soylent-robot · 5 months
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some quick little guys in an afternoon
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maniakminis · 7 months
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I played the first game of the new Necromunda Ash Wastes campaign I'm running with my buddy. It's my Corpse Grinder Cults gang vs his Delaque. We started with a Wasteland Encounter mission, I got 4 guys to start with while Delaque only had 2. At the end of each round a random D3 reinforcements would appear on one of the board edges.
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By round 3 both gangs had bottled because we had such a low starting count. Our vehicles appeared on the board and basically left the same turn without doing anything. One of the Delaque bikers with a web pistol deployed on the terrain walkways. He drove up to one of my champs and webbed him but failed to incapacitate him.
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One of my Juve reinforcements deployed behind the Delaque on turn 4. He got shot off the platform and would limp on the floor for the rest of the battle, but it was enough of a distraction for my Champion to run up with dual cleavers and kill the Delaque biker.
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By turn 5 my leader and the rest of my juves ran off the map. My Cutter continued to do work and killed one of the Delaque champions. Unfortunately I kept failing my cool checks and by round 6 or 7 all of my guys ran off the battlefield, making the Delaque the victors of the first battle.
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Also, shout outs to my champion with flensing saw. He killed the Delaque Nacht Ghuul with shiver sword, then promptly ran into dangerous terrain and sank into the sand. We rolled very high on his injury table roll and he died outside the hospital that we could not afford.
This game was very fun, but brutal. I'm down one champion with 2 other juves in recovery, I had to sell my dead champion's gear to afford a dirtbike and respirator for the next game. Delaque are also in a not so great position. They lost a fighter in the hospital and had to pay for a bionic eye for a champion that took an eye injury. After buying a replacement fighter to field the web gun, they basically made no credits after winning the game.
Our next game will be a Rolling Roads mission where the Corpse Grinders are attacking the Delaque trying to make a supply run. I can't wait!
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lewdcookies · 1 year
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The member of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Celiya Xanthic retinue known only as Mord, is an odd one out in the group. Silent for the most part, but whenever he speaks the voice is filtered and the low gothic halting. Some members swearing they've heard a chittering noise coming from him at times. Then there's also something about his movements, something unnatural. Like he's trying to hold himself back. Sometimes there's motions playing on the surface of his long coat that he wears at all times and never removes. Even then he's a highly disciplined killer, using a set of weapons firing razor sharp flechettes at high velocities.
The truth is that Mord, their real name hard to pronounce with a human mouth, is part of a arachnid xenos species from a distant sector. The species is far too small, and too remote, to garner much attention from the Imperium at large. How they managed to be in the employ of Inquisitor Xanthic is anyone's guess. Less said about what deals she might have struck with them for their employ. All that is known is that places the team visits, people tend to disappear. Sometimes bodies are found, usually a dried out husk lacking any organs...
Turns out that Van Saar helmets on Delaque bodies work really well. A very quick and nice project, painted and based this one in a day.
The idea to paint the sides of the gasmask the helmet colour, making it look like extended mandibles, was a random idea that I felt worked out pretty well.
I think the only thing I would note is that I probably should've gone for a more leather coat, rather than trying to use Black Templar contrast. For once I put on too much of it, rather than getting it unevenly applied. Or I should've paid more attention to how the painting video for those coats did the highlights. That I definitely feel like I messed up a bit.
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poisonsun · 1 year
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First Delaque ganger done. Trying to nail down a quick and messy style without it um... looking too messy (failed)
I've wanted a set of Delaque gangers ever since I saw a guy field them in a White Dwarf campaign. Them old metal models, he painted their coats bright yellow.
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paniwarhamauser · 2 years
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Necromunda gangs (it was drawn before they added Outcasts, Ashlanders and Squats)
Meant to be 'grafitti' decals for my terrain, but I haven't learned how to make decals yet
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boardgametoday · 2 years
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Age of Sigmar, Black Library, Warcry, Aeronautica Imperialis, and Necromunda!
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Age of Sigmar, Black Library, Warcry, Aeronautica Imperialis, and Necromunda! #warhammercommunity
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titanomancy · 7 months
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I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school.
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House Delaque ganger, having removed their mask - speculative representation based on theories that House Delaque may be xenos, and/or possibly related to the extinct Delaque species.
"The origins of House Delaque are muddled in rumor and hearsay. Some tales speculate they are xenos wearing human skin, while others argue they are the result of genetic experimentation."
Art by WolfdawgArt
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eljackinton · 1 year
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Zori Whisperdance, a House Delaque Master of Shadow who constantly clashes with Star Chamber because she argues that just because you're supposed to be Necromunda's organisation of duplicitous psy-spies that doesn't mean you can't bring some style to the proceedings.
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doolallymagpie · 3 months
me a few days ago: necromunda chaos undivided cult, that's a fun idea to turn my little kitbash into the queen she deserves to be
me now: alright let's find some beasts for all four of my gangs, spiders for the tzeentchians, giant murderdogs for the khornates, fucked up and evil frogs and nurglings for the nurglites, and...eh what the hell we'll give the slaaneshis a fiend of slaanesh and some daemonettes
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soylent-robot · 1 year
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the final house gang, Delaque, are very normal and definitely dont have ties to the sinister aquatic intelligences that live in the deep deep cavern seas under the planet’s crust.
theyre just regular folks with regular names like Ylathok and Xexorth
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burgerdrome · 3 months
Finished up the grenadier operative for my renegade-but-not-Chaos Guard Kill Team that I’m currently working on. Very happy with this kitbash, it came together with a lot of dynamism in the pose and I wanted to spend some extra time on the big yellow robes area during painting which I think came out okay! The robe legs are from an old OOP Chaos cultist, while the torso is an old OOP Guardsman and the arms are Delaque gangers from Necromunda. The head is a 3D print from MMF.
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The newest recruits to the Coronid Watchmen, a demi-cohort of mining riggers who will be employed as saboteurs and explosives experts. This motley crew are used to being in hazardous environments so are perfectly suited to operating in enemy territory, laying explosive charges and booby traps to deadly effect. They are also expendable, after all, there are thousands of others just like them in the mining colonies who can be pressed into service…
This little group started off as Hive Scum from Necromunda and I converted them using parts from various Genestealer Cult kits along with a few Delaque Gang pieces.
I’m really happy with the results and I definitely want to convert some more in the future. For now they will join the ranks of the Coronid Watchmen and sow discord and anarchy in the name of the Cult.
Happy Hobbying!
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farsight-the-char · 3 months
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Fucking Finally.
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Gravebreakers underworlds band (might get)
Reprints for the Shadespire bands.
New Rivals deck.
Necromunda FW stuff (Delaque)
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Warhammer animated getting it's mecha anime with Broken Lance.
Battlereport Debuts Kroot's new stuff against Catachan Guard.
Loremasters focuses on the Vaults of Terra.
Legion Imperialis and Necromunda new mini debuts on Warcom, plus looks at Tau/Kroot rules.
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wh40kartwork · 2 years
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House Delaque Gangers
by Will Beck
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boardgametoday · 3 months
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: The Kroot kick of T'au with lots for Warhammer Underworlds and Necromunda
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: The Kroot kick of T'au with lots for Warhammer Underworlds and Necromunda #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #necromunda #warhammerunderworlds #warhammercommunity
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