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Haven’t had time to upload this yet because I’ve been super busy, but here’s a lovely photo of me and one of my favourite carers, Summer 😁💖 We had an absolute blast on Thursday, despite complications with the busses! We went for a coffee, to dance class, out for lunch in a pub garden, did some shopping, and then caught another bus home! It can be really difficult for people who don’t have carers to understand the relationship you firm with them; a good carer is part sibling, part best mate, part parents, and part professional, and a good carer, like summer, can make all the difference to the quality of your day, and your life. Summer makes every day spent with her a good one! She is an incredibly kind person, and smart, funny, and great fun to hang with. She’s also good in a crisis, a must for my carers! Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I’m incredibly grateful for incredible people like Summer who do a very hard job and give it all their passion ❤️ because it makes my life better and beautiful ❤️ #carersareamazing #carersareheros #carersareangels #carersareawesome #oneofmyfaves❤️ #dayoutwithsomeoneawesome #blessed (at Cardiff) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkPBglBFen/?igshid=phml2wl1fr1p
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