#dsmp yogurt
pidgedee · 6 months
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my art house holiday exchange gift for @blockofhoney! i loved your prompt of fundy teaching yogurt to play piano, and i wanted to go for a storybook illustration feeling with the final piece :] happy holidays!! hope you have a wonderful season!
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cupidl0vesy0u · 3 months
The happy ending they deserved <3
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Speed paint ->
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wilbursims · 2 months
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Alright, I finished the Home Home family tree! I’m not entirely sure how to describe this for those who are visually impaired. If you have any suggestions please do let me know!
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mcytnpcshowdown · 11 months
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Kerilson (Hermitcraft) VS Yogurt (DSMP)
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kora-kat · 1 year
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Started off just drawing philza and the dragonets, but then I decided I wanted to draw the rest of the family (minus spouses)
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transfemoliorionsound · 11 months
Hmm uh. fundy and yogurt for the art requests?
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what’re they talking about…
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fghniki · 1 year
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Images description: A two-page comic. In the first page, Fundy looks at the "MCYTBLR'S WETTEST CAT" medal and then, sitting on a couch and holding sleeping Yogurt in his arms, says with fake optimism, "I mean, I guess I am the best at something. Not like Tommy would be able to beat me at angst amount." to which HBomb, who is sitting next to him and knitting something, replies, "Well, Tommy's the most popular character in AO3's Child Abuse tag. That's kinda impressive". As he says that, Fundy's eye twitches.
In the second page, Fundy is beating up Tommy. Someone is screaming "What is going on here?!". HBomb is livestreaming the fight on his phone and is saying, "Me making money." Yogurt is standing behind HBomb, confused. End of images description.
something something wilbur had a favorite child and it was not his actual son (based on @bronzetomatoes's post)
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unhonest-iago · 8 months
Or my fist will put you out
(The Bursona in this is Revivedbur but will still refer to him as Wilbur)
Fundy woke up for the 5th time in the last hour to his adopted kid Yogurt screaming. Having gone through the last 10 days on little to no sleep, he really wanted to punch the kid. Wasn’t the kid, Fundy just didn’t know what to do. He racked his brain, trying to think of who could help him. Phil? No, the bird brain would help but not without relentless mockery. Dad? No, that bridge was burned when he ‘supported’ Schlatt, even if he was acting as a spy. But that was Wilbur before he died. Surely this revived version would view him as his son, wouldn’t he?
A rather loud cry brought Fundy from his second guessing. All he knew was that he and Yogurt both needed sleep. Grabbing a pair of slippers and coat, he picked Yogurt up, dressing him in clothes warm enough for the weather outside. Walking to Revivedbur’s house in the woods, Fundy knocked on the door with Yogurt propped up on his hip. Wilbur quickly opened the door, eyebrow raised. ‘Son?’
‘What’s up Wannabe Apollo?’ Panicking when he saw his dad’s door start closing, planted his foot so the door would shut on it. ‘Dad, I need your help.’ Wilbur noticing the bags under his son’s eyes & the clothed lump on his hip, opened the door. Walking over to the fire, Wilbur added more kindling. ‘So who’s this little guy?’ offering to take Yogurt from Fundy. ‘Yogurt, I found him outside Las Nevadas, I couldn’t leave him there.’
‘So now you have a champion of your own?’
Nodding, Fundy tugged on his hair, ‘Thing is, I can’t get him to sleep and I didn’t know if I could come here or—‘
‘Look at me, it’s alright. Plus this time, I can be of use. Now, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. Sit down.’ Returning Yogurt to Fundy, noticing the young snow fox was already sleeping from Wilbur’s humming. An old song that he would hum to Fundy, I Wanna Be In The Cavalry. One that his uncles would join in singing late at night when things were still peaceful.
Returning back w/ a little cup of what looked to be milk. Sheepishly, ‘I didn’t have any sippy cups…it’s angels milk.’ Fundy quickly helped, sitting Yogurt up to feed him. ‘It’s fine, what’s angel’s milk?’
‘Just steamed milk, little bit of vanilla and sugar. Works like a charm apparently. Phil taught me and now me to you.’ Wilbur’s humming along with Fundy burping Yogurt quickly put the snow fox to sleep. The two caught up, not bringing up any touchy subjects, both genuinely wanting to patch up their relationship.
Wilbur looking over to the duo, smiled when he heard Fundy’s snores. His chest rising and falling, Yogurt laying on top, burrowing his head into Fundy’s scruff. Getting up to head to bed himself, pulled a patchwork quilt over the two, kissing Fundy’s forehead. ‘I love you, my little champion.’
‘I know right now you can’t do much, but take care of my boy Yogurt, as he does you.’
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notsogoodangel · 1 year
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I’m trying to learn to be more loose about what drawings I post since most of my fully render drawings are for video projects (and some cannot be release yet).
Enjoy a Yogurt and Fundy warm up sketch from September
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octavianstar · 1 year
A New Au?
Hello hello...it's been a few months since I've been active. And lately I've been kinda busy lately with my life as well as other things, and I am probably going to be very offscript on this since this isn't a Twisted Wonderland AU.
I know, it's been a while since I update it however there will be more posts coming soon I promise. And it will take some time too, so thank you for your patience.
Soo in this Au is a Damp x Qsmp crossover, but here's the twist.. Both the Qsmp eggs and the Damp Children are the next generation. Meaning they would particularly take up the roles of either their parent(s) or role models.
Such as..
Shroud (the spider) as Tommyinnit
Chayanne as Technoblade (and possibly Philza)
Tallulah as Wilbur Soot
Michael as Tubbo
Leonarda as Foolish
Juannaflippa as Slimecicle
Tilin as Quackity
And so on. But of course in this au there will be practical changes along the way to make the Aug a little more sense. Like with Dapper and Skeppy Jr. are likely to be brothers, or have a strong brother-love bond that would stick together like how Bbh and Skeppy's friendship is felt with.
And Chayanne is a possible chances of both being Philza and Technoblade (cause I am not sure who else might be Philza) but I would think since he is canonically one of the older eggs in the Qsmp, it would make sense that he would be 'the older sibling' of the family dynamic with Tallulah and Shroud (despite shroud being the actual oldest but has that gremlin energy like Tommy). Having a little fun idea of a Gen AU of the SBI family dynamic.
Also for Tilin and Tallulah, this will be more of a sisterly rivalry/enemy energy because I wanted it to be. The reason that being it would be very weird and creepy if this becomes the next TNT duo (However it can be just a enemies to friends trope, no romantic relationships nor any intentions of this matter.) ship since they are both have a sort of 'fatherly bond' relatively or not with Quackity.
As for the other eggs (Bobby, Pomme, Richarlyson, Ramón) will figure out which place/roles they would want to be.
As for Our favorite egg, Gegg, it would pretty fucking funny if he's secretly be either Dream XD that would probably be an absolute menace to Leonarda or rather tragic if he (Spoilers if you haven't watch the Dsmp Lore) becoming the slime version of Slimecicle after getting pushed off by purpled.
Oh, which reminds me. There is a possible chances that Drista would be Dream. However she would be a very good Dream XD, but I'll mainly let you guys decide.
There will be more intel of this Au because I wanted to be a little fun experience and a fun experiment to try out and see how things go. And I will perhaps see what other updates I can do and also find some roles that might fit for the story (and perhaps bring some cameos from other smps).
Other than that, I hope you'd like this idea and hope to see a little more ideas about it. But yea, I'll be back with more updates soon. Until then, I'll see in the next one!
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blockofhoney · 2 years
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he hat too big for he gotdamn head
(@wiiwarechronicles hi i finished this sketch lol)
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wolfmage553 · 8 months
I have a fan theory that, depending on who you ask, might make you cry:
What if QSMP Philiza and DreamSMP Philiza are one in the same and QSMP takes place after the DreamSMP finale but Philiza feels extremely guilty for abandoning his grandson just as they were getting a good or at least neutral relationship back?
He also believes his grandson is perma-dead so he decides not to tell anyone about his past as a grandfather because the memories are too painful.
Except Fundy didn't die in the nuke that destroyed the DreamSMP. He was transported to the dreamscape along with his son, Yogurt, and eventually mastered his prophetic visions.
He doesn't appear in the players dreams but he does visit the Egg's dreams. However, he doesn't want to lose the Eggs he came to see as his little brothers and sisters. He created a system where any Egg who is perma-killed, if they cannot be resurrected on the island, is automatically transported to the dreamscape and resurrected there. The Foundation eventually found out about this but figured they could use it as another means of controlling the players on the island.
They either A) found a way to manipulate the dreamscape to give the players a final farewell to their Eggs. Or B) Manipulated Fundy by telling him that the Eggs need to say a final farewell to their parents in order to be happy.
The rest of the Eggs disappearance? The Foundation has manipulated Fundy into teleporting all the Eggs into a part of the dreamscape under The Federation's control.
Perhaps he's realized he was manipulated and is now allowing the not perma-killed Eggs to communicate with their families on the island.
Maybe Philiza will figure out what's really going on and reunite with the grandson he thought died.
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Las Nevadas but sprinkle in some found family vibes
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incorrect-fwt · 2 years
Dream: Uhm... There's only one bed.
Fundy, pulling Yoghurt with him: Sleep on the floor then.
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mcytnpcshowdown · 10 months
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Grumbot (Hermitcraft) VS Yogurt (DSMP)
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transfemoliorionsound · 10 months
Yay thank you for answering my question:]
Could you draw techno and Niki, the sleepy boys, Niki and puffy, Sam and bad, purpled and also yogurt whit fundy
That’s all the ones I can think of rn you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to!!!
(also yes the duo name of ranboo and fundy is icyduo)
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I tried to do Most of them
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