#early lunch for konzu
cardinalgoldenbrow · 2 months
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The face of a man about to enjoy some early lunch.
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tinsinart · 5 months
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How it feels to be bright in the Unum's sight, surah.
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warframestuff · 1 year
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Surprise, it’s a double Devstream month! Join us on Wednesday, March 22nd at 2 p.m. ET via twitch.tv/warframe for a special 10-Year Anniversary Devstream.
With Warframe’s 10-year Anniversary just around the corner, Steve, Scott, Geoff, Sheldon, Rebecca, and Megan are taking a look back at where it all started. Plus, don’t miss the Save the Date announcement for TennoCon 2023 physical tickets!
Get your 10-Year Anniversary questions here before this thread locks at 10 a.m. ET on Tuesday, March 21st. Has Konzu taken his early lunch yet??
Watch to earn yourself an Archon Shard Twitch Drop!
See you over at twitch.tv/warframe Wednesday, March 22nd at 2 p.m. ET!
*Friendly reminder that we set our clocks AHEAD an hour for Daylight Savings Time.
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dad-of-demons · 2 years
Kahl’s Garrison and the Factions
When I wrote for the Syndicates, people seemed to enjoy it, so I figured I’d make an unofficial part 2! Now if only I knew how to link them to each other…
Anyway, minor spoilers for the Angels of the Zariman quest line, so you’ve been warned? Hope you enjoy!
Ostron: When Konzu takes a day off to inspect the Garrison, he isn’t sure what to expect. Sure, he knows a rare few Grineer will turn traitor against the Queens. But their kind has spent so long trying to destroy Cetus, he’s still a bit iffy. Konzu is surprised by the general lack of guards as he walks through the camp, until he realizes that they have gathered for a meal. As he sees Horrek serving the various people, chatting amicably with them, his heart is set at ease. And a few moments, he gets an early lunch.
Solaris United/ Vox Solaris: Chipper has been sending back regular reports. Eudico, the Biz, and Little Duck all know about Kahl’s setup, what he’s trying to do. They offered him extraction. Chipper turned it down. Told them he was doing good work there. He regularly sends supplies back and forth through their rail agents. Eudico has a small smile whenever they receive a request for some “Void Polish”. And hopes the headaches from the “mission accomplished” is worth it the next day, the crazy muckers.
Vent Kids: Kahl knew what children were. The information dumped in his head while still in a tube included basic details. How they weren’t a real threat. Saw a few from a distance back when he still patrolled the Plains. This small bunch were a ragtag group though. Strange clothing, and even stranger words. He knew he didn’t know many words, but even Chipper seemed confused by them. One came up to him. “So, you the tubey that nabbed a Drive from one of those muckin’ factories, yeah?” He looked at Chipper, who merely shrugged. Looking back at the kid, he nodded. “Yes. Kahl think.” The kid seemed happy with that. “Right-o. Glad to see one of you tubeys acting logical. You keep ruinin’ them glinty masks, eh?” Kahl understood that. He gave a fierce grin in response.
Entrati: After the disastrous first attempt at having Grineer arrive on Deimos, Daughter has tried to be quieter about her affiliation. But the family can tell. Son acts more annoyed, his sister seeming to get away with her actions while his are so harshly persecuted (secretly he’s proud of her rebellion). Mother just ignores her child, as she does most days, only caring for the day to day running of the Necralisk. Grandmother simply watches from afar, too amused to do much else. Father, though? Daughter begins to find surreptitiously placed supplies and armaments. Notes on weapon plans, outfitted for ground troops. She knows exactly who they came from. She doesn’t bring it up. But internally, there’s a strange feeling that has been absent for ages. Gratitude.
Quills: Kahl noticed someone watching in the distance. Remembering the strange man and the dagger, he put the camp on alert. By the time the sun was setting, the person was gone. He didn’t think about it until a few days later, and the person was back. Kahl borrowed a vulkar from Jarka to get a better look at them. They seemed to be in a fancy outfit, but kind of same to Horrek. A mask covered their face. As he handed the rifle back, the person disappeared. They continued to arrive every few days, never coming closer. Kahl put it out of his mind. As long as they didn’t shoot, or wear a Veil, he guess it didn’t matter.
Holdfasts: Quinn heard various stories from the kids who came back (They were just children, subjected to terrors beyond reason, and the Golden Lords made them into soldiers). Apparently, Executor Ballas had managed to take control of the Sentients, and even began to control the entire system. Until the Zariman children put a stop to him. Now the children (with eyes more haunted than even theirs) told him about a Grineer who had begun to free others. Quinn considered that for a moment. As far as he knew, Grineer were only ever good for labor or bloodshed. That’s it. But… Here he was, a void manifestation of a dead man. So, maybe a Grineer who developed a taste for rebellion and freedom was not too outlandish. He hoped they succeeded.
Again, let me know what you think! If I had to make a third part, it’d probably be of my own idea regarding Kahl actually meeting the Tenno, but we’ll see.
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bluprint · 2 years
Still asking myself what he eats
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reymonstruo · 5 years
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Operator Roi would like to have some lunch as well, specially if it is norg brains.
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nek-ros · 2 years
On the note of finding warframe characters hot what about my main man
i want to know about his Early Lunch
ssfjsdhf tbh i dont have that much of an opinion on him but i dont really think too much about most of the cetus characters. kinda wish the cetus characters get more lore..
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The war is over, we've won. That's what they all say at least
That's what you hear in transmissions from your orbiter radio, what Nora says at nighttime, that everyone is still here and alive.
But you know, you helped Lotus with the count, alongside so many tenno and Suda. Even Simaris joined in every now and then. You heard Cressa's report, how the defectors went up, but it was the kavor. So many Grineer are tired of the fighting after it.
You saw Paladinno being sworn in, you were by Cressa's side, because both wished you to, being a Meridian General, and the tenno hero.
The Arbiters are a bit more empty, seats left unfilled, just like how Suda's data scape is a bit dimmer, how Perrin got less monitors and people, New Loka has more plants for their falllen too. Even Simaris is a bit more respectful to everyone.
And oh, Teshin's room... You were there with Varzia, both of you knowing the rites to be made for a warrior who fell in combat. The Orvius you have was used as a stand in for his, in honor of the one who fought, time and time again, and fell on his feet against an unsurmountable foe. Every Tenno is a bit more quiet around it, and it always has flowers.
Most haven't noticed, but even the tenno are changed. They spent years doing guerrilla fights solo, the ones who brought down empires had no choice but to lay low and pick their fights. They all walk now, no more running much less bullet jumping. Tenno were always silent, but now you can't even hear a Rhino's footstep in a silent relay. each step is weighted and every tenno knows it's to leave as soft of a trail as possible.
Every one now has a kitgun, the pax charger arcane being the default, and although they do not use it in the relays, the tenno always keep at least a kitgun and a dagger with them, their usual weapons during the war, for their reliability, power and stealth. The last time you saw then without weapons was at the post war meeting, when you and Lotus got off from your orbiter at am abandoned dojo you had personally scouted shortly before.
Albeit a Tenno protocol breach, every leader from every allied faction was there, from the ostrons and quills to the entrati and even Loid.
You knew the numbers already, you were the one who went over them with the Lotus, holding each other, a mother and her child comforting each other at the sheer size of the numbers.
Civilian casualties were well over 60% of the last know size of them, not counting the missing. Allied factions were well below 50% of their size, with defectors and deaths. But the worst was the tenno casualties. Every death was always greatly felt since all Tenno were family. But this? Well over a few hundred deaths, to the ones who were only in their thousands since the Zariman. A bloodier battle than the old war, knowing how many were gone, and how many decided to retire. Only you and lotus would and had ever known about the ones who retired for their safety, and even among the death count the retired tenno were.
The ones too bruised and broken from war were almost 40% of the tenno death toll, numbers spread amongst the years, and even more names added to your wall, each just as painful as the first.
Even outcasts were invited, and peace brokered. All well beyond tired from the war, Little Duck and Onkko especially, being the ones responsible after local resistances alongside tenno, fighting Tau with void and fear with hope, but you knew.
From the ashes you'd rise, just as the Lotus was reborn from the heat of the sun, you'd make sure they all were. Your trips were more frequent, bringing materials to all factions, and gathering all dog tags you could find along the way. Being there with Lotus, going over numbers of enemies and through allies meetings, even Konzu's early lunch every now and then.
The work was sure to be long and tiring but you were ready. Years in cryo sleep after the Zariman, then the war, Naga Drums and the second dream. All Tenno were fighters by trade, but they all also we're resilient and patient by trade.
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studiocyen · 5 years
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Of course Konzu will get his early lunch in my design for the Warframe Button Project.  My attempt at doing a portrait of an old man in chibi/cartoony proportion.
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zestyaardvarks · 5 years
Is this what Konzu has for his early lunches?
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cardinalgoldenbrow · 4 months
In light of the new "show affection" options for the Cavia coming soon, I vote we get that option for the other Syndicates.
Let us sit down with Konzu and Saya for some early lunch.
Let us sit in the Backrooms and just pet virminks with Eudico and the Business.
Let us hug Yonta after she says she missed us.
Let us hug Cavalero and have him shove us away, like "Get off me, grubber!"
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Konzu Dialogue
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Syndicate information
There are many vendors in Cetus who allow the player to both gain and spend Standing with the Ostrons, but as their leader, Konzu represents the Ostron faction as a whole. The Ostrons are described thusly:
A tight-knit band of merchants, hucksters and survivors, the Ostrons call Cetus their home. The town was built around an Orokin Tower that both protects and nourishes them.
Konzu assigns various bounties for Tenno to complete out on the Plains of Eidolon, rewarding both exclusive items and Ostron Standing. Standing can also be gained by donating fish to the villagers via Fisher Hai-Luk, donating uncut gems to Old Man Suumbaat, donating mastered or gilt Zaws to the Cetus militia via Hok, or by completing incursions out on the Plains. The Ostron Syndicate ranks, from least to most favoured, are:
Neutral: [no description]
Offworlder: The Ostrons are wary of outsiders. Speak with Konzu to learn how to increase your Standing with them.
Visitor: The Ostrons are intrigued by your presence and are willing to instruct you in their ways.
Trusted: The Ostrons have begun to accept you into their society. They will sell you goods not offered to strangers.
Surah: You have earned the trust of the Ostrons. They regard you as a valuable ally.
Kin: You are respected by the Ostron Elders and adored by the children. You have access to their most sought-after wares.
When it comes time for a Tenno to rank up, they must talk to Konzu, who will request a sacrifice of Plains resources, and reward them with any item from any Cetus vendor, befitting their new status.
Idle quotes
These are un-subtitled lines that Konzu says when he is not interacting with the Tenno.
"Handy with a gun or blade? Cetus needs you. Let's talk."
"Offworlder! I'm hiring combat talent. Let's talk rates."
"Job board's filling up, offworlder. Help Konzu clear the slate, eh?"
"Offworlder! Help push the Grineer away from Cetus. You do a good deed, I pay you for it."
Greeting the Tenno
(if the Tenno is new to Cetus) "Swazdo-lah, offworlder. Interested in working for me? Gotta prove yourself first. Head out on the Plains and show me what you can do."
"You pay me in red, I pay you in silver."
"Got something. Heavy hitter like you needs a little snack, yeah?"
"I give you coordinates. You go in, you work, nobody but you comes out. Good?"
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Konzu's favourite gun. Swazdo-lah, killer."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Ah, Tenno. Good, good, utz."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Right on time, surah. I see you. Let's get to work."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Ai yo. You are bright in the Unum's sight, surah. Magnificent. Magnificent, utz."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Ah, our most esteemed surah! Welcome!"
Accepting a bounty
"Rightio. See you soon."
"Alright. Chop chop."
"One more off the docket. Hop to."
"Couldn't get anyone to take that on. Early lunch for Konzu."
Declining a bounty
"You upping your rates on me?"
"Picky, picky."
"[groan] You gonna make me use offworld talent? Come on!"
Requesting sacrifice
"It would be my honour to help you toward grace."
"We Ostrons would be honoured to accept your sacrifice."
(after a successful sacrifice) "The Unum smiles upon you, surah."
Browsing offerings
"Swazdo-lah! How may we assist?"
"Lok heb, esteemed friend."
"Kruna metta, advise us as to your need."
Redeeming an offering
"One hand washing the other – indivisible."
"The lessening of your burden also lightens ours."
"A wise choice."
Bidding farewell
"See you again, eh, Tenno."
"You come back again soon."
Konzu provides some background information when the Tenno are performing bounties for him, including the recurring Plague Star and Ghoul Purge bounties. He is a character in the quest Saya's Vigil, and is mentioned very briefly by Onkko when the Quill is interrogated about his past.
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Konzu]
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gaybabytenno · 6 years
Also while taking a stroll around Cetus, I noticed the npc cooking is actually a Konzu clone. He's multiplying, send help.
Maybe he isn’t multiplying, but instead can just run faster than a full power strength Volt boosted by Zephyr’s Jetstream :D
Also no wonder he always gets early lunch, binch’s been cooking it himself all this time!
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Swazdo-lah Tenno! I cant thank you enough for taking over this rahd fellow's blog, early lunch for Konzu! Wait, ai yo what is that you have there?
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corpusbonds · 6 years
When you have cores and Nyth and the gates don’t open
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nek-ros · 4 years
naming the helminth "konzu" and giving him early lunch
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