#ember Quinlan chapter
yanny-77 · 4 months
BAM HOFAS Bonus Chapter Pt 1
Featuring Ember Quinlan and Randal Silago
Read below the break.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/yanny-77/740892090025852928/part-2-below-the-break-read-part-1
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copypastus · 1 month
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One last Nesta for @nestaarcheronweek
Ember Quinlan the MVP of standing up for Nesta. Take notes Cassian.
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I love how we're all collectively shitting on Cassian for being the most backboneless shit in the entirety of the SJM books in terms of Nesta. He has his head so far up Rhysand's ass that you could make eye contact with him if the mighty High Lord opens his mouth.
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Weak, Cassian. Nesta, leave him please. I know a bunch of people who'd treat you better (myself included)
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wishfulimaginings · 4 months
Okay, just read the bonus chapters of hofas
Ember handing Rhys his ass in defense of Nesta , it's like hearing everything Nesta stans have ever wanted to say to him through her mouth !!
New favourite character unlocked: Ember Quinlan!
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shansenfan · 4 months
Hofas Spoilers
Nesta’s going to name her future daughter Ember.
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thevanishinglibrary · 4 months
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House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas Bonus Content - BAM! (Books-a-million) Exclusive Edition. Features a scene with Ember and Randall.
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bryceandhunt · 4 months
“And why are all of you so attractive?”
shout out to Ember for saying what we’re all thinking about everyone in ACOTAR
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ninainthetardis · 3 months
⚠️⚠️⚠️ HoFaS spoilers ⚠️⚠️⚠️
The fact that in her bonus chapter Ember did not bring up the resemblance between Rhys and Ruhn is bothering me.
I mean, Bryce literally mistook Rhys for Ruhn, and Ember knows Ruhn, so... if they're so similar, wouldn't it come naturally to make at least a quick consideration about it?
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princessofmerchants · 4 months
Nesta, Bryce, the Mask, and the aftermath - HOFAS chs. 76-77 and the Ember bonus chapter
HOFAS spoilers after the break (this is a long one, lol)
I had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to HOFAS chs. 76-77 when Nesta gives Bryce the Mask, and the Ember / BAM bonus chapter when we see the aftermath on the Prythian side of things. It was fascinating to get on Tumblr and see all the negative reactions on all sides to this set of scenes.
Starting with the bonus chapter, I agree with others (@aelin-godkiller, @myfriendscallmeraba, @maddieimhot) that it is written in character for every person in it.
I'll start with Cassian, because the negative reaction to him in this set of scenes was the most confusing for me. Post-ACOSF, Cassian is one half of a healthy functional romantic partnership and mate pairing with Nesta. These two do not always agree. They learned in ACOSF how to disagree in a healthy manner and how to apologize when it is warranted, and for passionate people like these two, that can happen often. On page in the bonus chapter, Cass is exactly in character as both Nesta's mate (his "Rhys…" makes it clear he thinks his High Lord is emotionally overreacting) and as the General of the Night Court Armies (the fact that he doesn't make an argument to Rhys for Nesta in support of her decision is right in line with this for me).
The only part of the bonus that gave me a pang in relation to Nessian was when Nesta says to Ember that her Mate may be the most angry at her of all, but if that's even the case, I don't think that's because of the potential consequences of the decision Nesta made, but because she made it alone and failed to rely on those around her with complementary power and knowledge to hers. I also think Nesta's comment to Ember is residual evidence of her ongoing struggle with her anxiety... In reality, I'm pretty sure Rhys is more angry about what she did than Cass, y'all. But I also think, just like in ACOSF, Nesta is sometimes an unreliable narrator when it comes to thinking those who love her most are specifically and pointedly mad at her. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, this tracks. And the fact that during the later HOFAS scene when Bryce returns the Mask, Cassian is sitting with Nesta clearly holding no grudges or anger toward his mate (but you bet Rhysand is probably still freaking out somewhere over the Mask being in Midgard with the Asteri, and reasonably so!), tells you Nesta may have been projecting her own worry and even regret onto her mate, the one in the Night Court Inner Circle she is closest to and thus most vulnerable with.
The bonus is also 100% in character for Rhysand, as many have pointed out. I was honestly dying to see Rhys's reactions to Bryce's kind of bizarre, almost aggressively Fae exit from Prythian at the end of "The Drop," so having him bear down on the scene between Nesta and Bryce was peak entertainment for me. But then if we cut to the bonus scene, in Ember's POV we get a Rhysand who is reacting to the possible consequences of a Trove item potentially reaching the hands of the Asteri, by the hand of one with another Trove item in her back that can open the portal between their worlds. I don't disagree with him that this is a huge risk, and as a new father he's probably in protective fight or flight mode all the time.
The thing I think is beautifully in character for Rhys here is the familial development we see between him and Nesta. I don't read this exchange as some kind of regression to their pre-ACOSF animosity. I read it as two family members having more of a family fight than a fight over strategy. In my reading, Rhys is in fact having an emotionally vulnerable response to what just happened, and I think he knows it and is allowing it because Nesta is now family and allowed to see those parts of him. The problem I have always had with Rhys is not that he is messy and imperfect, but it's when those traits play out alongside the fact that he is politically and magically one of the most powerful beings in their world. In a strange way, though, his argument with Nesta that Ember observes is shaped incredibly and beautifully by their developed relationship as brother- and sister-in-law. He is angry and upset but he doesn't throw her into a dungeon, he engages her and shows all his cards in doing so - something he never does with a real enemy.
And, I also read Rhys's emotional reaction in another way which may or may not be a popular reading: Rhys is also throwing a tantrum because his sister-in-law is a power player at his level in the magical conflict that spans from Prythian to other worlds. As a leader who has never had anyone challenge him at that level except perhaps pre-ACOWAR Amren, it's a situation that he is probably still adjusting to. Rhys can't just remove Nesta as a threat, both because she is his sister-in-law and more importantly because she wields powerful magic (that he does not have himself - again, this is the grating part for him I think) as both a resident of the Night Court and mate to his General. And because Rhys isn't on top in all the ways any longer in the way magic shapes events in the Night Court and beyond, he loses it. And I found it very realistic and some of my favorite on-page Rhys material I have read since he plummeted in my esteem in ACOFAS.
Nesta is also in character for me in these scenes, both the HOFAS chapters and the bonus. We see in her words and actions both the (previously) human part of her as well as the Fae warrior part of her. She vacillates between being confident and being chastened, and I think both traits are healthy for her, and more or less in balance across the scenes. While I would have loved the exchange with Bryce to be less rushed, because this is a CC book I understand why it was paced the way it was.
(And again, the drama of Rhys bearing down on them with his Lord of Darkness and Night drama flying across Velaris, while Nesta and Bryce discussed and then traded off the Mask, was peak entertainment for me. Nesta also almost made the decision to stall long enough to wait for Rhys and make the whole thing his problem and not hers - I loved that glimpse we saw of her considering that too! That she decided instead to act, I think, was because she probably logicked that Rhys would openly battle Bryce on sight, and Nesta would have calculated that would not be in the best interest of both worlds given what she knew of the Asteri threat from her time under the Prison with Bryce and Azriel.)
And finally, Ember is in fact the queen of the bonus chapter for me. My biggest frustration when I came on Tumblr after reading HOFAS was how every reading of the bonus chapter centered the freaking males in the sequence of scenes, when if as a reader you don't make this about the IC and their dynamics, in my reading in this bonus chapter SJM was telling an important story between two women: Ember and Nesta.
This was a bonus chapter about how amazing of a mother Ember is (because her daughter is the FMC of this book, about to go save Midgard, so learning more about Bryce's mother helps us understand Bryce better), and SJM rightly realized putting her in the same room as post-ACOSF Nesta, whose mother was the opposite of Ember, was the perfect way to showcase this. That Rhys came along and added some drama was la di da for me and utterly secondary to what passes between Ember and Nesta.
The final thing I'll say is, the part of chs. 76-77 that bothers me the most is not anything in the scene itself, but the high expectation it set for the final conflict with the Midgard Asteri and how that expectation was not met satisfactorily for me. I did like the "Death / Not Death" filter Bryce experienced when wearing the Mask, and I also liked that Nesta's mental-emotional struggles while wearing the Mask were not universal to all wearers of it... But, the raising-the-dead magic was not consistent and was mostly vibes in the way Bryce manages to use the Mask to raise the Fallen. The whole thing with their wings attaching to the mech suits, and also how their command to do her bidding stuck even after she removed the Mask.....yea, that was a let down.
The Trove had such rich inner logic in ACOSF. I hope that logic returns when we get to ACOTAR5, and that the Mask as a Deus Ex Machina winds up being specific to Bryce's whole Magical Starborn Princess Powers schtick. The Mask is way more threatening to the wearer in Prythian than it seemed to be in Midgard, and I like that version of the Mask better.
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rainingriversofyou · 4 months
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Ember Quinlan x Randall Silago
Crescent City
Art by Elizianna / elizianna.the.one
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throneofspicybooks · 4 months
I’ve finally read the Ember and Randall bonus chapter. I’ve nothing more to add except for the fact that it just solidified to me how much I see myself in Nesta.
When you have such a strong and independent personality people just stop standing up for you. I’ve been in a similar situation to Nesta where people who should be and who I expected to be standing up for me don’t necessarily. The way I know what Nesta is feeling in that moment is almost enough to make me ball.
Ember is so incredibly important. I want an Ember in my life. I want someone to stand up for me just like Ember did for Nesta. I don’t think it will ever happen for me (22 years of living has been proof of that) but I’m glad Nesta finally knows what that’s like.
Also Cassian stand up for your Mate my guy 🤨🤨
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belle-keys · 4 months
the way those people treat nesta never fails to make me uncomfortable and disappointed
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vividiangelo · 4 months
Just read the Ember and Randall bonus chapters. It breaks my heart to see what Nesta would've been like if she had a mother like Ember. And Ember sort of reminds me of Sally Jackson from PJO.
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joellesolo · 4 months
HOFAS bonus chapter spoilers under the cut!
Seriously, it's a big one, do not pass go if you haven't finished HOFAS and especially if you haven't read the bonus chapters!
First of all, Az/Nesta/Bryce's bonus chapter should've been kept in the damn book! Across all editions! Bonding over music?? Azriel loving club music?! PLEASE!
Ember being the mother Nesta never had?! Oh my god 🥺
Lastly, my favorite...
Okay, that's it, I'll just be crying over here as we wait the next year to three years for the next ACOTAR or CC book to come out...
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darkbananaaaz · 4 months
Indigo Bonus Chapter Thoughts
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My take on Rhysand, Nesta, and Ember.
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Seeing this comment on TikTok has me... idk, I'm pissed. Let me explain.
Yes, the Trove answers to Nesta, so TECHNICALLY it was Nestas's decision what to do with the Mask.
Yes. Rhysand has every right to be pissed at Nesta for handing over the Mask to Bryce. Because their world is being put at risk.
But one thing that is pissing me off here is people going Anti-Ember for how Ember reacted, defending Mesta against Rhysand.
If you think Ember had no right to ... how did Nesta put it? Hand Rhysand his ass like she did? Just go back to your ACOTAR, and keep away from Crescent City. Maybe try that.
Again, Rhysand had every right to be angry at Nesta, I'm not saying he didn't. But the tiktok comment above? Calling Ember insensitive, just like Bryce?
Why? Because they believe Midgaurd deserves a chance to fight for their freedom against the Asteri?
Here's Ember, in a world she doesn't know, and one of the first conversations she hears after eating the magic bean is Rhysand going on about how Nesta shouldn't have thought twice, but to have killed Bryce.
Rhysand says this, IN EARSHOT OF EMBER. Not caring about Midguard. Leave Midguard to rot, and kill the woman(who can definitely hear me right now)'s daughter on sight.
Again, AGAIN, Rhysand is within his right to be pissed at Nesta.
But to act like Ember should have just rolled over and agreed because why? Midguard isn't the ACOTAR world? Thus, Midguard doesn't deserve the same right to fight as the ACOTAR world? That's what it's coming across as to people saying shit like the tiktok comment above.
Rhys has every right to be angry.
But don't fucking tell me Ember was wrong for defending Nesta when she saw Nesta was the only one there giving Midguard a chance at survival and freedom.
They both were within their rights.
You can't be mad at Ember without being mad at Rhysand.
You can't be mad at Rhysand without being mad at Ember.
THEY BOTH WANT THEIR WORLDS SAFE FROM ASTERI CONTROL!! And BOTH are rightfully angry about the whole situation, and they made that anger clearly known.
Ember just was sticking up for Nesta for giving Midguard that chance.
Fuck people piss me off.
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xadenviolct · 3 months
I've finally managed to read (most of) the bonus chapters from CC3. Found a wonderful source online that had them all ('cause let's be real, I'm not buying FIVE copies just for that), and all I've got left to read is the Ruhn and Lidia one (which I think was on the Target copy? I don't remember fully).
So far, I'd rank them as:
Ember & Randall's chapter
Bryce & Danika's chapter
Bryce, Nesta, & Azriel chapter
Bryce & Hunt chapter
I'm not sure where the Ruhn & Lidia one will fall (so of course, my opinion is subject to change), but like, I REALLY loved the Ember & Randall one.
Top tier that one.
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