#dollyjensen dolly
ianfm · 2 years
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IanFM: Out of Context pt. 2
A collection of references from threads. Pt. 1
Featuring (in order): Dustin Waerea ( @takemecn ), Patrick Webb ( @bitcme ), Arne Berman ( @highfears ), Viola Lancaster, ( @viola--lancaster ), Orwell Washington ( @horrorbxby ), Leaf Wozniak ( @urdamage )/ Kit Sombun ( @shrieks ), Romy Davis ( @fearsless ), Dolly Jensen ( @finaldarlings ), & PJ Bolton ( @rufficns ). 
Part 6 of 13 Days of Halloween Part 5
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finaldarlings · 2 years
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kristine froseth, bisexual, female + she/her ― hey look, it’s dolly jensen! she’s twenty-four years old, she’s lived in shrike heights for her entire life, and she’s currently working at starstrike. i heard she’s pretty unreliable, but i think she’s so well-intentioned at the same time. can she make it out alive? || s, twenty-four, she/they, gmt+11 + triggers on main.  
full name: dolly elena jensen
nickname/s: doll, baby doll (family only), d, dj.
age: twenty-four
date of birth: february 22
zodiac: pisces
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
born and raised in shrike heights.
made friends in school but intentionally stayed out of the popular clique.
had friends in most cliques/groups in school.
did best in english/lit and sometimes tutored but needed her own tutor for mathematics.
sometimes sent to detention for picking fights (mostly against teachers or those with terrible takes).
not afraid to point out others issues or stand up for what she believes in (sometimes).
other times she’s weak willed or feels uncomfortable speaking up and she will suffer to avoid hurting others.
grew up in the cbd in a large house.
comes from old shrike money/generational wealth.
her father is a mall investor.
her father is well respected and a nice man but some shrike locals don’t support his use of the money to help fund the mall.
she tries to diffuse tension between her father and those against the mall - she believes it’s her job to protect her family.
content warning / death - her mother died when she was four.
close with her father but wishes to make her own living and not depend on him.
he pays for her rent so he knows she’s living in a good place and necessities she needs if she can’t afford them, but other than that she uses her own money.
she lives in the darling apartment complex not far from her childhood home.
she started working at the bowling alley when she was old enough to be hired.
has always snuck her friends free food and drinks at starstrike.
mostly presents friendly, fun loving and approachable, but can also be panicked and overly emotional and distraught when things are difficult.
scared for the safety of her loved ones and everyone she knows, dolly is very stressed and concerned and is trying to protect everyone despite not knowing how to.
they seek out answers and clues and tune into and call into shrikes! radio often because they feel responsible for solving the crimes with so many friends at risk of being injured and with her father having invested so much to shrike mall.
childhood friends
high school friends
best friend / ride or die
friends so close they’re considered family
starstrike coworkers
neighbours past and present (she’s always lived in the cbd, currently residing in the darling apartment complex)
ex friends
people they didn’t get along with in high school
people they’re surprised they weren’t close with in high school
someone they had an awkward interaction with that they try to avoid
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shrieks · 2 years
closed for @dollyjensen​ featuring lou and dolly at dolly’s apartment. 
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               lou has moved on from dolly, the last nail in the coffin containing their feelings for the girl being hammered in way back when their brother had begun dating her. they have worked through their feelings - and they have also worked through the end of their feelings and found the closure they needed over that chapter of their life - but regardless, sometimes seeing her feels a little bittersweet and a little painful. they no longer have the desire to date dolly; no longer is the princess of shrike heights the main character in all of lou’s fantasies, but there is a soreness that sometimes comes along with dolly that lou can never quite place or make sense of. as they still wait for the girl to open her front door, lou can feel those unpleasant feelings creeping up. “hey, doll.” they smile a small smile as their friend opens the door. “how’re you doing today?” they ask with a casual breeziness of their voice as they step inside of the girl’s apartment, but despite how it sounds lou means the question, wanting to check in on the girl who they know always does so much for others, the girl who has a habit of feeling everyone else’s pain due to her selfless nature. dolly is one of the most capable people lou knows, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to be taken care of sometimes too, and lou is trying their hardest to help dolly’s other loved ones with ensuring she’s okay during such difficult time. they don’t bother trying to address the difficult feelings they feel themself, they only hope that none of it get in their way of helping dolly.
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urdamage · 2 years
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watch as she stands with her, holding your hand  put your arm ‘round her shoulder, now i’m getting colder but how could i hate her? she’s such an angel but then again, kinda wish she were dead  as she walks by  what a sight for sore eyes  brighter than a blue sky she’s got you mesmerized, while i die why would you ever kiss me? i’m not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater, it’s just polyester but you like her better ( i wish i were heather )
✧ bo turner moodboard 05/?? ✧ featuring ian vogt ( @ianfm ) + dolly jensen ( @dollyjensen ). ✧ freddie’s rainbow of musings 05/07  
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alicnblues · 2 years
location: their apartment building 
closed for dolly jensen [ @dollyjensen​ ]
This time, Hayden did the sensible thing and actually went to a professional for his food, rather than trying and causing a fire hazard for his entire building. After a recipe for a roast gone disastrously wrong had ended in the building being evacuated while the fire chief did an inspection—and gave Hayden a stern talking to—he figured it would be best for him to do something nice. So, he knocked on his neighbor’s door with a package of two cupcakes in one hand and a very heartfelt I’m sorry card in the other in the hopes that this time he wouldn’t get the door slammed in his face. In fact, he had about fifty cupcakes in his apartment that had been rejected by his more surly neighbors. 
“Okay, listen, before you slam the door in my face, yes, I’m the burning roast guy but I’m also the friendly neighborhood radio guy and I have I’m sorry cupcakes. So—” He held out the cupcakes and the card. “I am very sorry I made you go out in the cold the other night at 10 p.m. because I don’t know how to work an oven.” 
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ianfm · 2 years
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🔥💀❤️⛓🥀 Halloween 1979 ☁️✨🍸 🍰💌
An aesthetic moodboard for Ian Vogt @ Dolly Jensen ( @dollyjensen​ )
Below the cut is an excerpt from Ian’s journal during this time. 
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October 24th, 1979 (Age 15)
I’ve been picking glue and red glitter off my hands for the past hour. I feel like Bo insisted on the glitter just because he wanted to get rid of it by how much he dumped everywhere. I feel I have to wear these pants to the party now because they’re so full of glitter. I’m glad I got his help though. I looked all over town and there wasn’t a single devil thing in town. I’m just glad the set of horns I had from when I was a kid still fit.
I didn’t think Dolly would ask me to go with her as her date though. We’ve been seeing each other for a while now but I didn’t think she’d be ready to tell people about us, you know? I mean last week Bo had to get me out of my gym locker because of some assholes. She sounds like she really wants to go together though and the way she talks about her costume in class… she gets so excited and her nose crinkles up. She doesn’t need to dress up like an angel when she already is one. I think I’m going to flunk our first quiz because I haven’t been able to pay attention to anything since she started sitting with me.
Grandma brought home some cookies from some lunch in at her work and I think I’m going to bring a few for Dolly when I walk her home tomorrow. Bo hasn’t been tagging along as much when walking home and it’s been kinda nice. The last couple of days we’ve stopped at the park and hung out for a while. The last time we got in the slide together and she practically sat in my lap I don’t know how we carried on a conversation. Tomorrow we can share the tire swing and eat cookies I think if the weather stays nice and if not I can just give her my coat.
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ianfm · 2 years
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 。・♡♥・。..・゜・。..Ian & Dolly..。・゜・.. 。・♡♥・。
An aesthetic moodboard for Ian Vogt & Dolly Jensen ( @dollyjensen​ )
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ianfm · 2 years
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09/16/1978 ( age 15 ft. dolly jensen @dollyjensen​ & bo turner @urdamage​ )
It finally happened. She kissed me, Dolly kissed me. I thought about skipping Jenny’s party last night because Bo couldn’t make it but I’m glad I went. I knew Dolly would be going and I told her I would be there and I didn’t want to bail on her even though all of her friends were going too.
I didn’t even really expect to talk to her but as soon as she saw me she came over to me to say hi and somehow we ended up sitting outside together in the backyard. Dolly looked so pretty last night. Her hair was tucked behind her ears and she had on these little flower earrings she wears to class sometimes. I hardly remember what we were talking about. None of it was that important. But the last thing I asked was seeing if she wanted to be my partner for the upcoming U.S. History project we have and then she kissed me. She smelled like cinnamon sugar from the cookies she baked for the party and she was so…. soft? I don’t even know if I kissed her back but she smiled at me so I think I did. Then all of a sudden she was gone. One of her friends were calling her back to the party and I was left sitting there to calm down. When I went back inside I couldn’t find her and I was already out way past curfew and grandma would kill me if I didn’t bike home before she got back from Bingo. I feel like I got home in 5 minutes my heart was pounding.
I thought about her all night I forgot to call Bo and tell him how the party went. That’s okay. He’s supposed the night tonight and I’ll tell him then.
I don’t even know if she has a partner yet or not but I guess I’ll just have to find out in class on Monday when we have to decide.
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ianfm · 2 years
Ian felt far more at ease being home. He easily could've slept the day away and that's what he did most of the time. Ian had to make up for all the cruddy sleep he'd had in the hospital so it was no shock that he'd been napping when Dolly stopped by. As always she was far too generous. The gifts she brought in the hospital had been more than enough and the pie she dropped off had been a very unexpected welcome home gesture. After having a slice of pie he decided to give her a call. He'd been hoping to catch her but Dolly'd always been the busy type so he wasn't surprised to catch her voice mail.
Hey D, it's Ian. I just got done eating a piece of that pie you dropped off. I think it might be the best pie you've ever made and I know I always say that but it's true this time. I'll let you know when we finish this one. I want to buy another from you I think I'm going to be eating a lot of pie for a while...I think the doctor even prescribed having treats right now. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you again...for everything. I'm sorry I was sleeping when you stopped by.
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shrieks · 2 years
📞😔 + kit
with his usual company having not long left, kit finds himself more awake than he should be at this time of the night, fear keeping him from closing his eyes and getting a peaceful rest. his fear is strong, but most of it has transitioned into sadness due to how exhausted he is. he begins to cry, and does the first thing he can think of. he phones his downstairs neighbor, hoping to catch her awake and able to come up for a visit to help. his voice is trembling and it’s clear as he sniffles throughout leaving the message that he’s crying.
“hey dolly, it’s kit. you might be out or sleeping or, doing whatever… that’s okay… i was just- i’m just having a really tough time tonight and i was going to see if you were available to come up for a visit. it’s okay if you can’t if you don’t get this message in time… i might… i think i’ll try valentine, maybe he’s gotten home already and i’ll reach him rather than his answering machine… but regardless, if you could call me back or come up to see me when you’re able to i would be so grateful, more than i already am for how great you’ve been to me since this whole thing… get back to me if you could please, dolly. thank you, love you.”
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ianfm · 2 years
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Shrike Heights Floral Profile
Samantha Webb (Free Spirit Roses)
Lila Bhatt (Marigolds)
Hen Wen Szeto (Spider Mums)
Delilah Lennox (Dahlias)
Kit Sombun (Anthurium)
Jane Howard (Lilac)
Topher Hancock (Chocolate Cosmos)
Dolly Jensen (Tulips)
Dustin Waerea (Sunflower)
Featuring: @shrieks, @retrocuts, @urdamage, @rebelsrebels, @bitcme, @takemecn, @dollyjensen
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