#dl tag
fruitwanderer · 1 year
Tango: "Bdouble-soulmate, how are you?"
Bdubs: "Yaaaaay! Hey, sweetie!"
Tango: "What's up snookums?"
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yuukinoryuu · 2 years
Hello! A few DL asks for you >:3c 🌏 - What’s one thing you’d like to know about the demon world that we don’t already? 💚 - How much of an impact has DL had on your life? 👥 - You get the choice to swap bodies with one member of the DL cast for a full 24 hours, who do you pick and why?
Thanks for the ask, Rabu! ❤
(Español debajo)
🌏 - What’s one thing you’d like to know about the demon world that we don’t already?
I'm not so sure about this since there's still a lot of routes I haven't played so I'm probably missing a lot of info because I'm avoiding spoilers! The games I've played the most are the first two (I swear I've done Ayato's route at least 5 times xD) But I remember that when I was playing Carla's DF, I was very curious about the vibora and all the other clans, it'd be nice to know more about the war and old history of the demon world.
💚 - How much of an impact has DL had on your life?
A huge impact, definitely! It's the one thing I'd answer if someone asked me what interests me the most (apart from BNHA now hahah). I remember watching the anime and being like hmm interesting concept, but what really got me into DL was when I started playing the first game (which was kinda difficult because back then I didn't understand as much japanese as I do now xD).
Apart from the fangirling, which of course makes me happy too, for me DL is the thing that has really helped me at bad times or when I wanted to evade from the world. It's truly something that brings me happiness. There's a lot of things I enjoy since I love anime, art and music but DL has a special meaning to me; its characters and stories, their development through the games (which I think has a lot of depth), the details I see when I take a close look at their routes -what they say, how they say it,- the interpretations and hidden meanings in their songs (which btw I think are well thought and musically great), and a lot more other things! I don't know how to explain it, I think that inside the DL world, every character is so interesting to get to know, and none of them feels like plain to me. I also love the general theme, I enjoy a lot dark, gothic concepts with the right amount of erotism! And of course vampires! 💞
Even though it's been a while since I've played the games, DL is something very present in my daily life, for example with the music, which I don't ever get tired of listening lmao
👥 - You get the choice to swap bodies with one member of the DL cast for a full 24 hours, who do you pick and why?
is Yui a valid answer or too predictable? 😂 if I had to pick one of the boys, I'd probably say Carla or Shin because of the amount of time they have lived and how much they have experienced. I'm really interested in how someone like them sees life, even for a day!
🌏 - ¿Qué te gustaría saber sobre el mundo demoníaco que no sepamos todavía?
No estoy tan segura sobre esto porque todavía me quedan muchas rutas así que creo que me falta información porque huyo de todo spoiler! Los juegos a los que más he jugado son los primeros (debo de haber jugado la ruta de Ayato mínimo 5 veces xD). Pero me acuerdo de que jugando la ruta de Carla DF, me daban mucha curiosidad los víbora y los otros clanes, sería guay saber más sobre la guerra e historia antigua del mundo demoníaco.

💚 - ¿Cuánto impacto ha tenido DL en tu vida?
Definitivamente un enorme impacto! Es una de las cosas que respondería si alguien me preguntara qué es lo que más me interesa (aparte de BNHA ahora mismo jajaj). Me acuerdo de ver el anime por primera vez y de pensar que el concepto era interesante, pero lo que realmente me hizo meterme de lleno fue cuando empecé a jugar al primer juego (lo que fue difícil porque por aquel entonces a diferencia de ahora apenas entendía nada de japonés xD).
Aparte del fangirleo, que por supuesto me hace feliz también, para mí DL es algo que me ha ayudado mucho en malos momentos o cuando quería evadirme del mundo. Realmente es algo que me da felicidad. Como me gusta el anime, la música y el arte hay muchas cosas que disfruto pero DL es especial para mí; sus personajes e historias, su desarrollo a lo largo de los juegos (que pienso que realmente tiene mucha profundidad), los detalles que capto cuando reviso cuidadosamente sus rutas -lo que dicen, cómo lo dicen-, las interpretaciones y referencias en sus canciones (que la verdad están muy bien pensadas y musicalmente geniales), y muchas otras cosas más! No sé cómo explicarlo, creo que dentro del mundo de DL, todos los personajes son interesantes de conocer, ninguno de ellos me parece aburrido. Además también me encanta la temática general, tengo debilidad por esa atmósfera oscura y gótica, con la cantidad perfecta de erotismo! Y por supuesto, los vampiros! 💞
Aunque sí que ha pasado un tiempo desde que jugaba, DL es algo muy presente en mi día a día, por ejemplo, las canciones, que no me canso nunca de escucharlas 🤣

👥 - Tienes la oportunidad de cambiar cuerpos con alguien del reparto de DL por 24 horas, ¿a quién escoges y por qué?
Puedo decir Yui o es demasiado predecible? 😂 Si tuviera que escoger uno de los chicos, probablemente diría Carla o Shin por el tiempo que han vivido y todo lo que deben haber experimentado. Me interesa mucho saber cómo alguien tan longevo ve la vida, aunque sea por un día!
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isjasz · 1 year
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The sand may brush off (Do memories last forever?)
Happy DL anniversary i am NOT LATE LETSGO
Dtiys from @pikorulli on twt!! (from like sept 2022 LOL)
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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I totally don't care that this trio didn't happen A GIRL CAN DREAM
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dailyedgeworth · 2 years
today, do you remember?????
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k1tty5 · 5 months
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“Toss Your Dirty Shoes in my Washing Machine Heart”
I would say I have a Pearl problem since she haunts my brain but Pearl is not a problem. Pearl supremacy ‼️‼️❗️‼️❗️
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fruitwanderer · 2 years
If Jimmy was being honest, the worst part of this all wasn't the fire itself. It was Tango's burning rage and how he slumped to the ground in a sob.
Or Tango has a mental breakdown and Jimmy attempts to help.
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windelgirl3010 · 2 months
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So die Tagwindel ist angezogen dann starten wir mal in den Mittwoch....
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deedee-sims · 3 months
Resource: extracted ts3 fabrics
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I extracted a bunch of fabrics from ts3 a while ago to use them on clothing textures, to give them a little more texture / depth, y'know? Lately I realized I could share it in case they'd be useful for anyone else 😊
They're pretty well-sized for use, and they're of course, seamless. I literally just extracted them from ts3 so no need to credit me or anything.
Download - Alternate
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yuukinoryuu · 2 years
☠️🌍🖌️😍👥💌 para este ask game
Siento la tardanza! Muchas gracias por el ask, anon! ❤
☠️ - Si te enviaran a los hermanos Sakamaki como un sacrificio, basado únicamente en primeras impresiones, ¿a quién elegirías como guardián y cuál crees honestamente que sería tu destino? 
Yo creo que elegiría a Shuu porque es el que al principio parece el menos peligroso, por eso de que parece que le da igual todo xD Creo que si lo conociera en persona pensaría que me ignoraría si simplemente no me intentara involucrar con él. Aunque en realidad creo que la opción más segura entre los Sakamaki es Subaru, pero esa no es la primera impresión que da así que 😂
Sobre mi destino, no estoy muy segura hmm, no soy una persona conflictiva así que mi estrategia sería intentar arreglármelas de la manera más inteligente posible mientras intento buscar una forma para escapar o no 👀 Shuu tiene toda la pinta de que te dejaría en paz y aunque bebiese tu sangre, sería de manera razonable al menos xD Aunque desde luego no sabría que hacer si me encontrara a alguno de los trillizos por la casa 😱
🌏 - ¿Qué te gustaría saber sobre el mundo demoníaco que no sepamos todavía?
Respondida, copio y pego!
No estoy tan segura sobre esto porque todavía me quedan muchas rutas así que creo que me falta información porque huyo de todo spoiler! Los juegos a los que más he jugado son los primeros (debo de haber jugado la ruta de Ayato mínimo 5 veces xD). Pero me acuerdo de que jugando la ruta de Carla DF, me daban mucha curiosidad los víbora y los otros clanes, sería guay saber más sobre la guerra e historia antigua del mundo demoníaco.
🖌️ - ¿En qué temática te gustaría que se basase un nuevo merchandising? 
Sería muy guay ver un merch de temática de demonios! Con cuernos y/o alas, y trajes chulos tipo demonio clásico como en el Devil May Cry o incluso demonio tradicional japonés como en Kimetsu! Incluso de ángeles también! Me encantan todas las temáticas de fantasía~ 👀
😍 - ¿Cuál es tu merchandising de DL favorito hasta la fecha? 
Pues muy probablemente Zero, es que han hecho un trabajo maravilloso, todos y cada uno de los diseños son geniales, no hay ni uno que no me guste (literalmente todos parecen príncipes jajaj). El concepto, paleta de colores, las portadas de los CD drama, todo es 👌 Carla con el pelo largo por supuesto es superior, pero uno que me sorprendió muy para bien es Yuma, creo que le queda genial la coleta esa larga que lleva 👀
Además, me encanta la idea esa de un doble malvado jajaj, creo que da muchísimo juego! 
👥 - Tienes la oportunidad de cambiar cuerpos con alguien del reparto de DL por 24 horas, ¿a quién escoges y por qué?
Respondida, copio y pego!
Puedo decir Yui o es demasiado predecible? 😂 Si tuviera que escoger uno de los chicos, probablemente diría Carla o Shin por el tiempo que han vivido y todo lo que deben haber experimentado. Me interesa mucho saber cómo alguien tan longevo ve la vida, aunque sea por un día!
💌 - Tú (tal cuál eres ahora, es decir, sin sangre mágica ni poderes para protegerte) debes confesarte a tu personaje favorito, si no, te verás obligada a casarte con tu menos favorito, ¿qué haces? 
Uff, esta es difícil xD Pero no me quiero casar con Laito D: 
Déjame pensar, a Carla le gusta la sinceridad y no le gusta andarse con rodeos entonces tendría que encontrar un buen momento para hacerlo 🤔 Pero yo creo que en persona simplemente mi cerebro dejaría de funcionar así que tendría que recurrir a la táctica carta! 😂 Que no me parece mala idea, la verdad, suena tradicional y romántico 👀
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ccthepandafangirl · 2 years
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pearl was really out there doing everything in late 2021, huh
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nectar-cellar · 5 months
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Another Beard Update 🙄 December 2023
When taking pictures, I realized the strip of hair under the bottom lip of these beards was noticeably off-centred/asymmetrical. It was bothering me a lot. Months later, I've finally fixed the texture. 😭
If you go to view the original posts, or if you had these beards installed, you can probably notice the asymmetry if you look closely at that area.
Beards I've fixed:
Beard 01_04 - original post
Beard 02_05 - original post
Beard 02_05 V2
Beard 03_04 - original post
Beard 04_08 - original post
How to install if you already have the old packages:
Delete the old packages from your Mods/Packages folder. Drop these updated ones in. The updated texture should show up on your sims who are already wearing them when you open the game again. If not, try deleting your caches.
I don't plan to update the original posts. I hope this post finds everyone who uses those beards though. 😭🙏
Download: simfileshare / mega
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elitisim · 4 months
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All credits goes to @darte77! Original here
Top for For YA-A Males
Catagories: Everyday, Formal, Athletic, Career, Outerwear
2 Swatches: the jacket has 2 different textures. cloth and denim
Fully Recolorable: 4 channels
Custom thumbnail
includes All Morphs, All LODS and is disabled for random
swatches + color channel breakdown under the cut
Converted by @elitisim
TAGGING: @pis3update, @wanderingsimsfinds, @sssvitlanz, @kpccfinds
[DOWNLOAD 2048x] [DOWNLOAD 1024x]
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Cloth Texture Tied Jacket
Channel 1: Shirt
Channel2: Tied Jacket
Channel 3: Shirt Pocket
Channel 4: Buttons
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Preset 2: Denim/Jean Jacket Texture Tied Jacket
Channel 1: Shirt
Channel 2: Denim Tied Jacket Channel
3: Shirt Pocket Channel
4: Buttons
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galaxytittus · 4 months
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4t3 aniraklova misfit bottoms for dudes
recolorable swatch
all morphs
~7k poly
credits to aniraklova, original sims 4: X
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ssspringroll · 3 months
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DL (mediafire)
Today I bring you not cc, but a small collection of .blend files for making cc a little easier. If you've ever wanted to quickly put a braid into a custom hair without completely obliterating your poly count*, then these might be able to help.
*braids will still add a LOT of polygons to your hair, but since every single polygon is visible** on these tiling braids, at least you know they're all being put to use, whereas if you were to physically braid 3 strands of geometry, lots of those polygons would wind up inside the braid, just adding to your count without contributing anything to the look
**if some polygons end up inside of other meshes, you may want to delete them to reduce the poly count further. The boolean modifier may be able to help you, but I haven't tried
These are completely hollow, tiling braid "facades". They just look like a braid, without being anything more than a stylized tube. Available in 9 shapes (which are all pretty similar, more or less, but have different 'vibes', and one of them technically doesn't resemble a braid, but if you squint it looks close enough) and 3 polygon counts to hopefully fit in with your project.
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TOU: Same as my cc. Read it here. I obviously don't own this concept, so feel free to reverse engineer, make your own braid tiles, etc. Just don't use mine for anything commercial (using them in commissions is fine, just not paywalled final products!)
You will need to be using one of the newer versions of blender, I believe 2.8 and up. These were made in blender 3.6, so the files will not be compatible with old versions like 2.7x.
Quick start guide:
Open your hair wip's .blend
In object mode, 'Append' the 'BraidTile' object of your choice
Select 'BraidPath' and, in Edit mode, position it however you like
Additional info under the cut, because I tend to ramble, and these require a little bit of a primer before use, probably. Unless you for sure know what you're doing, in which case, feel free to just take these and run with them.
Before appending braids, you may want to open up the blender file and look at all the shapes, to decide which one you want to use.
When you first append your braid, or open the blend files, you may notice it does not look like the preview images above, and instead looks like a shiny pink slug. This is intentional! For previews and development work, I use @/simandy's base textures, but your hair will probably be using a different texture, so I have not included a texture at all.
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Simply switch the material of the 'BraidTile' to the same material your hair is using, and adjust the uv map accordingly. I'm going to assume if you are making hairs that you know how to do that, so it will not be explained here.
Once you have your braid appended, and have edited the UV Map of the 'BraidTile' piece to your liking, you can also try scaling the tile in the X, Y, and Z axes to change up the look a little. Make sure you select all of the vertices before scaling, to make sure it still tiles. This should be safe to do, and not mess up the tiling at all, but make sure you do it in Edit mode, not Object mode. (If you mistakenly do it in Object mode, you just have to press ctrl+A and select 'scale', and that should fix it)
When you have your braid adjusted, switch over to the 'BraidPath' object, and use edit mode to move the points around however you want. This is just like any other hair strand, if you're used to making hairs with paths and curves then this should already be familiar to you. All the same controls should work.
And, if you already have a curve in your hair that you'd like the braid to snap to instead, you can select the 'BraidTile' object, locate the curve modifier, and switch the curve object to any other curve in your .blend. You'll want to change the curve in the array modifier to the same one, most likely.
If you haven't used curves to make a hair before, here's a couple quick controls you might like to know:
ctrl+T will let you Twist the object around the selected point(s) alt+S will let you Scale the object around the selected point(s) selecting the first or last point of the 'BraidPath' and pressing E will Extrude a new point, making your braid longer
Remember to do all of your positioning on the 'BraidPath' object! You do not need to edit the 'BraidTile' at all once you've set up the UV map and adjusted the scale!
It should tile, twist, etc. with little issue, and should get longer or shorter according to the length of your curve with no issue. If it doesn't, make sure both the array and curve modifiers of your 'BraidTile' object are using the same curve. They should be using the 'BraidPath' object by default, but if you changed this manually, ensure that both modifiers match for best results.
Unless you know what you are doing, I do not recommend messing with any other settings in the modifiers, or adjusting the 'BraidTile' mesh in any way besides scaling the entire object at once. Otherwise you could end up with gaps and holes in your braid.
When you are done posing your braid, you can apply the modifiers to turn the whole thing into a regular mesh. I like to make a copy of my 'BraidTile' and 'BraidPath' first, just in case I want to go back and change the shape later. After converting it to a regular mesh, I'd recommend going in with proportional editing turned on and randomly scale and move a few of the pleats just a little, to make the braid look a little more organic. You can even add a couple strands to make it look messier, if you dont mind adding to your poly count even more. But this comes down to your preference and style. The braid below has had some half-assed editing done to demonstrate the concept. (Note: This is actually the low-poly version of this particular braid shape)
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Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how you want to blend the braid in with the rest of your hairstyle. I can't tell you how to do that, as it is ultimately going to come down to your own personal preference, workflow, and the hairstyle you are making.
How do I know if I should use Hi, Mid, or Lo poly?
This is largely due to personal preference, and how you're using the braids in your project. I have included the three different poly versions to try and be mindful of the overall poly count of your poor poor meshes, but even a lo-poly braid is going to add an easy couple thousand polygons to your project. Keep that in mind! If you plan on having a LOT of braids, something like this EA hairstyle, for example:
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You will probably want to follow their example and use a very simple mesh and just apply a braid texture instead of using these. EA's braids here appear to be a simple box shape painted to look like braids.
If you only plan on having one, maybe two braids in your entire project, especially if they are very large braids, then you might want to go with the hi-poly option. They're the smoothest, roundest choice.
If your braid has a very small diameter, you can probably get away with just using the lo-poly option, and save some polygons you won't need anyway.
The mid-poly version exists as a sort of happy medium. They aren't quite as pointy as some of the lo-poly shapes, and they won't inflate your poly count as much as the hi-poly models, so you may find you prefer them for your applications.
It's all very subjective.
I think that's pretty much everything I wanted to say. If you have specific questions, my inbox is open.
Keep in mind I am not very skilled in blender! There's probably some optimization that can be done if you know what you're doing, and I welcome you to tweak these meshes to your heart's content, if that's you! I made these for me, but I figure they could make someone else's life a little easier too, so here you go.
If you make anything using them you are welcome to tag me! If you don't end up making anything with these then I hope you at least have some fun playing with them!
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princessbabiebear · 3 months
padded scavenger hunt at a little's birthday party 🎂
you show up big to your little friend's birthday party and the first game you play together helps you fit right in with the rest of the babies 🍭
the scavenger hunt tasks are things like:
find the adult with a nose piercing and ask them to put your collar on you
find the adult wearing cowboy boots and ask them to undress you
find the adult with bunny ears and ask them to diaper you
find the babies watching cartoons and ask to watch with them
find the adult who is wearing an apron and ask them for permission to potty in your diaper
find the adult who baked the birthday cake and ask them for a sippy cup of punch
find the adult wearing a silly hat and ask them for your pacifier
find a baby and ask them if their diaper is dry
find your cg and ask them for a piece of cake
find the birthday baby and give them a present
find the adult taking pictures and ask for a picture with you and your baby friends
find the adult with a bowtie and ask for a coloring book
find a kid's toy and ask another baby to play with you
find any adult or your cg and ask them to check your diaper
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