habibialkaysani · 1 year
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I posted 13,025 times in 2022
37 posts created (0%)
12,988 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 13,022 of my posts in 2022
#they don't break us. they make us queue we are - 12,902 posts
#supergirl - 1,795 posts
#arrow - 1,778 posts
#fashion - 1,595 posts
#pretty - 1,448 posts
#self reblog - 1,384 posts
#the flash - 1,261 posts
#laurel lance - 1,218 posts
#text - 988 posts
#alex danvers - 881 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#look okay i hated that rat on his face at first but by the end of this movie i would die for him and even reluctantly the rat on his face
My Top Posts in 2022:
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235 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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250 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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274 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
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293 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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343 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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spockasmr · 1 year
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I posted 4,813 times in 2022
194 posts created (4%)
4,619 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,810 of my posts in 2022
#star trek - 853 posts
#x - 602 posts
#dimension 20 - 379 posts
#star trek ds9 - 377 posts
#xstar trek - 331 posts
#tv: interview with the vampire - 212 posts
#fanart: star trek - 197 posts
#dragon age - 178 posts
#gaming: dragon age: origins - 170 posts
#star trek tng - 145 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#f̵̡͖́͝ơ̴̠̻̹̖̍̾̒o̶̢͎̼̪̞̽d̴̨̺̣̞̋̐͆ ̷͎̣̹̩͒͆͘g̶̯̪̯̟͂̓ͅr̵̢͖̊̚o̶̥̪̐͆̃͌̍u̸̧̺̫͛p̵̤̭̮̪̦̍̇̕s̴̨̻̗͚̦̐͑̕͝
My Top Posts in 2022:
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179 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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180 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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227 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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269 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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317 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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nokomiss · 4 years
@deadtedkord replied to your post “I’m still up for taking fic prompts! Let me know if there’s something...”
not to pop up w angst but maybe something about either bruce or steph keeping tabs on steph's adopted baby years down the line. not getting involved just, checking in every now and again to make sure that kid is safe and happy and never has to know the pain that they do. make me CRY 2020
Okay this skirts the line of ‘not getting involved’ as steph’s baby does make an appearance but this wouldn’t leave me alone! hope you enjoy <3
It was a slow night in Gotham, which just… didn’t feel right to Steph. So instead of cutting her Batgirl patrol short and heading home to study for the midterm she had in two days, she hit up the comms to see if anyone else needed a hand.  
Robin and Nightwing were fine, apparently eating falafels and chatting with some stray cats after interrupting a carjacking.  Tim was off with Young Justice, Jason was with the Outlaws, Babs was doing some fairly intense cold-case research that Steph knew would end with her sneezing over some dusty police file and Cass was having a movie night with Alfred.  
Steph finally asked Bruce, knowing that he always had something going on.
Being left out of a case is fine -- they all do their own investigations, there’s nothing at all unusual about that -- but there was something about the sharpness of Bruce’s voice when he said, “You’re not needed, Batgirl,” that hit Steph the wrong way.
It had felt personal, in a way things between them hadn’t in a long while.
So Steph did what she did best: ignored the hell out of Bruce’s pettiness and showed up anyway.
Immediately she could tell that she wasn’t actually needed.  The kidnappers weren’t exactly supervillain material.  The kids were unharmed and locked in a room together.
She couldn’t figure out why Bruce had tried to keep her away.
She helped zip-tie the kidnappers, who Bruce had dealt with quickly and easily while she’d still been assessing the situation and trying to find whatever hidden threat she was meant to stay away from.
And it was Bruce that she was dealing with, she realized suddenly. There was a stiffness in his shoulders, a tightness in his jaw showing that he was uncomfortable with something, and that wasn’t a Batman trait at all.  
Only the fact that the kidnappers were still conscious -- albeit dazed -- kept her from asking what was up. 
“You can go now,” Bruce said. He still hadn’t unlocked the door the kids were behind, even though Steph knew that they’d been there for hours. 
“What? There are like five kids in there,” Steph said. “I’ll help. Kids love Batgirl.”
That strange twist of his mouth again, and then Bruce said, “Okay.”
It sounded almost like he was trying to convince himself that it was a good idea.
Steph rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door. The kids themselves were totally unharmed, and the kidnappers had clearly known what they were doing in one respect: the room was stocked in juice boxes and tablets, and the kids were for the most part calmly playing games.  They ranged between roughly four and six years old, and there were loud gasps of joy when Batgirl and Batman barged into the room.
There was no clear-cut demographic of the children -- two boys, three girls, a variety of ethnicities, though Steph noticed they all wore nice clothes, clearly no hand-me-downs, and their shoes were trendy and had clean soles.  Chosen for their parents’ wallet size instead of anything more nefarious, most likely, which made Steph relieved.  
Steph’s checking the kids over, making sure everyone’s physically and mentally good when one of the girls says, “Thank you for saving us, Batgirl!”
Steph looks at her directly for the first time and felt her heart drop.
She knew that face. She’d seen it a thousand times, she’d seen it in the pictures her mom still had hanging in the hallway from her childhood. The same eyes, the same baby-fine blonde hair, the same wide smile. Other things were different -- she couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t stop seeing the shape of her mom’s jaw, her dad’s ears, and her loser ex-boyfriend Dean’s freckles and eyebrows.  
It felt like she was frozen, like the way she felt in dreams sometimes, like the air itself had solidified and moving just took too much effort.  
She could feel Bruce’s presence behind her, heard the rumble of his voice letting the kids knew that their parents would be so proud of how brave they were being, that the bad people were going to jail, that help was on its way.
She blinked, and everything rushed back into focus. And she was still standing there, dressed as Batgirl, while the girl she’d given birth to beamed up at Batman like he was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen.
“You’re welcome,” Steph tells her daughter. 
The girl smiles and flings her arms around Steph’s waist.  Her face is pressed into Steph’s belly, just inches away from the c-section scar, and Steph rests her hand on her back, wishes that she wasn’t wearing gloves so that she could feel how warm and alive and present she was.  
It’s a moment she never thought she’d have - that she’d never really wanted to have, if she’s honest, because she knew that if she held her daughter she might never let go -- and it’s over before she knows it.  The girl lets go, hurries back to the other kids, beaming and saying, “I hugged Batgirl!” like it’s the biggest accomplishment of her life.
One look at Bruce and what she already knows is true is confirmed beyond a doubt; he’s watching her carefully, like she’s something that might break. Like she’s in danger of doing something dumb.
She shook her head lightly at him, trying to show without words that she’s not going to break, that she’s not going to try to do something stupid, that she’s-- 
That she’s happy and sad and trying very, very hard not to think about the fact that her daughter is four years old and has survived her first kidnapping.  
They lead the kids out of the room, shielding them from the kidnappers with their capes. Bruce lets her accompany her daughter, holding her hand and marveling at the way her little fingers curled perfectly into Steph’s, the way her daughter held her head high, tears unshed.  
“You are so, so brave,” Steph tells her, because she’s never going to have this chance again, and she’s wearing a mask, and her daughter is looking at her with something akin to hero-worship in her eyes. Steph remembers being little and seeing Batman and the way the thought of heroes out there making the world safer had made her feel, and it twists something inside all sharp and intense to think of her daughter feeling that when looking at Steph. “Always remember that. You’re incredible, and your parents are so lucky to have you.” Quieter, because she had the chance, and she knew better than to squander a chance -- “Your mother’s so proud of you.”
“She’s gonna be, I didn’t cry hardly at all,” the girl says, and Steph’s heart twists again, because there’s sweetness and love and pride in her expression at the thought of her mom seeing how brave she was. This is a girl who is happy, who is loved, who will have the best possible life.
Steph smiled at her as widely as she could and waved, not trusting her voice. 
Before she leaves, she sees a woman break through the line of cops and cry out, “Hope!”
Steph’s daughter runs into the woman’s arms, and just like that, the spell is broken, and she’s not Steph’s daughter anymore. She’s someone else’s daughter, a woman who is sobbing with relief that her little girl is unharmed, who is clinging her daughter so tight that the girl -- Hope, her name is Hope -- is pushing away at her, is laughing and talking a mile a minute about her ordeal, and Steph hears her voice, crystal-clear, say, “Batgirl rescued me, Momma, she said I was brave.”
Steph barely makes it out of sight -- there’s a building, two blocks over, and the roof has an abandoned, overgrown garden, and Steph likes to go there, sometimes. She’s standing in the overgrown garden and Bruce is hugging her, and she’s laughing and crying all at once. 
“Hope,” she says into Bruce’s chest, conscious of the fact that minutes before, she’d been holding her own daughter like this. “You knew that already, didn’t you?”
“You know I’ve been keeping track of her.” Bruce’s voice is gentle,  “Do you want to know anything else?”
Steph shakes her head, still pressed tight against the Batsuit -- the smell of kevlar and sweat and faintly, leather -- but then asks, terrified of the answer, “That-- she hasn’t had experiences like that before, right?”
She doesn’t even really want to know the answer, doesn’t want to know if her daughter had been doomed from the start, if her bad luck was somehow genetic, but Bruce replies. “She’s never been targeted before, no. She handled herself admirably.”
“She did, didn’t she?” Steph said, obscurely proud. She doesn’t really want to but she lets go of Bruce, steps back to sit on a wrought-iron bench.  In the daylight it would be scorching hot, but at night, the metal is cool and inviting.  
Bruce sits beside her.
“I know I shouldn’t have gone,” Steph says, because acknowledging her own fuck-ups is something she’s used to, “and I’m glad you tried to keep me away.”
“I didn’t intend for you to find out about this,” Bruce said. “I know the topic is… painful.”
Steph opened her mouth to tell Bruce he had no idea, to try to put to words the conflicting swirl of emotions-- not regret, exactly, because she knew with bone-deep certainty that she’d made the right decision to not raise her daughter, to keep her away from the wreckage that had been her life the past few years, but a more abstract feeling of sadness that the circumstances had been necessary at all in the first place. A wish of what might have been, had she been older, had she been prepared, had she not grown up the way she had.  A thought that at some point in the future, things might be different.
But then she realized that Bruce, out of everyone, actually would understand. He had children. 
“My mom told me,” Steph began, unsure as to how Bruce would take this, but knowing she had to set the words free that were bubbling up in her throat, “that kids, whether or not they were yours, are the one thing in the world guaranteed to break your heart.  Because you want so much for them, you want them to have everything that you never had, that could never possibly be, and that-- that it’s impossible. You can’t remake the world, can’t make it a kinder place. You just have to live with it. That loving a child meant pinning your heart to your sleeve, and having to suffer the consequences.”
Bruce didn’t say anything, but reached over and clasped her hand in his own. 
“I think-- I think she might have been wrong. About not being and to remake the world, because that’s what we do every night. And she was right, but… I know she didn’t want me to go through everything I had.” Looking back, she’d been a lot younger than she’d realized when she’d been pregnant. Just a few scant years older than Damian, and he was so firmly a child in her mind that it made her reconsider all those feelings she’d had at the time of being grown-up.  She hadn’t felt it at the time, but she was older now, had a world of experiences that shone a light on exactly how young she’d been when she’d gotten pregnant.
She knew that to Bruce, she likely still was a child. Right now, she didn’t feel it. 
“Like, I knew she was out in the world before,” Steph said. “But now… She’s real, in a way that she wasn’t before.”
“Her life is significantly safer than ours,” Bruce said, reassuringly. She could hear the truth of it in his voice, trusted him on this.  Then he said, “I knew you didn’t want to see her.” There was no condemnation in his voice, only understanding, but Steph felt compelled to defend herself anyway. 
“I wanted to see her so badly,” she said. She couldn’t look at Bruce, just looked at the tangle of dying plants around them, at the Gotham skyline, all soft lights and sharp edges, beyond that. “It felt like losing part of myself at first, but I knew… I knew what her life would be if I kept her. What my life would be.”  She took a deep breath. “If I’d held her, and wasn’t strong enough to let her go afterwards, I would have been condemning us both.”
Now it seemed unfathomable. She wouldn’t be Batgirl now, she knew that much. Would never have been Robin. Spoiler might have been laid to the wayside, like it had when she’d been pregnant, but she remembered how she’d longed to go out in the night even when her belly made her waddle and struggle to sit up. Likely she still would have figured out a way.
But she wouldn’t have taken the risks she had. Wouldn’t have thrown herself into things as wildly. She probably wouldn’t have died, wouldn’t have broken her mother’s heart, wouldn’t have caused all the grief she could still sometimes see in Tim and Cass’s face when it was alluded to.
Instead, she knew the path her life would have taken: trying at first to stay in school, but working long hours. Her mom being forced to babysit every spare moment, life turning into a never ending scheduling conflict. Quitting school in favor of a minimum wage paycheck and abandoning hope of becoming something greater, something more. She might have managed a nursing degree, her own mother had with an infant at home, but she’d seen that path, too. 
She wouldn’t be here, now: sitting on a rooftop with Batman, filled with a flurry of might-have-beens, having just saved a roomful of children who looked up to her with something akin to worship. Wouldn’t be worrying about a midterm in biology. 
And the woman she’d seen, the one who’d loved her daughter enough to elbow her way through a police line, wouldn’t have that. 
“She looked so loved,” Steph said.
“She has good parents,” Bruce said. “She’s taken care of. Cherished.”
“She seemed okay, and the kidnappers were jokes, but they didn’t… this isn’t going to hurt her, is it?”  Steph had been kidnapped plenty, had been involved in various criminal acts even younger, and she knew it had skewed the way she looked at the world. 
“She attends a preschool,” Bruce said. “They were meant to be going on a field trip to a farm outside of town. One of the kidnappers disguised themselves as the van driver, while the others distracted the teachers. One of the other children on board’s father is the director of a medical group, I understand that there are delays with getting treatment for the child of one of the kidnappers. She was never harmed.”
Oh. That explained the juice boxes, they loved their own child enough to do something desperate to save them.
“That kid’s going to get the treatment it needs, right?” Steph already knew the answer but asked anyway.
“They’ll get a letter from Wayne Memorial this week,” Bruce confirmed.
Steph had another question, one that Bruce likely wouldn’t answer. Shouldn’t answer, but she wanted confirmation. “Did… Does it feel different, with Damian, from the others?”
Bruce took a minute to think, long enough that she knew he was answering her underlying question with care. “At first. The others, I chose. I brought them in, I thought it through, I knew them and wanted them in my life. Wanted to make a home for them. I didn’t choose him. And at first, if anything, it was harder.”
Steph listened. She wasn’t sure if Bruce had ever spoken of this out loud.
“But then it was like he’d always been a part of my life, just like the others, a part that was irreplaceable and unique but that I loved in the same way.” 
That settled something within her, something she hadn’t realized was bothering her. 
A long pause, then Steph broke the silence. “How do you do it?”
Bruce looked at her, waiting for clarification.
“Send your kids out there every night,” Steph said.  She could still feel the way her heart had dropped when she’d realized that her daughter was in danger, and couldn’t fathom what it would be like knowing her child was out trying to punch supervillains in the face. “Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Every day,” Bruce said. “Every night.”
She wondered if he was thinking about Jason’s death, about all the close calls. About how Damian flung himself into danger so recklessly, like he still believed he was invincible. The way all kids thought they were invincible. About Dick, Tim, Cass. About all of his children, choosing the fight over safety every time.
 She wondered if he was thinking about her in Leslie’s clinic, clutching his hand and dying.
Bruce continued, looking down at their currently clasped hands. “I have faith in their ability to keep themselves as safe as possible. I train them as best I can, make sure they have the best equipment. Try to always know where they are, in case I can help. But mostly… your mother was right. Having kids is putting a piece of yourself out in the world and not knowing if it’s safe or not, and being grateful for every day that it is.”
He’d been careful with his words, never said you, but Steph could feel the weight of a small fortune’s worth of equipment and technology in her suit, in her belt. The communicators that shared her location. 
The way he’d tried to protect her by trying to keep her away tonight, so that she wouldn’t have to face this complicated churn of emotions.
She rested her head on his shoulder and mumbled, “Thank you. For everything.”
She felt him shift, and the slightest hint of pressure as he pressed a kiss into the top of her cowl.  
“There’s a file, if you want to know more about her.”
She’d known that, from the moment she’d made him promise to keep her baby safe.  She knew Bruce didn’t do half-measures, that he took each promise he made as a lifelong commitment.  She’d known that, and she’d never consciously thought about it, because it was too much. “No, I think-- I think I saw enough.”
She’d seen a child deeply loved, a child that was brave and beautiful and bright.  That flung herself at heroes, safe in the knowledge that they were only there to help.
She’d seen all she needed to know that her daughter was living the life she’d hoped to have herself as a child. That she was living the life that Steph had hoped for when she’d signed those papers.  
That this was one glorious instance of one of her choices going exactly right.
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18 & 20? Good Luck with nano! :)
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
all my writing is a ball of loosely connected AUs until I actually sit down and glue them together, but not drastically different - just the same characters, scenes, conversations, etc all playing out in slightly different ways until I pick one and commit to it. but there’s not, like, an AU where Mal and Jayani are baristas and the Masters of the Citadel are the assistant managers from hell and Aye-Aye is an extremely temperamental blender. 
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
oh man... I truly do not know if it’s as deep as all that, it’s just a story about how loving the people that societal powers deems unlovable is like the most radical thing you can do. and also about how dragons in space are cool as hell!
although I GUESS if we’re gonna talk about relationship development then UGH watching Mal and Jayani’s friendship develop over like a decade and how they become a cohesive unit who are, like, freakishly in sync with each other and insanely ride or die and just a really perfectly cohesive unit. 
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zaritarazi · 4 years
deadtedkord replied to your post: charlie’s business card reads “mysterious...
gender: ????intention: fuck around and find out
that one gets her a lot of hits actually
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raviposting · 4 years
💻 & the eyes
Yayyyy thank you Meg!!! 
💻- three works of yours that are must-reads Oooh I’m pretty narcissistic I love a lot of my AO3 stuff lolol I think my top 3 have to be:
Good Mornin’ - [Singin’ in the Rain, Don x Kathy x Cosmo. Summary: A progression of Don, Kathy, & Cosmo's relationship in three different mornings.] I really loved writing how they could work in canon and I loved the idea of it following three different mornings; this is honestly probably my favorite fic I’ve ever written. 
Meet The Parents - [Sense8, Kala x Rajan x Wolfgang. Summary: Kala, Rajan, and Wolfgang all decide to tell their parents about the three of them. It goes about as well as they expect.] Ugh I loved Sense8 making this poly ship canon but I wanted! So much more lolol so then I realized I could write it myself. But I loved writing it and getting each of their family dynamics and voice in so it’s def up there. :) 
Family - [Legends of Tomorrow, all the season 1 characters. Summary: The team defeats Vandal Savage, returns home to 2016, and pick up as if their lives are normal. Well, almost - these nine people will always be connected, and despite themselves, they've turned into a family.] So I had written like 2 fics before this and had gotten back into fanfic but this was the one that reminded me just how much I loved writing, and particularly exploring characters? Honestly I usually nitpick all my stories esp the early ones in 2016 but this one still holds up for me which is nice. :D 
👀- favorite response to one of your works Honestly I think @batmanisagatewaydrug​  had my favorite response to my Legends Family mornings fic, because I had written the fic based off of her headcanons, and her listing off everything she loved made me SO happy and I think is what made us mutuals (also p sure Makenzie is why I got like even half the comments on that fic lolol it was wonderful). It made me passionate about writing fic again, working with a headcanon and everything, and I honestly wasn’t even expecting a response so her comments have a huge soft spot in my heart there :) 
Ask game
Send me an emoji!
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theadrogna · 4 years
5 & 28 for the fanfic ask game!
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
Doomed to Repeat It, which is really 5 fics in one, but I love them all.28. if you could only ever write for a single crossover or a single fandom again, which would you pick?
This is a hard question since I know I get tired of fandoms eventually, and then I drop them like a hot potato. I think Legends of Tomorrow would be a good one to be stuck with though because there are a lot of characters to write for and Rip has so many more stories to tell. Also I get to write for Constantine, so can’t complain there.
0 notes
dykerory · 3 years
tagged by @deadtedkord thanks bestie <3
favourite colour(s): big purple fan over here, though i think brown is a really underrated color. there are so many excellent shades. I love a brown with a red undertone that really just makes my day.
currently reading: a dance with dragons by george "rockin' rollin' rootin' tootin'" martin. i'm in hell because there are no brienne or jaime chapters and there probably won't ever be another book in this god forsaken series
last song: godzilla by blue oyster cult. maybe one of the best songs ever written.
last movie: can i count a movie i'm GOING to watch in like twenty minutes??? if so then Near Dark. If not, then Singin' in the Rain.
last show: Community! I'm doing a rewatch.
sweet, spicy, or savoury: savory & spicy. I don't know when i got so old that things could become too sweet for me, but here i am, a crone at age 22.
craving: a sense of direction in life
I tag @batmanisagatewaydrug @deputy-ajay-ghale @bashircore @lonesometrails @zaricats
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jandjsalmon · 4 years
Hello everybody!! I’ve been reading this hilarious book about plagues through history so I haven’t read as much fiction as I’d like this week. I hope you’re all staying healthy and safe. 
Have a good weekend, friends. 💙
Here is my reading list for the week of Sept 25 to Oct 01
Week 1 (119 chapters)
Week 2 (158 chapters)
Week 3 (81 chapters)
Week 4 (98 chapters)
Week 5 (117 chapters)
Week 6 (99 chapters)
Week 7 (88 chapters)
Week 8 (149 chapters)
Week 9 (194 chapters)
Week 10 (220 chapters)
Week 11 (157 chapters)
Week 12 (97 chapters)
Week 13 (89 chapters)
Week 14 (44 chapters)
Week 15 (78 chapters)
Week 16 (72 chapters)
Week 17 (160 chapters)
Week 18 (119 chapter)
Week 19 (118 chapters)
Week 20 (73 chapters)
Week 21 (111 chapters)
Week 22 (146 chapters)
Week 23 (334 chapters)
Week 24 (74 chapters)
RIVERDALE (Bughead) - 28
do you like or like like me? by @stonerbughead (chapter 5)
Of Midnight and Moonlight by @likemereckless (chapter 6)
time is nothing but a number (when i have you) by @moons2stars (chapter 2)
Travellin' Soldier by PotatoesOfWorldlyDesire (chapter 9)
doll parts by @meditationonbaaal (first chapter)
my heart is a flower that blooms (for you) by @latenightcoffeetalks (1/1)
Dancing in a Snow Globe by @like-romeoandjuliet-love (11 chapters)
It's Not Love, I'm Just Drunk by @riverdalehales (chapter 1)
Life. by BookLabrynth (chapter 7)
Slow Motion Fade by @easyluckyfree45 (chapter 1)
eternity to waste (with you) by @moons2stars (1/1)
Fallen Queen by peacefulvillage (5/5)
head over feet by @thatiranianphantom (1/1)
Get Famous by @thepointoftheneedle (first chapter)
Riverdale Rereads - 5
Pour Some Sugar On Me by @ficmuse​ (Cheryl/FP) - five chapters
Foundations by @doomsdayfive (Five/Vanya) - chapter 6
Lost and Found by @mynewblackdress (Five/Vanya) - chapter 3
Everything I Do I Do For You by Super_Navi (Five/Vanya) - chapter 3, 4, 5, 6
It Tasted Like Freedom by @mynewblackdress (Five/Vanya) - 1/1
A different life by Chevalier_Barthelemy (Five/Vanya) - chapters 6 & 7
(Bitter)Sweet Sixteen by @263adder (Five/Vanya) - 1/1
You're All I Need by Ace_ee (Five/Vanya) - first chapter
Somebody that I Used to Know by @mynewblackdress (Five/Vanya) - chapter 4
A Royal Engagement by @hallie-society (Harry/Allie) - chapter 12
Coveted by @optimisticsprinkles (Ben/Rey) - chapter 30
Fireflies by @quixoticlux (Ben/Rey) - chapter 14
Serious Things Are Stupid by tvparty18 (Lenny/Miriam) - 1/1
Sleeves by sleazy_c (Jareth/Sarah) - chapter 3
JAM 6.0 by DoomGoose (Jim/Pam) - chapter 15
Four Letter Word by @dresupi (Theon/Sansa) - chapter 3
Before We Ever Touched by @queenie-004 (Peter/LJ) - 4/4
Of Love and Faith And Other Deadly Things by ARogueGambit7 (Sweeny/Laura) - chapter 7
Everything is Better, Part Six by @celerylapel (Jeff/Annie) - chapter 9
Misc. Rereads - 16
My rereads this week were all from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - largely because @melimelrockswell1204 decided to watch and flail about how amazing Lenny Bruce was and I needed to gather recs for her. I hope you watch the show - but if you don’t, you should definitely read these fics. They’re better than the source material because the source material probably won’t ever *go there* with Lenny and Miriam. Which is a darn shame - because look at them!
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someday in new york city by @deadtedkord (Lenny/Miriam) - 1/1
like lovers (or partners in crime) by @introvertedtaliswrites (Lenny/Miriam) - 4/4
retrouvailles by veterization (Lenny/Miriam) - 1/1
it's a scandal that'll pack 'em in the aisles by @jelenedra (Lenny/Miriam) - 4/4
The Blizzard Of The Decade by lennybrucesgirl (Lenny/Miriam) - 1/1
Sanctuary by ProfessionalPorcupine (Lenny/Miriam) - 4/4 
A Comic Walks Into a Hotel Room by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Lenny/Miriam) - 1/1
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gothdaisyjohnson · 4 years
I was tagged by @kingtxhalla for a fun thing!!
Rules: Choose 10 favourite characters/people from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 other people.
so 10 faves from 10 things here we go:
Daisy Johnson (AOS)
Allison Argent (teen wolf)
Inej Ghafa (six of crows)
Katara (atla)
Adora (she-ra)
Wally West (the flash cw)
Castiel (spn)
Amy Pond (dw)
Gwaine (merlin)
Alexis Rose (schitt’s creek)
idk about tagging ten whole people but let’s do @clarysfairchild @waverly-earp @anagonyeseleanor @jedirey @deadtedkord and @amidalleia
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spockasmr · 3 years
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make me choose | @deadtedkord asked: tak/rei or dex/ray
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nokomiss · 3 years
6 & 8? :D
6. What’s your favorite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?
 I really loved this exchange between Steph, Bruce and Damian from  to brighten up even your darkest knight  after Steph has discovered a momento from her childhood filed away in the Batcave:
 Damian noticed the smile, too. “Father, Brown appears to have broken you. Is it evil string?”
“It’s a friendship bracelet,” Steph explained.
“It’s unmarked evidence,” Damian said. “Likely it was a crime against good taste.”
“Stephanie gave it to me,” Bruce said, reaching out and taking the bag. “Ten years ago?”
“I was seven, so more like twelve, old man,” Steph said. “Memory’s the first thing to go, you know.”
Damian’s brow furrowed. “Brown wasn’t involved in vigilante activity as a child.”
“Not from this end of it, anyway,” Steph said.
Damian blinked at her.
“Your dad busted into my house and punched my dad in the face. It was awesome,” she said.
Bruce looked briefly heavenward. “I didn’t realize there was a child on the premises.”
“It was a school night and I was a second grader,” Steph pointed out. “Where would I have been, out clubbing?” She turned back to Damian. “He broke a bunch of stuff and clearly felt bad so he did my homework with me.”
The small smile returned. “You were a good reader at that age, as I recall.”
I was also really proud of the conversation about parenthood between Bruce and Stephanie in The Unseen Garden. 
8. Which fic from this year was the most fun to write? 
That is an incredibly hard question, since I had a lot of fics this year that were an absolute blast to write. Going full force into writing Batfam fic this year was an excellent decision. I think though that it has to be either Let The Rumors Fly, The Sexy Mug Prank, or In This Town of Halloween.  I spent just as much time giggling over the scenarios of those fics as I did actually writing them, and each of them just flowed effortlessly.
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since you asked for asks about your writing PLEASE say this is a jessie/traceuse enemies-to-lovers hero/villain set up where they team up to keep the local scoundrels in check while publically remaining enemies? and i love the sibling relationship between them and jonas. tell us more about them? also I KNOW it's been years but i still remember reading your fairytale novel, any updates on jack (i think??) and the prince whose name has escaped by memory rn?
also i loved the way you wrote the poverty/financial struggle of jessie and jonas bc it was hashtag relatable and felt very Real lived experience
I’m going to answer these in reverse order and probably decreasing brevity.
thank you, that’s because Jessie and Jonas’ childhood poverty and the way it’s followed Jessie into adulthood are Very Much Based On My Own Life. I was lucky enough not to have the very unhealthy parental situation J&J had (and boy, will we be hearing more about their parents), but there is very much some overlap between us. write what you know, etc!
oh MAN my fantasy novel. boy, I really would still like to write it one day when I can calm down and untangle some thoughts and figure out what the fuck it’s supposed to actually be about. it’s still important to me, I just need some better planning skills and a little more confidence in my writing. but rest assured, the whole cast is still living in my head absolutely rent free, particularly Jack and Cadmus who are still extremely in love and bickering like an old married couple even though they’re only about 23.
mayhaps you will have to keep reading to see what Jessie/Traceuse (...Jessceuse? Tressie? Frostceuse?) situation is? 👀 we’ll be learning shortly that Jessie has certainly Gotten Around the local cape scene, and there’s not telling who could be next. she’s a wily one!
we’ll also be getting into the relationship between J&J and Traceuse a lot more, namely what the fuck their arrangement is that Traceuse knows their home addresses and real names and isn’t using that information to, you know, arrest them for their many crimes. I’m always really charmed by comic book superheroes who have spent so long fighting certain enemies that those enemies have become more like weird confidants and emergency allies, and that’s very much what Traceuse currently has with the siblings. she definitely considers them the most reasonable of her rogues gallery, Jonas respects her as an opponent, and for the time being Jessie sincerely thinks of Traceuse as sort-of a friend, because she has a slightly skewed perception of what a friend is. 
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zaritarazi · 4 years
deadtedkord replied to your post: charlie’s business card reads “mysterious...
charlie said ‘i invented pride bachannalias for everyone i say so as Fate’
dion: my name is LITERALLY in the title charlie: HEY. nobody asked you
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raviposting · 4 years
best characters of the decade!
of thE DECADE MEG DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS okay I’m a stickler and this says best not favorites so let’s think 
I mean who would I be if I didn’t put in Baby Yoda, absolute ICON
I Feel Like Someone From Harry Potter Should Be On Here But I Don’t Know Who nope I’m a stickler again this is best not most iconic 
Willow Rosenberg (BtVs): Since BTVS ended in 2003 I think she counts lmao; I think Willow’s character was definitely not perfectly written but was incredibly important, and while she probably fits more into “iconic” and not “best” characters, I think her impact as a queer character means too much for me to not include her on this list 
Stefon (SNL): honestly also fits into iconic lmao huh I guess they intersect whoops BUT honestly what a character that SNL got me to care about within a 2 minute segment every like month or so lmao good on them I’m incredibly invested in his life with Seth Meyers and their 2.5 kids
Arya Stark (GOT): Despite the fact that GOT s8 kind of lost the ball on her character, she’s still one who got one of the better endings, and it doesn’t take away from the rest of her badassery 
Oberyn (GOT): Oh my man only had one season but boy did he have an impact during it. He was phenomenal and had a plot, purpose, and lasting effect in terms of what happened to The Mountain even after he died
Walter White (Breaking Bad): not that I ever finished it but I did enjoy the writing and I think this was a great way of watching a character quickly turn into the villain, although like most shows that have a main character who you’re not supposed to root for, the majority of the loud audience Didn’t Seem to Get That 
Bruce Wayne (Gotham): hear me out. This was the best version of Bruce I’ve ever seen in anything in this decade. This was a Bruce that I could look at and go “Oh. Oh yeah. That’s a kid who’s going to grow up wearing a bat costume beating people up.” Iconic. Perfect. Gotham being bad just makes it better. 20/10 best character ever I will die on this hill 
TOPH MOTHERFUCKING BEI FONG (also Zuko): does this one even need to be explained? 
Ask me the best _____ of 2019 or the decade!
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theadrogna · 3 years
Ask game!
Thank you @nemainofthewater for tagging me!
Nickname: Thea
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5′0″ (yes, I am smol)
Time currently: 15:06
Birthday: March
Favorite bands/groups: It changes a lot, but at the moment Gunship, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, Killers, Clannad
Favorite solo artists: Suzanne Vega, Peter Gabriel, Kebu, John Carpenter, Grimes
Song stuck in my head: Blinding Lights - the Weeknd, Tik Tok - Ke$ha, and for some reason: All is Full of Love - Bjork
Last movie watched: John Wick 3
Last show binged: I’m in the process of binging Burn Notice on my own, and Constantine with Mini, after completing Lucifer again.
Created blog: not sure, maybe late 2018
Last thing googled: Uffington White Horse (for fic reasons)
Other blogs: StupidinSpadesConstantine my RP blog
Why I chose my url: It’s been my online screen name forever
Do I get asks: very occasionally
Following: 77
Followers: 207
Average hours of sleep: 6
Lucky number: 5
Instruments: flute, recorder, clarsach (a little)
Currently wearing: grey socks with white fish pattern, bottle green jeans, black t-shirt with a dragon hording dice, black galaxy pattern hoodie
Dream job: author
Dream trip: I’ve always wanted to go to Japan
Favorite food: pancakes with lemon and sugar
Favorite song: Behind Blue Eyes by The Who
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: Animal Crossing, The Culture, Original Universe Star Trek
Tags: @incendiaglacies @riphuntertimemasterlegend @kalinara @copperfire @oasis-wasteland @singledarkshade @buirs @royalbuffoons  @darkestsight  @claracivry  @vulptexvenator  @deadtedkord  @egelantier 
And anyone else who wants to do it!
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