#either way hemlock goes and emerie will live
itzshrike · 2 months
Okay okay because we all know the last episode is called “the Calvary has Arrived” here’s my idea as to what’s going to happen…
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair finally get the coordinates to tantiss curtesy of clone x (tech) he broke his conditioning or they capture him and discoverer it’s him. Either way he plays a critical role in recovering omega. Echo and Rex and howzer and all the other clones help because it’s tantiss, it’s the one place they want to know where it is, it’s important. They storm the base yada yada yada and boom hemlock is there, but at this point project necromancer (whatever it is) is almost or already complete because they have omega and she’s a key part in it. Something blows up and of course anyone of the batch is in the line of fire except another batcher, whoever it is. And they won’t let another one of their own go so soon. Either way someone’s going to either almost get hurt or get hurt and another one is going to sacrifice themselves or get left behind (as is customary with bb endings).
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alcida-auka · 2 months
TBB spoilers : Emerie, Omega, Nala Se
Episode 10 of The Bad Batch is fascinating. We're seeing Emerie Karr have a major identity crisis.
And I love it, because much of Emerie's feelings are contradictory, but they make sense in the ways that complicated emotions do.
Emerie is angry to see another child tested on like she was (and didn't seem to think much on it until she saw others being treated that way.)
Emerie is angry that Nala Se gave her away. We got hints of this in season 2, with Emerie's cold looks at Nala, and her disdainful surprise that Omega cared for Nala Se.
It's worth noting that earlier this season, Emerie compared her relationship between herself and Dr. Hemlock with that of Omega and Nala Se. Of course this struck such a discordant note with us since Nala Se is obviously not Dr. Hemlock, the former genuinely loves Omega, and Hemlock does not love Emerie.
Buuut.....After Omega escapes with Nala Se's very obvious help, it becomes clear to Emerie that Nala Se actually loves Omega.
AND EMERIE IS ANGRY ABOUT THAT! And I don't blame her. When she goes to Nala Se's cell, you can just feel that hurt and anger rolling off of her: Why did you abandon me, why did you love Omega but not me. Why wasn't I worth it?
So long as Emerie believed Nala Se was just like Dr. Hemlock, then Emerie could live at a sort of horrid peace that people use you if you're promising, and that's how the world is, and at least Dr. Hemlock finds her useful. But now she knows Omega was truly loved, and Dr. Hemlock doesn't love her.
That is a lot of juicy conflict. Nala Se offers Emerie no reasons for her actions, and perhaps she never will. But it's clear Nala Se doesn't want the children hurt either. But Nala Se is telling Emerie that she has the power to make change.
It's why Nala Se's last words to Emerie are "Don't you?"
And so we have a story of a mother and two daughters, one who is kept (the golden child), and the other who is given away. Omega wanted freedom, Emerie wanted to be protected and loved. I think Nala Se intended no ill will when giving Emerie away--she was an accelerated clone made with a purpose, and it's very likely that Nala Se had no idea she would end up with an evil man like Dr. Hemlock.
But Emerie needs to know she can have a home to go to, and that she has value. Emerie is angry that she wasn't protected, but now she needs to know she can be protective herself.
Nala Se needs to learn and SHOW BETTER, that she can value all her children, even if only one of them is her daughter per se.
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mformarsala · 2 months
ok long-ish post with my thoughts on how tbb might end
Kinda of a fixed point we have is that Hemlock's research should be successful to a certain degree and lay foundation for cloning Palpatine.
My understanding is that Omega's blood function as a medium, substrate that allows to clone force sensitives while maintaining M-count. So you need Omega's blood and someone force sensitive.
Therefore, either Omega stays at the Tantiss (and tbb all die) or she stays just long enough for them to get enough blood (and than gets rescued by tbb)
While tbb casually kills a lot of characters it does not feel in the tone of the series to go the first glum route (and it does not really fit into overall plot).
I think there will be another time skip where they get enough data of Omega before she is rescued and it will serve to explain why after s3 the empire is no longer after Omega or tbb.
Plus partial success would explain why remnants of the empire are after Grogu in the Mandalorian. Say tbb rescues the force sensitive children and Omega, than the empire has enough of Omega's blood but needs more force sensitive children for experiments. And Hemlock is demoted because of the fiasco and it creates the delay till the Mandalorian in the program.
In s1e2 Cut says "You wanna know how to dissapear? Put being a soldier behind you and make a new life for yourself." so it seems likely to me that the ending of tbb is going to be akin the ending of the Mandalorian and they'll settle as farmers somewhere out of the way.
Maybe with the force sensitive kids, maybe they'll offload them onto someone "who can train them".
Emerie is probably going to defect and stay with the kids.
I hope clones imprisoned on Tantiss will be rescued by tbb. Omega keeps bringing it up for a reason, right?
Comandos... Tbb does not seem to be too focused on forcefully removing chips/programming so they'll probably be reassigned to other projects (in assumption that Tantiss closes at the end of tbb) or disposed off screen.
As I'm writing this I'm realizing that i see tbb ending either with a small farm just for tbb and Omega or a big farm for tbb and all the kids accumulated on the way. My money on the small farm though.
There is a possibility I suppose that Omega IS force sensitive and she goes with the other fs kids and tbb goes to live somewhere else.. But like the only thing that suggests that ending is that one line from Ventress. And I think the whole obsession with Omega's blood works differently. It's not confirmed high M-count, it's confirmed high M-count replication.
With how little Echo was in this season it does seem likely that the rumors are true and there will be another animated series. The story of Emerie, comandos, and freed clones might continue there.
Big question of course is the identity of CX-2.
Narratively I think the only option that makes sense is Tech. Plus observations I have seen online regarding speech patterns and fighting moves do seem convincing. However, I do have some reservations here. CX-2 is almost.. too good to be Tech? Absolutely no shade to Tech but he was always part of a team and not a sole operative and focused on technical aspects and his weapon of choice were pistols rather than a rifle. Idk if time skip was enough to retrain him.
CX-2's distorted voice is different from CX's distorted voice. On one hand Tech's voice is different from reg's so it's a point for team Tech. On the other CX's voice sounds nothing like clone's and it was a bit of a reveal in s2 that the operative was a clone so maybe it's neither here nor there.
The second obvious option that comes to mind is Cody. Rampart knows about CX program; a clone that expresses doubts regarding empire is send to a secret reconditioning program and if anyone asks "he went AWOL". I mean it sounds plausible. Plus Cody is usually depicted wielding DC-15 either carbine or rifle so it's perhaps an easier switch to the CX's rifle. Though this season noone is mentioning Cody so it does seem far fetched. Unless face reveal is like the final frame of s3 and is used to pivot into the new series.
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