#do NOT clown on this post
tumblingxelian · 1 month
So, I wanna tackle this "resentment" angle, in a general "Does Yang actually express trauma via resentment as outlined in a recent debate regarding her feelings about Tai's parenting. IE, the claim is that when Yang is traumatized she is prone to resentment, leading to sniping, anger and shouting.
Long story short, Yang does sometimes response to trauma & hurt with some degree of anger. However it is far from universal or her default, instead it is extremely situational. In all instance I've seen of Yang responding to trauma in such a manner there were two elements in common:
1: The pain was recent - Blake abandoned her recently, she lost her arm recently, Ozpin lied recently, ETC.
After she had sufficient time to process the pain and trauma however, Yang's responses tend to be more a quiet resigned state. Such as when the prosthetic came, or when she discussed Raven leaving her, or when discussing having to hold the family together alone.
2: The anger is a defense mechanism - Yang can be angry its one of my favorite things about her, but her anger is situational & in control.
She gets frustrated and overwhelmed in the Emerald Forest, lets her anger out to blow off steam & calms down. She gets angry when Blake is endangering herself but only uses enough strength to make her point then hugs her. She's angry when Weiss is hurt but she still fights strategically by destroying the ground so Neon can't skate & turning Flynt's weapon on him.
These are trends that continue through the course of the series.
When Yang is used to a sort of pain or grappling with trauma she is generally just quietly sad about and rarely all that expressive unless forced to be or overwhelmed.
She kept a smile on her face in V8 even as she was grappling with the idea Summer had been mutilated into a Grimm monster until Ruby's ow defensive anger forced her to break the mask.
The times she uses anger are because the hurt is very recent or someone is actively stamping on her trauma; like Raven did in the tent. It is a defense mechanism against pain she hasn't fully processed.
So, in that regard & with that in mind, I don't think Yang not expressing overt resentment of Tai indicates much of anything about their relationship.
Its well established Yang tries to cover for her anxieties by adopting a cheerful façade and to keep others happy. & that in most cases, when she is dealing with trauma, especially longstanding trauma, she's usually resigned and sad about it rather than bubbling with resentment and snark.
So no, I don't believe Yang having to keep the family together and her ensuing parentification was a brief period, long since dealt with. (Ruby outright says Yang raised her) If anything it seems that she has just accepted the situation for what it is because what else can she do?
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elkian · 5 months
Rereading The Murderbot Diaries now that I have System Collapse and once again struck by how Murderbot reads expression.
As an ND person myself who sees a lot of overlap with it at times, it's very interesting to me. I've repeatedly had issues where the expressions I was making or interpreting did not match other people's ideas, and my mother has never in my whole life correctly deduced my tone of voice. Not once. I think one reason I'm drawn (haha) to animated and stylized mediums is because stylistic representations of people have to have expressions that scan immediately to as much of the audience as possible.
(Thinking about that bit where Murderbot comments on humans not knowing what they're trying to express when they're in Real Life and not actors on a soap opera set.)
Anyways, it makes sense that Murderbot might have some skill at interpreting expressions and microexpressions and so on. Those are viable and valuable security skills, after all. But it strikes me how accurate it seems to be at doing so. Since the series is almost entirely in Murderbot's perspective, it's less likely to mention being wrong, but it regularly confidently refers to expressions by the emotion it inferred from them.
As someone who is not good at this, it's very interesting to me when I have a lot of traits overlapping with MB. (It's also worth discussing how ND folk, and specifically autistic people, are often pigeonholed to the point that expressing Uncommon Autistic Traits makes people believe you aren't autistic.) Murderbot talks a lot about not liking people or being interested in strange humans, but it often contradicts itself without realizing. I think one reason it claims not to care about humans is because it's often been in positions where its clients could be harmed incidentally or intentionally and it would not be allowed to intercede due to Capitalism Hell, or malice/indifference from the top.
It says it has to do what humans tell it, and that's technically true, but there's a further power dynamic within groups; the boss has all the power and, presumably, the highest level of management in a group has the authority to order SecUnits to do things against their actual design - fighting other SecUnits, ignoring safety protocol in order to save money, and leaving bleeding humans unattended to go pick up equipment are all canonical examples that Murderbot provides us. I wouldn't be at all surprised if killing or harming less influential members of the group in question were totally common and viable.
This is all to mean that it isn't emotionally safe to care about humans, because even if it does its tasks completely successfully, they might be at risk due to the negligence inherent in the system. But Murderbot spends half a dozen books trying and failing Not To Care, so it just refuses to acknowledge that it does care for a long time.
Anyways, I don't have any pithy conclusions, I just find it super interesting that MB talks about having a hard time understanding humans, and ART canonically has difficulty processing human emotional contexts when not familiar with the relevant situations, and yet Murderbot, canonically, is often successful at reading emotion in the expressions of the people around it and itself in recordings. It's not a trait given to many ND characters, particularly autistic or autistic-analogue ones, and it adds some fun texture to the storytelling.
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max--phillips · 1 month
Anyway I just saw a post saying that the protests here in the US are “taking away attention” from what’s actually happening in Gaza and “LARPing oppression” as if 1) the whole point of the protests is to put attention on Gaza and call for a ceasefire and 1.5) shows they’re exclusively getting their news from mainstream cable networks and 2) it’s not the fuckin media’s fault they’re more interested in covering protests than the actual genocide, and 3) the students are somehow not facing oppression ???????
For one, what’s the solution here? Tell these students who feel very strongly (and rightfully so!) about this issue to just give up and go home? Who exactly does that benefit? Oh, right, the universities who are benefiting from this genocide, as well as the federal government. Good plan.
For two, I realize that the university at the center of this is an Ivy League school, and that the students who are there are privileged in many ways. However, that does not change the fact they are facing violence from the university and from police. That does not change the fact many of these students are Palestinian, Jewish, or other minorities. Beyond that, Columbia is not the only school where protests are happening. Emerson, USC, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Cal Poly Humboldt, NYU, Vanderbilt, Brown, University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, Emory, Indiana University, Purdue, George Washington University, UCLA, Northeastern, Ohio State, UT Austin, Arizona State, Washington University St Louis, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, University of Georgia Athens, Sonoma State, San Francisco State, Sacramento State, University of Washington, Virginia Tech, Princeton, University of Minnesota, UConn, USC, University of Illinois, University of Utah, McGill, Portland State, UNC Chapel Hill, Tulane, University of Florida Gainesville, University of Colorado Denver, Case Western Reserve, City College of New York, Rutgers, Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland College Park, Barnard College, Pomona College, DePaul, Georgetown, University of Delaware, University of Arizona, University of New Mexico, University of Wisconsin, Virginia Commonwealth University, Oberlin, UC San Diego, University of San Diego, and I’m sure many others have or are currently participating in protests. Many of these schools are not elite universities only the best of the best (or the most money) get in. For crying out loud, my ass got into Indiana University.
That begs another question as well. Yes, these students at Ivy League schools have privilege. How else would you prefer they use it? When one has privilege, it is imperative to utilize it for the benefit of those one has privilege over.
Anyway. Free Palestine. Defund the police.
“Taking away attention from what’s actually going on” this is like saying the university protests against the Vietnam War were taking away attention from what’s actually going on in Vietnam. (Which I’m realizing now was probably an actual talking point at the time, but sounds ridiculous now.)
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st-dionysus · 10 months
I think it's fine when trans women call cis men eggs, actually. It's not like they're going up to cis men in real life and saying "I think you should transition because of XYZ", they're saying "This person is doing the things I did before I transitioned, and they might be trans, and I'm suggesting they think about the possibility because it might make them happier and healthier" or their silly jokes about fictional characters.
And Noah fence, but I don't see any of you calling me out for calling fictional women transgender men. I make jokes about female celebrities being transmasc and jokes about cis male celebs "who are clearly going to come out as they/he in two years" because yeah guess what people relate to other people and make jokes about it.
It's not about you, and honestly it comes off as you all panicking "oh no they are trying to forcefem cis men" the same moral panic that FOX NEWS likes to spread. Consider the amount of attacks trans women get because they are accused of transing people. Consider that some of them might also be satire about that very accusation.
It's not a big deal. If it makes you uncomfortable, you are very capable of using the block button and filters.
And honestly, sometimes trans women saying these things, does crack actual eggs who go "oh, I never considered that an option but if these trans women support me and I feel connected to their experience, maybe I should experiment more with my gender".
Me and the trans women I know in real life make these jokes to ourselves all the time and they harm no one and offend some. Those that are offended or have a moral panic about it or choose to put words in trans women's mouths about what they're actually saying can get over themselves.
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kittleimp · 1 year
Please remember that you are not required to watch the video of Tyre Nichols' murder for any reason. You are not dishonoring anyone by choosing not to watch a violent and disturbing murder. It is enough to know that it happened and to be furious.
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saltwukong · 1 year
Eh, you know, sometimes you crash two city states and doom hundreds of thousands of people to horrible deaths. Gotta chin up and move on, sometimes failures happen!
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regiqoa · 2 years
For all y'all saying Kisshigo should have been end game in Mew Mew Power and shitting on Aoyama:
Aoyama is NOT "the most boring and basic bitch on earth", don't blame him for your poor observation skills, it's not his fault you guys ain't paying attention to what he's supposed to represent (and IS a character with flaws). (SPOILER: Guess what: him being the Blue Knight, and by extension, Deep Blue is precisely the flaws he needs to overcome).
Besides, even if Aoyama was one, I would take a "boring basic bitch" who loves me over a toxic and obsessive yandere Nice Guy™ who stalks me, treats me like shit (with kissing without consent and kidnapping being the tip of the iceberg), tries to kill the guy I'm into so I can be with him and will try to kill me when I commit the GREAT HERESY of saying no to him ANY. DAY.
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
As someone who has actually been subjected to sexual abuse, a situation in which I was robbed of my power and agency and had zero choices, I find it pisses me off on a deeply personal level when people choose to seek out sexual content they don't enjoy, choose to ignore all the warning labels, choose to engage with that content, and then blame the creator of said content when they have a bad time.
To have literally ALL of the power and agency in a situation every second, ignore all the tools provided to help you make a healthy decision for yourself, and still claim you're somehow being victimized is incredibly trivializing to everyone who has ever actually been victimized, and I'm tired of pretending that's "just my experience" and not basic common fucking sense.
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reegahearth · 2 years
I cannot fucking believe Colgate is real (affectionate)
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charred-bread · 2 years
charlotte as a character is very important to us. and not just because I exist, heh!
It started that way though. When I formed I was pretty front sticky. And, as a fictive, I grew pretty attached to my source character.
But it’s grown into more than that.
Charlotte is disabled. Charlotte is disabled because she’s stupid and outrageous and desperate. She caused her own suffering.
and. That’s about where canon ends. (At least until one16).
But for us we… we expanded on it.
Because she caused her own suffering. It was her own fault. But… but she doesn’t deserve to suffer for it. And, and, hopefully, she gets help, despite her own mistakes.
And. And she learns. And she heals. And it gets better. And she’s apologized. And she’s happier now.
spoilers below for one16
And, and, and; in the most recent episode; we can see it. See it starting.
She seems much more… not healed, she’s far from that. And she already was proactive before.
I think determined is the right word. Maybe hopeful.
She’s on the path to the light. To warm snuggles and happy laughter and smiles abound. She finally started on that path.
And - We’ve been on that path too, that whole time. We’re on our way to the light.
And it’s inspiring, and it’s great, to see her there. It’s the right thing.
“We’ve been here for months together, and we haven’t even told each other our names.”
And she’s still broken. And it feels like she’s about to give up.
but we’ve all been there. she’ll always be broken, even if the pain is small, even if the cracks are in less amount.
and that’s okay.
we love charlotte. I love charlotte.
p.s. . cheesy. mr hfj. please. give me my happy ending. I deserve it. WE deserve it. all of us (the hfjone guys). we’ve fought so hard. both in source and out. please. please. we’ve earned it. let us be happy.
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rwbyrambles · 2 years
My hot take? RWBY has too many belts for a show where the protags barely even are shown to carry their ammo
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tumblingxelian · 8 months
The Fraught Family Ties of the Rose-Xiao Long Household:
Sorry for the ramble, I wanted to share something born of a discussion I had with someone regarding the canonical relationship on the Rose-Xiao Long sisters & their father figures.
So, I often find Tai (& Qrow) propped up as good father figures who maybe just had some moments of weakness but either got better long before canon or during the show and who are super close with Ruby & Yang with very healthy relationships.
Given possibly my most popular post, (Yang & Ruby's childhood) I don't think this is a universal stance, certainly not these days, and I don't think its well supported in canon either.
This doesn't mean that love isn't there, but love and resentment can live in the same house and the Rose-Xiao Long household is far more complex than I think people give it credit for.
Now, some will probably highlight positive tones and references in the early volumes, but here's the thing. A child growing up around something can get used to a lot. Ruby & Yang are clearly very used to Qrow stumbling home utterly wasted, even carried by strangers and needing to take care of him. This is normal to them and neither show any resentment towards it until on their last nerve.
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That is to say, Ruby and Yang are fine with Qrow's drinking and smile through it, riiiight up until they themselves are on the edge of snapping real hard over things such as in V6.
Neither of them express their trauma like say, Jaune does, who tends to be quite open with his resentment and prone to lashing out. The sisters smile through it, they may express frustration or anger at other things, but not their loved one's, which makes it easy to pretend everything is cool and normal.
Hell, keeping things light with humor is explicitly noted to be how Yang copes and Ruby is shown consistently beginning to show sadness before quickly bottling it up up. This is just how they handle negative emotions they cant comfortably express.
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Thus, while Ruby expressing frustration at Yang giving Tai like advice in V1 doesn't indicate hostility, nor does her being all smiles around his presence in V3's opening indicate everything is super awesome.
After all, things are good at that moment, but let's take a look at the end of V3.
Tai is clearly worrying and trying to fuss over Ruby. But she is very neutral on the whole thing, mostly just trying to get intel on what the fuck happened from him and not being remotely upset when Qrow makes him leave. She show's a bit more vulnerability around Qrow, but is still very focused on the practical questions of what happened.
Its only when she's alone with Yang, that Ruby really becomes expressive with her emotions and more to the point, shows outright uncertainty in what to do. This leads her to being shocked when Yang is in no fit state t provide her with the guidance and support she clearly craves and expected.
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Ruby also specifically addresses her letters to Yang and broadly speaking doesn't really seem to think about Tai all that much. Again I don't think she dislikes him, but given she openly acknowledges Yang as the one who raised her & Yang herself noted she had to keep the family together...
Well, I think that Ruby doesn't really perceive Tai as a parent, strictly speaking. In the sense that I don't believe she views Tai as someone to go to for comfort or advice or guidance.
He's her dad and she loves him, but he's less of an adult to her than Yang was. In that same vein Qrow is a Huntsmen, her mentor and uncle yes, but the former I think inform her behavior with him more than the latter.
Now, let's also compare Tai and Yang's relationship a little.
We know Tai taught her how to fight, but he doesn't show any real understanding of how her Semblance works or her fighting style given she has utilized plenty of blocks, dodges and clever strategies in the first three volumes. What's more him critiquing her for fighting that way and making it her fault when he taught her feels suspect to me.
(I would note it was Yang who realized Ruby needed CQC help before anyone else, so she clearly thought deeply on this stuff.)
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But beyond that, we see Yang is heavily isolated, both from how the camera work frames her. But also because she us housed in a guest room and that Tai, while obviously unhappy about what happened overall seems far more focused on Ruby in terms of trying to provide some care. What's more, when she's clearly distressed he walks away and leaves her to stew.
Yang's shown still doing lots of work around the house, despite everything and his efforts to 'help' her are all about getting her back into the fight over worrying for her safety like he did Ruby.
This is a big thing for me, Tai was clearly deeply upset when Qrow wanted to speak to Ruby alone and terrified when she left.
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Meanwhile when it comes to 'helping' Yang its all about getting back into the action and going after Ruby. He doesn't seem to mind the idea of sending her into danger.
Then there' show he hypocritically dismisses her trauma and depression while at the same time diminishing her maturity despite him having left her to raise Ruby and keep the family together.
He also makes his help for her conditional on her no longer "Moping" while its her teachers who barely know Yang that provide actually useful guidance on healing.
When alone he also frames 'caring for her' IE letting her live in the house and take care of herself, like its this heavy burden that is keeping him from Ruby.
This is despite the fact he ultimately does not go after Ruby.
You can claim its a budget thing the show we have is the show we have. Thus, he sends her off to parent Ruby instead of himself. Also Tai outright compares Yang to Raven despite them being radically different and honestly Ruby being a lot closer to even the positive traits he ascribed to Raven.
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Thus I think there's an element of projection that leads to Ruby being preferences between the two but also Tai having come in too late to really be seen as the parent he wants to be perceived as.
Now, let's look at Qrow.
Both sisters are clearly used to him staggering or being carried home drunk and needing to take care of him, meaning they have been doing this since childhood.
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This would have a hugely negative impact on their mental wellbeing and impact how they perceive him.
Beyond that, I am unsure how close he even is to Yang outside the superficial. Some of that may indeed be down to time, but there have been periods where they could have shown a deep bond and its not manifested.
When Yang is framed, her team, two of whom have only know her for a few months and have plenty of trauma that would make them rightly suspicious choose to believe her and sympathize with her.
Qrow meanwhile says she is either lying or crazy and does not express much in the way of real empathy or trust.
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Rather than showing an interest in maybe trying to resolve the issue or help her through decides that maybe directing her to Raven might help. He obviously cares, but generally never shows much of the same concern or affection for Yang that he does for Ruby.
Granted even then Qrow requires caretaking from both his nieces.
What's more he often tethers Ruby to Summer. So while his mentorship of her does let her be a little more vulnerable with him than Tai its still an unbalanced relationship.
However outside of that, Qrow's generally fairly good with Ruby and her influence on him seemed to be the primary thing that stopped him drinking. He also shows a great deal of faith in her in general, though how much of that is projection likely varies.
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But he mentored Ruby so its natural they are maybe a little closer.
Still, I think Ruby & Yang held Qrow in higher regard, at least as a Huntsmen than their father, there's a lot of baggage to the relationship at a minimum.
I also think Ruby & Yang's lack of communication seen in later volumes is sort of reflective of the families unhealthy dynamics evolving between them.
Yang being forced to raise a sister two years younger than her is already a heavy burden on both of them. Yang from having to step up and fill the roll of an adult as a child & Ruby because no matter how hard Yang tried it as never gonna be perfect but she couldn't exactly complain about it either.
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So both just sort of smiled through the pain as they grew and came out fairly functional and happy if carrying a lot of baggage beneath the surface. This is why both respond to grief and trauma in a similar manner, pushing the issues down until they explode or collapse. It was how they got by.
They were also extremely close, for all that Yang talked of Ruby maybe trying to branch out onto other teams, she instantly tried to seek her out in the Emerald Forest, saved her a spot in the auditorium and generally tried to assist and advice her along with expressing great pride in her.
Ruby bore with with a mixed degree of playfulness and teen like annoyance, while still wanting to cling to Yang. She was also very comfortable early on with expressing her concerns around Yang, such as with Blake being so stressed and not knowing what to do about it & seemingly had total faith in Yang's ability to resolve things.
As previously outlined, when Ruby was seeking comfort and guidance after the Fall of Beacon she went to Yang and was shocked when Yang couldn't provide her what she needed and quickly began separating herself, clearly deeply impacted.
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Yang remained the center of her homeward focus after that fact and when Yang returned she was able to express vulnerability with her.
However, Yang soon showed that her recovery was not as complete as she wanted to project and again Ruby was at a loss for what to do with a Yang who is upset.
Keep in mind she's entirely capable of comforting a drunk, hung over or otherwise very upset Qrow, but the prospect of comforting Yang leaves her shuffling nervously outside the door while Weiss helps her.
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Ruby's perception of Yang seemed to have put her on something of a pedestal in the way a lot of children do their parents where its hard to start seeing them as a person.
& When Ruby did start seeing Yang as a person, her complexes regarding leadership caused her to see Yang as someone who needed protection.
This caused her to freeze Yang out of her issues, we see this with her rejecting Yang's efforts to comfort her in V8, responding instead with sullen silences or sharp emotional jabs to try and make Yang go away.
Yet at the same time, she didn't entirely try to keep the façade up, perhaps in part because she couldn't.
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I also think there's a part of her that sort... Expected Yang to know what to do and to say for her even though Ruby has changed as a person and is no longer communicating clearly like she used to.
Which then causes her to resent Yang for not being able to say the right things and provide the right assistance like she did when they were kids. Even though Yang doesn't know how Ruby feels their relationship has changed and can't know with Ruby actively avoiding acting in a manner that would elicit her concern.
Basically, this is an extremely messy family.
It has four actual adults, the most competent of whom martyred herself. One of whom left because she couldn't handle it and two of whom failed when put to the test.
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This left the role of grown up in the room to Yang who had to keep the family together and raise her sister. While Ruby had to basically become the least troubled child possible to make this easier on them all.
Raven cutting herself out of their lives and her ties to Yang, while Summer being a beloved martyr seems to have also rippled down to their kids.
With Yang almost being like the black sheep of the family. She's the one they expect to do something immoral or "crazy' and generally expected to take care of herself and Ruby without any kind of acknowledgement or significant assistance.
Meanwhile Ruby is regarded as a sort of proto Summer, this beacon of purity, which leaves Tai over protective but ultimately inactive leaving the task of helping her to Yang. With Qrow expecting the world from her which just applies more pressure.
I do think everyone of them love each other, but I also think there's also a lot of resentment, frustration and projection going on here, with many utter failures of parenting. These ultimately caused the families relationships to never developed into what they should be and are instead leaving them in an odd sort of limbo; with a lot left unsaid and unhealthy.
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elkian · 1 month
Maybe it's just me, but if one's customers have taken the legal, even peaceful recourse to object to one's business practices, calling in a group known for excessive force and brutalization to excessively force and brutalize them out is maybe... not a good way to secure future business?
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bearsbelow · 1 year
on that note. if I'm talking and I havent maintagged something. It means I Dont want people starting shit with me.
maybe I'm being an asshole but I Do have anger issues and I'd rather not have my own followers insult my team 🤷‍♂️
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trendercore-flags · 2 years
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trendercore skygender flag!
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sparklywaistcoat · 2 years
TIL that Diana Rigg was involved with charities that raised money for autistic kids.
I have a sinking feeling that those charities were more than likely those who peddled “cures” for autism, because that’s what those kinds of “charities” concentrate on.
I wonder whether anyone ever told Diana how toxic “cure” rhetoric is to autistic people, and whether once told she changed her mind or just doubled down, as other celebrities have done when confronted by actually autistic people. I’d like to think it was the former, but knowing human nature as I do, I have my doubts.
This has been a bit of bittersweet news to me. On the one hand, she cared enough about us to do something, but on the other, what she chose to do and why might not have been that great.
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