#dawn of yangchen
yell0wsalt · 5 days
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 13 days
Wan: So what do you think is a defining feature of an Avatar? Roku: Unwavering duty towards leading humanity into the light? Yangchen, thinking of Gun: Nah. Korra: Our smile? Aang: I think that is a good one. Kuruk: No, I think it's that we're all a bit.....no, extremely petty at times. Kyoshi: True that. Korra: Ok I can't disagree. Yangchen: Yup. Haha, I remember the time I was still so upset with Kavik while on the job. I blew hot hair into his ear to mess with him. His ears were so red! Wan/Roku/Korra/Aang/Kuruk: ??????!!!! Kyoshi: That's not being petty, that's just flirting. I mean it is a bit petty, but wow the flirting. Yangchen: I wasn't flirting. Kyoshi: Take it from someone who would get that regularly from Rangi during my horse stance make-out sessions. That's some romantic/sexually charged shit right there girl. Yangchen, supreme scholar but also local idiot:
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savior-of-meridian · 1 month
honestly if i was raava i would make an exception for kavik too
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kkachi95 · 1 year
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Yangchen taking Kavik for a ride on Nujian, her flyilng bison
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circlique · 2 years
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South Asia has so many clothing styles that suite airbenders imo. Here’s Yangchen in something inspired by the traditional dress of Bhutan! The dress is called a kira and is usually accompanied by a jacket called toego and a sash or scarf-like garmet called rachu.
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This scene is so slept on tbh
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fuzzykidney · 10 months
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Yangchen to Kavik.
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mysteriouslee · 4 months
The Avatars and silly little tickle headcanons.
first off, the rankings from most ticklish to least ticklish.
Yang Chen
Roku and Kuruk
Jetsun used to tickle little Yang Chen all the time. Especially if Chen was being cheeky or just for the point if being silly.
I'd like to think Kuruk would giggle when being tickled, Ummi tickled him just hear it cuz she thought it was cute.
Korrasami got into plenty of tickle fights in the spirit world vacation, many of which Korra lost.
Kavik had only managed to get Yang Chen very few times, and his head almost got blown off mutiple times. (She got him back tenfold, rip Kavik :P)
Rangi is an evil ler, rip Kyoshi :P. Kyoshi's laughter is really snorty when being tickled. (Rangi thinks its adorable)
Wan acts all big so the other avatars jump him in the spirit world but jokes on them, he knows all their weak spots since he's the first avatar. He sees and knows and he will get you if you come after him.
Katara once dragged a finger up Aang's spine and he screeched so loud, birds flew away.
When lee:
Aang's laugh is and was full of squeals, even as an adult. Full on fights you, its a reflex and he doesnt mean it tho.He harbours no shame about being tickles and outwardly admit to liking it and will ask for it. Katara is mostly gentke with him unless he was being cheeky or annoying, she will have him in tears.Toph likes to use soft and light tickles to drive her oppenent insane, Aang being her biggest victim.Worst spot: mid-lower back, especially the sides of the back and near the point that connects your sides to your back.
Yang Chen's go from soft quiet giggles to full on hearty belly laugh, and sometimes she loses control of her airbending through her voice and it shakes the room. If you get her weak spot, her airbending powered scream comes out by accident. If you get her good, she'll go limp but otherwise, prepare to be wrestled. If you tease her, she'll shout at you to shut up. Worst spot: Everywhere below the waist, from hips to toe tips, my girl will just die.
Korra gets into a cuddlly mood after being tickled, especially when its with Asami. She will put up a fight when it matters but other wise she'll just squirm or go limp. It matters when Mako and Bolin try to ambush her or if its a tickle fight. Korra is only rough with Asami gives the ok and when they do, they shake the bed with their tickle fights. (I know what you were you were thinking you naughty wackus bonkus). Naga accidentally tickles Korra all the time. If you roughly tickle her, her laughter will be a loud belly laugh you can hear from miles away but with soft tickles, her laughter turns into hiccupy giggles that Asami loves. Asami loves to tease Korra and Korra blushes hard at that.You cannot tell me the airbender kids havent jumped Korra before and she sometimes lets them win.Worst spots: Tummy, Thighs and Under her knees.
Roku's laughter when tickled is loud cackling or goofy giggle, he will do all in his power to crawl out of your grasp, unless its Ta Min, he lets her get him. Sozin used to get him and wreck him til tears all the time when they were kids. When Fang was smaller, she woukr nuzzle his head into Roku's tum, making Roku laugh. Blushes easily and cannot take teasing. Worst spot: Chest, Hips and Ears.
Wan will straight up scream at you then dissolves into cackles and wheezing.Cocky Lee but crumbles so quick. He's pretty fast tho so its almost harder to catch him than Yang Chen.Worst spot: Ankles and Feet.
Kuruk may be a big burly guy but his laughter when being tickled is soft and giggly first. After time it turns to guffaws, not as loud as Korra tho. Worst spot: Back, Ribs and Knees
Kyoshi secretly also likes being tickled but she'll never admit it on her life. Rangi figured it out quick tho. Loud giggles and snorts. Rangi used it a lot against Kyoshi when they spar or when Rangi was trying to get Kyoshi to take care of herself. Kyoshi has freckles almost everywhere and Rangi loves to kiss and raspberry them. Worst spot: Ribs, Neck, Upper Back and Tummy.
When ler:
Aang is a goofy ler, gentle with all (except with Sokka, Sokka isnt gentle with him either). Laughs with his victim and coos at them, only with Katara will he baby talk.
Wan is quick, swift and evil. Menacingly good at being a ler. His fingers are quick and nimble and is accurately good at finding weak spots that havent been revealed to him. He will get you before you even know what just happened, quick to attack, quick to escape. Knows when someone cant handle rough attacks and will be gentle on that occasion, otherwise, prepare to be on the floor in tears and begging for mercy, a certain avatar learned it the hard way (comment to post on who you think said avatar is).
Korra is almost as goofy a ler as Aang. Loves to tease and baby talk. Cocky like Wan, especially when she's winning a tickle fight.Might be soft with the airbender kids, gets into silly tickle fights with them all the time.
Kyoshi is a gentle ler to Rangi and Rangi only, everyone else suffers her wrath. Teasy asshole.
If she's getting revenge, you cannot escape Yang chen, no matter how far you run, Kavik knows from experience. Soft and light to drive her victim to insanity, Kavik knows from expereince.Whispers, teases into Kavik's ear. However if its just for fun, she is for most part not vicious, however if you are a certain waterbender from Bin-Er named Kavik, she will tickle you to see your smile.
Roku and Sozin got into rough tickle fights all the time when they were little and they tied a lot. Roku is very gentle when it comes to Ta Min.
Kuruk is just as a goofy ler as Aang, and is extremely competetive in tickle fights.
And now: A little treat for the Szeto and Gun fans (idk shit about Salai sorry :[ )
I just have an idea of young Szeto, as a junior officer being tickled by his comrades after a long mission. Also methinks he would be a bratty lee. For the most part, I cant see him involving himself in being tickled, twas a bit of a sourpuss majority of the time.
Gun was pretty hard to tickle, only Mesose has gotten close enough to tickle him and Mesose got it back tenfold. Gun didn't like being tickled after Mesose died tho :[
Please forgive me if anything I've said is inaccurate and do correct me in the comments
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yell0wsalt · 9 days
"Sleep on it"
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Dawn of Yangchen and Legacy of Yangchen, F.C. Yee
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 22 days
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up
Aang: Hey, what if we like, did a whole antagonist swap thing? Like instead of me fighting Ozai, I get someone else, and someone else gets Ozai? Korra: Oh god yes, let's do it. Roku: That's not really fair, Korra has a lot of enemies. Kuruk: Says the guy that what? Had Sozin? Kyoshi: I call Sozin! And Ozai! Wan: Wait are we really doing this?! Korra: Kyoshi are you sure? What if it's during the comet? Kyoshi: Comet-shmamet. The fight's mine regardless. Kuruk: Kyoshi you seem a little too gungho about this Kyoshi: I have beef with Fire Nation Royalty. Roku: Kyoshi I don't think that's the best mentality- Kyoshi: I don't care! I'm ending their bloodline! *_* Roku: They're still really strong! Kyoshi: I'm stronger! Easy-peasy lemon squeezy! I'll kick their ass over easy! Yangchen it's your turn! Yangchen: I will take Zaheer and P'Li. :) Korra: Are you sure? They're kinda- Yangchen: I'll take out the combustion woman first, giving myself a head in the fight. Kuruk: A....head. Wait, you don't mean you're gonna blo- Yangchen: After that, I'll marionette her corpse in front of that fraud airbender to show him what a real earthly teather is. Then, I'll show him how the pros rip air out of people's lungs. Aang: Jesus Christ what is the matter with those two. Kuruk: I'm taking Vaatu I guess. Both of them. Korra: Why do you want Vaatu? Kuruk: I don't think anyone else here is capable of taking them on, except you, me, and Wan. Korra: Oh fair. Wan: So like both of our Vaatus on at the same time or- Kuruk: Oh spirits no, I'm 1V1ing them. I'm not crazy like Kyoshi or Yangchen. Tho I suppose I'll have to deal with Unalaq too. Korra: Fine, I'll take all of Kuruk's fights then. Kuruk: You sure about that kid? Korra: Yeah I'll just spiritbend, it'll be fine. Aang! Wan! Roku! Have you figured out what you wanna do? Roku: I guess I can take Jianzhu? Wan: Um......the other two Red Lotus I guess? Don't worry Roku, I'll keep the lavabender away from you. ;) Roku: Thanks Wan. :/ Aang: I'm sorry, but are we seriously going to ignore what Kyoshi and Yangchen said?????!
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earthravenclaw · 2 months
Yangchen is the type of guy to chew on/bite her boyfriend
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kkachi95 · 1 year
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Kavik: As a prisoner or companion?
Yangchen: Yes
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glaisdale · 2 years
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i really want to read the Dawn of Yangchen rn but i feel like it would be better to wait for the second novel 🥺
the world of ATLA is so amazing! i want more content from past avatars~
anywayy enjoy this Yangchen fanart. i really like how she looks here 🥹
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enigmamirror · 6 months
Yknow, i'm rewatching atla after reading the yangchen novels, and I really appreciate the small meaning behind some things a lot more now. In s3 e11 The Western Air Temple, combustion man shows up and wrecks the place. I always found this sad because the preservation of air nomad culture and architecture was something shown many times to be important to Aang, so the temple being destroyed is really tragic in that way. But also, Yangchen is a western air temple nun. And we can see statues of her there in the episode. So reading the novels and then seeing how her statue is focused on more at the western than any other is a nice touch that shows how much detail the og show had in it. These little nods to what eventually would become lore is amazing.
But as much awe as it inspires, theres symbolism without (imo) even trying to be. In the Yangchen novels, combustion bending is seen for the first time in the atla world, it was written as the biggest plot point and the worldwide threat of the novels. And we see Yangchen and her struggle against it. Things like Nujians death, Yangchens banishment, all of her struggles in the novels are some sort of result from her dealing with combustion benders. And she is from the western air temple. Which is salt in a centuries old wound. Yangchen, an air nomad, a pacifist by culture, who worked so hard to avoid taking lives when she was able, who lost so much because of combustion bending as a technique, who came from the western air temple,
Her home, was destroyed
By the very
That cost her so much already.
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Okay I'm curious as to who people think is the scariest Avatar, but their is one (1) condition to this poll.
Please reblog with who you chose and if you have or have not read the prequel books.
That's it, that is all of ask of you
Now let's see who people think is the scariest Avatar
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nickyacex · 1 month
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Yangvik nation do yall gaf about Yangvik socmed band au
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