don’t think so, dawit. it’s best if you leave”
would try his best to keep the tears 
and after a few seconds of silence, he’ll retreat to the door already
and you felt bad already
so you walk up to him and back hugged him
“ love, it’s a prank. i’m sorry”
he would sigh in relief so loud
you laugh at his reaction, of course
because he’s cute
he’d be pouting as he turns to pull you into a hug
“ i love you so much. please don’t ever break up with me”
“ i love you too. i promise i won’t”
he loved pulling pranks on you
and you thought that pranking him back would be fine
so when you texted him 
“ let’s break up”
it seemed like he was by your doorstep in less than a minute
“ you’re kidding me, right?”
he’d stare at you seriously
that you were intimidated by him
so you’d probably just drop the act
“ okay, it was a joke! don’t be angry”
to your surprise, keumdong would just laugh
queue you being confused
because he explains that he knew it was just a prank
and you’re just standing there defeated
“ you tried but i know you’re never breaking up with me”
“ true”
so he’d just keep laughing at you
pulling you in for a hug 
randomly, though
or maybe just to console you
why would you pull this prank on him??
so you would call him over to talk
and because your tone of voice sounded so serious
kyungmin would be nervous
because you never really talked to him like that
but he knew he had to talk to you
since he thought it was important
and when you broke the words to him
he’d stand there confused and in the verge of tears
“ huh? breaking up with me?”
you’d nod, trying to keep yourself serious
he would turn his back on you
and cry silently
you would be in panic because nOOOOOOO
“ baby, no! i’m just joking! it was a prank. please don’t cry”
kyungmin would turn back to you again
and his pout would make you feel so bad
“ for real? it was just a prank?”
he’d be so relieved and wipe his tears away
and you’d wipe away his tears instead
hugging him to comfort him
precious seo kyungmin :((
minwoo would be so confused
because why did you sound so serious on the phone?
would be so worried while he’s going to you
actually the idea of breaking up with him crossed his mind
but he’d brush it off
yet it became true
as a prank, of course
but it would catch him surprised 
“ break up?”
his eyebrows would furrow as he stares at you
once the words sink in, he’d reach out for you
“ hey, what do you mean? did i do something wrong? is it because i’m too busy? i promise i’ll spend more time with you”
would swear he’d drop everything for you right now
and you’d be so touched with it
but you knew he would do it
“ okay but it was a prank, woo. i’m not breaking up with you”
again, he’d try to sink in the words again
and when he realizes, he’d laugh in disbelief
would also pull you into a hug
“ you scared me but your acting was great”
kisses your forehead because he just can
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