#elva & rand ; caracarnn
inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@caracarnn​ sent: rand+elva / rand+milady
send me a ship and i’ll tell you...
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Who’s the cuddler? Both!! Though Elva’s a little more “clingy” because she’s still learning the concept of personal space. Who makes the bed? Elva. She does all of the cooking and cleaning. It’s literally her favorite things to do. She likes to make the bed in different ways to surprise Rand. Who wakes up first? Rand, always. He’s got a lot of work to do. Besides, Elva prefers to snooze her alarm until it’s like 2 in the afternoon. Who has the weird taste in music? Elva, probably. She listens to literally everything from Tupac to Gregorian chants and industrial metal. Who is more protective? Rand. Well, Elva is too. But I think that Rand is more protective and will really go out of his way to keep her safe, even though there’s nothing she won’t do for him as well. Who sings in the shower? Elva. She has a good singing voice, so it’s not exactly humorous. It’s the song choices that are... questionable. Who cries during movies? Elva. She’s quite sentimental and will openly express her emotions. And if Rand is there then she’ll ask him to talk about it with her so that she can better understand the human emotions she’s feeling. Who spends the most while out shopping? Elva, definitely. She spends without thinking, which is why it’s probably best to hand her just enough money to spend. Who kisses more roughly? Elva only because she’s got a lot to learn lmao Who is more dominant? Rand. Elva wouldn’t know where to begin. My rating of the ship from 1-10. 1,000,000/10
Who’s the cuddler? Rand, though Milady’s not averse to it. She rather enjoys his gentleness... that is, for however long it may last. Who makes the bed? Neither because they have servants for this. Who wakes up first? Both wake up around the same time. Rand has a lot of important things to do and Milady likes to see him off before he goes. Who has the weird taste in music? Rand? He seems more openminded to a weirder taste in music. Who is more protective? Rand. He’s protective over here whereas Milady’s protective over herself. And over her assets, of course. Who sings in the shower? Rand. Milady thinks it’s hilarious. Who cries during movies? Milady, but it’s an act to convince him that she’s sensitive and emotional. Well, she is both of those things... but they’ve been suppressed for so long that she’s forgotten how to feel them. Who spends the most while out shopping? Milady loves her money. Who kisses more roughly? Milady, though Rand’s learned to match her. Who is more dominant? Milady, but she does enjoy how Rand isn’t a pushover. My rating of the ship from 1-10. 1,000,000/10
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fishalthor-archive · 2 years
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rp manip for: @inprometheanfire & @caracarnn
rand al'thor & elva hess
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ship meme: rand/milady / rand/elva
domestic ship meme
→ milady de winter
Who’s more dominant:  milady .
Who’s the cuddler:  rand .
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:  she’s the small one .
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:  they genuinely like to talk to each other, to learn more about the other with the possibility of lowered defenses . sometimes, he takes her out into the city . and she’ll read some of her favorite poetry & prose to him .
Who uses all the hot water:  milady .
Most trivial thing they fight over:  their arguments are always about the possibility of his madness touching her, but she insists that she is capable of handling it, come what may .
Who does most of the cleaning:  neither bc they have ppl do this .
Who controls the netflix queue:  rand only bc milady doesn’t care for netflix .
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  rand likes to take care of things, even the seemingly small things .
Who leaves their stuff around:  neither, esp not rand .
Who remembers to buy the milk:  rand would randomly remember smth like this in the middle of the night .
Who remembers anniversaries:  rand, though he’ll pretend like it’s nbd .
Who cooks normally:  neither .
How often do they fight:  hardly . they have a lot of disagreements, but they’re not fights .
What do they do when they’re away from each other:  he has a lot to take care of and a whole ass kingdom to run . milady isn’t domestic, so she keeps busy with sitting by the river or visiting one of the inns for their drink or meeting with locals to learn more about tear . 
Nicknames for each other:  n / a .
Who is more likely to pay for dinner:  rand, though milady will do it every now & then .
Who steals the covers at night:  they each have their own blankets to avoid this esp since he’s so tall lmao .
What would they get each other for gifts:  he’d get her smth sentimental & thoughtful, a gift she’s sure to keep forever like a piece of jewelry that has a memory attached to it . she’d get him the same kind of thing, smth inscribed with a quote or lyrics that remind her of him .
Who kissed who first:  milady .
Who made the first move:  milady .
Who remembers things:  rand, definitely . but milady remembers & holds things close to her heart .
Who started the relationship:  mutual . they went into a marriage agreement .
Who cusses more:  milady . 
What would they do if the other one was hurt:  at the mere thought, they go crazy . they’d want to protect each other at all costs . milady won’t hesitate to hurt the person responsible, if someone was involved . and rand, im sure, will do what’s necessary to carry out justice .
Who is the dirty talker:  milady lol .
A head canon:  sometimes, she watches him as he sleeps . it's only for a minute just to see him at peace when he's got so much to deal with on his own . and it's only bc she constantly wakes up through the night due to the ever present fear of her past catching up with her .
→ elva
Who’s more dominant:  rand .
Who’s the cuddler:  both . 
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:  he’s big and she’s small . 
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:  to sit in the same room together but not feel pressured to say a word . they like to read the same books or watch the same programming . 
Who uses all the hot water:  elva .
Most trivial thing they fight over:  she gets upset when he doesn’t sleep at the same time as her . it frustrates him when she doesn’t understand the importance of keeping the house clean .
Who does most of the cleaning:  elva does it, but rand is the cleanest .
Who controls the netflix queue:  elva .
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  rand fixes it himself . 
Who leaves their stuff around:  elva . 
Who remembers to buy the milk:  elva only bc she writes it down so that she can remember .
Who remembers anniversaries:  both . elva takes them very seriously .
Who cooks normally:  elva .
How often do they fight:  never, though rand will ask her to pick her stuff up and to keep the house clean .
What do they do when they’re away from each other:  she tries cleaning the house and cooking / baking, though she often loses interest in it halfway and moves onto smth else like reading or watching tv . he tends the sheep and will often think of her . well, she thinks of him too so...
Nicknames for each other:  she’ll try nicknames from movies or shows on him to get his reaction with the hope that he likes one of them . he usually doesn’t .
Who is more likely to pay for dinner:  rand bc she doesn’t have money lol .
Who steals the covers at night:  elva and she doesn’t even realize it, though he’s probably not even sleeping at the same time anyway . 
What would they get each other for gifts:  he can buy her literally anything and she’ll love it bc it’s all so new to her (and bc it’s from him ofc) . she likes the simplest things such as cotton candy or yet another ceramic animal to add to her collection . and she’d get him smth meaningful, probably smth he’s brought up in conversation before . 
Who kissed who first:  rand .
Who made the first move:  rand .
Who remembers things:  both . 
Who started the relationship:  it kinda just had to happen bc he unwittingly has her seal skin lmao . 
Who cusses more:  rand . 
What would they do if the other one was hurt:  if its small & smth he accidentally managed to do to himself, she’ll scold him and tell him to promise never to do it again . and if its smth major, she’ll be furious and sad and so heartbroken that she’d just retreat into herself, unable to find a way to set it right .
Who is the dirty talker:  elva . she’s just copying what she sees in movies & shows .
A head canon:  at the end of the night when work is done and they’re winding down, they’ll sit in the living room together. he might be reading a book and she’ll be sitting at the table writing something or other . it’s then that she folds up what she’s writing and tosses it at him . when he opens it up, it’s a letter telling him all the new things she’s noticed about him that day . it can be anything from physical traits to personality quirks to smth as mundane as where he placed his coat that differs from the day before . . 
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@caracarnn​ sent: ‘ship !’  - elva
send ‘ship !’ for the following
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who throws things in a fight ? : Neither! Elva would never, especially not at him. who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? : Generally speaking, when things get bad, Elva will sit by the shore and hang out with her seal family for some comfort. Things don’t get bad between them. who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ?  : Both want children. They’ve talked about it a little bit, but not enough to make any plans. who is more adverse to physical contact ? : Neither. Elva appreciates everything about him and respectfully touches him when he consents to it. She thinks it’s so important to ensure that he’s comfortable enough for physical contact. who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? : If they had neighbors, it’d be the neighbors who’d get annoyed with Elva. who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? : Neither! Wait, has Rand met her seal family?? who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? : Neither. Elva is basically bonded to him and would never willingly leave him.  who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? : Rand probably thought he was getting a cute little homemaker but he got a frazzled saddie who misses her seals and acts like a weirdo :))) who is more likely to cheat ? : Neither.  who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? : Rand, probably. Elva was a seal her whole life so... who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? : Neither. Elva would find them interesting simply because they’re people. who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? : Elva because she’d be very curious to eat the food and walk in the rooms and socialize with everyone there. She’d probably get distracted by the serving spoons or something idk who is most likely to be dishonest ? : Neither tbqh who is more emotionally closed off ? how does this affect their partner ? : Rand, sometimes. It makes Elva sad because she doesn’t want him to feel like he has to suppress his emotions for her sake. who is the dessert person ? : Both. Elva really tries to make his favorite desserts, but she always forgets the measurements or certain ingredients and sometimes replaces one item with another. It turns out to be terrible. who is more conservative ? : Neither.  who hates/dislikes oral sex ? : Neither.
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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send a  “👶”  (or “baby!” if the emoji doesn’t show)  for me to create a child for our muses  ♡
name suggestions: Cloud. Elva will call her Cloudy as a nickname. Rand is free to change this.
physical features they took from my muse: eye color & shape, height, lips & smile
physical features they took from your muse: hair type & color
which parent do they act more like?: Rand, inquisitive but not like Elva lol
my muse’s favourite memory with their child: Literally all the memories. Elva scrapbooks everything, so she’ll have every little piece of information about their daughter catalogued. From the usual “first haircut” to the more unnecessary things like “first chewed up cardboard box” and “first nail clippings.” Other than this, she loves tending the garden with Cloud and will show her how to cook and clean.
→ @caracarnn​ | rand & elva
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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verse aesthetic → like a dark paradise | @caracarnn
Every time I close my eyes   It's like a dark paradise     No one compares to you
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
@caracarnn​ sent: married couple ship meme - rand + elva
who brings up marriage first? Rand, probably. Though it’s been on Elva’s mind ever since she watched a season of The Bachelor.
do they have a big wedding or a small wedding? Small with family and close friends.
do any of them take the other’s last name or do they keep their own? hyphenate them? She’ll gladly take his last name. Elva al’Thor? Nice.
who sings bad karaoke at the wedding reception party? Elva would. She’ll try to get Rand to join her, too. 
what’s their song? Halo by Nossa
are their rings fancy? Average rings. Elva wouldn’t expect it, but she’d like it if he did and like it if he didn’t. Either way, she’s fine with what he gets for her.
do they write their own vows or use traditional vows? She’d write her own. It’d be a little unclear what they’re about, but she’ll try to include every little detail about their lives and why she loves him in them.
who’s the one who walks out of the room with a bat at night when they hear a noise? Rand, though Elva would follow closely behind because she will fight whoever is in there if they hurt him lol 
what dumb things do they argue over? omg Wait!! They don’t argue.
how do they greet each other when the other arrives home? Usually, she’s in the kitchen. So, she’ll greet him from there with a wide smile as she struggles to take dinner out from the oven. And he’ll greet her from wherever he is in the house, ask how her day went, ask if she wants to talk about it.
do they celebrate anniversaries? Do they ever. Elva loves to celebrate them by making his favorite meals and buying him sentimental gifts. Sometimes, she’ll make something by hand like a sweater or a hat. And then she makes their usual picnics all fancy with some expensive china plates and imported foods from around the world. She just loves it okay
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@caracarnn​ sent: RAND THINKS THAT THERE IS NO CON AT ALL WITH ELVA OK ALTHO with Milady there's the whole DARKFRIEND issue
→ send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character
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To say that she’s pleasantly surprised is an understatement. Honestly, she feels the same way.
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Details, details. Even though there’s the whole Darkfriend issue, Milady has developed genuine feelings for Rand ― and thinks he’s surprisingly attentive in bed.
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@caracarnn​ sent: “ 📱 ”  - elva / fiona
→ cellphone tour
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their lock screen photo: this!!
their home screen photo: this!!
how many alarms they have set: several because she always snoozes them
their default ringtone: she changes it all the time to match her mood
their favourite app/s to use: snapchat, tiktok, candycrush
their most used app/s: all the social media apps
someone they have blocked: nobody because she doesn’t know anyone well enough to
the last person they texted: Rand, asking him to pick up some milk and 2 door handles
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their lock screen photo: this!!
their home screen photo: this!!
how many alarms they have set: 1 when she has to
their default ringtone: Season Of The Witch 
their favourite app/s to use: My Moon Phase Lunar Calendar, PlantNet
their most used app/s: Lunar Calendar, PlantNet, Twitter, Instagram
someone they have blocked: Myrtle? Probably. 
the last person they texted: Cordelia just to antagonize her
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