#doesn't help the us gets more tornadoes than any other nation
How about doing a cult au where reader is easily flusters and shy, and when their really embarrassed they turn into a small cute animal, I wonder how they react to that! Or reader can heal any wound, but it makes them really tired or have headaches that can last depending how bad the wound is. Or imposter au the reader is really laidback and cool even after all they went through and easily forgives them. Or soft cult au where reader doesn't see the others as servants, but as friends.
Miscellaneous SAGAU Concepts pt. 1
CW: Possessive behavior, cult AU, Violence/monster killing
Shy reader:
How is it that the gods of entire nations can’t catch a single bunny rabbit?
You couldn’t help but blush and curl in on yourself as Ei unabashedly praised your kindness. Venti insisted on writing poems and songs all about your greatness. Zhongi refused to leave your side
“It was nothing,” you mumbled but the archons wouldn’t allow such slander to be said about their creator, not even if it was coming from yourself.
You shrank until the world reflected how you felt, big and intimidating. You craved the comfort of warmth, your friends’ arms would be a nice comfort, but of all the people towering above you, they made you feel the most shy.
It didn’t take long for them to notice that their great leader had vanished.
You had started to notice they had gotten a bit more… aggressive– to say the least– in their methods of trying to capture you. Zhongli summoned his pillars of stone, that pulsed and shook the ground, to the point that you might as well have been floating in the air with how violently the ground pulsed and pushed you around. Venti summoned a full tornado that you feared would have ripped you apart and thrown you into Celestia if you had been a normal human. Ei mobilized her entire army as well as somehow managed to convince the members of the resistance from Watatsumi to take part in their search and hunt for you.
Nahida was the most successful out of them all, but you knew her tricks. You wouldn’t let her keep you trapped in a dream. She may have been the most gentle and understanding, but you could see she shared the same insane look as the rest of the archons.
The Tsaritsa was the most difficult to evade of them all, truly the most terrifying. As the goddess of love, she can feel every beating heart, whisper to them, and enlighten them. You sprinted on four legs, then flew on two wings, then swam as fast as you could. It was no use. She’s too powerful. Getting trapped in a blizzard in her domain was just barely worse than being on land being chased by Morax.
You can only run for so long, little rabbit. Your followers will catch you soon. They only see this as a test of faith, test of determination and devolution. They’ve all agreed that whoever catches you first will end up your most favored. They’re more and more motivated by their competitiveness and need to be loved by you.
Healer Reader:
Strike to kill. Do not let the creator know of the slaughter.
The archons insist that you reserve your healing powers. That no one, not even them are worthy of being healed by you, especially considering that it would mean you sacrificing your own well-being for that person.
Imagine their alarm when they find you gasping, bleeding, as you heal a lowly slime. They drag you away. Barely able to hide their jealousy of the puny monster for taking your attention and taking advantage of your powers.
Perhaps if they can’t stop you from using them, then instead they can redirect them to purposes truly worthy of your prowess.
Venti come to you, a few scratches and cuts sheepishly saying he tripping into some bushes in wolvendom picking some wolfehook berries for you. You smile softly and gently cup his cheek, swiping your thumb over skin that’s already smoothed over.
There. All better.
“Thank you so much, your diviness!”
You laugh and shake your head at the name. When will they just use your regular name?
Zhongli comes to you one night, poorly hiding his limp. He jokes that he must be getting old as he tripped on his way up the stairs to your room.
“Please, don’t waste your powers on me. I’d hate to burden you with unnecessary pain, great one.”
Zhongli, please…
You don’t have to say anything more as he relents, allowing you to heal his throbbing ankle.
He only feels a shred of regret when he sees you wince.
He dotes and fusses over you as soon as he’s healed. Insisting that you lay in bed and let him take care of anything and everything for you, as now you’re the one injured.
He’s excessive and overbearing.
It’s amusing to watch him buzz about like a bee.
You almost don’t recognize Ei when you find her out in the forest, covered in blood and monster dust. She’s completely unhurt. What monster could really contest her? But she isn’t immune to fatigue. She hasn’t slept much since you left to visit the other archons, eagerly awaiting your return to Inazuma.
You take her hand and almost collapse.
Ei… how long have you been awake? How long have you been fighting?
“Hm… not long. About a week now, I think?”
You don’t even have it in you to make your eyes go wide. Just leaning on her and frowning.
You need to take care of yourself Ei.
“Ah… you didn’t need to use your healing powers on me, Divinity. Let’s go back to the palace. I’ll carry you.”
You don’t protest. You neither have the strength nor mental will power to do so. You simple let her wrap her strong arms around your body and take off running through the trees and up and down the hills. She slows when you tug at her dress and tell her that the speed is making you dizzy.
You blush bright red, and tell Ei she can put you down now. You’re not sure you want people seeing you be carried by the goddess. You may be exhausted, but you humiliation will win out.
Of course this is the one time she doesn’t listen to your commands. Simply shaking her head and telling you that she doesn’t want to risk making your condition worse.
You hide your face in her dress and groan.
“Do you feel worse? Perhaps I will stop to buy you some herbs”
You shake your head. How much worse can this get?
Nahida suffers from an aching heart. Why can’t she remember what she misses so dearly? Why can she find nothing that can explain this void in her heart, like a window with a hole in it, sharp shards scraping at anyone who dares try reaching in to search beyond it.
You have to keep her in your arms, continuously using your powers to ease the pain. It hurts so much. It must be so hard for her to deal with it everyday. You want to do everything you can to help her.
Surprisingly it’s her that has to convince you to let her go, promising that she’ll be okay. Saying that if you can’t keep hurting yourself for her sake. And giving you her best smile when you insist that you can.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I’m just happy I get to be with my creator. That’s enough to heal me, without any powers needed.”
Laidback/Soft reader (decided to combine them because i felt they fit well together)
Your casualness honestly doubles the archons’ stress levels.
They can’t seem to convince you that it’s beneath you to associate yourself with the humans and monsters. But you won’t listen.
You go climbing and gliding with Amber. Drinking with Kaeya and Rosaria (supervised by Diluc), and Beidou when you’re in Liyue. You insist that Jean takes you out, dragging her to the great tree and having her tell you Vanessa’s tale again and again. Helping Lisa carry her many heavy books, and insisting Eula teach you how to dance, even after you twisted your ankle.
You forgive them all so easily. You don’t take offense to Keqing’s standoff-ish attitude and skepticism, which ends up working in your favor as she comes around to believing you to be the ideal form of god. One that doesn’t not try to reach beyond their means, though perhaps a bit lazy in her mind.
You nearly give Zhongli a heart attack when you tell him you’re going with Yelan down into the Chasm. He tries to insist on going with you, ending up secretly trailing behind as you and Alatus and Yelan descend into the depths purely because you insisted on it.
(You take advantage of your title quite a bit, using it to get more than you probably deserve. You can’t help it, you always wanted to travel around Tevyat and now you can! But only if you tell your followers that you’re going to do it. If you ask, they’ll always tell you no. “It’s for your safety” they insist. But you don’t want to cower away. You’re going to see every corner of this world, if it’s the last thing you do).
Ei travels with you. Follows you, true to her name, like a shadow. She protects you from the lighting on the other isles. Technically she doesn’t need to fight the Nobushi, even they praise and honor your name, but she does. She will cut them down faster than you can blink, even at 100 yards away. Only if you tell her not to, will she stop her spree. But you won’t be able to convince her to not attack the monsters like the hilichurls and abyss hounds. They don’t deserve to be in your presence.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
This unstable spring weather is reminding me of when I was a teenager, I had a massive, irrational phobia of tornadoes, despite growing up in an area with little to no chance of them. It was so bad that my mom took me to a psychologist because I'd do irrational things like hide in the bathtub instead of going to school if there was any chance of severe weather. It didn't help. Every time the sky got dark, I'd get that weird, frantic, achy-itchy feeling.
And then, one day, I'm sixteen, working my first job at a coffee shop and I get a panicked call from my boss. I look out the window and almost comically, like it showed up just for me, to make some point, there's this beautiful white tornado dancing right towards us. I remember thinking it looked like the skinny part of an hour glass. It's true what they say about them appearing to hold still when they're heading for you, so I got a very good look at it. The trees were bending flat to the ground and the double doors of the shop were getting sucked open. Me and the other teenaged employee crowded the kids (we were also an ice cream shop, there was a birthday going on) into the center room, and we sang "happy birthday" over and over again to drown out the sound of it hitting the building. We were okay, but it took off several adjacent roofs and smashed up cars in the parking lot.
This was a weird way to start loving tornadoes. (cut for weather geekery)
They are like dreams - for all the data, we know relatively little about why they happen. We can see their ingredients: moisture, atmospheric instability, wind sheer, but sometimes all those pieces are in place and a tornado won't form. In fact, most often, it doesn't. They're still rare. The language we use to talk about them endlessly fascinates me: they are born out of thunderstorms called super cells, which have a 'lifecycle.' One thunderstorm can birth a single tornado, or many that live and die along the greater lifespan of the thunderstorm. The way they multiply is fascinating, one tornado can be circled by wispy, smaller, satellite tornadoes, or more rarely, two full-sized tornadoes side by side, a pair of twins. A group of tornados is a "family."
They come in all shapes and sizes. Mine was a skinny rope funnel, and a relatively weak example - F1 on the scale. The 1925 Tri-State tornado, F5, the strongest on the scale, was the longest recorded tornado in history with a 219-mile track. Part of the danger of that storm was that nobody even realized it was a tornado until it was right on top of them because it was so huge: it was said to look like a red, boiling fog from horizon to horizon because it was rain-wrapped, and had sucked up a lot of red river mud. Water tornadoes and fire tornadoes are both a thing.
They behave inconsistently too. The El Reno tornado that killed the storm chaser and scientist Tim Samaras in 2013 is often personified as evil, a storm set out to kill storm chasers, because it seemed to behave with particular, intentional nastiness. In 30 seconds, it went from a small tornado to a 2.6 mile wedge. It's hard to even imagine the scale of something like that: someone observing from a safe distance miles away is suddenly inside the literal tornado within less than a minute. Most tornadoes move in a more or less straight trajectory - this one repeatedly changed directions. But this is just another example of how even when scientists know how tornadoes generally behave, we're still figuring them out.
Of course, all of this is not about overly romanticizing a phenomenon that kills a ton of people each year, a fact that is only going to get worse with climate change. And certainly research funding and money for early warning systems or national weather services being less prioritized in the politicization of climate change.
I still have tornado nightmares a lot. I had one last night, which is I guess why I'm still thinking about the shapes. It's always the same: I'm standing in a house, usually my childhood home, and there are families of tornadoes that go right past it, but never hit. I still think they're so interesting. And it's funny the way anxiety can turn into fascination under the right circumstances.
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