#did my inner 18th-early 19th century literature nerd accidentally sneak out here lmao
immobiliter · 4 years
@mercysought sent some memes!
Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc. ? for jamie, spills the beans
        so i can only really gauge this off of younger s1-era Jamie because as soon as he gets with Claire he has eyes only for her and becomes pretty sexually confident within the context of their relationship, but prior to that he can definitely be easily flustered --- Claire achieves as much when she’s teasing him over Laoghaire. Jamie is very witty however and has a very wry sense of humour so he’s not someone who will be flustered for very long and can quite easily come up with a repartee or comeback. also, despite the fact that he is a virgin before he marries Claire, he has grown up within a male-dominated culture that is very open when it comes to talking about carnality and sex, so he is not necessarily an easy man to make blush in that respect and, for all that he’s ever the gentleman in front of ladies, he’s enough of a man’s man at that point in his young life to not balk at lewdness.
Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others? for emma!
        absolutely not fdgkdfgd, at least as far as her canon goes since this is Austen so we’re only interested in accidental hand touches here ( and one thing i don’t like about the 2020 film is how they push the sensual angle ). honestly when it comes to Emma I don’t think of her in terms of sex or sensuality whatsoever and if we’re applying a modern label here for convenience then i lean towards asexuality, simply because she expresses absolutely no interest in men or relationships or marriage of any kind aside from at the very end of the novel when she realises the depths of her feelings for Knightley. there’s also a passage in the book ( and in the 2009 adaptation ) where she has to convince herself into believing that she has feelings for Frank Churchill, that she must do because she likes him and he likes her and everyone around her seems to believe at that point that they would make for a good match ---- and only later on realises that it wasn’t love at all and therefore is spared from heartbreak when his true liaison with Jane Fairfax is revealed at the end. 
        something i’m very certain on with Emma is that there is nobody for her but Mr Knightley: I think more so than any other Austen heroine her story is intrinsically tied to Knightley and cannot be unravelled from it as he is a figure known to her from childhood. her sister married his brother and he has always been a close friend of Emma’s father, so even before the novel begins he is the centre of her known universe and the comedy in part arises from the fact that she does not know it at that point -- unlike in other Austen novels where the central couple have to grow together ( looking specifically at Lizzy and Darcy here ) in order to overcome the obstacles between them and be together. Emma has to develop within her own novel too ( as does Knightley, though to a much lesser extent ), but there’s a constancy to their relationship that exists from the very start of the novel which makes it impossible to remove Knightley from Emma’s background and story. so this doesn’t answer the question lmao but essentially no, even in modern verses where sex is a less of a taboo than in the realm of a Jane Austen novel, Emma is both too much of a prude and not interested enough in sex to ever want to discuss it with someone other than Knightley once they’re a couple.
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon? for ruth
        Ruth is very much a person with a tough outer shell but a very, very soft centre and I think she would outwardly announce to the world that she is a protective big spoon ( and by all means she is and can be for that sort of partner ), but in reality wants to be able to shed that tough layer when she’s with her partner and show her vulnerability. so she’s a big spoon that lowkey wants to be a little spoon, basically
A twist on 'Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?' we know that varric /writes/ smut type books. but does he /read/ those types of books though?
       dfgdfk okay so this just made me think of the chain of dialogue during the quest with Swords and Shields and Cassandra where Varric describes the smut market as cutthroat and clearly he’d have to have some knowledge of the market to be able to make such an assessment lmao. I think Varric has read those sorts of books ( I think this is just a general rule of any author that you need to have a love of reading yourself to want to write fiction for a living, and to want to write that genre himself he probably had to do ‘research’ ), but I am absolutely sure that they are not his favourite genre of book. we know that, out of all of his published works, Swords and Shields is the one he is most insecure about and doesn’t hold in very high esteem, hence why he leaves the series unfinished until Cassandra’s interest in it motivates him to write the next instalment, so I think when it comes to those trashy smutty sorts of romances, Varric generally avoids most of them but maybe has one or two guilty pleasure page-turners that he couldn’t put down and therefore inspired him to branch out into that genre for himself.
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