#don't you dare tag as st*rker
spooderboyandtincan · 4 years
So let’s say our boy Peter’s sick
(A classic trope, I know, but.....................)
And of course, he doesn’t tell anyone, but his very intelligent aunt knows her nephew/ son, and as soon as she sees him, she’s like “Peter, honey. You’re sick. Get back to bed, I’ll make you soup.”
But apparently, he was worse than she thought and comes down with a bad fever. He keeps saying that he’s freezing and so so cold, but in reality he’s burning up. He keeps crying for Tony, and of course May immediately calls the man. 
“Tony, you need to get here now!”
She can here his sharp intake of breath as it speeds up and can almost hear his heart rate increase. “Peter?! Is Pete okay? Fuck, May, tell me he’s okay!” he cries, voice trembling. She can hear him suiting up in the background. 
“Tony, he keeps calling for you- he’s sick, you need a doctor. He has a temperature of 105 degrees.” She sounded scared.
That’s bad. That’s really bad. Peter Peter please be okay please please 
I need you
He distantly heard FRIDAY calling Cho, saying that the proper medical services were on their way. He heard her say to slow his breathing down, heard her say that she was taking control of the suit. But none of it mattered. Peter mattered. 
When Tony finally burst through the door of the apartment, his suit already halfway off, May had the tiny boy in her arms, sitting on the couch as he moaned, ready to hand him over to the doctors. 
“Peter!” was the first word to come out of the man’s mouth as he rushed over to his son. Kneeling by the Parkers, he brushed the child’s sweaty hair from his forehead. “Hey there, spiderbaby. You feeling sick? That’s okay, we’re gonna get you all fixed up. Don’t you worry, tesoro. Just focus on being okay,” he rambled fearfully. 
Peter didn’t get sick. He had his powers. His super immune system. Was something wrong? It had to be. He was never sick. Peter was never sick.
“His temp is the same, he keeps asking for you, saying he’s cold,” May said calmly, taking control. “You tell him you’re here while I make a cold compress.” 
“Yeah. Of course. Of course.” He gathered Peter into his arms, cradling him against his chest. “Hey Pete,” he whispered, rocking back and forth. “I’m here, don’t worry. You’re okay, kiddo. You’re gonna be just fine.”
A long moment passed as he nervously asked FRIDAY when medical would be there, when his stupor was broken by a small, familiar voice. “ ‘Ony?” He looked down, surprised, at his baby’s hot, flushed face. 
“There you are! Look at you, piccolo. You’re doing great. Focus on me, okay? Just look at me.” 
Peter only groaned in response. “Don’ feel good. Cold. Hot.” Suddenly, tears began to flow down the poor kid’s face.
“Oh, no, no bambino, please don’t cry, it’s okay Pete,” Tony begged. He would never say so, but Peter’s tears caused him physical pain. 
“Hur’s,” the boy whimpered. 
“Can you tell me what hurts, baby?” Tony asked gently.
Peter sniffed and whispered “Side. Bad.” More tears trickled down. 
His side? That made no sense. Tony frowned and gently peeled Peter’s soft, fuzzy spider man pajama sweater from his hot skin. And what he saw... nearly made him pass out. “Peter. Oh fuck. Oh god. Peter.” 
Because his child’s stomach was covered in thick, sticky blood. “Fuck, no. No no no no. Peter!” 
At that moment, in Tony’s pure, uncontrollable fear and panic, May chose to hurry in, brandishing a cold cloth. “Is everything okay? Tony? Ohmygod- Peter!!”
Cho and the med team rushed in only five minutes later, having been informed that Peter’s condition was worse than they had previously thought. There they saw the two parents, scared out of their minds and urging Peter to stay awake and focus on them. 
“Tony.” They both looked up to see the doctor. 
“Help him. Help him, please,” the man whispered. 
The team rushed forward with a stretcher, pulling the small boy from his father’s strong arms and already hurrying downstairs to the ambulance. Tony and May raced along with them, each holding a limp hand.
Peter needed surgery. His bullet wound (as they later found out) had been infected and required treatment. Tony sat in the waiting room, huddled on the couch with May, trying to control his breathing and erratic heart rate. All he could think was Please please be okay Peter I need you I need you Peter I was supposed to protect you how did this happen. May’s fingers held his hand tightly, trying to ground him, but it wasn’t helping much. He was so scared. Because Peter didn’t tell, neither did Karen, or FRIDAY. It was his fault, he should have noticed. Did Peter hack his AIs? They were supposed to be un-hackable for that reason. And now he was in surgery. 
Peter made it out without much issue. He didn’t wake up during the procedure, thankfully, but Cho said that he would be unconscious for some time as his super immune system tried to heal. He wasn’t in a coma, just asleep, she explained. He’d wake up. 
That was all Tony needed to hear before he raced to Peter’s room in the medbay. The room was dark, the curtains closed, though there was a small lamp on the bedside table. A heart monitor was beeping steadily, but he only had eyes for Peter. Peter, who lay still and silent, dressed in a hospital gown and covered with wires. He had a nasal cannula and a thick white bandage around his waist. 
Tony rushed to his small son, sitting in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs and taking his cold hand. He immediately began rubbing it gently, trying to warm it. After a long silence, the man spoke quietly. “Hey Pete. How’re you feeling? Cold? Your fever went down but it’s still there. But you’re gonna be just fine, baby. I’ll make sure of it.” You just have to wake up.
Please. You’re scaring me.
May joined them later, pulling up a hard chair and handing Tony coffee, which he accepted but didn’t drink. 
“Stop.” He jumped as May spoke suddenly. 
“You’re being too hard on yourself, Tony. This isn’t your fault.”
It isn’t my fault that my kid is a hospital bed, needing help to fucking breathe? “Right.”
“Tony,” May said firmly. “I know how you feel. Every time Peter comes home injured, he says he’s fine. He usually is, but sometimes it’s too much. I still blame myself sometimes, but I can’t keep him from going out and getting hurt. It’s what he loves.”
“But I should have known. I have protocols, ways to keep this from ever happening, it’s not supposed to happen, ever. And he- he fucking hacked the system, and that’s my fault.”
“It’s your fault he’s a genius?” she asked calmly. 
“It’s supposed to be un-hackable. For this reason,” he said, trying to hide the fear and left-over adrenaline shaking his voice. 
“Tony, that’s-” 
They both looked down, shocked to hear coughing. “Peter?”
The boy looked barely awake, sick and flushed, but awake all the same.
“Oh god, baby, hey, hey, it’s okay, you’re fine,” Tony murmured bending down and pressing a kiss to his temple. The child continued to cough hoarsely, moaning. “Get a doct-” May was already gone to fetch Cho.
“Mis’er St’rk?” he slurred, confused and disoriented.  
“Right here, bambino, I’m right here,” the man comforted. 
“Mmm. Hur’s.” 
Tony felt his heart clench. “I know, I’m sorry tesoro, we’re gonna fix that soon, okay? You’re fine, Pete. It’s okay.” He knew he was nervous and his words barely made sense, but it was all he could think to do. 
At that moment Cho rushed in, May behind her. 
“Hello, Peter,” she said calmly. “I’m surprised you’re awake.” She pulled a needle from her coat. “Can you tell me what hurts?”
“Mmm.” Tony squeezed his hand comfortingly. “Ev’rythin’?”
“Alright, Peter. It may take a bit but this will help your pain.” She injected the syringe into his IV and replaced it in her pocket. Turning to an extremely worried Tony, she said, “This will probably knock him out. I don’t know how he woke up so soon; even with his metabolism he doesn’t burn through these so quickly.”
“But he’s okay?” Tony asked, peering intently at the boy, who’s eyes were now closed as his breathing evened out. 
“He will be. He does need to heal, though, Tony, and it’s your job- and May’s- to keep him on bed rest for the rest of the week, at least.”
May laughed quietly as she took her seat. “Oh, he’ll hate that.” Tony nodded in agreement, smiling. 
The man finally, finally relaxed (though just slightly) when he realized that his son would be okay. Because he had to be okay. He pressed several kisses to Peter’s soft cheeks and curled into the chair, still holding his hand.
Whether the boy would be fine after May chewed him out, that was a different question.
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