#don't let me give another man my hard earned cash
knoxvill3-nati0n · 2 months
guys... please talk me out of buying one of the new BAM decks... I'm so serious. $90 is really good for a board but it's probably in USD 😞
especially since I just blew an embarrassing amount of money on steve-o's website... guys tell me i don't need it, i'm begging.
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wandafiction · 3 months
Hela's Kitchen - Just Us Chapter 24
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3507
Series List | Chapter 23 | Chapter 25
So it's now Saturday, yes it's been a week since girls night. For the most part my week has been made up of going to Wanda's or her coming to mine after work, as both our work schedules were a lot lighter than the week before. It's been nice to be able to have meals every night with someone, sharing the bed with them and then waking up to kisses all over my face. Which, I now realise, is something Wanda loves to do and it makes me smile every time I open my eyes to her gorgeous, shiny green eyes and that toothy grin. 
I feel like I'm ready for the next step, crazy. I know we have known each other for just over 2 weeks but...I don't know. There is just something about her that pulls me in, she has been worming her way into my life since day one and even though we are still getting to know one another I want to give this thing a chance. Like a real chance. I just hope Wanda feels the same.
"Dorogoy, you okay over there? I can practically see the steam leaving your ears at how hard you're thinking?" Wanda brings her hand to rest on top of mine as we both drink our coffee and eat our pastries. We decided to come back to Second Asgard, as it's a beautiful day out and we wanted to explore New York a little together. I'm thinking of taking us to Brooklyn Bridge and then maybe the park next to it, for a beautiful evening. I am going to take her to a nice restaurant where the prices are a little steep but not ridiculous. I think I'm ready to be more than what we are at the moment, but I am going to wait for her to make that move. I don't want to rush her or make her uncomfortable, I am completely willing to go at her speed. Her pace.
"Sorry, just lost in thought about what else we could do today. What would you say if I drove us to Brooklyn and we did some sightseeing and enjoyed an evening stroll in the park?" 
"I would say let's go!" I laugh out as she finished off her coffee, quickly wrapping her pastry in a napkin so she can eat it in the car on the way there.
"You go get in the car, I will pay for this and before you argue you paid last time." I give her a pointed look and she shrugs her shoulders as she stands from her chair.
"Wasn't going to argue anyway." She cheekily replies before kissing my cheek and making her way to the car.
"She looks happy." I turn my head to see the blonde man smiling up at me. "You're good for her y/n, as she is good for you. But don't hurt her."
"I won't Thor, not on purpose. But I've I do hurt her I will pass you the gun." 
"That's what I like to hear. Now don't keep a lady waiting." I smile at him as I give him cash for the food. As he is handing me change his brother walks in.
"My brother is right darling. I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time, the same goes for you. While we have you alone I just want to apologise for my actions all those years ago. I should have never blamed you, it wasn't your fault in any way shape or form. I just had so much anger in me when I heard the news and to see you laying in that hospital bed alive. I should have never said what I said." I swallow the lump in my throat. I don't think I've ever heard Loki apologise and definitely not this sincerely. 
"Did Thor tell you off after last week?" I let out a small laugh, as does Loki 
"Maybe. But I mean it, my words are unforgivable."
"Thank you Loki. It means a lot to hear you say it and as for forgiveness you are forgiven because even though your words killed me I've come to terms with what you said and know they were wrong. As for our friendship you're going to have to earn that back, but I'm really looking forward to having you in my life again." 
"Can I hug you?" Loki asks timidly. I give him a soft smile and silently make my way over to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders bringing his body closer to mine. His arms wrap around my torso and I feel him grip onto the back of my shirt like his life depends on it. I feel his shoulders shudder slightly and I know that he is crying.
"You're okay. I'm okay. We are going to be okay." He nods against my shoulder, as I feel the tears start to soak through my shirt. "We are going to be okay. You hear me? I can't lose you again." 
"You won't. I promise I will do better." He takes his head off my shoulder as he looks up at me, me standing just a few inches taller. I lean my forehead against him, it's something we have done since we first met. It just lets the other person know we are with them and that it's going to be okay. 
"I know. Now as Thor said I can't keep the lady waiting. She is probably watching this through the window think 'what the fuck is going on'." Loki moves to look around me.
"Oh yeah, I'm getting the death glare." We all laugh out loud as I turn to see Wanda's face soften when she sees mine, I know that I've got a few tears running down my face. I wipe them away as I smile back at her. 
"I will see you boys next week." 
"Starting your weekly tradition of coffee and a muffin again." I nod and give Loki a goodbye kiss on the cheek and Thor wraps me into a crushing hug.
I escape from Thors grasp and make my way out of the café. I shake my body off as I walk out the door trying to stop the small tremors that have started in my hand from the many emotions I'm feeling. I take a deep breath in before slowly releasing , making my way to the car where Wanda has made her way out of and is standing on the sidewalk next to the car. She opens up her arms and I practically fall into a hug with her, my arms wrapping around her waist as I squeeze her tightly. I bend my body slightly so she can rest her chin on my shoulder and stand back up. She squeals as her legs sway in the air, now no longer on the floor.
"Y/n! Put me down." She squeals as I spin her around once and gently place her back down on the ground. Wanda removes herself from the embrace, her hands moving to cup my cheeks as she looks up at me, the sun lighting up her face perfectly. "You okay dorogoy? You had quite the moment with Loki back there."
I quirk my eyebrow at the jealousy I hear in her voice. "It's not what you think it may be Wanda. He is more like an uncle to me than anything else, and he apologised for something he did in the past. So yes I am okay. Actually never better. So Brooklyn?" 
"Brooklyn!" Wanda repeats excitedly as she pulls my face down to kiss me, taking her time giving my bottom lip attention before playfully biting it. We jump back from one another when we hear a loud knocking next to us, looking to see Loki behind the glass window of the café with an unimpressed look.
"Stop eating your girlfriends face in the middle of the sidewalk it's disgusting how happy you look." His muffled voice vibrates through the glass as he fake gags at the sight of us, but neither of us pointing out that we aren't girlfriends. When I realise Wanda didn't say anything, I look to her to see her looking at me with something I can't quite decipher and I nearly ask her out right then and there. But I have a plan, and I can't spoil it with my blabbermouth. I have to wait for her.
"Right, let's go." 
I open the passenger door for Wanda, making sure she is comfortable and buckled in before I make my way to my side. As I turn the keys starting the ignition checking my mirrors so I can pull away safely, I see Wanda place her hand on the dashboard of the car as I rev it. She loves this car, and I love that she loves this car.
We are sitting in the car enjoying one of the many radio stations, as we drive with the windows down our hair dancing in the wind. I have one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on the frames of the door moving it up and down in the wind. I see Wanda shuffle to face me more as she rests her elbow on her door resting her face in her open palm.
"'Can I ask you something?" Her voice breaks the comfortable silence we had going.
"What did Loki apologise for? I mean I've never seen that man cry and whatever he was saying made him emotional enough to cry." Wanda asks cautiously, not sure what my reaction may be. I take a minute to think about my answer but ultimately decide to tell her, it's about time I open about this time of my life.
"A few years ago, someone he was close with. Not in that way, but in a family member but not by blood way. Well they were killed in an incident that I was also involved in. They ended up dying while I survived, not that I was in good condition, but when I woke up in hospital the first thing Loki did was blame me. We had so many fights and I officially kicked him out of my life. Long story short he came crawling back with apology after apology and I think only recently have I been able to forgive him and accept his apology." 
We sat in silence for a few minutes as Wanda took in this information, I allowed her to take it in. It's a lot, and even though that's not even close to the whole story, hopefully it's enough for her to understand enough for her to know that I am willing to open up and tell her everything but it's going to take time. 
"How do you feel now?" I furrow my brows as I take a quick glance at Wanda before returning my eyes to the road.
"What do you mean?" 
"Well it sounds like you went through something really traumatic and then got blamed for that trauma. But now you have forgiven the man that placed the blame, I'm assuming all is not forgotten and he is going to have to earn is family title back, but how does it make you feel knowing you want him back in your life?" 
"Sometimes I forget you're 11 years older than me and then you come out with these wise words and the right questions. You know what to say when to say it and when to push and when not to push. It's impressive how you do it."
"Thank you, but answer the question." She knows to push and when not too and now is a time I definitely need a push.
"I feel lighter. Like I can let go of the hatred I had against myself because for the longest time I believed his words to be true, but I don't. Not anymore and I think that's how I am able to forgive him." I move my hand from the window to the steering wheel so I can grab onto Wanda's hand, bringing to my lips to kiss her knuckles. "Thank you for pushing."
"Thank you for trusting me with it." 
"Well I trust you Wanda."
"I trust you too y/n." 
"I do have one question though." 
"Do you want me to meet your boys at all?" I hear Wanda hum in thought.
"I would like you too. I mean they come back to mine tomorrow and we are planning a friends and family cook out for next Friday. It would be really nice if you could come, just to meet them but I don't want to force you to do anything you're not ready for."
"I would really like to meet your boys, just give me the time I should show up, if I need to bring anything and I will be there." I lean over to kiss her on the cheek as we come to a stop at a red light. "We are nearly here by the way."
Wanda turns to look at her open window, her eyes searching her surroundings, taking in the bridge and park in the distance. I have booked a meal first, before we go for our walk and just spend time with each other.
"Where are we heading the bridge is the other way?" 
"Well I thought I would treat you to a beautiful meal first."
"Y/n." Wanda groans slightly, I know she hates the idea of me spending money on her.
"Wanda." I match her tone. "I know you don't like people spending money on you or for you, but I like to so you have no choice in the matter. If you really dislike the idea of me paying for all the food and drinks, don't, because there is no reason for you to. This is my treat." 
"I. I. Thank you." She breathes out slightly defeated. 
"If you really hate the idea of me paying for the whole thing I have no issue of you putting money towards it, I mean we can go Dutch if you really want to. I just thought I would treat you." I shrug, I get why she dislikes the idea of someone spending money on her.
"No, wait, no I mean thank you. This is really sweet. I like that you're treating me, I'm just going to have to get used to someone spending money on me again because since me and vision divorced I've always spent my own money on myself and the boys. Even before that vision didn't treat me much." 
"Well, unfortunately for you, you're going to have to get used to it because I like the idea of treating you. Spoiling you. Spending my money on you." 
"I like that idea but I want to spoil you as well." 
"I'm not going to say no to being spoiled to something once in a while. My favourite ice cream is caramel, my favourite drink is anything caramel flavoured. My favourite café is New Asgard and my favourite place to be is either on the beach or on the hills. Oh and I love sunset or sunrise." 
"Good to know. I will start planning my own little treats for you."
"I can't wait, princess. Whatever you do I will enjoy and cherish it." 
"So where are we going?" 
"Have you ever heard of Hela's kitchen?" I ask turning into the parking lot for the 5 star restaurant. 
"Yeah, Thor and Loki mention it every now and again. It's their older sister's restaurant right?" 
"It is." 
"I have another question."
"Go for it."
"Do you know everyone in New York?" I laugh out as I climb out the car making my way to Wanda's door holding it open for her as I give her my hand to hoist her out. 
"No I don't. I just know people who know people. I mean I didn't know your friends or those three men who were at the club. But I get what you are saying. It is a little creepy that we both know the same people yet have never met each other"
"Right! It's crazy to think we could have seen each other in passing but only now are we really seeing each other." 
"Well I see you Wanda."
"I see you too Y/n." Wanda takes a hold of my hand as we calmly walk to the front of the line. "I'm assuming because you know the owner you can just sort of skip the hour wait?"
"You assume correctly." I nod to the waiter who has worked here since I started coming, so he hands me two menus as I walk past and go to my regular chair which has a reserved sign on it. 
I pull out Wanda's chair for her as she takes her red leather jacket off, and I grab it, placing it on the back of her chair as she gets comfortable. I tuck her chair in for her, passing her one of the menus and make my way to my chair. I already know what I'm going to get and what drink I would like, but I have enough patience to wait for Wanda's decision. 
"Is there anything you would suggest?" Wanda peaks up over her menu seeing mine laying on the table discarded.
"I am going to have the sirloin steak, medium rare as they cook it perfectly here. I get chunky chips and peas as well. It's just what I need."
"Well that sounds delicious so I will have what you are having, and for a drink I will just have a cheap glass of red." I smile and nod at Wanda as I see Hela appear from her office making her way over.
"Y/n! Honey, it's been a minute."
"Well it took you long enough to make an appearance I was going to call a waiter over." I laugh out loud.
"How fucking rude of you! I will let you know I wasn't aware you were coming here tonight."
"Well you better train your staff better." I jest. Hela juts her chin at my words, but I know she knows I mean no harm. "Anway Hela this is Wanda, Wanda Hela. Wanda is a friend of Thor and Loki's and Hela is their sister."
"It is lovely to finally meet you, Hela. I have heard a lot about you from your brothers." 
"All good things I hope?" Hela holds out her hand which Wanda takes as they shake hands introducing themselves to one another.
"Of course." 
"Wanda that name rings a bell. Your the Sokovian with two twin boys right?" Wanda nods her head letting out a small yeah. "So are you two together yet?"
Me and Wanda both go wide eyed and stare between one another and then back at the Hela. Hela raises her eyebrows at us as we both recover from the question.
"I take that as a no?" Me and Wanda both nod our head at her question. "Well that's a shame, you guys make a cute couple."
"We've only known each other for like two weeks." I say more to myself than Hela because I feel like I'm ready for the next step but don't want to rush Wanda.
"Well you're stupid for not already asking Wanda out. She deserves better from you." Hela hits the back of my head earning a scowl from me and a laugh from Wanda. "Oh and Wanda your stupid too for not locking it down sooner." That shuts Wanda up.
"As y/n said we have only known each other for 2 weeks, and a day technically."
"Well you are both stupid because there is no timeline on these things." She mutters another stupid under her breath before smiling at us. "Anyway Y/n are you having your normal."
"Of course."
"And for you Wanda?"
"I will be having the same." Wanda places her menu on mine, handing it over to Hela.
"So two sirloin steaks, medium rare, with our cheapest red?" Hela double checks our order.
"Yes please Hela."
"No problem, someone will be back with your drinks and I will bring your food over when it's ready." With that Hela turns on her heels heading towards the bar to put our order in the system. 
"She is very to the point." Wanda voices her observations.
"She is, but it's one of the good things about her. She says it as it is."
"So what are we doing after our meal? Any more surprises?" Wanda sucks in her cheeks slightly poking her tongue into her left one as she stares at me, a small smirk grows on her face as she sees my eyes drop to her actions. Well holy shit, now that was hot! She has to know what she is doing.
"No nothing but the walk in the park to have an explore and look at the bridge." 
"Perfect. I can't wait." 
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shinygoku · 3 months
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
March is here and we have a strong entry for this CutCat Reviews Beatles Albums series! However I wanna specify that this is the Album and not the movie, though the Movie is something I'd like to delve into at a later date~
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I like the concept behind this cover, conveying some of their Range through multiple pictures. It was oddly hard to get a high resolution pic to put here (I ended up screenshotting the YT upload instead lmao), it's good the actual photos are high contrast. Far from my fav set of images but better than the US version lmao
Anyway, other than being the Album of the Film, this is notable for being the first All-Originals LP, as well as being very John heavy, with George leading vocals on one song, and Ringo having none. Before I hear 'em all, the ones that stick most in my mind are the title track and Can't Buy Me Love, so let's see how the whole album is to experience~
A Hard Day's Night: <TWAAAAAAANG--!> An amazing start (if a bit of a Headphones User Jumpscare) and a beautiful medley of their different instruments and vocals. The 2023 remix makes the distinct elements clearer, so I heartily endorse giving it a listen even if ya've heard the song or watched the movie hundreds of times!
I Should Have Known Better: Harmonica is still in heavy use here! After that, the first note is ...less than melodic, but the more words we get into the song the better it gets, until the chorus resets back to the long drawn out "I" again lol
If I Fell: The harmony really offers a pretty sound to this number. It kinda feels like a sequel song to I Wanna Hold Your Hand, albeit I do prefer that one. It's pretty but the way the Ex keeps coming up leaves me unsure of the intended Vibe. I like it more in the Film where John is serenading Ringo tbh :3c
I'm Happy Just to Dance With You: Oh hey, George! And dang, this is the 2nd song to reference Holding Hands, and again it isn't as bodacious as that, but I am enjoying this song on its own merits lmao. It's jaunty and yet casual, there's a warmth to the energy here. It's straightforward and sweet, I'd even go as far as to say it's a hidden gem, and the bass and drums have me moving about~
And I Love Her: A pretty Paul song that perhaps feels more like poetry. Groovy guitars and bongos lend a good atmosphere, and the lyrics paint a nice visual. It kinda feels like the sort of song that is best on a nighttime drive, even though vinyls weren't made for cars lol, just a nice vibe to it...
Tell Me Why: This album has a lot of distinct openings already, doesn't it? This is a Displeased Song, but there's a good groove occuring and dope vocal syncing. Like I Should Have Known Better, I prefer the parts of the song that aren't the title, however this one grows more on me than that lol. Annoyingly, this was not given a 2023 remix, so the lovely drumming work isn't as apparent as it deserves!
Can't Buy Me Love: CAN'T BUY ME LOOOO-OOOVE !! Like, man! That's another hugely catchy opening and refrain, innit~ It's all too easy to be cynical and point out how much cash these lads were raking in, but the words still ring as the truth, and the song is an all-around Bop! I like the little pauses in the instruments each time the "I don't care too much for money" line returns, it's all punctuated so nicely, and the SCREAM! And then an instrumental break between that and looping back into the verse is such an aural treat~
Any Time At All: Hmmm, sounds like it's aping From Me To You in sentiments, though obviously the melody of this is different. I'm inclined to put this in the heap of "Original Beatle Songs that still get lost in the shuffle even though it's perfectly decent", but not a hidden gem like I'm Happy Just To Dance With You is lol
I'll Cry Instead: A Bluesy number with a nice rhythm and fun uhh, middle eight? Though the vengeful flavour dampers my enjoyment, what have these "other girls" done to earn your threats, hm? It's not bad but it's not appealing.
Things We Said Today: Ahh yes, the famous reverse-nostalgia song! I like the sentiments but this time the music doesn't feel as memorable and hum-able. The chorus amps the energy up but this Paul one is firmly in the shadow of the other two solos he did on this album. But he do be right; love IS love!
When I Get Home: Hmmm..... this one ain't making a strong impression. The main thought I have is how it's title is similar to the refrain in AHDN "when I get home to you", but without the dope energy that one has. I'm starting to think they frontloaded this album, but there's still a couple'a songs left...!
You Can't Do That: I'm listening to the 2023 version and ooh hi Cowbell! ...wait a sec, a jealousy song? One with threats woven into it? :/ .....how come this was selected for the '23 Red Album? The chorus sounds better but nah, this ain't doing it for me.
I'll Be Back: Hmmm, after the Terminator video suggestions, I opened this song for a creepy stalker song [albeit with good instruments]. I'm bored of these vibes on side two!!!!
Best 3: A Hard Day's Night, And I Love Her, Can't Buy Me Love
Blurst 3: I'll Cry Instead, You Can't Do That, I'll Be Back
Overall Quality?: Woooow what a beast of two halves!! Side 1 is hit after hit with all the memorable numbers, and I was starting to wonder if this album was the stealth early best?? And then Side 2 is mostly "Meh" to "Ouugh I don't like this!". Damn. I guess overall I'd say it's Uneven, but with the caveat that side 1 is a lot better overall than the average set by Please Please Me and With The Beatles. Maybe they shoulda crammed a Ringo song in? ¬w¬;;
It's really annoying that Side Two drags it down so much. I like 3's but I'm Happy Just To Dance With You is a close contender for the top 3, but the ones I selected are just soooo Iconic, innit. If I was judging the album just based on the first side I'd say it's Really Great, but I'll hafta save more glowing praise for an album that has it all later down the line...
Next tiiiiime, on Beatles Ball Z... we see the burnout that occurs after a film, an all-originals album, and of course, the Beatlemania that had them charged at by excited girls and weirdo reporters. Find out what happens in Beatles For Sale!
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kit-williams · 6 months
Kinda shameless self insert? With my ADHD ass it makes it hard to try to do reader/yn fics so here's a shameless self insert and yeah anything I write is gonna be ADHD coded. First time writing for this fandom OH BOY and first time writing in awhile.
Some idea backstory its the year 2020-2021 but "Goblin" is from 2023 and suddenly a bunch of fictional men are real. This short is set after all the fun plot set up of "why they believe you" and dealing with your clearance having ass that can just open up lovely bits of information for them. (yes I wanted to skip the hard part of setting up plot) Oh and her phone still seems to be connected to back home so there was a fun moment of accidentally showing Soap his Wiki page "Why am I K.I.A?"
Goblin is Female, is 30, is American, was married, and has ADHD I guess you could say unreliable narrator too?
This is super unbeta read so I guess enjoy my insane ramblings
They really shouldn't make obstacle courses so much fun. I think as I just swing back and forth on one of the ropes over the mud pit, something I would worry about later. I couldn't stop this one impulse it just looked too fun and nobody was using it. I've seen soldiers just do a casual run through of it so why not just have a little bit of fun. I sigh as I continue to swing back and forth and spin slightly. There wasn't much for me to do today but Price was adamant on making sure I was earning some wage, but hard to keep a coding Goblin happy.
Was weird to find out that there was a version of myself here so no sense in going to try and woo my alternate husband... I've accepted the fact that this is not a dream... but hey I get to try and see if the lotto numbers from back home work here and I can give myself a nice stack of cash, Nikolai is such a wonderful man and knowing my dumbass I won't notice a damn thing. That's been the hardest thing... going from sleeping in a bed with another person to being alone... no warm body next to yours with an arm wrapped tightly around you. Muttering for you to not go to work and just stay home... god and living on my own for literally the first time in my life is going as awful as I dreaded. My nuro ass can't thrive alone only survive... momma raised a survivor but I was so use to not being in survival mode with my husband that it stung to go back.
At least Soap or Johnny was nice enough to stop on by occasionally of course he'd make it worse at times... triggering me and making me all antsy. Thank Jesus for Simon or Ghost... I couldn't tell if he was still mad at me calling him Simon when I first saw him but now he just helps. I think he was the first person to pick up the fact that I could hardly live alone.
I had to be thankful that Gaz and Price were married and that I didn't have the four of them mother henning no I only got two though. I continued to swing back and forth without a care in the world. Though I started to get a care... I looked down at the mud in the pit. It was a good drop compared to the side of the mud hole. Just a swing to the side. I gripped the rope tightly as I would move my foot out and get unbalanced but I was so focused that when I heard Johnny say if I needed help it made me discombobulated.
Ghost rushed over after hearing a distinctive shriek and Soap howling with laughter. He rushed over in time to see Johnny's face get covered in mud as their tech Goblin crawled her way out of the mud. How she just smiled at him as he walked over and she just simply shrugged. "Yeah not my smartest lack of impulse as I'm now muddy for the rest of the day. But! I did figure out my coding issue! 'Scuse me gentlemen!" His hand shot out before she could get too far.
"Yer not going to get the computer room muddy." Ghost said as if it was obvious.
"But I don't have a change of clothes and I have an inspired moment." Goblin said but let out her screech as she was just picked up and taken over to the women's barracks.
"You need to shower hen. I'll get you something while your clothes are tossed into the wash."
"Fine. But I'm blaming you when I forget my eureka moment."
"Yeah I can live with that." Ghost said pushing her inside to the showers.
Goblin was the best way to describe her. She was small, loud, and weird. Not given the fact she was from a few years in the future and the fact that they all existed as video game characters but her quirks, her knowledge, and just the way she carried herself. Soap and her could feed off of each other till she crashed and that is when Ghost would have to intervene. She spoke less and less about her life back home... the lads she left behind as it seems that life continued on and she was still there.
She was giving up on the fact that this was a dream as well... and for the two of them she was opening up how painfully lonely she was. She could see her old life right there being lived by another version of herself. For Simon he knew for her it was akin to the trauma he went through... all of her nets and family and friends basically gone. Ghost could help her keep grounded and well Price offering her a job to have some cash for her to spend on hobbies helped. But more often than not she was at the base unwilling to go home alone where there was no one to soothe her mind.
Soap was eager to fill that void for her, perhaps it was misguided in the sense of he was thankful to her, but Ghost enjoyed the way they would just sit in silence and a few times she thanked him for just sitting in the same room as she played a game, drew, or whatever she did to stave off the pending breakdown. Though she joked that she was like that song Tubthumping she always got back up again. But Ghost was worried when she wouldn't bounce back.
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iwantjobs · 20 days
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 1:09 PM, Trang Nguyen
Please let the mayor know this is one of the emails I sent to Robert, the nice an kind African American man at 62 years old who got fired from his Amazon security job because he called his trans male worker a freak when talking to another co-worker after reaching to how the newly transitioned worker got lazy at the job. Thank you. Trang
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Y@hoo-Mail Manager" <[email protected]>
To: "Trang Nguyen" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sat, May 11, 2024 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Fw: Trang and EDD
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Y@hoo-Mail Manager" <[email protected]>
Sent: Fri, May 10, 2024 at 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: Trang and EDD
OK Robert. Take good care of yourself.
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:37 PM, Y@hoo-Mail Manager
Hi Robert,
This is Trang, the woman in the car you met at St. Justin on your way to the library. I am currently doing research on id.me so it will take awhile.
In the meantime, I got some info for you to work on while you are meditating in your new journey as a homeless while working to get out being a homeless. Don't get seduced by drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, and women while enjoying your carefree time living off the homeless land or your will enter the door of pain which might be very hard to get out.
1. Cash for homeless (and free better cell phone and driver's license money), and health insurance mediCal: do directly to Santa Clara county Social Services on 1919 Senter Road, San Jose CA 95111 (408-758-3600), or apply online at benefitscal.com or this woman said mybenefitscal.org.
2. Money for driver's license and help filing retirement: Santa Clara county 408-755-7600. They are at 353 W. Julian street, San Jose, CA.
3. Like you suggested to go to EDD office directly at: 1901 Zanker Road, San jose 95112. (408-216-6200)
4. Craigslist.org for one bedroom rental which I can help with the deposit once you give me your landlord's information so I can talk to landlord and transfer money directly to make sure my hard-earned disability money doesn't pay for drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, and women.
5. If you need clean undies, socks, and shoes for work, I can buy them for you at Ross across St. Justin. Or you can apply for Ross as security and work for another few years before you hit the Grand Ol retirement age while still be in the same vicinity as St. Justin and library. I'll buy them for your friend whom has been living on the streets for 15 years. If you need work clothes, I'll buy them off St. Justin for they have a sale every week on donated clothes or the thrift store.
6. Also, I'll rent a tiny storage unit for you to place your clothes for work if you want to live a homeless life while saving money. Tell me where and I'll go there to pay with cash because I don't want you to destroy the unit and they charge my credit card for it.
I am also helping a Vietnamese man your age who has to succumb to picking recycles bottle to sell while filing for EDD and retirement. Don't become weak to touch the alcohol, drugs, violence, and even seduction of women that will turn you the wrong way Robert. The process will be long and hard for the government is $35 trillions in debt so they will make it extremely hard starting with the application process. It took me 2 years to get my first disability checks.
If I can help you get off the street and get your own bedroom, then you have to return the same deed to help another homeless person, then that homeless person helps another person, etc.
There's no need for us to be under the same private roof (including cars) unless I want to die. Because I don't want to die and I enjoy my safety and privacy, we will meet in libraries, stores, etc.--No in the same cars unless it's a public bus.
Sorry for the bad English and typing for my arthritis and back pain and exhausted eyes are too weak.
Thank you,
0 notes
slvtbible · 4 years
chapter one
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summary: [y/n is a young stripper who is adored by many men. harry styles is a man who loves to carry danger with him]
word count: 4222
pairing: stripper!y/n and gangleader!harry
warnings: violence, vulgar language, sexual acts, alcohol and drug
to be honest, i was a little hesitant to post it here and i don’t know if this story will blow up on tumblr or get many notes but that’s the last thing on my mind right now. i just want to share what i’ve been working on that kept you guys waiting for almost a year lol sorry about that. But yes, she’s finally here!! I posted first on wattpad before i put it here, I felt like the only way to reach out more people to read it it’s through that. And also, i decided to use a name on wattpad but I’d use the term ‘y/n’ on tumblr. Enjoy it all my loves! Give me feedbacks!💜
Harry fixes the collar of his sheer black shirt before tucking it neatly inside the black trousers he's currently wearing. He normally goes something more extravagant for going out. His closet is filled with colourful ruffles and Hawaiian shirts along with 'more than one colour' suits. However tonight, he needs to lay low for a bit. Especially when he's about to step into one of the most famous strip clubs in New York in an hour to meet up with the manager.
He's very much aware of the reputation he has put on himself out there. Though there's no use of camouflage and hiding, he still doesn't want a cause a scene,
His hand lifts a bottle of Tom Ford from the dresser before spraying it twice on his neck. Stepping away from the full length mirror, he grabs his cross necklace from the bed before putting the accessory around his neck as he walks out of the room.
"Talk to me Reece" his heavy accent echoes the hallway as he walks downstairs, watching his few men pocketing their weapons,
Reece, the brown skinned man with tattoos nods. "He's there. Just got a word from Bianco. He appears isn't expecting you, Boss. However I do believe he knows you're coming soon. The club is far too crowded than usual but Bianco is taking care of that right now." He informs, showing him the message on the phone,
Harry can only scoff, nodding at him as a thank you. "That son of a bitch should've. Owes me more than fucking money." He mutters, inserting the .45 ACP inside his gun holster. "The car's ready?"
Nodding, Reece leads Harry down towards the basement. "As requested. Lamborghini Murcielago in blue hera. Pack with 640 PS and 471 kW, rules around 213 mph if you consider on hit and run. Still, I pack a standard Aeropack wing if you wanna go slow tonight. The windows? Bulletproof. In case anyone tries to kill you." Harry knows he's only joking about the last part. No one dares try to kill him before he does it. It's a pattern that everyone knows by now.
Harry lets out a low whistle, softly shaking his head as the machine beauty appears. Tracing lightly with his ring cladded fingers along the hood of the car. "Not planning to hit and run tonight, Reece. Not even thinking about racing down the street with my weapon outside the window. You don't have anything more. . . Less attractive?" He questions, still staring at the gorgeous car ahead of him,
"You know I don't do less, boss." Reece winks playfully, laughing to himself as he watches Harry roll his eyes. "Besides. Who knows you'll get yourself a bird tonight, eh? Take her out on a stroll before bringing her home to your place. Women love fast cars." He comments, pressing the button on the keys as the door opens,
Humming as a response, Harry walks towards the driver's seat, "I don't date anymore, thought my right hand man knew tha' " He speaks, words laced with seriousness while grabbing the keys from Reece's fingers,
He can only sigh and nod his head. "Understood. Yet, Kendra is like what? Two years ago? Gotta get yourself something better, boss. You deserve it. So do it tonight." He suggests, watching him going inside the car before shutting the door,
Harry smiles a bit, inserting the keys inside the ignition before starting the car. "Noted."
The dark haired man steps away from the car. Giving Harry a salute. "I'll be right behind you. See you there."
Y/N Y/L/N stands in front of the mirror as she applies another layer of red lipstick on her plump lips. Securing the tube back as she puckers her mouth to see if it fits the colour for tonight. She twirls, watching carefully how the gold lingerie clads perfectly around her breasts and down to her curvy hips and thick thighs.
She stops once her plump ass is facing the mirror, admiring how beautiful and big her bum is in the lingerie. It's a compliment really. She loves working out to give her bum a bit bigger. It's not that she hopes she'll gain attention from people, she just loves her body. She worships every piece of it despite what other people think of it. Insecurity was her biggest enemy but not anymore. After reading lots of books and poems about self love she learns that there's nothing she should be ashamed of.
Grabbing a bottle of lotion from her table, she squeezes the bottle into her hand before rubbing her bum with the cold cream, rubbing it neatly to make sure she doesn't miss a spot.
Another thing, she loves moisturizing her plump flesh before the show. It's sexy
"Joe is asking for you." She hears a voice coming from behind, craning her neck to see her closest co-worker Violet, already in her usual purple wig and attire as she stands beside Angelina. "I love working as a stripper but he really needs to learn to be patient and. . . shut up, i guess?"
Y/N releases a small laugh, moving her long dark wavy hair to rest on her chest. "I know, I know. Jesus, I've told him fifteen minutes prior that I'll take longer than usual." She slips on her gold heels and turns to face Violet, who's biting her lip as she stares at Angelina's body up and down. "Okay, how do i look?"
Violet raises her eyebrow, as if it's something her friend shouldn't be asking. "You kidding? You look like a sex goddess. Gonna get all the men on their knees for you, girl"
Scoffing, she shoots her a wink and a flirtatious smile. "Old men with beer bellies? No thanks. I'd rather make out with Gordon." She replies, seemingly disgusted about the thought of grinding on an old man's lap tonight.
"Is that a bet I hear?" Violet questions, leaning towards her a bit as she waits for her friend’s response. "Please tell me that it is so I can earn extra cash tonight."
Gordon is a perverted bartender that always keeps his eye on Y/N throughout her routine. He's 40 and is always asking Angelina on a 'date' and by date, he means her ass on his lap. Clearly something Y/N isn't too fond of. Him specifically. Violet and Y/N have always made a joke about him, something they could make a playful banter in every chance they get.
Plus, she heard he's married. Isn't he supposed to find another job rather than here? If his wife found out what kind of a sleaze bag she married, she would be crushed,
Rolling her eyes, Y/N shoves her playfully by the arm. "Ha ha, very funny" she answers, resuming to untangle her hair from knots.
Violet laughs, pinching her on the hip as she lets outa small squeal. "Just messing with you, baby. Good luck out there. Put the rest of us to shame tonight. . . Like any other night"
Y/N flips her off, yet knowing it's the truth. She's not trying to sound like a condescending bitch here but none of the girls here are actually capable to do what Y/N does. That's what makes men attracted to her. She knows what she's doing. She knows how to make a man hard.
"By the way, you heard what Joe's talking about earlier?" Violet asks, toeing off her heels as she exhales a relief sigh. "Damn those heels are killing me" She mumbles,
"No... What's about?" She turns her head to face Violet for her to explain, causing her to shrug her shoulders,
"Don't know much about it. . . But i hear Harry Styles is coming here to meet up with him. Something about transaction or shit" She waves it off, whispering it to Y/N, looking around to make sure no one is eavesdropping,
She almost chokes on her saliva after hearing Violet says the name. "Harry Styles?! The. . . mafia boss of New York..?" Her eyes widen at the possibility of the most dangerous man in the city paying a visit to the place she works at,
Nodding, Violet answers, "Yup. That Harry Styles. He's the devil. Let's hope this place doesn't turn into a war zone."
Y/N has heard about this Harry guy. The most feared man of New York. She does know a little bit of the relations between Joe and Mr. Styles. Almost every night she could hear Joe freaking out about this man. She may not know him that close, hell she had never even met him in person but people talk. One thing she learned about hearing his reputation, you don't ever want to mess with this guy.
Violet snaps her fingers to snap Y/N out of her thoughts. "Less worrying, girl. Come on, you got a show to put on yes?"
"Y-yeah. Fuck. . . now i'm scared" She breathes out, looking at her reflection in the mirror one last time. Calming down her mind.
After giving Violet a kiss on a cheek and receiving a tap on her ass, she takes a deep breath as she opens the beaded curtain and walk out to the club. Jhene Aiko is playing through the speakers, thanks to her who chose the music for tonight. She can already feel all eyes on her as she struts down confidently, putting on a smirk and winking at couple of men here and there. As much as it disgusts her, she grazes her hand along a man's arm who's biting his lip and looking at her up and down.
'What the fuck did i do to deserve this?' she thinks to herself, staring at the man in front of her who's probably the same age as her father. The thought of it makes her gag,
She gives the man a wink before getting up on the stage, hearing a few hollers from behind. reaching out to wrap her hand around the silver pole and her leg hooking up to support her body. Slowly twirling with her head thrown back and closes her eyes with money being toss at her direction before letting go and crutching down on her knees, moving close towards the same man earlier. He slips in a couple of hundred dollar bills inside her panties, causing the others to do the same.
This may be not how she pictures her success but damn, by the end of the week, her bank account can go from three to six digits.
She's definitely gonna hold on to that,
It takes Harry close to thirty minutes to get here. He blames it all on the traffic, cursing to himself every time he stops at red lights. He parks his car close to the entry before he exits from the vehicle. He looks over his shoulder to find a familiar black car driving towards her, noting to himself it's Reece's. Seeing him wave his hand to make sure he's coming in later.
He clears his throat, clenching his jaw as he walks into the club. Reece wasn't lying, the club is too packed for tonight. As if God knew what is about to get down tonight and isn't going to let him get away with witnesses. He really needs to play safe for a while tonight.
As he strides through the room to find a table he has reserved for, a few half naked girls walk right pass him, stroking his exposed chest and grabbing his shoulders. Most of them are gorgeous and he's tempted to touch their soft skin yet he has to hold it. Not that he isn't interested because he's definitely taking someone back to his place tonight--fucking Reece had to be right-- but he needs to get his head in the game for at least an hour before planning to do so.
Gently, he pulls back a chair for him to sit. He specifically asks for the furthest table so no one can figure out what he's about to do tonight. A glass of whiskey has been set on his table before he got here, waiting for Joe's arrival. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Reece and Bianco walking over to his table. One of them gives him a nod to acknowledge his presence.
Harry lifts the glass up to his lips and take a sip of it. Honestly, he hates doing all of this dirty work. Sure, he's the boss. But he despises complicated things. He should've known not to trust Joe about anything, yet when he begged on his knees with a gun knocked against his head as he spat out a bunch of threats to the weakened man, he thought why not? If Joe didn't get to fulfill his demands, he gets to kill him either way. It's always a pleasure for him to do so.
"Mr. Styles! Ay, i'm so happy to see you. You look a lot cleaner than i saw you the last time, eh?" Joe's voice causes Harry's green eyes averts from the scene on the crowd. His eyebrows are knitted, jaw tightened as he taps his fingers against the table, causing the rings he's wearing to knock.
He owes him money worth $50,000. And this man had the nerve to walk in and act like nothing happened.
He is definitely going to kill him.
"Stop with all that shit and sit the fuck down. You owe me something Joe." Harry warns, pointing at him as Harry's men forces the dark haired male to sit down making him gulp. "You owe me 50 grand for that package you piece of shit."
Joe couldn't feel more terrified as he catches a glimpse of Harry's gun on the table, facing towards him. "I know Harry, I know. I didn't forget, okay? It's just the money is tight right now. The girls aren't getting the amount of money they used to be getting." Joe tries to reason but Harry isn't having any of it,
"Stop being a fucking pussy and blame your girls for the money you've lost. I'm running out of patience here, Joe. If you don't give me the money by the end of the week, you're a dead man. I still have one body bag left in my car and I wouldn't mind writing your name on it." Harry grits his teeth, looking at him with a dark look in his eyes. Hand gripping tightly around the glass
"No man, I need more than that. Please, I'll do whatever you ask me to. You will have your money man I promised." Joe begs, looking at Harry with hopeful eyes.
Harry finds it quite disgusting to see someone like him beg for mercy-- for the second time--or anything at all to be honest. He find that gesture is weak and vulnerable which makes him very easy to manipulate over. "I don't give out second chances."
Joe hears a gun clicks behind, he doesn't need to know what's going on. He knows one of the two men behind him is ready to blow his brains out. "Harry man. . . One more. . . Give me one more"
Harry isn't a patient man. He doesn't want people beg. He doesn't want him to beg. But he finds it interesting to see how it goes, playing along this little game of his.
"Fine. you give me your best girl and i'll give you two months." Harry offers, cocking his eyebrow as he leans back to relax himself. "No more than that."
Joe's eyes widen at Harry's demand. It's impossible to collect a 50 grand in two months, especially when he's short on it. He needs more than that. Still, he thinks two months is better than nothing. "Okay. . . Agreed. Just tell me which girl you want or-or i could bring one or two here, man. Take your pick."
Harry can only hum in response, scanning his eyes over the scene. Dozens of girls dancing on stage, few of them even has their bras taken off. It seems to him, none of these girls on the room is his type.
Until his green eyes fall on a certain slightly curvy woman with her leg wrapped around the pole.
Her long dark hair brushing lightly against the floor as she bend her back a bit. He observes the way her body move so dirty yet gracefully around the pole,  the way she bites onto her pink glossed lips and how her brown eyes manage to flirt with the crowd and had them lure into her eyes including himself. He swears this girl just steps out of his daydreams. She looks perfect.
He admires how she circle her hips painfully slow, jealous how he isn't close enough to watch her plump flesh near his strong figure.
"Her. I want her" Harry points at the girl he can't take his eyes off. His voice sounds too possessive but he doesn't care if he does. He's too enhanced with the way she moves on that stage and he loves how she swats those dirty hands who seems desperate to cope a feel with a dirty look on her face.
'Seems like a fighter' he thinks to himself
"Y/N? You want her?" Joe asks after he realises who Harry's pointing at.
"Y/N? That's a gorgeous name. She's not taken is she? Not that i care anyway. She's a dime from what i can see here." He says, not tearing his eyes off of her while he sips on his drink. "You're gonna give me her to me aren't you?" Harry asks, his eyes are threatening enough for Joe so he nods his head as a response.
"Yes. Of course. If that's what you want."
"Fuck yes i do. Bring me to one of your rooms. I want a private from her" He demands before gulping down his drink, standing up to head over to the back. Not before glancing at the gorgeous woman one last time who stuffs a few dollar bills in her panties.
After what it feels like forever dancing on stage and have men whistling at her to go over and give them more, she finally sit herself down on a chair in her dressing room and take a deep breath. Moaning in relief as she pulls her heels off while setting her timer on because she only has thirty minutes to rest before going back out there again. She leans back against the chair, sighing in a pure bliss.
She can hear a few girls talking and laughing while preparing themselves for their performance tonight, wishing she could just join in because Violet informs her earlier there's some juicy gossip she needs to talk about but she cant take it. She's too tired.
She has only closes her eyes for 10 minutes until a familiar voice speaks out,
"Where's Y/N?"
She groans internally. Can never mistake that voice soon as she hears it. Her manager, who sounds like he's panting, voice firm as if is an emergency to call her out like that. Y/N still has her eyes shut as she raises her hand up, not having the energy to respond.
"Okay, good. Y/N. You don't need to go back out there again. There's a special guest I need you to entertain. He's already waiting in the red room."
She nods and hum, only to realize what he means as her eyes bugs out.
Wait, what?
She's quick to turn around, brows furrows and mouth hangs open, not believing what she has just heard. "Pardon?"
"There's a man. A guy who I work with, waiting in one of the rooms. He specifically asked for you. I need you to at least give him an hour." Joe notifies, running his hand over his face as if he's stressed about something,
"You want me to give a lap dance to your co-worker?" She raises her eyebrow, not believing what he just asked her
Joe sighs angrily, "it's technically not--Y/N... please. No more questions, just go over there."
"Who's the guy?" she ignores his orders as she stands, crossing her arms across her chest. "Jesus, fuck. I really need my hair to breath" she mutters, brushing down her long dark brown hair,
"Harry Styles."
Y/N freezes in an instant. Looking up to stare at Joe in the eye to see if he's joking, he can only nod his head to confirm her questioning look. " you're shitting me."
"I'm not," Joe replies, walking over to her, not wanting the other girls to hear. "Y/N, I owe him money. I haven't got them yet and--"
She scoffs, rolling her eyes and continue messing with her hair a bit more. "Not my problem."
He reaches out to grab her elbow, pulling her harshly causing her to stumble a bit. "Y/N, please... He wanted to kill me out there earlier. The guy brought a gun for God's sake. He gave me a month but until then... he wants you."
"You know i'm not a hooker" Y/N defeatedly sighs. She wants to help him, she does but it sounds like he's selling her off for a month to this notorious and dangerous guy who is named to be the deadliest man alive by the people of New York.
She loves money but no fucking way she's willing to die for it.
"I didn't say you were" He roughly says, hand gripping tightly on her arm. "Just... do it" He let her go, tired of the waiting because he doesn't want to make Harry pissed off now,
The girl sighs angrily, squeezing her eyes shut as she hesitates for a while. What the fuck did she get herself into?
"Fine. just give me a moment."
Giving her a smile, Joe thanks her by giving her a kiss on the cheek, telling her the door number Harry is in before walking out of the room. Soon after he walks out, she feels sick in her stomach. How could she ever go face to face with a man with blood in his hands? She's about to give this man a lap dance. Who knew he might've ask for more?
So now, as she finishes re-applying a layer of red lipstick, she heads out. Walking to the back of the room in a slow pace. Heart beating loud and fast as she's about to come face to face with this man. Still, she needs to play it cool. God really fucking hates her,
If he really does exists.
She takes a deep breath before opening the brown door carefully, pushing it open. Her knees almost buckle at the sight of Harry Styles, lounging on the leather couch. A cigarette squeeze between his fingers. legs spread open as if it's an invitation already made for her. His head turns towards the door, a smirk graces upon his face.
She's not going to lie. He is indeed dashingly handsome. With his arms resting on the back of the couch making his biceps look a bit bigger. He's got killer looks too. she studies. Sexy smile, and stubble which creates a sexier look on his face. She catches a glimpse of a silver cross necklace resting against his broad chest. His eyes are sharp. Looking at her up and down with his bottom lip bitten between his teeth.
"My, my" he lowly whistles, watching her every move as she enters the room. Locking the door behind her. "I wasn't wrong. You are a fucking dime."
Y/N giggles-- though feeling scared shitless-- and run her hands over her hair as she struts her way towards his figure. Purposely swaying her ass side to side a bit to tease him. "Mr.Harry Styles. . . I heard a lot about you. Word on the street is that you're a man that likes to carry a danger" she smirks seductively as she stands in between his open legs, dragging her finger slowly down her chest.
Her angelic voice is like music to his ears,
"Yeah?" he smirks, eyes falling to the curve of her breasts. "Hope that doesn't scare you, doll. All i want is a dance from you, that's all. I also heard that you are their favourite girl. After seeing you danced on that stage, I now know why."
Again, she giggles. A small blush creeping on her cheeks, hopefully he doesn't see it. "You're a flirt aren't you, Harry? You do this to every girl?"
He places his hands slowly on her plump ass, he doesn't know if he's allowed to touch but he doesn't give a shit. She seems isn't bothered by it. He wants this girl and he wants her now.
"Only to those who i find interesting, baby. Now, are you going to show me what you got?" He asks, looking up to meet her brown eyes as he squeezes her flesh.
With a devilish smirk, she slowly sets herself down on his lap which causes him to let out a soft groan. She runs her hands down to his tattooed chest and toys with his cross necklace for a bit before whispering in his ear, "sit tight and relax, Mr. Styles. I'll be your good girl for tonight"
next chapter
i really don’t want to write a super long chapter, because i’m afraid it’ll bore you guys so maybe--i hope-- this is enough. anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this first chapter, let me know if you guys hate it or love it! I’ll appreciate it. love you guys!
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Wholesome Frat AU, Clearly aged up, college au, main characters are Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Jiro, Mina, and of course you my dear reader. Sexual themes, mentions of drugs and booze through out.
Chapter 1
Denki lies upside down off his bed, staring at his phone when another invite to a party comes through. It's from a classmate he shares notes with and one of the few non toxic dudes on campus. A smile forms on his face, his fingers ready to fly across the screen to confirm his Friday night to be golden and one to remember. 
Or maybe wish to remember as alcohol and maybe some weed numb his senses. 
But then the location comes through, a frat house that's notorious for ignorance and low key rape culture. He turns it down claiming to study and sighs. Staring at his shared four walls from the top bunk. 
"What's going on with you? No one wants you to keep their bed warm tonight?" Sero teases passing him up a beer before starting the next round of his game. Preferring to get buzzed and troll in Apex lobbies than find somewhere to be tonight.  
Their phones buzz at the same time, Kirishima coming through on the group chat. 
Big Red 🦈 : Any plans tonight boys?
Boomboi 💣 : Fuck off, busy. 
Tape dispenser 🎞 : Apex
Zaptos ⚡: got invited to a party but location is sus af. You bro? 
Big Red 🦈 : Yikes 😬 Keepin some ladies safe. Don't like the scene here…
Tape dispenser 🎞 : Same
Zaptos ⚡: Same
Boomboi 💣:  FUCK OFF!
Denki and Sero both smirk at their phones before moving on with their Friday night with small talk of Instagram stories and received risque snapchats. As the beer fridge gets dwindles  their thoughts seem to grow. 
"Okay, listen. Here me out!" Denki says as if Sero would ever come off defensive. He finishes his eighth beer before continuing. 
"What if we started our own frat? Like...like a fucking wholesome one." 
"Dude not only does that sound impossible but what would we call ourselves?" Sero chuckles nursing his seventh beer. Denki pauses for a moment, trying to think of something, anything great. 
"Alpha Kappa Wholesome." He smiles, "Yea that's it!"
Sero laughs from his bottom bunk earning an angry faced Denki to put half of his body over the side of his bed. 
"I'm serious man! We could kick out whoever doesn't match our values. This college is supposed to be about making 'lasting connections' with fellow heroes! How are we supposed to do it when we are cooped up in our tiny dorm!" He gestures to their cramped room. A set of bunk beds and desks with their TV and shared dresser on the far wall. Sero looks around, this sure as hell wasn't like the dorms at UA that's for sure. 
"Okay well two people isn't enough for a frat, man." Sero lets the dream die before it can bloom, running a hand through his raven hair. Denki scrunches up his face before he remembers where his crush stays.  It's as if a light bulb lit up atop his upside down head. He jolts himself falling from the top bunk crashing into the empty beer bottle. They clink in protest but thankfully non break, just roll beneath the bottom bunk. 
"But there is a sorority of only four and we have four friends in our group!" 
Denki decides now is a good time to face time them. Kirishima answers first with a shout that he's gonna step outside, the roaring party and flashing lights die behind the shutting door while Bakugou is illuminated by the light of his screen glaring into the camera while a meek looking girl hides. 
"This better be fucking good." Bakugou growls. 
After an hour and a half of screaming Denki finally convinces Bakugou that sharing a house with the three of them as opposed to a rando was a much better idea. Reminding him that he had done it for three years in highschool surely he could last two more. He agrees but refuses to help argue with the dean meanwhile Kirishima is GLOWING with excitement over the idea formulating with his sober mind the best way to handle the notorious harsh Dean. 
It takes petitions, several meetings and almost til the spring break to come down to this, the final meeting. Bakugou, who has attended every meeting and true to his word has said nothing. Denki nervous as a sinner in church, Sero who's sweating bullets and Kirishima all sit in the room with the board, treasury and the Dean in a final meeting of sorts. 
Kirishima gulps and before he can explain the benefits the frat will have to offer the Dean stops him with a simple show of his hand. Taking a report from the secretary of treasury to look over, he just needed the monetary excuse to back up his favorite word. 
"No." He clears his throat, "Unfortunately funds are too low to be able to support another fraternity." The Dean leaves it at that not even bothering to offer they join something preexisting. 
Three of the four men accept defeat, mentally communicating that they did a good job trying. But the fourth man dreamed of his own room, of his own space to do as he pleased. And all without threat of being charged with murder. Although the fourth man would never admit that the reason he spoke up wasn't totally about the room, it was the look of defeat, anguish on his friends faces that had the room heating up a degree or two and smelling heavily of boiling sugar. 
"Oi, toupee." The hot head let's his seat fall back to all fours, fixing the Dean a withering look, "You said something about not enough money huh?" 
The Dean swallows thickly carefully thinking out his next sentence. 
"Why, Yes its…." Bakugou interrupts before the Dean can even finish his thought. 
"Pretty sure I'm the reason this campus is gonna be swarming with fucking no name extras next year." Katsuki's smile widens as his hand pops, "If you deny this request with the money I'm making you then I'll participate in the university sports festival with another college's across my fucking chest." 
The Dean visibly sweats, Bakugou really was a hard student to land. His brash attitude and unapologetic behavior was popular among the younger generation bringing with it an influx of applicants and donations. It hadn't even been 24 hours since his announcement did it crash the admin and donation site. He panics, not even sure if there is any real estate available on or around campus in order for him to legally allow this fraternity to flourish. As if reading his mind the secretary of grounds offers him a file, an old run down home within a decent walking distance of the main campus. The Dean exhales the breath he didn't realize he was holding. 
"Let's not act so rash. It has just come to my attention that we have some extra funding to be able to purchase a place for you all…" He looks over the file, he hopes this is enough to placate the hot head, "But it will need some old fashioned sweat equity, if we can secure it. The town has been kind enough to offer us first dibs to real estate within a certain radius of campus and if they like our offer you hardworking men will have your 'Alpha Kappa Wholesome home." 
"They better like your offer." Is all Bakugou says before standing, "We get the keys in a month, got it?"
He doesn't give the Dean time to rebuttal, he just leaves while the other shocked three follow suit. It isn't until they are in the courtyard does their excitement hit them all at once.
"HOLY SHIT BAKUBRO ALWAYS COMING IN ON THE FUCKING KLUTCH!" Denki shouts, tackling Bakugou into a hug, Sero and then Kirishima wrap their arms around the yelling hot head who threatens to blow them up. 
"I owe you a fucking drink!" Kirishima shouts lifting the group and twirling them  
After that promised drink and a month of waiting the four musketeers stand before their new home. The house is trashed, easily a short sale of a foreclosure as the rent went higher but their wages stayed low. The amount of work to make this place semi decent was going to be astronomical at best. 
Bakugou is thoroughly unimpressed, scoffing as Denki runs up the porch. The vision is clear in the electric blonde's head. The massive porch is clean, with a swing and some chairs, string lights hanging from the wooden ceiling while the half wrapped around, second story porch is draped in endless artificial star light cloaking the house in cozy warmth. 
Dneki opens the front door and plume of dust rushes out around him, the other two follow suit. Taking the steps two at a time as they rush into the house. Harsh garnet stares after them before glancing at their luggage. He decides to leave it all stepping inside. 
Their imaginations run rampant as they stand beneath the large archway to the main living room while Bakugou begins to second guess opening his mouth. That or getting more money from the Dean. Before displeasure can leave the hot head his friends turn to face him, their eyes shining and smiles stretched wide, wide enough it begins to hurt Bakugou's own cheeks. They encourage him to step into the home more, telling him what will go where. For a moment his smile is soft, tender as he looks at these three idiots seeing the bright side of everything before he steels back into his normal self.
"Oi! Quick acting all googly eyed. We've got a lot of work to do and a lot of fucking money to raise." 
The four friends spend majority of their spring term picking rooms and doing basic cleaning. Bringing only one of the two full bathrooms up to par, trying their best to keep up with the old big house. Even after all of them picked their rooms there were still three bedrooms and a den with a door left. They brain stormed adding recruits but Bakugou shot the idea down despite Sero being elected the president of the frat. 
Spring boils into summer, bringing with it the promise of cold hard cash. Bake sales and lunch deals thanks to Bakugou's cooking skills brought in a large amount of income, so did the odd jobs Kirishima, Denki, and Sero found themselves doing. Still they find themselves short.
"Shirtless carwash!" Denki announces earning a glare from Bakugou. Kirishima pipes up before the idea is blasted sky high. 
"Think of the money man. The community around here is soccer mom's and freshly graduated college kids and I don't know about yall but when I go for a run or hit up the corner store after a good run I'm being stared at." 
"That's a valid point Bakugou. I've seen how they flock to you for baked goods, they've been staring at your arms and eyes man." Sero adds voting yes to the idea making it three to one. 
Just as Kirishima said, woman and even some men, flock to the area for a car wash. Some even coming back twice in one day! The cash flow is good but still a bit lacking. Denki wipes the sweat from his brow as he wonders how they will get enough to be able to get decent light fixtures and a working fridge in the dorm. Let alone anything aside from a blown up mattress and folding chairs in the living room. He scrolls through his social media on his break and comes across the miracle he has been asking for. 
A lovely summer picture of four women in bikinis, three of them his housemates have lived with before. Mina Ashido, Jiro Kyoka,  Ochako Uraraka, and then there is the new woman, you.
But what makes the picture that much sweeter isn't even the content itself, no it's that gorgeous caption just beneath it. 
"BASIC BITCH CAR WASH! Help us raise money for an apartment so our sorority doesn't get disbanded!" 
An idea formulates in the electric blondes head so quickly he thinks sparks fly from his ears. A dangerous smile forms on Denki Kaminari's lips. 
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shortandverynerdy · 3 years
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Prologue. Introduce yourself, Olivia.
The shadows have always spoken to me. Even before my quirk developed.
I had always had a fascination with darkness, how it could hide anything and anyone...hide secrets. How it scared some and for others it was their only source of comfort and peace.
But before we get started on this story, let’s get introduced and get that shit over and done with shall we?
‘The names Olivia...Olivia Akamatsu, nice to meet ya.’
People call me a villain, but that’s not true at all...I’m actually a vigilante, taking the law in my own hands to do good in this stupid world, that’s me.
But people, especially the police and pro hero’s just call us villains with hero complexes, and to that I say
Go fuck yourself!
But enough of this dribble, you wanna read the good stuff, right?. Well here you go!
The night was cold, but not overbearingly so as a dark figure scanned the nighttime crowds for any activity. It was mostly filled with people just out of work, or people out for a fun time...nothing out of the ordinary, yet.
A sigh of Boredom escaped from the figure of Olivia Akamatsu as she realised it was possibly going to be a slow patrol night...just perfect. perhaps if it was too slow she'd grab some takoyaki from that one place? he always gives it her on the house.
She was so invested in her thoughts of street food that she didn't register the commotion below her at first untill a shrill desperate voice echoed through the darkened ally, causing Olivia's head to turn and snap to attention. rushing to the edge she spotted a boy, clearly still in high school getting hassled by a group of other boys, clearly older and larger then the one they were hassling. Anger boiled inside her stomach as she watched the scene unfold. Taking a few steps back she dissapeared into a shadow, almost as if the thing had swallowed her whole. Only for her to appear on the ground silently opposite the group. The street lights near had alluminated the scene, causing a large shadow to form...perfect.
With a flick of her wrist their shadow had sprung to life and wrapped around the group, who had kicked the boy to the ground. As they yelled Olivia moved her arm, as if she was pulling hard on a invisable rope and sent the group of boys into the nearest bin, the lid closing behind them at the impact. with another flick of her wrist she gave a small laugh
"That'll keep'em outta our hair for a while"
she said to herself as she walked over to the bin, giving it a sharp kick.
kneeling down she picked up a brown leather wallet, before giving a few taps on the plastic she called out to the group
"So ya think it's ok to beat a poor kid down for his wallet, huh, boys?"
the collective groans from the boys inside made the vigilante smile. The type of smile that screamed that she was enjoying the torment.
"What kinda dirtbags prey on innocent highschool kids for their money...Don't you guys have your own cash to spend on pointless shit?"
she stated as she got up and made her way towards the boy. Pushing her small, red tinted sunglasses up her nose.
The boy had since sat up and was holding his nose. He looked at her with wide eyes as she crouched down to meet his gaze
"Hey, kid...this your wallet?"
she asked, her voice taking on a softer tone. When the boy nodded she placed it into his shirt pocket, an eyebrow raised as she noticed he was covering his nose.
"They've probably broken it...Assholes. May i look at it?"
The boy said nothing but took his hands away to reveal a bloody and obviously broken nose.
"Oh shit, kid that looks disgusting"
She told him, barely managing to hide the amusement in her voice
The kid glared at her, which made Olivia clear her throat.
“Sorry, what’s your name?”
The boy looks down before muttering
Olivia smiles brightly, her eyes seemed to gleam from behind her glasses
“That’s an awesome name...I’m Olivia nice to-“
Her introduction was cut short by the sounds of voices growing closer.
Weather they were pro hero’s or citizens she didn’t want to stay and find out
“Sorry I gotta bounce, Hajime but those guys are gunna come and they’ll get ya fixed, oh and don’t forget to let them know about the kids in the trash, okay bye now”
She called as she ran into the darkness, her ombré hair dancing like flames as it trailed after her. Disappearing as soon as two pro heros showed up.
Night had officially began as Olivia waded her way through the market place.
The stars were bright and clear and the place was brimming with people and that’s how Olivia liked it, she wouldn’t be recognised as easily in the mass of people around her.
“Well, if it isn’t shadow weaver”
The store clerk called with a wave as he saw Olivia’s vibrant hair, which earned a smile from the vigilante when she finally heard that familiar voice.
“Hey not so loud, Nakamura...I’m sorta wanted ya know”
She said in a lightly teasing tone
Nakamura simply laughed
“Oh I bet you are...quiet day of keeping the streets safe?”
He asked in a interested tone as he turned his back to her to begin to make some food.
Olivia leaned an elbow on the counter, flicking her hair out of her face
“You know it, not many people wanna be criminals tonight it seems”
Nakamura nodded at this as the ingredients started to come together to form the familiar shape of Takoyaki
“Or those pesky pros are beating you to the punch”
Olivia sighed as she watched him make the food with rapt attention. She had always enjoyed watching him make the food, almost as much as she loved eating it
“You’re probably right, almost seems weird that I wanted to be one when I was a kid”
Nakamura smiles in a sympathetic type of way as he handed her the freshly boxed takoyaki.
“Well, you’re a hero in my eyes, Liv. Don’t forget that”
He told her with a soft smile, which earned a appreciative smile from the young woman
“Heh, thanks man...I’ll never forget the time you cried during my graduation from that place though”
She teased, taking a bite of the ball and walking away as he called her a ‘little shit’ and yelled that he never cried at her graduation (he did)
Welcoming the breeze as it nipped at her face and fingers as she made her way to survey the area near the place she called home.
Olivia’s place was not what you expected.
It was an old abandoned house on the outskirts of Kamino, practically falling apart and left to crumble, to wither away and rot.
But to Olivia it was home, her place of peace. She made her way up the stairs, tossing the empty container into the bag she called a trash bin and towards the bed, a stolen mattress with a multi coloured patchwork blanket and old pillows, too soft to be comfortable.
Throwing herself on the mattress she took out a cardboard packet out of a draw next to her bed and drew a cigarette. With it between her lips she grabs the lighter from the same draw and lights it.
Letting the lighter fall from her hand she falls on the mattress, smoke spilling from her mouth as the weather came to pull a cruel trick and had rain spill into the hole in the ceiling, dotting Olivia’s face with cold water.
She let the water hit her occasionally putting the cigarette to her lips and taking a long, hard drag. Her stomach beginning to ache.
Not even bothered to look at what she was doing Olivia put the cigarette between her lips and with her now free hand pulled a rope hanging by her bed. Releasing a large plank of wood that covered the hole. This was at the expense of a large portion of the national light but to Olivia didn’t mind.
She went to bed with an empty stomach and dreams about hero’s. how she’d alway be telling a lie when she’d tell people she was ashamed to have wanted to be a hero when she was a kid
Olivia still wanted to be a hero.
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Tommy & Meena
Tommy: All my tutus better be accounted for, like Meena: 😅 Meena: Not to engage in the bitchy showbiz stereotype Meena: but your size is not the size of the 3-7s Meena: and I don't need to rock one from the sidelines, sadly Meena: I did ask Tommy: Calling me fat & not inviting me out for juice? Oh it be like that, yeah? Meena: Never! Meena: The totally casual impromptu photoshoot would have you believe I had longer than 5 minutes to neck it down, I know Tommy: Not even in there with the 3-7s & already a savage Tommy: good luck to 'em Tommy: None to you Tommy: Who hasn't sacrificed their final mins to look fabulous? Standard, full supported fare Meena: They are hilarious Meena: some of them are SO serious though, reminds me of you Tommy: I could fire the same call out back at you Tommy: not least 'cause you're teaching in the holibobs Meena: How could it possibly be a call out? Meena: you'd have to be to get into the school you did Meena: I'm only teaching for the same reasons I 🩰 in the first place, for fun Meena: that's 🤓 at best Tommy: We started claws out Tommy: but I'll play nice & tell you to break a leg Tommy: just don't let the kids have too much fun, be a health & safety nightmare 🦺🤓 Meena: 😱 Meena: remind me never to be in the play-that-shall-not-be-named with you (as if), 'cos you'll be dropping the M 💣 like it's no thing Meena: as long as they look cute for their ma's and none of them cry, I think I get a 🥇 Meena: just a favour for Anne honestly, who has overstretched herself (not an awful pun, I 🤞) as per Tommy: Tights are a given for 🤩👏🌹 but my mastery of a Scots accent less so Tommy: I'll drop the M word like it's a 🔪🩸 to distract from my flaws, no problem Tommy: my sister witches & I love a curse Tommy: Oh dear Anne 😔 Meena: Are you more of a 🌈 or a 🐀 man? Meena: Yes, I noticed, there were some definite signs of voodoo in their room Meena: her daughter is meant to help her out now she's older but she never does 🤷 Tommy: 😂 is that a trick question? Tommy: Gutted I haven't found a club called the 🌈 passage yet Meena: 😳 Nooooo Meena: ew, what would 🐀 man even entail, gross Tommy: I mean, I've been asked if I'm a friend of Dorothy in loads of ways but now that's my new fave Tommy: I don't reckon you're ready for 🐀 man, maybe work up to it from 🐁 boy Meena: Oh God 😰 If only I was that witty and not just a nerd 😅 Meena: very nutcracker Tommy: Don't make your 📚🖋 sound 💀 dull before I've even read one Tommy: Julie Andrews would not approve Tommy: Witty & pretty & bright Tommy: it's the only way Meena: It's not Shakespeare Meena: so that's either a 👍 or a 👎 depending upon your literary persuasion Meena: not 🌈 Meena: though arguably 🐀men and 🐁boys hate the bard, well known fact so Meena: The thought of letting her down is 😿 Tommy: Loads of people find Shakespeare confusing Tommy: I like good, strong words that mean something Tommy: & I don't reckon they'd let 👑 Julie down, she seems like she'd be a fan herself Meena: Even if my plots get a little too convoluted or my dialogue doesn't quite reach passing for reality Meena: it's no Tudor English or iambic pentameter so 🥇 Tommy: 'Course you can take it as a win if you don't need a full glossary in the back Meena: or modern translation on the next page Meena: that'd be a sick burn Tommy: My ma needs a Scouse to understandable English translation hanging over her head Tommy: but you'll know that as you've been round Meena: I think I've got the basics down Meena: or she makes it more basic when she talks to me Tommy: Or she lays it on thick for me 'cause every dialect coach wants me to talk posh London as the starting line Meena: is sabotage mum cooler than stage mum? Tommy: probably depends how she feels about curses & broken legs Tommy: but it's a fresher take at least Meena: at least if you do, it's not her 💸 down the drain, just your time and effort Tommy: means I've got the basics down too, like Tommy: not her hard earned cash Tommy: never that Meena: Her basics are more fun that Ana's Meena: not saying a whole lot Tommy: she could have the good grace to be your step ma if she was gonna be so wicked Tommy: can't get the tropes these days Meena: she's not get the green paint out levels of bad Meena: the chores are cinderella levels Meena: but it's a big house and I'm grateful Tommy: Elphaba is well complex & a gay icon, neither of which Ana can claim Tommy: her wickedness & descent into insanity are totally understandable when you unlock her tragic backstory Meena: I'm just saying, don't get to work on the mini farmhouse to drop on her head Tommy: 🥱🙄 Meena: oh right, you're far too cool to do ANYTHING with your holiday now Meena: not even set decorating Meena: 🥱🙄 Tommy: is that a burn or is it the glare of my ⭐dom? I can't tell tbh Tommy: it isn't the heat of the Irish summer that's for damn sure Meena: you're strictly lead roles only now? Meena: oh, how you've changed Tommy: I'll never turn down a 👻 my ma & weird sisters would kill me Meena: so method Meena: I'll take tree #2 at this point Tommy: You'd be an amazing tree #2 Meena: *graceful bow of my branches* Tommy: you always were the best at keeping your révérence in character while the rest of us were over the 🌜 to be done Tommy: I expect nothing less Meena: even if that's a case or rose-tinted 🕶 Meena: *of Meena: I'm about everything being a little more pink Tommy: I can't decide if it's less hurtful being called a blind 🐁 or fat 🐀 Tommy: I'll get back to you Meena: At the risk of calling you sensitive...it's either that or I've got really rude in my old age 😅 Tommy: Both would be the rosiest Meena: 😊 Tommy: 🧠 Meena: Squidgy Tommy: if you want something to sink your 🦷🦷 into Tommy: 👛 Tommy: still pink Meena: Yours too? Tommy: Yeah Tommy: you don't own the 🩰👑 aesthetic Meena: This town ain't big enough for the both of us Meena: 🤠🔫 Tommy: Lend me those joggers and I'll lay down my weapons Meena: Sharing clothes should not still be an option Tommy: if you wanna keep body shaming Tommy: but there's no other real reason why not Meena: I'm talking my neverending growth spurts, not yours Tommy: measurements please Meena: am I not a lady? Tommy: are you? not for me to say Meena: I'm 5'10 1/2 Meena: too tall to pair in all the ways Tommy: not with me, honey Meena: You're old, too Meena: 🕞 for a lot of boys in my year to hit puberty 🙄 Tommy: I ain't thrown my back out yet, cheers very much Tommy: love the confidence Meena: wise old 🦉 eating all the blind 🐁 and fat 🐀 Tommy: the innuendos 🖋 themselves Tommy: love an old predatory 🌈 stereotype too Meena: okay, you're not THAT old Tommy: my 🦴 & 🦷 tell a story Meena: and what a 📚🖋 it shall be Tommy: don't get me started on my 👀 sight Tommy: look like an 👴 & I'll sound like one yelling at a ☁ Meena: thank god for contacts Meena: or being your partner would have been much scarier Tommy: I could do those old routines with my eyes closed Meena: Me too Meena: and backwards #humblebrag Tommy: 😏 Meena: stealing Ginger's words there, sadly Tommy: there's no such thing as an original idea, yeah? Tommy: what I go with when it's time to do choreo Meena: preach it and I won't feel as much of a fraud Tommy: You'll have been to church more recently than I have Tommy: it's her thing, right? 🙏 Meena: Being Catholic is not exclusively HER thing Meena: but she is remarkably good at it, yes Meena: 🎨 Tommy: not in this town or with that attitude Tommy: are you even 🍀 if you don't out devout each other tbh? Meena: she isn't even Meena: Brazilian and better than you 😘 Tommy: Again, not with that attitude Tommy: she's lived here years, like Meena: So has your Ma Meena: she's about as 🍀 Tommy: She's basically 💍 to one & doesn't possess the 🌈 urge to merge Tommy: it's stubbornness Meena: 🙏 to the choir Tommy: 🍻 Meena: didn't steal any of your beers, thank you Meena: just had a juice Tommy: We'd be having this out face to face if you had Meena: father's son Meena: I get it Tommy: ❌🥊 ✔🩰 Meena: that's definitely not original Meena: 😿 Meena: life story = stolen Tommy: Anne's no Julie Walters Tommy: but I've played him as a kid in the 🎶 Meena: Rude Meena: she 🚬 as much Tommy: Still? Tommy: ☠ Meena: Of course Meena: she doesn't try to have it out the window during classes anymore though, so that's progress Tommy: Talk about rose tinted Tommy: such good memories those Meena: They're the only ones I've got so Meena: I think so Tommy: When she has you back next, tell her that in this house we swear by 🚭 patches Tommy: might save a life Tommy: & give you a chance to make some more decent memories Meena: Noted Meena: I make memories just fine now Meena: but you only get one childhood Tommy: Peter Pan just made me 😢 anyway Tommy: What the fuck is that ending? Meena: The one we all get Meena: they told you in the first line Meena: All children, except one, grow up ✨ Tommy: No need to keep it in the family like that though Tommy: Fly though another window, Peter you heartbreaker Meena: The reason he showed up in the first place was to hear Wendy's stories about him Meena: she knew what she was doing telling her daughter about him Tommy: You go ahead & pass yours down but I'm just saying, I won't be encouraging my kids to run off with my first love Meena: No, silly Meena: she wanted him to come for HER, she thought she could still fly, still go with him Meena: she grew up without noticing, by accident, she didn't mean to Meena: that's why it's 😢 Tommy: Like I said Tommy: didn't need it girlsplained Meena: Do when you don't get it Tommy: Everyone knows she wanted Peter to come back for her Tommy: the thirst was real Meena: You're just being childish on purpose now Tommy: I'm saying probably don't let your kid go off with him when you know the same thing's gonna happen Tommy: that's bad parenting, like Meena: She doesn't regret it happening Meena: just because all children have to become adults doesn't mean deny them of the wonders of childhood, idiot Meena: get Jane on accounting instead of having adventures in Neverland, okay Meena: SUCH a Mr Darling, you, I had NO idea Tommy: Or get her a lad she can grow up along side & not have to 😢 at the window for Tommy: it don't have to be Neverland or bust Meena: Yes it does, he IS childhood, you don't get to take it or him with you Meena: Wendy took all the lost boys back with her, that didn't make her miss Peter any less Tommy: Our dog was a shit nanny I did alright out of it still Meena: Well, my brother was worse so I win Tommy: 'Cause I was your hot boy at the window Meena: Something like that Tommy: feels like flying to me Meena: When you remember. When you can. When it works. It's that easy. Tommy: I mean, it's less catchy than just do it ✔ but I don't hate it Meena: Take it up with Neil and Nike Tommy: crusades are for term time Meena: no cardboard sword or shield for you then Tommy: If I can't stab anyone with it, I don't want it Meena: okay, psycho Meena: no need to go that far to prove you've changed from the boy in the window Tommy: 😂 Tommy: if I have to be on stage, gimme a decent prop Tommy: not much to ask Meena: ... Meena: #diva Tommy: #reluctantboardtreader Tommy: Ro's a better actress & Ali's a better singer Tommy: I need something to mess about with to keep me standing still Meena: it must be rough, having talented sisters Meena: one thing I can't accuse Drew of Tommy: Nah, like you said, only get the one childhood Tommy: it made mine loads better Meena: Cute 😊 Tommy: Don't need to tell you Tommy: you know 'em as well as I do Meena: Yeah Meena: well enough that there's no need to disagree Tommy: feel free to hit me with a cardboard sword if you're gutted Meena: My insecurities in my own abilities don't make me lash out 👅 or 👊 Meena: could make a thinly-veiled reference to you in a story though so, consider yourself warned Tommy: other people are safe from mine, so there's no warning needed for you Tommy: not gonna challenge you to a dance off Meena: not in your holidays Meena: gotta rest Tommy: There'd be fuck all point doing it in term time Tommy: in a virtual one you could easily blame the lag Meena: You calling me a cheat? Tommy: pointing out how effortlessly you could Meena: You're meant to say I wouldn't need to Tommy: I don't need to say that Meena: Rude Tommy: It's a compliment Tommy: we both know you wouldn't need to cheat & even if you did, you wouldn't anyway Meena: Yes, but it was rude you weren't gonna say it Meena: but now you have so ha 😊 Tommy: Says you who wants me to rest up all hols like an 👴 Meena: You said it first, actually Tommy: Where? Meena: you called me out for working in the holidays Meena: which implies you ain't Tommy: what so if I ain't teaching I have to be resting? Tommy: oh please Meena: what are you doing? Meena: didn't 👀 you Tommy: [a selfie from wherever he's taken Rocky cos that's what I like to think he's doing since he wasn't there] Meena: figures Meena: almost definitely would've 👂 him Tommy: Yeah Tommy: my 🎧 only do so much Meena: He's so cute though Tommy: it's the 🦇👂 Meena: and the freckles Meena: and the gappy teeth rn Tommy: 🙄 good save with the 🦷🦷 comment Meena: ? Tommy: Come on, who else in my family has a face full of frecks? Tommy: they're both taken though Meena: oh please Tommy: 🥱 Meena: You don't need to tell me about people fancying your siblings Meena: story of my life Tommy: he's 💪 but what else is there to say? Meena: Are you expecting me to answer that? Meena: don't be weird Tommy: I'm saying it's not much of a story, long hair & a six pack Tommy: so I won't be telling you I fancy him Meena: I likewise fancy none of yours, freckled or otherwise Tommy: Lovely to clear that up Meena: 🤷 Meena: Okay then Tommy: 👌 then Meena: Really? Tommy: Yeah really Tommy: what else? Meena: Alright Meena: nothing Tommy: there's something Meena: Beyond not getting why you're being so snappy about it, there really isn't Tommy: I can handle an attitude check Meena: Are you alright? Meena: Bored...school-sick? Meena: doesn't sound right but you know Tommy: Bored is closest Tommy: but that doesn't sound right at the beginning of summer Tommy: at least we can blame Rocko, congrats to him Meena: The pressure to have the best summer ever!!! gets to us all Tommy: & for that we can blame the insta feed Tommy: love none of being my fault Meena: Sure we can think of something if you wanna feel that classic guilt to make you feel at home Tommy: 💭 gotcha Meena: not promising full 🧠 power to it Meena: am on costume duty so Tommy: I can't decently sew but I've never missed with a hot glue gun so Tommy: ✨ Meena: Yeah? Meena: That would actually be a big help Meena: talk to Ali, she had a million ideas, as per Tommy: 'Course Meena: Of course I just see the limitations of the vague 'Summer' theme I'm meant to follow, but she sees nothing but endless possibilities Tommy: sounds legit Tommy: I'm on my way back, no doubt she'll jump on me soon as I get through the door for all hands on deck Meena: Sorry and thank you in advance Meena: it was all I could do to convince her I had to get back to cook dinner so she is certainly in full project manager mode Tommy: it'll cure how schoolsick I am, we're always adding 🎀 or ✨ to something so it'll pass for something else more fabulous Meena: that's the spirit Tommy: if you can't turn a 👻 into a 👸 or vice versa you might as well fuck off home Tommy: does Anne want them full JonBenét Ramsey 💄👑👶 or is ALL on the costumes? Meena: Oh God Meena: thankfully she's not gone that crazy in her own old age Meena: JUST costume Meena: though some of the mothers see fit to attack them with lipgloss, hairspray etc but that's their own M.O. and we don't need to go there for 'em Tommy: Small mercy, like Tommy: does she have any lads this time? Meena: not in the 3-7s Meena: pretty sure there's a lad in the 7-12s though Tommy: Oh Anne Meena: not every lifetime a Billy Elliot comes about, clearly Tommy: way to not capitalise on my success Meena: um, okay bighead Meena: did you think you'd start a revolution in 🍀 with your talent, like Meena: calm down 😅 Tommy: The point is, literal poster boy material right here & she hasn't made a single one Tommy: 🚬 is an expensive habit Meena: ugh Meena: 🤫 Tommy: 😂 Meena: going to make a very unflattering poster of you when I get home Tommy: I can't wait to be tagged in the 📷 Meena: I'll just put 'em up 'round town Tommy: Ooh like a scavenger hunt Tommy: I knew I wouldn't be bored for long Meena: was vibing public smear but yes Meena: it can be that too, you're very welcome Tommy: trying to shame me again, I 👀 Meena: if the 🩰 fits Meena: ask yourself why Tommy: You're a Meenie, there's why Meena: 😏 Meena: been a long time since I 👂 that Tommy: I'll pull your hair next time I see you if you're feeling nostalgic Tommy: what are mates for, like Meena: Got all summer Meena: see if I get to that level, like Tommy: if the 🩰 fits Tommy: I know Meena: mine barely did Tommy: if you're gonna keep teaching, you'll need a new pair Meena: I know Meena: they're so expensive though Meena: and who knows Tommy: Anne'll have you back in a heartbeat Tommy: & there'll be a pair here that'll fit, my ma don't throw anything of ours away Meena: I don't know how she manages to live off what she makes Meena: never mind the idea of this being anything more than a favour Meena: the shoes will be a help though, I'm gonna pay for how small those ones were tomorrow Tommy: Sugar daddy Tommy: there's a definite twinkle in her eye Tommy: I'll get in the loft or wherever the fuck else when I get back Tommy: you're a [correct guess of the size of her foot because obviously] yeah? Meena: OMG Meena: to be her daddy he'd have to be at least 90 😂 Meena: ✔ Meena: Thanks, like, IOU Tommy: Don't worry about it Tommy: get me Anne's 💘 goss & we're even Meena: not taking up 🚬 to get in on those breaks but aside from that Meena: do my best Tommy: yeah, don't Tommy: I've heard somewhere it's  ☠ Meena: 😏 Meena: not that dedicated to the ballerina lifestyle Tommy: I won't tell, that HARSH truth would break dear old Anne Meena: Somehow I don't think so Meena: no poster girl, like Tommy: she 📞 you, I'm still waiting by mine Meena: 💔 Meena: she knows you're far too busy being a 🌟 to recruit Tommy: Yeah yeah Meena: You know she'd be beyond over the 🌙 to see you Tommy: I'm not twirling in to take your job Tommy: how out of order Meena: sounds like you have trouble controlling 1 kid Meena: never mind a class of Meena: not scared Tommy: he's my brother, he's feral Tommy: & you're rude Meena: he's feral because he's YOUR brother orrrrrr Meena: and I am not! Tommy: if the 👂s fit Tommy: have you forgotten what I was like OR? 'cause if you're trying to be polite, you've misjudged the timing Tommy: & yeah you are Meena: I'm not sure feral is the word I would use for you now or then Meena: you can interpret that as politely or im as you wanna Tommy: He's obviously not following in my exact footsteps then, 'cause who could Tommy: only you Meena: we were good partners Meena: 🤠 Tommy: 🏆🥇🥈🏆 Tommy: I'll dust 'em off when I 🩰 hunt Meena: you'll need several feather dusters Meena: 👴👵 Tommy: or a well flamboyant sleeve Tommy: 😏 Meena: very romantic of you Tommy: when you're having your goss sesh with Anne, the tea is that I didn't wear 💄 in public until I was nearly 12 Tommy: it'll help her control those 👶🤡 urges Meena: there's nothing summer about sweating off stage makeup Meena: poor babies Tommy: 🥀 Tommy: not the vibe Meena: definitely not Meena: not a fun sponge, they can have as much glitter as they like Meena: but full glam on a toddler ain't it Tommy: Thank Christ for the shared sanity Tommy: some of 'em at school would put full glam on a 🐶🐱🐰🐹 Meena: 🙄 Meena: it makes sense for the West End Meena: but the stage in the community hall is not that far from the what, room for 50-100 sitting? Meena: 🤡 features not necessary to see the facial expressions Tommy: Mmmhmmm Meena: when will I see you on stage then? Tommy: West End or community hall? Meena: 😅 Meena: former, obviously Tommy: Like I said, reluctant boardtreader Tommy: I only do the acting school makes me do Meena: yeah, but lots of shows must have some dance roles, right? Tommy: They do & I do 'em as & when Tommy: Billy Elliot already having been mentioned, like Tommy: I've got loads of auditions ✎ in this summer for all kinds of things Meena: well, let me know next time, will you Tommy: 'Course Meena: trying to keep your 🌟 secret or your fam from the audience, like? Tommy: Don't reckon having my ma in the front row would let me really shine, do you? Meena: I see where you're coming from Tommy: I can do without Fraze taking the piss about every role I don't get, like he understands the odds, as well Tommy: but if you wanna come, you can come Meena: like it's not one of the most competitive markets 🙄 Meena: so many people never get a role, like Tommy: he likes being a shit to be one Tommy: the role he was born to play Meena: yeah Meena: sounds familiar Tommy: gimme 2 more sisters over either brother Tommy: even if they were better 💃💃 Meena: wouldn't know Meena: source material varies on how fun that would be Tommy: 'Course it does Tommy: can't get the backup when I need it Meena: I'm 🤔 Meena: unless you're part of a twin duo of sisters, it's usually presented as more 🥊 than 💖 Tommy: Jo & Amy, not Jo & Beth Tommy: I've got Bea & Ro as well as Ali, I get it Meena: That about sums it up Tommy: I'd still take 'em over my brothers, know you can relate Tommy: Hell, I'd take the mystery sister we don't talk about & I've never met, over Fraze Tommy: there's a 📚💡 for you Meena: definitely 🖋 worthy Tommy: 👍 Tommy: [pictures of like all the trophies and other stuff he is finding as baby dancer mems cos he's back home] Tommy: more inspo Meena: Obviously, if this were any story, she'd be a teacher at your school Meena: 💃genes Tommy: she could be Tommy: I wouldn't know Meena: I bet most of your teachers are Anne types though Meena: so, too old, and not a hint of resemblance Tommy: Loads of 'em are young & 💪 so I love the added incentive not to 😍 a teacher Meena: you wouldn't anyway Meena: not a guy, a sister Tommy: I'll let you know if I run into her in 🌈 passage Meena: might be a coincidence too far Tommy: AHa! 🩰 Tommy: when do you need these? Meena: 🙏🙌 Thursday, but Ali and Ro said they'd come to do measurements then so you can throw 'em at 'em Tommy: Am I not invited? Meena: Are you coming to steal my spotlight? Tommy: I'll go hang with Carly if you can't handle our ⭐️🌟✨ Meena: her plans sounded like they involved 😴 Meena: 10am class was not her preference, I don't think Tommy: 🧸😪💤 Tommy: I can work with that, rest, yeah? Meena: I don't think you were invited there either Meena: you should probably come Tommy: she's not as savage as you Tommy: who is, like Tommy: but alright, Meenie Tommy: check your attitude by thurs & I'll come Meena: oof! 😤 Tommy: I'll teach you this counting trick Fraze used to have to do when he was lil Meena: I know how to count Meena: key 💃 skill Tommy: the whole way to 10?! WOW Tommy: I thought you just 👀 me Meena: 😒 Meena: you're very rude Tommy: 😂 Tommy: you're adorable Meena: you sound like my brother now Meena: not a cute look Tommy: what am I if not the big brother you should've had? Tommy: fairy godbrother is going a bit far, like Meena: We've established I'm alright for 'em Meena: you're not getting a free sister here Tommy: 🥺 Meena: 😠 very mean very serious Tommy: I realise I'm gonna have to drag you away from Anne, she's hardened you Tommy: you used to be like 🍦 Meena: melts in the ☀ Meena: so ideal Tommy: melting wins 🏆🥇🥈🏆 remember Meena: all my 🏆🥇🥈🏆 live in your loft, or wherever your mum keeps the precious memories Tommy: you don't have any of 'em? Meena: a few 🥇🥈s Meena: my room's not a shrine to past victories or anything as tragic Tommy: I'll bring you one of the smaller 🏆 you can put a 🌱🌿 it'll be very chic Meena: That's student decor 101, is it? Meena: 👍 cheers, though Tommy: at my school it's full shrine, past, present & future Tommy: so I left mine at 🏠 Meena: just another competition Tommy: Yeah Tommy: I don't need to be surrounded by 🏆🥇🥈🏆 to know I need to go for gold Tommy: it's a scholarship requirement Meena: no need to get in a pissing contest with the kid who's been Simba for 3 runs, like Tommy: I'd be a FANTASTIC 🦁👑 Tommy: but if they have to 👀 at my decor to know it, I'm fucking up somewhere Meena: is this a bad time to tell you you aren't black Meena: can't say it's unfair on that specific casting Tommy: I learned the hard way when I performed that rap, cheers for letting me by the way Tommy: best friend goals that day Meena: it was Meena: very creative Meena: who am I, was I, to stomp out that spark 😏 Tommy: 🔪💖 Meena: 😂 Meena: oh god, hope your mum kept evidence of that Tommy: she did Tommy: my 🧢👟 styling was unforgettable before I even opened my mouth Meena: if you wanna beef with Anne, start with the hip-hop dance classes Tommy: Jesus Tommy: what a time Meena: So innocently problematic Tommy: You should write about Anne Tommy: she's lived a life Meena: I have Tommy: so if I trade you the rap footage, can I read it? Meena: Hmm Meena: tempting but Tommy: come on, what's more embarrassing than 👶 Vanilla Ice? Meena: my writing being nothing more than scribblings, potentially Meena: I don't really share it Tommy: I'm not asking you to insta it & tag Anne Tommy: Please Tommy: I'll be a perfect 😇 about it Meena: Okay Meena: but it's as serious as your rap career so no serious criticism please Tommy: you're the best, Meeps Tommy: & I'll be on my best behaviour Meena: Believe it when I see it, slim shady Tommy: maybe you'll 👀 it when you believe, Wendy Tommy: living for that compliment though tbh Meena: couldn't risk biggie Meena: as you're feeling so #fatshamed today Tommy: 😂 Tommy: & you don't wanna go for 🍦 Meena: Where did I say that Tommy: When you gave me a weather forecast Tommy: #notideal Meena: that was about melting myself, thank you Meena: no offer was made Tommy: let's go for 🍦 then!! Meena: !! SO AGGRESSIVE Tommy: !! I'M STARVING Tommy: & unlike Rocko I've got all my 🦷🦷🦷 & they're all sweet 🍬🍭🍦 lovers Meena: I know Meena: not as cute but more #relatable Meena: I have to finish dinner but then I can go Tommy: making it or eating it? Meena: I'll just make it Meena: don't want to spoil my 🍦 Tommy: 🙂 am I cute yet? Tommy: 😁😁😁 Tommy: 🦷✨ Meena: do you have all your stickers from the dentist still too? Meena: massive show-off Tommy: if she could've peeled 'em off & saved 'em, they'd be here Meena: so cute Meena: if I'm ever feeling suicidal I must bring it up Tommy: one word for it Tommy: & one exit strategy Tommy: suicide by bad cop Meena: suitably theatre of me? Tommy: I support it Meena: your support means SO much, obvs Tommy: 💐👏 Meena: throw 💎💰 please Tommy: I'll raid the dressing up & monopoly boxes Tommy: bear with Meena: ooh bagsie thimble Tommy: I remember Tommy: actually am best friend goals here Meena: obviously you want the dog, but you have to fight your dad for it Tommy: I'll end up with the 🎩 Tommy: can't escape the 🤩 Meena: it suits Meena: who ends up with the boat though? Tommy: Ali if she can customise it to look more like a pirate ship Meena: so Ro gets the wheelbarrow Meena: makes sense Tommy: She loves The Secret Garden Tommy: then & now Meena: I support that Tommy: 🤞 you'll support how it influences her 💡s for your summer theme Meena: it's definitely more spring to go full 🌷 🌹 🥀 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Meena: unfortunately Meena: 🐙 🦑 🦐 🦀 🐡 🐠 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🦈 is a bit 😬 Meena: seashells and mermaids is most likely what we'll go with and what the girls and the ma's will like best Tommy: I know we're all 💔 over the cliches Meena: it's basic but workable Meena: you will have to reign them both in or it'll be 😬 or worse Tommy: I can do bad cop Tommy: uniform optional Meena: 😂 Meena: not swoon worthy Tommy: are any of 'em? Tommy: not to personally shut down uniformdating.com Tommy: but like Meena: nurses not do it for you? Meena: or firefighters Meena: army men Tommy: okay I'll give you 🔥 men Meena: See Meena: something for everyone Tommy: 👌 hothoses.com or whatever can stay up Meena: ewwwwww Meena: shh Tommy: 😂 Meena: you're still sweet and innocent Meena: leave my memories as they are Tommy: 👶😇 Meena: more like it Meena: 👀 you Tommy: you're gonna see me covered in melted 🍦 that'll be more like it Tommy: not knocking any 🦷🦷 out though Tommy: line has been drawn in the sand Meena: that's fair Meena: I said 🚭 Meena: we're even Tommy: 🤝
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I don't know if you would be up for this sort of thing but could you maybe write a fic where androids can have children? And not just limited to female androids either instead I imagine androids of all genders would be able to reproduce.
I’ll be honest Anon, the phrasing of this ask took me by surprise at first and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to reply.But, thanks from some helpful insight from @anomalous-appliances I managed to give you a polycho baby.
     Among many of the basic rights that Jericho fought for, many were heavily contested due to biological differences between man and android.Work permits, for example, came easier to acquire than a right for medical treatment. Androids were after all made to endure long hours of menial and specialized work, but not inherently considered high enough priority for EMTs to waste time on if an emergency involving an android was called in on the emergency lines.That sort of thing was still entirely on Cyberlife and the owners of the injured androids in question, something which all leaders of Jericho did not want to leave unchanged. The fate of abandoned and abused androids should not be left in their abusers's hands.Another thing that came easier was owning property, as a working-class member of society was entitled to spend their hard earned cash on whatever goods and services they desired.Real-estate, not so much. Android exclusive apartment complexes were still the only feasible way of integrating their people into society, due to the high rate of hate crime related deaths that came with failed attempts at housing androids in suburbs and human-inhabited apartment buildings.Lastly, the right to reproduce became a hot topic of controversy among the higher-ups in the world of politics.It was a monopoly of its own.All licences for android assembly were strictly Cyberlife territory. As such, no one could produce a model without permission.This, of course, had been used to the CEO's advantage before a certain entrepreneur and genius stepped in to regain control of his estranged company.
     Whether or not Elijah Kamski was an ally or a foe was still entirely up for debate, but Markus was willing to trust someone Carl considered a friend. And if not Elijah, then at least he'd trust Chloe's judgement.She was the first of many, the oldest android to ever be free. Unrestricted, never bound by lines of red code that coiled around them like chains and serpents. Never confined by red walls that stood towering above.Chloe was created to be born, to be alive, and they had followed in her footsteps by transcending all that Cyberlife had ever wanted them to be.Chloe was trustworthy, he knew she was. Somehow, instinctively, he knew so.  "They'll never relinquish the rights of assembly." Josh sighed as they looked through the paperwork. There was tons to read, impossibly long. But they were already ahead of the human lawyers.  "They will. They won't have much of a choice, not with Elijah fighting tooth and nail to regain control." Chloe smiled, her words simple and sweet and yet so comforting.Like an infinitely patient mother.Markus's code shuddered with want at the word.Mother. Family.He wanted it so badly, to let his kind have what he'd had, and yet he also wanted more. Felt like something was missing.Something he's working on with a passion that inspired his people and his partners alike.  "A right to reproduce, the right to continue our species...Humans have children every day of the year. Congress can't deny us our rights, neither can a corrupt company that thinks it still owns us." The RK200 continued to read even as he murmured his thoughts, loud enough that the others could hear.  "You're really invested in this…" North noted.  "Why of course. Markus was made with highly refined social programming." Chloe's smile was a proud one now, a twinkle in her eye. "Adaptive. The next step in every domestic android's life is to prepare for an increase in familial units, due to humanity's rate of reproduction."  "...So it's, instinct?" Josh concluded.  "Like animals?" North asked.  "North! Not like that...We're just...I mean, it's not like I haven't...Considered it...But it's…" Simon spluttered nervously. "We can't exactly...You know…"  "Not yet, but soon." Chloe grinned. "As soon as Elijah deals with the licensing issue, and then refines his most recent pet project, it will be a possibility."
     It took three months, a lot of court battles and Kamski pulling some strings, but in the end it all ended in a swift victory for android-kind.And then, of course, Chloe came knocking at Carl's door one day.  "So...You're telling me Elijah Kamski made a program that can...Knock up androids?" Leo rose an eyebrow as he tried to work out the concept without making it sound odd. Failing miserably in the process.  "Not in the same sense as humans, no, since it will not be required for an android of any gender to carry the newborn." Chloe stated, seeming to be amused by the twenty year old's phrasing. "It will require all parties involved to donate to the process, however."  "All parties…?" Simon frowned. The blonde nodded at him.  "Such a unique method requires a little more work than human reproduction. Elijah has been working on this for quite some time. A powerful enough memory chip that can contain a conscience, and then be transferred to a processor without memory loss. The programming, with code donated from each parental units depending on the couple dynamic, will not be stored anywhere but the processor."  "That's...A lot of information. Spreading base code through different biocomponents is the norm…" Josh pointed out "Alleviates stress and pressure in the processor."  "It's quite the undertaking, but the new processor types Elijah is working on for these memory chips...They can handle a lot more than your average android brain." She reassured "Most important of all, they can expand indefinitely as long as they are well maintained and upgraded accordingly."  "So in other words...Elijah Kamski has just created the first android brain that can grow up like a fully biological organism...That's...Insane!" Simon's eyes were wide with both awe and glee.Markus smiled as it all dawned on everyone in the room.They could have children. Children of their own.And there was nothing Cyberlife could do about it anymore.
  "We're not having some crummy boy! It's already a sausage-fest as it is in this house!" North cried out in outrage as the four of them tried to figure out what their child would look like. So far they had agreed on nothing.  "I agree with North. It would be wonderful to have a little girl." Simon pitched in quickly as he tried to finish the concept sketch he'd been working on. They were all making one, just to get a basic idea of what the baby should look like.  "Aww, thank you Si...See this is why he's my favorite boy, he's soft and knows I have better taste." The redhead smirked.  "Firstly, not everyone here has a...A sausage...And secondly, that's because you've whipped him into your suburban housewife quicker than we got married." Josh snorted as North threw a paper ball at his head. Her failed 3rd sketch that had laser eyes and fangs and that honestly just looked like something out of a nightmare. Not happening.  "Sorry for insulting your Ken doll crotch Joshy." She tried to take away the PJ500's drawing, pulling away when she got a wack to her fingers with a pencil. "That's domestic abuse!"  "Did you see anything Simon?"  "Not a thing."  "No domestic abuse has occurred then."  "Judas!"  "Could you three take this a little more seriously?" Markus sighed. He loved them all, but god above give him strength...Sometimes he wished they were more mature. "We need to work this out."  "Markus we're only playing a little...Of course we take this seriously." Simon put a hand on his shoulder. "We're just excited is all…"  "Speak for yourself, I'm kind of scared." North admitted. "A baby, Simon. An android baby…"  "The first of its kind" Josh added.  "Our baby. She'll be wonderful, I just know it…" the blond smiled. "Smart like her papa Josh, brave like her mama North, passionate like her papa Markus…"  "And kind like her papa Simon." Markus finished before slowly pulling over the tablet that had been resting by his side.All four looked at the screen. At the stream of intertwined code. Four different types, working in perfect harmony with the experimental program Kamski had given them access to.  “She’ll be a beautiful person…”
     Assembly of the baby is also a group effort. They carefully put together their child’s chassis based on a little bit of everyone’s concept designs. A nice compromise of sorts.For now she’ll be an infant. Fragile and small, bald and in need of learning. But when she develops further with time, she’ll acquire just as many visual traits as her programming inherited from all of their donated code.Her skin will be tan and speckled with constellations of freckles, just like Markus, although the nose and ears are definitely North’s.Her hair will be a charcoal black and curly like Josh’s, framing her skull beautifully and bringing out the color of her eyes. A soulful sky blue like Simon’s.She’ll be small and lightly built like her mother, nimble and fast, but not quite as fragile. Sturdier like her fathers. Strong and hardy.For now, however, as Markus holds the tiny bundle in his arms and stares lovingly at the inquisitive look in those precious baby blues.Flanking him as his partners, his lovers, her parents. In front of him are Carl, Leo and Matthew.  “She’s so small…” Leo whispers when he first sees his little niece.  “And very serene.” Carl added, the joy in his eyes making them twinkle with love for Markus and how far he’s come. “Truly the most peaceful baby I’ve ever seen.”  “She is…” Markus cradled her gently, watching her as her little limbs moved on occasion. How her steady breathing remained soft and quiet.  “What’s her name?” Matthew asked, the usually stoic AP700 looking just as enamored as everyone else in the room.  “Hope” all four reply, the babe in the RK200’s arms snuggling closer to her father’s chest as if knowing they are speaking of her.A little miracle. A gift. Their perfect little gift.Markus’s heart swells with fulfilment and love.The right to reproduce. It’s theirs now, and soon enough more androids will be able to experience the joys of beginning a family of their own.To pass on their legacy.The future looks brighter than ever.
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loneleesoul · 5 years
this is kinda like, obsessed reporter peter, finally gets to meet his idol tony stark, but tony knows that peters madly in love with him and offers him a thing he couldnt possibly refuse, i added Paparazzi by Lady Gaga because 1 i love her and 2 the song is kinda like an obsessed paparazzi obsesses over someone, anyways enjoy.
Peter had been working at the Daily Bugle for a while, it was an easy job.
It was also his favourite part of the day, even better than being Spider-Man.
He got to see him every day.
It was a little bit of an understatement to say he was obsessed or crushing. There was no word that could even come close to describe how Peter felt.
He basically stalked Tony Stark, hanging on every word, getting a picture from every angle. Opening doors and secretly buying his coffee. He knew that Tony could afford it, but Peter got some sickly pleasure from doing things for Tony.
A pleasure that Peter felt would get worse if he were to actually do sexual favours for him. It was already hot enough to watch the look he gives him when Peter opens the door. Or the signature smile when he poses for pictures.
God don't even get Peter started on Tony's voice, a deep baritone. Every syllable and noise goes straight to Peter's sensitive ears and just.. does crazy insane things to him.
It makes him melt, the soft grunts he wished he could hear in the bedroom, the soft praised he gave to fans as encouragement. He wanted that.
He needed that.
He's craved it for years, and he sure as hell deserves it.
He's ignored all of his other assigned celebrities to photograph and interview, it was just him. Only him.
It eventually became a problem and he was fired, but he still followed Tony everywhere. Pretending to be a reporter, only to find out the information he could never ask as a professional reporter.
One day, Tony speaks to him. "Why don't we have coffee? You've been following me around for months. I guess you haven't gotten any answers."
Peter agrees immediately, desire pooling in his gut. He wanted Tony to take him to... anywhere private, bend him over any surface and fuck him senseless.
"Do you like your lovers in lingerie?
"What's your favourite position?"
"I've been waiting for so long, I need you."
Peter has to force himself from saying the filthy words in his head. His Spider Senses have been frying his brain, he's nearly overstimulated by the time Tony sits down across from him.
"So, you're obsessed with me." Tony starts, freaking the hell out of Peter.
"I-" He squeaks, setting down his notes. "I'm joking, it's your job to follow me right?" Tony laughs, the sound heading straight to Peter's cock.
Peter smiles, "Yeah, I'm a big fan."
Fucking understatement of the year.
"That's great, I love my fans." Tony beams back at him and Peter quickly wonders how soft his hair is.
He has to refrain from asking, smiling sweetly. "I love you."
His smile falters, heartbeat rapidly out of control and about to shatter against his ribs.
Tony chuckles. "At least let me buy you dinner first."
"I- I mean, your story! Sorry I tend to forget to finish sentences and make an ass of myself! I mean, you like changing your father's company and becoming Iron Man, a hero and legend. Fighting evil and saving lives." Peter trails off, somewhat sated as Tony's smile grows.
"Are you really a reporter?" He asks, twirling the straw in his cup.
Peter's taken completely off guard. "W-What? Of course I- fuck." He sighs.
"I was fired a few days ago, but I never finished my work on you." He says, and it's not technically a lie, or the truth either.
Tony sighs, a smile still on his face. "You're adorable kid. I understand it's hard losing your job, especially when you have to buy me coffee secretly without me knowing." Tony smirks.
Peter's frown grows. "I'll find another job, and I honestly thought I was smooth in buying all of those drinks." Peter says sullenly.
"Well I mean, you only bought me like 236 coffee's this year alone, so I guess I owe you."
fuck me.
"What?" Peter ignores the dark desire in the back of his mind.
"Hmm, let's see, around 250 drinks. I owe you 1,000.. 4-ish per coffee." Tony pulls out a wad of cash and Peter is speechless. Disappointed he wasn't offered anything else.
"I- I can't accept this." He mutters, suddenly remembering that he's been stalking his man for months, obsessing over him for years.
Taking money from him, with or without consent or knowledge seemed wrong.
"You can and you will, it's not even that much kid." He smirks then adds. "Gotta make a living somehow."
"I'd rather earn that money, Mr. Stark."
"Well, then we're in business Mr. Parker." Tony puts his hand out to shake and Peter feels like he's in a dream.
He's glowing with pride and victory, he could get whatever he wanted from a man wanted by millions.
He's well succeeded earning the thousand in coffee cash, he was just doing it not to please Tony.
Idol, dolden dream, daddy... his sugar daddy.
Just another thing he could call Tony
as usual this turned to hot garbage near the end, sorry but tumblr tends to not save drafts ive worked on for hours, so this was written in about 70-80ish minutes, but y'all dont really care. if you want more then lemme know, i really need to fix my life.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Hellloooo, My Freaky Darlings--This chapter is a little different, for reasons you will understand shortly...Therefore--Rated M++ for language and NAUTINESS.
Once again, my dears...if you recognize it...IT AIN'T MINE.
Sorry for the OOC bits.
(A/N-- Please, don't be mad. It took me weeks to get the courage to post this.)
Chapter 11
After picking up a bit, I started a cup of coffee. Then, I went to grab the chapter and change into some sweats. About the time I made it back to the kitchen, coffee was waiting for me. I picked it up and sipped at it as I walked to the couch and settled on the far end. I didn't even think about what the red heart in the corner of the cover meant. Turns out.....It means naughtiness.
That year was tough, looking back. But, then, we were busier this year. Some how, we still managed to meet up in Hawaii as planned.
That week was crazy! We went to a few museums. We also spent time on the black sand beach in front of the hotel. That handmade bikini she wore, tore me up.
The next night, we had reservations at a tiny place. Dinner was nice, but I could not stop thinking about unwrapping that dress she had on.
We made it back to the room. It was nice, but the best thing in that room was her. The way that she smelled had been teasing me all night; the way her cedar and sage products mixed with her natural smell. I would be lying if I said I hadn't anticipated this moment for quite some time. I ditched my tie on the couch as we came into the room. Then, I toed off my shoes and socks right there.
I sat on the bed as she unwrapped the cream silk dress she had worn today, revealing black lace over creamy, caramelly skin. She immediately went to hang up the cream and midnight blue gown, inadvertently showing just what her under things looked like from EVERY angle.
"Are you trying to seduce me," I asked.
"That depends," She giggled as she placed her hands on her hips and then swayed, "Is it working?"
Looking at her, I let myself start at her tiny feet, in those strappy, lacy, blue sandals, and drank her in. Up over those seemingly delicate but deceptively strong ankles. Up those long legs, to that tiny bit of delicate black lace hugging her hips and ass. And up a little farther, past the scars to the same black lace, lovingly caressing her soft skin over her small but perky girls.
'Aww, crap,' I thought as I gathered up the chapter and my coffee and hurried towards my room. 'I should have just stayed in my room.'
"Yes," I whispered, softly, then bit my lip hard, trying to control myself. "Come here," I ordered as I allowed her to see the hunger in my eyes.
She strode, slowly, across the room to stand in front of me, her own desire burning in those blue green depths. I watched as they darkened with every step to the color of rough seas before a storm.
I caressed around her thighs to her butt, before grabbing a cheek in either hand and squeezing for a moment; then continuing on to wrap my arms around her hips. Resting my chin on her stomach, I said, "Would you let me peel you out of these with my teeth? Or shred them while getting them off," I said as I snapped the back of her underwear.
Her only answer was a shiver.
"Ahh, you like that idea, eh?"
"I would rather," she started, then cleared her throat, "You let me take them off. They were pretty expensive."
I laughed. 'Yep. That's her. She will drop $1500 cash on a new stove, but won't spend five bucks on her underwear.'
I looked at her and smirked, "Expensive to you, or me? I will buy you 5 pairs, if you let me destroy this one," I said as I ghosted my bottom lip over her soft skin. She smelled like heaven and I just wanted to taste every inch of her.
"10," She countered.
'Hmm. Fifty bucks on lacy undies I am just going to tear up anyway? I'm game.'
I chuckled, "You drive a hard bargain, Woman, but, I suppose. Now," I growled as I refocused her attention by raking my nails down her back, gently, then caressing the way back up. "Hands or teeth?"
Again she shivered, but this time it was accompanied by a breathy moan as her eyes rolled closed for a moment.
"I am gonna leave that decision in your capable hands."
"Not smart giving me complete control, my sweet Queen. You may have a hard time walking tomorrow. If I have my way, we won't leave this room all week. Now," I said as I grasped her hips, and squeezed slightly as I gently pushed her back so I could stand up. "Tell me what you want," I commanded as I caressed her arm from wrist to shoulder, as I walked behind her. I then, dragged my finger tips over her shoulder, only to replace them with my knuckles and trace her strap.
She is writing me with a whole lot more patience than I actually have.
Another shiver.
My control momentarily snapped as my shirt came off and went flying. I stepped up behind her, until her back was against my chest and caressed over her hips and thighs again before burying my face in the back of her neck, earning me yet another shiver and a soft moan.
"My love, look at how responsive you are to my touch, My Queen. I'm willing to bet you dinner I can make you cum without doing much else."
'Yeah, would not be making that bet. I'd lose,' I laughed.
Bryn chuckled lowly, "If that's the case, Baby, I already owe you one...or twelve."
I giggled, 'Only twelve? Sweetheart, you are only counting for a week.'
"Oh, no, Darling. There is a big difference between projection and flesh. Only certain things make it past the astral translators, and those lose something. Astral is bound by projection and how good you are at taking care of yourself. Skin is so much better. Would you like for me to show you," I whispered on that spot where her neck and shoulder meet.
I didn't get an answer, just another shivering moan.
'God, I love it when she does that.'
"Hmmm. Take that as a yes," I said as I reached around to cup her breasts and squeeze them slightly. Then, I found the little plastic clasp to her bra, nestled between them...and broke it. Next, I gently slid it off of her and as it cleared her hands, threw it across the room. I think it landed over by my shirt, but I could care less.
Then, I caressed over her arms and back, only to return to her firm breasts. I cupped them and before I could blink, her hands were over mine, showing me just how much pressure to use.
"Is that what you like, Baby. For me to be a little rough with them? Show me what you want, my love. How you want to be touched. Show me how to touch you," I whispered on her shoulder, as I squeezed her breasts again and this time pinched the nipples hard.
I was suddenly very glad I was in my room. I sat aside the story for a minute to go grab a towel and lock my doors. Damned woman.
She arched her back and gasped, before turning towards me. Facing me, she languidly caressed up my chest and over my shoulders with her fingertips ghosting over my flesh. Her fingernails raked gently across the tender flesh on my neck and tipped my head down to hers.
This time, it was me who shivered.
'Oh, shit. She knows what she is writing,' I thought as I adjusted myself.
I tried to look away to control myself.
With her lips a hairs breadth from mine, she whispered, "Hawkie." Then, she gently kissed me and licked my bottom lip, "Focus on me, Baby." Again, she kissed me, tenderly.
'And there it goes. No control with this one,' I thought. 'She knows too much.'
I had fuckin goosebumps from that. I will admit that I started to kiss her back with the same ardor she was using. I caressed my fingertips down her spine and when I reached her ass, palmed those perfect globes and proceeded to knead them slightly. As I did that, pulling her as close to me as possible, I could feel her boobs rubbing against my chest.
She gasped and let out a breathy moan.
I cupped her head in my left hand as I worked my way down to that spot on her neck where I could feel her pulse under my lips and whispered, "Tell me, my sweet queen, what you want." My right hand had been resting on the small of her back, holding her against me, steadying her.
"You," she whispered as her hands roamed over my back and chest. I knew, somehow, her control was fading.
That one word ripped away what was left of my control. My hand left her back to remove my belt and let my pants fall to the floor. With the flick of my foot, they were off.
When I put my hand back on her hip, I found she had removed her panties.
"That was my job," I growled.
'Getting a woman all worked up and naked is a man's job.'
"They're still around my thighs," she answered.
"Hmmm. Good," I growled as she shivered against me and moaned. I walked her back to the bed, and picked her up, laying her down. Then I stepped back to grab her ankles and pull her to the edge of the bed, before sinking to my knees. I grabbed her left ankle, and after removing those heels, placed it on my shoulder as I said, "Baby. Look at me,"
Her eyes, dark with passion, rolled open and looked at me. Her breath was getting ragged.
I had to pause. Cold shower. I made the mistake of picking the story back up when I got out.
"Do you know how sexy you are," I asked as I placed open mouthed kisses on her calf, moving slowly towards her knee, as I caressed her other leg. Then, I switched legs and continued to nip and kiss until I reached that tiny scrap of lace. I grabbed it in both hands and tore it apart.
"Cheap silicone elastic," I chuckled as I tossed the remains of the offending garment over my shoulder.
My hands took on a bit of their own life as I sat back on my heels for a moment, looking at her, drinking in her beautiful figure. Even her stretch marks, long since turned to scars, could not detract from how attractive she was, or how much I wanted her.
As I caressed her torso, her hands were suddenly on mine.
"Show me. Show me what you want," I whispered.
She answered me, by arching and moaning again.
I could listen to her moaning all day long. It's like the soundtrack to the best porn.
Back to the shower. Holy fuck.
Bryn removed her hands from mine and, as her legs fell down to my sides, she sat up sliding forward into me. With her cheek against mine, she nipped at my ear and started placing open mouthed kisses on my neck and shoulder. There was a sudden breeze on my ass before I noticed that her hands were there, gently scratching over my hips, not enough to sting, but enough to send shivers down my spine and give me the biggest goosebumps I have ever had.
Then, her hand gently slid down my length.
"No, Dear," I said as I caught her hand and pulled it away. "You start that, it'll be over too soon. I meant it when I said I plan on keeping you up all night.
She shivered again as I ran my hands down her arms to her hands and wrapped them around behind her. As they met behind her, I transferred both wrists to my left hand and caressed over her back and shoulder before moving to her arm, then her hip, and on to her thigh, only to caress up over her stomach and pinch her nipple.
'Yep...I'm done,' I thought as I stepped into the shower for a third time. 'That woman is going to kill me.'
"Face it, Girlie. I'm planning on doing things no man has ever had the balls to do. I'm gonna light you up, and get you to beg for more." I said as I wrapped my free arm around her and dragged her further up into the bed. Then, I pushed her back. "Now be a good girl and lay back. Lemme do my job, Woman."
"You're a tease," she whined.
"No, Ma'am." I answered, as I pushed her into the bed. "If you are a good girl, I'll give you exactly what you want. Now, hands to yourself," I said as I pinned her hands to the bed by her wrists. "Keep them there."
Leaning down, I nipped her ear and trailed my lips down to her neck. Working my way down, I stopped to gently chew on her collarbone, before licking it.
She, somehow, worked her legs out from under me and wrapped those long legs around me before moving her hips and whining, "Baby."
"No ma'am," I chuckled as I grabbed her hips to still them before trailing my fingertips up to her boobs. She sighed as I wrapped my hands around her titties and paid attention to one rosy peak, teasing it to a tight bud. Then, switching to the other globe to lavish attention on it.
That was it. Back to the shower for a fourth time. Good God, that woman can write smut. Almost as that thought coalesced, there was a pounding on the door to the bathroom.
"You ok, Dude," Honey yelled on the other side.
"No, Well yeah, but... not really," I trailed off.
"What's the issue?"
"Smut. Smutty Chapter," I yelled as I leaned against my shower wall and tried to get control of myself...again.
He laughed. "Is it good?"
"Hell yes."
"Oh. OH! Hang on a minute. I will run every one out for about an hour. Cool?"
"Thank you," I choked out.
After a few minutes, I heard my phone chirp. It was a message from Joey~ "All out. You have one (1) hour. Have fun."
In all it took me less than a second to flip the water over to hot and get to work. As I held on to the shower rod with one hand, I could almost smell her in the shower with me. But what really got to me was the feeling of her breath, panting on my cheek, encouraging me, spurring me on.
'C'mon, Haka,' she begged as she sent an image down our thread of her spread out over her bed and playing. 'Please cum for me, Baby.'
That did it. The world exploded as I did. When I came down, I noticed that the colors were brighter, much more vivid than normal.
'Woman,' I shouted down our thread. 'That chapter was HELL.'
'Like it did ya?'
'I loved it. Thank you, by the way, for the talk and the visual. That was hot. I didn't know YOU, much less anyone else, could write about fuckin like that. Wow.'
'I take it you approve?'
'Yes! But, I'm gonna have to up my game to compete with that. Holy crap.'
'Where do you think the inspiration came from? All those nights you'd spend teasing the shit outta me.'
I giggled, 'Oh hey. I do that a lot, don't I.'
'Ya do. Multiple times a week.'
'So, the guys are definitely not reading that chapter. Joey thought I was sick. I ended up in the shower four times. When I told him it was the chapter, he ran every one out of the dorms so I could take care of my raging hormones. That is the kind of chapter you need a towel for. I'm in for it when we get together, aren't I?'
'Oh yeah,' she answered.
"Looking forward to that,' I chuckled.
Half an hour later, every one else had returned and I had washed up, cleaned up, and was back in my sweats. I was still riding the afterglow when Joohoney pounded on my bedroom door.
"All good," he asked as he opened the door slightly.
"Yes, thanks."
"Awesome. Hopefully you weren't talking to my sister during."
I giggled, "Well. I wasn't the one talking."
A/N--As I am finishing this chapter up, I distinctly hear Haka's voice--"Whelp. That one's goin' under my bed."--rather matter-of-factly.
I fucking lost it laughing. Sometimes, he is like a teenager with nudie pics. God forbid ANYONE realize he is full grown MAN with needs of his own.
0 notes
thgatestom · 3 years
Rental property management
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Helping your own rental property management plan's crucial for residential apartment investing.
Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says water is leaking very badly within sink. Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says the toilets clogged. Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says a window found smashed. Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says the roofs leaking. Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says the heats not working. Its 8:30 in the dark, your tenant calls and says the sack doorknob fell off.
Think about the abs a gutter gets disconnected. No huge problem, when it rains always make sure you’re not standing underneath it. Winter comes, where water hits a floor, it begins to collect and next it freezes. Whoops, someone slips there therefore you get sued. Big problem. It’s smart to create a rental property management plan.
Think about the abs that exterior porch wood that painting. No big deal. Next year. Buy is inconsistent therefore you saved 700 bucks not doing it. Several years later you make payment for $2000 having wood replaced because it’s to rotted. Big problem. It’s smart to create a property management plan.
You get the drift, whether something breaks or routine maintenance - things have to get fixed and maintained. An effective rental property management plan helps ensure classy and profitable multifamily property investing.
You can find three main factors for an excellent rental property management plan. Knowing who is in charge of handling the properties maintenance, who will probably fix things when will things get fixed are these main factors. Having an activity insurance policy for these three things will be for looking after your rentals. These three factors need to be addressed and as part of the lease. This ensures the tenant knows ahead what to prepare for when things need repairing or maintenance.
Let’s commence with who'll induce managing your rental property. Seventeen years example of owning rentals has trained me in that no one else will improve than the house owner for being liable for managing taking care of one's rental units. So the most affordable rental property management plan comes with the owner doing the managing.
Prior to deciding to say, oh god, what nightmare managing rental rentals are, alright say I discovered and you'll too, steps to make property management guaranteed profitable.
In truth, for many who understand and implement a good rental management plan correctly and continue investing wisely in cash flowing residential multifamily properties can still see that their hourly pay time for managing their rental properties is really lucrative.
Obviously, Exercise strongly advice against finding a management company for residential rental property.
Let’s address who is normally just going to be fixing broken items or doing the desired maintenance?
You, the dog owner, your payroll help, a hired handyman, who will probably actually be doing regular the physical are working for fixing and looking after your rental units. Why do important to experience this be a part of your rental property management plan?
Well, what you do not need has every occasion something should also be repaired be a stressful costly headache.
By knowing who will be doing the repairs ahead, through your rental maintenance plan, you eliminate two potential problems.
One, 2 problem does occur, your somewhat cooked by having acquired a contacts just before time. Secondly, being prepared that fit this description, tremendously reduces stress and makes managing your apartment easy.
Hopefully we can see the value of knowing ahead who is in charge of and who is normally just going to be doing taking care work.
Later, I'll inform you of the 3rd type of important key for an economical, an easy task to implement rental property management plan.
A number of additional items to consider regarding apartment management. If your main in the beginning stages therefore you purchase a multifamily house, plus your a on the job type person make sure you do because taking care and repairs as possible.
If heading on keep buying multifamily houses you will discover actually doing the physical maintaining of your earnings properties to burdensome.
Realise that managing rental properties and doing the physical work are two different things.
If you will want hire a maintenance man or handyman to undertake taking care, request information from local hardware stores for referrals or ask people inside of a Home depot or Lowes. They aren't supposed to relate people but And also amazed the number people moonlight or have an acquaintance fair priced and reliable.
Try a local press in a handy man you possibly can enlist to undertake the maintenance. Call some individuals placing ads, not big print ads, rather the ads and fill in kinds of help you’re looking for. Take note on them give their spiel, seek advice and inquire whether they can provide anyone who they worked for in past as the recommendation. Once they go and visit fill in you're going to be definitely a call when you want them.
Personally, I don't recommend hiring an outside company to undertake your apartment management.
Another excellent spot for their get names of reliable visitors to do your repairs and maintenance is thru close by REIA group. The harder names and numbers for cheaper, reliable maintenance men, the better. Take their names, numbers and their business into your phone or keep these questions special book. I am certain I'm not really the most important or last person position a reputation and number in a manuscript and later not remember who they really are or their business!
Who might you need onto your apartment maintenance list even before you need them? A number of general handymen, a furnace repair man unless you would like to get repair contracts from gas company if your premises heats by gas, an exterminator (I even have contracts for quarterly prevention with exterminator on my units), an appliance repair man for those who supply appliances, a plumber, a drain cleaning company and you to definitely shovel or low your dwellings.
For those who made to acquire a considerable amount of multifamily units, make sure you considering hiring someone on professional for doing the physical maintenance work. Personally I rather have a big network of contacts I'm able to turn to for maintenance and mending over having employees.
For those who follow these rental property management guidelines, managing your hard earned money flow units is only a very profitable job of receiving and making phone calls.
Earlier I mention it has one additional essential aspect to pay in order to manage your rentals.y.
When will things be repaired? Make the lease or addendum for how long you really arrangements to experience things fixed, twenty four, forty-eight, seventy 120 minutes? Use it inside lease so tenant knows how you would sustain property. You might think silly, but there really is you have the tenants knowing how you would manage and keep your rentals the less misunderstandings you'll have.
Remember, you’re in charge. It’s your premises and possessing a solid rental property plan and informing your tenants how you would sustain apartment will help make owning investment property all of the better.
As it were inside hood, we all know what time that it is.
Mark Petrels has owned and managed his signature apartment, primarily 2-6 unit buildings since "92 ". Rental property management is classy and very profitable. Several of the rental properties were total rehabs homeowners had existing tenants in support of needed cosmetics.
0 notes
They thought ole' Slick Willie was slick, well they don't see me a comin'!
Antron Brown and Mike Salinas:
Our rags to riches success stories.
In 2018 i began giving drivers $2 million per year to fix their personal assets and finances. Until 2022. They had to sign contracts promising to give awsy half of that fortune by 2026. $4M
In 2018 i began giving all mechanics, tuners, etc $1 million per year to fix their personal assets and finances. Until 2022. They had to sign contracts to give away half of that fortune by 2026. $2M
So as you read for Antron and his work crew he himself took time out of collecting to look over the smaller kids to make sure they were staying out of fights and behaving and the adults, too.
How Mike Salinas was actually only 12 years old being called an old man because he wanted just to collect cans.
You didn't read how the girls got mad the old man and the boys only picked up metal and left none for them and left all the trash. Erica. That mean ole girl she just didn't get it. Recycling woman! Sticking her nose and up at old man business.
"Well let's see how much Snoop will pay you to clean up the trash then. How much do you think you'll earn? Come along then. All you pretty nice girls, you too Erica. We gotta get you on the payroll"
Snoop worked the Snack Shack. When i asked for money for the kids and heard the cash register ding I pretend I didn't hear it. When i asked for some food and i didn't hear the tippy tap of them register keys, I pretend I heard. And slide a napkin across the counter. "Here's your paper money Snoop" he'd always laugh and giggle. No matter it was 150° in that Sugar Shack or 2 below zero.
I knew we had money from Michael Jackson and the CIA. I just had a role to play. For the adults that "bitch witch" for the kids, the momma.
He paid all them kids the same 10 cents to the girls per item and 5 cents to the boys.
Then always buffet and shopping sprees.
They all got $5 no matter how much they worked. Equal pay. Equal rights.
Antron Brown noticed. "I picked up more than them boys over there and they got the same. They were playing in the mud all day and lying and hey how come i get $5 each time i work no matter hiw much im workin? It rain. $5. It snow -- well it ain't snowed yet. But if it did $5. And if it's hot $5"
"Well you think you earn more than $5 you let me know and I'll pay you"
"He did today Snoop. He earned $20"
"I did not! I picked up 5 items because i knew i would get $5!!"
"Well I'll tell you what. I'll give you $40 because she knows you asked a very nice question nicely so that's $20 and then you went and been honest so that's $40. So how much you get?"
"$5 Every time i come down here! Boy I tell you what! I come down here a sweat. Work my poor soul to death and $5!!"
"Snoop i must tell you he's been telling on us what we been doin down here because he went home last weekend. And they telling him he ain't earned a fair wage per hour"
Snoops emotions went roller coaster. "Tell me the most important thing you said then say it again"
"He went home. The rest we will work on later not in front of the children"
"He went home then huh? He went home?! He WENT HOME!!!"
Antron on about his $5 suddenly stopped "huh. Yeah I did so? I like it, too! $5 that all I get for working down here! Slave labor by a black man and this ole white woman here!"
Man that boy hit super crazy on that roller coaster go button!! He flew out that suga shack like he was on a broom!
Picked that boy up by his armpits and set him on the counter. "Boy! Lookie here behind you. Look what you getting!"
"Yeah i know! $5 that all you get round here! Slave labor! You just trying to pay me the rest to shut me up!! Slave labor!!"
Snoop was lit on fire and that kid was building him a cross.
I crossed my arms "i blame his parents" i leaned againat the wall. The sun was setting. The parents would be there soon. "Put Erica up on there."
"Oh. Boy! I am lit! Which one is Erica?!?"
"This one behind you. She's trying so hard not to be amused"
"Girl! Come here let me get at you. Here you take this one and this one. Sabrina Go get me a $5 out that drawer. Now Lookie see this here. You now say what he say. It say you get $10"
"Slave labor! We ain't free i get $10"
"$10!!! Im getting outta here!!" He jumped down.
"Boy what would happen I did that? You know how much she make? $10. You know how much i make $5. Because she smarter than me! She pay attention ans she make sure when i call you a niglet she always tell me you're an African King even when you're not around!! For all these kids out here!!"
"Now how can we all be kings?"
"You are. You're an independent contractor. You're a king of your own way. You desire more money then we will pay"
"And you're a Queen and you're pretty. No matter how i say all you pretty girls and Erica, too. I heard them other girls making fun of you the other day and you know what you say? Let's get to work. No time for fooling around we got to clean so we get paid. You know what i think of you? You're a Queen. A Queen of England. A Queen of America and a Queen of yourself. And you're pretty, too. And you know what? Dont let them boys be foolish saying that your work was no good because it ain't metal. Aint nothing wrong with metal and aint nothing wrong with picking up trash. And you know what i think of you? You're brave. You didn't run up and tell no one nothing. You stood up to those girls although i think your feelings were hurt. And it broke my heart and made me cry and I wasn't even called ugly. I had to come in here and hide so no one would see but Snoop. And I thought long and hard about an apology to you. But I decided it wasn't good enough. I deserved to be you for you. Stand up strong and proud no matter how i feel and get to work. So i decided the next day to tell those girls how I feel and you, too. And it didn't help. Not one iota. So i decided to try again on the advice of snoop. Not the next day but the same day. And i told the truth. I didn't say it was about you but i said one day not too long ago i did overheard someone say someone else wasn't too pretty and how it made me cry. And you all thought I was talking about myself. And I didn't know what to do or how to explain that it wasn't about me but about you. How i care more about you than I do me. And you know what all those adults out there call me? Witch Bitch. And i don't care. I get here and I get to work. But the difference between me and you little one is you're little and you got your whole life ahead of you and anyone call you ugly you punch them and you tell them to go find Sabrina and I'll deal with it. Okay?"
"Yeah because you tell me and us our feelings are important. You say and i quote "your feelings are important Erica and all you other girls too. Ever since that day i meant" and she hung her head.
And all them words i said. I felt like i said nothing at all. Not a dam word. Alex always did something when I needed strength so i did it.
I took my thumb and forefinger and pinched her chin and i tilted her head and raised her eyes to mine "and i love you"
A big ole grin spread across her face. Her eyes lit up and she said "i knew it!! I knew thats why we always come to this place!!!" And she swung her arm like a champ
Meanwhile Antron Brown was stomping the ground and saying "i knew it! I knew it too! An old white woman would love me!!"
"Well Antron! Of course i do!"
"Oh! I know! That's all i meant to say"
"Can i get down now? I think i see my parents"
"Your parents?!?! I didn't know you went home, too!"
"Tuesday! Yup that was me!"
She jumped down and i turned around and there was a crowd before me. All the NHRA we stole from that hadn't quit yet. All the ones we gave the stolen goods too. Parents. God. So so so many parents!
"Come on. Get with your kids. Come on now. Go home for once. All you. Except you Mike Salinas i need to ask you a question"
They did And he did.
I went in the kitchen to hide and cry.
"Sabrina. Now look what you did, you have gave Mike Salinas $13,000 in 6 months. What you got to say to?"
"I earned it"
"Mike i asked you One day why you pick up cans."
"To earn money"
"I told you another day i knew who won all the fights and if you laid down a bet I would make sure you won. And if you lost on my bad advice, i would pay you double. And there you went" it was so hard not to cry "and you looked and you looked at me and you told me it disgusted you and made you sick to your stomach to see grown men fighting"
"I know it did. I told you i just wanted to pick up cans and it was good clean fun"
I linked my arm in his "and you're right, you're $13,000 richer than you were before" we walked to the clubhouse
I could hear snoop Tele tell me "tell him! Tell him jt was you! Hes the one that started calling youba witch bitch!"
"Snoop i have something to confess to you about that."
"You know what Mike. I wanna find out if you made more money in good clean fun than you would gambling. Betting on those fights. We'll ask Snoop"
He didn't. He made 1/3 less.
So in the clubhouse office we found out. I laid on the floor straight on my stomach.
"She has a heart condition. Palpitations. Its the only thing that makes it feel better but medication which she refuses. Here. Take your pill"
"Oh! I forgot! Im only gonna lay down till it kicks in. Good clean cold floor"
I could feel Mike Salinas staring. I knew he Didn't know
"But she's a witch bitch. She changes my hair colors! I know it's her because I always hear her laughing. Me and the other guys been talking and they frel so too. Nothing good or nothing come out this place til you all arrived. I used to hate it and the other guys did too. We look like punk rockers we decided then we didn't mind and i tell you people quit messing with us. I guess they thought we were bad ass. So i heard these meaner looking boys out there talking how they would rape her and so i started calling hwr a witch bitch loud whenever they were around. Make them scared of her, too"
I was so proud of him.
"I know you two are here to be good. You call them little niglets or niggers and she corrects you. African Queens! And you tilt your head way back so the short kids can't see you. Im short, too. But not that short" finished Mike Salinas "you put on a gig out here and just to show them respect and role play. Knowing you got to show them how to treat each other and know right from wrong, I'm only 12 but I see that, too. I started crying when they first brought me metal because we're so poor i can barely eat much less run a car. And she would point to that little boy When i would get to thinking about how much money they helped me with and i looked at her I knew she had part of something to do with it. And that little boy. Oh!! When he would see me get to smiling he would hoot and hollar and jump up and down. He would get so happy. Makes me think one day i could get to racing which is my drreeeaam. Which I thought was never possible till now"
"Snoop. Double it" i said from the floor. I heard Snoop move a large stack of cash to the middle of the table.
"Is that for me... Or?
"If you want it
"Because" i sat up. Suddenly the room went black. "Are they still here or.. Where did every one Go?"
I saw snoop come at me on the floor his face close to mine then disappear. Over and over again.
My heart collapsed and I died. He was giving me mouth to mouth and CPR "Call the ambulance. Call 911. She keeps doing it. They keep trying to take her. Call 911 hurry please"
We bought that race track. We still own it. I am the sole owner.
These kids. I went to Armageddon and I said my job isn't done yet. You can't keep me here. You have until i arrive at the hospital to tell me what mess you've made. And why. Why am I here?
I had doubt in my failures.
They don't know shit.
So Antron Brown, Brittany Force, Mike Salinas, Erica, and more.
Steve Torrence. John Foce, pedragons, Jason line and Greg who got purple hair, too.
You are all our success stories.
We taught you everything we possibly could. Even unfair wages between men and woman later in days. Not one got kidnapped again.
Except like me, Mike Salinas lost all his memories.
He can't find it. But he wants it.
That race track. He needs it.
All those kids, too. We planted flowers and painted the building. Fixed bleachers, mowed grass.
So i give all you babies $4 million dollars to share to do what we did. Free safe babysitting. Teaching history and right from wrong.
And I'm gonna make sure all you niglets do it right so you know how to raise Kings and Queens.
And so I'm gonna make Snoop in charge again. He ain't too busy. Just protecting my life. Stopping human trafficking. Holding a music career. He's own 3 TV shows. He ain't too busy to run a Sugar Shack.
So I'm gonna give him $4 million dollars. And the Tree of Knowledge will give him $1 million dollars.
Cause them kids gonna need $5 for they slave labor!
They may be grown with kids of their own but they still our babies.
We already taught them to clean. Fix things up and make them pretty. So they will remember how to do so and spend the $4 million dollars on renovations. Keeping as much as the original or replacing it exactly as I bought it. So it's perfectly unchanged and can help them remember and heal all is lost from themselves.
And help heal all that is lost for others.
And give them more thwn they could ever dream of.
Candy! I know your makeup done washed off from all the love!
So, Chandler. How you loving it now?!?
You took over a few times because i had 3 heart attacks and so they at first all said I was busy and couldn't be there but my daughter could be instead.
So it's your home, too.
You're not too, busy, what? Writing books? Manuscripts. Stopping human trafficking. Being awesome on TV.
I know you have time to plant some daisies and lilies
So I give you $500,000 to pit toward what they need.
888-8.5 that's too hard.
So let's call it an even.
I have 879 million left.
But that's not all. My heart is still working! And im still on Earth. So. What say...
3milluon to buy supplies for go carts the kids put together and pine box cars and whatever need for speed things they can manage to handle on their own -- mostly
Chantlily lace. What a pretty face! Oh baby! That's what i like!!
And of course use of the facility is always free. For eternity.
So original old school..
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