#dw edgar gets better
lumpy-veev · 9 months
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A comic I made for me and my friend's auuuu. Poco's on the run from some nasty people, so he joined the Goldarm Gang. It was a good month or two! Until the past caught up.
(Feel free to ask questions if you wanna know more!)
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baeddel · 5 years
hey i really like your posts, what r some books/writings that you consider to be not as well known but essential? (also sorry for the blank tumblr lol i just dont use tumblr much anymore that much
ahhh tysm!! ^^ and lmao dw about the blank tumblr, its perhaps the correct use of the website
I’m not sure I can give an answer thats too useful though… Leninists painstakingly prepare reading lists, ‘introductory reading lists’ for their constituents that begin with Lenin and work their way up to ‘the real deal’, Marx, and specific reading lists on every conceivbale subject, from history to epistemology to logic & mathematics, authored by their own intellectuals - most highly cherished of those, books published within the USSR itself - which they can refer curious party members to if they have ambitions outside of pamphleteering. The good leninist reads leninism, and so it is easy to supply them with materials. But what am I trying to produce in you when I attempt to condition your intellectual development?
Aleister Crowley said that, before he established the A.’.A.’., the secret initiatory college within or beyond the O.’.T.’.O.’., any number of individuas from any number of times, places and cultures had already attained its highest rank, the Ipsissimus. It wasn’t that one could only ‘get there’ by following their particular initiatory system, but that their system was one of many systems that produced the same enlightenment. In this way, I’d rather support your own independent development, sort of like a personal fitness trainer. What are your areas of interest? What keeps you up at night? What are you worried about? I could give specific recommendations that increase your interest, decrease your hours of sleep and worsen your concern.
(As if to purposefully foil me, of course, the A.’.A.’. has its own reading list - one which I trudged through a good measure of, once upon a time)
Anyway, this is all to cover for something more terminal: I don’t read! If I were to pile up every page I’ve read in my life it probably wouldn’t fill a book - after excluding all the pulp fantasy and smut, natch. I’m good at reading a few pages here, a few pages there, but never much further. And of what I have read, little appears at first glance to have much use to theory: 4th centry surgical manuals, early renaissance grimoires, historical wargames rulebooks, schizophrenic christian apologetics, etc. I have recently been watching, considering and discussing instructional videos for firefighters. Certainly few of these materials are well read, but which would I consider essential?
Most of my knowledge of actual theory is second-hand - I have some very wonderful friends who I have discussed ideas with over and over again for the better part of this decade, and those conversations are the primary source for my thought. Their reading is, itself, diverse: my friend Ignacia read a lot of second wave feminist stuff, especially Wittig, but even McKinnon, Dworkin, etc., even Solanas, as well as the Italian Feminists like Federici, Fortunati… My girlfriend, another huge influence on my thinking, reads mostly very empirical, considered anarchist theory: Endnotes, Chuang, Aufhenben, as well as Federici. Frére has read a great deal but discussed with me mostly Adorno, Debord and Baudrillard, as well as Machiavelli, as well as J.G. Ballard and Edgar Allen Poe. My friend Quinn, who had perhaps the greatest influence on my thought, has read close to no theory at all.
Because of these conversations, I’ve had a continual exposure to ideas which come from a body of thought that I could never read myself. And its the fact that we’ve all read different things that makes our friendship so intellectually productive! So, if I tell you to go read the things I’ve read myself, I would only decrease our relevance to each other. I should instead reverse the question: what have you read? What did you think about it?
Anyway, while I have you, I’ll try to demonstrate one thing about my reading, which is the main way I develop my thought. I read, a little while ago, Engel’s Principle’s of Communism - an unpublished draft for what would become the Communist Manifesto - as well as the finished thing, which is almost solely the work of Marx. By comparing the two, where the emphasis is placed, where they differ and where they converge, what one omits or the other stumbles over, one can learn a great deal. Doing this I can get ‘a lot from a little’ - I dont have to read a long book, but can make a short book do a lot of work, which helps immensely with my dyslexia. I can spend more time thinking and less time reading. Its this emphasis on the synthetic part of the reading that lets me get along with very scattered, peculiar materials, ‘with a little help from my friends’.
Anyway..! this was very very long and entirely about me, so thankyou for indulging me, sorry I was not helpful.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
New Cocaineronpa V3: ReMix
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nDRsC9U
by ruinationz
all good things come in threes! we all have mixed opinions on drv3, but i assure you you'll enjoy this one,,,
Words: 1369, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Cocaineronpa Collection
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Cuphead (Video Game), The Cuphead Show! (Cartoon), Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game), Vocaloid, UTAU, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Short Films), The Mandela Catalogue (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Gokuhara Gonta, Oma Kokichi, Yonaga Angie, Komaeda Nagito, Charley (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Barley (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Edgar (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Kris (Deltarune), Hatsune Miku, Jevil (Deltarune), Ralsei (Deltarune), Susie (Deltarune), Berdly (Deltarune), Frisk (Undertale), Mario (Nintendo), Senpai (Friday Night Funkin'), Archangel Gabriel (Mandela Catalogue), The Intruder (Mandela Catalogue), TV Intruder (Mandela Catalogue), Kasane Teto, Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Boris (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Queen (Deltarune), Taiyokuma (OC), Tsukikuma (OC), Kaiyobani (OC), Taimakuma (OC), Mugman (Cuphead)
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Naegi Makoto & Everyone, Oma Kokichi & Yonaga Angie, Gokuhara Gonta & Oma Kokichi, Kris & Ralsei & Susie (Deltarune), Barley/Charley/Edgar (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Bendy & Boris (Bendy and the Ink Machine), but it's a bad friendship, Jevil & Oma Kokichi, Hatsune Miku/Kasane Teto, Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s), whatever the FUCK tv intruder and intruder got goin on (homosexual?), Cuphead & Mugman (Cuphead), Komaeda Nagito & Naegi Makoto, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format, tv intruder and intruder are separate, tv intruder is named toby, everyone is very very very lgbtq+ community, except bendy he is the homopbobib dog, Drug Use, TAIMAKUMA. CANNIBIS BEAR. WEED., DEATH DEATH DEATH DEA, DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Gokuhara Gonta Uses Regular Speech Patterns, To An Extent, he uses the 3rd person but not like "HULK ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HULK SMASH", Canon-Typical Violence, boy howdy a lot of it too, Senpai Being an Asshole (Friday Night Funkin'), he gets better. dw, butcher gang CAN be read as neurodivergent
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nDRsC9U
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/12/nationalizing-zambias-copper-mines-dw-12-03-2021/
Nationalizing Zambia's copper mines | DW | 12.03.2021
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Economists in Zambia paid close attention when the government announced that it would acquire Mopani Copper Mines Limited. The copper and cobalt exporting firm is jointly operated by companies based in Switzerland and Canada. The Zambian government owns only 10% of the company.
There had been a string of conflicts with the Swiss-based Glencore plc and Canada-based First Quantum Minerals Limited over a temporary shutdown of its mines in the northern Copperbelt Province. The points of contention were due to the COVID pandemic and retrenchments, taxes, and electricity pricing.
For John Tembo, a resident in Lusaka, the government’s Mopani mine takeover could be a double-edged sword. “The people who are going to retire, where is the money going to come from?” Tembo posed. “If the government is taking over, they have to do it in the quickest way by paying off the retirees,” Tembo told DW.
More than 73,000 people are employed in Zambia’s extractive industry, representing 2.4% of the workforce in the southern African nation of nearly 18 million people.
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The mining industry significantly contributes to Zambia’s government revenues
“The mines need to belong to the government and not foreigners. The opposite means the country’s minerals only benefit foreigners,” Emmanuel Chisala, a Lusaka resident, told DW.
Vague takeover details 
Little about the deal valued at $1.5 billion (€1.2 billion) has been made public. Still, speculation is swirling over the government’s end game and the effect it could have on Zambia’s bid to win a desperately-needed International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout loan.
“The Mopani mine takeover is a good idea because Zambia needs to be in charge of its assets,” Jerice Anosis, who resides in the capital, told DW. “My worry is how Zambia will pay back the debt because right now we owe a lot. We have a lot of debt to pay.”
The Mopani deal will be financed through a loan to be serviced via its future sales, according to economist Professor Oliver Saasa. Zambia, he said, plans to repay that loan by giving Glencore creditors 3% of the mine’s revenue. That would transpire over the next three years, after which the creditors will receive between 10% and 17.5%, he said.
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If big companies slow down on big investments because of Mopani Copper Mines’ fate, mining consultant Ron Smit said that developments in the sector are likely to stall.
“These actions by government that look like they are unilateral, are never, never good in any country,” Smit told DW. “You would really hope for a sector where government and the industry are in better conversations with each other so that these issues can be avoided.”
Are gold mines next?
Zambia’s government appears to have its eye on the gold mining sector too. Lusaka reportedly plans to start buying gold directly from miners to bolster foreign reserves, which it says will speed up economic recovery.
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Zambia is Africa’s second largest copper producer after the Democratic Republic of Congo
But Smit said this places any government in the impossible position of being both a player and a referee on the same field.
“I am very much in favor of very strong governance over the mining sector, but I’ am not in favor of government ownership of mines or any other industry for that matter.”
President Edgar Lungu is pushing for Zambians to secure majority stakes in selected strategic mines to benefit from their country’s mineral wealth beyond taxes.
Mining accounts for 77% of Zambia’s total exports, nearly 28% of government revenues also come from the sector, according to the Zambia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
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President Edgar Lungu would like Zambians to get a bigger share from mining revenues
Zambia’s debt challenges
Professor Saasa is just one of several experts warning the government to consider the effects that the deal could have on the country facing a hard fiscal crisis and the liquidity challenges it could bring to the copper mining company. “It is sending another signal, whether real or perceived, that Zambia is a difficult environment in which to do business.” Chibamba Kanyama, a Zambian economist, told DW.
According to Kanyama, the acquisition of more debt might make the IMF question Zambia’s seriousness about debt sustainability. Zambia entered negotiations with the global financial institution for a loan after it became the first country in Africa to default on its debt since the pandemic started. Experts say that loan is unlikely to come by election time in August 2021.
“It makes us get very concerned as to whether we have understood all the risks that pertain to mining and whether we have put adequate measures to control that,” Kanyama said.
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gayvampcentral · 7 years
Favorite book(s) or book series?
hmm again I’m bad at picking favs so I’ll just list some books I like:The Running Man by Stephen King: I haven’t read that one in forever but I remember that I really liked it a lot. I generally enjoy King’s books and short stories but I don’t wanna list all the one’s I like here that’d take me a while haha
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice: (I hope I got that title right asdfg my copy is german) I really really love this one. shitty fandom and law suits aside haha I remember that I was so happy that it was part of a series and that I could go on reading abt Lestat and Louis lmao I thought the second book in the series was okay and tbqh I stopped reading The Queen Of The Damned about half way through bc of how bored I was. I still haven’t given up on one day finishing it tho so I still haven’t watched the movie yet even tho I’m tempted bc Johnathan Davis was involved with the music for it. but yeah the Vampire Chronicles had potential for being my fav series but nope
also I was that one kid in class who really enjoyed reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm hahahahaha
and the book I’m reading rn is called The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey and I’m really loving it so far so I might add this to my list after I’m done haha (MAJOR child neglect in that book tho holy heck) also it’s part of a series so maybe I’ll finally have a fav book series after all? who knows. 
soo yeah no fav book series so far bc idk. I really tried but I couldn’t get into Harry Potter ever. and that’s like everyone’s fav series right? (I still know my Hogwarts House tho dw)
I could’ve listed tons of Stephen King stuff but I don’t feel like thinking abt which ones were better than the others. and honestly I’m more of a short story kinda person. I really like Roald Dahl and Edgar Allan Poe
thank you so much for asking have an amazingly nice day!!!!
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