#don’t take that too harshly i just don’t know how else to put it
designernishiki · 9 months
suddenly feeling dead inside and just wanna read good fanfic or something. feel free 2 give me kazumaji or minedai recs if you think i’d like em
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chososdiscordkitten · 2 months
Keep Them On!
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Synopsis: jjk men x reader w glasses ^-^ (yes they stay on during sex)
Includes: : 𝐍𝐚𝐨𝐲𝐚, 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨, 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨, 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢, 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐣𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 Content: gn!reader, smut with a sprinkle of fluff, no plot, penetrative sex, cum play, oral (m), glasses kink(?)
Naoya Zenin
Naoya is so mean when it comes to your glasses. At first, he was generally mean—pushing them up the bridge of your nose harshly when they would slip or hiding them whenever you made some kind of retort at him that he didn’t like. 
Most of all, Naoya didn’t like it when he would say something you deemed ‘controversial,’ and you would take your glasses off in the middle of the conversation. Muttering something about how you didn’t want to see his face anymore. 
So the next time your glasses were pressed against his face- lips slotted against each other and the plastic frames only making him more frustrated. Naoya pulled away from you, urging your head down to imply that he wanted oral. (yes he's a head pusher)
And when your hands reached for the little legs of your spectacles- Naoya sucked his teeth. Nodding his head ‘no’ and freeing his cock from his bottoms.
Muttering something along the lines of ‘I want you to see as best as you can.’ with far too much smugness coating his words with the very tip of his cock smeared against the clean glass with an amused laugh. 
You scoffed as you felt Naoya slap his tip against the side of your cheek- urging you to open. 
You were on your knees, between his legs, as he sat lazily on the couch, with one hand atop your head and the other wrapped around his base.
And when your lips finally had his tummy clenching, his eyebrows furrowed, and his head daring to tip back. Teetering on the very edge of an orgasm, Naoya pulled your lips off of his cock. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, knowing he had a penchant for seeing you swallow his mess. Then it clicked when his hand started making filthy strokes at his cock- aiming his tip directly for the glass lenses with a smile.  
His spend coating your glasses with a groaning huff from your lips. His only excuse was, “What? You were the one who said you didn’t wanna see me.” 
When he saw the sight of the glossy frames being spurt by his cum- Naoya was sure to ask you for blowjobs with them on from now on. 
Even if you spent the next 30 minutes complaining about how hard they were to clean- and how he was just being a brat. Naoya could always get you new glasses- or, as he put it. “Stop being blind, and you won’t need them.”
Satoru Gojo
From the moment Gojo found out you had glasses, he would make little comments about them. Not mean- just strange little statements that would leave his lips without filter. 
When you would refuse to wear them in public- squinting at everything and holding onto his arm as a guide. Gojo would tell you to put them on, that you look even hotter with them. At once, even calling you a sexy librarian. 
His own way of assuring you that a pair of glasses didn’t change anything to him. 
He found it funny that he had perfect vision- almost too perfect, and you. Well, you needed pieces of glass to see or you would get dizzy.
In his mind, Satoru interpreted that as ‘I cover my eyes because I get sick if I don’t- and you wear glasses or else you get dizzy, another thing we have in common.’ just more ramblings of a man who was utterly whipped. 
And this- well, it only translated to the bedroom activities. 
The first few times- you always made sure to take them off. Knowing how Satoru can be with his afflictions for various positions- you didn’t want to break them. Same when it went for oral; you always took them off before going down on him. 
And Satoru tried to get you to forget to take them off- be it interrupting when you’d try to catch up on work assignments, he would come in and distract you from them. 
He would win most of the time- but you always took them off. Didn’t matter how pent up you or him were, you always did. 
And the one time you chose to forget- too tired and completely uncaring if they stayed on while Gojo’s warmth kept you under the covers with him. Even if all of Satoru’s insides were screaming at him to say ‘Yippee’ and start jumping up and down at the opportunity presented to him. He didn’t. 
Gojo went on about his tasks as he normally did- but when it came to spreading your thighs to welcome him, looking upon your framed eyes and smiling to himself at the little fog formed at the bottom from how heated your cheeks were. 
Even more when his thrusts became frantic- your head moving against the pillow and slightly moving the glasses on the bridge of your nose. 
And your hands were far too busy gripping on his arms- his hair, whatever part of his body you could find to help soothe the ache. Far too busy to fix the crooked lenses.
Gojo looked at you with the same look on his face he makes when he discovers something new he likes. A new flavor of candy, a song he liked the melody of- and now, the pretty whimpers leaving your lips, all topped off with your fogged, crooked glasses- only accentuating the fucked out expression you had. 
And when he rolled off of you, looking at your lazy hand, reach up to the frame and pull them off, your lashes wet with salty water and your cheeks still warm to the touch. 
Satoru made sure to ask you properly to keep them on next time- on his knees with his head bowed as though he was asking some colossal favor from you. 
You would only furrow your eyebrows with a slight grimace- knowing of all the strange things he could ask of you, this one was probably the most tame one.
Suguru Geto
Suguru starts off so sweet with you- brings them to you freshly cleaned whenever he sees you without them. Lightly scolding you- “You’ll only get blinder if you don’t wear them.” he would say- sliding the legs behind your ears and making sure you had them on properly.
He only found it even cuter when you would squint at something- unable to see correctly without them on. 
When it came to intimacy;
Geto made the discovery of your glasses being a turn on from the first few times he saw them fog up and slightly tilt to the side as he pounded them off. 
But- there was one thing Suguru did that was the slightest bit annoying. Sure, you could deal with his incessant words- urging you that it was fine and you didn’t have to take them off. Or when you would reach to remove them Suguru would replace your hands and push them back up on your nose for you.
How desperation fills your movements when you take them off- tossing them to god knows where before connecting your lips to his again. 
Unable to stand the little nudges the plastic made against Suguru, only seeing your glasses as an obstacle in the way of kissing him properly. 
Leading to finding the frames in the most strange of places- and most of all, once or twice finding them broken, bent- or even with a lens popped out, nowhere in sight. 
Or when you’d be in public and you’d look at him over the top of them- raising your brows with a questioning look on your face- it only reminded him when you would be giving him head and do the same thing. 
He tries not to make a mess on them- he tries his hardest to cum in your throat or on his tummy. But it’s almost like his cock and brain rewire at the last second and aim his cockhead for the glass. 
And Suguru’s thing for you in glasses was only intensified when you popped his cock from your lips- rubbing his shaft on your cheek with a fucked out smile. And his tip- nudging against the very bottom of your frames with every little stroke your hand made on his shaft. 
And when he finally spurt his mess- your lips parted and waited for Geto to take his aim. Hot spurts of white landing on your cheeks, your nose, your lips- but most of it was on the glass you used to see. 
What Suguru found most endearing- was when you would only smile and lick as much as you could from your lips. Not even complaining about his shitty aim. 
In the end it was just glass that could be replaced had you really wanted to. 
Toji Zenin
Toji swears he didn’t even notice you had them- he tried to convince you he had never noticed you needed glass to see. 
But he would do this thing- this particular thing that you had never noticed before. 
Be it when you’d be speaking- not noticing how his eyes would tighten, fixating on the little crook at the edge of your frames. 
Reaching a hand out and pushing them to sit correctly on the bridge of your nose. 
He had done it far too many times for you to ask what he was doing or why- so used to seeing his hand reach out to you that you never questioned it. 
Toji also had this urge when it came to intimacy- and you were always too fucked out to notice his little habit during sex. 
When you were on your back, your eyes closed and lightly covered by fog on the glass. The frames slightly tilted to one side as his eyes looked at your expression. His hand would go up to your face with an indulgent smile on his lips. 
Fixing the little crook of your glasses before enjoying the sight before him again. 
And when you were on all fours- Toji was thankful to have a mirror in front of you, piercing eyes watching the frames dare to fall off with every powerful thrust he made against your bottom. 
Almost like he enjoyed watching them slip off- something about your fucked out expression adorned with a pair of crooked glasses, scratched at an itch in his brain he didn’t even know was there. 
Toji had never realized this before you—he didn’t know if it was you specifically or glasses in general. 
You always saw it as Toji showing his tenderness towards you- even if you were too busy focusing on other things to notice the little habit. 
It didn’t click in his mind till one day he was listening to you speak- far too tangled in his own thoughts trying to figure out what it was precisely. 
And then he thought back to the sight of you in the mirror. The look of complete and utter dissolution, as though you had finally let loose and released tension, that’s what he found satisfying. 
Associating glasses with some kind of intelligence- even if you weren’t the brightest crayon in the box at times. The frames made you look the tiniest bit more intelligent. Like you were well-read. 
And when he would fuck them right off of you- it seemed like he was fucking out any unnecessary fun fact you harbored in your brain.
With every roll of his hips- he would fuck you dumb, and continue till you were a blabbering mess, unable to see the satisfied look on his face in the mirror when they would fall off. 
Kento Nanami
Out of all the men- Kento would be the most respectful of your glasses. 
Not as though they were some kind of out of the ordinary trait you had than nobody else did. You just needed a little help to see is all. 
But Nanami would be lying had he said that the sight of you pushing your glasses up your head like a headband didn’t make something in him twitch. 
Be it how your eyes glimmer without the glass blocking them or how effortlessly radiant you look when you look at him without them.
Or when you would crawl between his legs and nudge the book he was reading to the side. Pressing the side of your face on his tummy and watching the frames move from the smush of your cheek. 
When he would roll over in the mornings and see your uncovered face. The bridge of your nose undented from the nose pads and the little creases of your eyes on full display so early in the morning. 
What he hated most was how the glass hid your eyes- even if they were clear. A glare here or there or a smudge would make your eyelashes go overlooked. 
Nanami understood that you needed them- that there was nothing he could do about it. He still liked looking at you with them on- but not as much as he liked seeing you without them. 
It was still you behind the glasses, after all. 
But when you would ask him to wait a moment- his hands wandering and gripping at any exposed skin they could find. His hips rested between your thighs. You would reach your hand from his hair- removing the glasses and placing them on your night table. 
Wasting no time in connecting your lips with his again. Mumbling that you wanted to see him with your bare eyes between every breath of air he took. 
This only gave Nanami the opportunity to keep his chest pressed against you- keeping his lips near yours. Even if they were not locked anymore, a mere millimeter from each other as you looked into his eyes. 
Your request for looking upon him without assistance was heard. He made sure to stay as close as possible so you could see what you desired. 
The light blush that roamed down his cheeks, every furrow his brows would make. And feel every exhale he would make tingle your skin before locking your lips again. 
Lazy and unpatterned, not even bothering to close your eyes as his tongue swirled against yours. 
As much as Kento liked your glasses- he much preferred you like this. No struggle in squinting just to see him. Being more than close enough for your bare vision to see his expression entirely. 
Choso Kamo
Choso is sooooo sweet when it comes to your glasses. 
Seeing you gasp whenever they’d slip off the nightstand, far too scared for them to break and not be able to buy new ones to contain the winces. 
Or how you’d take them off occasionally and wipe the lenses whenever they smudge. 
Even if you never mentioned it, Choso noticed the care you had for the frames. 
So when you would ask him to pass them to you- he would make sure to grab the legs or the little bridge. Mimicking the way your fingers are always avoidant of the glass. 
Or when he would notice a minor blot on the glasses before you could. Taking them off of you and swiping away any debris you had yet to see. 
Choso had the decency to push your glasses up to the top of your head before he kissed you- knowing he could be needy and could end up damaging them had he not been careful. 
And Choso never liked holding back how he felt when it came to you- so instead of that, he would move the precious item away and kiss you with all the urgency that buzzed in his insides. 
When they would be at the top opf your head, almost moving too eager, they would slip down and lightly hit his nose. He would gruff softly- nearly irritated that the pair of glasses were trying to cockblock him right now. 
Choso would gently take them off of you before folding them- placing them on a flat surface with a sprinkle of urge in his movements before connecting his lips to yours.
And in the mornings, he would always like watching your eyes open- a little squint forming on your eyes when you would wake. Little to no hesitation in giving you your glasses to see him clearly. 
Kiyotaka Ijichi
You had always found it rather tedious that Ijichi insisted on kissing you with his glasses on- yours clashing with his were bound to cause scratches on both of your frames. 
You always took yours off before he did his; muttering about how he wanted to see you clearly when things got heated. 
But something about how he would look- so flushed and on the brink of whimpering. So easily flustered and tight in his slacks from a few sloppy kisses. 
Even more so when he would clear his throat and adjust the little frames as you took yours off. As though this was some kind of business deal for which he had to stay composed.  
Even during intimacy, he would keep them on- fogged up and bordering on falling- and yet Ijichi still insisted on keeping them on. 
And the next chance you got- you pulled away and saw him with the little frames. His cheeks blushed red with a growing fog at the bottom of them. You couldn’t help but smile. 
Pushing up the bridge of your own glasses and raising a hand to the black legs of his frames. “It’s my turn to see you.” you mumbled, pulling them off and staying close enough for him to see you. 
That what taking off his glasses meant only gave you more reason to stay close to him and not dare pull away. 
Ijichi got even more flushed, if that was possible- being able to feel your 20/20 vision gaze on his skin whenever you would scan over his body. Suddenly, all too aware of how it must have felt for you when you took your own glasses off in these moments. 
He wondered if it ever felt as piercing for you as it did for him. Or even as half as vulturous as your eyes went low- the starved smile on your lips only adding to it. 
(a.n) my most recent regret is not buying 'cum lube' and instead buying the regular lube. SIGH.
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babyleostuff · 11 days
things they unconsciously do for you | ot13
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[☁️] seungcheol
protecting you
choi seungcheol is a protector through and through (you could say that sometimes he’s a tad too protective, but it’s simply because he loves you so much and he would most likely end up with a meltdown if he saw you hurt). covering sharp corners, walking on the outside of the pavement, holding your hand in big crowds, cutting the meat for you - doing all of these things is like second nature for cheol. he never thinks about doing them, like “oh, they dropped their spoon, maybe i should cover the table corner so they don’t bump their head”. no no. he just does it, simple as that. and good luck to the person that tries to make you uncomfortable or invade your personal space because well… choi seungcheol will fight them
[☁️] jeonghan
wrapping you up with a scarf/ putting on beanie 
jeonghan, as someone who gets cold easily, is very vary around the people around him being cold as well. he’s always more than happy to share some of his body heat with someone else, especially because hugging means more warmth. when it comes to you, though, there is no way you’re getting out of the house without a thick scarf and a beanie. it doesn’t matter if you get easily cold or not, jeonghan does not let you out of the house before you’re properly bundled up. the first thing he grabs when you’re getting ready to go out is your/ his scarf and a beanie, and he dresses you up like a mom dresses up a child, but there’s nothing you can do about it. and if you come to the practice room without anything wrapped around your neck, jeonghan is quick to change that, as he pulls out his own scarf to give it to you.
[☁️] joshua
ordering for you
sometimes being social - even if it’s just ordering food - can be overwhelming, and shua understands that completely. he never judges you for it, he could never, and that alone makes you feel so much better. he never minds it when you cling to his arm, standing beside him while he’s ordering coffee, or when you point to the food on the menu so he could tell the waiter what you want to eat. sometimes he doesn’t even has to ask you what you want to order because he knows you so well by now that he can guess what type of boba you’re craving that day or which type of pasta you want to get. 
[☁️] jun
brushing your hair 
jun likes his silent acts of service, brushing your hair being one of them. whether it be after you wake up, or after a shower, jun finds brushing your hair to be very calming, so it’s also a way for him to distress and spend some time with you as well. sometimes you sit in silence, sometimes you talk about your days, but it’s always so intimate without being sexual, and there’s something beautiful about that. and he adores looking at your sleepy reflection in the mirror, your eyes closing on their own, as he gently runs a brush through your hair, making sure not to pull too harshly.
[☁️] hoshi
carrying your bag 
it doesn’t matter what colour it is, if it’s a tote bag or a small baguette one - hoshi is going to carry it, like the gentleman he is. for one, he figures it must be uncomfortable and tiresome to carry a bag around all the damn time, also he doesn’t want you to strain your shoulders too much, so whenever he’s around he is going to be the one to carry it. and he always makes sure before you go out that you have all of your necessities packed in case you forgot something too. also, as much as he’s easy to distract, when he holds your bag at parties he turns on his bodyguard mode, protecting that bag like his life depends on it, clutching it closely to his body (will glare if someone dares to step too close to it).
[☁️] wonwoo
taking of your glasses after you’ve fallen asleep 
as a person who wears glasses himself he knows how annoying and uncomfortable it is to fall asleep with your glasses on (not to mention that they can break too), so this is as natural as breathing for him. he probably has a couple of photos in his camera roll of you asleep with your glasses on, but sometimes you look too adorable for him not to take a quick picture for him to coo over later. he always gently takes them off as not to wake you up, and places a kiss on your forehead, before putting your glasses away so they wouldn’t break on accident.
[☁️] woozi
(i don’t really know how to name this?) 
woozi is an insanely attentive man, which is one of the reasons why he’s so great at those silent acts of service that make your heart flutter so much. he picks up the smallest things - like shifts in your mood when you’re upset or feeling a bit down, and while at the beginning of your relationship he was a bit awkward with that since he wasn’t really sure how to help you, now he knows exactly what you need. it’s not even that he has to think about holding your hand or hugging you, or just simply sitting next to you - it’s almost like his body gravitates towards you on its own, like it knows you need him by his side in that moment. you could argue that it’s the bare minimum (which it is), but with jihoon it’s so natural, like i hope you get what i’m trying to say - but the way he’s always there right by your side when you need him without having to mention that you’re not feeling that well is everything you could ever ask for. 
[☁️] dk
holding your hand in big crowds 
all seokmin wants is for you to be happy, loved, and safe. grabbing your hand when you’re in big crowds is a no brainer for him, it’s like his hand moves by itself, finding yours, and intertwining your fingers. he never lets go, not before he’s sure you’re safe with a smaller amount of people around you, where you wouldn’t get lost or swarmed by the crowd, and even then he usually keeps on holding your hand. and if you get stuck in a big crowd, like during a concert or a festival, he often pulls you to his chest, and puts his arms securely around you, so he’s sure no one will bump into you or step on your foot.
[☁️] mingyu
cooking for you 
mingyu loves cooking and eating, that much we know. but what he loves more is cooking for you. to be honest, making food for you has always been something obvious for mingyu, from the very beginning of your relationship, and he never saw it as a chore or something he felt obligated to do. preparing breakfasts on your days off, making you lunch for work/school, cooking dinner for your at home dates - it brings him so much joy because not only does he get to do what he loves, but it also reassures him that you’re eating well and not skipping any meals (whenever he finds out you skip meals you end up with a very sulky and low key angry kim mingyu).
[☁️] minghao
buying you clothes
it’s not that he doesn’t like your style or thinks you’re bad at choosing your outfits, on the contrary - during the first stages of your relationship he payed a lot of attention to what you liked to wear, and for which types of clothes you went for, so that he could spoil you with clothes and accessories you liked, making sure you’d be comfortable in them and feeling 100% you. now, whenever he saw something he knew you’d like he immediately bought it, with no second thoughts. it’s kind of comforting to know that your significant other knows you so well that they know exactly what you’d like or what would draw your attention if you were shopping yourself.
[☁️] seungkwan 
singing/ humming you to sleep 
it’s not like he lays down and automatically starts singing, but he does that whenever he sees you need it. sometimes it’s singing, sometimes it’s only humming, but it’s like his body just knows you need something to soothe your mind to fall asleep. whenever he feels you shuffling around, tossing and turning, unable to find a comfy position - he gently grabs you by your waist, and pulls you a bit closer to him, and starts singing/humming. he doesn’t think much about doing it, it’s like an automatic response because one of the most heartbreaking sights for boo is seeing you unable to rest, unable to get your well deserved sleep.
[☁️] vernon
refilling your snacks drawer 
there’s just something about vernon and him noticing all of those small things about you, and what you love. and one thing you definitely love is him and your snacks. he noticed early in your relationship that you had a drawer in your kitchen dedicated solemnly to your favourite snacks, but also how bad you were at refilling it. thus, he took it upon himself to refill it so you could always have something to munch on, and with time it became such a habit of his that he stopped paying attention that he was actually doing it. whenever he was doing grocery it was obvious to him that the first aisle he had to go to was the snacks aisle so he could pick up all of your favourites. 
[☁️] dino
refilling your water bottle 
another very attentive man with acts of service as his love language. whether you’re actually good at keeping track of how much you drink, or if you don’t pay much attention to it - chan always re-fills your water bottle for you (he was probably the one to buy it in the first place, choosing a colour to match your aesthetic). he knows how important it is to drink proper amounts of water throughout the day, so making sure you drink sufficient amount of it is as natural as brushing his teeth for him. whenever you’re studying/ working he comes into your room, grabs your water bottle and re-fills it. same as when you’re getting for school/work in the morning - he fills it with water, and puts it back in your bag (sometimes he sticks a note to it as well, with a cute “i love you” message).
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
secret little rendezvous*
Summary: Part 1 of friends with benefits!harry series. It's going to be full of smut, and also a tint of angst.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: SMUT!, kissing, dirty talk, degradation, p in v sex, jealous feelings
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"All I dream of lately is how to get you underneath me."
Harry was fucked.
Completely, utterly fucked.
In his defense, he was tired. He had been running around his workplace the whole day, managing the work of 4 people because they wanted to “spend the holidays with their family”.
And here he is now, staring at anything else he could find, other than the warm cunt beneath him swallowing up his cock with each thrust. The wall, the headboard, the ridiculous stuffed toy near the pillows, anything,  just so he won’t cum before you.
He knew that if he looked down, he instantly would. Flood your pussy with the pent up load of this whole shit week he’s had.
But you don’t mind. Given the point of being friends with benefits with him is getting an equal share of everything, but he gets a pass because he can get you off with his fingers easily, something others can’t.
So, you try and push him. Squeeze tighter, moan louder and arch your back just a lil’ bit more just to make him cum faster.
“I know what you’re doing, won’t work” he lands a hard slap to your ass, earning another moan as he increases his pace. Wet, sloppy thrusts, each paired with his grunts and your moans.
He grips your waist, leaning in so his chest meets your back, nipping at your earlobe while biting your neck below your ear.
“Hey, fuck off, man. That could be seen” you slap his shoulder, and he nips off, giving you a particularly rough thrust, making you lurch forward. The headboard bangs against the wall repeatedly, his thrusts paired with the obscene sound of skin slapping against skin.
“At least they’ll know you get laid” he remarks, and gets back up, feeling a bit held off, reaching a hand below and rubbing your clit.
“Fuck, that’s not fair” you whimper, legs giving out beneath you. You squeeze around him harder, gripping the sheets as you get closer and closer.
“I know, baby. That’s why it’s fun” another rough thrust into your sloppy wet cunt and you’re gone. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, toes curling as the orgasm washes over you. 
“Oh fuck!” you curse as you bite your lower lip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of an incredible orgasm.
He already knows.
He cums soon after, grabbing your hips harshly as his thrusts become slower and shallower, , his breaths ragged and uneven against your skin. He repeatedly curses, your name intertwined between them as he empties himself on your back.
“Fuck, that was good” he slaps your ass a last time, making you whine. You put yourself down on the bed, but not moving too much because of the cum on your back. He falls on the bed beside you, eyes closed as he catches his breath. His eyes are closed, a sly smile on his lips, face glowing in the afterglow.
He gets up soon after, almost as if he timed the 30 seconds he had taken to recover. He walks to the washroom with his dick still hanging out, closing the door behind him. You stare at the door till you hear the sound of the flush, and he comes out with some toilet paper.
He climbs back on the bed, reaching you and wiping his cum off your back. He wipes it down completely, though it takes some time given how much he had cum, throwing the used paper into the dustbin nearby. You want water, but he isn’t one to care for you once you’re done, other than wiping off his release.
“Can you-bring me water from the kitchen?” you ask, already knowing what his answer is going to be, and mentally cursing yourself afterwards.
“What am I? Your boyfriend or something?” he shakes his head, picking up his pants from the floor and quickly getting dressed.
“It wouldn’t hurt you to give me water afterwards.” you reply, putting your head back down on the pillow so he doesn’t say that you’re watching him dress.
“It doesn’t. But, I don’t do that shit. And you know that'' he raises his eyebrows, but you don’t look up. Not at least till he’s out of the room.
Seeing the lack of reaction, he gets his coat from the couch and his phone, his keys, before yelling for a last time, “Close your door”
You don’t reply again, and he storms out, slamming the door shut behind him.
You really wish he cared. 
Just a little bit, maybe?
“I don’t want to do it” you reply to Harry on the phone with a hand on your head, pinching the skin to relieve some of the pain from your head throbbing.
“You didn’t have any problem before. Whenever I called, you would say yes” 
Ugh, you really really wanted to throw the phone across the room. Or at his face. If he worked in your department, you would happily call him in your room, and slam the phone at him.
“Well, I do now. My head is killing me and if you don’t shut up soon, I’ll throw this at you when I see you next.”
“So tonight then? I’ll stay away from you”
“What? Tonight? Why?”
“Dylan’s birthday”
“Oh fuck.”
“Yeah. Fuck. And since he got you the “Special invite” you’re gonna have to be early for Dylan” he mocks you, because he had sent you a bouquet of flowers with an e-invite.
“Oh get over it.” you huff.
“Whatever. I’ll avoid you tonight. Don’t try and stick to my ass”
“You wish” 
With that, you cut the call.
Getting ready for the party, you were a mess. You did not want to go and get mocked by them for the bouquet, you did not want to see Harry and you did not want to leave the house either. It was so cold outside, and you would have to drive a good 4 miles because that bastard celebrates birthday like a teenager.
The party was average. There were only two people who teased you, Leah and Emily, oh, and Harry of course. Others had forgotten, and you were so grateful for that.
“So, you and Dylan. Huh” Harry came up to you, with a beer bottle in his hand. He was the one who told you to stay away from him, and here he was now, purposely coming and sitting near you.
“Shut up” you replied, taking a sip of your own drink.
You ignored him, looking anywhere else except him. You looked at the dance floor, where everyone was swaying their hips and moving with the music, the bar where they were serving drinks, anywhere.
And he did not like that.
“So, how was your day?”
You turned around 180 degrees, raising your eyebrows at him.
“I said, how was your day? Or did your headache make you deaf?” another sip off his stupid beer.
“Seriously? Mr. Don’t stick to my ass is asking me” you pointed your fingers towards yourself “how my day was?”
“Yeah, I was just trying to make small talk”
“Well, wrong time. Shut up”
You went back to your own business, sipping your drink and ignoring him successfully. He seemed frustrated with you, and you were sure his nose was flared too. It was only for a few moments, because then his phone beeped. A message.
“Ah! Finally!” he drank the last few sips, and got up, throwing his unlocked phone beside you.
“Take care of it, will yeah? I’ll pay my bill and come back to take it”
That bastard.
It was a text from some Sophia, who was his hookup for tonight since you had said no. He wanted to show you that he had other people to sleep with, and that was why he threw his unlocked phone to go and pay for a drink from a party.
He really was a condescending dick, wasn’t he?
You sat there till you saw him turn back from the bar, and as soon as he was within your line of sight, you got up and left.
You saw him cursing while he picked up his phone, and he was most definitely cursing at you.
Not that you cared.
He didn’t call you for the next week, and a few more days after that. If he could act like a child just to tell you he has multiple hookups, something you didn’t really know about, you could at least pretend to not care.
Not that you did, no.
Next you two saw each other was at the Christmas party.
Some co-workers were bringing their kids, and so a few were asked to be dressed as Santa, Harry being one of them.
The Christmas party was more lively than stupid birthdays, and you were thankful for that. You had forgotten to book tickets to go back home, and last minute tickets were really not worth the raging dinner you had with your whole family. Most of the people would ask you about your boyfriend, when you were getting married, were you planning on having kids, how to raise them, where to raise them, all of which you didn’t want to worry about for at least the next two years. So, an office party followed by some takeaway and a Christmas movie marathon sounded perfect. 
Most people had arrived, and the place was buzzing with chatter and the slow sounds of Christmas carols playing in the background. Everyone was dressed great, adorned in festive attire with a Christmas hat perched on top of their heads. You had worn an oversized sweater, tucked in a pair of skinny jeans, and boots that you had bought a month ago. Wearing a Christmas hat, you didn’t look so bad yourself.
You took a drink from the top shelf that was made to be kept away from the children, and you wandered off, looking for Harry. He might be a bastard, but it was Christmas, so you could bear him for a while, say Merry Christmas.
Looking through the cabins, the corners, he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he was struggling with his Santa costume.
You found him soon after, struggling in one of the supply closets with his beard stuck to the zipper.
“Fucking hell! Oh for fucks sake!” he was continously cursing, while trying to pull the zipper down with limited strength. If he pulled too hard, the poor rented dress would definitely tear off.
“Want some help?” you leaned on the doorway, bringing your hand up to your lips as you laughed at his misery.
He looked at you with his resting bitch face, putting both hands beside his waist. He might look all tall and intimidating, dressed in all red with a big bod, but to you, he looked like a child who couldn’t even get his clothes right, and always messed them up.
You chuckled, before going over to him, trying to up the zipper and untangle it from the fake hair.
“Yeah, I’ve already tried that, smarty pants” he said frustrated, and you reached for your pocket, pulling out your lip balm.
“What are you doing with that? You know this is rented right? Don’t put lip balm on this!”
“Yeah, old man. I know” he rolled his eyes, and you began rubbing some wax on the zipper to smoothen it down so it’ll slide easily.
“And don’t tell me you don’t know how dirty these rented outfits are. This beard you’re wearing” you pull at it lightly, making him grunt, “is filthier than our kitchen. And you know how dirty our kitchen is”
He shakes his head, “Whatever, I just have to wear it for 2 hours or something, and then I’ll return this back”. He watches you intently as you rub the wax on it, and after a few tugs up and down, it smoothes out, and the beard untagles. You zip him up, and the red outfit fits perfectly on his tall form.
You take a step back, eyeing him up and down, with a smirk on your face. He doesn’t look too bad, he is tall and the outfit he’d gotten fits him quite well. The long trousers, the ridiculously large shoes, the cap on top of his head, he kinda looks hot.
He notices you checking him out, and puts his arms around his chest, pretending to try and save his sanity from you.
“Miss Y/n, what are you going to do to me?” he takes a step back, voice low and husky. And just for the fun of it, you decide to play along. You step forward, your steps synchronizing with his steps back, and he goes back till he bangs with a cupboard.
He looks at you with utter fear in his eyes, and you can’t help but bite back a smile, going all the way and gripping his waist.
He sucks in a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. He knows he can’t get too excited, or the next few hours will be a nightmare for him. 
You couldn’t be more tempted to put him into misery.
You pull yourself up, coming face to face with him, standing on your heels. He gulps down hard, knowing well how this will not end well for him.
You lean closer to his face, his lips just moments away from yours. Your hand shifts from his waist to his heart, which is beating widely in his chest. A thin layer of sweat coats his forehead, and the tension between you is almost impalpable.
Your lips come closer and closer to his, and as soon as he lifts his jaw to kiss you, you pull back, and go for his neck instead. 
It’s difficult with the beard in between, but you manage to lick a long stripe from his shoulder to his jugular, feeling his pulse on your tongue. You reach back and open your mouth, baring your teeth as you bite on the skin, nipping and pulling slightly to make a mark.
And to your surprise, he doesn’t stop you. Lets you bite and suckle at his neck till there’s a proper mark blooming on the side of his neck, the skin turning red. Your tongue glides over the mark, soothing the slight sting as you continue to tease him. He moans, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulls you closer, his hands finding your waist. It’s so easy-you could slide your hand down to his pants, squeezing his crotch and he’ll be done for. He’ll get hard and then be miserable while the kids ask to sit on his lap.
But you decide against it. Wearing that costume just for the little rascals to click pictures with him and make fun of him later. It was torture enough.
You pull back, and as expected, his pupils are blown out, eyes full of lust. And, as expected, he’s half hard.
You lick your lips, a little breathless as you look up at him. He looks down at you with the same lust and hunger, and you get week in the knees as he leans in and whispers, “You’re going to be sorry for that tonight” he reaches back and grips your ass, giving it a light squeeze, “on your knees”
Your stomach flips with anticipation as his words send shivers down your spine. You know what he means, and it only adds to the growing heat between your legs. You’re left with an open mouth as his grip on you is gone, and he leaves the room. You stand there for a good 5 minutes, before blinking rapidly and exiting the dark room to join the party.
The party was uncomfortable, to say the least. For both of you. You were hot and bothered, the wetness between your legs growing as you imagined him on top of you, his hands tangled messily in your hair as he fucked your face, drool and tears dripping down your face as his cock pushed in and out of your hot, wet mouth. His balls slapping against your chin, your nose deep in his trimmed pubes.The way his deep, husky voice would command you to open your mouth wider, to take him deeper.
You could almost taste him, the salty sweetness of his skin, the musky scent of his arousal. Your mouth watered at the thought of him filling you, stretching your lips and throat as he pushed himself deeper and deeper. And that was making your cheeks hot and red, thighs pressed together as you looked at him as if he was a meal, one which you couldn’t wait to devour.
And maybe someone else was looking at him the same way too.
Olivia, a co-worker, approached you a few moments later, a little bit tipsy because of how much she had been drinking since she got here.
“He looks so fucking sexy, doesn’t he?” she remarked, and you blinked, pulling yourself out of your imagination.
You don’t mind other girls hitting at him. Well you did, somewhat, till you found out he was hooking up with others as well.
“Styles. He’s so damn hot. Can’t wait to fuck him in that santa costume tonight”
Oh no.
“Oh you don’t know? He fucked me last Wednesday. Said his other hookup cancelled and he needed someone who didn’t mind. I said yes. I mean, “ she tilted her head, looking at him with a face that made you want to punch her. “What bitch would say no to that? Have you seen the ass on him? And his dick. Holy fuck. It’s so fucking bi-”
“Okay-I don’t want to hear about that” you stopped her before she practically drooled over him in front of you, and described how he fucked her.
“What? You don’t like to hear some good fucking. Oh come on, it’s not like you’re getting boned, are you? You’re so boring?” she rolled her eyes, before turning around and bumping her shoulder, walking away.
No way you waited 2 hours for him just to have her take him.
No fucking way.
With gritted teeth, you picked up your purse, and walked to Harry on the other side of the room. You pulled at his arm, to try and take him to the side to talk. He reluctantly walked, making you pull his huge body half the way.
“Hey, hey, patience, love. M’ not going anywhere. Can’t you wait for just a few more minutes? Then I’m all yours” he said with a smirk.
“Well, Olivia here was describing me how you fucked her last wednesday and how she was taking you home with her today. So, what is happening?”
“What? Olivia? Hell no. She’s super drunk, and I don’t want to be around her”
“Well, then hurry. Ditch this stupid party and…take me home.”
You whispered the last part, hoping you didn’t sound as breathless and desperate as you did. He was an asshole, but he was great in bed and the idea of her doing the same with you did with him, made you want to blech. 
“Awww, someone’s a bit romantic. You’re jealous, aren’t you love?”
Here we go.
“No! Why would I be jealous of that…that bitch?”
“There it is. Ugly emotion” he was smiling like a moron, and you felt so embarrassed. Jealousy, or any other emotion, wasn't supposed to be involved, but it eventually always does, doesn’t it?
“Alright, fine. Now shut up and take me home before I change my mind” you said with a frown, and began to walk away.
“Yes ma’am” he replied, following you closely.
Harry drove you both home, since you were drunk. You were sitting tilted with your back against the window, legs propped up on the sheet. He looked so sexy even when he drove, his jaw clenching every time there was a signal. He was rock hard in his pants, and he couldn’t wait to get home and fuck your mouth.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” he slammed the horn, hitting the brake as the last signal before his street was on too. You giggled, biting your lower lip as you looked at him with doe eyes with your legs propped up on the front.
You leaned forward and turned on the radio, and he gave you a glare. As the song played on, you slowly hummed to the tune, twirling your hairs around your fingers and looking out the window. You were so nonchalant, and Harry did not like that.
“Do you have any idea how hard I am?” he growled, almost painfully. You had a complete idea of how hard he was. He had been so turned on since your encounter in the storage room, and seeing you jealous had probably egged him on even more.
“Hmm?” you turned your head and looked up at him with an innocent look, your hands crossed above your chest.
“Oh.” he chuckled, and you knew you had managed to reach his nerves, “Is it? You don’t know what I’m talking about?” 
You shook your head in a no, mouth falling open at the sight of him. He looked angry, as well as horny. Pupils blown out and eyes full of lust, cheeks red. Hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly, while he was controlling himself so much you had no idea. Restraining himself from bending you over and taking you right there in the backseat.
The car came to a halt, and you saw that the signal was on. The last signal before you pulled up to his house.
Before you could blink, he had opened his seatbelt, and was reaching over to your side, pinning your hands to your chest with his wrist. The other reached down, pulling your sweater up and revealing the top of your jeans. You looked up at him with wide eyes, and a cruel smirk was painted across his face.
“Harry-harry, what are you-” you murmured while he undid the button, unzipping your jeans and pulling it down with a harsh pull.
His hand immediately found your panties, and he pulled them to the side, his cold hand making contact with your wet cunt.
You shivered and moaned at the contact, eyes falling shut as his fingers caressed your swollen nub. He pushed one finger in, and you were a goner.
Your legs squeezed shut, mouth parting open as his ring met your lips, the coldness making you whimper. His finger was longer and thicker than yours, and only one was enough to make your walls clench.
A horn blared from the car behind, and your eyes widened. You tried to move your hands, but he had pinned them down firmly, his finger still deep into your pussy.
“Harry-there’s someone behind-they can see you-harry-” 
You were stopped by a crushing kiss to your lips, and seeing you hesitant, he pulled his finger out. Pulling back from the kiss, he put the same finger into his mouth, sucking the wetness, eyes falling shut at your taste.
“Know people can see. Though that turns you on even more, doesn’t it?” 
You looked down at your unbuttoned jeans, cheeks turning hot and red at his admission. You had a bit of an exhibitionism kink, and people looking did  turn you on.
“Knew it. You’re a filthy little whore for me, aren’t you? Good god, I’m so going to fucking ruin you tonight”
You were holding on to that promise.
(part 2)
a/n: i spent wayy too much time writing this! no idea why? but i really liked the idea, and i just spiraled with it, and the next thing i know it turned into a series! anyways, let me know if you like this! if this gets enough notes, i'll definitely do a part 2! love you all!
please like, comment or reblog if you like this, i really appreciate every note 🥺🥺
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @whotfisade @youcan-nolonger-run@prettythingsworld @chesthairrry
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agi-ppangx · 6 months
grape soda (lee minho x gn!reader)
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it’d been almost two hours since minho left your apartment to supposedly take a walk after you two had an argument. but he hadn’t come back yet.
“minho, stop—” you cried when you noticed him put on his coat and take the keys from the table by the entrance.
“i’m just gonna go for a walk, okay?” minho interrupted you a little bit too harshly. he noticed how your eyes got even more teary at his tone and he sighed, his face softening. “i’ll be back soon, i just need to clear my mind. if we continue this now i’m pretty sure i’ll say something i’ll regret later. i won’t be out for too long, hm? we’ll talk when i come back.” with that he left you, standing with wet cheeks in the middle of your apartment. your eyes wandered nervously around the place and it was only then when you noticed minho forgot his phone from the kitchen counter.
you were sitting in the living room, bouncing your leg nervously as you once again checked the time. it was getting late and your anxiety only grew bigger. you were wondering if minho was okay and if he was even coming back. he got pretty mad at you, but you weren’t even surprised, knowing that you’d hurt him. you felt like you deserved being yelled at and even if it made you sick in your stomach you wouldn’t have been surprised if minho decided to leave you.
around midnight you heard the keys rustling and the door opening. you rushed to greet minho at the entrance, not caring about the argument anymore. your behaviour caught him off guard and he froze when your arms wrapped around his waist, tears spilling from your eyes. you were mumbling something, but his coat muffled every sound you let out.
“yn, what’s- what’s going on?” minho asked softly, bringing his hand to your hair, patting it a few times. you couldn’t stop crying, but you took a step back and sniffed a few times before attempting to speak again.
“i-i thought you left me,” you admitted, wiping your face. minho chuckled at that, amusement painted on his face. he was genuinely taken-aback - why would you even think about something like that?
minho shook his head and only then did you notice that he was holding a bag in his hand. he placed it gently on the floor and took your hand in his.
“i would never leave you, dummy,” he started, bringing his other hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “i really needed to cool down so it took me a while, but i’m here now, okay?” you sniffed, nodding weakly. you felt so bad about the whole situation.
“i’m sorry,” you whispered. “are we going to talk now?” you then asked anxiously. you weren’t ready to have that conversation yet, but you knew it was inevitable. minho shook his head again.
“no need for that, it’s okay.” you raised your eyebrows. was he going to let it be? after everything you did?
“i’m not mad anymore, yn. i thought that through and it’s okay, i know you didn’t mean it. also-” he let go of your hand to pick up the bag from the floor. “-i got us some instant ramen. you must be starving, love.” you let out a loud sob, hiding your face in the palm of your hands. minho closed the gap between you two and placed a few tiny kisses on your temple.
“don’t worry about it anymore,” he mumbled with a soft smile.
“you’re too good to me, you know?” you chuckled through tears, wiping your cheeks. minho laughed at your words, putting his hand in the bag and taking out a purple can.
“oh, i know. who else would buy you your favourite grape soda after an argument, hm?”
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a/n: not proofread at all, wrote it in like 30 minutes i guess...? anyway, please enjoy and remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @l3visbby
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yujification · 4 months
i really like the idea of possessive g!p karina.. she’s so greedy for her girlfriend (reader) and always takes her.. this time they head out to a club just to drink some drinks with their friends, a guy with a charming smile goes up to you and offers to buy you a drink. karina notices this and decides to let you do whatever u want, (of course, you don’t take it too far) but the moment she gets home she fucks you so good and makes sure to breed your tight cunt
ANON YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. p.s. sorry for being inactive but hi im here cw: puppy play (?), spanking, possessive rina, degrading, slight mommy kink??, hair pulling, breeding kink, g!p FIRST OF FUCKING ALL lets talk abt how rina is just generally very touchy in clubs ?? she keeps her eyes on you 25/8 and follows you around like a puppy whenever humanly possible, and gets PISSEDDDD OFF when you disappear from her sight she death glares the fuck out of anyone who looks at you, whether it be a bartender, a dj, another patron, hell, even her own friends. she needs it to be known that you're hers and absolutely nobody else's. even goes as far as to full on make out w you and feel you up on the dance floor (occasionally standing closely behind you so you can feel her bulge push against your ass) just to prove to everyone in that club that you belong to her. at some point, she tells you she's going to the bathroom. a guy comes up to you-- dark hair, dark eyes, (almost resembling karina a little...... how odd) and starts flirting with you almost immediately. he buys you drinks, tries to entice you and encourages you to come home with him. and, of course, as you're trying to stall and put off the idea of going home with a complete stranger while in a relationship, jimin stands nearby, watching and eavesdropping on your conversation. eventually, obviously, you start to wonder, "hm, my gf has been gone for a long ass time, I'm gonna go find her", and u turn around and what do u know! there she is! the worst part is, on the drive home, she has one hand firmly clutching the wheel and the other teasing your clit down your pants. she doesn't even try making it enjoyable either, she's just harshly pinching and rubbing like she's trying to teach you a lesson, like you're her bitch and you need to be tamed, all while she calls you a dumb whore and lectures you on how you need to be more loyal like the good puppy you should be, though you never intended on leaving with that man anyway!!! as soon as you get home, she doesn't bother going all the way upstairs to your bedroom. "the couch will do," she says. "get on all fours." thankfully, due to karina's wealth, she had a pretty spacious sectional couch. it was more than enough room. somehow, even after fucking her countless times, you never really get accustomed to her size, and you always forget that she's packing 7 inches and then some, so evidently, it hurts when she first slides her dick into your dripping wet cunt from behind. you shriek, to which she swats you on your ass, a red handprint being left behind. "fucking slut," she croaks, her groans deep as she pounds you mercilessly. "is this what you wanted from that guy? huh? you wanted him to fuck you?" she laughs. "dumb dog. nobody can fuck you like i can. say it." and no shit, you say it. being spanked feels good, just because it's her, but you obviously still want to make rina happy. her cock still drowning in your wet cunt, she holds it in one spot, deep as possible, as she tugs at your hair and leans down, her breath hot against your ear. "you want mommy to come inside you? hm? you want mommy to pump this tight pussy full of kids?" and you nod, nearly salivating at the thought, as usual. when she comes, it feels like it's never-ending, your cunt filled to the brim with thick liquid, your orgasm inevitably following. karina flips you over onto your back when she's finished, watching her semen leak out of your hole, with a smile on her face. "bet you're glad you didn't take him home, then, huh?"
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pjsfvs · 4 months
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Angry sex with Tyun
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paring : dom!taehyun x afab!reader
warnings/tags : angry sex, window/wall sex, im to lazy to do the rest.
summary : You and taehyun get into a heated argument, which leads to some good angry sex.
a/n : don't leave hate comments for me to see. if you don't like it just block me and leave.
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“Taehyun, I told you, I’m done talking about this. I said I was sorry.”
“You were being irrational, Y/N?! Seriously?! You can’t just go charging into my rehearsal like that begging me to come along with you, for fucking boba! What if the members got distracted. Hm? They could have been hurt or worse!”
“I get that you were worried about them, and I know I was wrong for doing that, but you're the one who told me you were on break. It is not my fault. You can't put the whole blame on me.”
“Your so fucking annoying sometimes.”
“God, can you shut up and listen to me!? I don't know why I have to re-explain this to you again.” Taehyun stare at you incredulously, ready to interrupt but you continue on, “You told me that you missed me, and I wanted to see you, so I came when you texted me you were on break.”
“How long do you think our breaks are huh? Knowing we're about to have a comeback. Just how fucking long do you think these breaks last!?”
The argument is never-ending. Sweaty and red-faced, Taehyun is so close. So close that you can still smell the scent of spear mint on his breath from the gum he's been chewing. So close that you can see the dark circles under his eyes from the sleepless night and the height of his body, creating a shadow over your body. Your chests touch, both heaving from yelling back and forth. Staring him in the eyes, you have nothing else to say; left to communicate all your frustration through a silent glare. Neither one of you wants to be the first to break.
“Taehyun, I’m done doing this whenever you and the guy have a comeback. You can’t keep telling me to come see you while on break, just to get pissed at me afterwards. I’m done with that. I’m fucking done.” You keep repeating that last line to yourself more so than to him. A realization coming over you that you might not just be done arguing with Taehyun over this particular topic. You might also be finished with your relationship. If he wouldn’t make time, to see you, what's the point. Just one fucking glance, that's all you could ask for. If this is what you had to go through each time, you weren’t sure you could handle it.
Through his anger, Taehyun gives you a look of desperation, hoping that you both could come to some agreement. Shaking your head, you turn and walk away. You have nothing left to give.
“No. You don’t get to walk away like you always do. Not this time!” He yells, grabbing you by the shoulders and pressing you against the very door you were prepared to leave though. Pushing him away does nothing. He just comes back, forcing your back against the door again with a resounding thud. You want to deny it but the roughness of how he handles you causes a spark within you. You’re certain it’s affecting Taehyun too from the way his half-hard member brushes against you.
“Tyun…” You’re cut off by a passionate kiss. Your body denies your rational mind by returning the kiss. It’s nothing like your normal exchange. It’s heated, teeth clanging against each other, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth and fighting for complete dominance.
Clothes are torn from each of your bodies, no care given to the sounds of ripping fabric and buttons hitting the floor. Your sole focus is on each other.
“Up” he commands, grabbing at your hips. Taking his cue, you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Nipping along your jaw, he leaves a stinging trail of red marks on your skin. You hiss when bites down harshly at the juncture of your shoulder. Continuing on his intended path, Taehyun attaches his mouth to one of your perky nipples, swirling his tongue around it before sucking.
The heels of your feet pressed into his lower back, bringing him closer to your core. His throbbing member slips through your folds, pressing against your clit. Focused on your own pleasure now, you repeat the action, grinding yourself against his cock.
“Stop it.” He growls out in response to your tempting actions. The head of his member prods against your sensitive bud as Taehyun ruts his hips unexpectedly. You yelp in surprise but don’t stop.
“You need to fucking listen. You never listen.”
“Fuck you.” You retort, smirking at him in defiance.
“That’s what I plan on doing to do you, sweetheart.”
Not waiting for your reply, Taehyun enters your wet core without warning causing you to throw your head back. Any advantage you thought you had is now gone as you succumb to the pleasure. As you sink on to his thick cock, Taehyun groans lowly, enjoying the feeling of your warm pussy that is so inviting to slip into.
“Gonna fuck you so good.”
You chuckle at his comment, knowing it will provoke him. And that’s just what it does. Without pulling out of you, Taehyun unwinds your legs from his waist and pushes them towards your chest by the knees. The new position gives him a new angle to hit and he begins to thrust into you without control. His pace is frenzied and brutal as he abuses your pussy.
Clawing at his shoulders, your first orgasm washes over you but he gives you no time to bask in it. Even as your core clenches around his member, he continues to fuck you senseless, pushing you through your first orgasm and works you close to a second.
Taehyun watches, fully mesmerized, as his member pumps in and out of you. His cock is slick with your wetness making it easier for him to push back in and keep his rhythm.
“So close. Don’t fucking stop,” You announce your impending orgasm to him, not that he needed you to tell him. He knows from the way your core pulses that you’re almost there. So is he; ready to spill his load into you. Pumping into you deeper, Taehyun’s cock hits the perfect spot, causing jolts of electricity to course throughout your lower half.
Your second orgasm rocks you so hard and you go limp in his arms. A few more thrusts and he followed right behind you. His cock throbs inside you as his cum coats your walls. Dropping his head to your shoulder, Tae’s heavy breaths fan over your heated skin, sending a chill through you.
After helping you to wrap your legs back around him, he carries you to your shared bed; laying you down gently. Climbing in next to you, he tugs you to his chest making sure you are tucked comfortably against him.
“I’m sorry, ya know. You’re a damn good girlfriend, Y/N. I know that. I just don’t want anyone to get distracted and end up hurt because of you. If that happens, they might not let you visit the building anymore and I don't want that to happen.”
With much of your frustration gone, you realize you may have been too hard on Taehyun. He cares about you and doesn't want anyone on his team to get hurt.
“I know. I just want you to make some time for me. Even if its one minute of your time. I miss you."
"I know baby, I know. I'll try and make at least 10 minutes for you on busy days, on free days we can go on the cute dates you told me about doing. I promise."
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craisinsensation1029 · 3 months
Much Better
Suguru Geto
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fem reader, smut, established relationship, vaginal sex, choking, geto uses u as stress relief, gojo being gojo
originally wrote this lil thing for a friend--I know nothing about playing games LOL
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“Are you fucking kidding me?” Geto watches as Gojo snipes him again in the beginning of the match, irritation painted all over his face. It’s the tenth time in a row he’s done this, and for everything that is holy and true Geto just doesn’t understand why. Gojo’s maniacal giggle sounds through Geto’s headset, but he’s in no laughing mood.
“Man, what the fuck,” he grits into his mic, doing what he can to salvage the rest of the match, but it’s futile. He’s ranked last, again. “Run it back, and don’t do that shit again.” He straightens his back, preparing for the next match with his fingers on the controller ready to make a hasty move if needed.
Curse Gojo and his affinity for excellence in anything he does. Of course he doesn’t listen to Geto, and of course he’s ranked last again. After the bothersome work week this is supposed to help him unwind. He hasn’t played with Gojo for nearly two weeks, and this is what he comes back to.
“We can play one more time,” Gojo says in a playful voice. Too bad Geto is already tearing the headset off his head, slinging it across the room. Luckily it lands on the plush comforter instead of smashing to the floor, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Fucking bullshit,” he grumbles, turning off the television and running a hand through his hair. There isn’t a reason for his blood pressure to be through the roof with a clenched jaw and knitted brow, but damn. What does a man have to do to relax?
“What’s bullshit?” you question, walking into your shared bedroom, cocking your head to the side.
“Nothing,” he answers, voice doing everything he can contain what he fears is rage boiling under his skin.
“Work?” Clearly, it’s something. The stress of his job isn’t a secret to you. “You should take a few days off, Sugu.”
“It’s fine,” he answers quickly, desperate to move on from the topic. “I just need to lay down for a bit.”
“You sure?” Putting your purse down you take a step closer to him, noticing how tense every part of his body is. Your eyes float over the the discarded headset on the bed before turning your gaze back to him. “Don’t tell me that dumb game has you all upset.”
“It’s not dumb,” he defends immediately. “It would be fun if Satoru wasn’t such an ass.”
The only thing you can do is roll your eyes and put your hand on the side of his face. “It’s a game.”
His hand easily encircles your wrist, pulling it off of his face. “He’s a cheater. It’s annoying.”
“He’s a cheater, it’s annoying,” you mock with a laugh, plopping down on the bed.
He looks over at you, carefree expression with a playful glint in your eyes. He closes the distance in two steps, placing one hand on your thigh and letting the other lightly close around your throat. Immediately your heart begins to race, thighs already clenching.
“Wanna know what else is annoying?” he says against your lips, hand moving to the apex of your thighs that you willingly open. He can only chuckle at how eager you are, the warmth from your core making his own skin prickle.
“I don--ah,” you whimper. Maybe if you knew you were coming home to an annoyed Suguru, you would have worn something with a bit more layers. The cute little sundress you wore to run some errands earlier is nothing more than a piece of velcro that he can tear open, every ounce of your desire putty in his hands. His thumb presses against your clit harshly, making it hard to even think.
“Hm, baby?” he taunts, applying more pressure to your clit, watching the way you squirm, cock starting to harden in his pants. Now this, this is a game he won’t lose. His thumb doesn’t leave your clit, remainder of his palm pressing against your heat, feeling your little hole already quivering. “You don’t know, do you?” His hand keeps applying pressure against your clothed cunt, grip on your neck tightening. “Don’t know what it’s like to be so fucking annoyed.”
The sun peeking through the windows heats up your skin as you throw your head back, moan after moan escaping your lips as you tightly grip the sheets. It’s good, so good, and Geto fears his cock is going to punch a hole through his sweats if he doesn’t relieve himself. “Shit, see what you do to me?” In the toss up between the hand around your neck and the one pressing against your core, he relieves the pressure on your neck to pull down the waistband of his sweats and underwear, hard, leaky cock slapping against his abdomen.
“Fuck,” he hisses. In the blink of an eye his body is on top of yours, hand back on your neck applying the right amount of pressure, arousal slicking between your thighs. “Since you don’t know what it’s like, you’re gonna help me, yeah?” You already feel the thick head of his cock against your clothed cunt, pressing against your heat that’s aching to be filled. “Don’t need a few days off when you’re here, what do you say?”
He doesn’t even give you a chance to answer before his cock is nudging the crotch of your panties aside and he’s bottoming out in your tight heat, walls immediately closing around his cock, sucking him in. “Oh fuck baby,” he moans, pressing his hips closer to yours if that’s even possible. “Tight fucking pussy all for me.” His hips retract until just the tip of his cock is sitting inside you, and it’s still a breath laboring pressing with that little bit of him inside you. He thrusts forward, plunging into your heat once more. “I guess this is better than that dumb game.”
He’s relentless, setting a brutal pace as he thrusts and withdraws his hips, relishing in the feeling of your tight pussy hugging his cock, ready to milk him for all he’s worth. “Isn’t this annoying baby?” Sweat begins to slick your forehead as you whine, at the mercy of each aggressive propelling of his hips forward. “Not being able to speak while I fuck the shit out of your little pussy.”
It’s hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to even string words together to respond to him when his perfectly curved cock is drilling against your sweet spot. All you do in response is wrap your legs around his midsection, sinking your head into his neck as he continues pumping into your heat with reckless abandon.
“Oh, you like that shit,” he chuckles, feeling your walls fluttering around him at the same time his abs clench and his balls tighten. “Fuck baby, gonna come so deep in your little pussy, gonna fill her right up.” Another harsh thrust forward, making your head spin and stars form in the far off corners of your vision. “Fuck, fuck.”
You cry out, back arching up into his body and toes curling as your walls clamp down around his cock. At the same time he groans, rope after rope of his cum painting your insides white.
“Hah-fuck,” he pants. “I feel better now.”
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lovingmattysposts · 6 months
Love Never Is
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pairing: y/n and Matt sturniolo
summary: Love is never what it seems. It's not like the books or novels. It's not a simple as it seems. But she doesn't believe in love anyways so it's nothing something she has to worry about. That is until she falls into it and it gets ripped away from her. The love is real, painfully real.
warnings: sad af. angst, mentions of depressing stuff.
i put my HEART and SOUL into this please read it all the way through even though its long. AGAIN thank you for the love, love you all
xoxo Autumn as always
“then maybe we should just break up!”
Frozen in time. A sentence you never thought you’d hear fall from him mouth, but as you walked home you couldn’t stop hearing it ring in the back of your mind.
You didn’t allow yourself to cry in front of him, not wanting to show your true emotions on the subject of breaking up. If that’s what he wanted, you do it. Because you loved him.
To selfishly and embarrassingly cry in front of him was just something that you didn’t allow your body to do.
“Is that what you want?”
He stayed silent looking down at the ground, down at his shoes. You turned your head at his silence letting his words truly sink into your veins. Feeling the power of them washing over you like bullets on skin.
It was horrible.
“Yeah maybe”
You nodded looking towards your feet. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair. You were suppose to be in love. Things weren’t suppose to be hard. You were suppose to be happy. Why was this happening?
Looking down at you soaked tennis shoes in the puddles of rain, you questioned everything he’s ever said. Every time he said that he loved you. Every time he kissed you until you both erupted into fits of laughter.
Was it even real?
You guys never fought, but you never thought the first fight would end up like this.
Fighting back the urge to ask him if he even loved you anymore was almost too impossible to bear, so instead you didn’t say anything else and left. The worst part about it all was that he didn’t try to stop you.
He let you leave, because after all that’s what he wanted. Even if it killed you, you were at his mercy. You would do anything he asked you to, even if that meant to walk away.
Matt looked up as he heard you start to walk out after you didn’t respond. His mind screamed at him don’t let her walk out, but his feet didn’t move. He stayed frozen in time.
He didn’t even know how the fight happened. One minute you were laughing the next minute you were screaming at each other like you weren’t the couple everyone wished they were.
But Matt was never into putting on the show for the public. Sure everyone had their own ideas of what you two were, if any of it was even real. But he didn’t care to prove them right or wrong because if he just had you at the end of the day, that was enough.
You were always enough.
You were gentle and kind. You never raised your voice. You were patient with him, even in times when he was acting like a child. So when you walked out, that was the last thing he ever expected you to do.
Without another word.
Without even trying to fight him.
You just left.
The slamming of the door is something that was ringing in his mind. As he stood in the kitchen staring at the door waiting for you to walk back in, but you didn’t. And he didn’t understand why.
I guess this was unmarked territory. He had never said anything like this before, and especially not this harshly to you. He loved you. He never spoke to you this way.
The thing that broke him the most is that you let him.
He didn’t know how long he stood there but it was long enough before the door started to open again. His eyes still trained on the door, he stepped forward. Ready to apologize. Ready to take it all back. To tell you he was sorry. And that he loved you.
But it wasn’t you.
It was Chris and Nick laughing and talking to each other as they walked through the doorway having no idea what just unfolded in the kitchen moments before. Well, what felt like moments. By now, from the sun now being fully set, it has been hours he stood there waiting for you to come back.
There had been words screamed between to people so deeply in love that were never meant to be spoken. There was ashes on the floor that was once their relationship that Chris and Nick were now walking into.
Matt’s eyes stayed on his brother and they looked to him. Their laughs halting when they saw their brothers face. He looked torn to shreds.
Tears fell from his eyes from the sound of his name being called. He didn’t even feel like Matt. He didn’t feel like himself. He felt destroyed. He was nothing without you, what was he thinking?
They rushed over to him as he fell to the ground in sobs. Asking him over and over what happened, but all he could do was shake his head.
You’d never had your heartbroken before. You read about in books, seen it in movies, and even had some close friends go through what you thought was the worst.
You’d memorized love stories as a kid, learning the in and outs of what makes love, love. Studying it harder than any lesson in school. It fascinated you. Seeing how people can be simply change front the feeling of another human being, just simply loving you.
That’s what first drew you into to the science major. Seeing the chemical engineering of it all, of what makes one fall so deeply in love?
Most of it being unexplained, but other parts being feelings of euphoria being released by the brain in chemical forms of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Which can occur simply by looking at the one you love.
All though you’ve studied countless hours trying to figure out what makes someone fall in love, you never really truly believed in it.
You wanted to. Oh, you wanted to so badly. But to never have experienced it, made it hard for you to truly believe in it.
Because as wonderful as love had been taught to you at an early age, you knew the dark side of it. The fights, the cheating, the breaking up. You didn’t understand how someone who you could once love, you could cheat on or break up with.
Which made you circle back to square one in your research when you thought about that factor. You didn’t believe that you wouldn’t cheat on someone if you loved them. Because you felt that sometimes you could cheat on someone and still love them in one way or another.
Knowing you had that person at home, didn’t mean you didn’t find another attractive. Your father had cheated on your mother, but they stayed together. That didn’t mean he didn’t love her.
He tried the rest of his life to win her back at the peek of your childhood, which he ultimately failed. But he never was once seen with another women, because he loved her so deeply.
You believed humans were flawed whether they showed it or not. You didn’t think this theory justified cheating, or made it right in any manner whatsoever. Seeing how destroyed you mother was after once being so deeply in love with your father.
You just thought this meant love was more complicated that it is portrayed in story books or fairytales. You could go your entire life loving someone and never be able to have them.
You called it the ugly side of love.
The side no one talked about. The torn pages of love stories that no one wants to read.
And you didn’t blame them.
No one wants to read how the prince looked at the mistress while his wife was handing right there. They want to read about how they danced at the hall and how he found her missing slipper.
Studies after studies, you never found the answer to your questions. You knew everything about love, everything you could read, but you didn’t know the full story.
You had feelings of euphoria in your life, but euphoria didn’t mean love. You dance with a boy at your middle school dance, you liked his smile, but you weren’t in love.
You first kiss under the bleachers freshman year with the star quarterback, he had nice lips, but you weren’t in love.
You were missing the key factor, which was actually experiencing it. Your mother suggested that if your nose wasn’t in your study books you’d actually have time to look up and fall in love.
So that’s what you did. You put the books down and looked up. Just in time to catch wondering blue eyes.
What you didn’t know then that you are starting to realize now is that you had spent your whole life looking and dreaming of love and what it really is, that you had opened your entire heart up the first time you fell into it.
A lot of people argue that you can fall in love with multiple people throughout you lifetime, even falling out of love with some from the past. And maybe that’s true but that’s not what you believed.
You think that you could love many people, because you did. But falling in love, to your definition, only happened once. The deep sickening feeling of falling at 100 miles per hour, not even caring if you hit the ground. That, only happened once.
You also thought ‘love at first sight’ was bullshit. You cannot love someone without knowing them, truly knowing them. A glance in someone’s direction isn’t going to make you fall out of your chair and fall into love.
If anything, with your entire life revolving around your studies of love. It only made you more skeptical of it all in the first place. You wanted so badly to fall in love, that you thought you had mentally blocked yourself from allowing it to happen to you unknowingly.
You didn’t fall in love with him at first.
You thought he was too sarcastic. His eyes were too blue, and his flirting abilities were laughable.
It was his persistence that made you fall in love with him. The way he looked at you. The way he cared about whatever you had to say. The little things he remembered about you.
No one talked about how falling in love way scary. Maybe because no one thought like you did. No one did the research that you did. Everyone else was going along falling in love for the night, if that meant they could feel something.
But you we’re different. And he saw that in you. Which only made him fall in love with you faster.
You were terrified. You remembered the exact moment you fell in love with him. And no it wasn’t because he found you ‘perfect fitting slipper’ or flew across the country to kiss you ‘one last time’. Or anything like you read in the novels.
You in his living room. You’d been dating a few months at this point. He was half asleep, laying above next you, you feet sprawled out on his lap. The movie was almost over and he agreed to let want pride and prejudice for the 50th time.
It was your favorite movie, and he knew that. So almost every night he sucked it up and sat there and would watch it with you over and over.
As he dowsed off the sleep, you thought about that. As you whispered almost every line in the movie to yourself. You knew every line by this point. You looked over at him as the main characters confessed their love to one another.
You always thought that part was too cheesy. You always thought Darcy was an idiot and didn’t treat Elizebeth Bennett right, but they loved each other in their own way.
So you looked over at Matt, while they spoke on the screen in front of you. Trying to escape the unrealistic love story to look at your own.
His eyes were closed and his chest as rising and lowering softly with his breathes. You’d think he was asleep but his hands were on your feet, rubbing them softly as he tried not to fall asleep.
You looked over as one hand was placed, soothing your foot and the other was on you knee rubbing small circles.
You heart clenched when you realized.
You had fallen in love with him.
A stupid small act that came tumbling over every realization that your brain had hidden from view, all falling in front of your eyes. You loved him.
The bone chilling, falling at 100 miles per hour. terrifying love. It was him.
The scariness of it all didn’t fade until a month later. You didn’t want to ruin this for yourself by scaring away, because losing him meant a whole lot more now to you than it did a month ago.
He just had no idea.
To bring you that you had fallen in love, to you was almost scarier than realizing you had fallen into it in the first place.
So you waited. Until he said it first. Because the thought of saying it to early and scaring him away wouldn’t be worth the downfall.
Matt never thought too much about love, not nearly as half as much as she did. But that didn’t mean he cared about it any less.
He thought that two people liked it each other enough to get married and comfortable and it was easy. He learned quickly it was not easy.
Not everyone was as tender hearted as him. There were mean girls out there who only wanted him for one thing. He learned that lesson quickly.
So he went from open heart to a closed down bunker in a matter of a couple years with a few bad experiences. He’d even got worse than his brother Chris.
Granted, Chris had never had a relationship before. He thought they were stupid. Matt being the more kind hearted one of the group he was open to dating and talking to girl, even though his anxiety ate him alive over it.
Burned one harsh time, and it was over for him.
He never understood the concept of cheating. He thought “just break up with them if you want to be with someone else”. He thought everyone thought that way, that everyone thought just like him.
He learned quickly he was wrong in high school when he came into the locker room early for practice and saw one of his teammates making out with his girlfriend.
He didn’t understand the physical pain of it. He thought, yeah cheating sucks. But the heart dropping, can’t sleep, sickening feeling. He learned the hard way.
He didn’t love the girl, but he really liked her. And she spit in his face.
Years later he was still turned off completely to the thought of falling in love. Didn’t occur to him, it was the absolute last thing on his mind. He was more concerned with growing his business, making memories with his brothers, and the overall happiness of his well-being. He didn’t need a girl or any kind of love to make that happen for him.
Love wasn’t a quintessential need in life, it was luxury. A luxury he wasn’t going to roll the dice for. He was fine just how he was. He didn’t need anything else.
That was until her.
He didn’t know why he felt the need to talk to her that day. He never went out of his way to socialize with people especially with a schedule as packed as his. He quite literally had 10 minutes to go in grab a coffee and speed to his next meeting.
But she kept looking at him. And it wasn’t in a way that made him think she knew who he was. She looked almost curious. She was reading “the language of birds”.
He sat to himself in the line thinking, “who the hell read about birds?”. He paused as he gripped his coffee and had one hand pressed on the glass door, reading to push it open and continue on with his day to forget about the bird girl in the coffee shop.
But something stopped him. He felt almost a draw to her. He felt stupid even thinking it. A draw to her? Like some force of gravity pulling me towards her? This isn’t a movie, this is real life.
He thought he was stupid, just having an off day. But he turned around walking up to her. She looked up at him through her book, setting it down peering up at him.
She had beautiful long lashes and glossed lips and eyes that sank into his so much it made him lose confidence.
“Birds?” He asked, the only thing that was able to come out of his mouth. Her eyebrows furrowed as she chewed on her gloss lips. What the hell is he talking about? She thought. He looked down to the book in her hands.
the language of birds
She blinked down at her book, feeling her face light up. “Right—“ she said shaking her head and closing her book. He smiled at her embarrassment. Not that he was happy she was embarrassed, but it allowed him to be less nervous at her reaction to him.
She shook her head. “It’s not about birds” she said not looking up at him. His eyebrows furrowed. She glanced up at him. She sighed and closed her eyes.
“I mean it is but—“ she shook her head as he chuckled slightly at her. She smiled and blinked up at him, licking her lips slightly. Making his eyes trail down to her lips and then back up to her eyes.
“It more about their journey in life when they are away from their king, and how they manage their emotions in finding themselves when they are not with the person who told them what to do and think. They travel around looking for him once they realized they are lost, but then realize they find something more powerful on their own—“ she said scanning the book like she’s never seen it before.
I just smiled down at her as she rambled on. She glanced up at me finally. “Sorry” she apologized shaking her head. I shook my head pursuing my lips as I sat down across from her. She just watched me as he face slightly softened.
“What did they find?” He asked looking at her with a smile smile. She just blinked at me for a second. “What?” She said barley above a whisper. He pointed towards the book in her hand.
“The birds. What did they find?” He asked again, making her breath out. “Oh—right. They found that they are powerful in themselves. That they don’t need someone to tell them what to think and they realized they could do it on their own, they just had to be apart to figure it out” she finished setting the book down in front of her.
He couldn’t stop smiling at her. He had never heard someone talk the way she did. So elegantly, but so unsure. Like she knew what she was talking about, but she was embarrassed to admit knowing anything at all.
“How do you know you’re only half way through” He pointed out her book-marker only half way in between the pages of the lengthy book. She glanced down and shrugged.
“It’s one of my favorites, it’s like my fifth time reading it” she admitted. He nodded slowly. She just looked at him. Like he was a foregin creature getting ready to pounce.
“Sorry if you wanted to read it. I just spoiled the whole thing” she mumbled looking down.
It was almost refreshing for him, since he always felt to be on the other side of the attack. Always being nervous, anxious, scared. He didn’t mean or like to make her feel that way, but it was nice to talk to her and not feel that way and let someone else fill that role.
“What’s your name?” He asked looking at her. “Y/n” she spoke slowly like she was unsure of her own name. He laughed slightly. “Are you sure?” He asked. Her eyes widened. “What?” She asked back confused. Had he thought she’d had given him the wrong name?
“You didn’t seem so sure about it” he said looking down at the coffee in his hand. She smiled closing her eyes, before nodding. “Yes, I’m sure. My name is y/n” She breathed letting out of a bit of her anxiety.
He smiled and nodded. “I’m Matt” He breathed. She nodded. “Is it short for Matthew?” She asked smally. He smiled and nodded softly. She nodded back.
“Do you read?” She asked. He shook his head. She looked down at her book. “Well if you ever want to get into it, this books a great one” she smiled at him. He smiled at her, that’s all he’d seem to be doing.
He wanted to know things about her. He wanted to know why she was sitting alone. Why she was reading books that looked dated back to the 1800s. What was with this girl?
He felt a buzz in his pocket. Snapping him out of his thoughts. It was Chris. Fuck. He was already suppose to be at the meeting. He turned off his phone and stood up. Her eyes followed him.
“I have to go” he stated. She just looked at him. He looked towards the side. “Do you think the book only has one meaning?” He asked suddenly. She just blinked at him. He didn’t even know what he was saying at this point. He just knew he was to keep taking to her.
“You’ve read it five times, have you found the same meaning in it every time?” He asked looking down at the book. She glanced down at the book picking it up.
“Um” she sighed looking at it and then shrugging. “I guess I find something new every time I read it” she smiled at him. He nodded.
“I hope you find something new this time, y/n” He sighed and then turned on his feet. Leaving the girl with her thoughts. She sighed looking down at her lap after she left feeling like s failure.
All these books about love and she could barley talk to a cute boy. She looked up as he pushed the door and walked out of the coffee shop.
He smiled to himself as he left. Even if he never saw her again, it was nice to talk to someone who didn’t know who he was or wasn’t his brothers.
Now he was in a pickle being almost 20 minutes last for the meeting now..
He paused before turning and seeing the girl running up to him. He smiled seeing her again, not picturing her the type to come running after him. She stopped slightly out of breath in front of him from scrambling her things together quickly without thinking.
“I—“ she breathed looking down at the book in her hand. He looked down at it. “You should read it” She said holding the book out for him to take. He looked down at the book.
“Tell me if you find something I missed” she smiled up as he took the book out her hands and scanned it with his fingers. She stood in front of him not knowing really what to say next.
He nodded, biting back a smile. “I don’t wanna take your book” He said feeling guilty attempting to hand it back. She shook her head stepping back.
“I have like a million copies, just take it” she smiled shaking her head. He smiled and nodded stepping back. He looked down at the book shaking his head.
“How do I tell you what I find?” He asked looking down at her. She smiled stepping forward and opening the book to the front page.
if lost return to y/n
He smiled. Who writes their number in books? He thought to himself. He looked up but she was already walking away.
He didn’t know then what the interaction had him in for. He stayed home the rest of the week, just trying to read the book. As he started it he just wanted to get through it. Thinking it was going to be a boring out of date read. The only reason he was reading it so fast was because he just wanted to call her.
He wanted to find something she had not found, but by their simple conversation he didn’t think he’d be able to. She was smart. Really smart. He wasn’t as smart as her.
As he read on he got deeper into the book, unable to put it down. Even putting off other things that he used to deem more important. Getting unapproved comments from Chris. Like “Why the fuck are you reading about birds?” and things like that.
He got through the book in three days before typing the number into his phone slightly hovering over the call button, slightly nervous. Knowing what he wanted to say, but didn’t know if it was stupid.
It rang twice before she answered.
Expressing ideas of a book, something Matt never pictured himself doing. Or even enjoying but here he was. Laughing and talking with someone over a book about birds, or not so much about birds.
“Then why did he go back to the king after they realized everything?” He asked leaning back against his headboard. She sighed over the phone.
“I don’t know, it the one part of the book I never really understood. Some people just like the comfort of being told what to do instead of doing things their own way. I guess it’s just a symbolization of how people know right from wrong but still chose the wrong side most of the time” she said softly. He smiled.
“I never thought about it that way” he whispered. She hummed. “I was just mad at the bird for going back even after all he’s learned” He shook his head.
“Matt, it’s a bird” She chuckled over the phone, making him laugh. “No, but I get what you’re saying. It’s really eye opening, seeing how people fall into the same patterns. People like to be comfortable, anything that threatens that they run away from even if it’s the better ending” she sighed.
Matt pressed his lips together as he looked down at the book. “What that thing for you?” He asked looking down. She stayed silent on the other end of the phone for a second. Her mind raced. The first and obvious choice came to mind, but she had just met this boy once.
Mention love and he’d be running for the hills.
She blinked out of her thoughts. “Um, I don’t know” she sighed. He hummed. “You’re a smart girl, you must have some thoughts on how this correlates to your life” he said through the phone. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“I guess so” she said shaking her head as she paced her room. Was this a good idea? Comfortable. This is what you were talking about, pushing out of your comfort zone.
“I guess, this conversation?” She said almost questioning. His eyebrows furrowed. “What?” He asked. She closed her eyes.
“In the most non loser way possible—“ she bit her lip. “I study science as my major and I always think about how people fall in love and what it takes the chemical engineering behind it all” She explained. He crossed his arm, his phone pressed to his ear just listening.
“And I guess it makes me uncomfortable. It just like scares me? I don’t know.” She sighed. “I guess I’m scared to fall in love” She admitted, goosebumps filling her arms as he stayed silent on the other end of the line.
“Are you telling me your falling in love with me, y/n?” He chuckled, making her smile and shake her head. “No I—“ she smiled. “I’m kidding, I understand that. It’s hard to understand it, but I don’t think the answers are in science books. They are experiences” He said blankly.
She nodded before sighing into the phone.
“You sound like my mother” She joked as she sat on her bed. He chuckled into the phone. He looked down at his phone seeing the time. “Have we really been talking about birds for an hour?” He asked making her chuckle.
“I guess we have” She said softly. He noticed she used ‘I guess’ a lot. She’s very smart for a girl who’s constantly unsure. He turned over on his bed and sighed.
“What are you doing Friday?” He asked making her heart stop for a brief second. She shook her head. “I—I don’t know” she said softly. He smiled.
“Do you want to do something with me?” He asked. She wanted to. But she was scared, which made her not want to. She swallowed.
“Like what?” She asked cracking her fingers. “I don’t know. Do you have book on elephants? They are my favorite” he joked over the phone making her roll her eyes.
“I don’t” she smiled. He groaned. “I guess dinner will have to do then” He smiled, she looked down at her feet smiling stupidly at herself.
“I guess so” She said softly.
“I’ll text you”
The story emerged from there. About three months into being officially together, he fell in love with her. In the stupidest way possible.
He didn’t see himself falling in love, never imagined himself falling completely in love with another human being such as he had.
It wasn’t a scary feeling. It was more of a joyful feeling that he didn’t expect. He didn’t read much about love like her, but he didn’t know how much he needed it until he had it.
She had picked out Pride and Prejudice again for what felt like the millionth time to him. But he shut his mouth as she pressed play, because he knew if he agreed to watch it she would lay on him, clinging on to him. He would be able to look down at her for almost two hours without her noticing, her breathing slightly against him.
He moved her hand through her hair, as the movie played. Somewhere throughout the movie, she shifted putting her legs against his lap. He looked over at her as she mumbled the lines of the actors on the film in front of them to herself.
He smiled.
And that was it.
That’s when he realized he loved her. But he was scared to say it. He had on his mind on repeat.
“I guess I’m scared to fall in love”
He closed his eyes looking back to the screen, feeling a turn in his chest. He didn’t want to scare her away from telling her that he had fallen in love with her, especially if she didn’t feel the same way. So he would just wait for her to say it, to play it safe. Just so he knows for sure he wont lose her.
They fell in love in the same moment and didn’t even know it.
Months past with the unspoken words “I love you”. Almost slipping out of either’s mouth close to a hundred times, before catching themselves and covering it up.
Hey mind raced with insecurities. Had she gotten it wrong? Had he not fallen in love with her also? Was she just falling deeper and deeper into love with him and he just didn’t feel the same way?
He acted as he loved her, but the words never fell off his lips. It made her stomach turn. She had never even thought of the possibility, what do you do when you fall in love with someone and they don’t love you back?
Searching for answers in books tears streaming down her face as she ripped out the pages. She hasn’t studied this. She hadn’t even thought of the possibility. What had she done wrong? Was it something she wasn’t doing? Was it her? Why hasn’t he said it?
She was flipping through a new addition of the chemical engineering psychology book that her professor had just given to her. She had a conversation with her professor, saying enough without saying too much, and he had given her this book.
Matt walked into the room before walking up to her and kissing the side of her head. “Hi baby, what are you reading?” He asked wrapping his arms around her from behind and laying his head against her shoulder.
She leaned back against his touch, she always did. But lately the only thing she’s been thinking about is how their eight month anniversary is next week and he still hasn’t told her that he loved her.
Endless nights of staring sleepless at the ceiling wondering if she was even good enough to be loved. Barley now focusing on the feeling of falling, because of the anxiety of the the fear of him not.
“Reading” she said softly flipping through the pages. He looked down at the pages, not understanding half the words laid out in front of her. “You’re so smart” he whispered kissing her cheek, making her smile.
She liked when he called her smart. She prided herself on her intelligence. It was what she loved most about herself and the fact that’s what Matt loved most about her, only made her fall harder.
A lot of girls were insecure physically about themselves, but no y/n was always insecure mentally. Panicking if she wasn’t the smartest person in the room.
A lot of guys were threatened about her intelligence, most men don’t like being dumbed down by a female’s intelligence, but Matt loved it. Priding her. Telling her “I love how you’re so much smarter than me”’.
“But” Matt said flipping the book closed in front of them. She sighed looking up at him as he grabbed her arm and stood her up leaning down to her.
“Take a break, you’re killing your brain” he said kissing her nose softly. She smiled. “I can’t—“ she said looking back at the closed book. “You can” He said holding her hands. She smiled and looked down.
“Come on, I’ll run you a bath” he said pushing the hair out of her face. Her heart clenched. Why do you act like you love me but you don’t say it. She didn’t reply. He sighed. “I’ll wash your hairrrr” he sang, making her smile slightly. He pulled her arm as he walked away, but she stood her ground making the pull back cause him to turn around to look at her.
His smiled dropped when seeing her face. She looked down at her feet distress on her face. He walked back up to her. “Hey” he said softly. She didn’t looked up at him.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” He asked quietly placing a hand on her cheek. She glanced up at him and then back down sighing.
“Matt why are you with me?” She asked looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed. “What?” He asked not understanding where she was coming from. Y/n was a lot of things, but she wasn’t insecure. At least not in front of him.
She’d never questioned their relationship to him and it he was being honest his heart was beating out of his chest at the possibility of her breaking up with him.
“Why are you with me? Why are we together?” She asked softly. Doubt filling her head. She was terrified at this conversation because this might be the end. If he didn’t love her, she would have to walk away. And that scared her more than being in a one sided relationship.
He stared at her attempting to read her mind. What did she want him to say. He dropped her hand and ran his hand through his hair.
“Because you make me happy” He said looking down at her. Her frown didn’t move.
Because I love you, he wanted to say.
“And you’re beautiful and smart”
Because I love you
“And I love—“ her eyes looked up. “Spending time with you” he said running his hand down her arm. She bit her lip and looked to the side.
“And what else? What else do you love?” She asked desperately for answers. If he didn’t love her, what was he getting out of it? He shook his head looking down at his girlfriend.
“I don’t—“ he stuttered not understanding. She huffed shaking her head. “Like do you love—“ She shook her head looking down.
“Do you love me?” She asked looking up at him with teary eyes. He froze looking at her. “Because I love the hell out of you and I have for a long time, and I’ve been waiting for you to say it and—and—“ she shook her head, spilling everything out.
He smiled down at her, pulling her slightly towards him and pressing their lips together. He smiled against her, before pulling back and pressing his forehead against hers.
“I’m so fucking in love with you y/n” Matt smiled, making her fear drop from her chest. She smiled. “Really?” She asked blinking at him. He nodded. “I didn’t want to scare you off, I know how scared you of it and I wanted to wait on you” he said honestly.
She smiled and shook her head.
“You don’t make it scary” she breathed, making him smile. He stepped back sighing. “God, I’m so sorry, y/n” he shook his head. “Now I feel like a complete asshole” He said looking down at her.
He wasn’t saying it get out of her being mad at him or in a manipulative way. He genuinely felt guilty for not knowing that she was waiting on him. He probably scared her to death.
She shook her head stepped forward and wrapping her hands around his shoulders. “No baby, no. I’m sorry.” She apologized making him smile that she was apologizing. He shook his head.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. Oh my god. This feels so good to say it out loud.” He said leaning down and kissing all over her face making her giggle and push him away.
“I love you too” She laughed. He ran forward before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She laughed above him.
“Put me down!” She laughed kicking her feet. He shook his head. He was going to show her just how much he loved her.
A memory so far away that now seems like it never even happened. The only one circulating your brain was the one that happened just hours ago. The rest turning into darkness like it never happened.
“Matt” you yelled at you opened the door. He didn’t turn around as he walked through the kitchen. “Matthew” you stated making him pause and turn around. His face was angry. An expression he never wore when looking at her. Maybe at his brothers, but never her.
“That was ridiculous” I breathed looking at it. It was. He acted like a child. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “So you can get mad at Sage, but I can’t get mad at a guy eye-fucking you?” He asked walking back up to me.
She cringed at the eye-fucking. He never really spoke like that and you didn’t like it when he didn’t.
“I didn’t get mad at Sage” she stated calmly. He scoffed shaking his head. “So what? You just pulled me away and told me off for like 20 minutes for shits and giggle?” He asked throwing his hands up.
She shook her head.
“I did not tell you off. I told you I didn’t like the fact that’s she was tracing the tattoos on your arm with her cheap press on nails” She said through gritted teeth trying not to get angry. He shook his head.
“Sage and I have been friends for a long time. Way before we started dating” he said motioning between them. She rolled her eyes. Why was he acting like this?
“Oh yeah? Why have I never heard her name before tonight?” She said walking up to him. He shook his head looking away before turning and starting to walk away.
He didn’t want to act this way in front of her, but he was angry. She deserves better so he was gonna walk away.
“Don’t walk away from me” she spat making him pause in his tracks. He closed his eyes as he turned back around. “Y/n. I’m gonna say something I regret. Just go home” he shook his head at her, but she shook her head back feeling tears brim at her eyes.
“No. Talk to me. We don’t do this, we don’t fight” She shook her head mentally pleading with him. He knew she was right, but he was clouded with anger, stepping towards her.
“Leave” he breathed.
“No” she shook her head.
“You were out of line admit it” She said making him roll his eyes. “No, I wasn’t. You’re my girlfriend and another guy was all over you” He argued down at her. She shook her head.
“We were speaking!” She said throwing her hands up. “You didn’t have to grab me like I was your property Matt. And I think he got the message before you went all ‘Yeah our one year is next wekk. We’re soooo in love’—“ She shook her head.
He clenched his jaw and turned his head. “Yeah and you grabbing my arm and all of the sudden telling me very loudly how much you ‘loved the bracelet I got you’ while shoving it in her face was any better?” He asked making her look down and shake her head.
“You’re not my property y/n. But your my girlfriend. I’m not gonna cheat on you like—” he said shaking his head. She looked up at him glaring.
“What? Like my dad and my mom?” She asked shaking her head. He looked down shaking his head. “I never said that” He shook his head stepping towards her. She shook her head stepping back.
“No but you implied it, you asshole” She said shaking her head feeling tears come to my eyes. He glared at her.
“I’m an asshole? Really? You wouldn’t even look at me on the way home” He asked shaking his head. “Because I’m fucking mad at you!” She screamed making the world go still. She never raised her voice. She never cursed at him. He scoffed.
“So we’re doing this now huh?” He asked.
“I’m not doing this” She said stepping back tired of arguing. “Oh no, you can say that to me, but I’m not allowed to say anything back?” He asked throwing his hands up.
She sighed trying to contain her composure before she says something she really regrets.
“You were right, we need to walk away. Our one year is next week and we’re both angry and-“
“No you started this and you don’t want the repercussions. You always do this” He said looking down at her. Her mouth fell open.
“I always do this?” She asked shaking her head.
“Yes, you always do this” He nodded. She’d never been this angry at someone she loved so much.
“Admit that guy was flirting with you” he said loudly. She shook her head. They were talking. She hadn’t even noticed if he was flirting with her because she doesn’t look at anyone else like that other than him. Because why would she need to if she had him?
“Admit it, that girl wanted you” She whispered back. He glared at her. He’s not thought about a girl like that since he saw her in the coffee shop with that bird book. He thought that girl was genuinely interested in his tattoos.
He shook his head.
“No” he said back. She nodded looking down.
“Then call me when you get you head out of you ass” She shook her head and stepped back. He shook his head.
“Call me when you get your head out of those damn books” He spat making her pause and her eyes water.
“I hate you” She whispered. His heart dropped but he didn’t show it on his face. She didn’t mean it, he knew she didn’t. But it still hurt as if she did mean it.
“That’s all you ever care about right? Being the smartest person in the room? You always have to be right don’t you?” He said his eyes watering. She shook her head.
“You know that’s not true” She breathed. He shook his head. He did but he wasn’t admitting it.
“I don’t maybe it is!” He yelled.
“Maybe you’re just an insecure asshole!”
“Maybe we should just break up!”
After the end of all this, she realized that she was never scared of falling in love. How could one be? Falling in love is amazing. She knows first hand. Yeah it’s scary at first, but to love truly by another human being is worth it being scary.
No, she wasn’t afraid of falling in love. She was afraid of falling in love and then losing it. She was terrified to get hurt. To lose him. Because nothing else matter if she had him.
If she had him, everything was okay. When she lost him, what was the point?
Reading any love story. Watching any movies. What was the point?
Because she had fallen in love, and she lost it. She lost him. The blood curdling, heart clenching, falling at 100 miles per hour terrifying love. and now it was gone. Ripped away from her like it never belonged to her.
It wasn’t fair.
But I guess love never is.
Days went by by and she didn’t eat, she didn’t sleep, she couldn’t breathe without him. She thought the books that wrote about this type of pain were exaggerating. They weren’t. Simple enough they weren’t.
The science books running through her brain. It was just a chemical feeling. The emotions, you can control them. But you couldn’t. You can’t.
Science can’t take away this type of pain. This isn’t the type of that you can explain or type out into words. It’s the most excruciating type of pain one who’s been in love can feel. And the only person who can make I better is the one that hurt you.
The day of silence after was the worst part. All day she waited by her phone all day, her door all day. Silence. Dead silence.
The amount of times she reached for the phone or grabbed her keys to go to his house, but stopped herself. She couldn’t. He wanted it. And she loved him. She would embarrassingly do anything he asked of her. And he didn’t want her. So that’s what he got. Because she loved him, and it was killing her.
“Give her time, she will come to you” Chris pushed Matt back as he charged at him. “No she won’t you—you don’t know her-“ he cried looking at his brother. Nick and Chris looked at each other they’ve never seen their brother like this before. They didn’t know what to do.
“Our one year is tomorrow and—and—“ He choked. “No it’s not yall broke up” Chris shook his head. Matt’s heart clenched. No we didn’t. His mind raised. It’s not over me for. It will never be over for me.
“What are you gonna say huh? You have to think of something better than I’m sorry. You can’t just say I’m sorry” Nick shook his head at Matt. Matt gripped his hair shaking his head. He didn’t know what to do. He just wanted to go back. If he could just go back, he could fix everything. Take it all back. Not say those harsh words.
He hated himself for hurting her. It was eating him alive.
Then it clicked. It all clicked.
She hadn’t been going to classes and she definitely wasn’t going today. It was their one year. Well suppose to be there one year. If everything didn’t happen. If she didn’t start something that he finished. If she just didn’t say those things to him, just didn’t say anything. She would still be happy. He would still be in love.
She turned over on her bed falling into the groups of book by her bed that she had laid out. But no, science couldn’t fix this. She wasn’t even sure she could fix this. All she knew was that she just wanted to rip her heart out of her chest, that would hurt less than this.
She swallowed and sat up. She felt dizzy. When was the last time I drank some water? She thought. She reached over to her desk and grabbed a water fumbling with the cap and spilling it all over her. She sighed standing up and pulling her shirt over her head.
She didn’t even look herself in the mirror. She couldn’t. She pulled out one of Matt’s shirt before she decided she’s tortured herself enough and just throwing on an old tshirt of her own.
There was a knock at the door. She turned her head. No. It’s not him. She thought. It’s probably just your mother, asking you why you’re not showing up to classes. Something you’ve prided yourself in, your schoolwork and it was all slipping behind.
It wasn’t fair. Going through this. And he hasn’t even called. She teared but before she heard the knock again. She turned before walking out of her room and down the steps. She sighed before opening the door.
Matt stood there staring down at her. Tears in his eyes. She looked up at him. Her heart clenched. She didn’t know what to do. She stood frozen. She shook her head slightly.
“Y/n. Listen to me just listen—“ he said placing his hand on the door. She blinked at him. “Or don’t listen, just read” He said handing her the book she gave him so long ago.
The language of birds
She looked up at him. “If lost return to y/n right?” He breathed. She sighed looking down at the book opening it and a note slipped out of it and towards her foot. She furrowed her eyebrows and picked it up opening the note.
I know you’re a big reader and oh is that one of the many things I love about the person I love. I’m not good a words, as you have seen many times. So instead of saying it i wrote it. You taught me about these birds who are torn away from the king, on their own in unmarked territories and they are terrified. I know what you’re thinking, that’s us right now, apart from one another. But no. That’s not the ending I want or the ending you deserve.
You are the bird, you have always been the bird. You learned how to fly before anyone else and you’re the one who stands up. You fly away into unmarked territory that terrifies you, love. You fell in love first and I fell harder. You were terrified but fell into me even though you were scared. You trust me. You have my your heart and that’s the bravest and scariest thing you could have done, I know that. You’re flying back to the king because you want what’s comfortable, writing off love as your fear forever. But I’m begging you please stay, don’t fly back to the king. I need you hear with me. I always have and I always will.
I’m changing the ending to this stupid bird story and I’m not letting you fly away.
Y/n, you are my everything and I’m an idiot. I’ll always be an idiot, but I will never for as long as I love you the rest of my life will I ever make you feel like I don’t love you again. I love you so much. You are my bird.
Tears flooded her eyes before she was even done with the note. She folded it and put it back into the book holding it close to her chest. He waited for her to finish. His heart beating out of his chest.
All that was running through his head was please please please.
She looked up at him. He watched her.
“I’ve always hated that ending to that book” She smiled as tears fell from her eyes. He sighed smiling.
“My baby” he sighed as he wrapped her arms around her as she hugged him, slightly crying against him.
“My bird” He whispered against the girl he loved so so much.
So maybe love wasn’t a simple as the books or movies. But in the end she knew, it was worth fighting for, even if it wasn’t pretty. But then again
Love never is
holyy okay this took all day to write but its my favorite thing ive ever wrote hope you love it❤️
tag list: @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking
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sicbaby · 8 months
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thinking about how fun it would be to bother leon while he’s trying to work!!
you were bugging and pestering him the whole night, and then he announces that he has to finish up some reports for work. you grew even more agitated at the lack of attention, and the pestering grew even worse.
you follow him up to his home office, plopping yourself down on the floor, arms crossed over your chest with a pout on your face. leon smiles at you with a warm, sincere gaze, despite you being a brat. he walks over to where you were sitting on the floor, leaning over and putting his hands on either sides of your face, squeezing your cheeks lightly. it was a gentle warning, you knew that. “listen, i love you and i know you’re needy right now, but i have to do my work.” he said, voice quiet. “you can help.” he suggests with a small laugh.
you roll your eyes at that. “i’m not helping you with your stupid work.” you pout even more.
he takes a deep sigh. “are you seriously gonna act like this right now, princess?” he asks, standing back up. “i’ll make you hot chocolate and we can watch a shitty horror movie after i’m done. deal?”
“i actually had something else in mind..” you say, a devious grin making its way onto your face.
“oh, yeah? what’s that?” he asks, smiling. you could tell he was in a teasing mood, in order to combat your bratiness. it was going to be a long night…
“you feelin’ okay?” he asks, leaning over once more to kiss you on the forehead when you didn’t respond.
you roll your eyes again. “i’m horny, lee…” you reply bluntly.
he laughs softly, still leaning down. “aww, my little girl is horny?” he says with mock admiration. “would you like to talk about it?” he teases.
“babyyyy,” you draw out, pouting again.
leon gives an exaggerated sigh of defeat. you were just so cute to him. he grabs your hand in his before he speaks. “i’ll tell you what. i’ll let you sit in my lap while i do my reports, okay? does that sound good? then we can do whatever you want after.”
you squeal happily, and leon leads you over to his desk. you eagerly wait for leon to sit down in his office chair, and quickly follow him, your back to his chest. leon finds it hard to actually work on his reports, and he finds himself just staring at you. you looked so cute like this, so needy, it was killing him slowly, deciding to do his work instead of you.
you were content in his lap, until around the 10 minute mark. you had no idea what was going on, on the computer in front of you. and you were so bored.
“you’re squirming too much, baby.” leon finally speaks. he leans his head against yours, his breath on your neck. “you’re cute when you fidget, though..” his breath sends shivers down your spine, and goosebumps appear on your skin. you don’t respond to him, and instead rock your hips side to side slowly, against his crotch. he groans breathily at this.
“woah, baby… do that again, please!” he says, half joking.
“you’re such a perv, leon.” you joke back. he just laughs behind you, leaning back into the chair. you take the opportunity and put your elbows on the desk, pressing back, making the chair move. you press your ass harder into leon’s lap this time.
leon bites his lip, his eyes fluttering. “you’re driving me crazy, angel..” he mumbles, his breath shortening. you begin moving your hips back and forth, feeling his length harden slowly. he’s cursing under his breath, and he grips your waist tightly, holding your ass firmly to him.
“you gotta do your reports, leon..” you tease.
“fuck, i know. cant focus with you on my lap, though.” he drags your hips harshly against his clothed dick. “you feel that, baby? that’s your fault..” he says as he leans over into you, kissing down the side of your neck.
you feel your panties soaking against his jeans, but you know he’s not going to give in… not yet. “just, put it in me, baby? i’ll sit here, and i promise i wont move! please, sir?” you beg him.
he laughs at your request, but likes the idea himself. “you’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you? but, who am i to deny my princess, hmm?” he hums, caressing your sides. he taps on the side of your hips, signaling you to get up. you keep your elbows on the table still, and lift yourself up, just hovering over his lap. he unzips his jeans, pulling out his cock from the hole in his boxers. you move your panties to the side, and slowly sit back down on his cock. the two of you groan loudly at the feeling.
once you were fully sat back down, you began to realize that this probably wasn’t the best idea. your juices were dripping all over his cock, and you found it incredibly challenging to not move, not even an inch. you didn’t want to make leon mad, but it hurt like hell, and there was an itch inside of you that needed to be scratched.
he didn’t seem to be phased however, and leaned back over you to resume his typing. at one point, he leaned down to the side to grab something from one of the drawers. once he returned upright, he adjusted himself in the chair, causing his dick to thrust up into your cunt, making you gasp out a loud moan. he just laughed at you, like he did it on purpose. you whimpered out pathetically, gripping the sides of the desk harshly.
it had been only a couple of minutes, but you physically couldn’t take it anymore. you began slowly rocking your hips again, the feeling of his cock filling you up and the feeling of your lips pressing back and forth against his dick sending your eyes rolling. he quickly notices, and brings a firm grip on your right hip, stopping you, making you groan out.
“you just can’t help yourself, can you?” he laughs.
“please, please, leon… i need you so… bad.” you beg, rocking your hips again, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
he doesn’t need to look at you to know you’re close to tears, he can hear it in your voice. “hey… hey… baby…” he shushes you, sweetly. “shh, it’s okay..” he whispers as he nuzzles into your neck, leaving kisses there and up to your chin, all while rubbing circles on your back.
you sniffle. “please, leon… i need it so bad. cant take it anymore..” you beg, beginning to move your hips again. this time, you bring yourself slightly up and down his cock, barely moving, yet feeling the sensations so strongly.
leon groans at your movements. “y/n… shit.” his voice is gentle, but the heat coursing through his body is anything but. he leans back in the chair, lifting your skirt up your back, eyeing your ass bouncing slightly up and down against his hips.
his hands are on your hips, but he’s not stopping you from moving. once you realize this, you begin moving at a faster pace this time, a mixture of rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down.
leon manages to laugh through the pleasure. “so much for finishing these fuckin’ reports…” he mutters under his breath. he can’t bring himself to be upset though, he’s too enthralled in your warmth and the sound of your beautiful moans. you’re moaning loudly, finally getting the pleasure you so desperately needed before, and leon won’t deny you of it.
you lift yourself fully off of his cock, and slam back down, causing the two of you to moan out. his dick is making you feel so good, sending shivers up your spine, and you can’t help but squeeze your cunt every now and then, clamping his hard cock inside of you.
leon groans in satisfaction and leans forward, holding your body close to his. he begins kissing your neck again. "mmm, that's it, baby," he murmurs against your skin, his breath hot and heavy. "you like feeling my cock deep inside you, don't you? you’re such a dirty little slut, riding me like this.”
his words were laced with a mix of dominance and adoration, perfectly tailored to ignite a fire within you. he reveled in the way your body responded to his touch, your moans growing louder with each passing moment. leon's grip on your hips tightened, guiding your movements and urging you to take him deeper, his dominance taking over fully now.
"you're so fucking tight, baby," he groaned, his voice rough with need. "i love watching you bounce on my cock, taking every inch. you're mine, princess. mine to fuck as i please."
his words were punctuated by passionate kisses, his lips trailing down your neck and collarbone. you were getting drunk off of his cock and his dirty words, your brain turning to mush as all you could think about was him and how his cock was rubbing your walls so deliciously.
"you're such a fucking slut for me, aren't you? you need my cock deep inside you. tell me how badly you want it," he growled, his voice dripping with lust.
“i- ah! i- fuck… need it, daddy… need you al-always…” you barely manage to get out, your words slurring as he took control, thrusting up into your throbbing cunt harshly.
“mmm, that’s right, baby. that’s fucking right.” your body convulsed in response, moans filling the room as he pounded into you relentlessly. he brings his hand around to your front, his palm connecting with your clit in sharp, stinging slaps. each slap served as a reminder of your earlier bratty behavior and a punishment for testing his patience. he knew it would also send you over the edge, the mixture of pleasure and pain would push you towards an explosive climax.
“oh, fuck!” you cried out, your body jolting away from his slaps. “no.. daddy, no!” you protested, yet your pussy gave you away, clenching tightly with every slap against your puffy hood.
"fuck, that's it, baby," he groaned, his voice filled with a mixture of satisfaction and desire. "you like it when i punish you, don't you? such a naughty little brat, needing my firm hand to put you in your place."
you could barely talk, panting like a dog while pleasure and pain filled your senses. you nodded your head eagerly at his words. “yes… yes… yes!” you breathed out. he smiles at how quickly he gets you to submit.
the slaps on your clit increased, mixed with harsh pinches that he soothed over with gentle fingers before restarting the cycle over again. your moans grew louder, tongue lolling, whimpering and drooling all over his desk as your body was on the edge of release as he continued his relentless assault.
leon could tell you were close, your sweet little pussy clenching and sucking his cock all the way inside. he could feel his own climax building, but he was determined to push you over the edge first. he brings his wet fingers, covered in your essence up, shoving them into your already open mouth. you whimper around his fingers, and he feels your slobber dripping down his wrist. “dirty girl, dumb fucking baby.” he mutters under his breath.
"cum for me, brat," he said firmly, his voice low and commanding. "let go and show me how good my cock makes you feel.” he shoves his fingers even more down your throat, making you gag as you cry and fuck yourself back on his cock desperately.
he smirks, taking his fingers out of your mouth, a string of saliva following his hand as he goes down to rub at your clit. you practically scream, your eyes rolling back as you release the desk, your body arching backwards until your head hits his shoulder. your pussy clenches around him harshly as you cum hard on his cock, toes curling as your vision goes black.
the sound of your release, the clenching of your walls around him, pushed leon over the edge as well, his own release washing over him in waves of ecstasy. “good fucking girl.. take my cum… take it,” he chants as his hot seed spills into your pulsating cunt. you whine, feeling his cock pulsate inside of you, a mixture of yours and his cum leaking down your thighs.
you slump against him, trembling and thoroughly fucked out as he holds you to his chest. he presses a sweet kiss to your hair once he calms down himself. “such a good girl, always take me so well..” he presses another kiss to your hair, making you sigh in content.
“mm, but we’re not done yet, princess.” he says meanly, his cock already hardening again inside of you. “gonna show you how much i love breaking dirty little brats like you.”
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mrchiipchrome · 1 month
You Always Go To The Parties
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W.C. - 5.7 k
okay so this is the project i've been working on for a little, hope y'all like it:) (also listen to American Wedding by Frank Ocean while y'all read this.)
To clarify, this is a lionesses x r series too, but this is literally just the chapter of introduction so that we can get to know the characters.
“Do I really have to go? I can’t even drink legally here.” You groan, there was nothing stopping you from collecting your things and getting the hell out of that apartment in Boston, well except the manners instilled in you from an early age. There was nothing you’d like more than to crawl up in bed and sleep for the next few weeks.
No way Emma would let you do that. 
The sophomore defender had been one of the only people that had come back to college early, having been asked to show you around the campus and the facilities. She had quickly taken you under her wing, which meant that she wouldn’t let you sulk in bed the rest of August.
Brown cardboard boxes filled to the brim with different things, ranging from clothes to knick knacks, were stacked to the ceiling in the otherwise empty apartment. You didn’t mind, clearly, but it bothered Em.
You tuck your hands behind your head, staring up at the ceiling from your mattress that was placed directly on the floor. Your button up had the first few buttons undone, the top of your chest displayed for Em to see, you had even put your fancy trousers on for the stupid party you didn’t even want to attend.
“Yes, you really have to. How else do you expect to make friends, your cute British accent will only get you that far, you actually need to put in some effort okay?” Rolling your eyes at her words, you were quickly made to get up off the makeshift bed, getting pushed towards the door.
“No buts, you are going because I need someone to drive me home when I’m black out drunk tonight, you don’t want me to drink and drive right?” You can’t help but contemplate over her words, feeling the girl’s hand come down on your shoulder harshly. 
Clearly she didn’t like that.
“I mean you could just, I don't know…not drink?” She looks at you like she’s disgusted you’d even think about saying something like that, like she has to drink.
“Wow, it really is obvious your parents are rich.” You lock the door up as you look at her through the corner of your eye, a slightly judgemental look in your eyes.
Your parents were rich, but they didn’t spoil you so you weren’t one of those snobby rich kids, you were just like anyone else. Only you had access to more money than most.
“Shut up.” Emma puts her hands up in the air, like she’s surrendering to you, but you see the way she’s smiling slyly at you. Note to self; don’t get defensive when Em brings up your rich parents.
“You know, I could use a new Gucci bag if you want to contact daddy dear.” She looks up at you pleadingly as you make your way to her car, there was no way you’d use your car, it was far too expensive to be left outside a frat house. You really had to get a more beat up one.
Maybe you’d sell it, and donate the money you got for it to charity. 
“Aw, we’re taking my car?” Em whines, clearly she wanted to take your cool car.
“Aw, I’m not leaving my really expensive car outside of a frat house for hours.” You roll your eyes at her almost like she’s stupid, throwing her the keys so that she could drive, you didn’t even know where it was you were going.
“You know, you are really sassy for being a rich kid.” Em pulls out of the garage, the apartment complex you were living in was just off campus, so near that you walked there every day for pre-pre-season training (absolutely destroying Em every single time without fail).
“Yeah well, I grew up in the public education system in London, so that’s where I get it from.” You look on as the girl in the driver’s seat taps her fingers against the steering wheel, waiting for the red light to turn green.
“Really, I would’ve thought that they had you in private school from the second you popped out.” The green light stands out against the quickly darkening sky, starless and rather bleak, but that’s what you get for living in a big city.
“Nope, they wanted me to have a normal childhood, so here I am.” You motion to yourself, feeling the bumps and dips of the road beneath you, damn potholes.
“I mean fair enough right.” A certain quietness envelops the space between the two of you, it wasn’t uncomfortable, just present without any real purpose.
Your eyes slip shut, with Em turning the radio on, playing soft instrumental music like you weren’t in the middle of Boston where most people prefer hip hop and bubblegum pop. That was probably the biggest culture shock you'd been given so far, the music.
At home it was different, in a neutral way. It was neither better nor was it worse, but it was simply different.
You sink into your seat, the cool air blasting across your skin in that refreshing way, the summer’s heat canceled out by the air coming from the car. Slowly, sleep starts to take over your body in that calming sort of way that you’d wished for earlier.
It had only felt like moments since you’d fallen asleep as Em shakes your shoulders to get you to wake up, the pulsing music coming from the frat house a walking distance away already making your ears hurt. You look around at the surrounding nature, it wasn’t familiar to you, not the trees you’d found yourself memorizing nor the architecture present in Boston.
Even the people looked different, shirts with the printing of a dog on the front instead of the three books representing Harvard. Stupid of you to assume that Em would be rational for once.
“Where are we Em?” You ask, voice riddled with a sleepy kind of innocence that suggested that not everything had registered yet.
“We are in Connecticut, home of the huskies and what might be the best parties you’ll ever experience.” Your eyes shoot open wide, a more than flabbergasted look on your face at her naïve words.
“You kidnapped me and then drove me all the way to Connecticut for a party we could just as well have found in Boston?!” You ask her incredulously, like you couldn’t really believe her. And you couldn’t.
“Yeah, technically I did but you’ll also get to experience the party of your lifetime, so I think that it’s fine.” She tries to justify her actions by trying to reason with you, and whilst it doesn’t work in the way she wishes, Emma’s just happy you’re not totally freaking out.
“Come on grumpy, let’s go. Who knows, you might even have some fun.” Em pulls you along towards the house spewing flashing lights in a hundred different colors.
You let your eyes adjust to the blinking lights as you enter through the open front door, seeing the entire bottom floor of the mansion-like house covered with hundreds of students, packed together tightly like a sweaty sardine can.
The house reeks of bad body wash, moldy pits and strong cheap alcohol, and in a sense of the word Em really did tell the truth, you’d never seen anything like it before. It was almost like those frat boys couldn’t afford to buy deodorant.
If your arm wasn’t as firmly attached to your body as it was, you were sure that Emma would’ve torn it off by now, the resistance of the sweaty bodies pushing against your own as she leads you to the kitchen proving to be a difficult task for her weak arms.
Reaching the entrance of the large kitchen, the first thing you notice is that it’s not as tightly packed as the living room, only a few stragglers here and there with the stereotypical red solo cups can be found in every single person’s hand. Future alcoholists.
 “Okay, base rules since you’ve never been to a college party before, don’t take a drink from anyone you don’t know, don’t accept anyone’s request to go upstairs or somewhere private, you’ll most likely get robbed, don’t be too snarky, people don’t appreciate that and… I think that’s all. Have a nice night!” And with that she’s off to the living room, plucking a cup from a random man’s hand and taking a sip before leading him to the dance floor.
Yeah, base rules or whatever.
Standing alone in the kitchen, you suddenly feel so awkward. The only real parties you’d been to were the one’s your friends threw when your parents were away on their stupidly long business trips, just the chaotic friend group drinking together.
So this, college parties, was something that was totally out of your comfort zone and you’d never hated anyone as much as you hated Em right at that moment.
Spotting a boy out of the corner of your eye, you approach him with confident, yet still relatively hesitant steps, a question at the tip of your tongue. He looks up at you when you’re close enough to smell the odor of old spice deodorant and way too much sweat, his hat turned backwards on his head to hide the greasy hair still somehow poking its way through.
You almost feel bad for the poor thing, well that is until his mouth opens and you’re staring into the hell that is a frat boy’s gob. 
“‘Sup dude, what can I do for you?” His eyes run all along your body, from your ankles up to your face where he notices the annoyed expression.
“I was wondering if you had anything non alcoholic.” You smile staley, eyebrows furrowing together when his eyes light up like a kid on christmas. His laugh feels slightly insulting, especially when his hand comes up to point at you, but there’s really not a lot you could do.
“Dude totally, say the thing though.” You look at him confused, like you didn’t know what he meant. Spoiler alert; you did. “Y’know bo'ohw'o'wo'er.” 
He laughs again when you roll your eyes, and even if all you desire is to punch his stupid face in, you still say the phrase. Was it worth it for a coke? Eh, debatable.
He opens the fridge and throws you the can and laughs once more at your dirty look.
Sipping the drink slowly as you make your way around the house, the UConn students around you stare unashamedly at you, like they knew your face from somewhere, but you weren’t familiar per se. 
Your face scrunches up at the metallic taste of the American coke, much preferring the Mexican one they had in the canteen. You couldn’t complain too much though, you were the one who actually let yourself get dragged to the party.
It’s sudden, the way her eyes catch yours. Deep pools of endearing brown that capture your entire soul in a single second. The girl was mesmerizing as she stood leaning against the wall across from you, her long brown hair falling so effortlessly down her back.
Her gaze is just focussed on you for a second or two, her attention soon being stolen by the man standing in front of her, a sleazy smirk on his face as his eyes ran all along her body. It was clear that she was uncomfortable purely by the way her lips were turned downwards and the way her hands fiddled with the hem of her crop top.
There seems to be a lull in their one sided conversation as she looks to you almost pleadingly, getting the hint almost immediately, you walk over with confident steps, dropping the now empty can on the floor on the way.
The man is almost as tall as you, his burly shoulders disproportionate to the rest of his awkward body, his meaty hands gripping the red cup tightly like he was afraid someone would steal it from him. His hooded eyes do a once over when he spots you nearing them, almost turning a green pale at the sight of you.
You don’t understand why, there was no way you knew him and being recognised as Harvard’s newest addition would be unlikely. Especially in Connecticut.
“Everything alright here?” The girl seems startled by your accent, but she quickly schools her features so as to not show her surprise. Her hands wrap around your waist, and when you look down at her she looks back up at you with pleading eyes, asking you to just go along with it for the time being.
Your arm wraps around her shoulders and she leans into your body almost subconsciously, like you’ve known each other for much longer than you have.
“Yeah, everything’s going good.” He says, not backing down despite having been nervous at your mere presence only seconds before.
“Really? Because from where I stood it looked like you were flirting with my girlfriend.” You don’t even get the satisfaction of watching his gummy smile fade from his thin lips as he takes in your words, because he walks away from you before you can see it.
It makes you chuckle, especially since he walks up to another girl almost immediately, getting turned down in the same second.
“You okay?” You question the girl in your arms, her hand still resting on your waist as you take her in. You can feel her hair against your arm, her nails digging into your skin ever so slightly and the rest of her body pressed so tightly against your own.
“Yeah, he just wouldn’t leave me alone, thank you for the help.” She smiles at you sweetly, her brown eyes shining under the flashing lights. You smile back at her softly, noticing the way her grip loosens, you quickly let up on your grip of her shoulders.
Her unsure steps catch your attention as she takes your hand in her soft one, just like Em had done earlier in the evening.
“Where are you taking me?” You laugh through the sentence as she tries to pull you through the crowd of people, stumbling over her feet clumsily every so often.
“Do you like burgers?” She questions hastily, nearly having pulled you all the way to the front door already, she was a lot stronger than Em that’s for sure.
"Doesn't everyone?” You smile goofily when she looks back at you, her eyes narrowed playfully when you send her a wink. It’s only when you’re already out the door that you realize that Em is still in there, with people you don't know. Strangers.
You stop walking, the girl’s hand still in yours as she too stops, looking back at you confused.
“I’m sorry but my friend, Em, is still in there and I don’t want to leave her alone with strangers.” Her eyes light up again and you look at her weirdly, not understanding why she looked so happy that you had to leave.
“Em Whitmore?” She giggles at the shocked look on your face, clearly you didn’t know much about Em, the girl thinks to herself. You look at her suspiciously, how did she know Em?
“Yeah…how’d you know?” You ask her, still suspicious of her pretty intoxicated form. Her laugh carries all throughout the empty night, no one out and about except you and the mystery girl who’s soft hand is still in yours.
“I know her brother, she comes to a lot of parties here, because she knows she’ll be safe.” The brunette starts pulling you along again and you let yourself follow her, no longer worried about your Harvard counterpart. Her brother wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her.
By the time you reach the 50’s themed diner, you’ve already walked for ten minutes, side by side with the dark haired girl. You’re lucky that it wasn’t too far away, the half stumbling girl beside you probably wouldn’t have been able to walk that far without falling over.
The bell at the top of the door chimes when she pushes it open, the bored looking cashier perking up when he sees your companion. It was empty in the diner and you couldn’t imagine that keeping it open for this long wasn’t only for the drunk college students looking for a quick snack.
She drags you over to a booth in the corner, decorated in red and white stripes, a glass with straws standing in the middle of the table with a napkin holder beside it.
“Welcome to Donna’s Diner, what can I get for you?” The boy from the counter comes up to the booth after you’ve both settled, handing the two of you plastic menus. The dark haired girl smiles up at him, that fantastic glint in her eye once more.
“Come on now Alex, no need to be all professional.” You look up at him from where you’re sitting, his blonde hair curling around his ears, green eyes staring into yours kindly, thin fingers clasping the small notebook in his hands.
“Alex, this is my new friend, she knows Callum’s little sister, mystery friend, this is Alex and he’s in one of my classes.” You smile at him softly, sticking your hand out for him to shake, and he does take it in a confident grip, sending you a smile of his own.
“I’m Y/n.” Now the mystery girl looks up at you, finally a name attached to your face.
“Nika, I already know what you want, but how about you?” He looks to you when he speaks, obviously you wouldn’t know what to order, it being your first time there and all.
“I’ll just have whatever she’s having with a chocolate milkshake.” Alex disappears behind the counter again, your eyes following his retreating form. Looking away from the kitchen door, your eyes quickly meet the ones of the girl you now know as Nika.
One of her hands was tucked under her chin, keeping her head up in order to look at you. Relaxing into the cushions behind you, the small smile slowly taking over your face suddenly becomes full blown.
“What is it?” She giggles under her breath at your inquisitive look, and despite not knowing much more than her name, you already felt like she knew your soul inside and out.
“Nothing…it’s just that this is the last place I would’ve thought that you would bring me to.” The furrow in her brow is frankly quite adorable, her head turning to the side just in time to catch Alex walking out the kitchen with your food. 
You see the way her eyes light up again, the platter of pure greasy goodness at the center of her attention right at that moment. All you could think about at that second was how thankful you were that the season hadn’t started yet, because everything there broke every single diet you could think of.
Looking to the brunette, the laugh bubbling up from the pit of your stomach is almost one of wonder, because the beautiful girl had already managed to get through half the burger that was in front of her. It seemed like her intoxicated brain only was focussed on one thing, satiating her hunger.
It isn’t long until you follow her lead, picking up the burger and just trying to get the most you could of it in your mouth. You can’t help the groan that escapes you when the exquisite flavours hit your taste buds all at once, having to lean back into the cushions of the booth to be able to take it all in, closing your eyes fully to enhance the experience even further.
It’s only when she laughs that you finally open your eyes again, only to see her looking right at you like you were made of glass, like she could read you like a book and then play you like a fiddle.
“I understand, I had the exact same reaction when I tried it.” She continues to giggle at you when you start to eat like a poor man starved. It was a funny sight to be fair, the way your fancy act completely disappears when in contact with amazing food.
“How’d you even find this place?” You question her when you’ve swallowed and wiped your mouth off with a napkin, you still had manners after all. She smiles at you, gesturing at your surroundings, at the tables and the booths, the chairs and the ketchup bottles, at everything.
“I was drunk after a party once in freshman year and I just stumbled across it.” You nod in response, completely understanding the randomness of how she’d found the place. When you’re drunk, all you want is some greasy food.
“So it’s a well guarded secret between the students then? I assume there’s usually more people here at this time of night.” You take a sip of the milkshake when the last word has fallen from your lips, heat spreading across your face at the intense look you’re getting from the brunette in front of you.
It’s probably just because she’s drunk, you think quietly to yourself, almost trying to convince your mind that the stupidly attractive smile on her face was just one of momentary value, that it was only because it was late and you were tired that it affected you in the way it did.
“Yeah, something like that.” She responds, a comfortable silence enveloping you two as you continue to eat.
The only thing that could be heard was the murmur of the fan across the room, the patting of the fingers of the boy, Alex, at the counter and the sound of shallow breathing. Well that was until her accented voice breaks it with a question.
“So, how’d you manage to befriend the girl with the scariest brother ever?” Nika asks you, her fingers playing with the napkin she’d taken only moments before. Her teeth capture her bottom lip softly as she looks at you tentatively, she’s positively driving you nuts with her pure unfiltered beauty.
“Well, for starters we both play football for Harvard, but she was the first one there to greet me, to help me pack up the necessities and all that. She never did mention a brother though.” You relish in the way she looks at you, all flustered and sweet despite you not having done anything in particular. It was adorable. Pause.
She nods absentmindedly, opening her mouth to speak before closing it and then opening it again, resembling a fish out of water more than anything.
“Were you going to say something love?” You ask the now blushing girl, and she hides her face in her hands at the embarrassment, clearly having zoned out for a little while there.
Reaching over, you pat her shoulder comfortingly before you ask her your next question.
“How about you? How do you know Em’s brother?” Nika reaches over the table to steal a few of your fries, laughing at the betrayed look on your face.
Maybe it was the drinks or maybe you were just funnier than you’d originally thought, either way the angelic sound of her laughing had graced your ears many times that evening. Not that you minded, you didn’t even mind a little bit.
“He plays basketball, I play basketball, and sometimes we train together.” You can’t help the feeling taking over you, the burning feeling that makes you question everything you’d ever known about yourself. Just the thought of your friend’s brother getting to enjoy her company makes the feeling inside you that much worse.
 It seems like she sees the way your expression changes just that little bit before it goes back to normal.
“So, you’re like…close?” You ask the basketball player timidly, rolling your eyes only seconds later when the brunette decides to take a sip of your milkshake.
“No, not especially close. I mean, we talk when we have to at the shared training sessions, but not outside of it. But realistically though, who in the world of college sports doesn’t know Callum Whitmore?” Looking at her cluelessly, you sarcastically shrug as if to say you, because you truly hadn’t known a single thing about the man before she had told you.
By the third time Nika reaches for your fries, you decide to just push them towards her and let her have them, you weren’t even hungry after the monster burger you’d just consumed. It wasn’t at all just because she was too pretty not to get whatever she wanted. Pause.
“You want to switch?” She gestures to your drinks, she’d gotten a strawberry milkshake that she didn’t seem to fancy all that much right at that moment. Sighing goodnaturedly, you give her a nod and allow her to take whatever was left of your shake, smiling softly as you sip absentmindedly at the pink shake she’d given you. 
Soon enough, the only thing that could be heard over the natural noise of the diner was the slight slurping every so often.
“I just got to go wash up, then I’ll walk you home, okay?” The brunette nods as she looks at you leaving, pulling out her phone to seemingly start to text someone not long after.
You walk up to Alex, who’s still standing at the counter and he smiles in your direction when you near, only seeing you out of the corner of his eye. Pulling out your wallet, you hold out your card to him.
“Could you do a to go order? God knows she’ll need that in the morning.” You nod your head in Nika’s direction, Alex smiling widely at you.
“You know, I’ve never seen her with you before…” His voice trails off, as if to tell you to fill in the blanks.
“Yeah, we only met tonight.” You smile at him staley, not understanding why the timeline of events was so important.
“You must be special then if she brought you here, it’s not often she brings anyone other than her friends here after a night out. Nico, drop me two burgers on the grill, one choc milkshake and a strawberry one.” As you walked towards the bathroom of the establishment, putting your card back in your wallet, you started to think about his words, wasn’t this place well known? What made it so special to Nika that the server had to point out how she never brought strangers there?
Wiping your hands off on your trousers, you go up to your table to collect Nika before swinging by the counter to pick up your to-go order, the brown paper bag looking out of place next to the two of you. It seems like she’s sobered up at least a little as she looks at you questioningly, her eyes soon falling to the bag in your hands and then back up at your face.
The bell chimes again when the two of you exit the diner, the cooling air of the late night a contrast to the warm atmosphere of the diner.
“What’s that for?” The furrow in her brow is so endearing that you almost feel the skip in your heartbeat, her eyes narrowing at you ever so slightly. Her arm threads through yours, one of your hands in the pocket of your trousers, creating the perfect space for her arm to go through.
You sneak a glance at her, flyaways being highlighted by the streetlights you were passing. Her head meets your shoulder as you start to walk back to the party, her apartment couldn’t be too far from it considering she hadn’t mentioned anything when you offered to walk her home.
“It’s for you, I just know that hungover Nika is going to crave Donna’s diner’s milkshakes to calm her raging headache.” You tease her softly, but there was definite truth there either way.
If there was one thing you knew about being hungover, then it was that good food usually helped at least a little (well, after the spells of throwing up everything from the previous night.) You give her a cheeky smile as you near the party once more, the booming music being heard from miles away. 
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that.” She speaks sincerely, you just smile at her in response, did you have to do it? No, but she’d kept you company all night so you did it anyway.
“Hey, can I just stop by my friend’s car before I walk you home? I just have to get something.” You were so thankful that you’d stolen the keys from Em before you went into the party only hours before. Leading her to the beat up truck, unlocking it and opening the door, you place the bag on the ground before you look through the glove compartment.
Finding the cartridge of painkillers and the pen that you were searching for with a small ‘aha’. The post-it notes Em always kept in her car finally came to use when you stole one, writing a quick message on it before sticking it to the plastic of the painkillers and dropping it down the brown paper bag.
You lock the car up, despite it being a piece of shit that no one would ever steal, Em always insisted on you locking it. 
Walking up to her side once more, you open your mouth to speak.
“So, lead the way home love.” You gesture for her to take the lead, it was her apartment after all. Taking your free hand in hers, the girl starts to lead you towards her apartment building, walking calmly side by side with your hands swinging between your bodies.
After passing countless trees, and even more cars, you suddenly find yourselves at the bottom of the slanted hill leading up to where she lives, and when you actually start to walk up the long walkway, it’s slowly almost like you’re both resisting the natural order of events.
But you had to leave her, both Em and Harvard were waiting for you and no matter how much you tried to resist, you knew that’s ultimately where you had to go, it was your life even if the girl you’d just met seemed far more interesting than anything.
When you reach the top, just meters away from the door, you hand her the bag, smiling timidly when she reached out to hug you, her inviting perfume enveloping you in a blanket of warmth. When she pulls away, she thanks you one last time for your kindness.
“Really, it’s no problem.” You reassure her, smiling softly when she turns back towards you one last time before the distance between you becomes larger and larger, her fingers soon punching in the code to open the door.
“Wait!” You call out for her right as she’s about to enter the building, her head turning back to you questioningly. “Don’t forget to put it in the fridge when you get in.” She smiles and nods before disappearing behind the door.
You start your walk back to the party a few minutes after the door has closed, something just keeping you rooted to the ground. It wasn't until you heard your name get called by that familiar voice that you turned around, seeing Nika through her open window, waving at you as you walked away.
It almost felt like you were in some cheesy romance movie as you waved back, turning to walk away after she closed her window. 
Truth be told, the evening had felt like something straight out of a romcom and some part deep down loved it. It loved the cheesy moments of pure unbridled love, the ability to express yourself freely, to dance in the rain, be your true authentic self in front of someone else was something you didn’t even know you longed for before you met Nika.
You shove your hands into the pockets of your trousers, every step you take moving you closer and closer to the frat house, closer to Em and closer to getting back to Boston.
Seeing Em sitting out on the steps of the house has you confused, why was she out there?
“Em? What are you doing out here?” You ask the clearly incredibly intoxicated Emma, your loud voice not even startling her, her slow movements showing just how drunk she is. The squeal she lets out when she sees you has you covering your ears, the intrusive sound killing your tired head.
She tries to stand up, but it just looks like Bambi on ice, stumbling and falling at every second. You come up and sling her arm around your shoulder, bringing her over to her car and sitting her down in the passenger seat.
“I’m not cleaning up if you throw up in here, just so you know.” She nods drunkenly, clearly not understanding a word you were saying.
“The reason why I was sitting outside is a long story.” She leans her head against the window, and knowing Em, she was probably imagining herself in a music video right at that moment.
“You can tell me tomorrow.” The car starts with a rumble and you pull out of the parking space on the side of the road, quickly pulling out and starting to drive on the main road.
It’s quiet for a while and you almost believe that Emma’s asleep, well almost since her feet move back and forth against the floor every so often.
“Where were you huh? What were you doing?” Her words are incredibly slurred and you can barely make out what it is she’s trying to say.
“None of your business mate.” She snickers at you, reading way too much into your response than she should have.
“You got some.” The way your face turns red doesn’t help your case even in the slightest, especially when she herself points out your reddening cheeks.
“Shut up and go to sleep, Em.” Your voice cracks in the middle of the sentence, still embarrassed by her insinuation.
“Mhm, you totally got some pussy.” You sigh as she laughs again, she was clearly getting a lot more joy from the situation than you were.
“Go to sleep Em.”
Maybe she had been right after all, maybe you had fun and maybe, just maybe the decision to go to the party was a good one. Not that you’d ever let her know that.
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f4riedimples · 8 months
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Sam carpenter x fem!reader
warnings:grinding, licking, humiliation, strap-ons, (no full background), degradation, slight public!sex
summary: once Sam had saw your Britney Spears Halloween costume she couldn’t help but make you her slave.
You hadn’t known how it had gotten here. One second you were dancing and feeling yourself the next you were being pulled towards a random room and bent over.
“had you really thought you could get away with that?” Sam had warned you what would happen if you wore your outfit. But you didn’t listen because you never do.
“Sam- wait! What if they hear?!” Sam just sighed and pulled down your shorts before filling you to the brim with her thickest strap on.
This one must have been new. You had never felt this full before but you were glad nonetheless.
she started thrusting in you like crazy. It made you go wild with moans. Usually Sam would shut you up but today she wanted to make sure everyone knew what SHE was doing to you.
she keeps thrusting fast ,never slowing down. “Oh slut. Why would you not listen? If I had been in a bad mood I’d just have you warm my strap as a punishment” you immediately gasps knowing how much that would suck. But before you can complain and protest about that possible outcome Sam shuts you up by thrusting harshly before going back to how she normally did it.
she kept thrusting in you so fucking good until she saw how you were trying to hold back.
she knew you would be too scared so she decided to take matters in her own hands as she pulled out immediately before grinding her strap against you, making you whine so fucking pathetically.
It felt so good you didn’t know if you wanted her to grind or actually fully fuck you. As she put her mouth next to your neck you thought she was gonna give you some teasing bites but instead she gives you small but sloppy licks as she continues grinding like crazy.
you’re so close. So fucking close! But as you feel it all building up she stops and starts to thrust her strap in and out of you in a way that seems like she really wants to stretch you out.
“your pussy’s mines. No one else’s. You’re mines to fuck. Mines to love. And mines to claim.” She whispers in your ear after giving you one more neck lick. “And don’t fucking forget it.” And oh you wouldn’t. With the way you were whimpering made it clear that Sam was doing her job.
she started to thrust into you normally again and so fucking roughly it made you go crazy as you finally started to cum.
to your surprise Sam didn’t stop you or ruin it. She let you. Knowing that you’ve now realized your place. You were gonna start listening to her from now on.
as she her thrust becomes sloppy and she cums herself she then decides to slow down before pulling out causing you in your sex drunk state to gasp in surprise at the suddenly loss.
she kissed you once more but riyvjtly before pulling away.
She spoke with huskily and deeply as her eyes were darker than usually. “Time to go. We’ll finish this at home.
you couldn’t say no or deny her.
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ornii · 4 months
Tara Carpenter x Male Reader?
Funny enough, I was never a big Horror Fan so the Scream series went under my radar. Conveniently enough I decided to watch the latest one and I gotta say not too bad.
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Takes years to form, can be broken in one moment.
After a short but memorable service in the Army, you were able to take an honorable discharge after barely a year, after searching a Home you saved your squad from a makeshift IED. It Left a few scars, but that was the last of the physical damage, mental damage can never truly be measured and heal fully, but you’re managing. Hearing the Murders of Woodsboro, and Tara surviving thankfully.
You and Tara had been friends since moving to Woodsboro years ago, just kids at the time but there was something really different about her, you couldn’t put your finger on it but she always lit up the room, and specifically took your breath away. Leaving for Basic Training, you never got a chance to admit it, but you knew once you returned it was the first thing to do on your bucket list.
So when you were discharged, Blackmore University was a nobrainer to attend. But it was only downhill after that, the Killings return, and it seemed to return just as you did.
It was all too much of a coincidence for anyone else to ignore. So they did the only sensible thing.
You were standing in the middle of the apartment, unsure of what to do. You were essentially surrounded by Tara, Sam, Chad, and Ethan. “I don’t understand..” you said, your eyes tracing along the eyes staring at you. “You think.. it’s me?” You ask. And Chad stepped up first.
“We heard what happened at Woodsboro, it just, takes someone pretty skilled to do that stuff..” he said, Chad had an attitude that he didn’t want to believe it, but a capable man with a knife is pretty tough. You looked over to everyone else, Quinn seems indifferent, Sam was reluctant to speak and Tara couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Tara, Tara look at me…” you pleaded, Teary eyed she slowly looks up to meet your gaze.
“You really think I could do this? I came back here for you, why would I…” you slowly trail off, silent as you truly were at a loss.
“I don’t want to believe it..” she said, “but.. it just all looks bad..” She admits, and that truly broke your heart, the one person you wanted to believe you, before you could say anything, Ethan walks over putting his arm around Tara to try to soothe her. Ethan always had a slimy attitude, and you never really felt, safe around him. But seeing him do that to Tara made your skin crawl. Something about this, about all of this, was way off.
“(Y/n), Quinn’s dead, we have to stop this before more people die; if it isn’t you then the police are gonna release you.” Sam explains, and they wheel an office chair with arms over for you to sit. Seeing how distressed Tara was, you very reluctantly sat down on it, and allowed them to bind your arms to the chair. Tapping your foot restlessly, you eyed Ethan. “Feel safer now?” You said obviously with sarcasm, and Ethan give this look. Of disappointment.
“Look I know service does a lot to the brain.” He started, and you realized just what he’s about to do.
“No you fucking don’t..” you cut him off sternly and harshly, knowing his plan to blame your PTSD and use it to label someone as unstable. Ethan gives you another look, as if he’s hiding a smile.
“Let’s give him some fresh air at least, would be better for him.” Ethan walks over and calmly pushes you to the balcony, “it’s for your own good.” He mutters a bit abruptly, and walks back to the others, you can’t hear what they’re saying but Tara eyes you a few times. You wanted to plead and beg for her to listen to you, but it would have been for nothing, she’s already convinced it was you. Your train of thought was cut off by footsteps around you, mostly above, you hear them and look up to see someone heading down, it was too dark to make out who it was, but once you saw the flash of steel with their knife you instantly knew.
“Guys! Guys!” You shook and kicked to get their attention, they all looked over as you fought to break free. You screamed for help, It was too late, heading down the fire escape, Ghostface made their appearance, grabbing your legs they lifted you up and over the balcony, you felt the instant dizzying sensation of being tossed and your head slammed hard against the lower balcony rail, it all went dark after that but you tumbled against more rails and slammed on a hard sheet metal roof and slid off onto the ground.
Somehow, you still lived. Opening your eyes slowly you see the hard New York ground and the wheels of a dumpster, using what strength you had you were able to stand up, seems the chair broke most of your fall, but still causing cuts and bruises and probably a cracked rib or two. Using the dumpster you prop yourself up and reach into your pocket with your bloody hands to your cracked IPhone, it was near impossible to make any calls, but one app did catch your eye. Find my IPhone. Tapping on Tara’s name you spot her location, a old theatre. Tearing off the tape on your wrists you look around for anything to defend yourself, all you see is a sharp end of plastic from the fallen chair. Snatching it you make you plan.
You stand up, feeling a hot burning pain in your leg, specifically your ankle which probably has a torn ligament or shattered bone. You push the pain down and limp your way to the theatre. Pushing the door open with your bloody palms you limped in, to a sight you least expected. You watched Ethan terrorize Tara, who looks ready to fall off a ledge, Sam barely holding on as Quinn, who never was dead approaches, and Detective Bailey, aiming a gun at them all. It was all a ploy to kill you and lessen the numbers. Ethan’s words “for your own good” kept running in your head, he set you up to get killed. All that military training began to pay off, you crouched with a bad limp and had to crawl to avoid making too much noise, you crept up behind Bailey and didn’t hesitate. You took the sharp plastic and rammed it into the side of his neck with force. Using his other hand he tries to hold his neck to keep the blood loss. You reached and gripped his hand hard, forcing him to Aim at Quinn and crushing his tigger finger. A bullet flies and almost hits Quinn, Sam looks up to see you and you continue to force him to pull the trigger until one bullet gets lodged right in the head of Quinn. She drops dead and so does Bailey. You stood there, silent as Ethan turns to see you. You didn’t care why he did it, you didn’t care to even ask.
“Get Tara up.” You gave Sam her order and she took the change to yank her sister up while you handled Eathan. He danced the knife around his hands, waiting for you make a move but you knew better. You kept calm and locked in. Ethan thrashed at you to land a hit but you kept calm, keeping your distance and avoiding close cuts. You watch in go for a stab, you open your arm, he goes past it and you lock his arm under yours, with one swift jerk up you snapped his arm, you cocked back and began to hammer his face in, punch after punch. Ethan stumbles around and with one judo throw you slammed him into a table, exhausted from the ass beating you promptly put on him, he lies there, laughing.
“You don’t deserve her, I always wanted to stick something in her… and she picks you, a fuckin freak who cries when fireworks go off..” Ethan spoke with venom though his bloody teeth. You looked at him, disgusted.
“Cry me a river.. and fuckin drown in it.” You grabbed him, dragged his head to the edge of the table and lifted up your arm and slammed your elbow right into his eyesocket, his neck snaps back with a crunch, as he lays there, dead. (Y/n) slumps down, exhausted. After dispatching three serial killers like John Wick he finally breathes as the nightmare is over.
The FBI and Police arrive, taking statements and doing some investigating and body clean up. You were getting the cuts and bruises patched up, and the ankle looked at.
“Hairline fracture. Gonna need some time for it to heal but you’ll be walking again.” The EMT gave a warm smile to you and went to tend to Sam. You leaned your head back to finally rest, you felt a presence approach, he could immediately tell it was Tara.
“…What do you want?” You said, you tilt your heard back forward and look at her. She looked good, even if she was getting murdered half an hour ago, still so.. beautiful. “Can We.. can we talk?” She said, almost in a whisper. You scoot over the ambulance seat to let her sit down.
“I’m… so sorry I didn’t believe you. And you almost got killed for it..” she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying, as angry as you were, she got baited into it, you put your arm around her.
“I wish you trusted me but I understand why you didn’t, let’s just, relax first.” You felt her lean into your arm, content with how things are finally.
“Yeah.” She closes her eyes to take in the moment, and you finally let this nightmare end.
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hazbinhotelxreader · 3 months
Hey, can I request a Yandere Lute x Female! Demon! Reader? (with smut)
• y'know that battle at the hotel during extermination day? Can Lute kidnap the reader while they are distracted with other exorcists and take them away through the portal to heaven? Then she drags them to a bedroom in heaven and proceeds to fuck the reader roughly (maybe with oral, sex toys, fingering)
P.S I love your writing
A/n: yea! And I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Most of the lute requests I’ve gotten from others are forced sex (AKA Rape). But I write it so that’s fine. Just don’t read if you don’t feel comfortable!
(P.S, I’m not sure if this would be before or after she lost her arm, so I made it after)
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Yandere lute x female reader smut
Words: 2k
“Stupid Sinner”
Warnings: rape, toys, forced oral, oral, Yandere, blood(light), fingering, kidnapping, abuse, gay sex, name calling, slight praise??, biting, sobbing, Dacryphilia
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It was a bloody battle. Exorcists flying here and there, trying to kill off the citizens from cannibal town and your friends. You were friends with Charlie and the others, as you’ve taken a spot at the hotel on the “road to redemption”.
You managed to kill off some of the exorcists, determined to save and protect the hotel and all your friends. Little did you know a certain exorcist has been watching your every move. Lute. You’ve heard a little about her from Charlie, knowing Lute is Adam’s right hand girl. Though you didn’t pay attention to her much throughout the fight, which you should have done.
Lute was watching you. With slight admiration for how easy you can kill her kind, but also she was angered by it, and…a little turned on. The moment she saw you her heart stopped. You gorgeous covered in the golden blood of her kind, though that pissed her off. You’re a sinner, and that can’t go unpunished.
Charlie’s father, Lucifer, and the others, were busy with Adam. While you were off to the side somewhere else, fighting some of the other exorcists, Lute took the chance to swoop in and snatch you from them, her one arm keeping her in her grasp. You try to shout but she tightened her arm around your chest, making it difficult to get a word out.
“I suggest you keep quiet, sinner.” She said menacingly with her signature smirk. The portal to heaven was wide open, allowing any of them to fly back in. Lute looked at you and then the battle scene, determining whether she should help Adam and the other exorcists, or take you home for some…punishment. She looked at you and couldn’t help it, she wanted you, sinner or not.
She flew into the portal and forced you into her housing. You panicked and had tears in your eyes, scared of her hurting or torturing you. “I-I’m sorry..” you apologized subconsciously.
“Quiet.” She growled and kicked you down, making sure you’re weak enough to not fight back. You grunt and hold your stomach, trying to push the tears down and not cry.you look up at her, your eyes filled with fear, confusion, and pleads, but she doesn’t care about that. Lite grips a handful of your hair harshly without any care, you let out a pained soft yelp and grab her hand, trying to pry it off. She chuckles mockingly at you. “Stupid sinner…you think you can overpower me? Huh? You’re too weak..just look at you now..pathetic and laying on the ground…” she glared down at your body. Then she smirked with an idea. “Might as well put you to work while you’re down there..” she said and let go of your hair.
You sigh in relief for a moment and hold the spot she pulled, as she went over and grabbed a chair, pulling it over to where you were. She grabbed some ropes, grabbing your wrists with her one arm, struggling a little, which you used to your advantage. You used your arm to grab hers, pulling her down. She grunts and glared at you, angered. “You little rat…” she kicked your chest hard, knocking the wind out of you, tears welled up in your eyes. “Just except your fate..you have no other purpose anyways..” she sneered and tied your wrists together as tight as possible.
You gasp sharply in pain and try to untie yourself “stop..” she said warningly..pulling you up by your hair with her arm.
This time, you couldn’t hold back, it hurt, a lot, and your hands were tied and you couldn’t do anything. You shut your eyes tightly and tried your best to not let those tears fall. “S-stop it please…” you begged. Lute rolled her eyes and set you in a kneeled position. Then she pulled off her tights, revealing her black laced panties and smooth pale skin. You tremble a little, confused of what’s going on. “What are you..?” You were cut off by Lute.
“Shush. Don’t speak or make a sound or I will end your pathetic little life, sinner” she sneered and took off her panties, revealing her wetness. You advert your eyes from her, looking down. She grabbed you chin with her arm and forced you to look up at her. “You will listen to my every word. No questions or hesitation, and maybe I’ll let you live peacefully here.” She tells you. You nod, your only focus was survival now that you were in the hand of this powerful exorcist.
“Good girl..learning so fast?” She smirked and said in an alluring way as she traced your jaw. You felt nothing but fear through your whole body, her praise only filling you with fear. She grabbed the collar of you shirt and pulled you closer to her, you could smell the sweat nectar in her core. “Open your mouth.” She demands and looked down at you intimidatingly, you shiver and tense at the look, looking down. You didn’t want to but this was your only way of survival.
You opened your mouth, obeying her command. “There we go..good girl..” she said effortlessly as her hand gripped the hair on the back of your head and pulled you closer to her wet pussy. You gulp as your mouth touched her wet, soft pussy, you let out a small whine…squirming a little under her. She lets out a satisfied sigh and closes her eyes, bucking her hips into you. “What are you waiting for? Start..” she waits impatiently for you to begin.
You tremble as your tongue starts to push around her pussy, tasting her sweat nectar and your saliva mixing with it. You closed your eyes tightly to block off the view. “Ohhh yea..just like that you little whore..keep going..” she growled softly and pushed your head even deeper into her warm core. Your tongue reached the inside of her tight entrance, forcing yourself to thrust in and out of her.
She moaned and gripped your hair hard, having no care of how much harm she would be casing you, only focusing on herself. “Fuck…you fucking cunt…hurry..” she rushed you..pulling your hair harshly as punishment. You let out a soft whimper and try your best to thrust your tongue faster. You feel her walls pulse and tighten around your wet tongue, Lutes thighs tightening around your head to keep you put. “Fuuuuck…” she moaned out and had her orgasm. “Swallow it..”
You could taste and feel her warm thick cum roll down your throat, some dripping down your chin. She finally allows you to pull away, pre-cum dripping down your chin, now drying there due to you having no way of wiping it off, your hands still tied. She stands up and licked you back down, you let out a grunt and try your best to stay silent. She grabbed your shirt and pulled you away into her room, roughly slamming you onto the bed on your stomach, your hips in the air. This time, she grabbed more restraints. “Spread your legs.” She demands.
You tremble and shakily spread your legs, your head burrowed in the sheets. She walked over and took your pants off roughly, tossing them without a care and then ripped your panties off, earning a shocked gasp from you when the cold air hit your exposed sex. You felt Lute grab your ankles, wrapping another rope around them and tied the other end to the beds poles, making sure you cousin’s move in any way.
Your breathing became heavy, you began to panic. She seemed to notice this and smirked, grabbing the largest strap she could find, putting it on and then climbing over you. “Aww~ don’t worry sweetheart…you’ll be just fine..” she said with no genuine care. You felt the cold rubber cock against your right core, trembling with fear, you did your best to not beg and beg for mercy, as Lute said to not speak. Without a warning she thrusts into your pussy, your breath hitched as she roughly violated your most sensitive part.
You hold in all your groaned and yells, or muffling them into the sheets. She used her only arm to hold herself up, lowering closer to your ear as she thrusted roughly. “You’re so tight..I’ll make sure I’m the only one who knows it..” she says to you and aggressively starts to kiss you neck, leaving marks and bites. You let out a pained moan, feeling the massive rubber cock hit your g-spot over and over again roughly. You let out whimpers and allow your tears to fall, not being able to take the pain.
She smirks at your weakness, thrusting even harder and moaning deeply into your ears to tease you. “That’s it…I’ll make you beg for this one day…” she chuckles darkly and continues to violate your now abused hole. You sob softly into the sheets, feeling your abused pussy hurting and hurting more, you felt as if you were getting split in two.
Your mind was telling you to not give in and let yourself cum big your body said different, your hole naturally tightening around the large rubber cock, close to climax. Lute smirked and laughed. “Your enjoying this? You little whore i knew it…don’t worry..I’ll make sure you get this everyday your with me..” she smirked and leaned down, now thrusting as hard as possible and biting the back of your neck, moaning against it.
You let out a louder cry as her teeth dig into your skin, drawing your red, warm, thick blood. She moaned at the warmth and bit you harder, thrusting harder into your pussy. Your pussy clutched around the rubber cock, finally having your orgasm. You pant under her, shaking and trembling uncontrollably, just praying and wishing it was over. But it wasn’t. The next thing you knew she sat up, pulling the rubber cock out of you roughly and then placing her one hand onto your thigh and squeezing it, then ducked her head under you and started to lick up all of your juices, causing you to let out a choked sob and moan.
Lute moaned against your pussy, sucking mercilessly at it and even biting it, you flinch and winced every time her teeth grazed your sensitive folds, causing you to tremble even more. She moved her hand up to your pussy, and then suddenly thrusted four fingers into your already abused pussy, you let out a muffled yelp into the sheets. “Aww baby..it’s not that bad..” she whispered back to you, her tone full of fake sweetness.
You sobbed more, she heard it and that turned her on even more, encouraging her to thrust harder. Her strong fingers hit and hit your g-spot as many times as possible and an unbelievable speed, this hurt more than the rubber cock. She was close to adding her own hand into you, your hurt trembling pussy couldn’t take anymore and some blood started to drop out, but that didn’t make Lute stop, it only made her want this more
You let out cries that were muffled into the sheets, your pussy naturally closing in on Lutes fingers, making her moan and thrust harder, your climax close. You finally released your orgasm again, dripping down Lutes fingers and into her face. She sits up and hungrily eats out your hurt, abused, and bleeding pussy, making every ounce of pre-cum like it was a delicious milkshake. She moaned and licked her lips and fingers. Panting, she gets up and unties your legs, then dragged you across her house.
Your face was covered in dried tears and the dried pre-cum form Lute on your chin. You were so sore, you were sure you wouldn’t be able to walk normally for awhile. She opened a door in her room far from any escapes, the room had nothing but a mattress in it. She placed you in the room, you still trembling and your hands still tied. She smirked and walked over to the door, a key in hand.
“See you tomorrow ~ sinner~”
A/n: uhhhhh, I don’t know if this was good but I hope you enjoyed!!!
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chalkscene · 2 years
tokyo revengers ⇢ YOU CALL THEM “FRIEND”
ft. ken “draken” ryuguji, shinichiro sano, rindou haitani, ran haitani & shuji hanma
warnings: none but also tr 268 got me fucked up so i guess i’ll start writing for shin too
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“yeah, i’m with a friend.” DRAKEN never eavesdrops but when he hears you refer to him as a friend, he immediately stops whatever he’s doing and throws you a glance over his shoulder to check if you’re serious—there you are, still propped up on his worktable as you carry on with the conversation on your phone. he barely catches a word you say as your voice has now dropped inaudibly but there’s a smile on your face. a smile. some goddamn nerve you have, he thinks. soon you hang up, hopping off the table before walking over to him. “baby, can you drive me home?” “can’t. i’m closing the shop tonight,” he answers curtly. “but you promised.” draken can detect the pout in your voice but right now, he’s not sure if it’s endearing or annoying. “too bad. why don’t you call inupi, your other friend? maybe he can give you a ride.” “wh-“ you don’t get the chance to convince your boyfriend as he abruptly turns away, forcing you to put an end to your stupid prank—you did not expect him to be this pissed off about it. “oh my god, ken. i was joking!”
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SHINICHIRO loves casual intimacy. a huge sucker for it, even. but when he hears you on a call with someone talking about him—your friend, apparently, he’s too cautious to even hold your hand. “are we not supposed to tell people about us?” he hesitantly asks the instant you hang up the phone, “cause i may have told some of my friends…” despite your heart being sent aflutter, you try to stay in character but it quickly becomes unbearable when your boyfriend looks at you with clear guilt in his eyes. “but it’s okay,” shinichiro adds, “they can keep a secret... i think.” you’re mentally forming consoling words to tell him when he continues to ramble, a frown now creasing his eyebrows as he curses to himself. “fuck. i’m sorry, i should’ve asked-” “shin, i was kidding.” “huh?” “it was a prank.” “oh.” you giggle at his dumbfounded expression but he doesn’t return the sentiment. instead, he pouts, “that wasn’t funny.” taking his face in your hands, you smoothen the wrinkle on his forehead with a kiss before pressing your lips against his. “don’t worry. my friends know about you, too.”
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“i’m on my way home… yeah... my friend’s driving me… okay. love you. bye.” RINDOU remains quiet as he listens to your words but had it been broad daylight, you would’ve seen the way his knuckles are almost white from how tightly he’s gripping the steering wheel. as soon as he pulls up in front of your house, he shifts the gear to park rather harshly which catches you off guard. “rin?” “what the hell was that?” his voice is low but there’s an obvious bite to it, “calling me friend then saying you love someone else?“ “yeah. my mom.” he simply blinks at your response. “what?” “that was my mom,” you reiterate. “then why did you call me friend? i thought she knows about us.” “she does,” you say with a chuckle in spite of your very evidently unamused boyfriend, “i was just messing with you. i didn’t think you’d be mad.” you reach over the console, gently taking his hand. “if it makes you feel better, i’ll tell her it was a joke and you were the friend. she loves you.” “at least one of you does,” he mutters, making you flick his forehead. “i loved you first.”
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RAN is requesting for the tab when he hears you refer to him as friend to whoever it is you’re on the phone with. two can play at that game, he smugly thinks. so he pretends to not have heard you, reading over the receipt once it’s been placed on your table. he’s just inserted the bills into the holder when you put your phone away and as you count the banknotes, you realize they only cover his order. “i wouldn’t have ordered so much if i knew i was paying for myself,” you mumble as you rummage through your purse for your wallet. “i don’t even pay for rindou’s dinner,” ran shrugs, “let alone a friend.” your boyfriend doesn’t say anything else but a smirk begins to curl on his lips when you only gape at him. “it was a prank, ran.” “that’s what i thought.” you shoot him a scowl which he returns with a wink, grinning at you in self-satisfaction as he puts his money back into his wallet and takes out his black card.
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“if by boyfriend, you mean my friend who’s a boy then yes, i’m with my boyfriend.” from the corner of your eye, you see HANMA snap his head in your direction and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to contain your laughter. as soon as you pull your phone away from your ear, your boyfriend sidles up to you. “so i’ve been demoted to ‘friend who’s a boy’? baby, you’re breaking my heart.” “you have a heart?” you say with a mock expression of surprise on your face before cracking a smile which hanma reciprocates. “i’m just teasing. i love you, shuji.” you’re about to reach for his hand when he beats you to it, curling your fingers until they form a fist and he bumps it with his own. “love you too brah!”
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utahimesgf · 2 months
Hii! for your atla/lok event, can i req a tophxfem!firebender with the prompt “please just listen to me” angst and romance if that’s fine? thank you!! :)
whispers in the dark
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ᥫ᭡ hello! I’m sorry this took a while, i really (don’t like it very much) but hope you like it! i love toph<3 (this takes place after the events of atla, and the comics, so they are 15-16 or something) (also… i didn’t proof read it, so sorry for any errors)
toph beifong x fem! reader
ᥫ᭡ when on a mission with toph, you reveal your most regretful mistake and biggest secret. you feared it would forever ruin your most dear relationship.
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Silence crept up the bone of your spine.
it was suffocating— the heat was scorching, you felt as though your limbs could fall of any second. Your heart beat was fast— not because you couldn’t get a clear path, but because you couldn’t breathe. The air in your lungs was nonexistent, your body barely hanging on to the big gulp of oxygen you provided before making the most stupid decision of your life.
You kept close to Toph, making sure not to loose her in this tunnel— knowing she was the only where who knew exactly where to go, when to go.
the only sound in the never ending cave was the constant beat of her bare feet moving through the dirt, listening, waiting, like a preditor to prey. It was gnawing, the silence— the lack of oxygen , the sticky air.
you wanted gasp, to breath— but you couldn’t, too afraid you would give away your position.
your lungs ached, scratching your throat and piercing your chest cavity— desperately trying to get what they want, but you fought it, puffing your cheeks and calming your rapid heart.
You couldn’t see— anything— Toph was your only hope of survival, and only you knew that without her— and without your flame, you were dead.
A rough hand met yours, pulling you forward when you staggered behind, urging you to continue on your path. You shut your eyes— because; open or not, the only visible thing was darkness.
you followed toph blindly, holding the air in your lungs as long as you could.
your head felt fuzzy.
you shut your eyes, shaking your head and swallowing harshly. your body began to contract, its need for air conditioning you to suffer. Toph caught on, and you wondered how she could hold her breath for so long, as she didn’t seem to falter nearly as much as you.
Finally, after what felt like neons, she stopped walking, her grip on your hand loosened to the point she let go, leaving you to put your hand to your mouth, and the earth began to shake.
She lifted you two from the tunnel, slowly, so agonizingly slow, you could pass out.
finally, finally, you were met with the bright light of the shining sun, meeting the familiar sight of freedom. You released your gasp, lungs taking in as much air as you possibly could, toph doing the same. You coughed, breathing in the freshness of the outside world. You fell back, laying flat on the high grass that was new behind you, continuing your heavy breaths and deep breathing.
“Finally,” Toph managed out, and it was astonishing how she could find her voice after so long of holding her breath. you couldn’t find yours, only nodding and staring at the sky.
you groaned when she obscured your vision, and you sat up.
“I thought i was going to die,” you exclaim, sighing heavily and placing a hand to your temple. Toph laughed, crossing her arms.
“c’mon, we have to meet the others,” she says, offering her hand out to you. It was pointed a little too far to the left, but you decided to say nothing of it and took her hand palm in palm with yours.
You and Toph, along side Aang, Katara, and sokka, had just escaped a highly secured prison. The reason you were there? you couldn’t answer. Half the time with their group, you didn’t know what you were doing.
They mentioned something about letting someone out, but you didn’t know if that meant they were letting someone out, or if someone else had let that person out. Honestly? you decided not to get too involved
In fact, the only reason you were here, and not back at camp— was because toph had insisted you come. why? once again, you hadn’t an idea.
Your friendship with the legendary earthbender was a deep one, a connection that ran though you both like tree roots through the ground. You enjoyed her company, as did she, yours, but you couldn’t help the tinge of guilt that ate at you with every second you spent with her and the others.
You both had met when the 100 year war was ‘Still forging onward,’ being accepted into their group at such a calloused time lead for the truth to be slightly bent in your favor, a favor you knew you’d regret not fessing up to immediately.
While the one hundred year war was continuing, firebender’s were the most feared and despised people in the world, why would anyone— especially the avatar— want anything to do with someone of that caliber?
You were a firebender. And growing up in the fire nation, you were a pretty damn good liar as well.
When toph had used her ability to tell if you were lying, you easily passed her test with flying colors and slowly earned the trust of the gang. She trusted you dearly, as did the others, but you couldn’t help but was to burn off your own tongue for lying in such a crude way.
The guild will never not burn you.
you cleared your throat as you walked beside her, hoping your façade wasn’t slipping away and she couldn’t catch you. You sent her a side glance, her hair falling afront her face.
if the truth got out, you fear the person you find most dear will be lost forever.
“So,” you hummed, the silence falling between you both was not like the suffocating kind. it was calming.
“where exactly are we going?” you ask, hands intertwined behind your back, glancing occasionally to the girl beside you.
Toph didn’t say anything, only throwing a harsh punch to your shoulder out of nowhere. “Ouch!” you exclaim, furrowing your brows as Toph smirked. “What was that for?”
“felt like it.” toph hummed out, putting her arms over her head so her elbows stuck out, her smirk adding to her cocky look.
“so mean, toph.” you playfully said, sniffing jokingly. she waved her hand, cracking a laugh at your actions.
“we’re meeting aang up the hill,” she says, answering your previous question and walking faster. You jogged to catch up, still rubbing the sore spot on your shoulder from her punch.
you didn’t reply, her answer didn’t really call for a response in itself.
once again, you two walked in silence. The birds sang and the wind hummed, it was calming.
but you felt a pitch in your stomach.
Your pace with toph faltered momentarily, and it caught the girls attention. she asked what was the matter, and you shrugged it off.
your walking continued, as did your feeling. You swallowed. You’ve felt this many times before, like you were being watched, scavenged— hunted. You’d witnessed it first hand, and the feelings as well too familiar.
But, you opted to believe it was your imagination, as Toph seemed fine. She kept her normally quick speed, which you failed to catch up to due to your unfortunate instant of feeling.
A twig.
You halted, and Toph did too— her hers pinned in the same direction as your eyes. To the forest point of the trail. You stood ground, scanning— waiting.
you knew something was out there— Suddenly, a giant burst of flaming hot red fire shot towards toph, the heat passing by you and burning the skin of your forearm.
You yelp momentarily from the pain, you were out of practice.
but, quickly regaining self and taking action by stepping afront the earthbender to protect her— smoothly redirecting the flame to the source.
A groan was heard from the woods as the fire shot through and to the original predecessor, who now lay limp on the floor.
You assumed nothing of him— quickly turning your attention to toph. You’d just firebent— infront of her.
your heart dropped, the expression on her face was unreadable, almost unsettling— her eyes held nothing, you couldn’t decipher what she was thinking.
“I—” your words were cut off by the sting of your burn, causing you to breathe in roughly through clenched teeth.
You clenched your jaw when Toph stepped away from you, her feet tightly ground to the floor.
“Toph, please just listen to me.” you pleaded, but before you could step forward, earth engulfed your moving foot, preventing you from stepping forward.
The lump in your throat was worse than suffocating.
The stone in your heart was heavy enough to make you drown.
Toph walked off, rolling her jaw with stiff shoulders and fists clenched so tight you worried she might draw blood. You called after her, apologies behind each step she took.
You couldn’t stop the tears from brimming in your eyes. You didn’t know if it was from the severity of your burn, or the fact that the most important person to you had found out the one thing you regret most.
you let tears roll once the girl was gone from your vision, cursing yourself over and over.
You were such a Fool.
Toph clenched her jaw so tight, she swore she heard the crack of her bone. each step she took felt like she had just stepped in burning hot magma, leaving her body to ache and scream.
you were a firebender.
You lied to her. How could you? after everything?
you’d won the poor girls heart, caught in between your hands like a firefly in the night. this is how she gets repaid for being docile. this is what she gets for feeling such things for you.
toph angrily grunted, kicking rocks from her path and wanting to throw herself off the cliff.
how could you?
“Toph!” the familiar call of Aang paused her thoughts, the girl completely halting her movements as the boy approached. She felt the confusion swirl within him, and nausea flooded her like a river. how was she going to tell him?
“Where’s Y/n?” aang asked innocently, curiously and worry brimming his tone with concern for his friend. Toph bit her cheek, no doubt a sour look on her face.
“You mean the liar?” she bit out, almost surprised by her own tone. Aang flinched at the unexpected gesture of reply, confusion placing itself on his face.
“what?” Toph almost felt bad for him. Aang really liked you, and he often found himself pulling strings with you and toph for fun.
Toph crossed her arms, “yeah. the liar,” she repeated, passing by the boy with a soft shove to his shoulder— but for him, enough to send him slightly staggering backward.
“What are you talking about?” he insisted, and Toph knew for a fact that if she could see his face, she’d feel even more horribly.
She suddenly turned around— Aang, who had previously been closely following her footsteps— slammed into her rock hard form.
She laughed bitterly. “Our little, innocent friend y/n,” she says mockingly, usung her hands to add to her tone in physical gestured expression. “Is a firebender.” she could feel the hitch of aang’s breath and the grip he held on his staff tighten.
“she’s been lying to us this whole time.” her words were sour, like eating spoiled fruit, or drinking poorly done tea.
Aang’s reply didn’t come anytime soon, and toph could only guess his feelings on the subject.
Toph knew that it mattered mostly because your lie was told during the most important time of their lives. The hundred year war. You lied to them about.. everything. During the day if the black sun, Sozin’s comit, you lied. Every, single, time.
Toph kicked a massive chunk of dirt off the cliff, hearing it slam down the many feet of rock to the base of the hill.
“i can’t believe this.” she spoke, sitting down on a rock nearby and letting out a deep, heavy sigh. She was hurt.
she felt like her heart had been ripped apart. damn organ never learned.
“We can forgive her, Toph. make her amend,” aang finally said, “Yes, she lied, but she is still y/n. her bending doesn’t define her.” he added.
sometimes his optimism was too much.
Toph shot from her seat, fuming. “Forgive her?” she shouted, expanding a hand to where she had left you, feeling you still in the grasp of the earth she left you in. “She lied! for over two years, aang. She’s a liar— how do we know she isn’t lying about everything else she’s told us?” she bit, clearly more upset than the Airbender.
Aang took a deep breath, he was calm. the flaming opposite of toph.
“I understand that, Toph, but we met her a while ago during the war, and, well, being a firebender was definitely.. not the way to join our group.” he recalled, referring to when Zuko tried to join after almost a year of hunting him and his friends down.
“Zuko is a firebender. And now we are all close friends, even to y/n. even though she lied.” aang stepped closer to toph, who’s nose was scrunched. “I’m sure she didn’t plan to keep on lying.”
“But she did,” the beifong quickly bit back, figuring for anymore reason to continue her strike on you. “the war ended almost two and a half ago, and she is with us so often. Why wouldn’t she just tell us? Why didn’t she use her firepower during the Comit?”
Aang pursed his lips as Toph continued on, and his understanding for her rage deepened.
It wasn’t.. a big secret, the way that toph felt for you. She had no doubt the biggest soft spot for you than anyone else in the group— heck, probably anyone else in the world. She put up with you day and night, and being the busy person she was, she would uncharacteristically drop both important as well as unimportant things to spend her time with you.
Aang may only be fifteen, but he wasn’t stupid.
Aang grew up in the air temples, where people didn’t hide who they loved, men or women alike. The air nomads were accepting of all differences and embraced everyone, no matter their orientation. and right now, aang felt as though Toph could use some good avatar wisdom.
He placed a solid hand to the shoulder of the furious Earthbender, her words dying in her throat. “Toph,” aang said, and said girl knew she was in for it now.
“The feelings you hold for Y/n aren’t a mystery,” he says, his hold on toph unwavering as she visibly stiffened under his words.
“I understand why you are so upset, the betrayal and hurt you feel must been worse than any pain,” he sympathized, surprising himself how he was able to actually, somewhat, cool toph down. “But we should hear her out. At least for a little while.”
the beifong sat down once more on the rock after shoving off her friends hand, keeping her feet firm to the ground, she spoke. “Fine.”
Aang instantly went to fetch you, finding you in no time. He approached slowly, your figure rolled into a ball. He saw your foot held tightly by the earth, causing you to not be able to escape — although if you wanted to, you could.
“Y/n?” he called slowly, hearing your sniffling. You quickly lifted your heard to the familiar sound of your friends voice.
Aang frown as he saw you— tear stains ran down your face, your lips and eyes puffy from crying. You didn’t speak, only looking away from his eyes in shame.
he knew how horrible you must feel. Lying, no matter how justified , is a punishment for both ends of the party.
You stood up as he came closer, clumsily wiping your cheeks free of the previous tear stains, and it was only then did he notice the burn on your forearm. He took note of it for later.
Your face was skeptical with each step he took, like you didn’t know if he was going to hurt you, or help you.
Your eyes widen when the grasp of earth on your foot fell away, retreating back to the earth by command of the Avatar. You watched it go, flickering your gaze to meet the sincere eyes of aang.
He expanded his hand for you to take, and with caution— you accepted it.
He led you back up the hill, guiding you slowly and smiling every time you caught his eye.
The feelings you harbored for toph weren’t a mystery, either. it was painful to see any interaction between you both , as everyone who bore witness was at the edge of their seat with suspense. You are always eager to help, offering to fill positions people didn’t want, hoping to it easier for everyone— when, well, toph just did what she wanted, when she wanted. he was surprised you two got along so well when you’d first met.
your steps halted when aang’s did. You could almost feel toph’s displeasure in the air. You couldn’t dare to look up, even if she couldn’t see you.
Aang cleared his throat, releasing his comforting grip on your hand and stepping between you two.
“So,” he started, nodding. “there has been a.. miscommunication between all of us, and we have brought you, y/n, here help us resolve it.”
you were genuinely surprised by how calm he sounded, almost like he wasn’t bothered with the fact you’d been lying to them all this time.
You stood awkwardly when no one said anything, too afraid of Toph screaming at you for opening your mouth.
“Y/n,” he called, “Why don’t we start with why you decided to lie in the first place.”
that’s how it started. you were honest from the very beginning. You had told them the truth of most things, you were raised in the fire nation, just not in the less population areas. you did undergo training, but it was not just physical combat but fire as well. You did not want to lie, but you saw no other option.
you never wanted to hurt them.
Toph abruptly stood up when you finished, clearly still fuming. She walked off, fists clenched. You watched her do with shameful eyes, gnawing your cheek.
Aang saw, stepping forward.
“I’ll help your burn, and then you can go talk to her.” you wanted to refuse his offer, after everything you’ve done he wanted to help you? but he didn’t list it as an option to say no.
You let him heal your arm with waterbending he learned from Katara— someone you knew would not take this lightly.
aang had a plan. heal you up, and get you to talk to Toph. despite how obviously upset she is, she has yet to lash out on you. the soft spot she has for you hasn’t left, and he’s hoping this whole thing will reveal it to you.
“Done,” he says, wrapping a cloth around the burn and securing it tightly. You winced, knowing you were definitely going to have a scar.
“go talk to Toph.” he motioned in the direction she went, and you faltered. “Aang,” you cleared your throat to hide the crack in it, “She hates me.” your words seemed to physically pain you. “I.. can’t. She will just be more upset. she deserves space and time and—“ you stopped, his hand was placed to your shoulder firmly. A grip he did to stop rambling.
“Go talk to her.” you couldn’t deny his demand, nodding and slowly turning away to walk after the Earthbender. Aang sigh, scratching the nape of his back as he watched you tumble away.
You held your burnt arm, his healing skills not nearly as good as Katara’s , hence the pain you continued to feel.
after what felt like days, you finally found Toph. Sitting once more on a rock as her pale green eyes found solace on whatever was infront of her. You knew she knew you were there, her feet hadn’t left the floor since you’d met her.
you approached with caution, stopping when she shifted in her seat to cross her arms. You took a leap of faith and sat down beside her, swallowing the lump in your throat as you tried to find the words.
all that came out was a weak apology.
“I’m so, so sorry.”
your voice was trembling, almost like you were scared. Toph didn’t know what you had to be afraid of, and she wondered if you were scared of her.
when her reply didn’t come, you went to stand up— to give her the space she so desperately needed, but before you could get too far, a calloused hand caught your wrist.
You froze, Turing to face her. she was standing up with her expression once more unreadable, but the grip she had on you was strong enough to leave a mark.
You went to utter another apology— but before you could muster up the courage— a pair of soft lips met yours.
If you could die from pure and utter shock and surprise, you would be dead. Was she.. kissing you? Now? here? after what you did?
you were too surprised to do anything, but eventually you snapped back and cautiously kissed her back. It was soft, like a shallow embrace. it was warm, like holding someone in a cold night.
you pulled back first, breathing nervously through your nose. You stare at her, not missing the sprinkle of pink dusting her pale face. You were about to open your mouth when a very rough punch came your way.
Her fist landed right above your burn, causing you to genuinely wince of pain. It didn’t really seem to bother her, though. and you took that as her way of getting back at you.
She slipped a small, shy smile.
“Don’t lie to me ever again, stupid.”
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