#definitely feel like it got shorter as it progressed but.. idk i just didn't know how to make it super repetitive
mukamibabe · 2 years
Hi Cindy!
How do you think teen S,M,T boys (maybe around 13 years old) will react to getting in trouble in school and the principal calls their step-mother (Karl's new wife in S and M boys case (they love her dearly) and T's aunt who is like a mother to them) to school,but when she arrives the principal starts flirting with her and threatens to kick the boys out of school and make sure they don't get admission anywhere else if she wouldn't submit to his wishes?
AND how will Karl react to such behaviour towards his beautiful wife?
oooh this was pretty creative, thanks for requesting! under the cut due to length, but that shouldn't surprise you at this point lol
also before i get into this, i know you said teen/preteen, but here's the tough thing,,, . dl timelines.. they're tricky Jdgfhgdg yes i know lore shouldn't matter in this case but,,,, sajfhsdf anyways think of the younger diaboy sprites just ..slightly older? i have no idea, basically im just envisioning them as their young sprites + with the early trauma. i guess? no idea, i know i'm overthinking it haha
also, i guess this is technically an au and i'm most likely bending things a bit but i'll leave it up to you whether or not the younger boys know of one another's existences. or at least, specifically the mukami's. idk??
oh and !! i ended up writing this where like.. it would be each boy separately, if that makes sense? instead of the principal like.. expelling all of them
okay, so i'm picturing during this time, shu was still pretty naive, at least in comparison to his current self. 
though, it makes a lot of sense for him to get in trouble at school due to his lack of like.. wanting to do things. he’s still a kid, or at least he wants to be. and this is most likely before uhhh the whole.. polar bear thing so he doesn’t know the extremities of his father’s consequences,,,
anyway. he knows he’s going to be in trouble. he’ll just deal with it. but, once he sees his step-mother?? (who he genuinely sees as a mother as opposed to all of karl’s other wives,, bc she’s actually nice to them) 
shu isn’t sure whether or not he should be relieved because this means he’s not going to get reprimanded, as he definitely expected literally anyone but his stepmom,, there’s also a part of him that almost feels guilty? 
i mean, what can you expect? shu truly doesn’t want to disappoint his stepmother, who has basically (assumingly???) been the only one to actually praise him and even just show him affection. so yea, he feels kind of bad. he doesn’t want to let her down, specifically. 
the guilt only grows more once the principal starts getting a little bold, i guess you could say
at first, shu doesn’t really pick up on the flirting- he’s not an idiot, but his stepmother is quite charming, so it’s understandable? he guesses?? he isn’t slow to notice the sudden shift of mood from his stepmother, either. even if she hides it well, he’ll pick up on any sort of discomfort, and it concerns him.
shu eventually insists on sticking up for his stepmother, at least in the best way he can without causing a scene. as i said, shu isn’t stupid, he knows that the principal literally just threatened her, and he knows it was wrong
he jumps in right away, trying to reassure both his stepmom and the principal that it’s not going to happen again. he does want to threaten the principal in return, but he doesn’t want anything to escalate
now, in this situation, i’m guessing they end up leaving anyways, because like ?? what’s the principal gonna do?? hold everyone hostage??? 
so.. yeah. that happens. and after it happens, shu honestly feels horrible about it. he’s not worried about his own education or anything, he just feels bad that his stepmother had to go through this, specifically because of him. 
so.. if such thing were to happen, reiji would straight up be distraught over it. not specifically the harassment of his stepmother (which is something he’s not happy about either but what comes first for reiji is those grades) 
the amount of self hatred he feels for this?? he has no idea how it even happened. he’s always done his best, and has never been in trouble before so that kind of is,, his main worry;;
if reiji did actually do something to get in trouble, i doubt it would be over grades. and if that were the case, i’m not sure he’d own up to it. or any of it at all, actually. he’s persistent that he’s done nothing wrong.
now, once the principal comes in with all of the threats and whatnot? reiji is livid. it’s amazing how angry he is, honestly.
like, such a young little thing to feel so much wrath? uhmm yikes. rip.
he looses his composure just a bit, you’ll notice that he’s really on edge because he knows the principal is full of it- 
there’s a part of reiji that literally wants to slit the principal’s throat, but.. he wont. he’s not going to make a mess, at least not in front of his mother.
in this period of time, i’m still assuming reiji decided to uhh set fire to edgar, so reiji wanting to,,,dispose of the principal? not super surprising
reiji tries to hide how upset he is, but his stepmother knows him well enough that he’s lowkey livid. he keeps it together for the most part, though
he doesn’t actually acknowledge the reason for her being there, but he does say that the principal doesn’t matter- the stepmother, in the long run, ultimately has more power. i mean, she’s married to his father. a king. there’s no way some school principal is going to be more powerful than that. 
lmao not really accurate but i definitely thought of My FAther will hEar aBOut tHis’ 
anyways. reiji is standing beside his stepmom like a little devil on her shoulder, basically reassuring her that the principal can’t even lay a hand on either of them, and their life means little. easily disposable. literal devil, lol
so, it’s probably not the first time this has happened. ayato does try, sometimes. but he’s not some nerd. he can be the greatest even without learning all this school stuff, so whatever
..that doesn’t stop the school from punishing him lol
his stepmother should be used to it, at this point, so maybe the principal has had their eyes on her for a while? idk. either way, a majority of the time, ayato is oblivious to it all. after getting in trouble with things like this, ayato will be there physically, but he basically just ignores everything else going on around him. 
but, maybe out of boredom or something, ayato starts paying attention. and he’s not at all pleased to hear the principal threaten his stepmom. 
he feels the same way reiji does, honestly. except, rather than thinking like?? stfu principal, youre threating a king’s wife+son, ayato literally thinks: you’re messing with me, the great ayato sakamaki. 
lmao this mindset is most likely the reason for him being in trouble in the first place,,,
anyway, another thing that makes his reaction completely different from reiji’s is that: he’s literally the opposite. this poor kid is willing to create the biggest commotion, so long as it means his stepmother is safe and feels comfortable. 
i don’t want to say he’s entirely oblivious to her discomfort, but just the tension in the room doesn’t feel right to him, and he wants to get this over with, quickly.
i almost hate to say it lol but think of him like a rabid chihuahua or something. screaming little guy with pure fire JHDFSDF seriously though. that’s basically it
also unfortunately i imagine that the triplets don’t get to see the stepmom often, so long as cordelia is around. as soon as ‘that woman’, being the stepmother, is around, cordelia will be watching her sons like a hawk. because cordelia knows that the other woman will treat her sons differently. ..though, this isn’t the topic for now 
anyways that’s just another reason why ayato is so defensive about the situation. he does value his step mother because he does crave her praise and just.. the love that he’s not gotten to feel before. it’s natural that he’d want to be super protective over her.
most likely got in trouble for throwing a tantrum or something,, and probably doesn’t really know why he’s being disciplined in the first place.
so when he hears the principal say he’s going to get kicked out of school?? along some other things, of which he didn’t bother to listen to, he kind of.. loses it. 
whether he goes batshit or starts sobbing, i’m not sure. that, or he’ll completely just.. go silent. head empty, sort of thing
kanato’s reaction, in comparison to the others so far, might be more dull and less,,, emotional? or because of his relationship with his stepmom, i guess?
i’ve always imagined scenario’s like this to be super conflicting for kanato because there’s a part of him that wants to stay loyal to his own blood mother, but all he wants is attention. and the way his stepmother feels? he feels so warm inside, and he loves it. he wishes he could feel that with cordelia, but.. .
yeah. so, it’s a tough one. kanato would definitely love his stepmother though, or at least the care he receives from her. 
to bring up some more trauma,,, i both feel as if kanato is completely unaware of the principal’s predatory actions, but also entirely aware of it. i’m not sure how to explain it, but something about it seems familiar to him, and there’s a part of him that’s just.. acknowledging it as a bad thing for his stepmom
because of that, kanato will do his best to ensure he and his stepmother get out of there as soon as possible. might literally tug her by the hand just.. out of the office lmao
hm.. this one is tricky because it kind of.. depends. but, i really can’t see laito getting in too much trouble other than grades itself, or like a lack of participation, which might go hand in hand,,?
anyways, his reaction to the principal threatening his stepmother is quite.. stale, i guess? 
i definitely think laito would recognize it for what it is, that being predatory and just disgusting behavior,, but how he would respond to it.. is a bit tricky
at this time, i’m picturing him to be still fairly innocent, though not entirely. anyway, laito knows. 
he knows the principal is awful for trying to threaten both laito and his stepmother. but.. what can he do?
he feels lost, really. there is a part of him that feels a tinge of regret- if he had done as he was supposed to, this entire mess wouldn’t be happening. though the regret isn’t exactly his biggest worry
he genuinely has no idea how to respond or what to do, so he just tries to reaffirm his stepmother that everything’s going to be fine- he can get into a new school, the principal’s words don’t matter, ect
scholarly things just.. aren’t for subaru. so it doesn’t surprise me that he’d get in trouble over it
that being said, his principal treating his stepmother like that?? it fuels something in him that he had no idea existed
he’s pissed, and he really can’t put a finger on why he’s so upset over this. but, does he need a reason? 
subaru reacts instantly upon hearing the principal. like, instantly. he lashes out, quickly switching from his quiet manner into this.. explosion
he couldn’t help it. it just triggered something in him, honestly. and.. subaru really isn’t the best at handling his emotions, as we know. so yeah, it’s kind of a surprise, i guess
he could care less about the consequences, he just doesn’t want any more of his loved ones to get hurt. though, technically speaking,,, i dont think subaru knows what love is, nor does he know what it’s like to feel loved, but you get what im saying
i mean, if his stepmom is going to get themself in trouble somehow, subaru would rather not be the one responsible. yes, he knows, he’s not responsible for it (like some of the others, there’s a tad bit of guilt, but subaru doesn’t care that much) but listen. if he can stop the principal from harassing his stepmother, he will. even more so because his stepmother has been good to him
honestly, it’s a bit weird but subaru’s situation might be the messiest out of all of them. 
deep down, he knows his father could probably help the situation, but subaru would hate that. he has no idea why his stepmother is even with him, and if his father were to be a good husband for once, his wife wouldn’t have to put up with this. 
realistically,,,, maybe not,, but. .subaru has it out for karl. for a good reason,,,.
ooof ok this one is also tricky because he’s like reiji. at least, in regards to education. sort of. not really. but sort of.
basically, errors in school just aren’t really likely for ruki. he’s smart, he knows it, and rarely does he skip out on educational stuff kjsdghsdg
so im ? guessing . .maybe he was being a brat. i have no idea lmao 
all that is besides the point, though. and because this is after the mukami’’s have been turned, ruki is a little less of a brat. only a bit lol
either way, ruki has a similar response to reiji. the principal has literally no power in comparison to ruki, or at least, ruki’s savoir. that being: karl. karlheinz’ wife, who also happens to be his stepmother, and someone he does somewhat see as a maternal figure (though it’s super super complicated and wayyy too in depth for me to explain here-), he knows the principal literally has nothing in comparison to them.
...it would not be that big of a deal if they were to, say, go missing without a trace. seriously, who would care? also, they’d deserved it, right?
unlike reiji, though, ruki isn’t going to set the principal’s house on fire LMAO he just rats him out to karlheinz honestly
or he encourages his stepmom to do something about it. wink. DJFSJDF
why :( that’s honestly so mean LOL
kou’s a pretty good kid in school. struggles a bit, and is, by no means the perfect student, but he’s not the worst. but, rude!!
kou thinks so, anyways. though, i think out of all the diaboys in this situation, as horrible as it is, kou’s probably used to this? and/or has been through a similar situation at some point in his early life. 
he’s not sure how to respond to it, though. he just looks up at his stepmother expectantly, almost pleading for her to just put her foot down and leave
if the principal is willing to suspend him or ban him, whatever. kou doesn’t care, and he’d rather not be in a school with a corrupt principal like that. it scares him, honestly.
yeah, he’s just very adamant about leaving. kou will be very open about how he doesn’t mind getting kicked out of the school, he’ll take the repercussions, he just .. doesn’t want to be near that person
even if they weren’t harassing kou himself, who’s to say they wont?? if they have the nerve to threaten his stepmom, then.. yeah he’s kind of worried
another oof lol i mean, yuma gets it. i can picture him struggling with school, some things more than others, but still,,,
even yuma recognizes that it’s a bit extreme. yeah, he knows that the principal doesn’t have it out for him but rather his stepmom. still, though. really??
yuma doesn’t have any problem arguing with the principal, though. he’ll do so without hesitation lol
like, seriously? you think that would work?? your school fuckin’ sucks anyway,
aand he continues to rat out the principal sjfhsfd
what, you’re so shitty that you have to bribe someone to be with you??? 
jsdfhd honestly there’s not much else to say other than yuma will tear this principal down and not care
he’s gotta protect his stepmom, ok?? he’d probably do it for anyone else, because yuma hates the abuse of power, but like.. still. really?? his stepmom??? is the principal that dumb?? do they not know who his stepmom is married to??
like yuma, azusa isn’t the best with school. i imagine it’s a pretty big struggle for him, and i bet his stepmother knows that as well
no matter how much reassuring his stepmother does for him, he’ll feel so bad about it. he wont be sobbing or crying or anything, but just a sort of like.. numbness. he’d feel worthless. 
that feeling gets worse once the principal starts threatening him. and his mom. 
i doubt azusa trusted the principal in the first place, but either way, it still feels like a betrayal and lowkey it hurts him. a lot.
what hurts even more is that his stepmother is involved, and she doesn’t seem keen to be flirted with by the principal. he really can’t help but feel at fault.
honestly, in this case, i think the stepmother would probably carry along the situation because azusa will just stand there like :(
he’s too nervous to speak up and what not
the audacity,,,,
why? why would they even dare to do that?? it’s honestly funny to carla
also, both me and probably carla lmao have no idea why he’d get in trouble at school. he doesn’t believe the principal because like.. he doesn’t do anything wrong
honestly i don’t think there’s much to say about this one because carla knows he’s got more power over the principal. 
...and because of that, the principal is likely,,, not going to be there for any longer
seriously lol don’t worry auntie <3 he’s got you DJFHSJDF how? no idea. but this boy will dispose of him without any issues
no, no you don’t. his aunt is one of the few people shin appreciates in his life, and some loser of a principal isn’t going to get away with threatening her. or himself, for that matter. 
truthfully, he doesn’t care about getting kicked from school, and i wouldn’t be surprised that he’d gotten in trouble. shin isn’t the naughtiest kid, but he’s not the best, either. super mouthy lol
his mouth is probably the reason for his trouble, and it’ll continue to be the issue. like yuma, he’ll tell the principal off, and then, like his brother, will do whatever he can in order to make them disappear. because what difference would it make, really?
+ karlheinz:
yeahhh this principal.. probably wont live for much longer. or, he’ll live slightly longer but at the cost of being karlheinz’ new lab rat. 
the issue isn’t actually that big of a deal for karlheinz- his wife has been flirted with before, surely- karlheinz has good taste, afterall- so he’s not worried. she knows better to get with anyone else, anyways. 
it’s also.. quite annoying that the principal has the nerve to threaten his children. nevermind the tsukinami’s, he doesn’t really care because.. they’re not his to control, basically jsdfhsdf
that’s exactly why he’s not happy with the principal, though. just the audacity, really. to even think that they have the power to do so?? it’s almost funny to karl. 
but no. no one gets to threaten his children, or his wife, but him. KJfdsfs 
#trying a new.. format type of thing#i have no idea lol im just testing things out i guess#not even sure if it would be formatting but whatever#sorry this took me a minute#and if it's not the best? ?uhhh also sorry#definitely feel like it got shorter as it progressed but.. idk i just didn't know how to make it super repetitive#anyways ty <3#if anyone wants an update on my life: here i present you with. tag talking#im *still* into the ssum. teo and i are married now JHDFJDSFH im also *still* into a particular fox boy. or two 😳 JHHFDJHJDF#oh!!!!!!!! and im back into assassins creed. surprise but not really#have i ever talked about my love for that franchise on here before?? im not sure#i feel llike i definitely have at some point though.. i share everything in the tags lmao only the most useless info#anyways <3 lady eivor my beloved#im. ..love WOME N#WOMENN!!!!#speaking of; i played the sims again. i played with sim cordelia + threw her into a household with my ocs and omg#a hot MESS!! cordelia almost made my baby boy olivier get DIVORCED!!! she almost made his s/o break up their engagement lmao#and then! with her </3 gal pal maribel.. all they did was flirt and insult eachother lmao#i love the sims so much ok??? long story short: cordelia brings chaos wherever she goes#god does anyone even know about my ocs anymore LOL its been ages#also my sideblog ? dead. dead dead so uh yikes#pls.. dl ocs are so much fun#i say this everytime JHJDSHF#my favorite thing though?? male dl ocs#that's a story for another time though#tagtalk OVER!! BYe adios#fantasticchaosdaze#karlheinz sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#Shu Sakamaki
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dawntheduckrb · 5 months
Tumblr media
I don't wanna fight exporting a half done picture so here's a picture of my tablet I took with my phone (very scuffed lol, I know)
Long post 🦆
Alright, I do not like moping for long time when physical ailment strikes, so today I:
went and got a brace to keep my thumb still when I'm not using it
looked up a couple extra stretches for my wrist
set a timer on everything I did to be no longer than an hour
finally applied that "drawing from the shoulder" thing my professors try to hammer in
And, as of right now, I feel much better than I did 24 hours ago :D it's definitely still hurting a little, but I don't think I'm gonna have to take more than the recommended amount of ibuprofen and drown my hand in ice just to go to sleep now haha. I'm still very mad this even happened >:( buut freaking out about it last night made me extra proactive about it today, so all is well (relatively)
I was able to work on that project today, I'm very excited to show it off so here's a progress picture :3. I'm only just now realizing I made the left eyebrow/hand shorter than the right lol. Ran out of time for the feathers on the coat, but I think it's in a good spot right now. I only had the face drawn when I picked it back up today, so I made a decent amount of progress. I can't make any clean lines right now (see above), so this is really still just a draft. Hopefully I'll get it done by Monday night!
Last thing; I learned that clip studio can actually record time lapses for you, and doing it this way didn't freak out my computer, so voila (flashing lights cw, I flashbang myself a lot by accidentally removing the background):
It took me so long to draw out the top lol (I made his face really fluffy, and idk yet if I'm gonna keep that change or not)
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
this ask is literally just because I want to hear your opinion on this but why d'you think it makes sense that Sophie fell for Ryan first?
hi! idk if you're the same anon who asked previously; sorry if you are. I forgot to respond!
I think Sophie fell for Ryan first because Sophie didn't really have barriers to her feelings. like, yes, she thought Ryan was a little street rat who would return to a life of crime / covering for Angelique, but that's honestly the only thing she had against Ryan the majority of the time. Ryan didn't fit in with the idea of what a Good Person should be doing to the heavily respectability-focused Sophie Moore. whereas Ryan had a lot of feelings, re: Crowphie that definitely slowed down her process of developing feelings. and make it harder for her to acknowledge them, even still in s3.
so, once Sophie got to know Ryan over the course of season two, she pretty quickly realized that she actually got along well with Ryan. she was protective over Ryan in 2x11 (as she would be with any civilian), but once she found out Ryan's identity, every barrier for Sophie was gone. she could understand why Ryan was so involved in cases and what was happening with Angelique. she could look back at each of their interactions as both themselves and Sophie-and-Batwoman and recognize that each of these stubborn, strong-willed women were the same. she literally just needed Ryan to know that she knew.
and throughout the entire first half of season two, each time Ryan and Sophie interact (as themselves and as Sophie-and-Batwoman), Ryan's challenging Sophie to be better. She's pushing Sophie to think about what Sophie really wants for Gotham and for their people and for Sophie's own life. Ryan both knowingly and unknowingly guides Sophie through a stage of personal growth. and Ryan hears Sophie out on what the Crows are/were meant to be, while also acknowledging that that isn't what they are. and once Sophie pops out on the other side, Ryan holds her hand. Ryan is unshakably there for Sophie, and vice versa.
then by 2x15, Sophie's not only working with Ryan, but able to call Ryan out on the way Ryan's projecting anger towards Luke's shooting onto her. by the finale, Sophie's already offered up her couch to Ryan just to make sure that Ryan doesn't leave and is beside herself at the thought of Ryan facing Black Mask alone (which Sophie herself did to bad results, in order to protect Ryan before).
the final step honestly was Sophie getting closure with Kate (round #7000). she already cared about Ryan as a friend and partner, but with Sophie free of the possibility of what could've been, her feelings for Ryan catapulted.
and season three has just been plowing forward with those feelings (with some unfortunate snags that keep the slow burn from fully boiling over).
I jokingly wrote out Sophie's progression earlier in a shorter way. under the read more:
Sophie's thoughts on Ryan throughout S2
- Ryan’s a reckless street rat ruining her life, she should do better
- okay she’s doing better but she won’t leave bad places. Admonish her and keep it moving
- okay she’s actually not that bad, but I broke her up with her girlfriend. hope this doesn’t blow up in my face
- Jordan is wrong. There are no vibes btwn me and Ryan
- okay, she’s gonna get hurt and I will never forgive myself if she does (why is her smile so fucking bright?)
- okay she’s Batwoman. Fuck. Have I been wrong this whole time? I have to help her
- she’s such a bad liar. She refuses to trust me. Let me innnnnnnnn
- she’s right about the Crows and she might be right about me, and her hand is really soft and comforting rn
- wait she can’t leave. Kate is back, but — wait Kate is not back. Wait Ryan is in danger!? BRB, gotta fight my ex
- Ryan is everything good in this world. I have to protect her.
- My ex-girlfriend just told me to find something easy and good, but these two things probably have nothing to do with each other. lemme go rebound my way through Gotham
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bunkernine · 5 years
isosceles? i really liked the character development and story progression, plus the apolleo was pretty cute! its one of my top bookmarks to look back on and id love to know some fun facts and/or headcanons for it :>
in response to this ask
another anon asked for this fic too, so im gonna hit you with 10 so i don't repeat accidentally.
1. this is more popular with non-valgrace usuals actually. so after all these years, there are a bunch of usernames in my head that when i see them i think 'oh another valgrace fan'... i wanna say this is about 30-40 recognizable people? but oh man, did it take them a long time to find this. most of the people into this fic aren't the normal people i associate with vg.
2. it was only supposed to be about 25k. so um, before this fic i assumed it would last about 25 chaps, but around only 1k per chapter. lmao, then about 4 chaps in i was like... yeah, this is only gonna reach 50k. that was a lie.
3. the ao3 version is the roughest version out there. i cross posted to wattpad and ffnet after i finished isos but edited it more. some scenes were cut shorter, sentences switched around, words deleted. one day ill update ao3 but idk
4. in my drafts there's a half-written chapter that's literally just calypso and leo messing around and smoking weed? i never finished it cause i got stuck and then realized i didn't want drugs in the fic.
5. it's the most consistently updated fic I've ever had. i updated every month, often hitting y'all with 2 chaps at a time, or even 3. this is very funny considering i explicitly remember writing some chapters on the fly, while others actually took the whole month span to write
6. okay LMAO this is so funny to me, so everyone noticed that the chapter names spell out something, minus the flashback chapter, but in the beginning when i thought about doing that i apparently didn't know how to count and EXPLICITLY thought "this will be exactly 25 chapters plus the flashback"... but... theres 26 letters... not 25...
7. so i wrote this uh, freshman-sophomore year. now, as a senior when i look back at it, i get super annoyed. i wish I had included waaay more school/studying scenes. like maybe threw in a school project, showed leo (not)studying for final exams. i want to add more of that college app stress that im currently feeling. speaking of:
8. leo got a college recommendation letter from hedge
9. leo's college roommate is carter lmao. i read they were similar somewhere. didn't read tkc so i can't really say if this is true.
10. i've mentioned this a lot, but this is definitely not my favorite fic. however i miss the world i created and while there's a lot that i wish i could change, i love the reception it got during and after it's progress. the fanart and playlist are super endearing and you guys are all amazing :)
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