#batwoman: s2
oreolesbian · 2 years
another year, another slew of wlw show cancellations 🙃
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shipping1addict · 2 years
Hey 👀
I usually need time off from things that whirl me up emotionally until I can pick them up again. Be it avoiding it completely or just stop talking about it.
But seeing how a lot of shows get cancelled because of alleged lack of viewership these days, I want to do my best and at least try to bring Warrior Nun to everyone's attention.
This show is really good and the slow burn wlw storyline is exciting and heartbreaking simultaneously. Mixed with badass fighting scenes? Come ooon.
I also know that a lot of people might find the title questionable. I've had a lot of friends that think it's super religious and will swamp you with Christianity. And that opinion is obviously subjective to every individual;
but as an atheist, I have to say that it isn't what you think it is.
I don't want to spoil anything for those who are interested. I'm sure there are floating gif sets around anyways.
Just know that Warrior Nun is something to check out. Especially if you want badass women and a slow burn ship on screen.
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decided to rewatch arrow and man. i stand by calling it the first of a long series of batman-less batman shows but i love how many other things it is. just very true to the cw formula of "if we put ten things in this pilot and you like five of them you will watch our show".
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saraa-lancee · 10 months
Literally everything for them to just completely randomly suddenly find Kate's body 🙄🙄
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Batwoman in posters
Season 1
S1 Character Poster
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Season 2
S2 Character Poster
Season 3
The Flash: Armageddon
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shrinkthisviolet · 5 days
3, 4, 8, 12 for Morgan?
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
The first time she leaves is post-s1/during s2, when she goes to SCU for college. It's quite a distance away from Central (much further than the CW would have you believe given the number of Flash/Arrow crossovers 😅 CC is in Missouri, and SC is in Washington), and it's also more crime-infested (pretty sure it was the Arrowverse's Gotham until Batwoman started airing), so it's...an adjustment. Barry and Tina are CONSTANTLY worried about her (so is the rest of the Team but ESPECIALLY Barry and Tina).
Morgan meanwhile misses home a lot 🥺 but she keeps telling herself she'll adjust and settle in. And she does, but...she keeps finding herself drawn to Central, because that's where her family is (and this is something she eventually admits at the end of s2)
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
Ooh well her career ambition was to be a doctor. It still is, currently, but...we’ll see how things turn out (if she intends to keep being Sentry, then medicine might not be a great career choice)
As for generally…she mostly just wished for stability. She has that in Tina, but...she’s also acutely aware that Tina is beholden to Eowells’s wishes. And even post-s1, she knows shes Tina’s goddaughter, not her “real” daughter (as Eowells liked to remind her from time to time), so stability is still uncertain. So post-s1 (and esp post-s2, as Tina and Henry start dating), she’s wondering what's gonna happen when she turns 18 and Tina isn’t legally responsible for her anymore...and that scares her 🥺
8. Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations?
Oh absolutely. Being raised by Eowells meant that there was an understanding that she was expected to excel academically. He didn't expect her to be a genius, so in that regard, she exceeded his expectations (thus warranting his effusive attention), and she’s rarely struggled in academics (until Organic Chem, but she’ll have Barry’s help with that)
As for decorum...she’s more outspoken and self-sacrificial than he’s like, especially as she spends more time with Barry, and of course, Eowells also disapproves of them being more than just teammates (i.e. friends/siblings. Eowells feels threatened by that closeness).
So...I guess yes and no? Though Morgan often feels like she falls short no matter what she does.
12. Answered here!
oc ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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gifsbyiraclemay · 2 years
Javicia Leslie Gif Pack
[ Here ] are #72 small-sized gifs of Javicia Leslie, an African-American actress, in Batwoman (s2). This project is in-progress and will be actively updated. All gifs were made by me for rp purposes and tasks #003, #021, #041 for @tasksweekly​​​. Do not steal/claim as your own/repost, edit as gif icons, or add to gif hunts. Credit and reblog if you use. Thanks.  
tw: bandage, blood, costume attire, cpr, vomiting
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wildm00re · 2 years
so sorry for the late ass follow up but i would LOVE all the sapphic tv show recs!!!!
ok wait ik you said tv shows but i’m including some movies as well, also this is probably going to be long (sorry).
TV shows/movies with leading sapphic characters that get a happy ending:
Batwoman s2-s3 (2021-2022)
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simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened to me bc the show was canceled but not before they got their happy ending lol. but yeah you can watch from s1 before ryan takes over as the lead if you want to know more about sophie’s (right) coming out storyline but starting at s2 is fine as well
She Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-2020)
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multiple sapphic relationships and characters, honestly this was such a fun show to watch
The Prom (2020)
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(hope you like musicals lol)
Crush (2022)
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it was fun
How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020)
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a much more intense show seeing as it deals with murder and covering up (multiple) murders but annalise coming to terms with being bisexual (and ultimately learning how to love herself) is still one of my favorite things — eve (first gif) isn’t introduced until s2 and tegan (second gif) is introduced in s4, they’re both lesbians + there’s a main gay relationship as well
Ensemble Shows:
ok gonna just list them without gifs now:
Betty (HBO show)
multiple sapphic characters and it was fun :(
Maze is pansexual and ends up in a sapphic relationship around the last 2 seasons
ICarly Reboot
Carly’s roommate Harper is pan i believe and dates a woman for a bit
All American
Coop x Patience, both lesbians
Black Lightning
Oldest daughter of Black Lightning, Anissa Pierce is a lesbian who falls in love and marries Grace Choi who is bi
One Day at a Time
feel good coming out plot in a sitcom
Jane the Virgin
the lead guy’s sister is a lesbian and a few seasons into the show a main character realizes she is bi
The Sex Lives of College Girls
Gossip Girl Reboot
no relationship but Monet is a lesbian
Charmed Reboot
one of the sisters is a lesbian and is in multiple relationships throughout the show
Get Even
canceled(?) but it was cute while it lasted :(
again, canceled but cute while it lasted 😭
Dare Me
canceled AGAIN but if you love to suffer, definitely should watch 😭
The Originals
haven’t watched yet (currently & slowly watching tvd) but i do remember seeing clips of a sapphic couple getting married ?
anyways i’m sure there’s more i missed but can’t think of rn
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
My Favourite LGBTQIA+ Characters
It's Pride Month! I scheduled 2 posts ahead of time (Yes, I'm that bored. No mobile, no laptop, and mediocre books, so I have nothing better to do.) and now I realised it's Pride Month :P. Anyways, I could go into the history of Pride month and stuff, but you could read that anywhere, but you can't read about my opinions anywhere else, so this is what you get.
What better bi representation than a psychopatic-psychiatrist-who-fell-in-love-with-the-Joker-and-became-his-sidekick-and-stuck-in-an-abusive-relationship-then-broke-up-and-found-another-woman-who-has-even-less-regard-for-human-life? Harley Quinn has been a fan favourite ever since her appearance in Batman: The Animated Series and became probably more loved than Superman and possibly Batman too. The Harley Quinn series is a morbidly hilarious series and I love their relationship in it. Kinda sad that she didn't really have a WLW relationship in the DCEU though. Actually, is there even a Poison Ivy? I think her last appearance was in Batman & Robin and wouldn't we all wanna forget that movie ever existed. Harley and Ivy had ties even in BTAS but it wasn't much explored. In the comics, they were also part of the Gotham City Sirens along with Catwoman. The romance only continued to blossom since then, and they've even wed in the Injustice (fighting video game series, in short, Superman becomes a dictator after Lois and his unborn child dies and Batman works to stop him) universe.
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I love this art so much.
YumiHisu is the ship of Ymir and Krista Lenz from Attack On Titan. I don't want to spoil much, but this is the closest thing to a couple Attack On Titan has, and I love it for it. I hate romance in most stories, so I really love that Attack On Titan has so little of it, and the one they do is a really cute one. Ymir and Krista aren't really a focus, but their interactions we do see are very cute, and their story in S2 was awesome.
Batfam characters
Yeah we're back to DC again. A lot of these are going to be DC :P. What can I do? DC has a lot of great representation.
Tim Drake is the 3rd Robin, as I've probably burnt into your memory by now. I didn't really care about him for a long time, because he's surrounded by so many Robins who are all so memorable. I mean, he's competing with Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne, so :P. Although after reading more I've come to like him. He's the biggest nerd, his origin story is him figuring out Batman's identity, and he has a great sense of humor. He's not the usual Uber smart character who forgot to invest in the charisma skill. He also canonically has( had? DC's timeline is a mess) a low self esteem, which is why he was never Robin in the New 52 Universe, so I can relate :P. He has dated Stephanie Brown, the 4th Robin and Spoiler and Batgirl and it has been hinted that he had something going on with Conner Kent, Superboy. It was made official in Batman: Urban Legends where Tim agrees to go on a date with a guy he rescued.
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Tim comes out to Batman.
I sadly haven't reached that part yet because I'm still at 2018 :P but I've read the Pride one-off comic, and wanna see more of it. Jonathan Kent, Superman's son, also Superman, is also bi, and has a cute boyfriend. I don't care much for Superman so I guess I'll be skipping that tho :P.
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Batwoman, Kate Kane was one of the highest-profile LGBTQIA+ comic book superhero. I, regrettably, haven't read much of her, I think I've only seen her in Detective Comics (2016) and Grant Morrison's Dick Grayson Batman run. Although, her character arc in Detective Comics was pretty cool, so I hope to someday remedy that.
Alysia Yeoh, while a pretty minor character, as a trans person, I love Gail Simone so much for her character. Alysia is Barbara Gordon's (Batgirl) roommate in the New 52 run of Batgirl and was such a badass character. She's a professional activist, and she's also the first trans character in comics to get married.
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Alysia in DC Pride.
Huh, funny, Killer Moth was also Batgirl's first supervillain in Batgirl: Year One. Don't think that's a coincidence.
Okay, that's enough DC.
Literally the only one of two couples I cared about in Riordanverse. Percabeth is bleugh, even the ship name is bleugh, and Jasper is, well, they ended up breaking up, sooo, need I say more? Sadie and Anubis and Walt seems like a polyamorous relationship? That one is interesting, at the very least. Magnus Chase and Alex is also meh, I love Alex, but the relationship I couldn't care less for. Let's also talk about Alex. Alex is the first genderfluid character and oh do I love them. They're badass and I love their humor so much. Solangelo is such a cute couple and I love that a sun of Apollo is dating a sun of Hades. I just finished reading Sun and The Star today and I loved it so much. They're just perfect for each other. Nico has always been such an intriguing character, and Will's contrasting personality is fun.
Rosa Diaz and Captain Raymond Holt
Bi and gay characters from Brooklyn 99. Rosa was initially shown dating just men, but later comes out as bi and has a whole arc with her parents. Holt has always been gay is also married, and they break up and get married again. I love Rosa's badass character and deadpan humor and basically her whole personality. Holt conforms to 0 gay stereotype. He's not flamboyant at all and not very effeminate. He's deadpan, hates humor, and takes no crap.
Typing on phone is hard and I'd like to stop now thank you, so here's a rapid fire honorable mentions.
Cam and Mitchell from Modern Family, Princess Bubblegum and Queen Marceline in Adventure Time, Nia Nal (trans-woman, played by an actual trans-woman), Stargirl in Supergirl, okay, that's it.
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napkin-cat-art · 2 months
Boop 🐾
Any fandoms you're into?
Omg Hi! 🩷 definitely a few. I’m obsessed with comics, mostly marvel right now but sometimes other stuff - Jeff the landshark my beloved 💖 Batwoman, X-men, and Loki are some of my faves lol I also love critrole (I’m trying to get back into season 3, but s2 has my entire soul) and Cult of the lamb (probably gonna put together a lamb cosplay soon) but thank you for asking!
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chilewithcarnage · 3 months
Batwoman s2 had an amazing black lesbian couple that was very sweet it was after amb*r r0se left the show and it's javicia leslie playing batwoman
Ooh thank you for letting me know I'll definitely give it a watch I also need to finish black lightning
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josie-marks · 4 months
I've been off these days because I'm too lazy to pick up my phone lmao I can't stop sleeping and I also got my wisdom teeth removed (one of the worst experiences of my freaking life) and I'm only drinking smoothie and ice cream, it's really bad for me, but it's okay because I got a job as a intern teacher in a school and my classes will start next month too and I'm also helping the foreign students from my university, so well - alot of job to do and that's kinda the only way I will stop sleeping I'm so sleepy all the time it's horrible around here.
But I finished Batwoman s2 and I ended up liking all characters a lot especially Ryan, Mary and Alice and there's some episodes that were quite good really, my sister also told me in s3 #wildmoore is happening so I'm excited let's go lesbians and what the fuck there was only one (1) lesbian kiss when the show has so many lesbians in it? imagine how tired we are, but my sister said it will get better let's fucking go.
I plan to start Derry Girls and Monarch soon too, my break is ending I need to watch everything that I want to watch because when my classes and job start it's over for me.
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
Comics this week?
Action Comics #1058 - Loved seeing Clark put some of Lex's toys to good use against his opponent. Superman is smart you guys! Glad that PKJ was able to canonize the House Mythos he's been talking about for ages before he leaves Action. Starchild is a great use of one of Clark's various "titles", not as crazy about Red Son but it does bestow a fantasy vibe that might fit Osul being a quasi-Jesus figure. Definitely the Empire of Shadows talking to Norah, man I'm excited to see Supes and the evil Batman clash, especially since Supes has his own suit of armor and sword! Neat how PKJ bookends his run with Supes being depowered yet again.
Detective Comics #1075 - Decided to drop this. It's not "bad" but it's not doing anything I haven't seen a million times before, might catch it in trade, and I still need to cut back.
Steelworks #5 - I love the contrast between the phasing guy being sympathetic and Walker (the AmerTek CEO) being an unrepentant piece of shit. Glad that Dorn brough up the iron of Irons bearing John Henry's name when JH fought against tech and progress while JHI has always tried to push it forward. both of them have to beat a machine however, in Irons case a full blown mecha.
Wonder Woman #2 - More of an art showcase for Sampere but goddamn what a beautiful showcase it is. I should have seen the reveal coming that the Amazon Diana beat in the contest to become WW in the first place was the same one who kickstarted the events of this one, but I was surprised! Where does Emelie figure into Sovereign's plans I wonder? Did he simply take advantage of what she did, or is she working for him? Good stuff with Sovereign saying he was drawn to Diana because like him she's a mix of myth, and that's probably as close as Wondy fans are going to get to the clay origin coming back until Gunn decides what to do with her.
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #7 - Excellent ending to the series which unfortunately is spoiled by the tease for S2 featuring the Batwoman Who Laughs. Look Culver I know you love Morrison, when Morrison calls you out on how stupid this idea was, maybe you should just accept the criticism and undo it. Only defense I can muster is that on Culver's Twitter he does say the goal is to save her via undoing the change at least, otherwise I really enjoyed this run.
The Flash #2 - Where was this Dedato for Hickman's Avengers? Could've used those crazy angles for when the Beyonders showed up. Laughed at the Grodd/God joke and looking forward to Spurrier writing Barry.
The Penguin #3 - Still good and since this is my last Batbook I hope it stays that way.
Immortal Thor #3 - By now it's clear this is merely a very good Thor comic rather than the masterpiece of Immortal Hulk, but that's still welcome. Same as Action, it's nice to see Thor use his brains as well as his brawn to solve problems, though I find Ewing's use of Loki underwhelming. It's clear his heart isn't into the idea of pitting the brothers against each other.
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Still behind on many tv shows, but finished the flash s8 and stargirl s2 recently. Have a few eps left of batwoman s3 aka the final season and superman & lois s2. Started legends of tomorrow s7 aka final season and watched boba fett & she hulk episode 1. Slowly, but surely making progress. Still have lot of star wars, marvel, star trek content to watch along with final season of lost in space netflix and umbrella academy s3
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lesbianmaxevans · 1 year
top five wlw pairings of all time.
ooooooooohhhhh ok nice prompt!!
Ryan Wilder & Sophie Moore, Batwoman THE MOST ICONIC!!!!! enemies to friends to lovers EXCELLENCE!!! I love that the journey in s2 was dedicated to them letting go of their previous loves and slowly building trust with each other and their journey in s3 was so *chefs kiss* with Ryan learning to let her guard down as she repaired her rship w her bio mom and Sophie being a steady support system!! they were just perfection truly
Nomi Marks & Amanita Caplan, Sense8 my tender domestic girls, literally I love them so much. so cute and sweet and Amanita was so ride-or-die for Nomi like who can forget when she broke her out of that hospital. also the double proposal is one of the most romantic scenes of all time goodbye
Hideko & Sook-hee, The Handmaiden THE LIBRARY SCENE. do I need to say more? lives were changed!
Annalise Keating & Eve Rothlo, HTGAWM Literally I was so unhinged when they kissed, watching that scene in real time was a moment for history!!! they should've been endgame :(
Violet & Corky, Bound supremely underrated and iconic 90s butch/femme pairing
also god this was sooooo hard there rlly needs to be more sapphic content that doesn't get nerfed immediately :(
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keagan-ashleigh · 2 years
A quick recap of the shows I've been watching lately (meaning this year) and my quick, but honest and objective reviews:
- She-Hulk: oh good, good good (my bi self is thriving)
- House of the Dragon : Goood
- Rings of Power : omg so good, very good - VERY WELL LIT NIGHT SCENES
- The Winchesters : so far so good (Carlos my bi icon) (not canon (yet?) but who cares) (edit: didn't know but apparently canonically non binary too? hell yeah 👍 we're winning here I have faith oh lorde 🙌 )
- The Flash s7 and 8: eh good but not extremely good - still good cause I love em
- Legends of Tomorrow s 6 and 7: good good good (sad because no s8 :( - also: I cried because first time I hear characters discuss being asexual, while using the word asexual, I think this was a scene I really needed to see)
- Supergirl s6: very good 😭
- Inside n9 , the last 4 or 5 season I don't remember: very very good as always
- Locke and Key: not bad but not that good
- Batwoman from s1e10 (currently watching s2): not so good but so gay oh my fucking christ 🥹 (s2 not as bad, but it's all very flawed)
- The Sandman : very very very good, but I don't dig Despair being a fat woman, that's not their best idea :/
- Fullmetal Alchemist - rewatched - we already know it's really good
- She-Ra: Good and good
- What We Do in The Shadow s4 - GOOOOOD but I will never forgive Nandor here because I mean COME ON DUDE
- Moon Knight : oh so good so good so good so good
- Ms Marvel: G O O D
- Our Flag Means Death - more than Good, my new obsession obviously
- The Expanse - rewatched s1 and 2, caught up the rest I hadn't watched yet: Immensely good
- Obi Wan Kenobi - You guessed it. Good.
- Love Death And Robots s3: Wow, Good
- Pennyworth - the origins of the butler, Batman's butler, this one, you know him ? He was a butler, for Batman, Batman's butler (this is a joke about the show's renaming oc) - eh. good ish but not impressed
- First Kill - terrible but in a very good way, i'm gonna miss the cheesy lesbian vampires romance 😔 rip
- Brooklyn Nine Nine s8: obviously good
- Westworld s4 : omg good
- The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window : hilariously good
- The Umbrella Academy s3 : ahah good
- The Boys s3: still not sure if I love it or hate it,but good I guess (Jensen my dear you were perfect as always 😘)
- Stranger Things s4: good (Eddie's my new son, I have the adoption papers right here 🫶)
- Russian Dolls s2: lmao good
I guess that's it, maybe I forgot one or two but let's say the list is done. 😌
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