exhalcyon · 6 months
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I immediately thought of him
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ray-elgatodormido · 6 days
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A page of DW related drawings.
I drew Xiahou Dun and I’m like omagahh himb
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This doodle does not exist
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sachi · 6 months
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☆ Diao Chan // Honor of Kings "Weaving Dreams" ☆ Gift+ / 1/10 / Myethos ☆ August 2024 ¥5,280
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mogu359 · 2 months
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貂蝉 2022 まとめ33 「🌸養父(王允)との花見🌸」 ※貂蝉ちゃんのみ、6・16・26日 を目安に投稿します。
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simayeeet · 6 months
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new dw game announced
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ballpitbee · 1 year
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He is canonically 5'5"
(original here)
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fledbeast578 · 7 months
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Well, good excuse as any! Technically this is a fill for @nasuversekinkmeme, but honestly, it's something I've had in mind for a while, this just gave me a good reason to rewrite and finally post it.
Servant: Diaochan (Assassin)
Ascension Stages
Ascension 1: A similar appearance to Rani, with the same skin color and hair color, but styled in a way more typical to an Ancient Chinese consort. She wears a simple chinese dress, with plain colors.
Ascension 2: A nearly identical visage to Rani from Fate/Extra, wearing Rani's atlas institute outfit
Ascension 3: Her hair is tightly wound into a bun, with her outfit being an elaborate beautiful Hanfu dress, with large sleeves
Class: Assassin
Alternate Class: N/A
Vessel: Rani VIII
Attribute: Man
Strength: E+++
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: A+
QQAAB Deck (4-3-1 hits)
Passive Skills
Presence Concealment D
Standard assassin class skill, due to her history she has little notoriety in terms of evading enemies, and often is better off trying to assimilate into an unfamiliar environment instead. 
Territory Creation C+Item Construction C+Magic Resistance C
The reason for the presence of these class skills are unknown to even Diaochan, perhaps they relate to her vessel in some way? 
Active Skills
Ancient Beauty A+
A variant of the Pheromones skill. Owing to her renowned beauty and wit, Diaochan can easily dissolve the concerns of all but the most reserved men and women. Given an extended period of time, she is able to easily convince most people to give up information or believe a fabrication without question. In combat scenarios, this skill is best used to temporarily distract opponents, throwing them off-guard.
In Game effect:
 -Charm one enemy (up to 100% chance) for 1 turn
 -Decrease their defense (up to -30% defense) for 3 turns
 -8/7/6 cooldown
Scapegoat (Beauty) A
A skill developed during Diaochan’s work as a consort, most notably when she deceived Lu Bu into thinking Dong Zhuo had assaulted her, and soon after deceived Dong Zhuo into thinking Lu Bu had done the same thing. Using her beauty, Diaochan ‘convinces’ her allies to protect her in battle, and make herself look like an unwilling combatant. Alternatively this can be used to make herself look like a particularly alluring target, but Diaochan will be unwilling to reveal this function of her skill to her master. 
In-Game effect:
-Apply Target Focus to an ally (1 turn)
-Increase np gain of ally (up to 30%) for 3 turns
-8/7/6 cooldown
Flying General's Bride
An offshoot of her noble phantasm, not a personal skill, but a reflection of how well she is able to support Lu Bu in battle, increasing his effectiveness and supplying him with mana.
In Game effect: 
 -Increases own np damage (up to 30%) for 3 turns
 -Increases own np gauge by 30%
 -Increases np damage of all Lu Bu allies (up to 30%) for 3 turns
 -Increases np gauge of all Lu Bu allies by 30%
 -7/6/5 cooldown
Noble Phantasm
NP Name: God Force (Love) - Love of the War God
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Personnel/Army/Fortress 
Range: 1-40
Maximum Targets: 1-50 people
On her own Diaochan has little combat utility, possessing weak offensive stats even for an assassin. However, due to the fame of their relationship she is able to manifest the servant Lu Bu Fengxian at no additional mana cost. The way this is enacted is closer to a dual summon, rather than Diaochan actively manifesting him with any sort of magecraft, Diaochan himself having no control over when he is summoned or what he does when summoned. However, in most cases the warrior only ever summons himself during combat, where he will obey her dutifully. Their connection is so strong that she is able to even invoke his own noble phantasm while he is summoned, albeit at a great mana cost to herself. 
Ordinarily only the Berserker version of Lu Bu is manifested, any situation in which he would need to be summoned in combat would cause the warrior to be sent in a bloodlust protecting her. 
In-Game effect:
-Deal significant DEF-ignoring damage & Chance to stun <chance increases with Overcharge> to a single enemy
-Hit count: 10
Character Biography:
One of the four beauties of Ancient China and was instrumental in the fall of the tyrannical Dong Zhuo during the Three Kingdoms era. working with Wang Yun she pretended to be Dong Zhuo's concubine to gain his trust. Later she became betrothed to Dong Zhuo's foster son, Lu Bu, and used his affection for her to convince him to kill his foster father.
Traditionally not able to be summoned, but due to her exceptionally good compatibility to Rani VIII, she was able to use the girl as a vessel, retaining complete control over her spirit origin.
Bond 1:
Height & Weight: 157cm/45kg
Source: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Region: China
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
"Oh me? I'm not particularly strong, perhaps Lord Lu Bu could help you instead?"
Bond 2:
Some stories state her seduction was so well known, that upon capturing her, the Three Kingdoms general Guan Yu would rather kill her than risk letting her tempt any soldiers.
Bond 3:
Although she's not known for killing anyone herself, her pragmatic nature and intelligence make her a strong fit in the class. She was aware she had no hope of killing Dong Zhuo on her own, and as a result looked to others who were in a position to kill the warlord.
Bond 4:
Diaochan's life, in truth, was a mystery to everyone but herself and those close to her. Some sources say she was married to Lu Bu even before she had met Dong Zhuo, an innocent bystander in her husband's murderous betrayal. Others say she merely sought power, abandoning Lu Bu after he successfully killed his foster father. Yet others say she didn't exist at all, or only as a simple maid, whose beauty was far exaggerated past her death.
It is unknown whether she was truly in love with Lu Bu, or if she only viewed him as a simple pawn, but tales of their romance are almost as iconic as the Three Kingdoms itself.
Bond 5:
God Force (Love) Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Personnel/Army/Fortress In life Diaochan was but a human and accomplished no feats of her own worthy of a noble phantasm. However, her seduction of Lu Bu is so well known it allows her to call upon him in battle. While summoned he retains his abilities, and is responsible for Diaochan's unusual strength parameter. Upon seeing Diaochan in danger he will use all functions of God Force, slicing, bashing, mowing, sweeping, and shooting the enemy to reduce them to rubble, as Diaochan encourages him wholeheartedly.
Bond 6/Interlude:
Diaochan cared greatly for China and loathed the various warlords that plagued it. Her wish for the grail is to have crushed tyrants such as Cao Cao for the betterment of her homeland. She of course knows this is impossible without fundamentally changing history but will still fight to save humanity regardless.
She was beside Lu Bu at the Battle of Xiapi, and committed suicide when Cao Cao attempted to take her for himself. She will not tolerate a master who has such similarly selfish ideals and appreciates those who are valorous and defiant against adversity.
Voice Lines
Summon: Greetings Master, I am Diaochan, an assassin class servant, I may not look too impressive, but I promise I have a few tricks up my sleeves.
Ascension 1: What is this strange outfit… I haven’t seen anything like this among the other consorts.
Ascension 2: I wonder what you hope to accomplish giving me so much magical energy… a kiss on the cheek perhaps? Ha ha, no need to show me such an expression, I was only teasing, master.
Ascension 3: This is an outfit I’m much more familiar with, it’s as if I was still serving warlords in Ancient China.
Ascension 4: I know I am not a particularly amazing servant on my own, master. Even besides my physical weakness, I’ve hurt others, watched as those who aided me died, lied to those I love, and I will never forget that. However, I do not intend to let your support go to waste, the past is the past. At this moment, all I can do is fight on behalf of humanity with you.
Dialogue 1: You know Master, in some ways Chaldea is very similar to Dong Zhou’s palace, so many powerful warriors, none who I could hope to compare to. 
Dialogue 2: I have no concern for my safety, Lord Lu Bu is invincible after all, but must you send me out so much? I have not walked so long in years! I miss when Lord Lu Bu was able to carry me between battles.
Dialogue 3: Why can I not summon Lord Lu Bu in between battles? I wish I knew as well, his manifestation is not exactly something I actively control, perhaps he can’t stand to leave me alone. 
Dialogue 4: As a consort I’m more than used to serving my lord, do not worry, I will serve dutifully, Master.
Dialogue 5 (If you have Lu Bu): Lord Lu Bu- I never thought I would be able to speak with you after all this time… please, let me see you fight our enemies yet again, I have missed you dearly.
Dialogue 6 (If you have Chen Gong): I see you have summoned my brother as well! Do not worry, he may seem cruel, and he is! But I promise he won’t do anything detrimental… without good cause at least. 
Dialogue 7 (If you have Red Hare): Oh, it’s that tiresome horse. Hm? Do not worry, I have no hatred towards a beast such as him, it is just… it was as if Lord Lu Bu tended to Red Hare more than he did me!
Like: I really love men of action, those who are willing to fight against their enemies no matter the situation. Additionally he should be skilled at archery, able to ride horses with grace, love his family, and be good in- oh I apologize, I began to ramble on there. 
Dislike: What do I dislike? Those hung up on silly notions like honor and loyalty. Why should anyone feel obligated to remain loyal to a despot? 
Bond 1:  All of the men here are so rowdy… it makes them so easy to deceive *laughs to herself*, what? You do not wish for me to do that, oh fine, no need to be such a spoilsport~
Bond 2: I know my past history, may make it difficult to trust me, Master, but as long as you don’t enslave any peasants, I think I can find it in my heart not to deceive you *laughs*
Bond 3: Just so you know master, that earnest personality of yours will get yourself killed someday. It may seem admirable, but I’m amazed you haven’t gotten stabbed in the back yet… you have? What kind of idiot are you? 
Bond 4: I apologize for being rude, Master, I seemed to have overstepped my place. Just the idea of forgiving so many people who have abused your kindness… it is madness!
Bond 5: It is difficult for me to learn to trust, for the longest time tricking others was the only way I could hope to achieve anything, and after so long, it is difficult to speak completely earnestly. it was a risk to speak earnestly with anyone besides Lord Lu Bu, I couldn’t hope to survive without playing those stronger against me against each other. However, someone like you doesn’t deserve such a thing, I haven’t seen such earnest conviction in anyone for years, it is truly… refreshing. I hope to continue serving with you, both as an ally, as well as a friend, Master.
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videogamequeens · 1 year
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Diaochan…bewitching beauty.
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juhuahaixianjiang · 1 year
I did my best.😅
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boggart01 · 11 months
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If my man isn’t like that - I don’t want it
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sevengardens · 5 months
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exhalcyon · 7 months
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I regretted not putting Waluigi Zhang Liao and Kamek Chen Gong in the previous Lu Bu and Lu Lingqi comic so I made a continuation instead
Previous part is technically this: x
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1time2study4ravages · 5 months
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now if only there were more Ravages fan art featuring picturesque landscapes or intricate background ornaments (though of course such scenes would take more effort to illustrate)
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nymphilily · 8 months
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Fuck it, Diaochan Version of my last post
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mogu359 · 2 months
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貂蝉 と甄姫 2023 ※貂蝉ちゃんのみ、6・16・26日 を目安に投稿します。
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scorpio-system-art · 1 year
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Sketched a couple of our MtG blorbos (read: edh generals) so i could at least say i drew something today.
we'll post a real drawing with color and everything eventually OTL
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