#electrician meaning
i think the hater has been thoroughly atomized by this point, so i am now turning anon asks back on. as a reminder before sending, look to the beast:
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all asks that are requests will be deleted.
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l48yr1nth · 1 month
i want to draw so many things i think i am coming back
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dmitrigirl · 2 months
thank you coworker for acting like he personally killed my family when i mentioned randomly on friday that i actually hate the nickname ive went by since birth (maddie) and then today immediately started calling me madeline despite me never asking.
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timeofjuly · 5 months
Thoughts on making Pinterest pins of what *you* think Quinn and MC would look like? •u• would love to have visuals of it in my head while reading
So I actually have aphantasia so I don't really picture things when I read and write? I have like, vague ideas, things that pop up if I focus, but that's about it. I think that's why I'm so light-on with physical description a lot of the time and also why fanfic is a great medium for me - everyone already knows what the characters look like, so it's not a big deal if I skip out on describing them.
But! I do have a decent idea of what Quinn looks like and less so MC. I also love Pinterest! None of them 100% fit what I imagine, but here's a few that remind me of Quinn:
1 - So cute!
2- these freckles!!!
3- this hair length is perfect.
4- i love the vibes from this one.
5- also love this one!
In terms of MC, I don't really imagine them in any specific way? They don't look like me or anything (I've never actually done the self-inserting bit in any self inserts I've read or written - this is escapism! I don't want to be me!) but I tend to think of them as having really sharp features and really... angled posture? This is to pair with how I think of Quinn, which is pretty soft and rounded. Here are some pins that I think fit this bill:
1- I love this one. She's gorgeous and so sharp!
2- The lines of her eyes and eyebrows are perfect and there's that sharpness in her jaw and clavicle.
3- Same goes for this one!
4- love the brows and jaw.
5- I love her smile! I think MC would have a really big, genuine smile like this.
6- I love this smile too!
7- I love how she's sorta looking down? This is what I think of when I say that MC looks down their nose.
I also imagine MC as dressing really 2000s - someone sent me an ask once about MC and lowrise jeans and yes, 100% agree.
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chocolatewoosh · 5 months
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Here I am, minding my own business drawin' as per the Usual when suddenly the outlet where my power bar is plugged in died! :) And I mean the outlet. Not the plug or the power bar, the OUTLET. EXCELLENT ! (sarcasm)
Thankfully I have my secondary setup (of which I am posting from Right Now) but my first setup is where all my current doodles, wips and finished art and such are................... 😔man
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 years
y'all are all talking about the star wars trope of depressed man suddenly finds himself a dad but i'm more intrigued by the new running theme of said depressed dad has his small child get in the vents and do electrical work
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As an electrical engineer with friends in bio, I think your HCs about JY’s electrical sensitivity are neat c:
oh sbit someone with actual expertise in the field im bullshitting HELP THE JUMPSCARE OF BEING PERCEIVED AJFUWUFHSNFJAHSUSJFOSF
(i think electrophysiology is super cool, and as a bio major myself whose field is adjacent to neuroscience i had the fortune of taking a lab that gave me some hands on experience regarding noise and neuron stimulation :0 i've also done quite a bit of reading on electromagnetism for an older muse of mine on top of my mandatory classes but also holy shit please if i ever bullshit anything glaringly wrong TELL ME SHFHSJFJSKGJSKKF)
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
our dishwasher was delivered today, the oven should be here by Tuesday, and the rest of the kitchen will be here next Friday. I think things are going pretty well, we should have enough room to assemble everything by then. hopefully 🤔
also, I have unfortunately been informed that the very unfriendly man who was here yesterday (was it yesterday? I don't understand time) might have to come back - he works for the company that does the fiber optic cables - before I was told that the (very tall, big, and extremely friendly) electrician would be doing the last thing that needs to be done so that we can get internet, but no, the fibre optic people have to do it. I'm hoping it'll be someone else 🙄 I don't want to let that man into our apartment.
and, some of the other tenants have started moving in now. we saw at least four people moving stuff today. it's gonna be weird not being the only ones in the house, haha
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 3 months
In another world, Xavier is an electrician
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mctreeleth · 2 years
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I work at a printing company, making the plates that go on the printing presses. For the last five weeks we have had intermittent issues which meant that one side of the big sheet of plate material failed on about 1 in 40 sheets. After the third failure I said “I think the problem is in the front few globes of the exposure unit, maybe they have a loose connection making them go out intermittently" but every time we put a light meter in there, they were working fine. The suppliers said it was a different machine in the process and sent someone from interstate to look at it, my co-workers thought it was a material fault, but I stuck to my theory: the front few globes were going out sometimes, randomly and only occasionally, and probably only briefly. But even a few seconds would make the necessary difference on an exactly 58 second exposure. It was the only theory that actually fit - the problem was in the same place on the plate, regardless of its direction in the other machine, and no-one else had reported material issues.
The problem was in the 58 seconds of back exposure, and I knew it, but how the hell do you prove an intermittent failure on a piece of machinery that you can’t see? And which turns off as soon as you look at it, because it is unsafe to look directly at? If you open the lid without turning the lights off first, they cut out automatically. But there is a little crack, a gap down the side, and you have to be on the floor to see it, and you aren’t meant to try, because they are fancy UVA globes and it is like looking at the sun. But maybe you think to yourself, while the globes are warming up, “maybe I will just have a little look. I wonder if you can see if the globes are working from the side?”
You can. And they aren’t.
I took this photo, immediately, and asked a co-worker who was walking past to verify what I was seeing, because it felt too neat and tidy. Like I was going crazy. Like I had somehow manufactured the whole issue just to impress everyone that I had solved it, and the fact that I was solving it with a crazy coincidental fluke decision to just have a look right when they were out was too pat, too neat and tidy, a rushed resolution by a lazy writer bored with this particular piece of narrative conflict. I went and got the department manager, who got some safety glasses, and was staring into the crack looking at them and pulling his own phone out of his pocket to take a picture when they turned themselves back on. No-one had touched the exposure unit.
And I know it is bad form, but I am going to be riding the wave of I was RIGHT for the next month. I said. I said like a month ago.
I am going to print this photo out and hang it on my wall as an art piece. I was right.
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daughterofsarenrae · 6 months
I think. I am taking my snake to work tomorrow LMAO
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wastelandsable · 8 months
My Ripley costume got here today and I about cried, it fits so well
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thagantm · 11 months
Will I be able to do actual replies today? Stay tuned for the latest episode of ‘Between moving houses and a 40-hr-workweek: how Hannah lost her shit entirely’
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timeofjuly · 7 months
Hi!!! I loveee your work!! I was wondering in a what if scenarios since i take care of my nephew a lot and basically am his mom 🥹 how would quinn react if when Mc and her reconnected but Mc is like a mom (single though not in a relationship) idk what came over me i just love me nephew so much he’s literally my son 😢💔 Have an amazing day!!
Aww this is so cute! Okay so I headcanon Quinn as being hopeless with kids - like not in a bad way, she likes them, but she has no clue how to interact with them. She's the youngest in her family so hasn't ever really interacted with little kids and she can be pretty awkward even with adults, so children are a wild card.
So MC brings her kid to the lunch in chapter 3, and we'd need to muck around with the timeline a little re: the length of MC's sobriety and blah blah, but let's say that the kid is three. Quinn would be pretty shocked, for one, but super proud of MC!
There would be some hilarious interactions with the kid, though, like let's say that MC needs to duck to the bathroom and leaves the kid with Quinn. Quinn's frantically googling 'age appropriate question to ask three year old' and 'popular kids shows' underneath the table. The kid asks Quinn why she's trying to hide her phone underneath the table; does her mommy have a no screens at the table rule too? Even though mommy doesn't follow that rule all the time 'cause on sundays they watch bluey during breakfast on the ipad and does Quinn know that she looks a bit like bluey's mom? cause Chilli is orange too.
Quinn is sweating by the time MC comes back but she manages okay!
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consolecadet · 1 year
KC and I got each other Smells for valentines day
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greaserink · 1 year
i genuinely don't know what my reaction should be with meeting my friend's other friends that told me that AI art is ethical and artists deserve to starve for not givng more to the public RIGHT out the bat and then proceeding to trash talk the french which i'm 1/4 of BEFORE I EVEN GAVE THEM MY NAME OR WHO I EVEN WAS
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