#doctors kill people
professor-pants · 10 months
Genre of character: submissive like a guard dog is submissive
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lightpost · 11 months
Goodnight, man whose voice is the center of my universe and I have no other choice but him for my heart and soul to live in life.
I hope your day was better and more productive than mine I hope you got your peace you needed and I hope you even got a took a nap if not at least got to lay in the sun and feel safe in life
I hope your meals where everything you've ever wanted for today and today made you feel special and wanted I hope you found your place in the world and belong to a project, your relationships and you really listen to your heart
I hope today for you the man whose voice is the center of my focus 24/7 I hope that it gave you all that you ever truly made you happy
I hope your wife surprised you with another baby and I hope you get to sleep with a real smile in your heart.
I hope, wish, want and will die just to give you the best.
the bruise on my thigh got darker and more painful today sitting here getting really sick like I might throw up
I really don't feel good maybe I am dying who knew a bruise like this would make me feel like throwing up
I'm scared of going to the doctors they'll just brush me off like I mean nothing to them eyes will roll at me I'll be told just to go home and commit suicide anyways or wait best one I'll be told to be in porn thanks Dr. Thomas from woodbury really in my head about that one I don't feel safe around doctors my health is failing because of that I am told over and over and over again to either commit suicide or eyes will roll I'm dismissed and under valued my life has value and I certainly don't need more evil in my life I got that enough from my x he abused me and beat me I'm ruined for anything good he made sure of that I know Goddess and God and all that is Divine I am here because I felt and know what a man's voice down to the soul saved my life he's the lesson he's the shadow, he's my devil and my god and my hell and my heaven no matter what earth or what time line, this bruise, nutcracker isn't going to defeat me on never finding him in any cause it makes me want him that much more, this closed off flow of blood wants me to find love that much deeper, realer honest,
I'm scared
I'm close
I can feel something happening.
I know something isn't right
A dark cloud lingers over and for the first night in over 26 days in rained so maybe by Tuesday there will be a bit of hope for me to make through summer and find a way to survive winter.
10 years 7 months 4 days since I was alive
Goodnight man whose voice is the center of my heart I'm sorry it's a lot of say I have a lot going on in my life and I have no one to talk really
I got to see my uncle probably for the last time today even though he had no idea I was even there it's becoming hard on the whole family I won't be sleeping tonight and this won't be my last post tonight but I just really need to vent this out and let it all go like they told me too so I am
Maybe I should slit my wrists in the bathtub and write my goodbye letter saying a doctor told me too how would that make them feel? because they told me to let it go. let my health go let it all just go so let me go too maybe my x was right, I know he was going to kill me if I stayed but maybe that would of best thing for me he kill me, kill himself make sure his kid is out of the picture cause that's what was already happening but now maybe I should just because a doctor told me or really be in porn because a doctor told me do I extra money because a doctor told me and recommended me for the job?
Now I got a closed off vein and I'm letting it go and letting my body fade I got bruises and light headed I'm dizzy and out of focus maybe the beating my x did is taking a toll I don't know but it's all consuming and I don't know how to let go in all the wrong ways they don't me too cause of course I'm going to go against everything they say I don't trust or believe any doctor nowadays
I just need help in saying goodbye to a man I don't know but whose voice is the center of my world and maybe it makes it easier to say goodbye that way so he will never really get hurt and feel the pain of me dying this way just letting my body really fade so maybe I am really am committing suicide in a whole different way by letting this vein just take me isn't that the same? no one seems to care anyways and so why not right.. doctor told me to let it go
maybe I should let go
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spectral-honey · 2 years
AU where Jason gets his revenge by becoming a lawyer and getting joker sentenced to the death penalty
Bruce is conflicted about it but any time he tries to say anything on the subject Alfred just talks over him like "oh we're so proud of you master Jason you finished college and you didn't even use your father's extensive resources that could've easily gotten someone in this family a degree aren't we so proud master Bruce that Jason got himself a respectable profession--"
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yesokayiknow · 5 months
man the fact that martha jones would take one look at clara oswald and say Absolutely Fucking Not really makes me want to put them together like post s9!clara is visiting earth when she has a run in with unit and accidentally kidnaps her and can't manage to get her back to earth. aka clara spends several months trying to seduce her except she's clara so martha's like what the actual fuck is wrong with you. stop that
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ovenproofowl · 5 months
it was a really charming surprise to find out that the song ncuti and millie performed wasn't pre-recorded and that they literally just had to sing it on the fly while dancing around. most sequences like that would have just been lip-synced with the done up vocals being played in the background which always feels a bit inauthentic, but this just adds to the chaos of the scene and makes the stakes feel a bit more genuine, that ruby and the doctor are actually struggling to come up with this song to offer a proper distraction.
I know we talk a lot about how doctor who will always pick practical effects and costume over 'cgi-ed to a buggery', so I feel like this also deserved some acknowledgement
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yuridovewing · 3 months
i really hate how the fandom’s excuse for jayfeather’s shitty behavior (and outright medical malpractice in certain cases. looking at the time he refused to help squilf in labour bc he couldnt be bothered and later blamed her for how bad it was) is “well the clan was ableist to him growing up, so fuck them!” ok how does that excuse him screaming at and berating the cats that didnt do any of that. or the babies.
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aq2003 · 8 months
this bit of commentary. chewing glass
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riverspond · 5 months
peter capaldi is THE doctor like no one has ever doctered like him and no one will again
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3lostyears · 5 months
i adore how protective nine is of rose but i also think what is regarded a lot of the time as ten not caring about or valuing rose in the same way is him having more faith in her. it’s kind of like when people complain about rose not challenging ten the way she did nine when they’re just much more on the same page in s2 because they know each other better, so she doesn’t really need to.
in theory, ten could have yelled at rose in the idiot’s lantern for not waiting for him when she confronted magpie. but he doesn’t, he loses his mind trying to save her (VERY nine) and also acknowledges that her observation was spot on. the whole “domestic approach” line gets attention but i have never really interpreted his intention as being to insult her; in some ways, i feel her reaction is a holdover from nine, who did put down the idea of domesticity (and also actively manipulated her into leaving her mum in world war 3 which never really gets mentioned).
and of course, rise of the cybermen is a parallel to father’s day. the doctor starts out harshly talking to her the way he did when he was nine, forbidding her to see her father, but then he gives in when she just looks at him. which is exactly what he does that in father’s day too of course.
like, why do you think she refuses to be sent away in doomsday, another direct parallel to parting of the ways? she’s saying she’s not a kid anymore, that she already made her way back to him once before. she can’t be protected from the hard choices anymore and she won’t be, because she understands everything that it means to be the doctor’s companion. you never see it on-screen but clearly sometime between tooth & claw and doomsday she asks about what happened before he regenerated; she has to learn that she is the bad wolf, especially when she is to continue her journey of turning into nine in s4 and making hard choices. ten wouldn’t have known that, but it’s a mark of the respect and faith (he believes! in her!) that he stops protecting her from the truth.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
picturing the master/missy doing domestic, every day things is so funny to me because like. how many times do you think simm!master stabbed himself in the eye before he finally perfected putting on pencil eyeliner? imagine him furiously bleaching his hair with some grocery store box dye in a truck stop restroom only to spill half of it on accident because he wasn't watching what he was doing. missy spending hours picking out her clothes and doing her hair and makeup just to kidnap/threaten people like the absolute menace of a girlboss she is. do you think dhawan!master ever had to complain to his tardis for getting the measurements of his suits wrong sometimes when he went through his never ending wardrobe, demanding it give him something actually worth wearing. stuff like that
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corallapis · 15 days
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socialistexan · 5 months
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Me showing up at a Turning Points USA meeting.
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petalsonthemoonligh · 10 days
Katniss really looked at the boy with the bread and declared: touch him and you die
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dandelionsandviolets · 10 months
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i have something inappropriate to say.
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twelvemartha · 4 months
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First, do no harm.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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Context: Transporter Accident Species Swap Kathryn. C'mon. Patreon | Ko-fi
Episode where Janeway and Tuvok have their species swapped by an accident or entity and while everyone's figuring out how to undo it they expect Tuvok to be the one acting different but he's generally the same* meanwhile Janeway's newly Vulcan brain is terrorizing her with nightmares and violence 24/7. *He has trouble with his human body more than any emotions. Like, he keeps burning himself on things he'd normally touch without thinking. He can't stay up and stay focused as long as he normally would (two days straight) and he isn't as strong as he was before. Anyway, Janeway's sort of suffering with both. She has telepathic abilities that would be normal for a Vulcan of her age and this along with the intrusive thoughts and overwhelming emotion are...a lot. Tuvok: Have you tried meditating? Janeway: I'll rip your throat out. Sorry. Sorry. I've tried. Tuvok: Allow me to assist you. Janeway and Tuvok have a conversation about how she's not a bad person and Tuvok has to struggle with and control these sorts of intrusive, violent thoughts all the time. What makes someone a bad person? To what extent are someone's thoughts 'them'? What does a 'true self' mean? Basically Tuvok's like "These Human emotions have literally nothing on me" meanwhile Janeway's getting the shit kicked out of her - DAMN! These Vulcan emotions have hands! They also retain their personalities because they're still the same people. Janeway doesn't suddenly become stoic & logical and Tuvok doesn't suddenly become more outgoing. Tuvok also does not immediately turn into 100-year-old dust because it's a star trek episode and certain things are handwaved. In the end Janeway's like "Well that was absolute hell but in some ways it was interesting to get an up close and personal look into the Vulcan mind and I feel closer to my good friend Tuvok!" whereas Tuvok learned that he actually likes rum raisin ice cream. The B plot of this episode is that there's a certain light that keeps flickering in sickbay and everyone keeps passing off the task of fixing it so eventually the doc tries to fix it himself but he ends up causing a black out (which effects the A plot) and at the very end of the episode Harry's like "THERE. It's fixed."
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