#dont even get me started on his downright concern when Zoro meets Sanji’s energy ten fold
hylianane · 8 months
Everyone loves the Zosan rivalry I know and I get it but the one that sends me into fucking fits is Sanji’s one-sided beef with Jinbe. It sends me into hysterics because every time Sanji starts fucking barking yelling screaming gnashing his teeth and Jinbe has NO reaction. At best some Mild Concern
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There’s the Seraphim fight too and the “Hey don’t butt in here! I’m the one who helped Luffy!” to which Jinbe actually laughs good heartedly and Sanji just cant be normal about it he cant. He’s protective of his crew and his place in it and is maybe a bit intimidated by the big blue and handsome new member but by god can he not bring Jinbe to feel threatened in turn. Jimbo just looks at him like you would a particular sickly trembling angry chihuahua through a garden fence. He looks at Nami like ma’am are you sure he’s caught up with all his vaccines
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