#edit: meant to write this as ch 15 not 14!
chocoandmimi · 1 year
ChocoMimi Volume 2 English
Chapter 15
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
Underwater ~ Zetta x Adele Series (SC Titanic)
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Here's the masterlist of the Zetta x Adele Series which I decided to title Underwater. Sorry I coulnd’t complete it but I doubt anyone would notice and I’m in a bad place to write atm.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to the couple of folks who supported me through this project that meant a lot to me and to @jackievarma for submitting these amazing edits which bring back to the time when the Titanic started its journey.
Ch 1: Southampton
Ch 2/1: James' Surprise
Ch 2/2: James' Surprise
Ch 3: A Dinner In First Class
Ch 4: A Shuffleboard Match
Ch 5: Confessions
Ch 6: A Matter of Trust
Ch 7: The Velvet Box
Ch 8/1: The Turkish Baths  NS*W
Ch 8/2: The Turkish Baths  NS*W
Ch 9: A Secret Unveiled
Ch 10/1: The Birthday Party 
Ch 10/2: The Birthday Party
Ch 11/1: Asunder
Ch 11/2: Asunder
Ch 12: The Darkest Hour
Ch 13: The Carpathia
Ch 14: New York, At Last
Ch 15: A Life So Changed
Ch 16: Surviving The Titanic
Ch: 17: The Movie Party
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myownworldstayout · 5 years
New Friends Ch. 15
Ch.1 / Ch.14 / Ch.16
(So, I’m thinking I’ll just update these when I write them, ya know? but I’ll try to update at least every week- or every Sunday -if I fall behind)
“Felix, you should’ve seen yourself!” Wayhem exclaimed, practically buzzing with excitement. “You had this weird suit on and your hair was black and, man, your eyes they-”
“They were intense!” Aurore jumped in, flailing her arms around. As soon as school was over, the group was insistent upon giving Felix a detailed play-by-play on what he did under Hawkmoth’s control. Strangely enough, they seemed pretty proud of his work. 
“You would’ve loved Lila’s look of horror when she spit out her tongue.” Kagami said calmly, though she held an air of amusement in her tone.
The blond in question nodded along absently, keeping his nose in his book. He didn’t appear to be too interested in learning about his akumatization. 
Marinette bit the inside of her lip, shifting on her bedroom floor. She wanted to ask him if he was alright, but they hadn’t gotten a moment alone since they returned to the school earlier. Not only that, she really needed to go talk to Master Fu about their.. Situation. 
“Marinette was awesome, as always, talking you down to let Chat Noir catch up with us.” Wayhem added, straightening with pride as he smiled at her.
Felix’s gaze flicked to Marinette at the comment, and she noticed the grip on his book seemed a little tighter than necessary.
“Speaking of which, how did Felix get akumatized?” Aurore asked thoughtfully. 
Marinette glanced at Felix, trying to gawk a reaction on how she should respond. He didn’t give her any clues.
“He took the butterfly for me.” She finally said. “He used his book as a shield, but then got akumatized himself.”
Wayhem whistled. “And what an akuma it was! If it weren’t for you, Ladybug and Chat Noir might have never caught him.” 
“I know right!” Aurore grinned. “I wonder what would have happened if they didn’t catch him, ya know? Fe as a villain makes a lot of sense, actually.”
A frown tugged at the corner of Marinette’s lips. Felix? As a villain? She didn’t even want to imagine it. 
And from the way he tensed up next to her, she had a hunch he didn’t want to either.
“Felix could never be a villain.” She spoke up on his behalf.
Kagami chuckled. “I don’t know, Marinette. He certainly doesn’t seem like the hero type.”
“And look at today! I heard he even got Chat Noir to lose the ability to feel. Do you think Ladybug got hit?” Wayhem said eagerly. No one wanted the heroes to suffer, of course, but now that they knew everything was alright, it was fun to talk about it. 
Aurore groaned. “Ugh, I wish you could remember what you did!”
Felix huffed, and Marinette barely caught the reply, “That makes one of us.” 
Aurore and Wayhem both took a breath to continue their rambles when Luka cleared his throat.
“Hey, guys, it’s getting kinda late. We should probably get going so we can get our homework done.” 
The group glanced out the window, seeing the sun just starting to set over the buildings. 
Marinette smiled. She knew what Luka was doing, and she couldn’t be more grateful. How was he able to read them all so well?
“I think that’s a good idea.” Kagami agreed, catching onto the scheme and standing up.
A few extra looks from the two had Aurore and Wayhem on their feet as well. 
“Oh, right, yeah. We were definitely assigned homework.” Wayhem nodded awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
“See you guys tomorrow!” Aurore waved, being the first to open the trapdoor and step down the ladder. 
Everyone left single-file through the trapdoor. Until it was Felix’s turn. 
“Uhm..” Marinette started, lightly touching his upper arm to stop him. She’d hoped he would pick up on Luka’s message and stay put. That would have saved some awkwardness. “Why don’t we go up to the balcony? For some fresh air?”
Felix looked down at her hand, contemplating her words.
Marinette leaned on the balcony, feeling the cool metal against her arms. The red sun slowly slipped beneath the buildings, melting into an orange sky. The chatter of their friends grew faint as they traveled to their separate homes. She glanced at Felix, who was leaning on the balcony next to her. He still wouldn’t meet her gaze, choosing to watch the sky instead. 
It wasn’t until they couldn’t hear the others talking anymore that she spoke.
“Are you.. Are you okay?” The question felt ridiculous. Felix obviously wasn’t acting like himself. Though she’d never been akumatized herself, Marinette knew how much it can affect people. 
Felix didn’t respond at first, lowering his eyes to the sidewalk.
“I could have hurt you today.” His voice was so small, so soft, it made Marinette’s heart ache. It made her want to hold him close and tell him everything was fine, just like he did for her two days ago. 
Felix sighed, shaking his head. “I thought I was helping. You.. being who you are..”
Marinette held back a laugh. “Being who she is”? That’s a good way of referring to her alter ego. She’d have to remember that.
“I knew you couldn’t get akumatized, but I didn’t think about what would happen if I got akumatized. All the things I did, all the things I could’ve done. And you were so close to me, I just..” He trailed off, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Who knows what I could’ve done to you.” 
She couldn’t help the blush spreading across her cheeks. Even though Felix knew she was Ladybug, He was still thinking about her safety, her protection. He was upset because he could have hurt her.
And I love you for it. Her blush deepened when she remembered his words from earlier. She’d brushed them off because of the circumstances. People say crazy things all the time under Hawkmoth’s influence. But seeing him now… was it possible he meant it? What if Felix did love her? How would she even feel about that? Did she love him back?
Marinette drew in a breath to calm herself, hesitantly touching his forearm. 
“For the record.. I don’t think you could ever hurt me. Even when you were akumatized, you didn’t touch me. Not as Marinette or Ladybug.” 
She remembered the way he spoke to her, the way he looked at her so tenderly despite being filled with hatred and vengeance. No, Felix would never hurt her, would he? He actually cared for her, however hard that may be to see.
Felix finally met her eyes, and Marinette stared back. She hadn’t noticed the blue specks in his silver eyes until now.
Her heart skipped a beat when he carefully placed his hand on hers.
“Well, at least I had some sense about me during.. that time.” He murmured, turning away from her again. It was like he didn’t think he deserved to look at her anymore. 
Marinette glanced down at their hands. The others always joked about it, but she never realized how protective Felix really was of her until now.
“I want to help.” He had said. He didn’t want her being Ladybug alone. He’d proven how serious he was about keeping that promise today.
“Felix, I want to take you somewhere, but it’s kind of far. How do you feel about heights?”
Lila still found herself shifting her tongue in her mouth even hours later. Stupid Felix. Marinette was supposed to be the one akumatized! Not him! But of course he ended up taking the hit, huh? He just had to be her loyal lap dog till the end, didn’t he? 
“I’m surprised we had to finish our classes today. That akuma was brutal.” She heard Nino sigh as she walked into the Clair De Lune cafe. Adrien, Alya, and Nino were having a study session to finish homework and talk. Naturally, she was invited as well.
“I know right! I couldn’t even get good footage of Felix because of that stunt he pulled.” Alya complained, swiping on her phone. Try as she might, Lila could hear the uneasiness in the reporter’s voice clear as day.
“Oh, that stinks. Maybe I can help you clear the footage later!” Lila joined in, sitting in the empty seat next to Alya. She ignored the way Nino switched looks with Adrien.
“Really? I didn’t know you could edit videos.” Alya said gingerly, also ignoring the boys’ reactions.
Lila scoffed, holding her head high with a smile. “Of course! How else do you think I helped Jagged Stone with his concerts, or got that charity event over the news?” 
“Hey, Al, I thought you said you weren’t inviting Lila.” Nino suddenly whispered, lightly nudging his girlfriend. 
Lila’s smile faltered at that. She almost had to look away to avoid glaring at him. Why was Nino getting skittish all of a sudden? She thought that offer to get him a solo act on TV had pulled him in for sure!
Alya rolled her eyes, setting her phone down on the table. “I already told you. It was a misunderstanding!” 
“Uh, what was a misunderstanding?” Lila asked hesitantly. 
The two turned to her, Nino with a frown and Alya with a sigh.
“Nino thinks your lying.” 
“I didn’t say that!”
“Yes you did!” 
“Lying? Me?” Lila gasped, dramatically putting a hand to her mouth and batting her eyes.
“Yeah!” Alya answered before Nino could explain himself. “He says that since Felix said you were ‘spreading lies and filth’ that you’d lied somehow. I told him it was crazy, of course.”
Nino huffed, shifting his cap. “Felix was a truth akuma! Those kinds literally can’t lie!” 
“He was a punishment akuma. He could have easily bent the punishments to fit his own delusions.” Alya shot back, crossing her arms. 
While they were distracted with each other, Lila blinked several times, then widened her eyes as much as possible. She used up all of her eyedrops earlier so this would have to do.
“Guys, please, you don’t have to fight!” She cut in, flailing her arms a bit. 
“It’s..it’s really okay. I understand why you’re upset, Nino. It only makes sense you’d think I’m responsible for the horrible things Felix did. He was akumatized because I outed him as a bully, after all.” Lila lamented, eyes wide and teary as she traced circles on the table with her finger. 
Alya gasped in disbelief, sending a quick glare to Nino before grabbing Lila’s shoulder in comfort. 
“Of course it’s not your fault! Felix is the one to blame here. That man’s a villain whether he’s akumatized or not.” She said bitterly.
Lila nodded, standing up nonetheless. 
“Thank you, Alya. you’re so sweet! I wouldn’t want Nino to be  uncomfortable, though..” She smiled sadly, hanging her head a bit and gesturing towards the capped boy.
As expected, Alya immediately turned to Nino, giving him a look. The DJ appeared to be disgruntled by it, but only sunk in his seat and put on his headphones.
“No, it’s not a problem. You can stay.” He grumbled.
Upon hearing the words, Lila immediately straightened and sat back down in her seat. Good. She still had Alya. Adrien didn’t say anything at all during the exchange, meaning she also still had him. Now, about getting Nino back..
Ladybug held Felix tightly in her arms as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop. She thought he would be nervous when she suggested they travel in this manner, but to her surprise, he seemed completely calm. Actually, she could’ve sworn she saw a faint smile grace his lips when she made a particularly long leap. His arms hung loosely around her neck, unbothered even when she became unbalanced a few times from extra weight. He trusted her.
The thought warmed her heart. Felix trusted her. She vowed to show him that his trust wasn’t misplaced.
“Alright, We’re here.” She announced, landing in front of Master Fu’s massage shop. “I’m gonna go detransform real quick. Don’t go anywhere.” 
Felix nodded, tentatively studying the building before them, and Marinette ducked into an alleyway nearby.
“What do you think Master Fu’s gonna say when you explain things to him?” Tikki said eagerly, taking a bite of the macaroon Marinette gave her. 
“Hopefully he says ‘Yes’.” Marinette muttered to herself, signaling for Tkkki to hide as she walked out of the alleyway.
“Are you ready to go inside?” She asked Felix, situating her bag on her shoulder.
He nodded, stepping towards the door. “Yes, but why are we here?”
Marinette smiled, a certain eagerness reflecting in her eyes. “You’ll see.”
Breath in.
Then breath out.
Breath in.
Then breath out.
Things were getting a little out of hand as of late. They still didn’t have any leads on Hawkmoth. Ladybug seemed to be getting more anxious, and Chat Noir.. he’s a steadily growing problem. Their dynamic as heroes was fine for the time being, but as civilians-
“Master! Ladybug is here!” Wayzz suddenly called out, right before a knock sounded on his door.
“Master? It’s Marinette. I came to talk to you about something.” 
Unsurprising. She wouldn’t come to him if that wasn’t the case. Now, to decide exactly how important that something was. Perhaps she wanted to vent about Lila again, or maybe give some development about Adrien..
“Of course, of course. Come on in. you are always welcome here, Marinette.” He said warmly, standing to open the door for her.
A few whispers came from the other side, and when he pulled the door open, he noticed a blonde-haired boy accompanying her. The blonde looked to be around her age and had a strange resemblance to Plagg’s holder. They were probably related somehow.
Marinette smiled, giving a small bow. “Thank you, Master. Let’s talk in the room, if you don’t mind.”
Fu nodded and stepped to the side so she could pass. “Will your friend be joining us?”
She spare a glance to the boy. “He’ll come in later.” 
“Someone found out my identity.” 
Fu tried not to look panicked at the statement. Identity reveals cause a lot of problems, especially when they’re created on accident.
“The boy outside?” He assumed.
She nodded. “But it’s not what you think.” 
A slight sense of relief. Maybe the reveal was on purpose then? Or something else caused him to find out? Either way, it was good to see Marinette so composed. It meant she had control of the situation.
“He wants to help us.” She then added.
“Go on.” Fu prompted, lightly stroking his chin. 
She quickly explained from the beginning, how she met the boy, their growing friendship, the reveal, his akumatization. Everything.
“I know we don’t normally do this,” Marinette said, subtly playing with the carpet on the floor, “but I think Felix has proven himself.”
Fu didn’t respond at first, considering her words.
“Permanent heroes can be risky. Are you sure he’s ready for this responsibility?”
“Absolutely.” Her tone was confident and certain with a clear determination blazing in her eyes.
Fu smiled. “Then I trust your judgement. Please, bring him in.” 
Felix shifted on the floor in the hall for the fourth time in the last ten minutes. He still had no idea why they were there, or why Marinette decided to become so cryptic all of a sudden. 
Speaking of cryptic, who was the man that she greeted on the door? Why did she call him ‘Master’?
The doorknob turned, and Felix scrambled to his feet. The door swung open, revealing the old man from earlier. Marinette stood behind him, a bright smile on her face.
“Master Fu, this is Felix Culpa.” She introduced.
The man narrowed his eyes, looking Felix up and down. It felt odd being on the other end of a scrutinizing gaze.
He then smiled. “Nice to meet you, Felix.” 
“Likewise.” Felix replied shortly, sparing another questioning glance to Marinette. Her smile didn’t waver.
The man- Master Fu, apparently? -waved his cane towards the room.
“Come in. There is much to talk about.” 
Felix found himself following without much resistance. Something about the man’s demeanor told him there was no need for paranoia. 
“It’s my understanding that you would like to help out.” Master Fu inquired vaguely as they sat down. 
Another quick glance to Marinette. 
“Yes, as much as I can.” 
Master Fu gave a satisfied nod, then gestured to the ravenette next to them. “Ladybug’s made quite a vouch for you.” 
Heat rose to his cheeks. She.. vouched for him?
“And I trust her judgement.” Fu continued. “Now it’s up to you.” 
Felix didn’t miss Marinette’s small gasp when the man took off his turtle shaped bracelet and handed it to him.
“Felix Culpa, will you take the miraculous of protection and accept the responsibility to stay by Ladybug’s side in times of peril?” 
Felix didn’t respond at first, turning it in his hand. It was hard to believe such a mundane object could hold so much power. 
“Yes. I will protect her.” He finally answered, meeting Marinette’s gaze. “With my life.” 
Marinette practically skipped out onto the sidewalk. That went so much better than she expected!
“So what do we do now?” Felix asked next to her, still studying the miraculous on his wrist.
“Now, we train.” She answered, turning into the alleyway she de-transformed in earlier. “You need to get used to your new powers. So we’re gonna go on a small run through Paris, but be careful. I don’t want anyone finding out there’s a new turtle hero yet.” 
The sun had set while they were inside. Therefore, they could use the night as a cloak for now. She didn’t want Hawkmoth getting wind of another permanent hero.
Felix didn’t bother asking for her reasons. “How do I transform?” 
“Just say, ‘Wayzz, Shell On’!” Wayzz spoke up, flying up to Felix’s side. It had been a special surprise for Marinette when Master Fu gave up his miraculous. She supposed it made sense, though, with Felix being so protective.
Felix said the magic words, and a shimmering, green light washed over him. 
His costume had similarities to Carapace’s. He still had the shell shield on his back, the same goggles, and color scheme, but there were also differences. For example, Felix’s hood was down, resting on his shoulders instead of his head. Dark green patches stretched across his elbows and knees, emphasizing the mini turtle shells strapped wrapped around them. The last difference was the dark green rings around his wrists and ankles. Overall, he looked..
“Impressive. What’s your name?”
Felix hummed, running his hands through his hair, which looked about the same in and out of costume.
“Buclier.” He decided, nodding to himself in silent confirmation. “Yeah, Buclier.” 
Ladybug smirked. “Alright, ‘Buclier’, ready to show me what you’ve got?” 
Alya blew out a sigh as she opened the cafe door. She couldn’t believe how long it took to finish their homework. It was already night time!
“What did you guys get for number five again?” Nino asked behind her, holding his notebook with a confused expression.
Alya playfully groaned, looking up at the clear, starry sky with a smile. “Nino, for the hundredth time, it’s-”
A shadow passed over head. 
“Did you see that?” 
“See what?” 
Another shadow passed.
“That!” Alya shouted, grabbing Nino’s arm and pointing to the spot she saw them. The first shadow definitely had a bit of red in it. Maybe it was Chat Noir and Ladybug on patrol again!
“Alya, I don’t see-”
Nino was cut off by a yank from Alya, who was dashing in the direction the shadows went. She didn’t see Ladybug during today’s akuma, and Felix got in her way the time before. There was no way she’d pass up another opportunity like this!
They wound through the streets of Paris, Alya fumbling to take out her phone and Nino shuffling behind her.
“I don’t think we should be doing this.” Nino mumbled uneasily.
Alya waved him off. “Why not? Ladybug obviously doesn’t mind. She even- oh look, there they are!” 
She felt Nino bump into her when she suddenly stopped, but Alya was too focused on the pair ahead of her to mind. They stopped on a rooftop together and seemed to be talking. She wished she was close enough to hear them.
Raising her phone, Alya focused the camera on the two. Thanks to the city lights, She was able to see their figures, but nothing more. She started recording anyway, about to begin her usual greeting when something stopped her.
“Wait, who is that?” 
“Who is who?” Nino responded, leaning around her to get a better view.
A third person, one with a tail and a familiar pair of ears. It was Chat Noir, but that didn’t make any sense. If that was Chat Noir, then who’s the other person that Ladybug’s talking too? A new hero? There weren’t any akumas out though..
What was going on?
Buclier did his best to keep up with Ladybug. Knowing this hero of Paris was also his clumsy classmate helped him not to feel too embarrassed when he slipped on a few rooftops every now and then. It didn’t help the mini heart attacks, though. You’d think the shoes to this suit would have more friction.
“Hey, you’re doing pretty good.” Ladybug complimented, stopping on a random rooftop to catch her breath.
“Well, I’ll certainly need more practice.” Buclier sighed, reaching up to fix his turtle shell. There was nothing wrong with it. He just felt a bit awkward having something on his back. The shield was surprisingly light. 
For convenience in battle. He reasoned.
Ladybug shrugged, straightening to look at the night sky. “I think you’ll pick it up easily. You’re already really flexible, for some reason.” 
“My mother didn’t put me through ballet for nothing.”
Ladybug blinked. “Wait, you take ballet?” 
“Since I was six.” Felix confirmed.
“How did I not know about this?” 
He opened his mouth to reply, but a certain alley cat interrupted him.
“Okay! I’m here!” Chat assured, landing between them and holding his staff at the ready. “Where’s the akuma? Or emergency or whatever? Why didn’t you call me, Bugaboo?” 
Something about Chat calling Marinette ‘Bugaboo’ didn’t seem to sit right with Felix, but he ignored it. They were going to be a team now, after all. They needed to learn to work together, for Ladybug’s sake.
“Uh.. because there isn’t an emergency.” Ladybug replied. “Chat, this is Buclier. He’s going to be a permanent hero, now.” 
Chat frowned, confusion spreading across his features as he put his staff away. “Permanent hero? I thought we didn’t do that. And what happened to Carapace?”
Ladybug winced. “There were.. Difficulties.” 
Felix wondered what she meant by that. “Difficulties”. Although he knew her identity, Marinette had yet to reveal the other miraculous secrets to him that she knew. He didn’t mind. She would tell him when she- or he -was ready.
“Anyway, I talked with Master Fu. He agreed that this was a good course of action. If we have another hero behind the scenes, we might be able to defeat the akumas faster and find out where Hawkmoth is hiding.” 
Chat glanced between Buclier and Ladybug, not appearing to be fond with the idea.
“I guess..” He finally relented. “So we keep this a secret then?” 
Ladybug nodded. “Yes, for now.” 
Chat Noir nodded as well, shifting to get a better look at Buclier.
“Well, welcome to the team, but just so you know,” He wrapped his arm around Ladybug’s shoulders, “LB and I are super close. So don’t get too comfortable.” 
Yeah, that definitely didn’t sit right with Felix. 
“Chat!” Ladybug scolded, slipping out of the heroine’s grasp.
“What? It’s true.” Chat Noir defended, crossing his arms like the petulant child Buclier decided he was.
“Thank you for the welcome, but I believe Ladybug was trying to ‘show me the ropes’.” Buclier spoke up, subtly stepping more between Chat and Ladybug like Chat had done moments earlier.
“He’s right!” Ladybug agreed, effectively cutting the cat off. “We should get going. See you later!” 
She threw her yo-yo out and swung away before anyone could object. Felix followed, not acknowledging Chat’s glare as he left. It appeared this team-up was going to be a bit more rocky than he had hoped.
Tag List:  @unabashedbookworm @bluerosette23 @minightrose@kuroko26@im-here-for-the-content @angstyrastuff @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanboy7794@choaticneturcl @bigcheeseyboi @burntnugget-tae @ayuchan07@honorisfortheweak @knightrose15 @mjisntme@rhub4rb @simplythebestbug@wilhelmares@zebrabaker@dargeon-lissa @kristycocopop @alumneia @kaydenth3gayden @thornangelic727 @flirtshobi @whatamessofwords @offically-over-it @flashflashitsash @thewingting @aegyobutpsycho2 @zoeytheweeb @zeyheartstaylor @friedchickening
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mego42 · 4 years
14 and 18 for the pic ask
I want you to know that my pre-caffeinated brain sat here for a good thirty minutes trying to figure out wtf pic ask I reblogged in a drunken haze before realizing you probs meant fic ask (and if not I’m sorry I have no idea what that is and, as per usual, will proceed like I know what I’m talking about regardless)
14. If you could take one word and publicly shame it for having inadequate synonyms, which would you choose?
Literally all of them. The problem with words, or at least the really good ones, is they all have extremely specific nuances to them and I have a tendency to get really attached and use the same word 15 times in a row (just ask @nickmillerscaulk how many times apprehensive/sion showed up in ch 7 of song) and then my brain will freeze up and refuse to accept any substitutes.
Nouns are especially awful because what am I gonna substitute like, the word counter with???? But also if I’m writing a scene that involves counter space bc like, idk, people are fcking on it, how am I supposed to avoid mentioning it multiple times?????!!
Writing is stupid, basically. I hate words.
18. Provide a summary of the hellscape that is your creative process from idea to publish?
at this point I’ve got the process pretty well nailed down, variables include kitchen deep cleaning, drinking and/or dance breaks when I get stuck or hit milestones:
have a neat idea > start trying to figure out what it’ll look like and/or write pieces of it > idea spirals wildly out of my control > I lose my whole mind > keep writing anyway bc I have terrible instincts for self preservation > pace around a lot > mountains of whining at whoever will let me > solicit prompts and/or start working on something else/new due to the aforementioned terrible instincts > eventually and with much cursing force a draft out of my brain > now to edit!!!! > why did I think this was a good idea > lots of cursing myself for only knowing three words > why did I think that was a good idea > more whining > seriously how do I only know three words > grammarly > post it once I’m so sick of looking at it I could scream
extremely relatable fic writer asks
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
guess who’s down to a normal(ish) number of fics. surprise, it’s me. I played so much beach vball yesterday (we won), but my body is cramped and I will be doing no moving today, which means writing.
that means, progress check in! everything below is RNM and Malex is in them as either main or supporting because I’m predictable
Avengers AU: 7144 words; once No Love Like Your Love chapter 14 is posted and 15 is halfway done, I am going to start posting this. It’s heavy ensemble, but will work best in the No Love style where I work on chapters with purpose
Maribel AU: 1092 words; PRETTY DETERMINED to finish this for Ladies’ Week, so I’m going to give it focus; doubt it will creep higher than 4k as it’s meant to be a few flashes of scenes
Jesse Manes Gets a “Genie” Wish and Uses It Horribly: 360 words - goal is to get this past 1000, should be easy
“Zombie” Alex: 1153 words
The Mummy AU: 1895 words
No Love Like Your Love, Ch. 14: 250 words; the truth is I need to figure out what I want to put in the opening scene and I feel like I’m missing something, but I have starts to all three scenes that will be in the chapter. Gonna try and give this attention
Isobel & Alex friendship fic: No words, concepts only
Sleeping Beauty-esque Alex fic: No words, concepts only
Stardust AU: 3158 words, the next chapter is ready to be posted, I just need to edit, so that’s on the plate
New one that I need to concept involving the “aren’t meant to touch alien things” concept
So, today’s focus: edit Stardust, finish Maribel piece, over 1000 on genie story, and general progress on everything else
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SV ch.55
Okay I’m nervous. 
Looking at the style of murals to the sides of the corridor, there was a strong yin ambiance, and it was clear to see this was Luo Binghe’s headquarters in the Demon Realm.
But I am totally not panicking.
The two both had nothing to say, not giving each other a sideways glance. One in front and one behind, their footsteps made no breath of sound. The atmosphere was stiff and cold.
This is the definition of PAIN. I need some bingqiu communication right now
Pushing open the door and entering, the furnishings and arrangement of the room were quite familiar-looking. In fact, it was quite similar to the bamboo house on Qing Jing Peak.
Omg. OMG. So let me get this straight. Lbh spent years mourning his Shizun, keeping the wounds he had left him, keeping sqq's broken sword, keeping his freaking corpse and (now we find out) making a room similar to the one in the bamboo house-
This is borderline obsession and yet my heart aches for lbh so much i just... PLS Shizun. PLS.
Now acting like a miserable child and throwing tantrums, making his heart overflow with sympathy. Now again hitting his face and telling him it was all an act. Real or fake, his eyes weren’t sharp enough to clearly see autumn feathers and see through Luo Binghe’s heart to understand what he was really thinking, some parts truth and some parts hypocrisy.
(Guys, sqq is angry because lbh put on a facade in the dreamscape. He is angry and disappointed and wary of lbh possibly using the same "trick" on him again and again just to move sqq's heart. I honestly thought Shizun had understood by now.
Like, okay, lbh tricked him the second time to see if that was really Shizun or just a figment of his imagination, but can you blame him?? You have been dead for years, sqq!! He probably went insane with pain, has always been in love with you when in his eyes you betrayed him by pushing him into the abyss, come on! If you two would just fucking talk-)
While he was still brooding over these thoughts, Luo Binghe walked a step closer to him.
(A n X i E t Y)
EDIT 4: here is an exemplar of Shizun using a series of excuses to keep himself rooted in place and not back down in front of an advancing lbh. Still, he is a mess inside.
But he was still inevitably tense, his heart stretched taut as a bowstring, his eyelids jumping and fingertips curled.
How was Luo Binghe so perceptive? He advanced another step.
“Shizun, what do you think I’m going to do to you?”
(o m g. Omg o can't feel my legs-)  
Shen Qingqiu said sincerely, “I cannot guess.”
Luo Binghe reached out his right hand. Shen Qingqiu didn’t make a sound or movement, but his gaze couldn’t help but stick to his fingertips, following them as they reached out.
That hand was neat and slender. It didn’t look like the hand of a Demon Race young master who had already taken countless lives, but rather one which was born to pluck strings, a hand to burn incense and bathe in snow. It slid shyly over his cheek, faintly brushing his skin.
LBH IS ToUcHiNg Shizun's cheek-)
And then it landed on his throat.
Lbh no- *whispers*
EDIT 6: I died, like, for 5 minutes before gathering the courage to go on. And BLESS GOD I DID BECAUSE
Luo Binghe retracted his hand. The next time he opened his mouth, it was impossible to tell if he was happy, angry, sorrowful, or joyful. “My blood, it’s not responding to my beckoning.”
Luo Binghe said, “It looks like in these short few days, Shizun has had another fortuitous meeting.” 
Shen Qingqiu said, “Well, what can you do about it? Make me drink it again?” 
Luo Binghe said, “You’ll run if you drink it, you’ll run if you don’t, both options are the same. I had better not make Shizun add another layer of loathing for me in his heart.”
(OKAY NO. N O. I'm not good with tension. I can't bear it. So pls stop and no one will get hurt, okay?)
Luo Binghe fixed his gaze on him for a time, then said, “Is there anything you desire?”
Shen Qingqiu said, “Anything is acceptable?”
Luo Binghe nodded. A sudden malicious sentiment arising from his gut, Shen Qingqiu bluntly said, “I want to see you as little as possible. Best if I never see you at all.”
okay it's a joke, right? Ah ah ah ah funny, now stop this. When I said I desperately wanted these two to meet, i meant to pray for FLUFF. NOT THIS. THIS. WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS.
Luo Binghe looked like he never expected Shen Qingqiu to make this sort of request, his face paling.
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EDIT 8: thank you, system, your presence always makes my anger cool off. I love reading Shizun talk to it, it reminds me this novel is too good to be true, an yet it exists. Bless.
With a ringing notification sound, the System quietly began to download the upgrade package. Shen Qingqiu had a sudden thought and asked, “Right, what is the name of this feature upgrade?”
The System: 【Small Scenario Pusher Luxury Edition.】
Let's go bring down those heartbreak points now
With many official duties to attend to, perhaps unable to extricate himself, all along he had not shown his face.
…or maybe that day, his glass heart had been shattered by Shen Qingqiu’s harsh words, and he didn’t dare to appear. 
Shen Qingqiu tore his thoughts away from that latter path with great difficulty.
IS THAT REGRET, SHIZUN? IS IT? I S I T? System, pls summon me and let me go hug lbh or else I'll cry
EDIT 10:
Furthermore, Luo Binghe didn’t act like the characters in the books his younger sister liked to read in his previous life and shackle him with chains, blindfolded and gagged, stripped and beaten. He might as well be content with whatever he has and make himself at home wherever he is.
For Shen Qingqiu to attempt to comfort himself with these words, there must be sh*t in his brains! He wasn’t some sort of Stockholm syndrome patient, feeling deep gratitude for being fattened in captivity. Don’t you understand, you need to bring about a fortunate lifestyle yourself, not by relying on others’ charity?!
(You're right, Shizun, of course. That's why there is a pretty simple solution- TALK TO LBH WITHOUT ACCUSING HIM, TRY TO UNDERSTAND. WOULD YOU?)
EDIT 12: sqh is here!
OH. SO HE SOLD SHIZUN OUT. OH, okay. I don't know if I should hate him or congratulate him, I never know if I should consider the events from the point of view of a reader or a writer, me being both (I mean, like, I occasionally write, so I know sometimes one makes characters do strange, despicable things, not like I am a super pro write didn't want to sound pretentious, eh eh), so I'm like "what the fucking hell sqh, what about friendship?" and "omg good job mxtx, this character is so interesting, what even is moral ptf!"
And now
Gave Xiu Ya sword back to Shizun. Let's add this to the increasingly long list of "things that show how much lbh cares for Shizun and make my heart crack"
EDIT 13:
On the other side, Shang Qinghua laughed nervously and rubbed his hands, clicking his tongue and saying, “Aiyah, I really, really never thought… the storyline would bend so far out of shape. Remarkable, really remarkable.”
Shen Qingqiu: “The stallion novel protagonist you wrote turned into a cut-sleeve, shouldn’t you be angry?”
Shang Qinghua said sincerely, “It doesn’t matter. Either way, the one he fell for wasn’t me.”
(there, see? I love him.)
Shen Qingqiu gave him a cordial middle finger, lowering his head to polish his sword. Shang Qinghua gave him a thumbs-up. “Really, you don’t need to be so pessimistic. You have good prospects for the future, quite good prospects. These golden thighs, they’re strong, reliable!”
Shen Qingqiu said, “Take your ****ing golden thighs. If I have to hug those thighs, where do you think they’ll take me? Between the legs!”
Shang Qinghua: “Between the legs is even better, ah. Between the legs is a man’s most important place.”
(OMG OMG THIS turning out too good I'm having too much fun!!
Sqh surely is a man of wisdom. BLESS HIM.)
EDIT 14: okay plot, PLOT.
“…” At long last Shen Qingqiu knew the true origin of all those plot holes. “So you just went to write the harem plotline, and might as well leave the more serious Bing-ge’s dad plotline full of holes?”
But I am honestly scared, 'cause this means whatever sqh's previous plan for the novel were, they may still happen. That means everyone is potentially in danger, if the danger is not lbh.)
Lbh comes.
Like, I love you baby, but-
Luo Binghe’s eyelashes drooped. After standing for a bit, it seemed he had come to a major decision. He said stiffly, “Even though those earlier events happened in a dream realm, I took advantage of Shizun. But the feelings I revealed to you then, those were not false.”
(GOOD BABY. G O O D. Let it sink, let Shizun understand how much you care.l
EDIT 16: lbh is trying to finally, finally let Shizun understand how he felt and why he did what he did and I'm so glad he is trying. I get why these two would need to learn how to trust one another all over again, that is totally okay, it's fine if they need to guard their feelings for a while before settling this problem, so reading about them talking, about lbh trying to reach Shizun fills me with hope.
His face gradually settled into a gloomy expression from his sneer. Drawing closer the distance between the two, he said, “But what if I said, that towards Shizun, I only remember, not hate, most likely I wouldn’t be believed.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 18
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 18 – Kaia’s POV.
It was irrational and fully based on emotions but Kaia promptly decided she couldn’t stay anymore. She took one look around her and went straight for her luggage bag, hoisting it up onto the bed and started to messily pack her belongings into it. The tears soon came and her stomach was eating at itself with guilt. Kaia knew she couldn’t take it anymore; she couldn’t be here watching Changmin live the way he was, remaining oblivious to how she felt. Kaia knew she could tell him but the reality of that was harsh, it was impossible for Changmin to date her. Kaia’s only option was to get out of this contract and hope one day that their friendship would return.
For now though, she needed to escape. After finishing her packing, she tried to quietly depart the apartment, opting to carry the heavy luggage bag so its wheels didn’t sound across the wooden floors. Kaia made it to the front door, and after slipping her feet into her shoes, she opened it. Once out in the hallway, she briskly made her way out of the building, hoping no one had heard her departure. With a final look up at the complex, Kaia wiped away her tears and started dragging her luggage down the still bustling sidewalk. Her pace dwindled, and she eventually found a bench to sit down on. Kaia didn’t know what her next move was. If she went home now, she would be in trouble for not finishing her report of TVXQ’s trip to Japan. However, her front row journalism would be difficult to achieve considering she had decided to avoid Changmin. Lowering her head, she let out a defeated sigh. The contract had damaged so much and they had both been oblivious to the destruction in its path. All the little comments Yunho had been making clicked in her head, and Kaia wondered why the warning bells hadn’t gone off earlier. He had been able to see the outcome before anyone else.
Pulling out her phone, Kaia was slightly relieved that her departure hadn’t been detected after all. Dialling a familiar number, she listened to it ring a couple of times. The recipient cleared his throat before answering. Taking a shallow breath, Kaia played with the handle on my bag. “Jae, I have to leave Tokyo but I hope we can meet in Korea sometime.”
“Tell me where you are? Are you at the airport?!” He was suddenly alert and Kaia grimaced, wondering if it had of better to just text the Korean. Smiling, she knew that there would have been no way to escape Jaewon easily either way. “Kaia?!”
“I’m sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. But I could meet you at our Starbucks?” she answered after a bit and could hear that he was moving quickly around his room.
“I’ll be there, don’t leave until I am, okay?” The phone call clicked off and Kaia slowly got to her feet, heading to the coffee shop she now knew how to get to without little trouble. By the time she reached it, Kaia was surprised to see Jaewon already sitting inside the coffee shop, his dark eyes relaxing when he caught sight of her. She was slightly taken back by his reaction but smiled never the less. Making her way over to the table, she sat down and scooted her luggage bag as close as she could.
“Sorry for getting you up out of bed, I felt I should let you know that I’m heading back to Korea,” I explained and Jaewon nodded.
“When do you leave?”
“I just booked a flight whilst coming over here, it leaves at five-thirty AM.” Kaia sighed and gave a weak smile. Jaewon eyed her curiously.
“Did something happen with that musician you’re here with?”
She shook her head. “Not much, I just can’t hack this lifestyle. And to be honest I actually miss Seoul.”
“You’re running away.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And you like the guy you came with, but he obviously hasn’t noticed you like that so you can’t handle living his lifestyle when he won’t live yours a little too.”
Kaia blinked, wondering how Jaewon had picked all that up without her even mentioning it. She let out a little laugh, hoping it didn’t sound as phony as it did to her own ears. Kaia pointed at Jaewon and wagged her index finger at him. “Have you been watching Korean dramas, Jae? This is the real world, I wouldn’t even dream of thinking I could get with Ch-- my friend.”
“Well, I’ll miss ya, its been fun having you tag along with promotions. You will keep in contact right? So many people say they will, but then never do.”
“Jaewon.” Kaia smiled warmly and nodded. “How could I forget my hero? Course I’ll keep in contact.”
“Email me your home address,” he instructed and she looked at him weirdly. He smirked and leaned over the table towards her. “So I can come stalk you.”
“You would,” Kaia replied with a chuckle and he laughed with her. She sighed a moment later. “Thanks for everything though Jae, I-”
He shook his index finger. “Don’t make the mood sad again, or I will worry and press you for all the details.”
“Alright, I promise. After this drink, I should make my way to the airport though.”
“Well, let’s make this drink last,” he said with another laugh and launched into conversation.
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By the time Kaia reached the airport, the comfort of Jaewon’s company was slowly wearing off. She kept checking her watch for the time and not because she was worried about her flight. She had worked out that Changmin and Yunho would wake up half an hour before the boarding time and although she had estimated it nearly impossible for either of them to make it to the airport, Kaia was still paranoid that they would try and respond before she left for Korea.
Now, who’s the one thinking of Korean drama scenes? Kaia thought in attempts to calm down. She even let out a little laugh; the idea of Changmin coming after her did seem highly unlikely. But there was a tiny part of her, foolish to even think of it, that wanted him to realise her feelings and to chase after her.  Sighing heavily, Kaia knew that would never happen. Even if he wanted to, he wasn’t just Shim Changmin, but Choikang Changmin, one half of TVXQ. The idea became depressing as the time went by. Blinking back her tears, Kaia tried to focus on something to make the wait speed up. After sending a text to Keith and Sungra about returning home, she attempted to play a game on the device and failed to play it correctly. Eventually frustrated, Kaia shoved the phone in her pocket, folding her arms across her chest.
Looking up at the overhead screen, Kaia noticed the plane was open for boarding and got to her feet, heading for the boarding gate. The hostess bowed at her lightly and she handed over her ticket and passport. Kaia barely listened to what she had to say, her eyes looking around the terminal. It was busy, as expected of any airport, but within the sea of faces, she didn’t see any familiar ones. Kaia almost laughed out loud at her foolishness and took my passport back before heading through the doors. She didn’t stop walking until she was in the lounge, taking a heavy seat on a cushioned bench. Kaia regulated her breathing, trying to wrestle with the scolding her rational mind was giving. Just as she was calming down, Kai heard her phone go off, and she froze for a moment, before scrambling for the device in her pocket.
Unlocking it, she was instantly let down when she saw it was from Jaewon. Kicking herself again, Kaia opened the message and blinked several times. Her frazzled mind re-read the simple sentence several times before she took a really good look at it. 
Jaewon: Kaia, I really like you. I hope we can meet up in Korea soon. Jae x
“What is up with today?” She murmured as realisation hit that Jaewon meant he liked her more than a friend. She couldn’t help but smile, imagining how awkward he would be feeling and fretting over getting a response. She realised at that she liked him too. Although Kaia was so wrapped up in her feelings for Changmin, rational thoughts started to occur. She enjoyed Jaewon’s company and found him attractive. He was available to give her more time of the day than Changmin ever would. And he didn’t want her for just sex. The idea of Jaewon’s confession became more appealing by the minute and she was soon grinning, wondering how she should respond. Kaia hesitated for a moment, knowing that things could get tricky for her if he found out about Changmin.
He’s unattainable. You could be with someone who wants you for more than physical needs. Kaia smiled as the thought firmly stamped out her doubts and texted Jaewon back, telling him she was looking forward to meeting with him again.
She boarded the plane with a new resolve to her needs.
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“Where are the tears eh? Here I was expecting a friend who looked like a mess after the text I received telling me to come and pick you up four days ahead of schedule.”
“Thanks for the welcome home Keith,” Kaia mentioned as the man who had stepped forth to hug her pulled away. She gave him a strong look. “You’ve lost weight.”
“Fretting over you being in Japan, of course.”
“Hah.” Kaia glanced around her friend and blinked a couple of times, noticing for the first time that Sungra had accompanied him to pick her up. They shared a look before she lurched forward, Kaia’s arms soon clinging to Sungra’s petite frame. Kaia started to cry, a wave of nostalgia hitting her. She had missed Sungra more than she had realised.
“I’m sorry,” Sungra said as the tears slowed down and Kaia looked at her best friend and shook her head.
“No, that’s my line, I’m sorry I was such a shit friend. I should have told you, I was just-”
“Scared that I’d put you into a difficult position, I know.” Sungra smiled. “You were right not to you know, I probably would have asked you to let me meet them just once.”
“Can we still do that?” Keith asked with a grin and Kaia shoved him playfully. “No I’m serious; I’d love to say I met a God.”
“Shush you, let Kai relax first before we ask her for all the goss.”
Kaia groaned and started rolling her suitcase to the exit. “Do I really have to? It’s bad enough I have to face Minah and tell her that I’m unable to finish my job.”
“Minah already knows you’re back in Korea too.”
Kaia gasped and looked at Keith, clamping her eyes shut and stopping in her tracks. Sungra laughed heartily. “Kaia Ashton, you will forever be the most dramatic person I know.”
“I don’t want to get fired from two jobs!” Kaia wailed and then cringed as she felt both of her friends grab an arm each.
“First, we’re going to get some decent coffee. Secondly, you are going to tell us everything this time. No details are to be left out, understand?” Keith and Sungra were both looking at her sternly and Kaia sighed, nodding her head.
She just wondered how she was going to explain the mess she had left behind.
Part 19
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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norskies · 7 years
Every single thing I noticed and felt while watching Taylor’s LWYMMD music video
By now I think it’s a fair assumption to make that you have already seen @taylorswift ‘s new video for Look What You Made Me Do (it had over 39 million views in the first 24 hours). If you’re like me you may have rewatched it about 13 million times trying to decipher all the hidden meanings. If you’re not (cool) like me, you may have just watched it once and wondered: “what on earth did I just see??”.
Lucky for you I’ve decided to document my entire emotional journey through the 4:15 video. Disclaimer 1: many of these theories are my own opinions or theories I’ve read from other fans. I do not pretend to understand the entire genius of T-Swift. Disclaimer 2: I am a 100% biased Taylor Swift fan and therefore this analysis is 100% biased with my love for Tay. 
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Ok, opening scene. Spooky. Fits the soft but slightly creepy lullaby intro. Honestly thought we might be stepping into Hogwarts.
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Here is one of the first of many “TS” we will see throughout the video.
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For anyone who has been following Taylor the past year, this is a pretty clear reference to the online hate Taylor received after being “exposed” by Kim Kardashian (note: she was in no way exposed). Trolls began to fill social media with “RIP Taylor’s career” and “Taylor Swift Is Over Party”. It is a fitting place to begin the video.
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Does that dress look familiar to anyone? It appears to be the same dress Taylor wore in the Out Of The Woods music video (the last video from the 1989 era...symbolic right?).
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What is that on the tombstone behind Taylor? Nils Sjoberg. This was the alias name Taylor used when she helped write Calvin Harris’ “This Is What You Came For” (he later appeared to be less than happy once Taylor started receiving credit for the song). 
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We now see the old Taylor that Zombie Taylor is burying. This Taylor is dressed the same as when Taylor attended the Met Gala in 2014 (marking the beginning of the 1989 era). Here we literally see post-1989 Taylor burying pre-1989 Taylor. *tears*
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Taylor transforms from the graveyard into this beautiful scene. Several things to point out here. Taylor is almost literally drowning in jewels. Perhaps alluding to the media’s perception of Taylor being money obsessed? If you look closely, we also see a single dollar bill lying in the bathtub with her. Most likely referencing the symbolic 1 dollar Taylor requested in her countersuit against a former radio DJ who sexually assaulted her (Taylor won this case). Finally, and this may be a stretch but notice on the floor to the left of the bathtub what looks like a heart shaped locket? It’s possible this is the same locket that Calvin Harris gave Taylor for their 1 year anniversary. Wow. Brilliant. 
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ENTER SNAKES. We now get all the snake references we could ever need (also clearing up the snake video clues Taylor teased just a few days before releasing LWYMMD). The snakes themselves are a reference to the hate Taylor received after the Kim/Kanye blow up. Haters filled her Instagram and Twitter with snake emojis implying that Taylor herself was a snake. Looks like the joke is on them now. Also notice the subtle, “et tu brute” on the chair? We see this several times in this scene, of course referring to the betrayal Taylor has felt from people she thought were her friends. 
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And Snakes! Check out Taylor sipping on her tea that she now gets to serve up. It’s her time to tell the story and she’s doing it with this BA Salazar Slytherin look. 
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The golden car crash. This is an interesting scene because it has many interpretations. My gut reaction was Katy Perry. The feud is well known and Katy added fuel to the fire by releasing her song “Swish Swish” that was meant to be a dig at Tay. I think she looks very much like Katy here with the sunglasses and the short blonde hair. Notice she is even holding a single Grammy (something that Katy Perry does not have). However, it’s also been pointed out that this may also be a Kim Kardashian reference (which I will discuss later).
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A further analysis of the car crash shows the paparazzi taking pictures after Taylor crashes. Perhaps symbolically saying that the media loves to see Taylor suffer and fail? 
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Two things to note here. 1) Jaguar? Your guess is as good as mine. 2) The cute little guy is wearing a golden 13. 
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Next, we find Taylor in what looks like a giant bird cage. Wearing orange to perhaps symbolize that she feels like a prisoner at times? We also see a snake tattoo on her right leg. 
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At this point in the song, Taylor says “and threw a feast”. This could be a reference to KP’s song Bon Appetit. But it is unclear. Also, notice the rat on the table? Yeup just thought I’d point him out. 
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Now, this is a fun scene. Tay is robbing a currently undisclosed location. The cat masks could be a cute play at Taylor’s love for cats. Or could be another hit at Katy. Either way, it’s a great scene. Her sweatshirt reads “blind for love” as we know Taylor frequently referred to herself as a hopeless romantic. 
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We are now introduced to biker chick Taylor. It might seem a little out of place at first. But remember when Taylor got hate for her Bad Blood video apparently ripping off of Britney Spear’s Toxic? This very well may be alluding to that. 
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Absolutely love this part. We now see what Taylor was robbing. A streaming company. Of course. After the backlash, she got from leaving Spotify and writing her letter to Apple this scene makes perfect sense. Side note: absolutely adored Taylor’s letter to Apple. You go girl. 
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What is Taylor doing dictating what looks like an army of life size barbies? This is a reference to the “squad” and the comments Taylor received that her friendship circle was more like a cult of freakishly perfect looking women as opposed to a genuine group of friends. 
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Which of course leads us to the falling out of the squad the media claimed happened but didn’t. 
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Taylor enters the mansion. As soon as she enters the room the men immediately step up to do her bidding. As if Taylor is their commander and they must obey. 
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This is our first glimpse of the mysterious airplane Taylor. We only see short glimpses of her but she seems to serve an important role. She perhaps represents the real Taylor that neither the media nor the fans truly get to see or understand fully. 
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The boys are back. 8 of them all in line (apparently something only Beyonce is allowed to do if you ask Twitter). She could be representing her past relationships and the scorn she received for each one. Fun fact: it’s Taylor’s back up dancers from the 1989 world tour! 
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The I <3 TS shirt. Tom Hiddleston wore an I <3 TS shirt while dating Taylor. He got mocked and Taylor got called manipulative for “forcing him to wear it”. Taking a wild guess here, but pretty sure Tom makes his own wardrobe choices.
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This is our first real glimpse at the “Reputation” era Taylor. She’s dark. Her hair is slicked back. And she looks like she is 100% done apologizing. She is standing on top of a mound of the “old Taylors”. 
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Shoutout to Fearless era Taylor with the iconic 13 on her hand. What a gem. 
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This is one of the best shots in the video. A look at the past decade of Taylor. How many Taylor’s can you spot? 
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More snakes. Side note: You can actually buy this snake ring on Taylor’s merch store. Taylor now reveals to us the most anticipated line of the song. “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cuz she’s dead.” This line brings the entire song together as well as the symbolism of Taylor wiping her social media a week prior to LWYMMD release. The old Taylor is dead. The haters have killed her. 
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Taylor breaks it down with her backup dancers to some pretty great choreography. I like to think of this as shade to all the people who made fun of Taylor’s dancing abilities. Our girl can dance.
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Annnnnnnnd boom! Our Jaguar friend is back. Still unsure what he represents but he’s pretty cute. 
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Let’s pause to appreciate the adorable wink Tay gives us here. Reputation may be a darker album than we are used to but Taylor is still the light-hearted girl we’ve always known. 
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Wow, she’s like Super Woman. 
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This is one of the best views we get of the mysterious airplane Taylor. Who are you??? 
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We finally come to the last and most important scene. 15 Taylors. 14 lined out in front and one back on the airplane. There just so happens to be 15 songs on the new album reputation...coincidence?? Also, notice TS6 written on the end of the plane? Subtle genius. 
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You Belong With Me Taylor is precious. She’s so happy and genuinely surprised that she has accomplished all that she has. But everyone hates her for that and will drag her down until she no longer will show that much genuine and pure happiness at an award show again. Also, recognize that shirt from the YBWM music video? Only now it’s slightly different. This time it has real names of Taylor’s real friends you might recognize. Like Selena, Ed, and Jack. 
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As the scene continues we see Shake It Off Taylor mock YBWM Taylor for being surprised all the time. Mansion Taylor calls Zombie Taylor/SIO Taylor a b**ch and Zombie Talyor responds with “don’t call me that!” Alluding to Kanye calling Taylor this in his song “Famous”. In real life, Taylor responded by making a very strong statement against Kanye’s words during her Album of the Year acceptance speech at the Grammys later that year. 
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A particularly heart-wrenching scene. Fearless Taylor tries to calm everyone down but gets shut down by We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Tour) Taylor, calling her a fake. We see the young innocent Taylor begin to cry. The young sweet girl who got stomped on by the world for making music about love. It is sure to elicit a few tears. 
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“There she goes playing the victim again”. Taylor is literally beating the haters to the punch. 
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Met Gala Taylor Asks Katy/Kim Taylor what she’s doing and she responds with “getting receipts...gonna edit this later.” This could be interpreted in two ways. If this is meant to be Katy, it could be referencing the song “Swish Swish” where Katy claims that “karma keeps receipts”. Or if it is Kim, it would be naturally referencing the snapchat videos Kim perhaps “edited” of Kanye and Taylor’s phone conversation. Side note: it is illegal to record people without their consent in certain states, Kim. 
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Finally, we see 2009 VMA Taylor who had been interrupted by Kanye West while she was accepting her award for Best Female Music Video of the Year. She quotes 2016 Taylor by saying “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative”. Which all the other Taylor’s and symbolically the world respond with... 
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“SHUT UP”. Here Taylor is telling us that no matter what she does or doesn’t do, she will be judged. It isn’t fair but it is something she has accepted. She will no longer be providing any explanation. There will just be reputation.
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l-x-ie · 7 years
1-40 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1) Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
mmm I’d say romance I guess, I like having an undertone in my fics even if it isn’t the main thing.
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Soulmates :3
3) Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
idk man, like… idk
4) How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
oh ho, oh HO, OH HO! Boooiiiiii 14 at least wait… 15 mmmmmMMMMMMM, which one, which one, I guess I’m most excited about the soulmate au :>
5) Share one of your strengths.
I’m very good at foreshadowing and little hints left in my fics if they need it.
6) Share one of your weaknesses.
Describing feelings, they seem very 2-D to me for some reason
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Despite what he imagined he’d do if Keith ever came crawling back to his life, he never actually expected it. Which is why, when he answered the door he expected Hunk or Pidge, maybe even Shiro, Allura, or Coran. Never did he ever think that it would be Keith Kogane staring at him through too long bangs.
His heart stuttered to a stop and he’s ninety percent sure when he opened the door Keith punched him in the solar plexus because he didn’t have air. And his chest hurt. Just from seeing him in his damn doorway six months of work just flew out the damn window.
He did what he always fantasized.
He slammed the door in his goddamned face.”
Granted I do really like the first beginning of this fic but like, I think this sums it up well. Also, SCIENCE!! I’m proud of the research man.
8) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
”“—eith! –eith! –o! –an’t do thi–!” A hand touched his shoulder and he screamed, hoarse and raw. Instantly the hand left but two cupped his face, bringing it up to see a familiar one. “What did you do! You’re the Meister! It’s my job to protect you! It’s my job to protect you!”
….I just like the line
9) Which fic has been the hardest to write?
…..the fic that shall not be named petal soft but it’s untagged, only on tumblr so no one can freaking find it again!!
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Toss up between Meister of One and Tom Cruisin’
10) Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I’d say both. it’s a fun hobby that i do and relaxes me most of the time but it is  passion because I love it.
11) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Just the whole of season 3 fam
12) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudge I don’t know, all of them have points that are valid??? The only tag I really have is writing reference and I think they have valid points.
13) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudgenuggets I don’t know
14) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Considering one of them is based on a film…. but other than that one I think Meister of One would be super cool to film because of the way I set up the transitions.
15) If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
That’s seriously a no brainer, that’s all I ever really write hehehe
16) Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? 
Start to finish but if I come up with something good I write it down for later
17) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
18) Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
…..he had a man in the basement???
Uh, not really
19) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Physically alone, mid-afternoon, sunny but shaded, inside at a table with snacks and water nearby with NOTHING TO DO BUT WRITE.
20) How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Once or twice through before I say fuck it.
21) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
*inhales* I think my old writing style for voltron is pretty close to the same but then I’d have to go get my old fics and I don’t really wanna look at that trash.
*looks* uuuggghhhhhh, yeah, I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole.
22) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
All of them
23) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yes, It was very petty. I deleted my friend’s bedtime story because another friend said I wouldn’t.
24) What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who looks for the quality of content I suppose and tells it to you in a respectful but truthful manner but still affirms your faith in yourself as a writer.
25) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I guess? I like doing it but I’m not “officially” and if I was see above.
26) How do you feel about collaborations?
27) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Uuggghhh witty_name, Zizzani, Mytay, I guess they all have excellent writing quality, the characters are in character for their particular situations, they’re amusing and balanced with the seriousness, and what parts are meant to be funny are, excellent plots, they’re just really good.
28) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there notwritten by yourself, which would you choose?
Not gonna lie I would do more of a companion fic to Lonely Will Wait by ciuucalata (when she’s done ofc)
29) Do you accept prompts?
yeet! It’s easier writing for people, most of my fics are because they’re for my friends.
30) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I love being canon compliant but sometimes I feel that you need to take some liberties because they would be in a completely different situation and environment.
31) How do you feel about smut?
Read it, enjoyed some, there are really good fics out there with smut or just smut, have not written any though.
32) How do you feel about crack?
………I don’t wanna talk about it…33) What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no to non-con but if it turns out to be consensual in the end of a dub-con because it was consensual in the first place but needed to be dub-con for the somewhat plot then yeet.
34) Would you ever kill off a canon character?
…I… do not know ….maybe?
35) Which is your favorite site to post fic?
36) Talk about your current wips.
Currently written written and published, Altea High, Klance Sky High AU, currently on Ch. 7 a third through Ch. 8 (which is gonna be a big ch. btw) slowburn, briefly has Nyma and Lance but endgame is klance, uh, keith has firepowers, Lance has ice powers, there’s Shay and Plaxum and they become friends with someone and helps with their development.
Others are not published so I won’t speak of those, shhhh
37) Talk about a review that made your day.
How do I choose just one??  
”Hi! I love what you’ve written so far it’s amazing and I love your writing style!!! Keep up the good work!!! Do you know how many chapters you have planned by any chance? No matter what I will enjoy every one so great job!” From AceStuckInSpace
”This was fantastic! I enjoyed the flashback bits that showed how their meister/weapon relationship progressed. I now have an urge to rewatch Soul Eater, aha. Loved this a lot =)” from xLindziex
“Well.Im.FCK off. …. Bye…. Nice writing btw” from @bleusarcelle huehuehue
And, like, a WHOLE bunch of others.
38) Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I haven’t gotten any rude reviews actually.
39) Write an alternative ending to Paper Cranes and Paper Friends (or just the summary of one).
Footsteps approach his seat, he starts to get up, to get out of the way, but a tanned hand lies on his forearm.
”Uhm, excuse me, but, I noticed that you were just sitting here.” A young man with a warm smile and blue, crystalline ocean blue, eyes and rich brown skin fidgeting next to him. He licked his lips and offered another smile. “Do you, uh, have a pen? Maybe?”
“Uhm, sure,” Keith rummaged through his bag and handed him a simple ballpoint. 
The man looked at the pen in his hand blankly for a second. Blinked. “Great! Uh, do you have any paper?”
Keith looked through his bag again and shook his head. “Sorry, no paper.”
The man with the blue eyes looked pointedly at the paper cranes scattered about Keith’s person. He flushed and handed him a larger crane. “If this would work?”
He merely took the crane with a smile, effortlessly unwrapping it and scribbling something before folding it again and handing Keith both the crane and the pen. “If you feel like talking more about origami, Keith.”
With that he smiled and waved before jogging from sight.
Keith looked at the newly folded crane in his hand, the black numbers wrapped around in rounded script, and smiled.
…….I think I’m missing one…
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