#edit: a lottttt of ppl reblogging this without the additions and tbh. don’t
haunteddollgender · 1 year
Let’s hear some noise for femme lesbians who are kind of guys
For those of us who have short hair, facial hair, body hair, who use he/him pronouns, who want to be handsome more than beautiful, who are overtly gnc, pls affirm our masculinity too.
Just as some butches find their femininity in their masculinity, some femmes find our masculinity in our femininity. And we desire it.
Like I’m a femme dyke who often dates butch dykes. And I’m also a transmasc person who often dates other transmasc ppl, those being the butch dykes. The amount of lesbians who are just kind of gay boys is rly insane. Go to a lesbian bar and i promise you a bunch of those women are twinks and bears.
And don’t make assumptions about that either, because in basically all my past relationships, I’ve been the bear
Celebrating lesbian visibility week means acknowledging transmasc/multigendered lesbians. Even if we don’t fit your idea of what a transmasc/multigendered person looks like
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