#drabbled this thinking it’d only be snatches of dialogue but it appears I have many thoughts about the two of them re-meeting at a wedding
wisteriagoesvroom · 26 days
Blind Date x Forgotten First Meeting AU landoscar
Hilarity of slightly mutual friend groups so they assume the other is the other half of the blind date (they aren’t 😂 friends assume they are too different to work) even tho they don’t *know* each other but one of them (A) remembers a very young encounter/friendship that really struck a cord in A and has been on their mind forever but assumes B has completely forgotten or it wasn’t as profound or B doesn’t realize the other component is A (would be funny if B talks about the friendship/encounter around A at some point but has no fucking clue the person B is talking about is right fucking there 😭😭😭)
As I was writing this it definitely felt like lando would be more B and oscar more A but I trust this in your hands wiz 🧡
Feel free to ignore blind date aspect if it flows better another way ✌🏻
Idea for very young encounter totally not ripped off from an episode of Bluey: they meet at a campsite locale to one of them as little kids and spend the entire week just getting along like a house on fire but eventually the week ends and the other has to go back to his country and they are too young to keep in contact. Bluey episode totally not for reference cause it’s really really cute 8 minutes 😭😭😭 https://www.bluey.tv/watch/season-1/camping/
-brooke <3
brooke/ @scuderiabs my friend i literally sat on this for so long cus i genuinely wasn’t sure what else i could add to your gourmet ask right here.
but! on the night of the blue suit oscar debut, it’s perfect because either of these would work beautifully… especially if oscar or lando met again at a friend’s wedding (alex albon’s is always gonna be my default setting for romcom-at-the-wedding AUs).
and obviously we gotta have some supporting visuals so here you go:
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and ahoy… maybe a glimpse into this world.
snippet below:
“I didn’t think it was you.”
“You look… the same. But different.” Oscar says, tapping the rim of his glass.
The evening light’s dipping into darkness, sky going blue and sooty. Yellow candlelight casts soft circles on Lando’s face. The years have been kind to him. He’s handsome, in a way that endears easily, draws people close to him in a way that works well for Alex’s large contingent of groomsmen.
“How different?”
“Well you look exactly the same as you did when I kicked your arse at tennis. Remember the instructor?”
“Yeah. Thomas was never subtle about the cigarette breaks behind the shed.”
“Pretty funny when your serve hit that citroën though.” Lando shakes his fists in the air dramatically.
“Arrêté!” Lando adds, in a poor imitation of Thomas, the very harried summer school tennis instructor.
Oscar snorts with undignified laughter. One of Alex’s stern Thai aunts looks at him disapprovingly.
“Sorry.” Oscar mumbles. This is far too much emotion for a communal setting. A flush creeps up his neck, and he wonders if he’s getting a food allergy. Maybe it’d be easier if he disappeared to the bathroom to play tetris on his phone and stay inconspicuous like he’d planned after all. Or maybe he could walk into a wall and take refuge in an ambulance.
“I think I saw a tennis court out there earlier.” Lando says, sipping his gin and tonic. There’s a sprig of boysenberry in Lando’s that somehow perfectly matches the cheery boutonnière on his brown suit. Oscar’s not sure how Lando got the bartender to do that up as a special, because it was presumably off menu from the carefully curated wedding drinks. (Probably Lando’s bizzare Prince-Charming-via-Clapham-Common act, and god knows the charm offensive has been working on him too. Nonetheless, it’s really the least of Oscar’s priorities at the moment.)
Because Oscar is looking at Lando’s face. At the quizzical slant of the other man’s brow. He’s watching as Lando leans in curiously, knee just microscopically close enough that they could touch. Though Lando stops just short of doing so, as if sensing that Oscar needs to come in willingly.
Oscar knows Lando has been flirting with him all night. Saying look at you in that amused voice, finding excuses to clink their glasses together far beyond the wedding toasts were over, with flimsy excuses to do so (“god save the queen!” “she’s long gone, mate.” “then god save us all!”).
They’ve also been reminiscing about that one summer camp from over a decade ago. From when they’d lost touch, and all the things that have happened in their lives since. Life in Australia, life in England. Finishing Engineering school. One dropping out of college to pursue music. Births and deaths and having to pay taxes now.
And of all the millions of possible places, of the skipped stops and lost connections in the world; of all the phone numbers and emails and social pages they’ve near-missed, they’ve met again, right here.
Oscar remembers summer sun. Shouting across the net, knocking elbows. Chocolate and marshmallows stuffed into a baguette, sticky on his hands. Dogeared detective novels passed back and forth. A blur of curly hair streaking past him, both of them jumping headfirst into a lake, surfacing to take in huge lungfuls of air.
“You fancy a rematch?” Oscar asks, sipping the last of his drink. He’s not sure if he’s talking only about tennis.
But he doesn’t break eye contact, and hopes Lando understands what he’s really asking.
Lando’s gaze stays steady at him.
A corner of Lando’s mouth tips up into a smile.
(Cicadas hum outside. It’s summer, again.)
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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labyrinthofleah · 7 years
Prom and Circumstance | Mamoru/Aiko AU fic
[So I saw this post and it stuck with me and then this fic happened in another thrilling episode of “I’ll just write a cute little drabble wait this isn’t little anymore oh no.”
Highschool Outlaws AU, go! @letstalklikefangirls​ @josiesparklelove​ ]
>Do I have to buy you a croissant?
>You mean corsage… and it is considered traditional, so…
Aiko sighed as she read the barely-there text from her prom date. Not for the first time, she wondered how they’d been convinced to go the dance together in the first place.
…That’s right, they hadn’t been convinced. It had been more of a coercion.
Leah had been asked first by Roberto, her long-time crush, and accepted with much squealing. Said squealing had continued for a while afterward, accompanied by many pleas for Aiko to find a date, too. Aiko had rebuffed her persistent puppy dog eyes with moderate success, until…
Weeks ago, at lunch in the cafeteria:
“I already said I’d go with you and Josie; isn’t that enough?”
“Pleeease Aiko? It’s prom and it’ll be more fun with more people!”
“Finding a date now would just be—“
“Hey, if Josie can do it, anyone can.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t act all superior just because someone looked down long enough to spot you.”
With that one dry retort, Josie and Leah were once again engaged in friendly, ever-enthusiastic bickering. Aiko tuned them out with practiced ease, shoving her nose into her book for English Literature.
She didn’t look up at first, not registering that the gruff male voice was addressing her.
“Hey. Kid.”
“Aiko!” Leah piped up, momentarily distracted from her bantering. “Mamoru’s here.”
She looked up. “Oh, uh, sorry. I was…”
She lifted the book a little for emphasis, and he shrugged. “Figured. Anyway, that’s kinda what I’m here for. Forgot what chapters we gotta read for next class.”
Aiko raised an eyebrow skeptically.
He shrugged again. “Can’t let my grade fall any more. Don’t want summer school.”
“Maybe you should have thought of that before—“
“She’ll help you if you go to prom with her,” Leah’s wheedling voice broke in.
Aiko closed her eyes and reminded herself to take three deep breaths.
Unfortunately, by the time the third breath had been exhaled slowly, Leah had somehow secured a promise of a date from Mamoru and sent him off with homework reminders copied from Aiko’s notes.
“Leah,” Aiko hissed, “I like a clean criminal record as much as the next person, but I am this close to strangling you right now because I feel like it’d still be worth it.”
The shorter girl squeaked and hid behind Josie.
“Don’t look at me,” the blonde girl protested as Aiko directed her glare at her. “You know how she is when she wants something. She won’t let go ‘til she gets it. Like a chihuahua.”
“Chihuahuas are cuter. They don’t talk and they don’t give me these tempting homicidal urges,” Aiko grumbled.
“Roberto thinks I’m adorable, thank you very much,” Leah sniffed from the safe shelter of Josie’s back.
“That’s what got me into this in the first place.”
“You’re just being stubborn,” Leah said placatingly. “Come oooonn, it’ll be fun! You and Mamoru get along great already! Um, sort of?”
“I’d rather go to prom with a chihuahua.”
But now, Aiko did have to admit that Mamoru was doing surprisingly well for himself. He actually remembered to ask her what color her dress was going to be, although he showed no signs of doing anything beyond what was standard.
...Unlike Roberto, who’d been dropping extremely unsubtle hints to an increasingly excited Leah. Something about a luxury hot air balloon rental, and maybe a carriage ride. Then he’d started trying to rope Takuto into doing something for Josie, too, and Aiko had once more tuned the conversation out via textbook.
She thought she heard Takuto vehemently stating he’d only consider hiring a dove release service over his “cold, dead, maggot-eaten body.”
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
>What kinda flower do you want in the Corvette?
Well, at least he was trying.
The evening of prom came. Leah was over the moon waiting for Roberto to arrive, unable to sit still even though Josie and Aiko had hidden the coffee maker when they’d gotten together to do hair and makeup. She fidgeted with the straps of her red dress as Josie, hair perfectly coiffed, lounged on the couch with her phone.
“You look fine,” Aiko reassured her.
“Yeah. I mean, thanks. I’m just… nervous?” She laughed a little.
“Too late to back out now,” Josie chirped. “Besides, you have nothing to worry about. You’ve totally got this. Roberto will be eating out of your hand.”
Leah brightened. “Really?”
“Yeah. Even if I’m wrong (when am I ever wrong, though), at least you still have this!” She flashed the phone at her friend.
A handsome game character smiled up from the screen. “You’re a strange girl… but I don’t mind if you’re the one making me feel this way,” the character’s dialogue said.
Leah grabbed her faux-leather clutch, obviously ready to sling it at Josie’s head.
The doorbell rang, and the blonde blithely leapt up to answer it.
It was Roberto. His ever-ready grin grew wider as his eyes fell on Leah. “You look beautiful.”
She giggled. “You don’t look that bad, yourself.”
He really didn’t, Aiko thought. It certainly helped that their dates weren’t exactly hard on the eyes. Well, Leah and Josie’s dates, anyway. Her own, however…
Takuto was right behind Roberto. His jaw dropped a little as he saw Josie standing tall in her sparkling gown.
“Uh…” He swallowed. “You, um…”
“Look amazing? Stunning? Show-stopping? I could go on if none of those are quite right,” she said innocently.
He blushed redder than a fire hydrant, shoving a corsage at her as he mumbled, “You’re okay, I guess.”
“Oh, well thank you. You’re okay, too. I guess,” she parroted, smiling as she put on the corsage and slipped her hand through his arm.
Mamoru was the last to arrive. Aiko had predicted this, and went to pull open the door.
“Hey, here’s the man of the hour…“
She trailed off, staring.
He had not only combed, but styled his hair, and was looking extremely smart in a tux and tie. Also…
She sniffed.
…Was he wearing cologne?
He smirked, holding a corsage out to her.
“Hey to you too. Guess puttin’ that weird crap in my hair was worth it to see ya lookin’ at me like that.”
“L-like what? This is how I always look, you just…” She clamped her mouth shut and practically snatched the corsage, trying to regain her composure as she put it on.
“Heh. Not like ya to be all tongue-tied, ‘specially with me,” he drawled.
Maybe if you’d warned me before you showed up looking like… like…
”Unless this tux don’t actually look good on me.” He frowned, looking a little hurt.
That wasn’t fair.
“…No, you… actually look pretty good,” Aiko mumbled.
“Yeah?” He grinned. “Well, right back atcha, sweetheart. That fancy dress suits ya.”
He actually looked like someone she’d be proud to be seen in public with, and he’d complimented her appearance. Those homework notes must have really saved his grade.
At prom:
It didn’t take long for Leah, Roberto, and Josie to drag Aiko and Takuto out onto the dance floor. Mamoru had conveniently gone AWOL when the two found themselves surrounded and outnumbered.  He only reappeared with a plastic cup of punch in both hands when the “Cupid Shuffle” was in full-swing.
“Love Shack” was next, and by the time “Cotton Eye Joe” rolled around Takuto clearly admitted defeat and just went along, much to Josie’s delight. Leah was apparently satisfied by Aiko completing three sacrificial dances and allowed her to beat a retreat to where Mamoru stood by the wall.
“Backin’ out so soon?” He asked, handing her the cup of punch that wasn’t nearly drained.
She shook her head and took a sip. The ice was half-melted, but after all the dancing it was more than adequate. “That was three songs too many for me.”
“Looked like ya were havin’ fun with your friends, though.”
“You could have been having fun with us,” she pointed out, pushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes.
He smirked. “And risk spillin’ punch on this tux? It wasn’t cheap, ya know.”
Aiko sighed. “About that… Sorry about Leah. I really would have given you the notes without the whole date deal if she hadn’t gotten to you first.”
“Yeah?” Mamoru suddenly became very interested in his drink. “Thing is… Tiny actually did me a favor.”
“A what?”
“I didn’t actually… uh…”
He took a large gulp of punch.
Before she could ask him what he meant, the tempo of the music changed.
Aiko saw Roberto bow regally and hold his hand out to Leah, who took it with a big, dreamy smile. Takuto’s face glowed bright red even in the suddenly-dim lighting as he took Josie into his arms.
Then she looked back at Mamoru, who returned her gaze with an uncharacteristically serious expression.
“Here.” He plucked her almost empty cup from her grasp and tossed it in a nearby trashcan. His own cup immediately followed.
“I wasn’t done—“
He just took her hand and pulled her in the direction of the swaying couples. She found her arms looped around his neck even as his hands rested on her waist.
Nervous laughter escaped her lips. “Are we seriously—“
“Don’t wanna dance with me, sweetheart?”
His voice was low as he leaned towards her. Her laughter died. Slowly, she shook her head, and he grinned. His large, warm hands urged her to step closer. She did.
“The homework…” He murmured next to her ear. “Didn’t really need it.”
“…But what about summer school?”
“Oh, that? I lied. A little.” His smile grew. “Tiny didn’t need to do all her wheelin’ and dealin’, either.”
“Ya tellin’ me Lil’ Miss Straight A’s didn’t figure it out? It’s ‘cause…” He looked down at their feet, then back up at her. “I was gonna ask ya anyway. But I chickened out. Didn’t know if you’d even wanna go with me, and then Tiny said...”
The music swelled with an emotional flourish as her arms tightened around him. “Actually, I think I would have gone with you either way,” she said quietly.
Something about his smile changed; it looked softer, more genuine, and her heart somersaulted when she saw it. They stayed like that until the last gentle strains of the song segued into an up-tempo beat.
Finally, they pulled apart, and Mamoru quirked an eyebrow at her. “More punch?”
She laughed. “Definitely. And… maybe we could dance again after that? Just to the slow songs, though.”
He squeezed her hand, making her realize he’d never let go of it in the first place. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Seems she doesn’t think Mamoru’s so bad after all,” Leah said, glancing over at her friend from the dance floor with no small amount of gloating.
“I think she should’ve gone with a chihuahua instead,” Josie muttered.
“But look how happy she is! And you didn’t exactly try to stop this from happening, so…”
“I honestly didn’t think she’d put up with him this long.” Takuto yelped, and Josie hastily loosened her sudden death-grip on his shoulders. “Oops! Sorry, Takkun.”
Leah sighed. “Josie, don’t manhandle your date just because—hey, where did Robbie go?”
Raucous laughter broke out nearby, followed by enthusiastic cheers.
“That all you got, Roberto?”
“You wish, Kenshi; I’m just warming up!”
Roberto seemed to be challenging another tall student to a dance-off. Other students had already begun to gather.
Leah let out a whoop and ran to the front of the crowd. “Show him who’s boss, Robbie!”
“You got it!” He winked showily and blew her a kiss.
Takuto mimed sticking a finger down his throat before turning to his date. “Let’s go somewhere… else…?”
Josie wasn’t there. She had somehow teleported to the front of the crowd next to Leah, joining in with the chorus of delighted screams that erupted as Kenshi pulled off his tuxedo jacket.
“Show off,” Roberto scoffed.
Kenshi grinned breezily. “Hey, it gets hot dancing.”
Turning, he scanned the spectators quickly before approaching Josie. “Sorry, would you mind holding onto this for a minute?”
“Not in the slightest.”
The jacket quickly changed hands. Takuto’s eyes narrowed as he elbowed his way to the center of the crowd to face the dance rivals.
“You’re joining in, Takkun? Awesome!” Kenshi clapped him on the back.
“A new challenger appears!” Roberto bellowed.
Josie smiled like a cat who’d just swallowed a particularly delicious canary and clutched the jacket a little closer.
“Oh,” she purred, ignoring the way Leah was side-eyeing her. “This is going to be so good.”
~*LE END*~
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