#eddie x bimbo!reader
filthy-baee · 9 months
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Trailer Park Princess
Part 1 - The idea
Bully!Eddie x hyperfem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, mean!Eddie, bully!Eddie, smut, dubcon, noncon, virgin!reader, Eddie is older than reader, reader is over 18, kinda perv!Eddie
Note: I wrote this in 3 months. It took me so long to finish this. I still hope you like it! Not proofread! ♡
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Y/N always loved being girly, always wearing skirts or dresses, hair always done and her body always smelt sickenly sweet. And Y/N loved her mom. She really did. Sure, her life was not the best, since her father went away and took all the money with him. It seemed like her formerly nice life found an early end. As she needed to move from her big house to the trailer park, the people changed towards her. They stopped being nice to her, talk to her and ignored her alltogether. Her mother worked her ass off for her daughter in her last year at school, but like every person, she also had a vice - smoking pot. Y/N didn't mind it actually, the only thing that she minded was where she got her shit from - Eddie Munson.
He was a little bit older then Y/N, and she can't deny the small crush she had on him. Sometimes Y/N could hear his van in the night or smell his weed when he was in his room smoking some pot with his window wide open. As they started living in the trailer park, Eddie was the only one who still talked with Y/N. Her social status was now as low as his and he kinda liked that. Y/N were really cute and damn, she was so submissive to him. He knew her from school and even talked with her sometimes before she moved to the trailer park, as she was the only girl who wasn't scared of him or was mean to him. She helped him with everything when he asked her. Y/N even did Eddies homework, just because he asked her to. Sure, he bullied her sometimes, just to see her pretty eyes water and her lips tremble. Sometimes he pushed her, just so he could catch her by her waist, pushing his clothed dick into her ass - the only thing between them his jeans and the thin skirt of Y/N. He also couldn't ignore the little wetness that always formed in her cute panties when he was a little mean to her.
As Y/N finished school, she got a job as a waitress at the Hideout. Eddie also finally finished school in the same year as Y/N did and found a job at a car workshop, near the Hideout.
Y/N's mom bought more and more from Eddie, sometimes forgetting to pay. Eddie didn't mind it that much, as he had a chance to see Y/N and talk with her now that they're out of school, even if it was just about the money her mom didn't pay. Also he could see her cute little face and body in even skimpier little outfits that she only wore at home and was too shy to wear at work.
After some weeks and many unpaid purchases of weed from Eddie, he finally made his way up to Y/N's trailer again. He knew that her mom was out to work and she was alone at home. He knocked on the door, taking a last drag from his own blunt, before he threw it on the ground.
Y/N heared the knock from her bedroom. She jumped to the door, slowly opening it, as she was scared alone at home. As she saw Eddie she opened the door fully, greeting him with a big smile. Eddie eyed her up and down. Y/N wore a short pink skirt with a white crop top. Her boobs nearly escaping the tight top and Eddie could see her panties if she would pick something up.
"Hey Eddie. Mom isn't here yet. Can I help you with something?" she asked and smiled sweetly at him. God, she was too cute for her own good, he thought.
"Well, you know, actually I think you can." Eddie said as he got into Y/N's trailer. He really could see her influence in the trailer. Everything was decorated with small knick knacks in all shades of pink. Eddie didn't really fit in there. He stood out like a sore thumb.
"Sure. What can I do for you, Eddie?" Y/N asked as she leaned against the small kitchen counter. Jesus Christ, this is going to be so easy he thought and a small smile grew on his face.
"You know, your mom didn't pay the last few purchases - again." Eddie said walking closer to Y/N and letting out a dramatic sigh. She could smell the weed on him as he came closer to her. "Oh. I am really sorry! She is so forgettable! But Eddie.... I don't have- " she started to talk but Eddie lifted his hand and she stopped talking immediatly. "I know you have no money. But I think we can find another agreement, right, Y/N?" he spoke and his hands grabbed the counter and Y/N were trapped between his arms. She nodded and looked in his dark chocolate eyes. "What can I do? I can cook for you or-or clean your trailer..." she said slowly, as she thought about other things she could do for Eddie.
Eddie pretended to be thinking really hard, tapping with his finger on his chin. He walked around a little, his long hair flowing around him. Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of him, as he came closer again. "Hmm, what about this sweetheart? You do everything I say for - hm, let us say - a month. How does this sound?" he asked her sweetly, standing right in front of her again. She tried to look away from him, his gaze too much for her. Eddie's hand grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. His pupils were blown, dark gaze following her every move. "Like...like a- a...slave?" she mumbled and whispered the last word, feeling embarrassed just by saying it.
Eddie grinned, his eyes never leaving hers. "If you want to put it that way, yes. We can say you are my slave for a month and your mommy doesn't have to pay me one dollar. Soo? Are you in, sweetheart?" Y/N could feel his hot breath against her blushing cheeks and she let out a small whimper and she nodded slowly. "Fuck. Did she really just whimper?" Eddie thought and he could also see how her thighs clenched together, as Y/N agreed. This is way too much fun for him, who cares about the money? This is something Eddie would pay for actually. The cutest little thing he ever saw and now he can do whatever he wants with her. That's just too good to be true! Eddie would lie if he says he didn't have a sweet spot for her. She was too nice for her own good and so damn pretty! Thank the lord, that her mommy smoked so much, that she even forgets to pay for it. But to be honest, Eddie did never remind her to pay up. He just waited for the right moment to talk with her sweet daughter. And he knew how much Y/N loved her mommy. She would do anything for her, to keep her out of trouble. Y/N knew that Eddie can get really uncomfortable, if people don't pay on time. She heard him talk with them in his trailer and damn, he can be really scary.
But it was different with her family. Eddie was calm with her and her mother, letting slip things, that he would never do with other people. Maybe he likes Y/N, but he would never say that to her.
"Good girl." Eddie said and let his knuckles brush over her jawline. Goosebumps rose on her skin as Y/N bit her lips, looking up at Eddie with big eyes. Eddie thought deeply, glancing at her blushing cheeks. "Kiss me." he demanded.
Y/N gulped, not knowing if she heared him right. "W-What?" Eddie pulled her closer by her hips. "I said...Kiss. Me!" Eddie's hand brushed her hair behind her ear, waiting for her next reaction. Her eyes started glizening with tears. Y/N felt uneasy. Kissing him? This would be her first kiss!
"Or should I search for your mommy and get the money out of her? You know we had an agreement, princess." Eddie mumbled staring at her glossy eyes. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he saw that Y/N was struggeling badly. "N-No! I'm sorry. It's just- I...never-" Y/N studdered, looking ashamed to her side.
Eddie couldn't believe it. She never kissed anyone? This has to be his lucky day. "No problem, sweetheart. I show you." he said, as he pulled her waist flush with his hips. Y/N could feel his warmth radiating from his body. Eddie pushed his legs between her thighs. He grabed her chin in his hands, his thumb slowly brushing over her bottom lip. Y/N opened her mouth, being submissive like always. Eddie grinned as he saw how responsive she was.
Eddies lips brushed over hers. Eddie took his sweet time with her, kissing her deeply and slowly. His tongue brushed over her lips and Y/N let out a low moan. Eddies tongue slipped into her mouth, tasting her sweet taste.
As Eddie broke the kiss, Y/N heart was racing, her face a bright red. "Good girl. You will learn how to do it in no time." he said patting her head like she was a cute little puppy. Y/N leaned into his touch, loving the feeling of him carassing her hair.
She was just too cute, Eddie thought. "Now tell me. Are you a virgin, Y/N?" Eddies eyes met hers again in a piercing gaze. She tried to look away but he grabbed her jaw in a tight grip. She nodded, but Eddie was not having any of it. "I asked you a question. I need your words, princess. Or is a small kiss enough to get you dumb?" he grinned. "Y-Yeah...I am...a virgin." you whispered.
I am one lucky motherfucker, Eddie thought as he heared her words leave her sweet lips.
"Kiss me again. Like I did before, but now you do it on your own." Eddie demanded. Eddie pulled her up by her waist and sat her down on the kitchen counter. Y/N could feel his hard dick between her legs as he sat her down. She looked up to him, mumbling a small "Yes, Eddie" before she pulled him down to her. Her lips met his in a small kiss. Y/N licked slowly over Eddies lips, trying to do it just like Eddie did before. He grinned as he saw her struggle, her legs were trembling, goosebumps appeared all over her small body. Eddie slowly opened his mouth, giving her permission to enter his mouth with her tongue. She tasted the weed on his tongue, a small whimper escaped her plush lips. As Eddie grapped her ass, Y/N's body tensed up. She opened her mouth further and Eddies tongue pushed deeper into her mouth. Eddie looked at her. Y/N's eyes were closed, her small hands clamping down on her skirt, knuckles turning white. Eddie pulled away, just as he saw her leaning into his touch on her ass more and more. Y/N looked at him disappointed. Her lips were puffy and a small pout appeared on her lips. He patted her head slightly, ruffeling her hair. "Good girl. You did so well." Eddie smiled softly at her. "T-Thank you."
Eddie took some steps back from her, leaving her cold and needy for him. "I will pick you up tomorrow after work. Then we will talk about the rules for our little agreement, sweetheart."
Eddie walked to the door, waving at her before closing the door behind him. Y/N still sat on the kitchencounter, legs shaking with need. Y/N's fingers slowly brushed over her lips, still tasting Eddie on them. She let out a sigh. As she hopped down from where she sat, she saw the small patch of wetness she left behind.
Taglist: @darknesseddiem @tlclick73
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dior-and-dietcoke · 2 years
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𝟏𝟖+, it's the 90s bc i wanted to make a joke including guns n roses, also chubby!reader, drug usage, high sex, lots of flirting, reader has a belly button piercing, inexperienced!Eddie, oral (m+f), unprotected sex, riding, creampie, mentions of voyeurism, not totally proofread, readers skin color/ethnicity is not mentioned
Eddie finally gets the courage to ask you out at the record store and expected you to turn him down but you surprisingly agreed, he invites you to smoke and listen to some music with him and after a lot of flirting and getting higher..you're suddenly making out!
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There she was, coming into the record store, just like he hoped.
Eddie's seen this girl..this one girl. She was always in here once a week, buying exquisite music.
Metallica, guns n roses, black sabbath, iron maiden, mötorhead so on and so on. And she looked like a total dream, tight black jeans with her thong showing over your cute pudgy tummy, decorated with a belly button piercing, a white tank top, no bra, long blood red nails and black heels. Literally the perfect woman to him, truly.
Eddie told Steve and Robin about her, so many times, everytime he saw her infact..maybe even more. And he always said "next time I'm gonna talk to her!" And he never did.
he was just scared that you would turn him down or actually already have a boyfriend and he'd beat his ass for talking to his sexy ass girlfriend, or even worse..just make fun of him and think of him as a freak like everyone else does. But Steve and Robin managed to build him up again saying "you're both into the same things, I promise the worst thing she'll say is no"
And he swore that he will talk to you this time.
And so there you were..looking through the rock section, running your sharp nails over the tapes..
the worst thing she could say was 'no' He reminded himself...
But 'no' was already bad enough.
He stood next to you looking through the same section and just said 'fuck it' once you looked at him and smiled, he smiled back and just forced words out of his dry throat "you got nice taste" he complimented and you grinned at him "thank you~" you chirped and looked him up and down, making his skin tingle a little bit with excitement and his stomach doing flips "same goes to you" you said in an almost flirty manner.
"Eddie" he said holding his ringed hand out to you, you introduced yourself back with a kind smile and he could swear he died a little once he felt your nails against his skin. There was nothing that he wanted more than have you scratch up his back with those, he swallowed hard and blinked a few times to get himself back on track
"I've seen you here a couple times, looking for something in particular?" Eddie asked as he turned to you and you did the same "yeah, I've been looking for apatite for destruction, yknow..but.." you started to continue to skim through the tapes "it seems like they don't have it.." you said a little disappointed, with the cutest pout.
You totally lied about looking for it but he didn't know that, you just knew that he definitely had it. You saw him a few times too, you always grinned to yourself when you saw him looking at you in the corner of your eye, you even bit your lip at how giddy he made you.
Of course you knew who he was, the 'freak' Eddie Munson. you went to the same school but never had classes together and barely even walked into eachother in the hallway, when you did, he was busy talking to his friends. So seeing him here made you a little excited everytime.
Eddie grinned and leaned against the table putting on his 'cool guy' act "well you're in luck, ma'am..I just so happened to have it" he said almost proudly in a calm voice. You looked back up at him through your falsies and grinned at the 'ma'am' "you do?" You asked surprised and smiled happily. He shrugged with an almost cocky grin tugging the corners of his lips up "sure do!"
You played with your hair and tilted your head "do you mind if I give you my number and we..listen to it together?"
Eddie froze at your proposition, and stumbled over his words a little as his body language became more awkward "yeah..i mean—no..I wouldn't mind at all" he laughed nervously.
you pulled out a pink pen with a fluffy end out of your purse and grabbed his hand. You took the cap off with your teeth and wrote your number down on his palm, Eddie was begging that you didn't notice how sweaty his hands were. Fucking praying.
You looked up at him and put the cap back on the pen and put it back into your purse "then..laters, Eddie" you purred in a sultry tone and waved him goodbye with your fingers in your cute n ditzy way.
Once you left he clenched his fist and celebrated quietly, he'll brag about this for months to come, he truly didn't expect that him, a loser, could get the number from the hottie at the record store..but here he was.
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After two days of preparing of what to say to you and Cleaning up his room..and hiding his porn tapes he finally had the courage to call you and to his surprise you two talked for hours until you finally made plans to let him pick you up at your place and drive to his, and that's exactly what you two did.
As you two were driving you just rocked out to music and you ranted about peoples horrid clothing choices until you arrived, he absolutely adored hearing you talk about literally anything, the way you talk and carry yourself is just so cute and endearing. He cannot get enough.
"here we are." He said and opened his door to immidietly storm out and open your door, being his usual gentleman self. You flashed him a thankful smile and took the hand he reached out "thank youu~" you giggled and followed him to the trailer.
"I hope you didn't expect the suburbs" he laughed and opened the door for you again "ladies first" he smiled gently and you smiled at him, absolutely endeared. he was totally different from what people say about him, he was a sweet and just nerdy guy..and you thought that was so cute. Plus, he was more respectful than any other guy you had encountered.
"I didn't expect anything, babe..in a good way of course" you said with your glossy lips tugging back into a grin, Eddie thought he was going crazy..did you just call him 'babe'?..probably just being friendly, right? Right??
"Of course, of course" he said, a little lost and started played with his rings while looking nervously at the ground.
You looked around the place and asked "so..where's your room, eds?" Breaking him out of his trance "right!" He said and snapped his fingers at you. You laughed softly at his mannerisms and followed him as he stormed off and rolled his eyes at his own awkwardness. Usually he doesn't care that much what people think of him but..he wanted to make a good impression with you.
You reached his room and the guitar displayed infront of a mirror immediately caught your eyes. "How did you talk for hours and not tell me that you played guitar?" You asked dumbfounded and amazed before you turned to him, he shrugged, he actually didn't know the answer either..he just really liked hearing you talk. "Yeah, she's my one and only" he proudly grinned and took her off the stand to show her off more "i'm actually in a band too, y'know" he raised his eyebrows at you, hoping to impress you.
And it worked. You were really impressed, and even a little bit horny..you're just a simple girl after all, you love the boys in the bands.
"You are?!" You smiled widely and giggled. Your expression and happy tone made his chest swell up with pride "yes, ma'am" everytime he said that, you just smiled at how cute he was. You just wanted to jump him right then and there! "Maybe invite me to a band practice sometime~" you smiled all giddy and excited "I'd love to" he agreed and put his guitar back onto its stand
You suddenly grinned with something more mischievous flashing in your eyes and played with your hair again "can you like.. play it with your tongue?" Eddie looked at you for a second without saying a word and his pretty dark brown eyes wide open.
"Y'know..like slash?" You thought he didn't get your reference but his mind was just going elsewhere at your previous question. Between your legs more specifically.
He shook his head and tapped his temples "obviously! Duh! But uh..no, not yet at least" He laughed nervously and you giggled again. At this point he didn't know if you were laughing because you thought he was cute or embarrassing, making him feel even more nervous..and like a fucking virgin too, he was hard by just seeing you sitting on his bed cause now he can't stop thinking about anything else than having you pull at his hair while he eats you out and you suffocate him with those beautiful thighs of yours.
And god your body looks even prettier when you're sitting when your thighs look bigger and your tummy rolls up..he didn't know he had a thing for chubby girls..but now he definitely does.
As he got down he took out the cd and put it into the cd player. you leaned down to whisper in his ear "you told me you got weed" he chuckled "yeah I just gotta—" he gasped as he got a clear view of your tits squished up against your lap and arms one he looked back up, he could've sworn he even saw a bit of your nipples. "G-gotta get it- uh..just a sec.."
Eddie ran out to get some fresh air..or at least away from your intoxicating perfume....and your perfect tits.
He had weed already in his pocket but he just had to collect himself a bit cause he was already feeling horny without smoking, so he was just preparing himself.
When Eddie came back in he immidietly wanted to leave but also just watch you forever, you were sexily swinging your hips to the sound of paradise city. You turned around and grinned "oh hey, eds! Ya got it?" You asked happily and just closed your eyes again to continued to dance
He nodded but then realized you can't see him right now "yep—I do.." he chuckled nervously and sat down on the bed, you followed right after and crossed your legs on his bed, his eyes flickered up to you and he genuinely smiled at how you were watching him just setting everything up "you just wanna watch me?" He asked, gaining a little more confidence at how innocent you looked "mhm!" You nodded and smiled at him. Eddie never ever felt that fucking welcomed by someone, especially not by someone he just met a few days ago..but he didn't feel weird with you, you're just really ditzy in the best way possible.
While he was rolling the blunt up you couldn't help but feel a lil hot when you saw how talented he was with his fingers and how he slid his tongue along the thin paper, you gripped the sheets a little and just observed.
Once he was done he lit it up a few times between his lips and handed it to you "here ya go, dollface" his proud grin made your heart beat fast and your head get a little dizzy. "Thank you, babes" Eddie grinned again at the petname but then continued watching you wrap your glossy lips around the bud and inhale the smoke before puffing it out again. He couldn't help but just let his mind wander as he watched you. you handed the blunt back to the long haired cutie and giggled "this song is..fucking amazing"
Eddie agreed with a hum as he inhaled the smoke and passed it back to you, you couldn't explain it but..he looked crazy hot while smoking. Eddie struggled to not moan at the taste of your strawberry lipgloss now on his tongue.
After a few minutes of listening to the sexy rock music playing and feeling the high set in, you swayed back and forth to the riff of slash's guitar and the next song started playing as Eddie perked up "oh, sweet child o' mine! This is the best one, trust me" you giggled at his enthusiasm and tilted your head with your eyes closed "I trust you~" Eddie weirdly felt his heart pound at your simple statement..it wasn't anything big but..it just sounded sweet to him.
Eddie laid back on his bed, steadying himself on his elbows as he tapped his foot on the ground and handing the blunt back to you. as you took it from him, you made sure to make your skin touch his. Eddie noticed your skin touching even is his hazy mind, your skin felt so warm and soft..he still wondered how all of you felt against his skin, all of your plush, warm and soft skin.
As you looked at him, being so effortlessly hot you got an idea..so you smiled at him again "hey, Eddie?" Your voice made his closed eyes open again "yeah?" He responded, voice a little raspy making you go a little wild inside "have you ever done a headshot?"
Eddie swore his heart stopped beating or was just beating a million mph. "Never done it..no.." he gulped and dared to look up at you "why?" He asked, he already knew the answer but he wanted to hear you say it to make sure he wasnt just losing his mind.
"I wanna do it with you!" You chirped and put your fingers together, almost nervously "ya wanna?" You asked with a wide grin, Eddie nodded enthusiasticly "y-yeah, I mean..sure" he really tried not to seem as desperate as he was but it was hard "yay!" You clapped and sat closer to him, before you put the bud against your lips again, you looked at him and asked "you know how to do it, right?"
He nodded again as he sat up and took quiet breaths in and out as he felt your body warmth radiating off your skin "okay good, c'mere" you said in such a calming but sexy voice that he just immediately melted and tilted his head a bit as you moved him closer to you by your hand on his cheek.
You inhaled the smoke and he already knew he wouldn't be able to not kiss you. You got closer to his and blew the smoke into his mouth and Eddie lost it once your lips slightly brushed against his. Eddie just moved closer and pressed his lips against your sticky ones, he doesn't think he has ever kissed someone who tasted and felt this good, you immediately kissed him back.
Eddie pulled away and looked at you with hooded and slightly red eyes "is this okay?" He asked quietly as if he could scare you off with the slightest sudden moves or sounds.
You just nodded with a soft smile and kissed him again, this time your lips started actually moving making his cock was unbelievably harder, his whole skin tingled at the feeling of you.
But he needed more, he needed to touch you. So Eddie hesitantly lifted his hands and put them on your hips making your breath hitched against his skin, driving the poor metalhead even more crazy. You put your hand on his shoulder and dug your nails a bit into his skin, Eddie just started to get feral and began kissing you harder. You then licked at his lip and he didn't even hesitate to let you slip your tongue into his mouth.
He whimpered quietly and his hand went from your hips down to your ass while the other trailed up to touch your tits but he stopped at the feeling of your cotton tank top "can I.. touch them?" He asked and you bit your lip as you couldn't help but grin "please do" you said before taking your top off, leaving Eddie speechless. He didn't expect you to take your top off.
But he sure as hell didn't complain.
When you noticed that he was just staring at awkwardly opening and closing his fists, you grabbed his hands "lemme help you, babe" you whispered and pressed his rough cold ringed hand against your soft and squishy tits "holy shit.." he immediately mumbled under his breath, they felt like two of the softest pillows ever. His already tight jeans now felt so uncomfortable around his crotch, he was regretting his wardrobe choices right now..he really was. His cock was harder than it ever was and it was leaking..it just felt uncomfortable, and he wanted needed to pull it out just to jerk off, god he needed to jerk off so bad.
"Do ya like em?" You tilted your head to catch his attention, he was almost like hypnotized by your tits "are you kidding? Hell yeah."
Eddie pushed your tits together and almost moaned when he noticed how hard your nipples got, what he didn't notice though was the way you were clenching your thighs and wiggling your hips. His cold rings felt so good against your hot skin and sensitive nipples, you wanted more from his metalhead cutie.
"E-eddie.." you whined and his muscles tensed at your fucking cute voice saying his name. He looked up at you and stuttered before he actually spoke "y-yeah?.." Eddie looked like he was ready to jump you if you just asked. Just so desperate and horny "can I.. " you pouted your plump, glossy lips and shyly looked at him "touch you?"
He nervously gulped and felt his body burn red hot up to his ears "u-uh..y-yes..oh my god, yes." He huffed and you kissed him again just to push him down onto the mattress, his soft and curly hair hitting the soft pillow as you climbed ontop of him, already arching your back as his hand went into your Jean pockets and grab your ass. Eddie gasped when he felt your nails brush against his prominent bulge as you unbuckled his belt
"fuck—I can't believe this is happening.." he mumbled as you unbuttoned his jeans and pulling his pants down along with his boxers as he lifted his hips. His other hand was sweetly nestled in your hair and caressing your scalp
Your eyes widened and your excited grin turned into a surprised gape "ohh..e-eddie.." you whined and just stared at his perfect cock, it was more long than it was thick, which didn't mean that it wasn't girthy. It was a pretty pink color as a string of precum dripped down onto his stomach. And to top it all off, there was a nice happy trail and just well grommed hair above his cock, and two pretty veins running up his lenght.
"Wh-what?.." he asked nervously. Was his hair too long? Dick too small? Did he smell bad?!
"It's so...hot.." you grinned again and slowly ran your hand down his chest to grab his pretty cock, making Eddie throw his head back into his pillow and biting at his rings once you started pumping his cock up and down.
"F-fuck!" He cursed through gritted teeth "fuck! it feels so good.." he moaned, almost cried out.
His hand that was over your jeans went into them to just feel the plush flesh of your round and beautiful ass, that he may or may not have been staring at whenever you bent over a little in the shop.
"You're so hard, eds.." you pointed pit as his cock throbbed in your palm, Eddie groaned at opened his eyes to catch your pretty and hungry gaze "of course I am—fuck.." he took a deep shaky breath just just moaned halfway through the exhale "I got the hottest girl in Hawkins fucking jerking me off for fucks sake!" He whined and slightly bucked his hips into your hand.
"Shit..I wanted to fuck you for so long..do you have any idea what you fucking do to me?—fuckk.."
you were wet from the moment you stepped into his van but now you knew for a fact that you were soaking through your thong. You wanted to know. "Tell me what I do to you~" you pouted and started kissing his neck as the sound of his wet cock and your just as wet hand created downright filthy sounds alongside the tunes of guns n roses.
Eddie wanted to cry at how crazy you made him feel right now. Is he crazy or is the sexiest girl ever really jerking him off and kissing his neck all needy. "E-everytime..I saw you, I just wanted to take you home and fuck you so hard you don't even remember your own name—fuck.."
His confession made your heart and your pussy melt because..you wanted him to do the exact thing to you everytime you saw him! "Eddie, baby! I wanted the same thing!" You squealed and just played with the head of his cock. Eddie's eyes shot open "f-fucking what?"
He gasped and you grinned "mhm..I wanted you so bad..you're like the cutest guy I've ever seen!" That's something he rarely (never) heard. Especially from, again, the hottest chick in probably..all of America!
"F-fuck..are you being serious?!" He grinned and groaned as you just nodded and grabbed at his shirt to pull it over his head to continue kissing his neck and chest and let go of his poor cock.
Eddie still enjoyed your wet, messy but loving kisses along his skin, down to his pelvis. He never fucking got a blowjob before—but he's open to get one. you looked up at him with your pretty eyes "this okay?" You asked against his skin as his dick twitched against your neck. Eddie nodded and softly dug his fingers into your pretty hair, softly urging you to keep going.
You smiled happily at being able to suck your crush's cock. You didn't waste anytime and started sucking on his pulsing and salty tip. "Shitshitshit—" he chanted before gasping, moaning and mewling through his teeth as you started taking him deeper everytime his hands gripped your hair tighter, he was a mess.
"fuck—sweetheart..m gonna cum real soon" you hummed and pulled off his cock just to kiss down his cock to suck his heavy balls into your mouth as your pretty hand started stroking him again.
Eddie threw his head back and completely lost it, his hand pushed your pretty face closer into him as he came all over himself and your manicured hand.
Eddie was panting and sweating as you climbed up and kissed his slightly flushed and hot cheek "that was..the best fucking orgasm i ever had.." he chuckled.
and as you thought you two were done he suddenly pulled you against his chest and rolled over so he was ontop of you "can I eat you out?" He suddenly asked with a dead serious expression. He's never done this before either but he knew enough about pussies to know how to treat a fine lady like you.
You bit your nail with a bright grin and nodded enthusiasticly. Eddie grinned, excited to finally be in between those beautiful thighs of yours. But before he does that, he gave your tits a quick kiss and kissed down your soft tummy "fuck you're beautiful.." he mumbled, making you whine and spread your legs.
Eddie unbuckled your belt and unbuttoned your pants to pull them down and expose your dripping thong to him. He took a heavy breath and slid them to the side "y-you're so wet..god what the fuck.." he blurted out, already feeling his flaccid cock harden again.
Eddie carefully took them off and had to take another deep breath, your pussy looked like pure heaven, the color was so pretty and he could stare at it for hours. Eddie reached up to place his hands on your soft tummy, you felt his rings and wristbands pressed against your skin as his fingers caressed you as soft as he could. He kissed back down from beneath your belly button where the pretty jewel hung, and continued kissing down to your mound as his pretty brown deer eyes looked up at you, almost looking lost.
You smiled at him and burried your hands in his pretty hair to softly run your nails over his scalp, making him hum softly before going further down to kiss your clit and making you gasp and grip his hair tighter.
Eddie moved his hands up to grab at your soft thighs and spread them wider to bury himself deeper between your legs. His tongue darted out to leave small kitten licks at your clit and then move down to swipe his flat tongue through your pussy lips, collecting as much of your essence as possible while he groaned at his eyes slightly rolled back at your intoxicating taste.
The way Eddie's tongue moved felt so experimental but also so talented at the same time. "Nhh—f-feels good, Eddie.." you moaned and he knew he was fucking rock hard again.
Eddie's fingers dug deeper into your skin as his licking became more feverish and messy, you were bucking your hips into his mouth and pushed his face further onto your cunt. Eddie suddenly, is his clouded mind, got an idea. He never ate someone out before BUT he has fingered a girl before, and he was good at that (apparently)
So Eddie started sliding his fingers up and down your wet slit as he softly sucked on your clit and swirled his tongue around it. You instinctively raised your legs up, giving Eddie better access to your pussy, letting him sink his fingers into your cunt. Eddie groaned loudly at how your pussy was sucking his fingers in and pulsing around them. And the way your hips stuttered against him was absolutely adorable and made him lose his mind.
"Y-you're so hot, angel..f-fuck." He cursed and sped up with the movement of his tongue on your clit, your orgasm built up and crashed down on you. You creamed on his fingers, gripped his hair as tight as you could but..Eddie didn't mind..he fuckin' loved it when you pulled his hair.
Eddie got up from between your legs after he gave your pussy a quick but sweet kiss. "Was that good?" He asked and you laid there, drool dripping from your lips down to your neck. You nodded "mhm~" you couldn't even form words right now, he's tongue fucked you so dumb already. But he himself made you go a little bit dumb on his own so..
As Eddie got ontop of you his pretty necklace swayed around and hit his tatted chest a few times, and as your eyes got lower you noticed how hard he was again. Eddie noticed your stare and got a little embarrassed "s-sorry.." he laughed "jus' can't help it y'know?" He paused and took another good look at you "s just that..you're..fucking hot and literally perfect" you grinned at sat up, you noticed a big stain on his sheets, which was mostly drool from him.
Eddie noticed the stain too "oh—d-don't worry about it..I can just change the sheets later" he was so awkward even after he just made you cum harder than you ever came before. It was so cute, He was so cute. "Eddie" you said and he awkwardly looked up at you through his bangs while biting at his rings "yeah?" You got closer again and crawled on his lap "w-whoa—whoa.." he panicked but you kissed him to calm him down "can I ride you? I really want you inside" you begged and kissed his neck
How the fuck is he supposed to say no to that? He doesn't even want to say no. "I-i mean yeah- fuck..please ride me, baby." He whimpered and grabbed your bare and wide hips.
Eddie looked to the drawer and pointed towards it "I think I still got condoms in there, sweetheart.." you looked at the drawer and back at him "I wanna do it raw..I jus' wanna feel you, eds~" you mewled at pushed your pussy against his hot and trobbing cock.
Eddie's mind just went blank at the thought of feeling your raw pussy around his cock, he never done it raw before...you're really making him feel like a virgin here..but once again- he loved it.
Eddie nodded mindlessly, just wanting to finally be inside you "f-fuck, okay! Okay okay.. " he moaned "just..put it in, please"
You grinned and then let him lay down properly before you got comfortable and lined his head up to your pussy lips and slid it through them, up n down, up n down. It was driving him crazy. Eddie grabbed your hips tighter "baby, please just..need to fuck you" he slurred.
You lined him up to your hole and slowly slid him inside with your head thrown back and your hands on his chest, god you looked even more pretty like this..he couldn't handle it. Especially not when he's feeling your warm and tight cunt around him.
"ffuck..you feel so—" he gasped as you continued to lower yourself "so fucking good, princess.." you moaned out loud at the petname and clenched around him, head still thrown back and tits on full display for him, nipples all hard n pretty.
"E-eddie! Y-you're s-so big.." you whined "n-never had this big before" you moaned out the last word and then gasped once it was fully inside.
You lowered you head again and saw Eddie panting in biting his bottom lip as he looked at where you two were connected. His raw cock deep inside of your snug cunt. You arched your back again, starting a little movement, making Eddie hiss at the little motion. Your mouth was slightly gaping before you rubbed your lips together again, making the lipgloss even again..well as best as you could at least.
You suddenly started bouncing up and down as you steadied yourself with your hands on Eddie's chest, your eyes caught the shiny necklace again as it moved a little to your bouncing. You grinned and rolled your hips against him "ahh!—fuck! fucking- aghh.." he moaned and ran his hand up and down your sides before grabbing at your soft tits "you're fucking amazing—shit.." you grinned but that grin faltered as you got to angle yourself better on him so he hit that spot, making you moan and your pussy tingle. "Aahh! Mnhh..y-you feel so good, eds-" you cried out and hopped faster.
Fuck he did feel good, his cock was just the right amount of long and thick. He hit all the right spots, you just might be in love with Eddie!
"E-eds?" You whimpered out and catching his attention as his hand played with your tits and nipples "y-yeah?" He asked just as cute as the other times, not annoyed that you wanted to talk during sex..unlike all the other douches you thought were cuties. Eddie was so different, but good different!
While riding him harder and digging your nails into him you finally said "I think I really like you, eds~" you moaned, even sounding a little bit shy, Eddie couldn't believe what he just heard. The hottest, cutest, most interesting girl in Hawkins had a crush on Eddie munson??
He lifted his head from the mattress and looked up at you, you actually felt nervous that he would turn you down. His hands gripped your hips again and slowed you down "a-are you sure?..you like me?"
Confusion was etched onto his face very prominently, brows knitting together as his pretty brown eyes stared you down. Eddie was just being careful, he's used to girls kinda just seeing him as a joke, but he knows you're not like that. But again, just being careful. (You could also just be high out of your mind)
You nodded "of course I like you, eds" you reassured him "I think you're so cool and so sweet..you make me really happy" you confessed as you started hugging his upper body as you kept your head up to keep looking at him.
"Are you really sure? Maybe you should think this ove—" he was talking way too much, and worried even more. So you kissed him again to shut him up, Eddie just melted into the kiss and burried his hand into your hair again before he suddenly slammed you down again "you're in luck, sweetheart" he chuckled nervously and rested his forehead against yours "I really like you too" his quiet confession made you grin and grab at his shoulders "yayy~" you mindlessly babbled, he was still inside you and your shared feelings made you even more hornier.
You purposfully clenched down on his cock, making his breath hitch before he looked down at your pretty and needy face. He grabbed your hand and nodded "right.." he mumbled "didn't forget about that, sweetheart"
One thing about Eddie was that he wasn't a good dirty talker, but he could try. He was just usually more quiet during sex unless the other person said something, he'd just respond but then just continue. But you made him want to do and say horrible and nasty things, and he just wanted to make you feel good.
You spread your legs more and pulled out until only his head was inside your little cunt, just to slide back inside until you were pressed up against eachother again. Eddie groaned at how your pussy pulsed around him "you're still so fucking tight—fuck.."
Eddie was sure if heaven was a place, it was between those pretty thighs of yours. You grabbed at his arm as your thighs were shaking next to his hips "p-please move faster, eds" you moaned into his ear, making him shudder and just completely melt. Your desperate pretty voice moaning into his ear was enough to fucking kill him. Eddie nodded and began to speed this thrusts up into you, your nails scratched into his akin as your pussy barely let him move.
"G-good girl..you take me so fucking well, dont you?" He was Feeling a little confident at how desperate he got you, and apparently you liked the dirty talk, once he even said 'good girl' you clenched around him. Fuck this was so hot.
"Yeah? You like being my good girl?" He asked against your cheek before grabbing your jaw, softly just to test if you liked it. You nodded "y-yes! Yes I do" you moaned and gasped, you could feel and see tears entering your vision as Eddie talked to you and fucked you into oblivion.
"You're mine, right, baby?" You nodded again "mhm~ only eddies" you smiled, completely fucked out, you heard the bed ram against the wall but neither of you could care right now, you were so engrossed in eachother and the feeling of one another that nothing mattered, plus the feeling of being absolutely high and getting fucked made you even dumber than you already are.
Drool was slipping from your mouth and your eyes were rolling back as your mouth stayed open, but only quiet moans came out as your cunt repeatedly clenched on his sensitive cock "fuck, if you keep doing that—i-im gonna cum" you grabbed his hand and nodded while your hips pressed back against his thrusts "g-gonna cum! Gonna cum!" You chanted.
Eddie could barely concentrate when you looked so pretty when you came, but also just gripped his cock like a vice. This fucking weed was messing his brain up..or maybe it was you who was messing with his brain. Either way, he was cumming and almost panicking "s-shit, m gonna cum too, baby.." Eddie burried his face into your neck and just moaned and wailed into the mattress as your hands found his back to scratch it up. "F-fuck- do you want me to pull out?—s gonna be a-alot.." you just shook your head and let out a whiny moan "n-no! I-inside~" you begged. And Eddie just mentally said fuck it and just fucked both of you until your orgasms crash into your bodies.
"F-fuckfuckfuck.." he whimpered as he desperately kissed your neck and came deep into your poor little pussy, the feeling of being filled up triggering you own orgasm, causing you to pull him in deeper with your legs around his waist
As you two got down from your high and were breathing heavily, you pulled eddies face out from your neck to look at him, his face was flushed, eyes a little glossy as a string of spit snapped that connected him and your neck, he looked so cute and messy..
He suddenly started to smile then laugh, forcing you to laugh with him "what is it?" You asked, still really out of breath, Eddie shook his head in your hands "it's nothing.." you gave him a suspicious look, making him laugh again "it's just that...I kinda made you cum..and you said you liked me" he slid some of your hair from your face to get a better look at you "and that's like the nest thing that could happen to someone like me" he chuckled
"Baby, of course I like you..you're repeating yourself" you grinned and pulled him down to kiss you. The kiss lasted for a few seconds until Eddie pulled away to catch his breath and just look at you "should I.. pull out?" You immediately shook your head and pouted at him "no! Stay." You complained "okay, okay..anything you want ma'am.." he reassured you with a kiss to your forehead
"I wanna go watch top gun with you..it's in theaters now" you suddenly suggested, catching Eddie by surprise "like..like a date?" He asked with a dumb grin, you softly hit him on the arm "yes, dummy!" You grinned "I'd love to go on a date with you.." he grinned and then it turned a little mischievously "and make some douches jealous on the way" he mumbled, making you laugh and pull him a little bit tighter against you. He rolled over to his side and pulled you along with him
"imagine their faces when I tell them that I came inside you.." you covered you mouth with your hand and giggled "noo! You can't tell them that!" You protested "fine then.." he began and booped your nose with his "how about I just cum inside you again before we go to the movies?" You bit your bottom lip excited and nodded "okayy~"
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doeyedbambi · 2 years
....I feel like I've read every eddie x girly/bimbo reader on this app that wasn't white coded or made me uncomfortable....I need more...pls send me more🙈
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tinythebunni · 3 months
Eddie “the freak” Munson x cheerleader reader
!! Big Stretch Baby !!
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You were probably ruining your reputation by just being in his trailer. You were definitely ruining your reputation by getting fucked by Eddie Munson. The freak of Hawkins High School.
You didn’t know what it was about him, something just drew you in. Maybe it was the way he lived life like it was only him that mattered. Or maybe it was the way he smiled after losing a fight with your boyfriend, with blood staining his teeth and winks sent your way.
It didn’t matter much now, you couldn’t even think with the way his hands were massaging your tits and his hand sliding down your underwear. You squealed and kicked your feet when he pinched your clit, almost as if you were trying to get away.
“Oh no baby, ’m not letting you go that easy.” He remarked as spread open your folds with his index and middle finger.
You looked up at him, chest heaving and eyes glossed over with need. “Been trying to get in this pretty pussy for years, you’re such a fucking tease. Wearing those tiny cheer skirts, been such a slutty lil baby.”
Your back arched into his touch as your hands curled into his bed sheets, face curled in his shoulder, trying to muffle your moans in his neck. He continued fucking his fingers into you, two digits deep inside you, hitting that spongy spot that made you see starts. His thumb rubbing you clit as you spasmed against him.
Just as you were about to cum around him, he pulled away from you, leaving you feeling empty. He looked down at you and saw how you clenched around nothing, making his cock twitch in his jeans.
Eddie almost always went commando, made it easier for him to pull himself out his pants and jerk off to you at cheer practice. He’d pull down his pants and pump up and down his cock until he lost all restraint and came to your tits peeking out your bra and silly little cheer top.
He spins you around so your facing him, slamming his lips against yours. You moan against him, hands trying to figure out where to go. You were such a cute little thing to him, you and your goddamn doe eyes staring at him, hands moving up and down his body, trying to figure out where to place them.
Eddie wanted to ruin you completely and utterly. He wanted to break you down and build you up and replace you with only thoughts of him and mold you into his slutty little plaything. He wanted to train you to get wet even at just the thought of him.
He kisses down your neck while your hands fiddle with his belt buckle and jeans. Your nimble fingers fumble with the zipper, messing up a fee times from nerves and arousal.
His cute baby.
Slipping his jeans down and off completely, you look back up at him, catching sight of his leaking pink tip. Eddie was average sized, maybe 6 or 7 inches. But god! Was his dick girthy. You didn’t even know if you could fit it in your mouth.
Almost as If Eddie could hear your thoughts, he spoke up. “Uh uh Baby, you can taste me another time. Right now I wanna get inside that gorgeous cunt of yours. ‘Know she’s achin for it.”
Eddie pulls your panties to the side and lines up his tip with your opening, tapping it against you as you whine and grind down on to him.
“Shh baby, be patient f’me, know ya got it in you.” Oh he was gonna just ruin you! But that’s exactly what you wanted. He slid inside slowly, groaning at the feeling of your walls fitting to accomatd him. “Biiiig stretch baby, can you handle it?”
You nodded rapidly, already too fucked out to answer. Your tongue was slightly out your mouth, tears rolling down your cheeks form how badly you needed to come. He could feel you clenching around him and the slight roll of your hips as you tried to get him to move.
You could feel the slight pain but you didn’t care. You just wanted Eddie! You just wanted him in you and fucking up into you and god the way you could feel your tummy bulging had you curling your toes.
“Fuck baby, you see that? See how deep I’m in you?” As if to prove his statement, he fucked up into you, holding your hips as a handle for him. You let him use you, let him use you like a fucktoy. You just wanted him on you. You wanted it all.
You forgot to answer him in your daze, which he obviously caught. Eddie grabbed your cheeks, pushing them into a pout as he kissed your face. “Look at you, ya dumb thing. Can’t even answer a simple question?” He pushed your hips down onto him so you’d grind down onto him, his tip hitting the perfect spot inside of you.
You could feel the smirk on his lips while he continued kissing you, moving down to your neck, moving your shirt out the way to make space for him.
He couldn’t wait to see you walk into school tomorrow, blushing bought red as your ass cheeks from his hand prints, desperately trying to cover up his hickeys and love bites. The thought made him groan against you, as you panted and held onto his chest trying to get a grip on reality.
“Gonna fuck you dumb baby. Don’t cover up these marks either. Wanna watch your stupid fucking boyfriends face when he sees how much of a slut you are for the freak.”
What a fucking pervert.
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
Thinking about thoughts
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May contain Dubcon, age gap, dark characters, somnophilia, stepcest
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ sucking steve and Billy's cocks when they've just finished their basketball practice they suffocate you in their balls
"God you're fucking disgusting bet you're getting off on this arent you?"
"Billy be nice shes too dumb to care about a little bit of sweat"
♡ eddie would bite your boobs </3 would probably make your nipples bleed then flick them through your shirt
♡ I love the whole "stuck in the washing machine" porn plot <3 maybe you hosted a small get together at your house (Nancy, robin, eddie, steve, Jonathan, billy, argyle) and you quickly decide that you need to grab something from your room. Its stored at the back of your bed so you have no other choice but to crawl underneath to get it, unfortunately your bed frame decides to fall just as you were pulling out leaving you stuck with your back arched. Thankfully your friends hear your yells and come to help you but not before they have some fun with you first, you're covered in cum and spit by the end. Your cunt all puffy swollen and sore but your night doesnt end there because they soon find out that they cant Lift the bed :((( meaning they have to call for help, big strong hopper shows up and stretches you out even more but eventually pulls you out from beneath the crushed bed.
♡ billy would 110% fuck you then take pictures of you just to show to his teammates (who tried to flirt with you) that you were his
♡ •whoever• helping there favourite cheerleader stretch, pressing your legs to you chest as they repeatedly hit that special spot that makes you feel all gooey inside
♡ rockstar! eddie fucking you on stage 👁👁
♡ billy/eddie making you cry just so they can wipe your tears and jerk off with them. They're being so mean to you, tears are streaming down your cheeks and dripping onto their cock
♡ mrs wheeler had a bad date night and comes home wine drunk, you're having a sleepover with nancy (whose already asleep) you stumble into the kitchen for a glass of water when you hear her enter. You're not sure how you ended up with her red lipstick smudged between your thighs or your swollen, juice soaked lips but you're not complaining especially when she invites you over the next day
♡ robin really likes your boobs. Almost in a obsessive kinda way. Theyre always so sore and bruised from how much she sucks on them, there are small crescent moon shaped cuts from where she squeezes them aswell as finger shaped marks. Shes always so sorry when you whine in pain as struggle to put your bra on choosing to just pull your shirt on without the wired piece of fabric, her apologies are insincere as she cant help but gawk at your chest and your hardened nipples. It's a win her book
♡ steve x bimbo! reader who loves skating !! He always sees you in your mini skirts and roller skates but can never seem to get the opportunity to talk to you that is until you come into family video looking for some elvis movie for your grandma, despite his charm and flattery you're too dumb to understand his flirting and brush him off he assumed  you were playing hard to get and Almost like clock work youd come in every week to return and rent a new movie then indirectly reject him. Steve had gotten tired of the schedule you had both fallen into when he decided to ask you directly
"Are you not interested in me or something? Am I getting the wrong signals? Because everytime i try to flirt with you, you just ignore it.  Arr you ju- just not into men? Or-"
"Oh my god! I didnt know you were flirting with me silly! like I dont think you ever said something in a flirty way. And by the way as much as I love women I also totally love men maybe not as much but that's not important. You know if I had known you were flirting I would've soo gone out with you I mean-"
He coudlnt believe his ears, you didnt know he was flirting with you? He used the most obvious pick up lines
"W-wait what do you mean you didnt know I was flirting with you?"
"Well it's not like you asked me to bend over so how was I supposed to know?"
"...I dont think that's flirting"
You felt so bad for him :((( you couldnt believe how dumb you were for not realising sooner </3 luckily for Steve his break was soon which gave you a chance to make up for it, although the storage room was not the ideal place for you to be on your knees you couldnt find a thought to care.
♡ eddie would bite your pussy. Nobody else will say it but he would be devouring your cunt then bite you
♡ breeding kink! With dark! Steve!!! Hed fuck you anytime he gets the chance, bent over the sink? Boom cock in you, in the shower? Boom filled, when you sleep? BOOM BOOM BOOM COCK
♡ sucking on man titties 👁👁
♡ hehe flayed billy making you eat ice before you suck him off because he likes the cold
♡ hopper cucking Phil!! Fucks his pretty lil wife right in front of him, hes tied up with a cock ring !!!! Hopper threatens to knock you up and claim you !!!
♡ argyle jerking off infront of you <3<3 you're getting high in the back of his van and he cant help but get turned on by the look of you, you've always been close and in the drug induced haze you cant help but let him stroke himself especially when he asks so nicely
♡ nancy has so many toys its insane, shes also very adamant about using them on you
♡ eddie in panties!!!! Eddie in panties!! MY PRETTY BOY!!! dont think this means hes going to be submissive for you if anything he gets meaner maybe he makes you wear them after he gets all his cum smeared on the inside
♡ stepdad hopper fingering you under the table at dinner !!! His thick fingers sliding against your gummy walls, he sucks off your juices playing it off as him enjoying his food
♡ billy pulls your pussy apart just to spit on it before eating, sometimes smacks your clit too just so see it swell up, likes forcing his fingers into you so he can feel how you try to push him out. Hes probably tattooed his name on to your mound
♡ eddie pretends to pray before spitting on your clit, he uses his pointer finger to move his salvia around maybe nibbles at it too. He just likes watching your hips jerk towards him, gets him worked up to know that only he can please you
♡ steve kisses your clit but not just a simple peck this man makes out with your clit !!! He sucks and swirls his tongue around it practically forces his faces as close as he can get. He loves tasting you, he loves knowing that you juices linger on him
♡ argyle loves stretching your pussy apart to watch your hole clench around nothing. He thinks your cunt is the prettiest thing hes ever seen and could spend forever looking at it. He eats you out slowly trying to prolong leaving his space between you thighs, his lips are swollen by the end and his face is covered in your juices
♡ Jonathan kisses your clit before going down on you, his mouth is all over you and hes constantly lapping up the juices that spill out of you. His fingers are buried inside of you and are moving from your hole to his mouth
♡ hopper is mean and spits on you aswell as spanks your poor cunt. He fingers you so expertly that you feel like you're in heaven, his mouth never leaves your clit and you're all sensitive the next morning from his moustache. He prolongs your orgasms until your screaming and crying for release
♡ nancy is also mean </3 she gets you on the floor and presses her foot into you covered pussy, she makes it seem like such a hassle to eat you out but her actions contradict as shes always pulling down you panties to press you against her mouth
♡ 001 is the worst of the worst that man loves watching you wither in whatever pain mixed pleasure he gives you, hes so mean and always bites and pinches your clit. You rarely get to cum when he goes down on you, only granting you permission when you're wrapped around his cock
♡ robin is in awe everytime she gets to taste you, shes constantly looking up at you as you whine and moan. Shes spent hours training herself to know your weak spots, she makes you cum so many times that you can barely keep your eyes open. She loves looking at your fucked out face and wet thighs
♡ chrissy is so sweet!! When the rest of the cheerleaders have left the locker room and have gone home you're both left alone. You're feeling bad about not perfecting a move and she has to make sure you're feeling good. She takes her time with you making sure you feel loved, she has you sat on a bench with her kneeling on the ground. Shes suffocating herself between your thighs and she wouldnt have it any other way
♡ innocent(?) Reader wants to know if cocks can get hickeys, luckily her boyfriend/bestfriend is willing to help in her experiment
♡ mean girl! Bimbo! Reader calls dark! Eddie's friendgroup "a bunch of virgin incels" he corners her and forces her into the hellfire room. He then shows her how much of a "virgin incel" he is
♡ prince! Steve,  banished! Eddie, rival! Prince! Billy, royal painter! Jonathan (no cameras so hes a painter now) royal cook! Argyle, king! hopper, princess! Nancy, royal advisor! Robin x maid! Reader (maybe not all at once but the thoughts are there)
♡ mechanic! Scumbag! Eddie who always says theres something wrong with bimbo! Readers car just so he can see her, he always gets under the car when youre wearing your infamous mini skirts. Hes so nice to you and you get him lunch when hes been working so hard <3<3 his only desired payment is your tight warm hole <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 001 getting obsessed with Billy's girlfriend after he possesses him <3<3 hunts you down after billy is killed, traps you in the creel house to be his housewife
♡ hopper breed me challenge, want to be his dumb personal fleshlight whose only good for being his house wife
♡ argyle hate fucking dominos worker! Reader
♡ perv! eddie has a set of dice that has been blessed by your pussy, thinking innocent! reader wanted to know how to play dnd and goes to eddie only for him to get carried away and just stuffing you with dice. Probably got bored and somehow convinced you to get on his lap, he held your down as he rubbed your clit as he forced the 20 sided die inside of you. He keeps a die on him at all times tucked away in his jeans, it's his good luck charm the rest get stored next to his bedside table where he kisses them goodbye before hellfire
♡ mrs wheeler boobs in my mouth please !!!!!! Got a vibrator pressed against eachother, she calls me her little baby and I just AEAKSBWON
♡ being Jonathan's girlfriend and coming to meet his parents only to be face first in Joyce's pussy with hoppers fat cock in your womb <3<3<3
♡ innocent(?)! Stalker! Reader takes pictures of herself naked, posed on her teddy pair, in her cotton panties, in the shower, fingers deep in her cunt just so she can give them to her favourite people. Thankfully shes always wore long skirts and baggy cardigans so nobody can trace back whose body it is
♡ I'm still not a furry but I 170% believe that eddie needs a bunny girlfriend (aka me)
♡ vampire eddie chasing down nymph! Fairy! reader to have his way with her
♡ bear! Hopper fucking bunny! Reader over fallen tree maybe it's just regular hopper and his fairy/nymph! Fuck toy
♡ AAAAA dark! Eddie coming home after a bad day finding you sleeping on the couch, he needs relief and you're the perfect thing. He climbs on top of you fucking you awake with his pierced cock.
♡ billy cums on your pussy before the day starts just so your cunt gets nice and moisturized with his seed
♡ eddie walks around the trailer with his hand down his pants he says it's to keep them warm but hes really just touching himself
♡ picnic in the woods where I just get fucked dumb and fed fruit <3 taken back to a cabin where I'm all warm and naked near the fire <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 👁👁 Murray keeping nymph! Reader as a pet as much as he likes his strange horny creature he cant keep up with your stamina so calls for backup from his good ol friend hopper
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬
(Tattoo Artist!Eddie Munson x Apprentice!Reader)
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Summary: . . . After deciding you were meant for more than what life had in store for you, you gave into the siren call of the city─well a city. But when city life finally eats away at your bank account and your main source of income isn't reliable, you take on an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop where your boss is the six-foot something, tattoo covered Eddie Munson who quickly and unwisely becomes intrigued by you. Nothing romantic can come from it, lest you risk it being torn apart by your past, his lover and yourself.
Entire Work Warnings: 18+ (smut will take place in later chapters), swearing, financial problems, mentions of loss, escorts/call girls, age gap (Eddie is 36, reader is 25), financial shaming, slut shaming, implied sexual harassment, bimbo!reader (she may not be book smart but she knows the score) angst, self-sabotage.
a/n: based on my initial post and elements of Breakfast at Tiffany's. next chapters will be significantly juicer, this was just something to get us going. this is dedicated to @munsonology, happy birthday and I hope this year was a good one! and a very gratitude filled thank you to my dear friend, @kitmon, for continuing to be an an amazing beta! hope you guys like it so far ♡ (attempting the keep reading feature, fingers crossed)
word count: 5k
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“They don’t bite.” “Hmn?” Came your absent-minded reply, eyes cutting from the harpy, evil in her eyes and blood soaking her talons, to the man flipping through the red binder you’d been carrying around you in the Indianapolis heat. 
  Sweat evaporated off your skin, giving away to goosebumps in the air conditioned shop, a much welcome relief to the borderline unbearable heatwave settling over the city streets, something that can be found in every nook and cranny. You’d been navigating your way throughout the city since before dawn broke, eager to get your fill of it while the streets were quiet and a decent temperature. It had been almost chilly this morning, your thick strapped tank top and daisy dukes—that you normally wouldn’t allow yourself to be caught dead in—leaving most of your skin exposed, with no direct sunlight to warm it. Now that the sun was out, you were on fire out there.
“The artwork.” He glanced at the framed harpy drawing along the wall, the one you’d been staring at, one of many framed depictions of gruesome and mythical looking creatures. “I don’t blame you though, that one isn’t particularly my favorite. Pretty badass, though. Heh.” “Oh,” You shook your head, the oversized shades adorning your face sliding down the bridge of your nose, “No, I’m not afraid of it. I like it. It must have taken forever though.”
  You turned your attention to her again, admiring how realistic her feathers appeared. Painstakingly detailed and whoever was walking around the city with her on their body surely endured a generous amount of pain to get her. 
  And a large hole in their wallet.
  “It took a ton of sessions, for sure. My boy did it a couple years ago.” The man, Argyle, as he’d introduced himself when you’d first walked into the shop, flipped his long black hair over his shoulder before he flipped to the next page of your portfolio. He let out a sound of appreciation as he leaned his weight on his elbow, hand resting over his mouth.
  “This is good! This is really good!”
You lifted your chin to peer at the drawing he was fascinated with. Ah.
It was a drawing of the skeletal Grim Reaper, cloaked in a black robe and scythe clutched in one hand while his boney middle fingers stretched his eye socket holes down in an obvious taunt. A tongue, black and tendril like, lulled out of his mouth.
You thought it was pretty good, too. The idea for it had struck you at a party, you’d been hiding from an annoying suitor and ducked into an office room, doodling to your heart's content once you grew past your boredom.
You grinned, a feeling of giddiness beginning to bubble inside you.
“Listen, the DM’s out right now, running some errands. He should be back soon, can I hold onto this?” Argyle asked, gripping the sides of the binder and raising it as if you didn’t already know he was referring to your portfolio, “I think he’ll be pretty impressed with your stuff.” You fidgeted with your fingers, giddiness giving away to nerves once more. “Really? You think so?” Hope was something you hadn’t felt in a while; you’d been through exactly fourteen tattoo shops throughout the city, most of which you’d been rebuffed from before they so much as flipped open your portfolio, having already decided your particular aesthetic didn’t fit their image. They hadn’t verbalized as much, but you knew. You glanced down at your pink boots, already such a stark contrast to the black beams beneath your feet.
It wouldn’t be a big deal if you hadn’t made a wager with yourself, you could only go home once you’d accomplished your task of getting one of the shop owners to actually look at your work. While Argyle had made it clear he wasn’t the head honcho, he’d be passing it along.
“Yeah, man! This is some pretty legit stuff! I’ve been tatting, myself, for a couple years now, and I’m good–don’t wanna flex or nothing but I’m really good. Only it took a couple of years for me to actually get this good, you know? And I’m not even talking about on skin. You haven’t tattooed anyone before, right?” You thought back to when you had mentioned your art skill to a brief...something, he’d been intoxicated enough on expensive wine and your sangria kisses to encourage you to use the tattoo kit one of your friends had re-gifted you after her interest in the subject waned. You’d never particularly imagined yourself etching into people’s skin before, not even when she’d given you the supplies because she’d seen some of your doodles.
Thanks to her, a suit and tie you no longer spoke to, who made more money than you’ll ever see, was walking around with a secret under his briefs: a pair of shiny cherries on his left ass cheek.
  It was no loss to you. Sure, he made money. Just not nearly enough for you to tolerate how aggressive he’d been with his affections as soon as he was sloshed. You’d given him the tattoo with his drunk pals cheering him on, went out to a very high standard club, then promptly ditched him the moment you were out of his sight. You hadn’t answered the door when he came pounding on it the next morning and the morning after that.
  You’d originally had no intentions of using the tattoo equipment, until that encounter. It had planted a seed, an idea that may get you out of what you had to do to survive. Tattooing hadn’t been a passion, and it still wasn’t quite one but you needed money and you had talent.
“No,” You lied with a shake of your head, “I haven’t.”
“That’ll change soon,” he laughed, closing your binder as he leaned further over the glass counter. Your gaze briefly flickered to the jewelry it housed.
  “You got a number we can reach you at?”
  You’d scrawled the number of your landline down on the back of one of their business cards before Argyle could rethink his decision to pass your work along. 
  “Hopefully, we’ll see you soon!” He called out as you retreated towards the door.
  God, I hope so.
  The thought of a somewhat stable job that could help the pitiful state of your checking and savings account was the only thing powering you through your long walk home. You couldn’t risk a cab, that would mean you’d have no fare money for tonight, and who knows if you’d have to make a speedy exit?
  You’d learned. Eventually.
  Forty-five minutes later, you entered your apartment, sagging back against the door as you dropped your bag and kicked your shoes off, unconcerned as to where exactly they’d landed. 
  Sweat glistened over your skin, and unlike in that last tattoo shop, there was no air conditioning to cool you. You and Sid saved that for special occasions.
  Instead, you opened the large window to the fire escape, obnoxious sounds of the city you called home filling the apartment.
  It wasn’t much, but it was better. Next came the matter of your clothes, stuck in the most uncomfortable of ways to your flesh. Your tank top was peeled off and thrown over the couch, daisy dukes abandoned near the entryway of the small kitchen on your way to the bathroom.
  A quick glance was spared behind you, taking in the state of your shared home. It was a mess and not even remotely surprising. The place was barely furnished with the essentials, all of which were secondhand: a couch, a coffee table with a sheet over it to hide the stains, one shelving unit, a rug and tapestries hung artfully on the walls for deception. They made the place look more put together than it was, but you’d love it even if it were still barren. A roof over your head in the city meant you didn’t have to return to the past you’d clawed your way out of..
  The only thing worth much was the framed photo on the kitchen counter, and that was only in sentimental value. You and Sid, arms around each other’s shoulders as you sat in a booth at a shitty diner you’d tried upon first moving to the city. They’d taken your photo for being the 600th customer and tacked it to the wall.
  You’d stolen it and had no regrets because you got to keep your memory and ended up getting food poisoning.
  With a shrug, you entered the bathroom for a much needed scrub down and some disassociating. Your mess could wait.
  Eddie was not in a great mood when he walked into the shop.
  His jacket was clutched in a sweaty palm, rings twisting around the flesh of his fingers and his bangs were beginning to stick to his forehead, all the result of the walk from his fucking car to the shop door. 
  “Grumpy?” Argyle asked, amused with the clear annoyance on his face.
  Eddie sneered, standing under the vent for a minute to cool down, “Triple digits. Triple fucking digits out there, man. You could shove a thermometer up the devil’s asshole and it’d be cooler than that.”
  Once he’d solidified, he stalked past the front desk, threw his jacket onto the counter and picked up a stack of mail.
  “Did I miss anything?” Eddie asked as he flipped through the envelopes, mostly junk.
  “A couple of walk-ins. Nothing too major there, handled them myself. Simple stuff, one wanted a goldfish. Not like a detailed one, like how you’d try and draw a goldfish cracker. We did have a few who wanted a couple of advance pieces, got ‘em booked for consultations with Johnny boy and Rob.”
  “Nice,” Eddie chuckled under his breath at the mental image of the goldfish tattoo, most likely an act of affection. Tattooing people who wanted to permanently carry reminders of their children was one of Eddie’s favorites to do, partially because of the sentiment but mostly because the drawings were amusing.
  He’d just finished tossing out the junk mail when he reached for his jacket to hang it up properly and discovered it had been concealing something. 
  “What’s this?” Eddie asked as he lifted the slim red binder. Looked relatively new.
  “Huh?” Argyle glanced up from the sketch he was working on, recognition flashing across his face, “Oh, yeah! We got a prospective new hire, someone dropped off their portfolio.”
  Eddie rolled his eyes and heaved out a heavy sigh as his jacket was tossed aside yet again. He had nothing against other tattoo artists, but the last one he’d hired that hadn’t come from his friend group ended up nearly destroying the group. 
  Henry had been charming, good at his job and charismatic. Turns out, he’d also been a master manipulator and had a particularly abhorrent temper. Tensions had been high, heads were butting and fights had occurred—with a permanent reminder in the wall near the front entrance where a large hole had been punched through. Henry had to go.
  Eddie wasn’t looking to repeat the situation.
  “I think we’re good on artists around here–and put a reminder on the calendar for me to patch that damn crater up.”  
  “Well, it’s a good thing the artist isn’t a tattoo artist. Yet. I’d look at that portfolio first before making any decisions, if I were you. I think you’re gonna see the beginnings of something goooooood, and dude, you’ll be killing our fun if you fix it. Do you know how many glory hole jokes we tell?” Eddie ignored the latter half of Argyle’s statement, reluctantly flipping the portfolio open to the first page and annoyance began to associate itself with him once more. 
  A body, in a state of decomposition greeted him. But it wasn’t maggots or rotting flesh involved. Flowers grew out of the crevices, with moss and mushrooms over her skin. A lot of fine line work.
  The next page was home to a bird-like creature with the body of a lion, a Griffin. Done in American Traditional.
  A skinny, demonic looking goat with horns and legs long enough to belong to a horse, clouded eyes and wyvern wings was on the page after that. The Jersey Devil. Someone knew their Cryptids.
  The portfolio contained a vast amount of drawings from horror depictions to more aesthetically pleasing visions; the hydra, skeletons, dragons, goddesses, respectable attempts at the modern Renaissance pieces, and even a couple of Barbie references, ranging in a variety of tattoo styles. 
  Eddie closed the portfolio and drummed his fingertips across the countertop, scowling. 
  That long haired doofus was right. This was beyond good work. But if they weren’t a tattoo artist, there wasn’t much Eddie could do with them. Drawing on paper is a much more different experience than skin. Mistakes can be erased on paper, the sketch done over again. Can’t do the same on flesh. 
  It’s intimidating. 
  They’d have to start off slow, like he had. Trained under a watchful eye, an expert who’d guide them with experienced hands. He was sure Jonathan and Robin would be eager to have an apprentice.
  But before Eddie would even begin to entertain the idea of an apprentice in his shop, he’d have to see exactly what it was he was working with.
  “Leave a number?” He asked without looking at Argyle because he knew he’d see nothing but a smug expression.
  “See if you can get him back in the shop tomorrow.”
  “Why not today?”
  “Because I have a session for the rest of the day, remember?”
  “Oh, yeah! I forgot.” Argyle’s grin was sheepish as he read off the calendar. “Stacy Peterson called. Car troubles. Unable to make it to appointment with Eddie. Rescheduled. Heh. So…you also missed that.”
  “I’ll strangle you later, just get him in here then.”
  Argyle opened his mouth, then closed it as an expression that said I know something you don’t crossed his strong features. “Righty-O, boss. I’ll give him a call.”
  You’d been lounging in the bathtub, hair up and out of the way, eyeing the grooves of the shower tile. They were a permanent taunt, stained dark no matter how hard you and Sid scrubbed and you hated the sight of them. 
  People with money didn't have to stare at them, able to afford to have them professionally cleaned or the shower wall—the entire bathroom renovated.
  Someday, that would be you. 
  You sunk further into the water, toeing at the faucet when the shrill sound of the landline filled your more than humble home. The thought of simply letting it ring played in your head until you remembered the tattoo shop you’d visited last. 
  Hastily rising from the tub, water was splashed along the floor while you did a terrible job of drying off and ran naked the rest of the way to the living room, almost slipping as you did.
  The receiver was yanked off its post, “Hello?”
  “What’s up, Dudette? Argyle calling, dunno if you remember me from earlier…”
  “Yeah! From the tattoo shop, right?”
  “Right-O! Listen, The Dungeon Master is in and he wants to see if you can get down here to show him what you got. Possible?”
  “Yeah, it’ll be no problem!” You’d have to run most of the way but street traffic around this time wasn’t that bad so you wouldn’t have to fight your way through bodies.
  “Cool, cool, cool. And between you and me, this is pretty much the interview process. Good luck, dudette, and may the force be with your tattie skills. I’ll see you when you get here!”
  As soon as you’d hung up, you ran to your room to get dressed. You didn’t have much of a wardrobe, but it wasn’t high on your list of priorities considering you and Sid practically shared one. Another tank top was selected—to mitigate sweating on your way to your interview—along with a gifted pink thong and matching bra. You’d snagged your Daisy Dukes from the floor on your way out, shimmied them on, grabbed your small bag and keys and headed out.
  The selection of attire was a good one, the heat was still stupidly unbearable and heavy. You’d need to wash off again tonight. You’d managed to make it to the shop in under twenty-five minutes, having ignored all the looks you’d received as you hurried along the streets and the feeling of the air conditioner on your skin was a welcome one when you made your way back into the shop.
  Argyle greeted you with a bright grin from his place behind the counter, throwing up his hands, “You made it! One sec.”
  Then he turned his upper body to call into an area you couldn’t quite see into, “Oh, Eddie boy! Your prospect has arrived.”
  You hadn’t cared to entertain ideas on what your potential boss could look like, all you were concerned about was the position and getting your foot in the door. Even if you had tried to imagine him, nothing could have prepared you for the actual sight of him when he emerged.
  He was big, tall and cloaked in black, despite the heat of the city. He wore what you figured had once been a black t-shirt but was now lacking sleeves and a proper neck hem to be considered a makeshift tank. His pants were shiny leather and also tight, hugging the muscles of his thighs, and he sported a dark pair of pointed boots.
  He wasn’t particularly muscular enough to be the body builder type, but it looked like he could probably pick another grown man up with ease. His skin had a light tan to it, barely anything really, just like everyone else, he obviously couldn’t escape the sun. It was littered with intricate tattoos, weaving up his arms—a few you could tell disappeared under his shirt—and his neck.
  The word freak was permanently etched in black ink along his temple and over his eyebrow. Two silver balls decorated his other eyebrow.
  Leaning up against the back wall like that, arms crossed to make the muscles of his arms bulge slightly and oozing confidence, he looked like the personification of some really good sex.
  But he wasn’t what you were seeking out and you didn’t like to mix business with pleasure.
  Eddie was caught completely off guard, trying to school his shock and keep his composure.
  When he’d seen that portfolio, he was expecting someone with jagged edges, piercings galore and more than just a couple of tattoos to be behind it and standing in the entryway of his shop.
  Someone who looked like their art.
  You…didn’t. With your little pink cowboy boots, tank top that accentuated your figure and shorts so small, they should’ve been considered a form of underwear, you didn’t look at all similar to what Eddie was expecting. Not even if he closed his eyes.
  You didn’t waste time, quickly introducing yourself as you stepped up to the front desk and Eddie pulled himself from his stupor, closing the distance to shake your palm. Smaller than his (though most were) and slightly sweaty, no doubt due to that god forsaken heat outside.
  Eddie could see bits of your hair sticking to your skin, little beads of sweat prickling over your exposed collarbone and trailing down, down between your─
  “Thank you for taking the time to even look at my portfolio! I really appreciate it.”
  Eddie blinked hard, clearing his throat before smirking to pretend he hadn’t been drawn in by your chest.
  What the fuck was wrong with him all of a sudden? 
  He’d had plenty of beautiful clients, he’d tattooed nice asses, tits, pubic regions, thighs, all the beautiful areas. Now all of a sudden he was acting like he’d never seen a pair of tits before. 
  Hell, Eddie had been thoroughly busy with a pair, held them in his hands before he came into the shop.
  Professionalism, he reminded himself.
  “Not a problem, what I see—saw was pretty impressive,” Nice save, Eddie, you dick. He cursed himself, “You adapt well to different styles.”
  “Thanks!” You chirped, excitement filling you at the praise. It was so nice to hear positive feedback about your work instead of being sent out of a shop before they so much as opened your binder. “I like to experiment with different styles, see what it is that people like so much about them and honestly, it’s mostly because I haven’t quite found my art style just yet.”
  Hence your range, you were constantly expanding with your art because you hadn’t found one style you wanted to make yours yet. Or maybe you had and just didn’t know it yet. Whatever.
  Eddie and Argyle exchanged a look before he stepped back and nodded in the direction he came, “Why don’t you follow me? Show me what you can do?”
  You didn’t hesitate, stepping past the front desk.
  There was more artwork lining the short hall he took you down until you arrived at another room, obviously one meant for actual tattooing as there was a tattoo chair in the middle of the room. 
  On one of the counters, was an area already prepped for you. A tattoo gun, some ink, and some obviously fake skin that rested on top of a disposable sheet cloth, along with some gloves.
  “Argyle tells me you haven’t worked on skin before.”
  Sure you haven’t.
  “Not a whole lot of people lining up to get tattooed by someone with no experience,” you shrugged, following him over to the counter he was leaning up against.
  “You’re hanging around the wrong crowd then.” He joked and you let out a small laugh.
  He had no idea how right he was.
  “The first tattoos I ever got were from inexperienced people. This one,” he gestured to a Wyvern on the back of his arm, “I got my junior year of high school from a waitress at a bar I always snuck into.”
  “And this one,” he yanked the tattered collar of his shirt down to expose more ink, but the one he was referring to was a spider, “I got my first senior year from someone I did…business with.”
  First senior year? Eddie was proving to be an interesting character.
  “But enough about me,” Eddie released his shirt, allowing it to hide the artwork depicted on his chest, “let’s get down to business.”
  Before he could even explain what everything was, you dropped your purse onto the counter nearby, pulling a small box of unopened gloves from it.
  “You mind?” You asked, fingers poised to rip it open.
  “Go for it,” He shrugged. Gloves were gloves, so long as they were uncontaminated he didn’t mind.
  You tore into them and Eddie was still somehow surprised to see they were pink. Clearly his black ones weren’t your style.
  “Can I ask you a question?” You asked as you pulled the gloves on. Eddie watched you, intrigued as you finished assembling the tattoo gun without his help and opened the ink pack. 
  “Sure,” He mused, eyeing you skeptically. Hadn’t tattooed anyone but you were clearly familiar with it. Interesting.
  “Did your tattoos hurt?”
  Eddie waited until after you’d started the tattoo gun and got into working on the fake flesh. Apparently you already had an idea in mind.
  “A bit of an amateur question, you don’t have one?”
  “Nope.” You confirmed, paying him no mind as you leaned forward, gaze focused solely on your task, “I kind of want one but I’m not in any particular rush, you know?”
  Eddie made a sound of agreement, at a brief loss of words as you arched your back, ass sticking out and he became painfully aware you were wearing a hot pink thong, the tails of it peaking out past the top of your denim shorts. He should’ve offered you a seat but you didn’t seem all that bothered with standing.
  No, that was apparently his foil, because he was incredibly bothered by you standing, especially with your ass out like that; when it made his pants tighten considerably in his crotch region.
  He was getting hard. 
  Eddie was mortified, stiffening (go figure) as he attempted to calm himself, eyes darting away from your ass to stare at one of the cabinets. Of course this had to happen to him on the day he chose to wear a pair of pants that left little to the imagination should the boy downstairs start acting up.
  Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look.
  “Hurts, depending on the area, which I’m sure you already know. The tattoos on my back and my thighs hurt pretty bad. Forearms were a bitch, but nothing I couldn’t handle. The ones on my wrists and hands were the worst, pain wise, in my opinion. Obviously it didn't stop me, but those tend to be areas with a lot of bones, veins and very little muscle, so it’s expected.”
  You hummed in response and his gaze briefly flittered over to you before his cock pulsed and he tore it away again, grateful your attention wasn’t on him.
  The remainder of the ‘session’ was spent in relative silence with the music playing through the speakers installed throughout the shop, keeping it from being awkward. Eddie had just managed to will his erection away when you finished, setting down the gun before you pulled your gloves off.
  “What do you think?” You asked, still admiring your work and Eddie peered around you to assess it.
  A wyvern, similar to the one on his arm but done in a fine line style.
  He chuckled, amused with your reference and you fought valiantly with yourself not to grin. You were trying to impress him, sticking with a subject he liked enough to make it a part of him permanently, but you hadn’t imitated the style of it to keep from downright copying and to showcase your ability to adapt.
  “That’s pretty good,” And it was, not a whole lot of people could get lines that perfect or seem as confident in their abilities on their first try. Still, Eddie could tell you’d have some ways to go before you were ready to be on your own, “but you can do better.”
  You tried not to frown, “Oh.”
  Eddie smirked and you finally turned to face him, apprehension on your face.
  “Don’t look so down. After some time around here, watching us work, you’ll be ready. The apprenticeship will fly by in no time.”
  “Wait—you mean—you want me?!”
  “I’d be stupid not to.”
  You let out a squeal and threw yourself at him, giving him a quick squeeze before your brain caught up to your body and you pulled away.
  “Sorry, sorry! I’m just so excited.”
  Eddie cleared his throat, shifting his body away from you and rasped out, “Argyle will have the paperwork for you to fill out.”
  “Got it,” You grabbed your bag and was just about to head out of the room when Eddie called your name, “Huh?”
  “Be back at the same time tomorrow. You’ll be practicing on real skin.” 
  “But I thought you said—” 
  Something in you bubbled with excitement and nerves.
  You nodded once and then left the room to see Argyle for your paperwork.
  “So?????” Argyle asked once you’d approached him, a sullen look on your face. 
  You couldn’t keep the act up, beaming as you practically bounced, “I’ll be seeing you around more often now!” 
  He whooped, extending an arm out for a high-five which you reciprocated.
  “You are gonna love it here, Dudette. Just wait until you meet everyone! First, we gotta start on your employment.” 
  Your brows furrowed as you watched him go through a filing cabinet.
  “Wait—this is paid?”
  “Yeah! We’re not big on slave labor here.”
  Score for you! You had a feeling you wouldn’t be clocking a ton of hours but every single penny counted, especially considering how hard of a time you had actually building a savings account.
  Argyle had walked you through the paperwork, where to sign, what things meant and since the shop was getting ready to close up you’d simply just bring the completed paperwork back with you tomorrow.
  The door chimed behind you and you turned to see who could be coming in at the last minute, eyes widening at the voluptuous woman before you. Her hair was long and jet black, skin pale (apparently one person in this city was capable of defying the sun) and make-up done so elegantly it reminded you of actresses from the silver screen era. Her dress was simple, black and hugged her curves exceptionally well. You could tell it was worth more than everything in your apartment combined and you’d feel bad about it if you also couldn’t tell she was older than you. 
  You’d have time to get there.
  “Hey, Deidre.”
  “Hello, Argyle.” She gave the both of you a dazzling smile as she removed her sunglasses and walked right past Argyle, down the hall you’d come from.
  He didn’t even look surprised and paid her no real attention.
  “We’ll see you soon?”
  “Damn straight.”
  Argyle let out another cheer as you walked out the door with high spirits. Not even the nasty, hot air could get you down.
  You’d climbed up the stone steps until you reached the sidewalk and glanced behind you at the neon sign depicting the name of the tattoo shop you’d now be working at.
  “Welcome to The Dungeon,” You mumbled to yourself with a smile. 
  You turned back to the sidewalk, staring down at the pathway you’d have to take before you thought better of it, sticking your fingers into your mouth to give a sharp whistle.
  It caught the attention of a cab driver down the street, and you gave him your address when he’d pulled up and you’d hopped in, ready to prepare for tonight's plans. You deserved a little break, after all, you were one step closer to securing the future of your dreams.
  Eddie sagged against the counter once you’d left the room, scowling down at the bulge that had reappeared in his pants when you’d hugged him.
  Why his body was suddenly acting like he was a horny teenager again, he had no idea.
  He wasn’t about to do anything about it, though. Not when you’d be hanging around the shop for the foreseeable future. Eddie didn’t get involved with his employees. He’d worked in a couple of shops where he’d witnessed that occur and it always ended in a mess. Not a good kind.
  He busied himself with cleaning up, tossing away the supplies you’d used and storing your first piece of work. It’d be nice for you to look back at once your apprenticeship was over. When Eddie had nothing else to clean, he sighed and rubbed at his eyelids. 
  Platonic. Professional. God, if he couldn’t keep his dick in check, he’d be in a world of trouble. You’d be trouble.
  “Need a hand?”
  Eddie snapped around, relieved to see it was just Deidre. Explaining why he had a boner to anyone else wasn’t something he was keen on doing. In fact, he probably wouldn’t be telling her exactly why, either.
  Taking her up on her offer, however, was something he would eagerly do.
  “Are you offering yours?”
  She laughed, setting her purse down on the counter where your bag had been just a few minutes ago, and walked right up to Eddie, her body pressed against his and grinding onto him as the older woman slid her arms around his shoulders.
  “Mmm, not just my hand.”
  All Eddie knew next was the taste of her red lipstick. 
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
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summary: what’s eddie supposed to do when you look that hot? not touch himself? oh please, he knows you're not that dumb [eddie x bimbo!reader]
cw: smut || 18+ only [ft. m and f masturbation, eddie being a bit of a perv, technically a bit of voyeurism since you watch each other masturbate, squirting, cum play]
a/n: let’s pretend yesterday never happened shall we 😃 this was inspired by this post a little while ago! || SPOILER FREE!
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Eddie swears he’s not doing it on purpose. Honest to God, he’s trying his best to focus on what you’re saying, but the sight of your soft thighs and the short plaid skirt that barely covers the top of them turned it into a very hard task. 
It’s not the only thing that’s hard. His cock stirs inside the confinement of his boxers, rising with arousal when you turn and your skirt flares out, exposing the folds of skin where your ass meets your thighs. 
Your mouth is moving, glossy lips rounding the words, something about the top you’re holding up against your chest. You’re rambling about the pattern or maybe how in season it is, and that you can’t wait to wear it tomorrow for his band’s weekly gig. “Wait ‘till you see this!” you exclaim giddily, turning around once more. 
Eddie is gifted with a clear view of the back of your thighs now that you’re looking through the many bags you brought from the mall. He can gaze freely at the little dimples on your flesh, along with a couple of faded bruises in the shape of his mouth on the inner side. 
He’s thrown back into the memory of last night, recalling the needy sounds he pulled from you and your desperate, grabby hands pulling on his hair to detach him from your legs and dragging him to where you needed him most. He remembers how you keened when he licked your pussy, not leaving a single crevice untouched by his wet muscle; how your thighs clenched around his head when you came and how you sobbed as kept going. 
Eddie’s thankful for the thick comforter that covers his lower half and hides the very obvious tent he’s sporting. It allows him to press his hand against it in search of a little relief. Unfortunately, it backfires– it makes him harder, the knot in his stomach tightening. He has to bite his lower lip to keep his needy moan in. 
Something clatters to the floor and pulls him out of his daydream. 
“Oops,” you giggle, throwing him an embarrassed smile before leaning down to pick up whatever it is you dropped. Your skirt rides up with the movement and… oh.
Eddie’s breath catches in his throat as soon as he sees the purple of your lacy panties. If he can even call them that– they barely cover more than a third of your ass and are almost more see-through than glass. 
Before he can even realise what he’s doing, he hastily frees his cock and gives it a good pump, his eyes closing at the feeling. He drags his hand up and down slowly, picturing himself bending you over your vanity and flipping your skirt– no, scratch that. He’ll keep it like it is right now, watch it bounce every time his hips crash into yours. He’ll pull your panties to the side, of course, and push his cock into you with no warning except for the kiss he always leaves on the back of your head when he’s fucking you from behind. 
And you’ll gasp as he stretches your little hole around his cock, the cute way you always do. He’ll have to keep you upright, probably snake an arm around your waist. It’ll be useful, too– that way he can rub your clit with the tips of his fingers and make you clench even more. 
He strokes himself as discreetly as he can, making an effort to keep a straight face now that you’re facing him and talking his ear off again. He’s given up on trying to decipher what you’re telling him, but he still groans a non-committal “mhm” in hopes of keeping you distracted long enough to blow his fucking load. 
He should really work on his acting skills, though. 
Your face drops, shoulders sinking with it. “That’s your reaction?” you pout. “I thought you’d be happier, Eddie.”
“Huh?” he pauses his movements, holds himself firmly at the base. 
“The necklace,” you swing it in front of him like he’s an idiot. “Y’know, it has horns… and your Hellfire shirt has a devil on it…”
If he were in the right state of mind he’d probably be jumping around like a maniac and kissing you soundly, begging you to turn around so he can put it on you. Knowing himself, he’d throw you on the bed and fuck you with nothing but that necklace on, whisper in your ear how hot his little devil is. 
But right now all he can think about is you strolling around town proudly with something that marks you as his– everyone knows who the local devil worshiper was. And even if that false accusation brought him grief not too long ago, you not caring about the fact that you’d be associated with him, probably even made an outcast, makes him hot all over.  
The chain looks pretty long too. The perfect length to rest between your breasts and bounce against them as you walk.
Fuck. He pumps himself again, feels a drop of precum fall down his hand. “Right, right,” he nods. “It’s really cool, babe. Super cool.”
“Cool?” you mumble to yourself, frowning. You glance at his face, taking note of his sweaty forehead and his flushed cheeks.
Oh no, was he sick? Here you were, showing off your purchases and getting mad that he wasn’t paying attention to you when he clearly wasn’t feeling his best.
“Are you okay? You’re really red,” you wonder and get closer to him, hand outstretched to take his temperature. You brush back his fringe and place the back of your hand on his forehead, wrinkle the space between your eyebrows while tilting your head to the side. “And really hot, too.”
His eyelashes flutter close at the concern in your voice. You’re so sweet to him, so caring and doting even when he doesn’t deserve it. It should make him guilty, really, but it only makes him hornier. “I’m f-fine,” he stutters on a moan. 
His eyes fly to yours, which are already wide open and staring straight at his soul. Then they slowly drift lower, down his naked inked chest and to the moving outline beneath the sheets. Shit, he thinks. He couldn’t even stop touching himself. 
He calls your name when you grip them, voice coated in shame but it’s no use– you’re stubborn when you want to. Even more so when he doesn’t listen to you talk about your shopping sprees and doesn’t pay attention to your hauls. 
You pull the sheets away and there it is, his ringed-clad fingers wrapped around his cock, which is red and leaking and so, so desperate for attention. Goosebumps rise on his skin at the sudden rush of cool air. 
“Were you really touching yourself while I showed you my clothes?” you ask a little breathless, tongue darting out to lick your dry lips. 
Eddie wants to curl into a hole and die. Or the Earth to swallow him whole. He’s not very picky at the moment. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, cheeks as red as a wildfire. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, you just– that fucking skirt. And you leaned down and your–your panties. Fucking purple– what are you doing?” 
You blink up at him as you climb onto the bed, staring at him from between his legs. “I wanna see,” you say innocently, making yourself comfortable. 
“See…?” Eddie trails off, mouth dry as a dessert. 
You smile sweetly, like you’re not asking him to do something incredibly dirty. “See you touch yourself, duh.”
He chuckles awkwardly, scratching his scalp with his free hand. “Are– are you serious?”
“Mhm,” you nod. Your fingers wrap around his wrist and slowly move his hand up, forcing him to pump his cock. Eddie exhales shakily, watching you intently and gauging your reaction. You don’t seem to be that angry or disgusted. Actually, you seem pretty entertained making him play with himself in front of you. 
Your bracelets dangle and clink against each other as you move both of your hands. “S’the least you could do, y’know, after not paying attention to me.” When Eddie’s hand reaches the tip under your guidance, you force his fingers to close around it tightly, squeezing it until his hips stutter. “Can I see you play, Eddie?”
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck.” He nods repeatedly, like one of those dolls with the big heads. You let go of him when you’re sure he’s not going to stop, clenching your thighs together at the sight of your boyfriend desperately fucking his hand. “Can– can you show me your pussy, baby?”
Feeling nice and because he sounds so pretty and looks so desperate, you sit down and spread your thighs, throwing your legs over Eddie’s. His skin is scalding hot against yours.
You bunch your skirt around your waist so he can have a clear view of your clothed cunt, his favourite colour contrasting against your skin. At the sight of the purple lace, Eddie picks up his rhythm a little, just enough to make his toes curl. “No, no. Not like that. Show me my girl, c’mon.”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to make so many demands, Eds. Not when you weren’t even listening to me.”
“I said I’m sorry,” he whines. “I’m sorry, baby. I am. You just– just look so pretty. So fucking hot in that skirt. Can’t help myself.” He notices the evidence of lust in your underwear and smirks teasingly, “You can’t either. I can see that little wet spot, y’want me too.”
You push your tongue against your cheek and play with your fingers. “S’not that,” you whisper.
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to be confused. “No?” 
“Mm mm,” you shake your head. You trace your fingertips around the darkened patch of fabric, moaning softly as you tease yourself and see Eddie’s brown eyes covered in black. “S’your cum.”
“Jesus,” he curses lowly, throwing his head back. “Fuck, let me see. C’mon, stop being mean.”
You pull your panties to the side and show him your sticky folds, strings of white going across your inner lips and puffy clit and a drop of his seed coming out of your hole. Before it can hit the mattress you push it back in with your fingers, moaning at the sudden stretch.
Eddie could cum from just that. “Fuck, you’re so dirty. Such a dirty girl. Kept it inside that pretty little pussy since this morning?” You nod shakily, drawing tight circles on your clit with your free hand. 
Eddie’s pumping himself furiously now, the slick and wet sounds of his fist bouncing between the walls of your bedroom. “Yeah? Walked around the mall with my cum dripping down your legs? And with a skirt that short... Shit, people definitely noticed. Naughty fucking girl.”
You curl your fingers up and scissor them when you pull them out, trying to mimic the way Eddie plays you. It’s not the same, but it still sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine and makes you whine desperately. “F-felt so good. Having you in me all day.”
“Fuck, you can’t say shit like that. Gonna make me cum so hard.”
“Please,” you whimper. You poke his side with your toes, “Please, wanna see you cum. Always so pretty when you do, Eddie. M-my pretty boy.”
You say it so dreamily, so desperate to see him unravel. His stomach tightens, his balls pulling up and getting ready to shoot his load when suddenly something wet hits his upper thighs and cock. It slips from his hand because of how wet everything is, and he scrambles to get a hold of it again and fucks into his fist until he feels raw, hips pistoning up and down in his desperation to cum. You’re crying out his name as you cover him in your liquids, Eddie’s mouth falling open in hopes of catching something, anything. 
Before he knows it he’s cumming all over his stomach, his seed splattering against the dark ink of his tattoos. He’s shivering and panting, muscles twitching when your lips press against his tummy and kiss right over the drops of his cum. He moans as you slurp it up, your pink muscle moving up his sternum and then slotting your lips against his in a desperate, wet kiss. 
Your tongue plays with his, making loops around it as you let his cum drip down his throat, feeding it to him. Eddie groans into your mouth, mumbles a curse when it spills from between his lips and down your chin. 
You pull away to clean the mess off your face, forcing your sticky and wet fingers into his mouth so he can taste you too. He stares at you dazedly as he sucks on them, makes sure they are squeaky clean while you collect the creamy substance from your chin. When he’s done, he lets them go with a quiet pop! and grabs the back of your neck, tongue licking at the remnants of himself along your jaw. 
You giggle at the weird sensation, dropping your weight on his chest and puckering out your lips for another kiss. “Will you listen to me talk about my new dress now?” you ask him, brushing away the flyaway hairs sticking to the side of his face. 
Eddie laughs, giving your ass a firm slap and squeezing the fat, jiggling it lovingly. “I’m all ears, sweet thing.”
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apolloanddaphnis · 1 month
Horror!Bimbo getting pissed at every heroine in a horror or thriller movie or gothic novel that dares to be disgusted and betray the killer.
"If she fucked him, he wouldn't be trying to kill her. That's all I'm saying Ed." She complained at the cafeteria table squirming in Eddie's lap.
He casually felt up beneath her skirt, needing a taste of her to go with his sandwich she made him. "Would you fuck the killer kitten? Is that what you're saying?"
"Yeah maybe I am...maybe all it takes for me to get hot is a knife and a mask, maybe that's what I'm saying Munson, okay?"
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allocnddits · 9 months
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summary: Eddie can’t take two seconds of you sitting on his lap.
warnings: penetrative sex, blowjob, teasing, low key overstimulation, switch!eddie
wc: 1.2k
It wasn’t often that you accompanied Eddie to his band’s rehearsals, but you had spent the weekend away and he couldn’t skip on this one since they were doing a new set. So on monday, right after school, you went to his friends garage to watch him.
As they finished a song you got up from the puff chair you were on and grabbed a diet coke from the mini fridge and when you turned back Eddie had taken your spot. Naturally, you walked over and took a seat on his lap.
At first, you really didn’t realize what was happening, it just seamed so natural and normal to you, but when you caught him whipping his sweaty palm on his jeans, you knew what you had done to him.
“Are you…?” you whispered in his ear, playing it off by running your hand through his hair. He just nodded discreetly, still talking to his friends. You pulled his wrist, pretending to check the time on his watch. “Teddy” he hummed, looking up at you “need to go, drive me, please?” you asked as you got up from his lap, quickly tidying up your uniform and he followed right after, hearing his friends joke about how you turn him into a complete puppy. Eddie picked up an empty coke can from the floor and threw it at them.
“It’s six, your curfew is only at eight.” he remarked as you stepped into his van.
“Well, my parents aren’t home and,” you said, checking your lipstick on the mirror “i thought i could help you with that.” you pointed at his semi erection.
Eddie quickly made an abrupt U turn – earning a scolding glare from you – and drove to your house, both of you immediately going to your room on the second floor.
"You are so damn sensitive! i sat on your lap for like two minutes and you got hard, what the fuck?" you laughed.
"You've been away all weekend, i missed you" he explained, throwing his body on the bed.
"What are you waiting for then?" he quickly sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled you closer by the waist till you stood between his spread legs as he looked up at you. His hands travelled up your thighs till your skirt was riding up, doing nothing but caressing the skin, itching closer and closer to your heat but never getting there. "Don't tease"
"Or what?" he dared, looking back up at you with his doe brown eyes
"Or i'll have fun by myself and make you watch, and i think you're touch starved enough, aren't you, Teddy?"
He nodded and pulled you closer to straddle his lap. "Okay, I'll stop teasing, but only if you do what you promised"
"I surely will" you kissed his neck slowly, licking a stripe up behind his ear and pretended not to notice how he shivered when you did it. "You want the shirt off, baby?" you asked getting down on your knees between his legs. Of course you already knew the answer but you wanted to hear him say it.
"Please?" You pulled your shirt off, revealing your white, lacy bra. “So pretty, baby”
You smiled up at him before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his – now completely hard – shaft out of his boxers. His tip was bright red, aching for your touch as you teased him by running your nails on his base, making him roll his eyes. You darted your tongue out, tapping his tip against it and tasting his pre cum before taking him into your mouth. You made sure to cover him in your spit, letting it drip down the sides of your mouth till it coated his entire length. Your mouth started to slide down on him, taking him inch by inch till your nose hit his groin and you pulled away immediately.
“Too big for you, honey?” he teased, making you roll your eyes, tears rolling down your face as you did. You let your hand work on him as you recovered from the previous move, teasing his tip by running your palm against it or pressing down on his slit. He threw his head back, letting his hands meet your hair when your mouth returned to his shaft. He started letting groans out, making you smile around him as he pushed your head down and he fell back onto the bed. “Fuck. Baby, please”
“No, love” you whispered against his tip after pulling out. “don’t come just yet, want your cum inside me, yeah?” You pushed his shirt up his chest, kissing his lower stomach as you pumped him fast in your hand. You only stopped when you felt his thighs clench, knowing he was about to cum and you pulled away, abruptly.
“Aren’t you just a little bitch.” he complained after a long and frustrated groan, you just smiled, watching as he sat up on the bed. “Come here”
“I’m sorry, baby, but i just love to see you get desperate. I’ll make it up to you, ‘kay?” you straddled his lap, taking off his shirt and brushing his hair off his face. “so beautiful” you praised as your lips met his neck, kissing and nibbling softly on the pale skin. You dipped your hand between your bodies, pushing your underwear to the side before aligning yourself to him. He could feel your cunt swallow him, little by little as you kissed his neck. You pushed his torso onto the bed, making him lay down and folded your body over his to reach for a pillow, placing it under his head.
As you started to bounce on him, Eddie could not believe the view in front of him, you had your hands on his chest, your tits bounced along with you in your lacy bra and your cheer skirt hugged your waist so perfectly. He managed to get his shit together to reach for the polaroid you got for Christmas and snap a picture of you, and look at it once it was printed. The picture was blurry, since he caught you in movement, and dark, since the only source of light in your room was of the setting sun through your glass windows. Once the camera was off his hands, he pulled you down, arms hugging you tightly around your waist as your hips went completely wild, circling and bouncing on his cock.
“Fuck, baby, so close” he moaned in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You could feel his body tremble and clench beneath yours as he tried hard to hold it in – he wanted you to cum with him.
“Edward, let it go, come inside me” you encouraged, wanting to see him completely fall apart for you. And he did. As soon as you finished the sentence he came, spurting inside you and filling you up. His grip on you loosened as he lost his strength to his orgasm, so you sat back up and started grinding down on him, his lower stomach catching you clit. The both of you were a complete mess, Eddie completely overwhelmed by your movements on his spent cock and you desperately needing to reach your high as his seed dripped down from your cunt onto your bodies. When you did cum, your moans mixed up with your boyfriends whines as you clenched around his softening cock.
“Fuck, baby, off, off, off” he lifted your hips, pulling his overstimulated cock out. You giggled, still stuck in the bliss of your orgasm.
“Sorry, honey, won’t do it next time”
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emsgoodthinkin · 9 months
“Hey Ed’s? How many licks do you think it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?”
“Mm don’t know babe” he mumbles trying to fix the strings on his guitar; he’s been irritated all day. Pent up
“Well.. I’m gonna try and figure it out“ you say, sitting back against the headboard, excited to find out the answer that’s been a mystery for decades
“Mk, g’luck” he replies not really interested
Unwrapping the grape flavored lollipop, tossing the wrapper in the floor eagerly, you set your mind to count every last lick
The taste is so sweet, it’s nostalgic, you haven’t had a sucker in years
1 lick, 2 lick, 3 lick
You lap your tounge all around it, getting every corner, each lick getting sour then sweet in your mouth
You’re louder than you think.
Eddie’s eternally cringing at the sounds, glancing over at you occasionally
25 licks, 26, 27…
You’re so focused on the flavor and the counting, you’re practicing sucking and blowing the damn thing like a cock
Eddie wants to tell you to tone it down but the more you lick, the more hazy and satisfied you feel.
It definitely shows on your face how dedicated to the task; and how concentrated you are
It’s making him horny. Squeezing his cock at the sounds, the way your mouths puckering on the purple candy, staining your lips.. your tongue
87 licks, 88, 89
You’ve been at this for so long, you don’t notice when Eddie sets his guitars down, sliding down his pants, along with his boxers, cock protruding straight up, twitching in anticipation to be touched, he watches you a few more minutes before fisting himself
“Mmm this is soo good, missed eating these as a kid” you practically moan out from the sugary treat, tapping it on your tongue
“Fuck” he whispers to himself, licking his palm in sync with you, getting his dick more slicker for himself to jerk faster and faster
123 licks, 136, 149…
Squeezing his balls with his free hand, precum slipping through his fingers.. he’s so much closer than he thought he’d be
“I’m still goin at it Eddie! Almost at 200 already, sure is getting smaller” you spit out, staring at the candy
“Y-yeah, that’s great baby keep goin, doing so good—“
Keep licking, keep licking, keep licking he says mentally, panting feeling his balls tighten, your drool rolling around the sides of it
“Hm, what was that? You ask looking back at him with puffy, purple wet lips
“Fuck fuck fuck ah shit—
He ejaculates everywhere, landing on the floor, the guitar, the candy wrapper
Your eyes widen at the scene unaware of how this even happened
“W-what the hell what that Eddie?”
“Shut up and keep licking. ”
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filthy-baee · 1 year
eddie fucking reader in his bedroom and they’re sooooooo loud bc wayne’s at work but OH! no he’s not at work! he got home earlier than usually! and he hears everyyyyythingggggg
next morning at breakfast he gives them a condom „i can’t afford another child“
Note: Pffff this is way too funny! I remember my dad saying something like this to me when I was younger and I had my first boyfriend. I changed it a little bit, but I hope that's okay for you. Thanks a lot for requesting! 💕 | English isn't my first language, so there will be some grammar errors. Not proofread!
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Red as a tomato
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, MDNI, 18+, oral (f reciving), petnames, daddy kink, ball gag, bondage (hand cuffs), fingering, squirting, biting, dirty talk, crying, getting walked in on, if I forgot something please tell me
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Y/N's skin was glistening from the sheen of sweat that formed on her body. Eddie was between her legs, laping at her wet folds. A small patch of wetness has began to form under her ass. As Eddies fingers found her aching hole she tried to wiggle away, her third orgasm of the night slowly beginning to build in her stomach. "Mmhg!" is the only thing Y/N can mumble with her mouth bound by a heartshaped gag. Eddie grinned at her, his breath fanning over her hot pussy. "Awww princess. Are you getting close again? For the third time this evening, right?" he mocked her, slowly circling her wet folds with his fingers. Eddies finger entered her hole slowly pumping in and out of it. Y/N tried to close her legs, the feeling becoming too much for her. "I asked you a question, princess." Eddie mumbled forcefully opening her legs even more, licking a fat stripe from his fingers to her clit.
"Yesh, daddy": she mumbled out, spit dripping down on her face. Her hands were bound above her head tightly with Eddie's handcuffs. They start to shake as Eddie starts his chicane again. He pumped three of his thick fingers into her tight cunt, the room being filled with the squeeking sounds of her pussy and the slurping from Eddie's mouth.
Y/N starts to shake uncontrollably, her wrists rattling against the headboard. "Hold it a little longer, princess." he came up to her, whispering into her neck as his thumb drew tight circles on her puffy clit.
Her pussy tightend around his fingers and he knew Y/N was close. "You want to come, princess? Be a good girl and...cum!" As the last word left Eddie's mouth Y/N came around his fingers, squirting on his bed and on his hand. Eddie bit into her neck, making her orgasm even harder. Y/N's mouth escaped a loud moany scream, her body trembling.
Suddenly the door opened with a forceful swing! Y/N looked at Eddie in shock, as she couldn't see who opened the door, she only saw Eddie's blown pupils looking directly into hers.
"Kiddos! Is everything-?!" As Wayne saw the scenario right in front of his eyes, he couldn't believe what he just saw. His eyes met shortly with Y/N's shoked ones, as Eddie turned around to face his uncle. He holds his hands in front of his eyes, trying to get rid of the image now burned into his brain. "Oh, Jesus Christ!" Wayne screamed. Eddie tried to cover up as much of Y/N as possible with his own body, but Wayne saw everything. The cuffs, the gag, the whole thing that went on.
"Wayne! Get out!" Eddie yelled, throwing a blanket over Y/N's naked body. Y/N couldn't move away, but if she could she would jump through the window and run. This has to be the most embarrissing moment in her life! Her cheeks were a deep red and small tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Eddie looked down at her for a second, before he heard the door close again, followed by a loud "Sorry guys! Just...calm down a little!" from Wayne. It all happened so fast but for Y/N it still felt like a eternity. This was awful. Both thought that Wayne was out the whole night working and they didn't even hear him open the front door.
"What the...?" Eddie mumbled and looked down at his poor girlfriend. Tears rolled down her blushy cheeks and her mouth was shaking around the gag. " Sorry! Wait-!" Eddie said as he opened the cuffs for her and her hands fall in front of her face. She tried to hide behind them, too embarrassed to even look at Eddie. She opened the gag, spit covering her cheeks and chin. Y/N curled up into a ball, throwing the blanket over her whole body and face, letting out a deep sigh.
"Hey, baby...It-It's okay. He didn't see anything." Eddie tried to sooth her, coming closer to her and rubbing her back with his still wet hand. "Don't lie, Eddie! He saw everything! We even had eyecontact!" Y/N whined, trying to wiggle away from his touch. Her nose was runny, her voice barely there. Eddie sighed, coming closer and crawling under the blanket with her. He was still fully clothed, his jeans rough against her hot skin. He pulled her closer and Y/N hid in his chest, drying her tears with his band shirt. Eddie carefully stroked her hair, pulling her even more into his body. He kissed her forehead, a calming hand on her back. "It's not the end of the world. I mean- he knows what we are up to...you are loud enough." he tried to lighten the mood a little, making a small smile appear on her lips. "Yeah, but- but he never saw iiiiit." she sobbed, letting the last word out in a annoyed tone. "It's okay, baby. Come here." Eddie said, rubbing her back and pulling her up, so she laid on him, her arm on his chest.
Eddie patted her head, telling her sweet nothings into her ear, as she slowly drifted away to sleep. She was done for the night, not only because of the encounter with Wayne but also the orgasms Eddie pulled from her one after another. As she peacefully slept in his arms, Eddie tried to wiggle away from her grip, but it was no use. Her hand was curled up fisting his already loose shirt, one leg swung over his hips. He could still feel the wetness from between her legs on his jeans. His cock twitched in his tight pants and it took everything in him, to not wake her again for some fun. He knew she wouldn't want it right now, as she was too sleepy and still uncomfortable because of this whole situation. Eddie also felt a little tired and he slowly fell asleep too.
The next morning he woke up still in the same position, but Y/N laid on him with her whole body, caging him in under her. Eddie let out a small laugh, she was just too cute.
He pulled her softly off of him, giving her a pillow, so she could cuddle with something else. He pecked her cheek and went off to the kitchen, to get him something to drink.
Wayne was awake, a small coffeecup in front of him. "Morning, boy." he mumbled, also still tired. Wayne felt uneasy, still thinking about the weird encounter last night. He fumled with something in his hand and got up to Eddie, who was at the kitchen sink, pouring himself a coffee too.
"Boy, uhm. Take these for the next time." Wayne holds a pack of condoms up to Eddie's face. Eddies face grew red, as he grabs the condoms out of his hand. Before Eddie could say anything, Wayne said again "I know what those stains are on your bed. Please, for the love of god, use some condoms, Edward. I can't afford a second child."
Eddie's face grew as red as a tomato and he just nodded and pushed the condoms into his backpocket, fleeing from the scene with his coffee in his shaky hands. He closed his bedroom door behind him, letting out a loud breath, he didn't even know he was holding in. Y/N left her head from her pillow, her hair a hot mess. Her still sleepy eyes met Eddie's gaze. A small smile formed on his lips.
"You were right. He saw everything." Eddie said as he pointed on the now dry stains on his bed. Y/N buried her face in the pillow again, but Eddie could still see a small grin on her face.
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lilambs · 2 years
soft! eddie
fucked out! reader
basically missing the feeling of eddie being inside of you after a couple of rounds, him rubbing ur clit to calm you as he positions himself to let you cock warm him <\333
as always! i am new to writing! please bare with me guys <3
“hey hey hey look at me sweetheart, there we go. hi. where’d you go honey?” he murmurs softly, voice laced with admiration.
you whined softly, pushing your head into his shoulder.
eddie couldn’t help but chuckle, you truly were an enigma to him. “you’re always so shy after i’ve already fucked your brains out baby.”
“you’re so pretty. let me see my pretty girl, really hit the jackpot with you huh sweetheart.” he insisted.
by now his middle finger was rubbing gentle yet relentless circles against your poor aching clit, calming your nerves.
tears began to fill your eyes to the very brim, a mixture of eddie’s cum and your warm smooth slick pouring from your cunt.
“want you..” you tried crying out, your tone increasing with desperation and want.
eddie grinned, cock twitching at the sound of absolute neediness in your voice. using his free hand he started to pull at your waist, positioning you against his hips.
he starts to sink his cock inside of your already overstimulated cunt, grunting softly at the feeling of you constricting around him.
hearing your tiny helpless whimpers; he left gentle kisses on your shoulder, muttering an endless amount of apologies.
your legs were exhausted from the amount of shaking and twitching you were doing beforehand.
tears were tracking your peach-like cheeks, while your nails were digging into his arm as he tries to get comfortable.
“you’re okay honey, see? eddie’ll always take care of his girl yeah? his little princess.” he whispered against your neck, a puff of his breath hitting you.
while all of this was going down, eddie never once stopped the tender circular motion against your pudgy clit, raw from satiation.
he used the other hand the rub your tummy, grinning at the feeling of his bulge interrupting him from smoothly rubbing up and down.
he placed a gentle kiss onto your shoulder blade, lulling you.
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Eddie x bimbo reader where she’s needy with an oral fixation so every time she goes down on Eddie she overstimulates him ughhh I can imagine now “princess…’s too much”🫣😵‍💫
He’s already cum like three times and she’s still rubbing her tongue all over him bc she loves the taste sm.
And then it’s four and five. She gladly takes his seed down her throat, the vibration of her moans making him twitch in her mouth.
“Baby…gimme a sec,” he whines, putting his hands on her hallowed out cheeks and pulling her away from him.
“S’wrong Eds?” She pouts, licking up and down his shaft and swirling her tongue around the head.
He couldn’t imagine how her knees felt after what seemed like hours of kneeling there sucking his dick.
“Princess… too much. I need- I need a break.”
“Aw. M’sorry,” she whines, tilted her head to rest on his inner thigh as she bites her lip and blinks up at him.
“Ffuuuuck. Don’t look at me like that,” he groans, his legs starting to shake as he gets hard again.
“Like what?” She giggles, batting her lashes.
“You k-know what I mean.” He glares down at her, no real malice in his eyes. He can never seem to be mad with her, especially when she’s giving him those hungry eyes and practically begging for his cock.
She wasn’t even looking at his face anymore, eyes fixed on the leaking red tip of him. “Less tongue. Just stay still and I’ll let you put it back in ok?” He offers, pressing the head against her parted lips.
“Mmmph,” she mutters, already lost in the thought of having him in her mouth again.
Whooops that was filthy <3
Still working on the Eddie x bimbo!reader taglist lmk if u want to be added
Masterlist here
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whipped/obsessed!eddiemunson with hyperfem!bimbo!popular!reader where they can’t keep their hands off of each other.
he’s always kissing you, touching you, groping your body in some way.
the PDA is HEAVY.
you both just love each other too much.
one evening when eddie has a campaign meeting for hellfire, you go with him.. except this time, you’re really just meeting your cheer friends after their practice to go shopping with them and they’ll just drop you back off at the school when you’re done shopping for miniskirts and heels so eddie can take you back to his trailer.
however, you both spent a good 15 minutes making out in his van before he had to (begrudgingly) go inside. so, you find your locker to fix your makeup.
you’re reapplying some lipgloss in your little heart mirror that is hung up on the inside of your locker as eddie admires you, telling you how cute, pretty, or beautiful you are..
you, of course, giggle and blush, and he takes your free hand and kisses your knuckles, then peppers small kisses to your wrist and up your arm to your shoulder then neck as you squeal, your manicured fingers twirling and playing with his hair.
then, when dustin and the rest of the hellfire club come up to you both to tell eddie that they are ready to start (and have been for a good 20 minutes), he pulls away from you just as your cheer friends ask if you are ready.
you say yes, grabbing your pink mini purse from eddie and pulling away from him before pouting a little, “wait. kissie!” you say breathlessly, bouncing slightly on your heeled feet, giggling, as you stand on the balls of your feet--your heels don’t give you that much height with eddie’s height and combat boots in the mix; pulling him down as he smiles against your lips, his hands taking their position on your ass, then your hips, then your waist, and then your ass again as he smooths over your cute little outfit.
you both get kind of carried away, moaning softly and whimpering into each other’s mouths,, the girls behind you giggling and the Hellfire Club jealous that eddie is kissing you but also slightly grossed out when they see your tongues clash softly together--eddie’s hand prominantly gripping your asscheek as you mewl happily.
“oookayyy, c’mon, man,” dustin pulls eddie’s arm, forcing eddie off of you as you whimper, your lipgloss messed up again and in need of a reapplication job as eddie has his lips sparkling with his spit and yours, as well as the sparkly gloss that was on your lips.
“no,” you whine softly, and eddie pouts as he gets dragged away from you, making a grabby hand to you before he breaks out of dustin’s hold, pushing past his friend before grabbing your face, smacking your lips with a hard kiss that makes you giggle, along with a MWAH! 
“have fun, baby, love you..” he whispers against your lips, kissing them again before waving bye to you and blowing you a kiss as you blush.
“bye!” you call out, turning to your friends as you see the club of his round the corner. 
your friends squeal with you as you all walk out of the school, excitedly chattering away.
meanwhile in the hellfire club room...
“kissie?” gareth mocks, and eddie just smiles hazily, not caring one bit.
“hey, dude, you wouldn’t be complaining if you were kissing her..” jeff speaks, and eddie looks over at him, his eyes narrowed; tongue to the inside of his cheek, head tilted slightly to the side. “i-i mean--y-you know-- oh, whatever!” 
“boys, boys, boys, enough. that pretty little lady out there is the love of my life, she can say whatever the fuck she wants..’ll give her that damn kissie..” he murmurs out, making the boys scoff jokingly and roll their eyes, knowing that their ‘dungeon master’ is COMPLETELY whipped for you.
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
Thoughts in thoughts
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May contain: Dubcon, age gap, dark! Characters, Stepcest, somnophilia + reminder that I am the least likely to be a furry
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ eddie drugging you with an aphrodisiac ♡♡♡ after being rejected so many times by mean! Bimbo! Reader hes had enough and decides to drug you, unfortunately he uses a little too much and you're barely awake, withering in pain You need to cum so badly but dont worry eddie is there to help <3<3
♡ hopper cumming in/ on your food/drinks <3 hes got you sat in his office eating a donut covered in his seed or drinking a milkshake that's extra thick <3<3<3 you're so addicted to the taste of him that you can help but crave him in your mouth!!! Anything you eat or pop until your mouth is usually coated with his cum and you wouldnt have it any other way <3<3<3
♡ dragon! Billy dressing you up in pretty shiny jewellery <3<3
♡ nun reader x demon/incubus! Eddie 👁👁
♡ robin fingering you under the counter as you talk to Steve, shes stood right next to you chatting away as if she isnt knuckles deep in your gummy walls !!!! Hes trying to vent to you about his awful date but you're too busy cumming to care
♡ thinking of eddie x cryptid!(?) Reader who is so curious about human norms and stands outside his trailer every night making strange noises and moving things around. He tries to understand you and talk to you maybe even help you but you freeze and runaway :((( he soon starts sitting outside his trailer waiting for you to come back, you stand near the tree line watching him holding eye contact and barely blinking, You look human but the way you act tells him that theres something off about you maybe you're not all mentally there? Each night you get closer to him and eddie starts leaving food a couple of feet infront of him hoping you get close enough so he can ask you something. When you're close enough to the plate you crouch down keeping your eyes on him as you bring the food to your mouth, you're almost animal like. Once eddie sees that you respond well to the food he brings the plate closer to him until you're sitting next to him and hes having an entire one sided conversations with you. He somehow gets you to come inside the trailer and in his room where you're immediately interested in the lamps and strange sticky magazines. He offers the shower to you after he notices your dirt covered feet but you stare blankly at him and he soon realises that he needs to bathe you himself if he wants you clean. It was no easy task however, you were more interested in dragging him into the shower with you than actually getting clean, by the end Eddie was naked and his clothes were soaked and thrown on the floor but you were clean so his job was done. He proceeded to keep you locked in his room and occasionally let you wonder around the trailer park but ONLY at night you've already gave poor old lady edith a heart attack when she caught you staring at her through her windows </3</3  as much as eddie tries to train you to behave you refuse >:(( you were born to make nests in his bed, stare into nothing and freak him out, watch him sleep, kneed his pillow, it's in your DNA how dare he deny you of your instincts >:000 idk I just think they'd be a neat couple <3 breeding kink is through the roof though jesus
♡ dog hybrid! Steve humping your foot like the degenerate he is <3 or humping anything that fits between his thighs you can leave him alone because he cant be trusted :(( he cums on everything and anything that smells like you
♡ rockstar! eddie takes his favourite groupie on tour with him!! Hes so pussy whipped and he doesnt care for any other girl as long as he has you <3
♡ rockstar! Billy, rockstar! Eddie and rockstar! Steve stuffing their prettiest groupie until shes dumb and only saying their names <3 three holes and three cocks match made in heaven
♡ hopper only eats cookies that are made with his wife's breastmilk (or pregnant wife) !!! >:(( no one else is allowed the cookies she bakes for him they are HIS and he will not share (the baby gets some too but he eats most of them because an entire batch of cookies cannot go to a singular baby plus you produce so much they would just go to waste ♡♡), sometimes he takes the baby and sits then on his chest then splits a cookie for the baby to knaw on and him to munch on, its usually when you're in the shower so you dont scold him for eating before dinner
♡ imagine the kids playing dnd at your house, they leave the stuff at yours and you have no other choice but to bring them back to Mike's, mrs wheeler let's you in and tells you to put then on the table (mike can get them later) unfortunately you drop one of the figures under the couch :(( you bend over to get it but it's all the way under so you have to get down on your knees and look, it's all the way at the back and karen has the beautiful view of your back arched and panties showing. When you finally get it and notice her watching she quickly rushes over to you "pulling down" your skirt and "fixing" your clothes it's not her fault her fingers slipped inside you nor is it her fault that you have her tits in your mouth and are grinding away at her pussy
♡ hopper let's you sit on his fingers for as long as you want <3 your almost always stuffed with his thick rough fingers he doesnt mind at all he licks up all the juice that dribbles down his hand then makes you lick the stains you left on his pants
♡ "ghostface billy!, Ghostface! Steve, randy!/ghostface! Eddie" NO ghostface! Nancy + ghostface! Robin <3 they walk in on bimbo! Reader stuffed with her fingers which dont reach the right spots too absorbed in your own world to care, they were originally going to kill you but seeing your teary eyes as you try to squeeze an orgasm out of yourself makes them feel bad :(( while you're struggling to cum robin does some snooping in the drawers closest to her conveniently it's your underwear draw and she finds your cute pink glittery dildo !! She waves it at nancy who stalks over you, holding your body down and a hand over mouth you squeal and try your best to kick her off but it's no use as you feel a second pair of hands spread your now clenched thighs. You dont expect the feeling of your forgotten toy to enter your cunt nor do you expect to hear female voices come out of the masked figures, there are hands all over you and you cant stop jerking your hips. You cum harder than you ever have and you're not sure when one orgasm ends and another one begins </3 you dont come to school the next day your legs too sore and body covered in marks, when you do however nancy wheeler and robin Buckley are oddly interested in talking too you especially when you dont say anything about the two women in masks that fucked you dumb <3
♡ vampire eddie has a vile of your blood and you have a vile of his cum <3
♡ stepbrother eddie who sneaks into your room at night just so he can wake you up with his cock, he doesnt care that you're tired or if you have cheer practice or a test shut up and be his fleshlight
♡ hehehe perv! jonathan definitely has picture of you in a jar that he cums into 👁👁 hes gonna give it to you one day <3 let's just hope he doesnt leave it on his radiator
♡ eddie fucks you to the beat and rhythm of his playlists
♡ dog hybrid! Billy, eddie, steve x dog hybrid! Reader !!!!! Billy's big mean and scary, Eddie's too dramatic for your little brain and steve always makes you feel dumber than you are (he doesnt mean too tho) you always stay away from them especially when they fight but you cant help but gravitate towards them when your heat starts, the problem is all of them want you to have their pups and you can barely walk or move once you heat dies down
♡ I'm a slut for an all boys boarding school x reader !!!!!! Basketball captain! Billy/ swim coach! Billy who likes feeling you up in your swimsuit/ gym clothes, photography student! Jonathan who takes pictures of you in your dorm, delinquent! eddie who you meet in detention and teaches you how to hide under the bleachers so you can both get high and he can get touchy, "bestfriend" steve who shows you around and is basically your babysitter but also comes into your room at night to sleep in your bed, cooking club! Argyle who enters your heart through your stomach, teacher! hopper who always makes you stay behind class and spank you for your skirt being too short, head boy! 001/henry who is always pointing out how every boy wants to rip your clothes off and have their way with you, art teacher! Murray who wants you to pose nude for him but dont worry it's all professional and he definitely wont be showing hopper, orrr counsellor! Murray who listens to all your dirty fantasies and how you're sooo upset that you cant make yourself cum, gym teacher! Dmitri/Enzo who makes you stay behind to watch your tits bounce as you run, teacher! Phil Callahan who gets so flustered when you bend over infront of him idk guys
♡ I'm also a slut for all girls boarding school <3 head girl! Nancy who is constantly "adjusting" your skirt, roommate! Robin who is always feeling your boobs and claiming it's a girl thing, cheerleader! Chrissy who helps you shower after cheer practice, teacher! joyce who rewards you in the best way, teacher! Karen who likes teasing you by running a ruler up your thigh then spanking your pussy. Teacher! Joyce and karen who talk about you in the staff room, eden who is assigned your project partner and cant help but sitting thigh to thigh with you (there needs to be more women in stranger things my pussy cant take this >:( !!)
♡ not to mention boarding school x innocent reader I'm going to kick you in the shins make out with me now
♡ Dustin would absolutely send a succubus Steve's way, by accident, hed find a flyer "get your own succubus" thinking this is a DnD related thing he signs Steve's name thinking he needs an adults signature. you gave steve a heart attack when you showed up in his bed he now has to deal with a dumb succubus who thinks hes her mate and also scold dustin for signing documents without reading them fully. Dustin doesn't know what the problem is, it's not like he got his succubus figurine steve is probably just getting spam mail
♡ stepbrother! billy who always flexes his muscles around you and lifts heavy things to prove how strong he is only to realise that you dont care so he makes a show of moaning your name as he jerks off because that will obviously make you notice him
♡ camp counsellor! Billy who sneaks into your cabin after you push him into the lake infront of everybody, he'll put you in your place dont worry he'll show you how hes supposed to be treated
♡ biker! billy and eddie <3 want them to fuck me on their bikes NOW !!! They're in different gangs and hate eachother but are civil when your pussy is involved <3<3<3<3<3 maybe you're already being fucked by one of them (probably eddie), outside bent over the motorcycle that's now shaking with his thrusts, billy stalks over and starts chatting away with eddie as if you're not struggling to hold yourself up. Eddie plays along feeling you clench up as you get ignored, Billy pulls out his cock as if its nothing refusing to stop the light banter between them and stuffs your throat with it. You're being held up by Eddie's hands as they start pummeling your achey body, you're practically blacking out at every thrust they dont care though. After they finish they dont just discard you, when you come into the dingy bar they hang out at they cant help but sit next to you in your booth and slip their fingers into you, the rest of the members think that they have problems with you little do they know billy and eddie are just whores
♡ thinking about how 001/vecnas claws make cuts and bruises along your hips <3 i do NOT care that he is a scary monster I want him to make me cry
♡ #1 believer that phil Callahan cries after sex, his cock is so twitchy and sensitive he cant help but cry after you make him feel so good
♡ Hank Miller had an audio for this but he deleted it from reddit and it's now on patreon so I cant listen to it </3 :((( (could also be read as billy) eddie steals cars for a living, stealing them for whoever pays highest. The newest sports car model? That vintage Cadillac? He'll get it for you. Hes great at his job, the best in the business that is until someone starts taking cars before the customer gets to finish the sentence. Hes pissed, more than pissed actually, some asshole is stealing his deals. He catches you in the act one night, he chases after you leading him to a warehouse filled with expensive cars, some cars that he hadnt even confirmed payment for, he hunts you down, finding you hiding in one of the cars near the exit. He forces you back into the space you occupied before you could even run, a gun pointing to your head demanding to know what the fuck you think youre doing- hes shocked to know that a girl is cockblocking his pay. Hes threatening you, telling you to back off before you get hurt, hes got your arm in a twist forcing you to spill how you're beating him in this game. He gets angrier as you explain that you bugged his phone, listening in on every conversation he has, there was practically steam pouring out of his ears as he spews insults at you. During his rant you grab the gun that hes throwing around loosely, flipping him over and aiming the gun towards him, he stutters out apologies and asking if you could possibly work this out. You dont have the mind to care not when you're sitting in his lap with his hips jerking up as he tries to escape the weapon in you hands. You're not sure how you ended up like this but you're bouncing on his cock, gun still in hand as you tell him how pathetic he is, how he let a GIRL over throw him. He doesnt take lightly to this snatching the gun from you hands pointing it under your chin threatening to keep going, his hips thrust up into you when you struggle to move, he soon decides that he couldnt care less about the gun and throws it to the side, grabbing your hips before throwing you back on his cock, your hands grabbing anything you can possibly find to stable yourself from the abuse your cunt is facing. You end up being partners in crime, living together and owning a cat called marmalade <3
♡ prison boyfriend! Eddie/billy <3<3<3<3 phone sex, and nudes sent via letters !!! After every visit you give him a kiss goodbye where he takes the opportunity to grope you from under your skirt, the prison guard doesnt know if he should separate you or let you go at it, the show is nice but it's not professional, the handcuffs around his wrists dont allow him from going any further but hes pleased with the juices you left behind, sucking them off his fingers as hes escorted back to his cell
♡ prison chief! Hopper rewarding prisoner! Reader after shes been on her best behaviour <3
♡ ABO 👁👁 not a furry but I love the thought of going into heat and having a big strong alpha fuck me dumb !!!
♡ rockstar! Dilf! Eddie fucks the babysitter!!! He cant get enough of your pussy especially not when his bitch of a wife is not putting out for him but instead other men, he loves how wet and warm you are for him, how you take whatever he gives you, how you dont accept the extra money he gives you, how you treat his toddler daughter and baby son so well and how you would be the perfect mommy for them. Hes already caught his daughter calling you mommy before, you're here more than his wife so it's only natural
♡ king! Steve wants a hier none of the princess will do instead he wants the little maid who works in the kitchens
♡ beauty and the beast au with hopper !!! Hes a big strong beast and he cant help but pin you down as you're running away from him, forcing his thick cock into your tight little pussy.
♡ the original perv Jonathan would 100% fuck his stepsister while she sleeps, hed try to be so so sooo gentle as to not wake you, letting you stay ignorant to the assault hes about to put you through, but once hes inside you he cant help but get overwhelmed by how good you feel. He covers your mouth when you wake up, encasing your body with his to stop you struggling, his thrusts dont stop as you squeal and kick. Hes like a dog, panting in your ear as his hips refuse to stop, muttering apologies as he cums inside you
♡ argyle holds your hand when you lazily grind on him, hes giggling and making jokes as his swollen head bumps against your clit making you jump.
♡ robin thinks you're so pretty, youre a church girl dressed in frilly socks, mary Jane's, flowy dresses and ribbons. She feels disgusting for how she feels about you she knows that you would think shes disgusting, that the thought of kissing another girl was disgusting. She struggles to be around you, hoping this childish crush would leave her body but it seems to grow stronger as you get persistent about becoming her friend, you invited her over for a sleepover (at first she thought this was going to be something else when you mentioned your parents not being home but soon shook the thought out of her head) you didnt let her sleep on the floor somehow convincing her to lay on the bed. You peer down at her as she lies on her back awkwardly complimenting the room you sleep in, she barely has time to react when you lean down and place your lips on hers shes so shocked that she doesnt even kiss back, when you pull away you look terrified and start spewing out apologise before running to the bathroom and locking the door. Robin tries to convince you to come out but you're crying and feel disgusted, you thought she liked girls and you've ruined a perfectly good friendship, she tells you that she was going to kiss back but she just didnt expect to be kissed by her crush, you make your way out of the bathroom shyly hiding behind the door as she eases you out like a scared animal. Robin makes sure you're better by making love to you, shes soft, tender and sweet as she assures you that you're not disgusting <3<3
♡ priest! Eddie who makes you confess all the bad things you've done while he stokes his cock, you touched yourself to the thought of boys? Girls too? He has no other choice but to make you repent for your sins by sucking his cock
♡ period sex with vampire! eddie he loves watching his cum dribble out of you mixing with your blood. His ketchup and mayonnaise packet all in one <3
♡ 001 getting angry after his punishment and taking it out on his favourite nurse, forcing you against the nereast surface and Making you take his cock
♡ I used to have such a big crush on the bowers gang from IT I have no idea what was wrong with me anyway that's not important, the thought of eddie, billy, Steve, Johnathan bullying their favourite girl into being their girlfriend <3<3<3 they're so protective and possessive of you and guard you like dogs. Constantly around you shielding you from anyone's eyes
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬
(Tattoo Artist!Eddie Munson x Apprentice!Reader)
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Summary: . . . After deciding you were meant for more than what life had in store for you, you gave into the siren call of the city─well a city. But when city life finally eats away at your bank account and your main source of income isn't reliable, you take on an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop where your boss is the six-foot something, tattoo covered Eddie Munson who quickly and unwisely becomes intrigued by you. Nothing romantic can come from it, lest you risk it being torn apart by your past, his lover and yourself.
Entire Work Warnings: 18+ (smut will take place in later chapters), swearing, financial problems, mentions of loss, escorts/call girls, age gap (Eddie is 36, reader is 25), financial shaming, slut shaming, implied sexual harassment, bimbo!reader (she may not be book smart but she knows the score) angst, self-sabotage.
a/n: my fav little hater was upset about my post getting interactions again so they flagged it to be incorrectly labeled, meaning it's hidden from the majority of people so repost time! there is no mature content in this chapter, suck it. based on my initial post and elements of Breakfast at Tiffany's. next chapters will be significantly juicer, this was just something to get us going. this is dedicated to @munsonology, happy birthday and I hope this year was a good one! and a very gratitude filled thank you to my dear friend, @kitmon, for continuing to be an an amazing beta! hope you guys like it so far ♡ (attempting the keep reading feature, fingers crossed)
word count: 5k
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“They don’t bite.” “Hmn?” Came your absent-minded reply, eyes cutting from the harpy, evil in her eyes and blood soaking her talons, to the man flipping through the red binder you’d been carrying around you in the Indianapolis heat. 
  Sweat evaporated off your skin, giving away to goosebumps in the air conditioned shop, a much welcome relief to the borderline unbearable heatwave settling over the city streets, something that can be found in every nook and cranny. You’d been navigating your way throughout the city since before dawn broke, eager to get your fill of it while the streets were quiet and a decent temperature. It had been almost chilly this morning, your thick strapped tank top and daisy dukes—that you normally wouldn’t allow yourself to be caught dead in—leaving most of your skin exposed, with no direct sunlight to warm it. Now that the sun was out, you were on fire out there.
“The artwork.” He glanced at the framed harpy drawing along the wall, the one you’d been staring at, one of many framed depictions of gruesome and mythical looking creatures. “I don’t blame you though, that one isn’t particularly my favorite. Pretty badass, though. Heh.” “Oh,” You shook your head, the oversized shades adorning your face sliding down the bridge of your nose, “No, I’m not afraid of it. I like it. It must have taken forever though.”
  You turned your attention to her again, admiring how realistic her feathers appeared. Painstakingly detailed and whoever was walking around the city with her on their body surely endured a generous amount of pain to get her. 
  And a large hole in their wallet.
  “It took a ton of sessions, for sure. My boy did it a couple years ago.” The man, Argyle, as he’d introduced himself when you’d first walked into the shop, flipped his long black hair over his shoulder before he flipped to the next page of your portfolio. He let out a sound of appreciation as he leaned his weight on his elbow, hand resting over his mouth.
  “This is good! This is really good!”
You lifted your chin to peer at the drawing he was fascinated with. Ah.
It was a drawing of the skeletal Grim Reaper, cloaked in a black robe and scythe clutched in one hand while his boney middle fingers stretched his eye socket holes down in an obvious taunt. A tongue, black and tendril like, lulled out of his mouth.
You thought it was pretty good, too. The idea for it had struck you at a party, you’d been hiding from an annoying suitor and ducked into an office room, doodling to your heart's content once you grew past your boredom.
You grinned, a feeling of giddiness beginning to bubble inside you.
“Listen, the DM’s out right now, running some errands. He should be back soon, can I hold onto this?” Argyle asked, gripping the sides of the binder and raising it as if you didn’t already know he was referring to your portfolio, “I think he’ll be pretty impressed with your stuff.” You fidgeted with your fingers, giddiness giving away to nerves once more. “Really? You think so?” Hope was something you hadn’t felt in a while; you’d been through exactly fourteen tattoo shops throughout the city, most of which you’d been rebuffed from before they so much as flipped open your portfolio, having already decided your particular aesthetic didn’t fit their image. They hadn’t verbalized as much, but you knew. You glanced down at your pink boots, already such a stark contrast to the black beams beneath your feet.
It wouldn’t be a big deal if you hadn’t made a wager with yourself, you could only go home once you’d accomplished your task of getting one of the shop owners to actually look at your work. While Argyle had made it clear he wasn’t the head honcho, he’d be passing it along.
“Yeah, man! This is some pretty legit stuff! I’ve been tatting, myself, for a couple years now, and I’m good–don’t wanna flex or nothing but I’m really good. Only it took a couple of years for me to actually get this good, you know? And I’m not even talking about on skin. You haven’t tattooed anyone before, right?” You thought back to when you had mentioned your art skill to a brief...something, he’d been intoxicated enough on expensive wine and your sangria kisses to encourage you to use the tattoo kit one of your friends had re-gifted you after her interest in the subject waned. You’d never particularly imagined yourself etching into people’s skin before, not even when she’d given you the supplies because she’d seen some of your doodles.
Thanks to her, a suit and tie you no longer spoke to, who made more money than you’ll ever see, was walking around with a secret under his briefs: a pair of shiny cherries on his left ass cheek.
  It was no loss to you. Sure, he made money. Just not nearly enough for you to tolerate how aggressive he’d been with his affections as soon as he was sloshed. You’d given him the tattoo with his drunk pals cheering him on, went out to a very high standard club, then promptly ditched him the moment you were out of his sight. You hadn’t answered the door when he came pounding on it the next morning and the morning after that.
  You’d originally had no intentions of using the tattoo equipment, until that encounter. It had planted a seed, an idea that may get you out of what you had to do to survive. Tattooing hadn’t been a passion, and it still wasn’t quite one but you needed money and you had talent.
“No,” You lied with a shake of your head, “I haven’t.”
“That’ll change soon,” he laughed, closing your binder as he leaned further over the glass counter. Your gaze briefly flickered to the jewelry it housed.
  “You got a number we can reach you at?”
  You’d scrawled the number of your landline down on the back of one of their business cards before Argyle could rethink his decision to pass your work along. 
  “Hopefully, we’ll see you soon!” He called out as you retreated towards the door.
  God, I hope so.
  The thought of a somewhat stable job that could help the pitiful state of your checking and savings account was the only thing powering you through your long walk home. You couldn’t risk a cab, that would mean you’d have no fare money for tonight, and who knows if you’d have to make a speedy exit?
  You’d learned. Eventually.
  Forty-five minutes later, you entered your apartment, sagging back against the door as you dropped your back and kicked your shoes off, unconcerned as to where exactly they’d landed. 
  Sweat glistened over your skin, and unlike in that last tattoo shop, there was no cool air conditioning to cool you. You and Sid saved that for special occasions.
  Instead, you opened the large window to the fire escape, obnoxious sounds of the city you called home filling the apartment.
  It wasn’t much, but it was better. Next came the matter of your clothes, stuck in the most uncomfortable of ways to your flesh. Your tank top was peeled off and thrown over the couch, daisy dukes abandoned near the entryway of the small kitchen on your way to the bathroom.
  A quick glance was spared behind you, taking in the state of your shared home. It was a mess and not even remotely surprising. The place was barely furnished with the essentials, all of which were secondhand: a couch, a coffee table with a sheet over it to hide the stains, one shelving unit, a rug and tapestries hung artfully on the walls for deception. They made the place look more put together than it was, but you’d love it even if it were still barren. A roof over your head in the city meant you didn’t have to return to the past you’d clawed your way out of..
  The only thing worth much was the framed photo on the kitchen counter, and that was only in sentimental value. You and Sid, arms around each other’s shoulders as you sat in a booth at a shitty diner you’d tried upon first moving to the city. They’d taken your photo for being the 600th customer and tacked it to the wall.
  You’d stolen it and had no regrets because you got to keep your memory and ended up getting food poisoning.
  With a shrug, you entered the bathroom for a much needed scrub down and some disassociating. Your mess could wait.
  Eddie was not in a great mood when he walked into the shop.
  His jacket was clutched in a sweaty palm, rings twisting around the flesh of his fingers and his bangs were beginning to stick to his forehead, all the result of the walk from his fucking car to the shop door. 
  “Grumpy?” Argyle asked, amused with the clear annoyance on his face.
  Eddie sneered, standing under the vent for a minute to cool down, “Triple digits. Triple fucking digits out there, man. You could shove a thermometer up the devil’s asshole and it’d be cooler than that.”
  Once he’d solidified, he stalked past the front desk, threw his jacket onto the counter and picked up a stack of mail.
  “Did I miss anything?” Eddie asked as he flipped through the envelopes, mostly junk.
  “A couple of walk-ins. Nothing too major there, handled them myself. Simple stuff, one wanted a goldfish. Not like a detailed one, like how you’d try and draw a goldfish cracker. We did have a few who wanted a couple of advance pieces, got ‘em booked for consultations with Johnny boy and Rob.”
  “Nice,” Eddie chuckled under his breath at the mental image of the goldfish tattoo, most likely an act of affection. Tattooing people who wanted to permanently carry reminders of their children was one of Eddie’s favorites to do, partially because of the sentiment but mostly because the drawings were amusing.
  He’d just finished tossing out the junk mail when he reached for his jacket to hang it up properly and discovered it had been concealing something. 
  “What’s this?” Eddie asked as he lifted the slim red binder. Looked relatively new.
  “Huh?” Argyle glanced up from the sketch he was working on, recognition flashing across his face, “Oh, yeah! We got a prospective new hire, someone dropped off their portfolio.”
  Eddie rolled his eyes and heaved out a heavy sigh as his jacket was tossed aside yet again.He had nothing against other tattoo artists, but the last one he’d hired that hadn’t come from his friend group ended up nearly destroying the group. 
  Henry had been charming, good at his job and charismatic. Turns out, he’d also been a master manipulator and had a particularly abhorrent temper. Tensions had been high, heads were butting and fights had occurred–with a permanent reminder in the wall near the front entrance where a large hole had been punched through the wall. Henry had to go.
  Eddie wasn’t looking to repeat the situation.
  “I think we’re good on artists around here–and put a reminder on the calendar for me to patch that damn crater up.”  
  “Well, it’s a good thing the artist isn’t a tattoo artist. Yet. I’d look at that portfolio first before making any decisions, if I were you. I think you’re gonna see the beginnings of something goooooood, and dude, you’ll be killing our fun if you fix it. Do you know how many glory hole jokes we tell?” Eddie ignored the latter half of Argyle’s statement, reluctantly flipping the portfolio open to the first page and annoyance began to associate itself with him once more. 
  A body, in a state of decomposition greeted him. But it wasn’t maggots or rotting flesh involved. Flowers grew out of the crevices, with moss and mushrooms over her skin. A lot of fine line work.
  The next page was home to a bird-like creature with the body of a lion, a Griffin. Done in American Traditional.
  A skinny, demonic looking goat with horns and legs long enough to belong to a horse, clouded eyes and wyvern wings was on the page after that. The Jersey Devil. Someone knew their Cryptids.
  The portfolio contained a vast amount of drawings from horror depictions to more aesthetically pleasing visions; the hydra, skeletons, dragons, goddesses, respectable attempts at the modern Renaissance pieces, and even a couple of Barbie references, ranging in a variety of tattoo styles. 
  Eddie closed the portfolio and drummed his fingertips across the countertop, scowling. 
  That long haired doofus was right. This was beyond good work. But if they weren’t a tattoo artist, there wasn’t much Eddie could do with them. Drawing on paper is a much more different experience than skin. Mistakes can be erased on paper, the sketch done over again. Can’t do the same on flesh. 
  It’s intimidating. 
  They’d have to start off slow, like he had. Trained under a watchful eye, an expert who’d guide them with experienced hands. He was sure Jonathan and Robin would be eager to have an apprentice.
  But before Eddie would even begin to entertain the idea of an apprentice in his shop, he’d have to see exactly what it was he was working with.
  “Leave a number?” He asked without looking at Argyle because he knew he’d see nothing but a smug expression.
  “See if you can get him back in the shop tomorrow.”
  “Why not today?”
  “Because I have a session for the rest of the day, remember?”
  “Oh, yeah! I forgot.” Argyle’s grin was sheepish as he read off the calendar. “Stacy Peterson called. Car troubles. Unable to make it to appointment with Eddie. Rescheduled. Heh. So…you also missed that.”
  “I’ll strangle you later, just get him in here then.”
  Argyle opened his mouth, then closed it as an expression that said I know something you don’t crossed his strong features. “Righty-O, boss. I’ll give him a call.”
  You’d been lounging in the bathtub, hair up and out of the way, eyeing the grooves of the shower tile. They were a permanent taunt, stained dark no matter how hard you and Sid scrubbed and you hated the sight of them. 
  People with money didn't have to stare at them, able to afford to have them professionally cleaned or the shower wall—the entire bathroom renovated.
  Someday, that would be you. 
  You sunk further into the water, toeing at the faucet when the shrill sound of the landline filled your more than humble home. The thought of simply letting it ring played in your head until you remembered the tattoo shop you’d visited last. 
  Hastily rising from the tub, water was splashed along the floor while you did a terrible job of drying off and ran naked the rest of the way to the living room, almost slipping as you did.
  The receiver was yanked off its post, “Hello?”
  “What’s up, Dudette? Argyle calling, dunno if you remember me from earlier…”
  “Yeah! From the tattoo shop, right?”
  “Right-O! Listen, The Dungeon Master is in and he wants to see if you can get down here to show him what you got. Possible?”
  “Yeah, it’ll be no problem!” You’d have to run most of the way but street traffic around this time wasn’t that bad so you wouldn’t have to fight your way through bodies.
  “Cool, cool, cool. And between you and me, this is pretty much the interview process. Good luck, dudette, and may the force be with your tattie skills. I’ll see you when you get here!”
  As soon as you’d hung up, you ran to your room to get dressed. You didn’t have much of a wardrobe, but it wasn’t high on your list of priorities considering you and Sid practically shared one. Another tank top was selected—to mitigate sweating on your way to your interview—along with a gifted pink thong and matching bra. You’d snagged your Daisy Dukes from the floor on your way out, shimmied them on, grabbed your small bag and keys and headed out.
  The selection of attire was a good one, the heat was still stupidly unbearable and heavy. You’d need to wash off again tonight. You’d managed to make it to the shop in under twenty-five minutes, having ignored all the looks you’d received as you hurried along the streets and the feeling of the air conditioner on your skin was a welcome one when you made your way back into the shop.
  Argyle greeted you with a bright grin from his place behind the counter, throwing up his hands, “You made it! One sec.”
  Then he turned his upper body to call into an area you couldn’t quite see into, “Oh, Eddie boy! Your prospect has arrived.”
  You hadn’t cared to entertain ideas on what your potential boss could look like, all you were concerned about was the position and getting your foot in the door. Even if you had tried to imagine him, nothing could have prepared you for the actual sight of him when he emerged.
  He was big, tall and cloaked in black, despite the heat of the city. He wore what you figured had once been a black t-shirt but was now lacking sleeves and a proper neck hem to be considered a makeshift tank. His pants were shiny leather and also tight, hugging the muscles of his thighs, and he sported a dark pair of pointed boots.
  He wasn’t particularly muscular enough to be the body builder type, but it looked like he could probably pick another grown man up with ease. His skin had a light tan to it, barely anything really, just like everyone else, he obviously couldn’t escape the sun. It was littered with intricate tattoos, weaving up his arms—a few you could tell disappeared under his shirt—and his neck.
  The word freak was permanently etched in black ink along his temple and over his eyebrow. Two silver balls decorated his other eyebrow.
  Leaning up against the back wall like that, arms crossed to make the muscles of his arms bulge slightly and oozing confidence, he looked like the personification of some really good sex.
  But he wasn’t what you were seeking out and you didn’t like to mix business with pleasure.
  Eddie was caught completely off guard, trying to school his shock and keep his composure.
  When he’d seen that portfolio, he was expecting someone with jagged edges, piercings galore and more than just a couple of tattoos to be behind it and standing in the entryway of his shop.
  Someone who looked like their art.
  You…didn’t. With your little pink cowboy boots, tank top that accentuated your figure and shorts so small, they should’ve been considered a form of underwear, you didn’t look at all similar to what Eddie was expecting. Not even if he closed his eyes.
  You didn’t waste time, quickly introducing yourself as you stepped up to the front desk and Eddie pulled himself from his stupor, closing the distance to shake your palm. Smaller than his (though most were) and slightly sweaty, no doubt due to that god forsaken heat outside.
  Eddie could see bits of your hair sticking to your skin, little beads of sweat prickling over your exposed collarbone and trailing down, down between your─
  “Thank you for taking the time to even look at my portfolio! I really appreciate it.”
  Eddie blinked hard, clearing his throat before smirking to pretend he hadn’t been drawn in by your chest.
  What the fuck was wrong with him all of a sudden? 
  He’d had plenty of beautiful clients, he’d tattooed nice asses, tits, pubic regions, thighs, all the beautiful areas. Now all of a sudden he was acting like he’d never seen a pair of tits before. 
  Hell, Eddie had been thoroughly busy with a pair, held them in his hands before he came into the shop.
  Professionalism, he reminded himself.
  “Not a problem, what I see—saw was pretty impressive,” Nice save, Eddie, you dick. He cursed himself, “You adapt well to different styles.”
  “Thanks!” You chirped, excitement filling you at the praise. It was so nice to hear positive feedback about your work instead of being sent out of a shop before they so much as opened your binder. “I like to experiment with different styles, see what it is that people like so much about them and honestly, it’s mostly because I haven’t quite found my art style just yet.”
  Hence your range, you were constantly expanding with your art because you hadn’t found one style you wanted to make yours yet. Or maybe you had and just didn’t know it yet. Whatever.
  Eddie and Argyle exchanged a look before he stepped back and nodded in the direction he came, “Why don’t you follow me? Show me what you can do?”
  You didn’t hesitate, stepping past the front desk.
  There was more artwork lining the short hall he took you down until you arrived at another room, obviously one meant for actual tattooing as there was a tattoo chair in the middle of the room. 
  On one of the counters, was an area already prepped for you. A tattoo gun, some ink, and some obviously fake skin that rested on top of a disposable sheet cloth, along with some gloves.
  “Argyle tells me you haven’t worked on skin before.”
  Sure you haven’t.
  “Not a whole lot of people lining up to get tattooed by someone with no experience,” you shrugged, following him over to the counter he was leaning up against.
  “You’re hanging around the wrong crowd then.” He joked and you let out a small laugh.
  He had no idea how right he was.
  “The first tattoos I ever got were from inexperienced people. This one,” he gestured to a Wyvern on the back of his arm, “I got my junior year of high school from a waitress at a bar I always snuck into.”
  “And this one,” he yanked the tattered collar of his shirt down to expose more ink, but the one he was referring to was a spider, “I got my first senior year from someone I did…business with.”
  First senior year? Eddie was proving to be an interesting character.
  “But enough about me,” Eddie released his shirt, allowing it to hide the artwork depicted on his chest, “let’s get down to business.”
  Before he could even explain what everything was, you dropped your purse onto the counter nearby, pulling a small box of unopened gloves from it.
  “You mind?” You asked, fingers poised to rip it open.
  “Go for it,” He shrugged. Gloves were gloves, so long as they were uncontaminated he didn’t mind.
  You tore into them and Eddie was still somehow surprised to see they were pink. Clearly his black ones weren’t your style.
  “Can I ask you a question?” You asked as you pulled the gloves on. Eddie watched you, intrigued as you finished assembling the tattoo gun without his help and opened the ink pack. 
  “Sure,” He mused, eyeing you skeptically. Hadn’t tattooed anyone but you were clearly familiar with it. Interesting.
  “Did your tattoos hurt?”
  Eddie waited until after you’d started the tattoo gun and got into working on the fake flesh. Apparently you already had an idea in mind.
  “A bit of an amateur question, you don’t have one?”
  “Nope.” You confirmed, paying him no mind as you leaned forward, gaze focused solely on your task, “I kind of want one but I’m not in any particular rush, you know?”
  Eddie made a sound of agreement, at a brief loss of words as you arched your back, ass sticking out and he became painfully aware you were wearing a hot pink thong, the tails of it peaking out past the top of your denim shorts. He should’ve offered you a seat but you didn’t seem all that bothered with standing.
  No, that was apparently his foil, because he was incredibly bothered by you standing, especially with your ass out like that; when it made his pants tighten considerably in his crotch region.
  He was getting hard. 
  Eddie was mortified, stiffening (go figure) as he attempted to calm himself, eyes darting away from your ass to stare at one of the cabinets. Of course this had to happen to him on the day he chose to wear a pair of pants that left little to the imagination should the boy downstairs start acting up.
  Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look.
  “Hurts, depending on the area, which I’m sure you already know. The tattoos on my back and my thighs hurt pretty bad. Forearms were a bitch, but nothing I couldn’t handle. The ones on my wrists and hands were the worst, pain wise, in my opinion. Obviously it didn't stop me, but those tend to be areas with a lot of bones, veins and very little muscle, so it’s expected.”
  You hummed in response and his gaze briefly flittered over to you before his cock pulsed and he tore it away again, grateful your attention wasn’t on him.
  The remainder of the ‘session’ was spent in relative silence with the music playing through the speakers installed throughout the shop, keeping it from being awkward. Eddie had just managed to will his erection away when you finished, setting down the gun before you pulled your gloves off.
  “What do you think?” You asked, still admiring your work and Eddie peered around you to assess it.
  A wyvern, similar to the one on his arm but done in a fine line style.
  He chuckled, amused with your reference and you fought valiantly with yourself not to grin. You were trying to impress him, sticking with a subject he liked enough to make it a part of him permanently, but you hadn’t imitated the style of it to keep from downright copying and to showcase your ability to adapt.
  “That’s pretty good,” And it was, not a whole lot of people could get lines that perfect or seem as confident in their abilities on their first try. Still, Eddie could tell you’d have some ways to go before you were ready to be on your own, “but you can do better.”
  You tried not to frown, “Oh.”
  Eddie smirked and you finally turned to face him, apprehension on your face.
  “Don’t look so down. After some time around here, watching us work, you’ll be ready. The apprenticeship will fly by in no time.”
  “Wait—you mean—you want me?!”
  “I’d be stupid not to.”
  You let out a squeal and threw yourself at him, giving him a quick squeeze before your brain caught up to your body and you pulled away.
  “Sorry, sorry! I’m just so excited.”
  Eddie cleared his throat, shifting his body away from you and rasped out, “Argyle will have the paperwork for you to fill out.”
  “Got it,” You grabbed your bag and was just about to head out of the room when Eddie called your name, “Huh?”
  “Be back at the same time tomorrow. You’ll be practicing on real skin.” 
  “But I thought you said—” 
  Something in you bubbled with excitement and nerves.
  You nodded once and then left the room to see Argyle for your paperwork.
  “So?????” Argyle asked once you’d approached him, a sullen look on your face. 
  You couldn’t keep the act up, beaming as you practically bounced, “I’ll be seeing you around more often now!” 
  He whooped, extending an arm out for a high-five which you reciprocated.
  “You are gonna love it here, Dudette. Just wait until you meet everyone! First, we gotta start on your employment.” 
  Your brows furrowed as you watched him go through a filing cabinet.
  “Wait—this is paid?”
  “Yeah! We’re not big on slave labor here.”
  Score for you! You had a feeling you wouldn’t be clocking a ton of hours but every single penny counted, especially considering how hard of a time you had actually building a savings account.
  Argyle had walked you through the paperwork, where to sign, what things meant and since the shop was getting ready to close up you’d simply just bring the completed paperwork back with you tomorrow.
  The door chimed behind you and you turned to see who could be coming in at the last minute, eyes widening at the voluptuous woman before you. Her hair was long and jet black, skin pale (apparently one person in this city was capable of defying the sun) and make-up done so elegantly it reminded you of actresses from the silver screen era. Her dress was simple, black and hugged her curves exceptionally well. You could tell it was worth more than everything in your apartment combined and you’d feel bad about it if you also couldn’t tell she was older than you. 
  You’d have time to get there.
  “Hey, Deidre.”
  “Hello, Argyle.” She gave the both of you a dazzling smile as she removed her sunglasses and walked right past Argyle, down the hall you’d come from.
  He didn’t even look surprised and paid her no real attention.
  “We’ll see you soon?”
  “Damn straight.”
  Argyle let out another cheer as you walked out the door with high spirits. Not even the nasty, hot air could get you down.
  You’d climbed up the stone steps until you reached the sidewalk and glanced behind you at the neon sign depicting the name of the tattoo shop you’d now be working at.
  “Welcome to The Dungeon,” You mumbled to yourself with a smile. 
  You turned back to the sidewalk, staring down at the pathway you’d have to take before you thought better of it, sticking your fingers into your mouth to give a sharp whistle.
  It caught the attention of a cab driver down the street, and you gave him your address when he’d pulled up and you’d hopped in, ready to prepare for tonight's plans. You deserved a little break, after all, you were one step closer to securing the future of your dreams.
  Eddie sagged against the counter once you’d left the room, scowling down at the bulge that had reappeared in his pants when you’d hugged him.
  Why his body was suddenly acting like he was a horny teenager again, he had no idea.
  He wasn’t about to do anything about it, though. Not when you’d be hanging around the shop for the foreseeable future. Eddie didn’t get involved with his employees. He’d worked in a couple of shops where he’d witnessed that occur and it always ended in a mess. Not a good kind.
  He busied himself with cleaning up, tossing away the supplies you’d used and storing your first piece of work. It’d be nice for you to look back at once your apprenticeship was over. When Eddie had nothing else to clean, he sighed and rubbed at his eyelids. 
  Platonic. Professional. God, if he couldn’t keep his dick in check, he’d be in a world of trouble. You’d be trouble.
  “Need a hand?”
  Eddie snapped around, relieved to see it was just Deidre. Explaining why he had a boner to anyone else wasn’t something he was keen on doing. In fact, he probably wouldn’t be telling her exactly why, either.
  Taking her up on her offer, however, was something he would eagerly do.
  “Are you offering yours?”
  She laughed, setting her purse down on the counter where your bag had been just a few minutes ago, and walked right up to Eddie, her body pressed against his and grinding onto him as the older woman slid her arms around his shoulders.
  “Mmm, not just my hand.”
  All Eddie knew next was the taste of her red lipstick. 
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